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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


This is how empires come to an end and quite possibly the rest of the world

There’s no shortage of articles, videos, etc., about the ongoing provocation of Russia, the reasons for which have long been clearly explained by the Plejaren and Billy Meier.

An unconfirmed report of a possible attack on Alaska actually echoes warnings included in the 1987 Henoch Prophecies, as well as concerns expressed by this formerly skeptical physician and physicist.

So it’s timely to remind people of an excerpt from this article from 1995:

World War III cannot be averted if Man fails to finally become reasonable! The war will begin with conventional weaponry and escalate to nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. The world war will begin in November of a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations. Should war actually break out, it will last for 3 years and 11 months and will therefore end in October of the fourth year. By this time, Earth’s northern hemisphere will be largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world unless Man sees to it that the prophecy proves itself to be just a prophecy without fulfilling itself. Should this not be the case, the world will face some additional 11 bitter years of poverty, misery, starvation and many other ills. The nuclear radiation will cause the crippling and mutation of the children born at that time, and multitudes who survive the war will be contaminated and burned by radiation. Chemical warfare will cause horrifying and atrocious skin diseases, and biological warfare will produce festering sores and many other ills, not to mention vicious human freaks, etc.

This is how empires come to an end. And quite possibly the rest of the world.

See also:

The Way to Live

May the American People Know the Truth Before It’s too Late

Thanks to Burt Brown,  Kenneth Smith and Rasmus Outzen for information.

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Barry Smith

If Hillary Clinton wins the election Russia will attack, if Trump wins I believe he will try to make peace with Putin . So much saber rattling these days, the US blames Russia for everything, things they didn’t do. The pendulum is set in motion, all we can do is prepare for stupid humans to enter into chaos and panic for people haven’t learned how to take care of themselves…

david raymond mccrea

Wow, lets see if the reasonableness’ prevails this year. I don’t think things can escalate for another year. I would think the commencement for the prophecy would be next month. I’m in Brazil and I’ve been toying with the idea of returning to Europe for months, northern Ireland specifically. I saw your latest interview with ufotexas. Very good. Let me know if I can be of any assistance Michael by way of online resources. Cheers

Armando Morales

Thank You, Michael I see things are moving along now in the prophecy its really sad things have to turn out like this people think sports or other things ate more important then this and not knowing this is a life changer… Hoping for a miracle

todd markus

The europeans and russians sent a probe to marrs. If the probe detected microbial or fossil life on Marrs maybe all this ww3 stuff could be avoided. But the muslims runnning the cia, nsa, fbi as well as the satanic global elites who are in charge of everything like the bush family, the rockefellers, the betchels, the rothchilds , the saudi royal family etc. Their doing their damdest to kill 330 million innicent americans and billions worldwide by instigating russia. Who cares if russia bombs isis, al nursa and al queda. John kerry and cia brennan ought to stop training, arming and financing the groups to begin with! Bad news is the probe probably failed at landing on Marrs. Maybe b/c cia brennan, nsa clapper and fbi comey sabotaged the joint european/ russian mission.

Terry carch

Wel as I said to Arie ” This why I for years I have been wanting to find a very good human friendly world such as Erra to find a safe home and place to live so that I won`t come down with radiation poisoning and die thanks to trump or Clinton etc for ruining planet Earth making a big fool of themselves!” These fools are surly to give us ALL HELL(ww3 etc) I knew WW3 was going to happen therefore I always thought Klaatu was right about Earth joining the Plejaren Federation and get assisternce lest these epower hungry ego maniacs will do ANYTHING for more and more wars etc,etc,etc!”

Ev Vollmer

I can’t even respond to this, chills me to the core…..many years ago even before Meier I figured out how the world is/has, at this point the only thing I could think of was to get with the spiritural side of life, in my quest I found the teaching Meier presents and found out that there is not just a spiritual side of life, it is life itself. When I read articles like this, see what is going on in the world today the spiritual teaching is what I hold to, it is all I can do.

John Paul

The US elections are on Nov. 8, 2016. The prophecy says that WW3 starts on November of a certain year. What are the odds that WW3 happens this year?

Adrian Martinez

Well let’s make sure we don’t vote either of those knuckle heads in. Or def not Hillary. No more war dammit!! I doubt Trump would be much better but at least he seems to be more willing to be a bit more reasonable with Russia. I’d hate to vote uselessly for the green party and see Clinton sneak in. So vote Trump? Eeek…what a mess…

But keep thinking neutral positive thoughts. Keep meditating to better yourself. Continue with the peace meditations. Anything neutral positive is what is sorely needed right now. Anything. The spiritual teaching is what is desperately needed the most. Don’t send out those doom and gloom vibes….Neutral positive… Stay the course… Handle what you can and let the rest happen as it will…

gary lomas

Hi John, that should not be the case, as one of the predictions says that (para-phrased ) It will start in November the following year after the death of 3 important heads of state during one year previous, and as far as I know there has only been the death of Thailands King this year… or ?

