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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival


If America’s insane warmongering against Russia isn’t stopped

In the 704th Contact Report, from March 1, 2018, Billy Meier clearly and unequivocally states that the failure of the world’s citizenry to stop the escalation of war by the USA and European Union-dictatorship, will almost certainly lead to an all-encompassing, completely catastrophic, cataclysmic,  worldwide nuclear war.

There will be no…winners.

It is now solely up to reasonable people to summon the courage to evict the insane, false leaders from their positions, if we are to survive. If we are to have…a future.

Meier, the Plejaren and even the prophets of old, have long warned about this time in history, these conditions and the unimaginable devastation that awaits us, should humanity fail to take full and complete responsibility for returning this world to the way of peace, love, freedom and harmony.

The Only Solution

“If now all these things, factors and facts are considered, then there is the only solution for the peoples of the USA and the European Union dictatorship, as also for the NATO, to finally admonishingly reflect and to cease their warmongering and enmity against Russia. And for all human beings of the earth, who want peace, freedom and fairness, be it said, that there is only the one single solution, namely him/herself to stand against their warmongering and war-raging governments, military and intelligence agencies, etc., and refuse to take weapons in their own hands for these simple-minded and irrational as well as power-crazed and feeble-minded, conscienceless, without Intellect, without rationality and irresponsible idiots. Thus the only solution for a continuation of the earth’s humankind lies therein, that the peoples themselves strictly refuse, to place their lives on the line for their irrationally-crazy, might-addicted, feeble-minded and insane, war-rushing mightful ones of state, military and intelligence agencies, etc., to not throw down their life and to not draw into a war, which there is no victor, but rather will only give just losers and a completely destroyed earth. Thus there is for that reason for all powers of the peace, the freedom and the fairness only one: to say NO and themselves to refuse, to bow themselves down to the insanity-will of the mightful ones of state possessed by hatred against other states and want them to be drawn into-that-war. All human beings of all peoples of the earth must themselves get out from the control of their war-mongering mightful ones of state and say good-bye to the imperial structures of the war.”

Please also see:

REAL News from 1948 to…2250!

The People Were Warned

NEW Prophecies and Predictions from Billy Meier






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Jedi Reach

So there’s no misunderstanding, this is not a prediction – this is a dire warning of a possible future. Say no to stupidity.

Daniel Leech

I’m surprised this has come up again I really am to be honest, we went over this years ago and the decade before that too. If there is a nuclear war then the Plejaren and Billy you and Michael Horn all have wasted all of their and your last remaining time talking about the definition difference between prophecy and prediction and the Plejarens time machine. That is why there is not any of this in reality unless it’s part of a self fulfilling prophecy reality. Second paragraph deals with overthrowing a nations government, this happens once every generation in many nations these days but in others it happens at random times and sporadically. Overthrowing a government replaces it typically with the exact same again, the times this is different is when it does something less or more. Anyway as I say we’ve looked at these things one by one every decade and the answers are usually the same. But don’t take my word for it or you cant say you agree or disagree can you.

Ian Perry

“It is now solely up to reasonable people to summon the courage to evict the insane, false leaders from their positions, if we are to survive.” – We are doomed if that is the case! 🙂

Ian Perry

I meant to use a – 🙁

Jedi Reach


Mary Kingsley Joshi

Why do people always think in terms of doom and gloom without realising that it’s not so much about ‘successful’ outcomes but the fact that we try – that trying against all odds is what builds love – character – strength – will-power – the only things we take with us as we journey through the stars.

Jedi Reach

Yes Mary

John Webster

Jedi Reach[es] into an unknown …

NOTE: John’s full comment ALMOST made it here, except for the fact that within it he said it wouldn’t appear. So, the might of his thoughts have determined its non-appearance.

Of course, should he just make his comment without effectively retracting it, it probably would be approved like any other comment.


Ian Perry


Jedi Reach

Because there exists people who never give up and never surrender, even in the face of Armageddon.

Terry Carch

Like me Jedi,there ARE alturnatives as I`v mentioned before last we ALL PERRISH INTO OBLIBIONABION and never ever see the light of the next day etc! Think about that Jedi!

Mary Kingsley Joshi

‘I say to my soul, ‘Be patient and wait without hope, for to hope is to hope for the wrong thing.’ T.S Elliot.


