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Thursday, May 9, 2024

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An Open Letter to a Friend about Illegal Immigration

Chaos will become the order of the day, because it was too…uncomfortable for us to create and maintain proper order, when we had the chance

Below I’ve copied a recent letter of mine to an old friend, a very solid, intelligent, witty man who long served his community as a physician, as well as doing charitable work, and who’s truly caring and compassionate. My letter was in the context of our discussion about illegal immigration.  I decided to post it because it reflects my thinking about the subject, which is and will be ever more in the news:

Dear Dick,

We were simply educated incorrectly. Politics and religion saturate our lives and negatively affect our thinking.

Like you, I was raised with hope, optimism, a sense of humaneness, fairness, racial equality, etc. It was called/considered a liberal viewpoint.

We end up romanticizing many irresponsible people, some turn out to be criminals. As I may have previously mentioned, in my transition from a directionless life to one of self-responsibility, single parenthood, etc., I did all sorts of low-end jobs like restaurants, car washes, janitorial work, etc. Many of the people I worked with were illegals…and some of the nicest people ever.

But essentially they were indeed also irresponsible, coming here illegally simply as economic refugees. They sought an actually easier way than dealing with the problems created in their own countries by overpopulation, religious delusion, poor education, governmental corruption, etc. They failed to recognize things like refraining from having children unless and until they could actually afford to. And of course they failed to recognize their duty to improve their own life…in their own country.

When people – now hordes of people – who all suffer from such deficiencies, irresponsibility, immaturity, etc., effectively invade a country to attain the comforts they haven’t worked to attain in their own country, it’s a clear recipe for disaster…bleeding, compassionate hearts notwithstanding.

Would we welcome an invading army that was intent on taking over all that we had attained? Sure, the illegals may not have that intention…but the effect is much the same, though different in form for the most part. Of course we see that for many it’s the same intent. And in our dreamy, dopey rush to multiculturalism/diversity for its own sake – having nothing to do with standards of quality, contribution, etc. – now openly hostile elements (La Raza, etc.) gain a quick foothold.

We lack a few things, such as honest self-reflection whereby we analyze and carefully examine our own deepest motives, conditioning and, of course…liberal guilt. We want to feel good about being humane, unlike those nasty right-wingers. The difference turns out to be that the hierarchies of the Democrats love the open borders in order to gain more voters and the Republicans, strangely enough, also supports it for cheap labor.

Neither side really gives a damn about humaneness, compassion, self-responsibility, etc.

We also lack an understanding of how life really works. There actually is a discernible order to to life when we take the time to observe it, to observe nature. Things progress in certain orderly ways, whether observing microorganisms, insects, plants, animals, etc. One of the things that nature doesn’t do is overpopulate, flood areas with life forms in imbalanced and unbalancing ways. Should such a thing start to occur, should disorder arise, nature balances it out.

People are different. We created religion and politics, which violate the natural order, create divisiveness, struggles for advantage, strife, wars, wars and more wars. And through overpopulation, various imbalances occur which, supported and promoted by the religions and politics, lead many to violate the territory, rights, space, etc., of others. Hence illegal immigration, the conditioned response to which for the liberal-left leaning, is to get all teary-eyed, righteously “humane” and…suicidally stupid.

We do effectively look down on the (economic) illegals, as unfortunate, inept “children”, for whom we must have false compassion…at the clear, inevitable cost of the breakdown of what many hardworking people have suffered to create.

So is there no “heartless” answer?

Of course there is but it will be emotionally uncomfortable for many who see themselves as champions of the poor and downtrodden, etc. That answer is to offer assistance to the countries and peoples, in the form of education in their own countries, as to how to set up a system through which they can rightfully attain the goals that they define and set for themselves.

Education, at the invitation of those who aspire to have what they perceive that we have and that they desire. Certainly, whatever elements of the system that they wish to retain, or eliminate, are up to them.

Unfortunately, we’ve passed the point of no return in terms of the effect of our own causes. The pendulums are swinging back, in many cases quite wildly, and our country will eventually have the civil wars, long predicted by those who actually understand cause and effect and who’ve tried to warn us, largely to no avail.

For coming attractions, we can watch what’s happening in Europe too.

To truly do good may look very different from dogooder-ism, it may require great patience and also be uncomfortable as we have to stand back watch, attempt to advise, guide, etc., in the midst of certainly real pain and suffering. Real compassion doesn’t mean that we won’t agonize, feel frustrated, tempted to something, anything to stop…our discomfort and feeling of helplessness. Rational self-interest – such as will allow us to assist with real help in time – must prevail.

That will also require that we flush the delusional, destructive religious and political “thinking” out of our systems…which will be a very tall order for many. And it must be done eventually, even as we recognize that certain things are now inevitable and indeed past the point of no return.

Real leadership – as we’ve pointed our for some time – will not come from the top down. It actually doesn’t matter who becomes president, the agenda is set for more destruction and the real powers behind the screen are dedicated to their own equally delusional, very dead-end outcome. Unfortunately we’re riding on the same bus that they are.

And don’t expect that all those “poor people” we thought we were so compassionately saving and rescuing are going to rush to save us as things break down. Chaos will become the order of the day, in no small part because it was too…uncomfortable for us to create and maintain proper order, when we had the chance.



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Terry Carch

Then why are the people of Earth so tong tied to religion and politics Matt? This really dosen`t make sense to me at all,where is the logic and reasoning in religion and politics?

Adrian Martinez

It’s easy Terry. Well at least from my small sampling of religious people I know… The logic is that if you do believe in a god or religion then you have a chance to go to heaven. My father, who’s a chrisitan, told me one day that if what he believes in turns out to be wrong then who cares, you’re dead anyways… But what if it’s right? Then he goes to heaven… Think about that insane logic!! My father was not much of a church goer. He was more of a liberal religious man…meaning his views on religion where a bit off from mainstream religious people.

As I’ve told MH, a lot of religious people do not know of any other way to be spiritual. They don’t know of any other way than religion. To me the spiritual teaching is the alternative to religion. Now if everyone only knew about it…

Carolyn Snyder

The real insanity with abortion is that which woman in her right mind wants to kill a baby? No normal human being would. The fact that there are so many abortions in America points to a universal insanity which has possessed these people. That unborn fetus is a person. To kill an unborn person is bloody murder, no matter what the age of that person is. Watch some abortion videos and see what they do! No other animal would do this to its unborn young. These humans are totally insane. Abortion is NOT birth control! It is infanticide, the murder of a young human being, nothing less.