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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for over 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Skip Harvard and Go Straight to Heaven

Will filicide become the latest fad for overly ambitious, status-seeking Christians?

It’s always interesting to see what them thar good, God fearin’ folks is up to on a bright shiny Sunday morning.

Today I was greeted by this bit of joy on Twitter. Apparently, while abortion is anathema to Christians, fast-tracking your kids into the imaginary “heaven” is a “job” that at least one forward thinking true believer enthusiastically embraces:

While not wanting to state the obvious difference between getting into Harvard and entering the Pearly Gates (since all Christians know you can’t get into heaven unless you’re dead), I was curious as to what this mom had in mind.

So, I inquired:

Though I’m still waiting for an answer, knowing how enterprising religious types can be at selling make-believe made me ponder what the next step might be. Will tiny, Happy Heavenly Harps soon be sold by televangelists as the perfect gift for expectant mothers?

Willย the allure of embracing Rachel Campos-Duffy’s innovative, time-saving idea spark a competition among Stepford wives nationwide to have their kids be the first on the block to meet the Sky Daddy?

Will it lead to bizarre “graduation” ceremonies, macabre awards to parents for a “job well done”? Will parents whose kids do gain admission to Harvard be viewed as heretics and failures (as well as suckers who’re now stuck with astronomical tuition costs)?

Will filicide become the latest fad for overly ambitious, status-seeking Christians?

One thing’s for certain, when you put over-the-top self-promotion, and insatiable American materialism together with daffy religious delusion, you’ve got a marriage (and burial) made – where else? – in “Heaven”.


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Joe Vicente

I think the message is to all โ€œGod fearing peopleโ€ (mostly Christian in America) including hers and all American kidโ€™s, is that momโ€™s need to inculcate (a.k.a delusionally brainwash) their kidโ€™s so as not being a sinner, being faithful, tithing, and proselytizing to the non-believers! Otherwise youโ€™re gonna go straight to hell in a hand basket, amen!


MH your comment regarding killing your kid as a means of getting them into heaven is the dummist comment I have heard since the last time Bident opened his mouth.


Mea culpa


Clearly, Spell Check didn’t correct the mistake. But I’m glad, catching the mistake added some meaning to your life. It is reassuring to know we have a grammer NAZI watching our backs. So thanks in advance for correcting my next error.

Irenr Clow

Yoo guys are immmituer and off topik with yoor spelling correkshens.

Terry Carch

Biden is Catholics like John F. Kennedy, so much for the purely gates of heaven, go or better yet HELL! YUK eh? Go Figure :((((

I am not Herbert

you’re trying to make too much sense – ‘christians’ are not the smartest bunch (fools in fact)


MH: I guess you are a Biden fan. Somehow, I am not aurprised

Terry Carch

This is the funniest blog I`v ever seen so far MH. Ha, Ha, Ha, Very funny:)))


At this point I am afraid to ask, which has been more detrimental to north american society: gun lunacy or religious lunacy

I also have a quite humane solution to the insemination\conception\abortion lunacy.
Vasectomy (to the males).
Starting from 16~18 for those who have records of being bullies, anti-social hooligan, sport hooligans, molesters, substance abusers (alcohol, heroin, dope, crack, etc.), irresponsible car driving (especially when a threat to others have been estimated) and so on.

This operation is 10 to 15 min. long and should no be expensive. It does not affect the erectile function, so it only affects insemination of the woman (makes it impossible).

This will also raise the attraction towards good men: caring, useful, creative, scientific, etc. and will gradually cause a decrease of the at least physical aggression (predominantly male induced).

As a immediate side effect will solve the overpopulation problem if applied worldwide, especially in China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan + Bangladesh, Nigeria, Russia, Mexico… and so on till the Vatican.

In 10 years we will have a completely different world.


Michael, Billy is right once again.
This time about the dispossession of the people. Please, watch the following and advise us on whether such policies could be applied to other products (we know most people do not own their houses\car already… those are on credit in most countries).