In response to;

”But don’t take my word for it or you cant say you agree or disagree can you.”

You may have heard all this before but being new to this blog and Billy’s teachings, it has to be said I’m glad his words were re-stated loud and clear – and in a heroic way by Michael. For anyone who utters such words publically puts their life on the line. This alone shows at least their are some of us who still have real guts by putting their lives on the line for the greater good.

We need to bear in mind that in this space/time frame, and under such conditioning, we hardly know anything about the true nature of reality. Yet where ever we go when we leave this world, it’s blatantly obvious where we end up must be in relation to what level of awareness we are encompassing.

Certainly, this is a tough dimension to incarnate in when you think of the levels of barbarism that have taken place in our known history. As a retired psychotherapist, I’m convinced that this space suit we inhabit is the most testing, being based on a physical psychology/mind highly susceptible to programming. What has also been realised is that in a ‘Unified Feild’ there is no individuality and that moving from ‘we’ to ‘me’ is behind all this insanity.

In 64 years here, this is known for sure; it’s LOVE and only love that creates manifestation and is the motivating power behind life. Today, few people know what pure unconditional love is because it’s been programmed out of us, especially by the media of America that’s sentimentalised it. As Carl Jung expanded upon, the opposite of sentimentality is barbarism and no country has shown us this truth more than America.

As if this wasn’t ad enough, for the last 50-years we have been highly swayed by a purposely contrived new-age wishy-washy money grabbing mentality now being the cherry on the unreality cake. These narcissists have been programmed to perceive everything here as an illusion, as Maya etc, and so they will never stand against corruption. Added to the selfishness are religious doom and gloom prophets holding us in the endless cycles where we can never rise up and collectively breakthrough.

What is meant by love?; sensitivity, kindness, empathy, compassion, sel-sacrifice, heroism, generosity, openness/fearlessness, perseverance – etc.

From this perspective, I thank the intelligence behind life for people like Billy, Michael and the many others who have visited here to persevere in changing this experimental physical way of manifesting.

Miracle turnarounds can always happen. In fact, the archtypal heroes journey is precisely about being completely cornered and at the last minute breaking through.

One favourite scene in the first ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ is where Indiana Jones is surrounded by Germans, their tanks and weapons. His girlfriend is looking on with a man who asks her, ‘What’s he going to do next?’ She replies, ‘I don’t know; he never thinks that far ahead.’

As the saying goes; eyes and heart open – no fear. %)

Melissa Osaki

Hi Mary, I always enjoy reading your comments. You speak from a place of wisdom, from a life of experience, and it comes through as love, peace, and harmony. Salome

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Melissa, the feeling is 100% mutual. %)

I have opened this sanctuary for mystics to gather at this crucial point in time and been busy of late, but just had to respond to that statement by Michael.

Love beamed out to you and the others.

Daniel Leech

Hi Mary I agree with Melissa. However I cannot agree with things like “this is a tough dimension to incarnate in” because all dimensions are equally as tough as eachother and also incarnating itself is a continuous sequence of progression, eg if we could not handle any more than the caveman era we would not have megacities today etc and some of our familys have a lineage stemming from ancient times according to Plejaren observations so I think there is room to improve your opinions in these areas.

Carolyn Snyder

Hey Mary, what you do when surrounded by a bunch of Germans with guns pointing at you is.. . . . start talking German! I don’t honestly remember that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, but I did watch all the movies and loved them!

Most of us over her in North America never run into a Russian. . . . so it’s a bit difficult to get to know them. Muslims, now are almost everywhere, so it behooves us to make the effort to communicate with them in a friendly way, showing tolerance and concern for their welfare. Spanish types also seem to be everywhere, similarly Indian and Asian types. . . . and so on. I am working personally at getting out of my white house surrounded by a barbed wire fence mentality, and interacting more with other types, immigrants, and those less well off. I have found that giving up my personal vehicle and riding on public transportation for a year has given me some opportunities to interact with people I wouldn’t run into encased in a metal shell on wheels. Something to think about. . . .

