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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Michael Horn Live, EP 30

The truth about the 1977 TV broadcast interrupted by an extraterrestrial

  • Hegemony Is the Goal All the Rest Is Show Biz
  • Monsanto’s Roundup on Trial
  • Ashtar Speaks!
  • “Don’t Go Along with That”*
  • New German Video on Billy Meier:


Don’t Go Along with That” (The Patriot’s Song)

Michael Horn Live, EP 30

Weds., June 20, 2018 

7:00 Pacific Time


Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching



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Arnoud Schutte

That’s a really nice video (the German video). Concise, but very to the point, and great video quality. EP30, I’ll watch a bit later as it is almost 1.00 am here now, and have to get up 6.30 am, but I am looking forward to watching it. Good luck with the presentation tonight!

Melissa Osaki

I’m interested to hear about that television broadcast. I remember hearing about it many years ago, but I completely forgot about it. From what I remember, no one ever came forward and no one was ever caught for doing it.

Erik van der Geest

This is the one . …

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Could only hear the opening because of you know what. But this should be the global anthem %)

Anthea Williams Cossette

Thought provoking must-see show from MH…
I wish to encourage everyone who watches this show to share the They Fly YouTube channel link to as many of your social media sources and friends as possible.

Let’s get the word out… This is the real news of the day… not the fabricated BS so abundant and insipid all over our national newscasts and popular media., dumbing down and brain washing the masses and turning hapless populations into sheeple; easily led to the slaughter.

It’s time for folks to take their heads out of the sand and pull themselves up by their big girl and big boy panties and start taking real proactive action and learn to be self responsible upstanding human beings with real back bones.

From The Way to Live (Die Art zu Leben) Pg 24, line 50
50) Submissivenes destroys every feeling of self-worth and causes the human being to live in bondage, because through submissiveness, he/she is enslaved, subservient and unfree in/his her whole existence.

German: Demut zerstort jedes Selbstwergefuhl und lasst den Menschen in in Feseln leben, denn durch Demut ist er er geknechtet,unterwurfig und unfrei in seinem gesamtem Dasein.

Melissa Osaki

Boy are you right about the abundant BS being spread around the MSM. It’s terrible how unhinged and deranged these folks have become in their thinking. The 12 year olds have more sense than the adults these days, and that’s no exaggeration.

I think we should all follow Anthea’s advice and spread as much truth and reason as possible. Salome

Terry Carch

Plus the MSM too as well as Hey jetpck all systems go on Google and bing which I HATE!!! too I almost forgot to mention MSM . Sorry about that Melissa. Thanks for reminding me:-)))

Sheila Clark

I enjoyed the show MH. The media can’t stop screaming about the separation of migrant children from parents. It was even brought up in the House of Commons in Canada. PM Trudeau brazenly stating that “This is not how we do things in Canada”. Except…that it is how it’s done in Canada:

Are there any politicians who are not hypocrites?
The G7 held in Canada almost 2 weeks ago included a communicae in which Trump refused to sign before leaving. The communicae agreed that the Skripals were poisoned by Russia and that Syria gassed its own people. I sent an email to the PMO stating that both have been discredited and to quit sucking up to the EU dictatorship. It’s no longer the G7 since it included the incestuous family members EU President Donald Tusk, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Managing Director of the IMF Christine Lagarde.

Terry Carch

Guess what Sheila,their even vaccinating these immigrant children with psychotic drugs etc, too!!!

Sheila Clark

Of course they are Terry, can’t let a good experiment get in the way of morality, can we now? Plus the psychiatrists will say they are experiencing PTSD because they’re crying and having nightmares so anti-psychotics are just what the pharmaceutical industry ordered. It’s also a winning combination for the justice system and those who profit from the incarceration industry. And why is the Pentagon housing 2,000 children again, weaponization of children no doubt.

Sheila Clark

Correction: Pentagon plans to house 20,000 children.

Following the money leads us to General Dynamics and the Weapons Industry because migrant daycare is profitable:

Terry Carch

Guys,here are two articles you better check out and read!: From weekend edtion for Friday June 22 through Sunday june 24 20 18 Star Wars Redux: Trump`s Space Force by karl Grossam and from Gizmodo America Isn`t Ready to Handle a Catastrophic Asteroid Impack, New Report Warns by Ryan F. Mandlebaum

Alex Maher

What happened with Jedi and the gang? Is everything alright with them?

Alex Maher

Sounds amazing and fun! Good luck to them

Alex Maher

Ohhh sorry I thi you meant ESP for some reason. Still I hope them the best

Ned Duke

I don’t believe this was said but I think that was very nice of you to give them a chance. Some people may have taken that the wrong way but sometimes people need that chance to grow. This is something sorely missed on this planet the further UP we see power go and the less freedom people have over time.

