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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Did We Really Need a Study to Know This?

Americans, among others, have become so spineless and dependent on outside authorities that, no surprise, it’s also making them sick 

American politics really are making people feel sick, study reveals

It was indeed like deja vu all over again. While I had simply pointed out the politics makes people hopelessly stupid, kinda like religion, it turns out that it really is enough to make you sick too.

From the same publication:

Some COVID patients still infectious after more than 2 months, study shows

To which we merely need, once again, to say we told you so:

21. Virus remains in body after recovery: 

__ Billy Meier, February 3, 2020 

__ Jerusalem Post, July 19, 2020

We already pointed out Meier’s information about proper masks but here’s another opportunity, courtesy of Billy Wilson:

Assessing the impact of widespread respirator use in curtailing COVID-19 transmission in the USA

“Our results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic could have been heavily suppressed or eliminated (i.e. the control reproduction number, ℝRc, could have been reduced to a value less than one) if only around half of the USA population opted to use respirators from the beginning of the pandemic, even in the absence of needing to complement masking with other NPIs.”

“As in the case of the prior two deadly coronavirus global outbreaks (SARS and MERS), our study suggests that COVID-19 is controllable using basic public health interventions, particularly using a mask-based strategy that prioritizes high-quality masks, particularly respirators at moderate to high levels of compliance.”

Of course, by and large, Americans have been among the most resistant to taking this common sense precaution.

Dr. Feigl-Ding, Again

You may remember that I recently pointed out a couple of Johnny-come-lately, know-it-alls, including this fellow:

Proud of himself as he may be, he apparently didn’t bother to read the information I’ve (repeatedly) provided to him, such as the importance of implementing hermetically sealed quarantines, first recommended by the Plejaren almost…two years ago:

35. Call for hermetically sealed quarantines

__ Billy Meier, February 25, 2020

__ Melbourne medical team, August 16, 2021

If you can muster the patience, and pleasantness, please feel free to inform the good doctor about these things. Of course, the more people who will be proactive, the less Dr. Feigl-Ding can escape knowing the truth and…acknowledging it. Assuming of course that his integrity is as large as his ambitions.

Here are possible places with his contact information:

In conclusion, once again, relying on the “experts” is, well, why don’t…you finish the sentence, hopefully in some way that hasn’t been already screamed from the rooftops.


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Contact Report 789.

4. If the mask is used correctly, there is minimal leakage when the person breathes in, whereby a beard can reduce the protective effect or, depending on the case, cancel it out altogether.

Billy also mentions that it’s his job to do the grocery shopping.

Michael Horn do you know if Billy has shaven his beard?

Shiva Balu

According to govt of India ,over 90 million people have been vaccinated.And yet the third wave is on.The govt now clarifies ,no person can be forcibly vaccinated.Vaccine certificate not mandatory for any purpose.

Sean Lear

I’ve spent the last 15 years as a scientist developing immunotherapies for cancer, MS, Crohn’s, asthma, and other disorders. I find nothing disagreeable in these explanations provided in the contact reports about the virus, transmission, prevention, vaccines, etc., but much is simply not known, discovered, or not understood by professional immunologists, infectious disease, and public health experts.

For example, it is not presently known that the mRNA vaccines can permanently alter the genes of people. The known mechanism of action is that the lipid-encapsulated vaccine mRNA crosses into injected muscle cells which read and make the virus’ Spike protein and display at the cell surface. The vaccine mRNA is degraded in hours/days, as is the transient nature of all mRNA, and when killer T cells detect the Spike-expressing muscle cells, they will kill these cells and stimulate other immune cells to generate antibodies. Since the vaccine mRNA is degraded and the vaccine injected cells are killed, there is no known mechanism for how DNA of injected or bystander cells could be permanently altered. If the Plejaren provided the mechanism, many scientists who are listening could understand and then attempt to verify.

Earth scientists may be relatively stupid, but I don’t think the biggest problem is an inability to consider new information out of arrogance. My take is that the profit incentive of drug companies do not always align with what’s best for human health and may deprioritize safety considerations. Perhaps both, but I think more the latter.

My respectful suggestion is to ease up on insults and the antagonistic posture. I think good scientists are moved by information with clear explanations, but not insults or ad hominem attacks (“experts” – quotations!). And most scientists don’t think they know everything in their respective field. We – people, laymen, scientists, everyone – don’t know what we don’t know, what we haven’t considered, discovered, verified, etc. We’re all learning.