Jedi Reach

” I am working personally at getting out of my white house surrounded by a barbed wire fence mentality,”

— This should serve as inspiration for others in similar positions of thinking. It’s not so much “tolerance” as it is the need to practice “love”, which does not only include “yes”, but at times, “no”

Carolyn Snyder

Love for others means in my mind just practising simple kindnesses whenever possible. . . . the Biblical golden rule, to “love thy neighbour as thyself”. Compassion, kindness, is “agape” love.

Carolyn Snyder

My late mother used to say that the new suit of armor everyone is wearing is the automobile. . . . .So far I haven’t maimed any hoomans. . . . neither by my fault nor theirs.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

You say it loud and clear, Jedi!!!

Excerpts from Krishna’s conversations with Arjun found in ‘The Bhagavad Gita’; composed between 400 BCE and 200 CE. Translation by Juan Mascaro

‘There is a battle that opens the doors of heaven, Arjun; happy the warrior whose fate it is to fight such a war. But to forgo this fight for righteousness is to forgo your duty and honour; it is to fall into transgression. Men will tell of your dishonour both now and in times to come. And to a man who is in honour, dishonour is more than death. The great warriors will say that you have run from the battle through fear and those who thought great things of you will speak of you in scorn. Can there be, for a warrior, a more shameful fate?’

paul russell

Mutually assured destruction will kill Earth’s atmosphere, permanently. Like Mars.not to mention 450 nuclear reactors all melting down at once.
No, there is no future if this manifests.
Stupid humans.

Andrew Grimshaw

Puny Gods!

Terry Carch

Paul You might want to read this article from counterpuch.oorg for Friday May 18th 2018 “Don`t Call it an Explosion: Evertd(Eruptions) with Radoactive Waste by John Laforge

Norman DeCindis

It seems to me no matter whose in power they are manipulated by an untouchable secret group or groups. So we have no real chance to change the system. Unless the Plejarens or Billy start to name names & groups. We have no way to expose the enemies of mankind & get real change.

Terry Carch

Norman this is why I suggest we contact Ptaah and Billy in order to join and become members of the Plejaren Federation if we want to get at the real Dark Energies and find out just who is going to try to destroy us all befoer all this even happens. I think some worlds can learn the real truth for themselves while other worlds while others such as Earth need help from spiritually more advancec worlds such as Erra and Timarz etc. We are a very young primitive world just learning to walk and talk and we haven`t even got to nursery school yet let alone even into kinigarten is you understand what I mean. Like a parent or teacher showing a child how to behave etc,the Plejarens are teaching and showing us how to behave and act responsibly as we grow up to become adults as the Timaraz people showed Erra how to grow up and behave and act more responsibly too in Erra`s past. We are learning to grow just as the people from Erra did millions of yrears ago,now it`s our tern to grow up and learn.

Terry Carch

Yease ago I had a very vivid dream of my mother and Aunt dying on the floor,next thing I knew was a very bright white light obliterating the entire planet,then the whkle solar system was in a smoldering smoky haze and then this entire solar system turned in to a bright blue star like Sirius. In 1995 and 1996 I started to read the book Extraterrestrial Friends and Foe by the late George Andrews and realized that there are good friendly ETs ready and willing to help us out. There are extremely advanced worlds that have past this stage of spiritual development that are willing to liberate us from these nefarious Greys, and the spiritual realms including religions who have past this stage of evolution who now live in love,peace,freedom harmony and so on. I also feel there are human beings living on other worlds not just in the DERN Universe but also in the DAL Universe and other Universes too who are so advanced who have survived and past the stage of spiritual evolution who want to liberate us from these horrors and move us to a better safer world where we can all grow and evolve and learn to get along “WITHOUT” al these primitive wars,religions, spiritualisms and more. to live freely with peace and love etc. This is why the people from Erra left Earth for a better safer place to live, thrive and evolve into who they are today. Since then the people of Erra have lived in peace with no wars,politics,riligions etc for over 590,000 years. I personally think all this warmongering against each other is a result of the Bafa Giza Jerks,Orion wars and the Sirian Overords working to destroy us all. I also think the Deep State ,Black Ops, Cabals, Shills and all these Dark Energies are working very very hard to try to do us in by dividing us all with wars, hate,etc,etc,etc! It`s high time to brake the chains of religions, hate and wars and turn the hour glass upside down with love, peace etc with good positive energies if we want to survive! This world is a horrible mess and if we don`t have the will to stop these Dark Energies from destroying Earth wh o will? Thse Dark Forces want to mess with our lives and don give hel if an H Bomb hits us in th gut etc. I`m sorry but I believe Klaatu is right ” We NEED to join the Plejaren Federation or lese we will be obliterated altogether if we don`t act NOW!!! Or are you going to meditiate and let all these Dark Shills dictate what you can say and do? Or can you join with the Plejaren Fedration to stop this world from bleeding to death with all these dictators and blood thirsty warmongers who want nothing les than t wring us all dry with blood, death and destruction so these Shills and Cabals can wine and dine on caviar and Champain in their Rocky Mountain Bunkers in Colorado while the rest of is wine and dine on dead fish n`chips full od radiation poison and cancer causing chemicals and what not. This is the challenge you must all face right here and NOW!! I suggest you all think about what I`ve just explainedd to you. Think about what you are about to face very very soon if you are so afraid to ask for some kind of help out of this stupid quagmire of death and destruction from what is the left over warmed over Orion wars and the Syrian Overlords will do id we don`t join as members of the Plejaren Federation and “QUICKLY!!!” Think about what your Plejaren ancestors had to do to escape all these horrors now being repeated all over again!

