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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

What Current Vaccines Are Worth

The majority of people on earth is obedient to authorities and religion and lets themselves be lulled and misled by lies and illusions of unrealities.


Just received, hours after blog was posted:

Outrage as Lanarkshire care home injects residents with salt water instead of COVID vaccine

Ya gotta love these pigs with their quaint euphemisms:

“The elderly patients were given saline solution after an astonishing blunder at a 40-bed facility in Lanarkshire.”

“Last night, the health board issued an apology but admitted it cannot say how many other ‘vaccination errors‘ may have occurred.”

The “blunder’ and “vaccination errors” refer to their greedy scam being exposed and beingย caught.ย 

Excerpt from 785th Contact, Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Bermunda … It was unavoidable, but I was really unavoidable. It was unavoidable, but I was really unavoidable, because I had to devote myself as a specialist to the research of the exact effects of the untested and dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening vaccines around the Corona virus and the incidents around them, which really show unpleasant results on the whole. The whole thing is much more extensive than it generally appears, because it actually includes much more than just what is incompletely and lyingly ‘explained’ to earthly mankind.

Billy Ptaah wants to have nothing more to do with it. He is angry, which is unusual with him. And because I do not know whether you also … …

Bermunda No, I continue to deal with it. I know that he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, because he can’t understand that there is so much ignorance and unreasonableness among the responsible people of the heads of the earthly governments, and that this can cause a resurgence of a new spread of the infections of the Corona virus. Ptaah is probably annoyed and disappointed, because the earthly state leaders do not recognize the effective truth of the whole, consequently they also do not decree and enact the right thing for the peoples, whereby the Corona virus could be really and completely contained in such a way that it could no longer burden the earthly mankind as a pandemic or as an epidemic. It will not be possible to eradicate the virus, it will remain for thousands of years, but by acting in the right way, the terror of another pandemic or epidemic can be taken away from it.

That there can be another occurrence of the infections is the fault of the leaders in each state who allow, without any precaution, the non-wearing of respirators and the keeping of distance from one person to another. This, as well as the stupid 2G and 3G rules have been thought out – without really thinking – which are therefore useless, because many of the alleged vaccines are completely useless, this because many of these alleged vaccines are only used for the sake of profit, although they do not contain any real active ingredients against the virus, but only consist of distilled water as well as saline solutions. Other vaccines, on the other hand, are products that have not been fully developed and insufficiently tested and are consequently harmful to health or even lethal. Many people vaccinated with such substances believe to be immune against an infection by the Corona virus, but this is not true, because with distilled water or saline solution as well as with other mock vaccines no immunity can be achieved, which is why many people ‘vaccinated’ with mock vaccines experience so-called ‘vaccination relapses’ and fall ill with the virus. Many such ‘vaccinations’ – which number in the millions and pretend that so-and-so-many people have really been vaccinated – are completely worthless and deceive even the heads of state and the responsible epidemiologists, virologists and physicians about something that is not really there. Also with the vaccination proofs – the vaccination passports etc., as these are called – in the same criminal way one acts, because as we could determine with our possibilities of our examinations, such proof falsifications amount to several million height. How many are in circulation, the authorities do not know, since the officially announced information does not correspond to reality and its truth in every respect. In fact, however, there are several million of them, which correspond to such perfect counterfeits and are also sold at such a high price that only very few of them are recognized as such, if at all, mainly only bungled counterfeits are recognized as such.

The new outgrowths of the Corona virus have become a disaster on earth, which is criminally slaughtered, but which the big-talking heads of state do not want to recognize, consequently they let themselves be misled and work into the hands of criminality and finally terrorize the peoples by dictatorial coercive measures – which will be soon. This incapacity of the autocratic state leaders will lead to the fact that those masses of the parts of the population will rebel and be insurrectionary, who will be against – if I may use your terms – the wrong orders and decrees of the ‘people leaders’ who are in front of the states. That the wrong is ordered and done instead of the right, as Ptaah has called this, as I know – because we could listen to your conversation with him from this noon – that namely by the absence of clear thinking and real decisions, as well as of right orders, ordinances and courses of action of the heads of the states leads to the fact that everything runs contrary and has a disadvantageous effect. This leads to the fact that Ptaah gets angry because of it and does not want to say anything more to everything. This is well to be understood, because he has the welfare of the earth humanity at heart, as you would say.