Stephen Lane

Yes, we have to discover things for ourselves, but on the other hand, I would think that most medical professionals would know that a certain type of face mask has a much higher chance of preventing the virus from passing through it. Has the size of this virus been kept hidden from the world? Here in the UK, as long as you are following ‘guidelines’ from the higher-ups and ticking boxes, everything is fine, job done. That isn’t right to me.

Sean Lear

Stephen, the exact size of the virus has been known since the beginning of the pandemic and the way in which respirators (e.g. N95) trap particles of that size is known. That’s why I wear an N95 on a short plane ride, not a blue surgical mask. And that is exactly why policy makers in the US recommend mask wearing in special circumstances (plane ride, oiblic swiare) even when triple vaccination offers high protection against infection and especially severe disease that requires hospitalization.

Mask wearing was deemed not necessary at the beginning of the pandemic by the public due to supply concerns for medical professionals. Once supply was determined sufficient, mask wearing wad recommended for al, including info about which masks were the most protective. It is the American population, not policy makers, who continue to refuse any mitigation strategies in the name of freedom. Their negligence far exceeds that of the “experts” – in balance.

Sassy Lassy

Hi Sean even though aspiration of vaccines has been used for decades somehow the WHO is claiming no one needs to do this with Covid vaccines. Have you read the Oxford study where they used mice to determine that they could reduce myocarditis by 50% by aspirating? Is the WHO stupid or malicious? Inquiring minds need to know.

Mark Gilbo

The time for being nice to incompetent, trust the science idiots has come to an end. The truth is always harsh and when so called scientists refuse to open their brainwashed minds to reason, the gloves must come off. Their incompetence has killed millions and their willingness to go along with the criminal CDC and the WHO doesn’t help their case. I’m not medically trained but I, and many others here, are tired of their screwups and inability to accept that what they have done for 2 years has failed and has only shown the world that incompetence is rampant in the medical world. You can cry for them all you want but the ONLY reason why most of the Hitler like actions aren’t going to be implemented by equally dumb leaders is because the average Joe (and this group)fought back against their insanity and opened peoples eyes.

Sean Lear


Your anger has devolved to contempt and hatred, which you are expressing toward the scientific community and healthcare community as a blanket indictment. In reality, these professions are trying to prevent illness and care for the dying- sometimes working around the clock and using the best tools we’re aware of. Comparing doctors and scientists trying to prevent infection and treat disease to Nazis is untrue, sad, and beyond the pale. There are select reasonable criticisms to be made regarding gaps in knowledge and resulting policies which are ineffective or not optimal. Temper your anger so that you’re not consumed by it, or slandering others as Nazis.

David Wessel

Hello Sean,

Very thoughtful comment.

I came across this article on research done on the mRNA spike protein.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

By the way I agree with your comment ” If the Plejaren provided the mechanism, many scientists who are listening could understand and then attempt to verify.” and ” respectful suggestion”


Grega Thunberg

Sean, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, experience, and expertise on this chat. I wish other lurkers would as well.
I have shared the Plejaren health info with directly with doctors, and the Plejaren space info directly with astrophysicists, and not a peep.
And every single public speaker in the UFO community is also to blame for this, because they have all been sent the information over a long period of time.

Al Jedd

Fauci said on Euronews:- “It is an open question as to whether Omicron is going to be the “live virus” vaccination that everyone is hoping for because you have such a great deal of variability with new variants emerging”. The Live Virus…?

And for other bad news:-
Now we have China blaming overseas deliveries for Omicron outbreak

Israel finds that the 4th Covid vaccine jab is not good enough against Omicron.

Triple-vaxxed top US general gets Covid-19


Chuck Torbyn

There is no HIV vaccine. Is it possible COVID can never have a vaccine either? Is the only way to go forward now is to depend on your immune system and take whatever therapeutics work like was always done in the past? I fear greed won’t let that happen but isn’t that the only thing we can do at this point?

Joe Vicente
Chuck Torbyn

I’m probably wrong but I seem to remember reading something about birth being more of a cooperative effort with the possible incoming soul in the rest of the universe. The references to the lemurs in the Messel Pit having been the basis for OUR existence makes our existence unnatural and a situation where souls are FORCED into a life existence instead of allowing them to be where they should. Could Creation end this abomination and let the universe be as it should again?

Melissa Osaki

How do you know that your Creation-Energy didn’t willingly come back to the material realm? I have a hunch that the spirit-form is far more logical than us earthworms.