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Paul, of course, this is a planet for humans caught in endless cycles. regarding ‘stupid,’ it’s also a perfect place to practice compassion, you know?!

Yep, I fully agree that we are following in the footsteps of what happened on Mars. However, this time I feel Creation/Nature will step in a bring about a polar reversal that will definitely punch The Deep States arrogant lights out.

We know of civilizations rose and fell, of fluctuating galactic weather patterns and Earth cycles which bring about cataclysms and ice ages. But what we don’t hear enough about is what causes them, apart from ancient mysticism that states when human cooperation breaks down, corruption takes it place.

Scientific research focuses on matter and not changes in US – we who are creating flux in the field in the first place. Therefore, if we, as individuals, do not participate in finding a way to stand for peace and global disarmament, everything else we do remains on the periphery simply because we need a healthy living field to play and engage in.

For those who don’t know about Mars; scientists believe that Earth and Mars formed around four and a half billion years ago, as with other planets in our solar system. Three billion years ago, Earth had little oxygen. Samples taken from Mars show that, at this time, it had life. It also once had a magnetic field and polar reversals like Earth.

Chris McKay, a scientist at NASA Ames Research Centre, along with a number of other credible scientific investigators, are saying that there is a good case for the origins of life on Earth originating from Mars. They believe the seeds of life arrived via a number of meteorites. Apparently, Earth was lacking in the life-producing substance called ‘Boron’, which at that time was plentiful on Mars.

John Brandenburg has a background in plasma physics and national defence in relation to fusion energy that creates nuclear bombs. He is an iconoclastic researcher and reputable origins of life chemist who worked many years for NASA researching Boron in particular. He also agrees that life on Earth was seeded by life on Mars via meteorites.

From studying samples taken from the planet, John has gone on to prove it. But his most startling discovery reveals that there was a nuclear explosion on Mars that ended its life and that it was purposely orchestrated. This has come about from his analyses of certain substances from Mars that can only be produced via purposely built nuclear bombs.

In October 2016, he was the main speaker at the American Institute of Aeronautics. NASA managers, astronauts, and astronomers from around the world were invited to explore the implications of his discoveries. Yet while searching for information about the said conference, nothing was found.

‘‘It’s way over overkill. This means that whoever did this was interested in the genocide of Mars so that it could never rise again. The amount used would have completely blown the atmosphere off the planet.’’

(The quote directly above is from John Brandenburg book.)

When samples were brought back from Mars it was thought that a huge meteorite and extreme space weather caused the planet to lose its atmosphere. If John’s proof is accepted, then it’s obvious that nuclear war can destroy any planet.

One thing to bear in mind is that instead of being ‘Top Secret,’ we are being partly informed. This could be to stake a case for increasing space weaponry. To encourage us to believe that there are aliens that destroyed Mars and could attempt the same on Earth and to increase fear in general. When well over 9,000 nuclear warheads are strategically poised around the globe today, it shows how the 1% can make humanity believe anything – because they already have.

