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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Christian Cult Leader Caught in Lies & Fraud

Broke commandment against bearing false witness in order to sell books about “aliens”

Gary Bates a leader of an anti-scientific Christian cult, has been caught in defamatory, libelous lies in order to sell a book he wrote about so-called “aliens”.

Bates claimed that he had documentation from a “media crew” showing that Billy Meier – who he also erroneously referred to as a “guru” – “was caught out hoaxing in an undercover sting operation”. Apparently Bates thought that he could milk more money from his gullible cult members by concocting false claims about the man at the center of the only scientifically proven UFO contact case, still ongoing for over 74 years in Switzerland.

Ironically, Bates’ anti-scientific mumbo-jumbo* stands in stark contrast to Meier’s impeccable record of specific, prophetically accurate scientific information and independently authenticated UFO evidence. Yet, despite five requests for Bates to substantiate or remove his libelous attacks, the only response from his office was a suggestion that I should…buy the book.

Bates, whose religious beliefs put great emphasis on the so-called “inerrant word of God”, apparently thought that bearing false witness against an innocent person – something that is “associated with being allied with the wicked” – wasn’t really so bad after all, especially if it helped with his pursuit of mammon. It’s particularly odious for a so-called religious leader to defiantly and unrepentantly bear false witness against another human being…and then to be too cowardly to retract, apologize and remove the defamatory charges and claims.

Such hypocrisy also begs the question if Bates really “believes” all of the stuff he preaches; doesn’t his “God” see and hold people accountable for their sins, even when they try to conceal them from others?

As often pointed out, every religion rests on the patently inadmissible, childish and illogical premise that, “What’s in this book is true…because this book says it’s true.” And Gary Bates is not the first hypocrite to mock his own purported beliefs, to bear false witness and to commit transgressions against the real truth by publishing outright lies for profit…in yet another book of falsehoods.


*Regarding Bates’ clearly comical version of “science”, he resorted to using the word “probably19 times in order to try to make some sense out of the muddled biblical fable version of Noah and the ark. It wouldn’t be surprising if somewhere in the whole unscientific mess Bates suggests that Noah “probably” gave the entire menagerie Dramamine in order to cope with a year’s worth of seasickness, among the multitude of other problems left unaddressed by the “inerrant word of God”.


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Steve Suggs

Ha Ha, Michael, I got a good laugh out of this one.


And the hits just keep on coming!!!
Do you think they realize how ridiculous they look or sound, it boggles the mind.


Your are right my friend… The religions while being with unconscious yet specious intent to “lead” end up tripping over their own lies… Like our Swiss friend told us: We do not want to destroy your religion just show you the truth. So many are held in suspended disbelief (belief) without checking the validity of the sources… which you so eloquently deduced: In the book… must be true… well authors make mistakes and do not have full consciousness too! So… read the stuff by Billy Meier… much of it is true… I would avoid… and Maurice Osborn as they have it wrong… just a little but enough to get the whole wrong idea started again like the bible which our Swiss friend did not write…


Be greeted in Peace and Wisdom.

Timothy Allen Anderson

I’m reminded of a statement that Pope Francis made regarding the existence of Extraterrestrial life not precluding the existence of “God”. Maybe this was to help explain why the Vatican owns and operates one of the largest land based telescopes for the purpose of planetary observances. I found his statement to only open up more concerns as if this is the case, then why absolutely ZERO reference to this in ANY of the stories in their sacred books?

It makes me consider the way politicians alter their stories to fit the lies that they tell also.

Great work Michael.

Terry Carch

This makes me wonder why so many people around the qworld still hold onto and clint tio such redicoulous religious beliefs when we all know that there is no such religions thanks to Billy and the Ps who are the REAL TRUTH teller! Personally I DON`Y believe in God and religions but I have an idea, why don`t Bily and the Ps and the rest of us tell this world that we have a new idea for a new religion that is better than the old religions and maby get the people of this planet to follow the new better way without all this stupid worshiping and believing in a god imstead worship the sun,the solar system, other suns,solar systems, galaxy,galaxies,universe,other universes,nature flora and fauna,you get the idea,and maby we can just try to wean the people of this world to change their religious beliefs to something more real and tangable rather than such false ideas that don`t really exist like fake god,gods, angels, etc,etc,etc. It`s high time we start to tell it like it is if we want to avoid wars,famine,diseases, crime, money,slavery,politivcs and so on. Let`s all think about this idea of a new religion to get the rest of this world off this stupid religious farytale that doen`t really exist. How about this idea of mine?