What really needs the intellect and the reason – what is obviously lacking for the heads of state and therefore the peoples are lied to and wrongly ‘led’ -, that is very much less than all those responsible for the state on earth are able to achieve. The desire for power and self-importance is their profession, from which hatred against them arises in that part of the peoples who think further and see further than those responsible for the state themselves, as well as those who are obedient to the authorities and who themselves are able to think as little logically as the authorities themselves.

An understanding and reasonable as well as real thinking being, especially just the man – from him one could actually expect the application of understanding and reason – what one could also expect from the earth man, but just only could expect, because one cannot really expect it from those who are not yet capable of the real, logical thinking. And these are all those, who fail as heads of state and thus as authoritative forces in situations, as the present Corona pandemic has been offering one for about 2 years. If at the beginning of the epidemic the right things had been considered, decided, arranged and carried out, then within a few months the epidemic could have been fought and ended before it could degenerate into a pan-demic, because at that time the peoples of all states were still willing to comply with the necessary measures that were enacted and decreed. Then, however, the rulers of the states failed and created confusion by means of orders that were against all reason, that made all peoples insecure and that made them lose interest in fighting the Corona plague. This resulted further from the inadequate effectiveness of the vaccines, which were suddenly thrown on the market and led up to life-threatening consequences, which many people did not survive, while other substances were completely useless, because they consisted only of distilled water or of saline solutions etc., consequently the persons ‘treated’ with it became ill – or died – despite the ‘vaccination’.

In truth, there are only very few people on earth who are capable of a normal and healthy mind and logical reason to see, assess and judge the situation correctly, because the majority of people on earth is obedient to authorities and religion and lets themselves be lulled and misled by lies and illusions of unrealities. In addition, they are deprived of any clear mind and logical reason by their bondage, consequently they become incapable of clear thinking, deciding and acting and lose any self-initiative for it. Their bondage seduces them to simply believe everything that is thrown at them to believe.

Billy It is thrown to them, so to speak, like to the grub, which then, how could it be also differently, is just ‘eaten’ or believed, without also only the breath of an own thinking over or thinking is taken into consideration.

Bermunda These are your words, but they express exactly what I have said. One can expect a real, understandable and reasonable thinking, deciding and acting only from a being, where in every case a right thinking, deciding and acting is always in the foreground as the most important and logical moment. However, this is obviously not the case particularly with the earthly state responsible persons, as with the majority of the earth people likewise not, which elects incompetent state responsible persons to the foremost front, which fail however shamefully if a correct and logical thinking, deciding and acting is demanded, as this appears at present with the pandemic. This is also the reason why there is permanent discord between the earthly peoples and everything degenerates into war and terror, whereby religious faith is also a factor that contributes to the whole of the discord. The whole of this lasting discord does not foresee anything good for the coming future of the earth humanity, because it bubbles in the underground and everything wavers uncertainly, because in this respect everything stands as if on glass feet, which can quickly collapse and lead not only to threatening popular uprisings, but also to wars of nations, which really lurk constantly on the horizon of the future.

Billyย Your word in the governing ear – but they will not listen in their idiocy. They are self-glorious and remain so, …

Bermunda That will be unfortunately so, and that will still mean for many human lives that they …

Billy They will ‘bless’ the time. That’s what you were going to say, isn’t it?

Bermunda Yes. …

Thanks to Dan Williams for the corroborating info on the saline solution injections.

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Carles Farrรฉ
Hoota Thunk

What we have here is about 99.99% of the population that can’t tell the truth.

Terry Carch

I`ll definitely buy that! Screw politics and religion etc!


You seem to be under religious influence because you come off as very scared which is negative thinking

Terry Carch

Good poin but I`m absolutely NOT religious at al!

Robert Olson

Been hearing reports that adverse reactions & deaths are from specific lots; 1 out of 200.


I wonder can earth decrease its gravitational pull to combat global warming by moving further away from sun

Al Sanz

‘They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money’
Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine.

Terry Carch

We need to find a cure for all these corona viruses instead of jabbing humans with the needle in the first place.