Here on Earth, there seems to be virtually zero understanding that the individual and collective psyche stores information, and so the deeper we understand ourselves, the deeper we have access to human and galactic history. Greek philosophers and astrologers called Mars the planet of war and perhaps we intuitively remember this from when we once inhabited the planet.

The thing is; when we are blessed enough to taste just a sip of the Intelligence behind Creation, then we realise anything can happen – including a miracle at this point in time.

So, we are here to practice tremendous patience with ‘stupid’ humans and like Billy, Michael and other heroes, be brave enough not to simply post comments on websites but get out there and speak up loud and clear – come what may.

paul russell

Mary Kingsley Joshi, most excellent post. Thank you.

Terry Carch

Mary the Ps don`t believe in miracles.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Terry – how can you not believe in miracles when the entire shebang is an ever-living miracle – teaming with mystery and wonders?!!!!

‘Unless we become as a little child, we will never know the Kingdom.’

Jedi Reach

The life itself can be considered a miracle; existence and Creation itself in its endless wisdom and beauty

Anne Williams

Mary, the belief in “miracles” is a false religious teaching. There is no such thing as a “miracle” – only cause and effect.

“From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
How does thought directly affect matter (for example when a spiritual “miracle” is performed)? Thank you for your time!

ANSWER: Hi Thomas,

Yes, as you indicate with your quotation marks: There doesn’t exist anything like miracles, because everything can be explained and is ruled by the law of cause and effect.

It is the consciousness forces that bring about effects and results which the people often call “miracles”.[1]”

Dictionary definition:

a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”


Anne Williams

Mary, the belief in miracles is a false religious teaching. There exists no such thing as miracles, only cause and effect.”



Anne Williams

Having problems posting comments again 🙂

Jedi Reach

Nope, just wasn’t approved yet! We are on the job now! I promise!

Anne Williams

Thanks Jedi.. I had a 404 not found error page pop up when I tried to post that comment 1st time. 🙂

Luis Sanchez

My best advice for anyone at this point, is really to study the material independently directly from Switzerland.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Just to say that mentioning the scene from Indiana Jones was not a dig at Germans %)

Also to let you know that for nearly two years, I worked hard on a vision that came through in great detail;

SOS (with Earth in the O)
One day – One World – One Voice.

It went out via contacts to well-known people from all ilks who could arouse the masses for a one-day global strike where we could turn off mobiles and meet face-to-face heart-to-heart in parks, on the streets – anywhere to make a stand, to show solidarity, to say we have had enough of the tyranny by a few greedy beings (originating from where ever).

No, it was not as ‘ungrounded’ as you might imagine, because via satellite connections everyone possible could be involved; the masses would hear the cry and like sheep follow what is trendy.

It was a glorious vision, possible – if people who could have organised it were not so afraid to be taken out. Because that’s what was found; not high talking but no solidarity amongst those that have standing in this world. So much competitiveness….

I don’t know all these terms of beings from other dimensions spoken of in this blog, but from personal experiences, I know of other dimensions and no, I don’t believe it’s such a hard slog everywhere in Creation. In the remote Himalayas years ago, I experienced this in remote communities before India began to radically change via the Internet and a richer economy.

From this and knowing how people were in the UK, it’s insidious greed and illusionary individuality; the ‘I am special and unique’ that new-age teachings have filled the young’s head with. For any authentic spiritual experience must include a deep feeling of unification with Creation at large.

After years of observing without turning away, it’s been shown that this actually is ‘the lunatic asylum for the entire Universe’ as George Bernard Shaw said in the 1930’s, for how could it be possible that there is a place more cruel and heartless? How can there be a planet where others can do what they do – and to young children – to animals and Nature? From being a psychotherapist in London for 32 years, hearing horror stories that ‘humans’ (here) are able to commit, well, can there really be more evil done or suffering experienced?

And in between all this, we see it is possible for a human being to be tender, compassionate and selfless to the point of sacrificing their lives for the greater good.

From working with those who have caused tremendous suffering but have the capacity and circumstances to self-reflect, it’s been shown how they internalised cruelty and then acted it out, going from victim to an illusionary power position. And when true remorse enters (as opposed to guilt) the transformation was incredible to witness – and kept me going in that work.

So, yes, again Michael is right; we need to go deeply within to clear our own slates once and for all and prepare to bite the bullet, and in this, we can affect those around us causing a chain reaction.