Irene Clow

Why are you posting a video on a product with a fast talking thinks heez cute booooor!

Stephen Lane

For those poor kids, just being born in the USA is a step backwards.

Perhaps there will be ‘church of sacrife’ where folks can pop their clogs at just the right moment; on knees, bible in hand, mid prayer, drinking that ‘holy’ water. Gulp…. slump.

Stephen Lane

that shoulda been sacrifice…


There he goes again as if the spelling of the word changed the meaning of the post

Dirceu Francisco De Nadal

At first glance, I see a Latin(Spanish/Italian/Portuguese) Christian way of thinking. The meaning is that she will teach her kids under Christian rules and in end(when they die), they go straight to heaven.

Melissa Osaki

I think that the obvious problem with it is that religious parents are teaching their children that fairytales and delusions are more important than knowledge and education. We also know that when children are properly educated, the population naturally decreases, but the religious cranks want nothing to do with that.

valdinilson de souza martins

An interview with Billy (part 2) – Spiritual Teaching

Is it true that humans have more than one life?

Is correct. Humans are subject to the law of reincarnation; therefore, they are born again. This also applies to all other life forms that have a consciousness and an evolving spiritual form. Therefore, when human beings die, their spirit form leaves their physical bodies in the present realm and crosses over to the spirit realm of the Beyond, where the spirit form rests and learns until it is able to reincarnate into another material body. The purpose of having reincarnation and countless lifetimes is to allow both the human spirit form – which is part of Creation – and the all-encompassing consciousness to evolve to the point where together they enter and become one with Creation, which itself evolves at the same time. time. . This constant process of reincarnation facilitates the evolution of the person’s spirit and comprehensive consciousness, from which the individual’s real personality and real consciousness originate. Many lives are needed and so are reincarnations, respectively, rebirths, to bring the spirit to its maximum capacity of knowledge, wisdom, harmony, etc., so that later it can reach the highest perfection possible, relatively speaking. It would be absolutely impossible to develop the spirit, or spirit form, to such a level of relative perfection in just a single lifetime. In fact, many millions of lives and reincarnations are needed to reach this goal of perfection. Just breaking free from the physical human body to enter the purely bodiless spirit world takes humans somewhere between 60 and 80 billion years โ€“ which is six to seven times longer than Earth scientists claim the age of the universe to be. . Something else must be clarified: absolutely erroneous and inaccurate are those visions and teachings that affirm and declare that the human being is capable of reincarnating as an animal, for example. The fact is that humans are always reborn as humans because of the Creational particle within each of them that is capable of evolving. Humans, therefore, can never reincarnate as animals or anything else, except as human entities; and more, as a rule, they always do so according to their race, although, of course, it is possible for deviations to occur. But such events only occur under special circumstances. However, solving these problems now would take a lot of time. Likewise, animals can never be reborn as humans because the spirit form of animals is not focused in that direction nor is it intended to evolve into knowledge and wisdom, as is the case with human spirit forms or spirit, respectively.


I dont understand the part were the spirit has to rest. So it is subjected and affected by material realm? Would a better word be “processing”? or evolve

valdinilson de souza martins

Billy Meier

There never was a person with that name, nor did he die on the cross. Each person lives their destiny first and foremost for their Consciousness and spiritual evolution, guilt, atonement and mistakes of one or more people cannot be removed through the suffering of another person.

The person known in the Christian Bible as “Jesus Christ” was actually called “Imanuel” (name meaning: ‘One with the knowledge of YHWH’) and in his time, about 2,000 years ago, he worked as a true prophet. resp. as a herald and teacher of creative natural laws and commandments, spiritual doctrine, and the doctrine of related life. It was only in the second century of the Christian era that he was given the false name of “Jesus Christ” (from the Greek “Christos” = the anointed), when his creative and natural teaching had already resulted in a bad cult from which Christianity today is developed. Imanuel was sentenced to death and crucified by Herod at the request of the Pharisees and scribes at the temple in Jerusalem, but he did not die in the process. but he was taken down from the cross as supposedly dead, though in truth he was only unconscious, and therefore still alive. In the burial cave he was nursed to health by friends from India and later made a long journey to Srinagar, in what is now northern India, where he started a family and died in old age at the age of 111.