Isaiah Gregory

Hi Michael, I’ve been following the Billy Meier case since 2011. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and I was wondering how I can reach out to a study group?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Isaiah, there are a number of study groups in the U.S. that aren’t official FIGU groups, but they study the material and welcome new members. You can search for them online.

There is one in Arizona near Michael and some other states that have them are Colorado, Illinois, Ohio, Oregon, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas and California. There may be other states that I haven’t listed here. Search for study groups.

You can also try some of these websites.
California Interest Group for the FIGU Mission –
Colorado Interest group for the FIGU Mission –
Ohio Interest Group for the FIGU Mission –
United States Online Interest Group for the FIGU Mission –

Anthea Williams Cossette

Hi Isaiah… welcome to They Fly Blog… further to Melissa’s recommendations, also see our links page that provides a nice comprehensive resource. Click on the FIGU links which will take you to various groups etc. Also… you can apply to the CG49 in Switzerland to start your own FIGU interest/informal group if one is not nearby. I suggest contacting Christian Frehner CG49 and making some enquiries, if this is something that you would want to undertake.


Mary Kingsley Joshi

Yes, another thought-provoking message from Micheal.

As within, so without, as above so below.’

Unless people look at the instability within themselves then what appears to be external will continue to breakdown. We can point the finger at those using CERN/HAARP for omnipotent control and weather wars, we can scan YT and feel helpless – but unless we individually deal with why are we here to witness a polar reversal, we miss the point.

Those that leave their bodies during this time will obviously be OK; for there is no death so they will naturally be far away from this insane man-made field. But the tough-meat to chew is the dread of being a survivor when society breaks down and becomes utterly ruthless in the fear to survive.

America is being targeted; this is obvious. But what many ‘aware’ people seem to have a difficulty with is the fact they can cut their ropes and move to a remote place on this planet where they can play their role in reseeding the collective psyche of Man in relation to why we create such Earth catastrophes.

When the time comes, and if aware people don’t cut their ropes now, what will obviously be at the fore is all the holding on for whatever reasons. When this happens on a grand scale, it’s what reseeds the collective psyche with what really matters. Only love matters, and quite obviously this field has been created to understand this to its depths…

Terry Carch

Hi guys sorry I was out due to bad computer hardware which
started on Saturday June 16th. Just got my computer back but I`m getting jetpack go again on Google Crome and bing instead of startpage which I can now get on Google Crome. I`m going to delete internet explorer due to it`s insisting I use bing whch is stubborn and slow! Can`t wait to see EP 30. Salome Terry

Terry Carch

Hi MH I`m back. just watched EP 30. Great show but my speakers sound funny bit the close caption helps. When my father was alive he used to say it`s better to say in the middle when it comes to politics never too liberal never too conservative. Staying in the middle is the safest way to go and stay. There is always something for everybody but you can`t always please everybody. I wonder if Billy has any other affirmations that I could use too that would help me and anyone else who might also could get help from more affirmations from Billy too. Does Billy have a book of affirmations? Seems to me things are getting worse so maybe if Billy has a book of his affirmations in English or maybe you could send me a list of Billy`s affirmations that I could study and use for meditations. Thanks. Salome Terry

Ned Duke

Hi Mike,

Has there been any word about the world wide use of micro chip implantation as mentioned numerous times in the Meier material? With 5G coming up and a lot of so called self-proclaimed “socialists” wanting to hand out money on a leash to whoever is left when robots replace their jobs, it seems like more and more we’re heading in that direction.

Terry Carch

Here is another article you may want to read from This is NASA`s New plan to Detect and Destroy Asteroids Before They hit Earth by Ianneke Wheitering Staff Writer June 20, 2018 08:30pm ET Well at least somebody is doing something right but what about the Red Metor Apothis?

Wyatt Clancy
Terry Carch

I just found a website called governments from Erra where Semjase explains to Billy that we should not go into space in a warlike manner and that thare are races far more barbaric than Earth. It`s a short papragraph. Better check this out! Salome

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry,
I don’t see a website link in your post. The Plejaren do not have a “government” in the same sense that we do.

Here is a link that gives lots of information on how the Plejaren handle their affairs. Salome

Terry Carch

The title of the paragraph is “Warning From Space” Sorry about that.

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa, I just finished writing down all that information last night in main notebook 29 just in case the FCC starts to censor all of the Planet Erra information etc. If we lose all of the internet eventually we won`t be able to ever have any of the Billy Meier and the Plejaren information on the web any more if all these Orwellian terrorist can have their evil ways besides I just got my computer back the other day because the hardware was bad but it is finally working now but I can`t get the door back on because it took forever to get the internet up and running due to “No Signal” My pc is an old 2008 acer but it`s working without the door, if I put the door back in it stops working and goes into “NO Signal” again. What can i say,my pc is old:-((( Salome