Ned Flanders

NOTE: Comments removed for lack of verifiable identity.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

How ill can I be if a part of me somehow wishes that this prophecy fullfils… It’s as if such upheaval and global catastrophe would somehow put an end or aleviate my sufferings… seriously I know I am wrong and it is very bad to hope for such a thing. Help.

Diane Magsig

Maxime, I do not know what kind of suffering you have endured. I suffer daily. There is nothing I can do to totally rid myself of chronic pain from a broken back. Still, I find life is good in many ways. I moved out of the city because everything was too convenient. Out here in the sticks, I must walk (with difficulty at times) everywhere or take a county bus. I voluntarily surrendered my driver’s license on the advice of physicians. I have found delight and wonder in my new digs. My neighbors are great and we tend to look out for one another. (There are not as many neighbors as in a city still it is nice to know them.) Take the time to find a life is good moment. You have a roof over your is good. You have food to is good. You have friends and relatives that care for is good. We sometimes take for granted all the great things that have been there for us; slow down and smell the roses.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Thank you Diane, it think you hit the nail, ive been living in a town center for 3 years maybe its time for me to look at my suroundings. I surly don’t hope more terriblness to happen to us, it is only in the worste moments that I almost wish a meteor fall on my head :/

Thanks for the reply, it gives me some hope at a brighter and happyier life future,I hear from many older persons than me that they have learn through the years of struggle and have finally made it to a peacfull existance with themselm and are capable of having good moments that last, i’ll work on that.

I wish for us less pain and I hope your back and legs get better.

Terry carch

“This is the WORST election I have EVER felt or seen in the history of Planet Earth!” Seems to me the prophecies are already turning into predictions thanks to these criminal elites trying so very very hard to mess things up even further with all their lies and bluster rants etc! How in living hell are we going to realy change things for the better? I don`t even bother to listen to the elections on the news! I just turn the elections OFF! “YIKES!” I think election night is going to bad a REALLY BAD NIGHTMARE! I`m NOT going to even watch ANY of this stupid criminal shinagans on Tuesday November 8th,2016 This is a no brainer. How bad can things get? I hope we are all still alive and living and not having to suffer our very own fates after this awful nightmare election on Nov 8th Uh Yikes:-(((

Terry carch

P.S. How can these criminals Trump and Clinton ruin this beautiful world Earth with all their stupid brainwashing malevolent behavior? Where are the laws of Creatikon in these criminal behavior power hungry greedy minds etc?

Silvana De Angelis

It may not be this November, if five years of efforts since the Syria – Assad- Russia conflict has started it’s not five years yet, perhaps the four years of preparations are underway as of now – only my guess- a nice report related to the likelihood of a Nuclear conflict:
I also recommend to check out the page of DEFCON:

Ah Peng

If my memory is not wrong somewhere in the contact notes phrophecy Ptaah(?) mentioned that Clinton will be the last president of USA. At that time Bill Clinton was president. So that Clinton could be Hillary. So fellow American that octopusTrump that like to grope women certainly will be a much safer candidate than that war mongering Hillary.


Thanks for warning pleadians I hope you will have a nice show to watch !!!

randy arena

A hypothetical nuclear war envisioned in 1945 at a time when no nuclear power facilities could melt down like Fukushima…
Today one substantial nuke detonation… anywhere on earth will cause the surface of the earth to detach from it’s core and the tectonic plates move in a way not experienced for 200,000 years… Imagine the N. Pole being where Mecca Saudi Arabia… is now… then imagine all the 444 of the existing nuclear facilities… all four hundred and forty four… nuke facilities become like Fukushima… melting down simultaneously… memorable quote from Michael’s article: “radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world unless Man sees to it that the prophecy proves itself to be just a prophecy without fulfilling itself.”

Some folks will live… but the majority will be swimming in magma… (molten rock). Those that survive will either be deformed and mutated by radiation or starved to death or drowned by the melting of naturally formed polar ice…

I hear some of you breathing a sigh of relief because all the nukes near you have been shut down… well… remember that each facility has the stored nuclear waste containing plutonium the most deadly of earth’s toxic substances in the area of 500 tonnes… each… even though they are shut down could still enter the earth via melting in molten rock or magma… radiation survives high heat… most nukes burn about one hundred and eighty nine thousand degrees F!

Start a war now folks and risk: Hell on Earth!

Salome, Be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Jacobus Kotze

Could there possibly be another major false flag attack on the horizon, falling into the same category as what happened in New York City? I really do wonder, because it was not long after Bush junior became president, that we had the disaster. Lets just hope that Hillary chokes on a chicken bone or something. Fingers crossed.