Terry Carch

I just heard about another South African mutation which is even morg dangerous and will defy any vaccines. This is now called the omicron variant and or mutation which is even more dangerous! Also last night at the opening of c2c there is a rumor that NASA will try to irradiate the atmosphere to put a stop to all the corona viruses but Im not so sue this will work because Billy and Ptaah say you cant kill the corona viruses but you can only paralyze all these corona viruses. There has got to be another better way around these corona viruses if the doctors and scientists are wil to do this instead of worrying about making money off of human beings on Planet Stupid! We need the cure not the money!


Yes, I watched that. Unfortunately the ubiquitous fact checking machine has already kicked in and declared it ‘unreliable’ (which I disagree, there is an increase as any sober examination of the VAERS/UK data will reveal). The author Stephen Gundry has been accused of quackery before, even so, it still may be correct. I know of at least two people who’ve had heart issues and another died from a brain haemorrage at a young age (40’s).

Al Jedd

No news is good news? Oh well here is the news.
Israel on verge of emergency over B.1.1.529 Covid variant.

EU states agree to halt travel to southern Africa due to new variant.
UK exceeds 50,000 new infections

Scientists have sounded the alarm over a new ‘worst-ever’ super-mutant Covid variant that will make vaccines at least 40 per cent less effective, as Australia said it will monitor its progress ‘very carefully’.

Alarming number of infants have drug-resistant HIV.

Not forgetting the light show in La Palma.
Volcano turns a Canary Islands paradise into burning inferno.

Hopefully this is just hot air.
Ukraine says itโ€™s ready to defend itself against Russia.

US looking for war in Belarus Lukashenko.

Now for the good news, and watch out MCP’s.
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.


Billy Wilson

AIDS career of AIDS/Dr. Anthony Fauci (NIH, 1984) which list FUNDING
This study was funded by Wuhan University Young Talented
Scholarship for Abroad Program. Research in the authorsโ€™
laboratory was supported by grants from China National Special
Program for Major Infectious Diseases (2017ZX10202102), the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (81401659),
and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015T80838 and
2014M560622). This work was partially supported by the
scholarships from the China Scholarship Council to SC. DG
is also supported by Guangdong Zhujiang Talent Recruitment
Program and National Ten-thousand Talents Program. When are fighting the JAB we are faced with a very complex mixture lies.


Hi all:
Look, these governments are moving towards forcing us to comply with these jabs they call ‘vaccines’ which don’t confer immunity and behave more like treatments, without any long term safety track record. I will not comply, (one practical response) so if we end up like what is happening in Australia with the Aboriginal people being chased like dogs, then I’m going to resist and likely end up in prison, (the law of cause and effect of me not complying). Therefore, what solution do the Plejaren suggest? The entire media and silicon-censorship machine has firewalled the information showing adverse events and our concerns. We have 108 FIFA footballers who’ve collapsed in just 6 months and it’s all being covered up. We are doing our best to wake up politicians by posting online what we can (that’s not censored) but they are going to ground and staying silent. The only solution I see is for the entire media to be taken down, but I do not see a way that could be done. .the people not complying are scattered like grains on the barren ground, it’s going to end badly, we can see it coming, so please, what practical solutions (instead of observations of what’s already going on) do the Pleyaren suggest, seeing that Ptaah is very unhappy at the moment, what does he practically suggest as our next response..other than going to jail?

Terry Carch

When ever I see an add or a post in the news “I just shut it off or switch to another TV channel!” “Oh and I wont be forced to take the jab!" Why because these doctors and scientists refuse to do the test and trial runs to find a safer less dangerous vaccine! There is no point in making money off of human beings when these scientists and doctors refuse to find a cure for this short sited fast track lazy work all for the love of money! If money is more important than finding a cure for the corona virus then these scientists and doctors should not be in this business in the first place! You cant force human beings o take the jab that are bogus, shams and frauds! Why all the stupid ads and sales pitches for such crappy distilled water and saline solution jabs in the first place all for the love of money, you tell me eh?


Good question…there were enough observations – its time for some action from those who have the knowledge and power to guide us through this insanity.

Tom Day

Interesting news article. 13 fully vaccinated friends go to a restaurant together. 11 out of 13 catch COVID at this gathering.