Terry Carch

What I ment MH is not so much as to religion rather the beliefs in the laws of creation,it`s commanments and directives,seeing life as it really is with emphases on the posives, things that are normal and alive not the dead fake statues of saints, angels and so on.In otherwords loiving matter tbat is real not worshiing dead non existing gods that arn`t real. After all Earth is still a type 0 civiliztion the still preys on each other(crime) and eating dead tissue(food) as Micho Kaku has stated before. There is also the law of One which is better than all these dumb relgious beliefs of prayer,fasting and so on if you understand what I`m getting at, niot so much as reeigion but a new alternative idea such as meditiating for example. Call it what you will but this is just my idea for an alternative to religions etc.

Philip Brandel

Of course comments are closed for this belief oriented, illogical nonsense…..
If many other aspects, here is one of only a very few places where the majority see the stupidity in beliefs. How submissiveness to hoggish, cowardice sky daddy’s stifles individual thought, cognition to our connection to the plain truth in reality.
Though nothing many of you don’t know. Still is hard to speak the truth to many…. as all they know is beliefs and religion. Denying themselves the chance from so many beliefs to see anything beyond it?
Good to be here among-st friends seeing the importance of individuality within the all encompassing real and true ‘creation’.
If any Minnesotan here we have our study, discussion group ones a month in Hastings.
All are welcome:)

Gordon Barnes

Well done Michael, yet again its another example of how blind some people can be when you don’t put logic into every day thinking.

Regards and good hunting.

Gordon Barnes

Andrei Palatkas

Probably Hallelujah 🙂

Sheila Clark

Anyone who claims there were that many animals on an ark of that size, has absolutely no knowledge of reality. So when Norman Bates slightly retarded younger brother Gary attacks Billy, I know he must feel very threatened by him. I’ve had many debates with my local creation museum guy and none of their crap is based on anything real. Ken Ham’s stupid books claim that dinosaurs lived at the same as humans because he claims that humans only drew pictures of things they could see. Obviously he doesn’t think humans had the capacity to draw from the imagination and then hypocritically denies evolution. He also fails to point out when humans started drawing things from their imagination. I threw Ken Ham’s books away for posterity.

Terry Carch

To me all this stupid religions stuff is nothing more than fairytail mumble jumble and old wives tail. A frend of mine just had twin girls recently so I used the idea of angels even though i don`t believe in angels anymore ..Somehow I wish there were a way to ween people away from religion but then you can`t force and spoon feed people away from relion. Funny when I sent my friend a card there were only one non-religious card left.:(((

Corey Müske

Billy has written the importance of not relying on an outside authority such as a religion, because this makes you submissively dependent on the authority, in truth, one must be a “self-authority”. See GOTT 23:148 – 23:164 for further assistance. An outside external authority cannot change your inner-nature for the better, or toward the truthly truth, this has to come from (and be worked out) by the individual his/her-self.

Billy even sums up if you change your thoughts and feelings (which will change your consciousness and psyche) and change your inner individual nature, “And if you act in this wise, then you will no longer be dependent on any external tradition through which an enormous dependency, indolence and subservience is imposed on you, which has ruled you since time immemorial.” [GOTT 23:159]

I have been taking advantage of the society of our country that is hanging on by a thin thread, and going to work 5 days a week, earning my paycheck, and studying the spiritual teaching at night when I get home. I am hoping I can replicate this cycle of work, and study in my next lifetime. The biggest payoff for the society of the USA hanging on by a thin thread: food is still plentiful, and I am savoring every morsel, because I have the knowledge (and the responsibility) that food may be in short supply in the future, Civil War, WWIV, or effects of overpopulation, pick your poison. The masses will have to learn the hard way, that their bellies may be starving in the future, and all these young mothers, either in my country, or across the entire globe, bearing children each, and every second that passes, with no end in sight, they will have no way to feed their small children if Civil War breaks out, or if atomic weapons are used in the future. Food transport will break down.

@ Phil Brandel: round up all the Minnesotans you can, our meet-ups are very rewarding, no?

Philip Brandel

Corey and I met here at MH site and oddly enough live less than an hour away from one another. This is all very serious to some of us here whom take this into the real of the physical….daily life, living as we can with the ‘spiritual teachings’ as our foundation. As its importance is not parallel with many other aspects of many’s daily life….
The places we are going, where we are headed for a rational, logical, thought based material consciousness dictates that preparing be of the utmost importance within the individuum, individuality. I don’t know about many of you, but a defensive mode to live and learn is strong within preparing, in some ways seeing the responsibility (fairness) that rules every day. Easy words as usual and is one day at a time…………
I am forever honoured to have met Corey and Margie, to have gotten this chance to openly discuss what has become so important to me as a human being:)
I hope if there are other MN’s out there finding this on their own fruition, initiative, thoughts that they are always welcome to join us.