Love and blessings from the Himalayas – Shambo Maha Dev %)

Terry Carch

“URGENT” Please watch or read or both in Democracy Now with Amy Goodman( especially the second instalment interview with Daniel Ellisberg about the threat of nuclear war and also his new book “The Doomsday Machine for Friday May 18th,1018 Thanks Salome Terry

Ned Duke

“6. And when he sat on the Mount of Olives his disciples came up to him and said, “Tell us, when will this take place, and what will be the sign?”

7. And Jmmanuel answered, saying, “Two thousand and more years will pass, but meanwhile Israel will never find peace because wars and many calamities will threaten the unlawful occupants of this land; but see to it that nobody leads you astray.
8. “That is, many deceivers and false prophets will come in my name and say, ‘l am Jmmanuel, and I am the sign of the time,’ and they will mislead many.
9. “People will hear about wars and threats of war, and they are to witness this but not be frightened because it must transpire; but it will not yet be the end.
10. “For many a nation will rise up against its government, one nation against another and one kingdom against another, and there will be times of privation, earthquakes and immense storms and floods all about.
11. “All of these events are just the beginnings of the woes.
12. “Soon the knowledgeable people will be consigned to misery and will be killed.
13. “They will be hated on account of the truth of the teachings and the wisdom.
14. “Various religious cults will rise up against one another, and much blood will flow.
15. “Then many will succumb to the temptation, and they will betray and hate one another because they remained small in consciousness.
16. “Love will grow cold in many people because ignorance will gain the upper hand.
17. “Hatred will rule over the world and evil will reign,
18. “but those who persist in the truth will survive.”

Jedi Reach

18. “but those who persist in the truth will survive.”

– powerful

Ned Duke

All of the stuff before and after is just as important. It sounds like a prophet of old long came to the point about something. I’ll leave it for other people on their own to make what they want with it.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Yes, – and persist with love, dear one… <3

Jedi Reach

It’s the secret ingredient Mary =)

Matt lee

12. “Soon the knowledgeable people will be consigned to misery and will be killed.

To this

18. “but those who persist in the truth will survive.”

How do you survive persisting with the truth if on account of the knowledge you are killed.

Should it read something like this instead.

Among the knowledgeable ones they will be killed because of their knowledge of the truth by the unknowing ones but also many among the knowers of truth will also survive having held steadfast to their devotion to the truth.

Jedi Reach

Hmm, yeah, that makes sense. Perhaps this could be in reference to those who missionize the truth as well?

Matt lee

If that is the case no wonder billy warned about missionizing.

Ned Duke

Again, it’s the stuff before and after and learning the hard truth. After all, this is Jmmanuel we’re talking about who showed more courage and spine 2000 years ago in the land where the Mount of Olives are than most people on the world stage today.

Further to quote:
“41. “This is as the law and destiny ordain it, and so it shall be.
42. “For as lightning flashes and illuminates from start to finish, so will be my coming in the future, when I will bring the teachings anew and announce the legions of the celestial sons. At that time I will have a renewed life and will again be accused of deception and blasphemy across the entire world, until the teachings of truth will bring about insight and change in the people.
43. “People of all times, beware: where the carcass is, there the vultures gather, so watch out for them.”


Isn’t that the FLAK folks that read the Meier material experience?

Matt lee

Sure Ned
As always context of the whole is important I guess for as soon as you strip it down the context is lost and with it the right meaning.

Anne Williams

Would the above be your own interpretation of the verses Matt?

The physical body can be killed but the spirit cannot. When we strive to acquire the knowledge and wisdom from the Spiritual Teaching we are growing in our consciousness-related power and evolving our spirit. This is everlasting and cannot be taken from us through those who would do us physical harm. When we reincarnate, as new personalities with new consciousnesses we have our stored wisdom available to us in impulse based form. This is a very simplified explanation, and I would encourage anyone reading this to undertake a deeper study directly from the Spiritual Teaching, to gain your own cognition, etc. about life and death and so forth.


Anne Williams

Also to add to my above post:

“18. “but those who persist in the truth will survive.”

Immanuel was in effect saying that despite all these terrible events occurring in what is now, the time we’re living in that we are witnessing and living through, that the Truth (Spiritual Teaching) will survive through the knowledgeable ones that remain steadfast – meaning the students of the Spiritual Teaching, the Mission, etc. Even though we may face many coming hardships and even death, the Mission will continue and survive, and eventually be spread over the Earth.