Anton Koch

Hi Tom, I live here in Australia and read this article thinking it was very brazen being put on our government owned television broadcasters (ABC) news website. Basically says that the current vaccines donโ€™t work to stop transmission. The opposite has been parroted over and over by all participating in our political media advisory sessions regarding COVID to โ€œget the jab, to protect you, your family, your loved ones, your communityโ€! But anyone with even a little internet research experience will soon learn that no vaccine has ever prevented transmission of a virus, only lessen the symptoms/disease from infection!! See how long the article stays up until they realise the cat litter they have let out of the bag!

Al Sanz

Heart Attacks and Strokes…more evidence because of “vaccines”. Video:

Al Sanz

That`s right man! You tell them….

Carl Ikeme-tuit.png

”..This resulted further from the inadequate effectiveness of the vaccines, which were suddenly thrown on the market and led up to life-threatening consequences..” (excerpt 785th contact):
Here is the study which shows that sportspersons collapsing and dying is up by 500% (not saying they are all jabbed, some may have already had covid, but bear in mind football players have been pressurized to receive the jabs and are also tested, so a strong possibility its jab linked)

and here is a fairly good vid analysis:–lockdown2:6

best wishes

Al Jedd

Thank you for the info.
On the 26th November (Friday just gone) I went to another funeral of a friend who had the Jab. She died a few days after the “booster”, she was just 56 y.o. with no underlying health issues. I’m passing this on now I’ve recorded it.
Again thank you


Al Jedd

Yes that is correct.


You’re welcome. In the absence of the corporate media doing their jobs, it seems to be up to we the people to research/join the dots; it is clear the G7 Governments are pushing these jabs for their social credit system piggybacking on the ‘passports’ .
A relative’s friend presented with headaches a few days after AZ jab, not treated seriously by the doctors (arguably due to the widespread effect of ‘antivax’ sentiment propaganda), dead a few days later (brain haemorrhage), perfectly healthy/exerciser etc in early forties. My own Father had bleeding and pulled out of the second shot and they STILL invited him back for more! He has refused.
Meanwhile, some scientists outside of the SAGE groups of the western governments are attempting to point out that mass vaccinations using ‘leaky’ vaccines will just lead to immune escape and consequently more variants:
Maybe Billy could check out the material with the Plejaren..?

Al Jedd

Thank you and sorry to hear of your lose.
My first friend to die was ‘Multi Organ Failure’. And second was enlarged heart, and she died in her sleep.
Now waiting to see what happens to others.
I feel the governments and media are culpable of manslaughter, but they will slither out of it, and point fingers at the innocent. Just as the nazi’s did.
I will look at the link thank you.
Be aware and take care.


bill wilson

Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage.

Billy Wilson
Billy Wilson

WoW you can not make this up. Doctor goes nuts over JAB. I get ask why I have not been vaxed at a annual check-up, and responde I served on not one but two asbestos USA destroyers with MRI evidence of the calcium deposits around the nano fibers and I am waiting on my asbestos death card and my genetic testing shows I have a problem with Deep Vein Thrombosis in my DNA. Which is followed by a lecture on on me being part of the problem and being a anti vaxxer was not helping. My last visit to this doctor was just to get my FLU shot and this attack came while I was getting the pneumonia vax. The world has gone insane. Calling someone an anti vaxxer as you are giving them a vaccine really blind followers are in white jackets.

Melissa Osaki

The brainwashing and coercion agenda has been very successful.

Billy Wilson

At times I have pondered when a white straight jacket was going to be a part of my reality. The medical professionals are already in one they just do not understand they no longer have a free mind. Can one enjoy a prison with known limits or be imprisoned by ones self imposed thoughts and barriers. This will be the second Doctor of medicine I have had to fire over a Vax, the first stated I could not get a virus from him for he had been vax’d as he was removing PPE.

Billy Wilson

Thanks still in shock, I was wondering what a human in the future would think of this mass insanity. We just had this mind fire in new york and the PCR was proven to be at fault. not to say we need to be more restrictive but measure twice and cut once has been a good rule in the contruction of the moderon era, but all builders have to finally decide where to cut and cut they do.