Corey Müske

If, in the future, we are faced with a situation where food production, and food transport breaks down, this will equate to vast amounts of death by starvation for Earth’s inhabitants.

Terry Carch

I just finished reading about my favorite ballat dancer whois Russian. From what I found out, not only are 80% of the Russian population are of Eastern Othadock religion but it seems to me that all or most of these ballet dancers are very religious and befoire they go on stage all crossbless thenselve for good luck. Why I just cannot fathom this myth is beyond my comprehention! How in living hell are we ever going to ween the rest of this sorry world out of such a fake religion and into something more reasonable and logical and tangable such as the laws of Creation etc lest we ALL find our selves all dead and buried with radiation,cancer,malnutrition or for that matter any other poison? How do we get people to stop believing and doing what will eventually kill them? Where is the logic and rationality for something that doen`t exist such as the Big Daddy in the Big Chair etc,etc, etc? What`s with wearing a cross around yournext thing? Religion?:-(((( Doesn`t make sence to me!

Stephen Lane

“How do we get people to stop believing and doing what will eventually kill them?”

Well Terry, if you don’t mind my doom and gloom again, imagine, if you will, a very miserable future 🙂 Eventually, life on this planet will become incredibly hard for the majority of people (perhaps all people). Daily life, daily thoughts feeling’s and actions, may become exclusively occupied with survival. Nothing else will matter. This state of existence may apply to many generations to come and will bring about several changes in thought. One of which is that survival necessitates an acceptance and application of cause and effect. Another is that ‘saviourism’ gradually proves itself to be untrue and pointless simply because one will have to acknowledge the situation that one finds oneself in. In other words, “nobody is saving me, therefore I must save myself, or else.” The importance of following such and such religion will diminish over time. Truth will become more important for everyday life than belief because truth will get the job done whereas belief will not. We’ve had it far too easy for a long time, allowing belief to worm it’s way into our irresponsible thoughts. But when the going gets tough, beliefs provide nothing of value.

Terry Carch

Insidently in marriage in the Eastern Orthadox Church the wedding ring is worn on the right hand not the left?

Corey Müske

The determining law in everything that exists is the law of contrariness, as revealed in GOTT 21:03, with supplemental information through 21:05, and then it is picked up again in GOTT 21:17.

According to the AA level, for the last 2000 years, Earth humankind has forgotten the universal principle of the law of contrariness that governs the universe, and has forgotten to find polar opposites that together form a single oneness (the forgetfulness is because of Christianity with the illogical “trinity”), try to find the balancing oneness in opposites, whether it is the ebb and flow of the sea, or summer time versus winter time, the sun and the moon, rich or poor (most of us are probably very poor- so we know, and understand this pole of poorness, not the other side of the pole containing riches), evil or good, negative or positive, and when we study the spiritual teaching, according to Billy, we are like the daybreak, which breaks apart the night (unknowledgeness of the truth) moonlight (semi-conscious state) as we shift into a conscious state (daylight) of the truth, which we become attached as a pulsating/radiating, swinging-wave in thoughts, feelings, and consciousness. The opposites in this situation are the daylight, and the moonlight, which can stand for knowledge, and unknowledge. Unknowledge, and other Negative’s are usually learned first, and knowledge is built out of that experience to shift into Positive’s based on the will-power of the human-being, and how serious they take his/her cycle of learning.

Knowledge fills the inner void that is caused by unknowledge, and knowledge turns into usable life-wisdom through practical experience in the living experience (Erleben) and the daily life. After one dies, (life and death are contrary opposites that are the balacning oneness of the reincarnation cycle [law of becoming and passing], when your spirit-form is in the beyond, all your learned (and utilized) knowledge and essence of wisdom, as well as, “all that is learnt, understood and brought to success in the current life, is deposited in the storage bank of the other-worldy overall consciousness block and is transferred as essence into the subconsciousness of the new consciousness block and its new personality. This essence of everything learnt is given to the new life of the next consciousness block and its new personality to take with it in the subconsciousness as a decisive foundation, through which the fundamental form of the character, of the consciousness, of the personality and of the memory, and so forth, are created.” (source of quoted material: page 5 of “Wealth of the Non-Gewalt and Profound Spiritual Teaching Interpretations” PDF @ FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia’s website).

It is however, up to the individual him/her-self to bring about the learned successes, (example: thus turning knowledge into life-wisdom in his/her current daily life), for this transition to occur of essence being deposited into the new consciousness-block in the next life (casual law of cause and effect). As Billy puts it in GOTT 7:131 the law of condition (cause), there is a fulfilling decision (effect) that can follow you into the next life as deposited essence (Weisheit = essence of wisdom).