Matt lee

Anne it was meaning I derived from the two sentences only and not a true translation from the original German.
BTW its good to see that you are well again.

Daniel Leech

Hey Matt you’ve taken those sentences out of context, and forgot about time spacings, usually these types of sentences only apply to a specific sequence/chain of events. eg with the knowledgeable killed, if this is slotted into the prophecies this refers to a specific passage of the future where indeed many are killed under those conditions, later however and in another incarnation in the future, those who turn to the truth are then the more dominant among society. All combinations play their hand at different times. Currently we are in the religious and dark-order and stupid times where people smash things for fun and dignified pleasant behaviour is often wrong, later in history it will be the other way around and those who recognise the truth, names mathematically scientific, evolution, extratterestrials, genetics, time, spirit, etc they will have the upper hand and hold the economy where today it is the wrong way around because that is how things unfold.

Ned Duke

I’d like to phrase it as the truth is catching up with Earth humanity.

Matt lee

Yeah I agree with you Daniel
A great explanation you gave actually.
Dare I say though I don’t think that the knowledgeable ones mean just those people that know about Creational spiritual truths but extend to other important truths as well because as we have seen for ourselves people like Gordon Cooper and Andrew Breitbart was killed on account of their knowledge.

Melissa Osaki

The way I understand it is that some of the knowledgeable ones betray the truth by succumbing to temptation. They remained too small in consciousness which allowed them to hate others for religious fanaticism, skin color, culture, and other various reasons. However, the ones who persist in the truth and do not let themselves be led astray, survive and continue to spread the teaching.

Ned Duke

51. “So will it also be for the people of that time; when they see all this transpire they may know that these events are upon them.
52. “Truly, truly, I say to you, this is how it will be.
53. “And that generation will not pass away until all of this has happened.

What was Jmmanuel to have said 2000 years ago according to the Meier material?

Corey Müske

War escalation with Russia is a serious mistake. It is the wrong course of action, the collision course with the world encompassing nuclear war must be averted at all costs, unless we want to collectively pick up the pieces of a ruined society ravaged by nuclear war.

To the powers that be: if your intelligence doesn’t indicate a potential nuclear war then your intelligence is wrong. Slow down and think about what this is really about, the rise and fall of empires. The US superpower status could be gone by 2020 if things don’t change for the better. Isn’t it time we try some things different to avert course to the better route?

Daniel Leech

I think Billy may have deluded you here, there is no war escalation, in fact here in 2018 is now the furthest the world has been from war in hundreds of years. There is no collision course, no wants for a society ravaged by nuclear war etc none of it, it’s all a big delusion opened up by Billy. He also claims the west has been against Russia since ancient times, which is another fantasy because the west has taken issue with most to all other nations including itself since ancient times, I mean look what we did to the German in the 20th century, there is also evidence to suggest that he is also mildly deluded about that too when he talks about the west wanting the world to speak English, no the world doesn’t want to speak nazi and much of the world already speaks English of their own choice. He does this all the time, there has never actually been an issue from what I can make out of it, we’ll solve all our problems independently every time just as we have always done so.

Daniel Leech

Also USA is listed as the one nation which is guaranteed to continue until the year 3999 so again and again it is wrong and wrong again because it cannot be both things unless it’s a podgey explanation which needs refinement.

Melissa Osaki

This has no correlation with a country being devastated by war. Let’s look at Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, etc. Just because a country is destroyed by war does not mean it won’t continue to be a country.

Melissa Osaki

Daniel, I’m afraid you may be missing the point of the warnings. There was never the desire for Billy to be right and show us how great he is at prophesizing. In fact, Billy would be more than pleased if all the wars and the instigations of war never happened. The entire point of all the warnings have always been about getting folks to change their thinking for the better. This is also the case for the Peace Meditation. It is not Billy who deluded anyone, but the people who put Billy up on a pedestal and treat him like a guru. Billy has always only been the messenger. It has always been up to us to change the outcome.