Chuck Torbyn

I had a sense from the time I was born that my birth had been a mistake, that something was wrong. It didn’t feel like the right relationship and I was TOO aware. It just didn’t seem “right”. I hate to think this life was “supposed” to be. I sure hope I get right with everything and in sync soon. What I’m dealing with is torment.

Charles V.

Greetings Chuck,

I know you understand the following, but I’ll write it out anyway. From one Chuck to another – and to all humans – your birth was not a mistake brother, none of our lives are. Honestly, I share some of your observations from my own observations about my own life, I’ll explain.

I was completely aware of my existence as early as when I was in the baby crib after coming home from the hospital. I know it sounds untrue, weird or impossible, but the earliest memories I have were when I was unable to crawl and/or walk, instead I was lying in the crib completely aware of the crib, the room I was in, who would come in to check on me, etc. A lot of these relative memories have been laser-engraved in my brain, memory and being for over 40+ years, even when I “discovered” the piano at 2 years old. I can still recall all those memories quite clearly/vividly.

I also remember asking all sorts/types of questions (why am I here, how did I get here, how did the stars get in the sky, etc.) as early as when I could conversate. I don’t think I was asking the questions so much for the answers, I think I was asking them as confirmation or validation from what my spirit-form intuitively already knew. The time when I could understand my existence was a few years later when I was aware of generations (i.e. parents, grandparents, etc.), generational time-frames, history and the like and wondering if my birth was a mistake, if I was born too early or born too late. I never received/learned the answer from anyone nor any source which led me to only one logical thought; I wasn’t born too early or too late as far as generational/historical positioning, I was born right on time and in the correct time.

Keep your head up and spirits higher Chuck, as iterated earlier, you were born at the right time brother. From one student to another, I’m glad you’re on this planet and have discovered Eduard and the Creational teachings. The fact that you’re a frequent visitor to this site and a student of the Creational teachings tell me that you’re on the right path; you will find the peace, understanding and answers you seek.



“The sun ALWAYS shines behind the darkest clouds”

brigitte de Roch

Hi Chuck –

When I read that Billy said that we were not evolved enough to listen to our thoughts I trusted his words as he is always correct.

Since then I don’t listen to the negative thoughts anymore, and instead repeat ALL DAY LONG the positive ones, even if I don’t understand what they mean at that moment. Sure enough I got to be able to separate them in my mind and thus able to correct myself faster.
We just have been using only one leg for a long time. With Billy we get to use the other one for a change. It takes practice and patience but it works. I am proof of it.

Anyway, the mind has a mind of its own and it’s not worth putting our mind on it. Boy, I hope I make sense here.

Shiva Balu

What decides the soul/creational energy to animate a body (which and when)is a mystery, but Billy had said overpopulation speeds up this process. Being TOO aware is not a disadvantage. Billy was aware of the future and many disasters that would affect mankind. Creational energy teachings are like having a roof above your head during a blizzard. Many crazy things may be happening around you without really affecting you.

George Champaninh

The issue I believe is the human upbringing. As soon as they are born, they are force fed illusionary god beliefs, and are then told how important politics is to them. This likely results in a loss of logical, critical thinking. From that point on, whatever the individual chooses to believe in, will be hard to change even if they are wrong. They are so ingrained in their belief systems that even factual data is hard for them to accept.

Hoota Thunk

I think the death of evolution starts even before birth, in a lot of cases.
Stupidity is rarely contained and often contagious.

Sassy Lassy

So true Hoota Thunk. New carpet and furniture is sprayed with fire retardant and that’s where babies learn to crawl and learn to walk around the furniture. Then the fact that the first 2 ingredients of baby formula are high fructose corn syrup and soy. Soy for crying out loud. Nursing the baby isn’t really an option anymore for vaccinated mothers. There’s not much hope for irresponsible parents who think now is a good time to bring life into the world. Even with the pandemic, the overpopulation keeps getting higher.

Gordon Barnes

relying on the “experts” is like waiting to get hit by a train knowing full well it’s never coming on time.

Ian Perry

UK Lawyer is issuing orders for the police to collect all vaccines in their area and keep them as evidence for crime committed. This video has been taken down on FB and youtube, so I think there’s a good chance it’s real.

Jamie butler

I remember back in the end of January beginning of February. You couldn’t get a n95 mask. So a chance for the general public to even try to use proper mask was impossible. Even the useless paper mask weren’t available.