I would also not dismiss the current ongoing instigations of Russia by the west. Those are very real. Has it occurred to you that things have possibly changed for the better and that if certain things didn’t happen the way they did, we may actually be a lot closer to a world war–Hillary Clinton not winning the presidency for one? All things can change for better when we change our thinking.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Thanks Melissa, it is very rare to hear somebody comment on here who is not anti-logical!

Mary Kingsley Joshi

How anyone can say there is no war escalation in 2018 and that we ‘are the furthest the world has been from war in hundreds of years’ simply cannot know what is happening!

3 weeks ago, if it were not for Putin’s level-headedness and the fact that the elections in Russia were taking place, we would not be able to make these posts now.

Daniel Leech

This is the peacest time we’ve had in about 6 thousand years Mary. We’re living longer than we’ve ever lived, the air in the world is cleaner than its been for several hundred years in the areas that matter, we also know more about how the tax payer money is spent than we’ve ever known before and there is less crime than we’ve ever had by population quantity, we’re also smarter now than we’ve ever been by population quantity. There is also more areas to live and more opportunities for the middle and lower classes than there has ever been in 12 thousand years. As far as I’m concerned if we had an all out war now which sent us back to the stone age we would still be better off than we’ve ever need if you consider it too us several million years for us to get fast enough to make a war so quickly, we would will be having the best time we’ve ever had in history even then.

Mary Kingsley Joshi
Corey Müske

Now is the time for a Trilateral partnership between the USA, Russia, and China. The Trilateral Army could be used to put down worldwide terrorism, criminality, war, and uprisings, and could also be used to nuetralize the 2 upcoming Civil Wars that could devestate the American continent. If the Trilateral Army could also unify the Trilateral partnership between the USA, Russia, and China, with the EU and other countries being willing partners that why should there be only one superpower, why not 3 superpower leaders with all other countries treated as equals, in equality and equivalency between all people’s of Earth in accordance to the spiritual teaching?

To the powers that be: put aside this nuclear war, and form the Trilateral partnership. Upon consultation with the 1948 Sfath’s predictions, because of overpopulation, we are going to have a tough enough time to survive the upcoming future without needlessly adding fuel to the fire with war escalation from the US and EU towards Russia. Forget the nuclear war for all times. 3 calderas will blow, the Italian, the German, and the US calderas. The US caldera alone could take everything west of the Mississippi River along with it. That’s millions of people perishing, it sounds like a future emergency situation. When the Italian Caldera blows (that is to say super volcano Phlegraean Fields), not to mention Mt Etna, Vesuvius, and Stromboli, as well as the largest submarine active volcano Mount Marsili with about 2 dozen further submarine volcanoes in the Mediterranean begin to erupt, that’s more emergency situations unfolding, possibly 59,290,969 million people perishing (the recorded population of Italy in 2017 according to Google), and we didn’t even touch on the ramifications of when the German Caldera blows, nor did we touch on the complete planetary devestation unleashed by Apophis due a 350 meter meteor strike that will happen with certainty unless the world undertakes actions in unity (contact #150).

Now is the time to address our overpopulation problem, and make a birth-stop part of planetary legislation, and use the world’s media to talk to the people of Earth, and educate the general public on the dangers of overpopulation, and the environmental destruction it will cause in the future, of which we are in the very beginning stages. Explain what will happen environmentally, like the potential atmospheric collapse (contact #481) or the potential break-down of the ocean’s conveyor belt current (contact #544). Not convinced overpopulation needs to be addressed, and the media used to educate the people to prevent uprisings once planetary birth-controls are introduced?

And then there is the pole shift. Line 288 of Sfath’s 1948 predictions (quote verbatim): “Through the period of the wandering of the poles there will be tremendous worldwide tremors and changes- due to which a great part of Earth humanity will die- which will be natural, but also caused by the planet-wide irresponsibly bred up overpopulation as well as the nonsensical, destructive, eliminating and exterminating excesses.”

Now is the time to put away the war-games with Russia, and form the Trilateral partnership, Trilateral Army (gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit as taught by the Goblet of the Truth), shift the penal system to be a banishment system over the next 50 to 100 years of transitionary time (banish all terrorists and criminals as taught by the Goblet of the Truth), and prepare for the onslaught of environmental destruction, hardship, and misery due to our own actions of overpopulation. Now is the time to alter course.~


Thank you! That was put together superbly.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Thank you, Cory – I enjoyed reading it!