Everyone lives their lives completely independently, as far as their thinking, feeling, acting and working is concerned. By nature, people have free will, which they can build and realize through their thoughts at their own discretion and discretion. In doing so, he sets in motion forces that, in both a positive and a negative sense, have very specific effects for himself and his entire environment. Mistakes made must be compensated for or corrected, which means that people learn and evolve step by step. The human being is, so to speak, his own universe in himself, his own unity with a block of intellect, reason and other forces of consciousness. Transferring wrongs or blame to someone else or assuming blame and atonement as substitutes is therefore completely impossible. This idea is the product of a negative degenerate psyche or a calculating invention and pretense to lead other people into humble dependence on an unreal savior, in which they can be exploited and enslaved in every way.

Individuals can only get rid of their mistakes, which is only possible through their own hard work of thinking and the conscious recognition and processing of mistakes. There is no other comfortable way. One person can never have another person’s thoughts – everyone can only seek and follow their own path, through which they develop further and become independent. But this is exactly what religions do not want, and that is why they force man to believe with all his might, making him believe that his redemption from all evils comes only through an external force from which man depends through your faith. Religions don’t want independent and free people, because that would be their system of piety, humility, subservience, exploitation.

valdinilson de souza martins

Billy Meier

be your own god

Religions forbid free thinking through their dogmas and show people that a God determines their destiny and guides their lives. Madly, they are then punished, condemned and sent to hell if they think and act against the will of โ€œGodโ€ โ€“ so that alone proves that there is no creator God.

Man must be his own god and totally determine his life or be 100% responsible for it himself. He is not a puppet of a nonexistent god, but invariably forges his own destiny, whether he is aware of it or not.

He must finally align his life according to the natural creative laws and realize what is good, loving, harmonious, peaceful and free in himself! In this sense, man makes himself king of wisdom, which is the original meaning of the word โ€œGodโ€.

valdinilson de souza martins


in the future it will happen that people will be idle, walking around with empty eyes and not knowing where to go, because when religions and sects disappear, they will have no more places of worship and no more preachers and cult leaders to lead them astray. and confuse them, that is why they will first be aimlessly or like a germinating seed that cannot yet take root, consequently men will wander desperately, exposed, humiliated and everywhere looking senselessly for a dominion, but that only they find when they turn to creative truth and creative laws and commandments; but they will only hate and fight themselves and hate their lives before they find the way to the truth.


This is very true. I, for one, experienced this back as a teenager when I finally realized that I couldn’t possibly know or believe the religion I had taken for truth as a child.
When religious people come face to face with the truth that they cannot deny they become utterly lost and confused because their purpose and way of living disappear. It then takes time for them to find themselves and begin functioning as a normal human being. In my case, after having done that, I chanced upon meeting an old friend from the religion who, when asked how he was doing replied in a manner that made it sound as though he was in an insane asylum. He was living in a fantasy world of his own imagination and acting as though it was literally real, which is how all religious people ultimately live. This mode of thinking, feeling, and living is generally regarded as schizophrenia. That’s how serious this matter is — but your humour is, as always, appreciated, Michael.

valdinilson de souza martins

Billy Meier

If the masses of humanity were to discover the knowledge of the secret sciences, which would bring them enormous benefits, progress and life-affirming success, then religions and politics would be eradicated in the shortest amount of time.

Terry Carch

“Seeing is believing I`ll believe it when I see it really happening!”

Charles V.

“Seeing is knowing.”

There, I fixed it for you. Have a great rest of your day Terry! ๐Ÿ™‚



Be your own beer mat

I would like to be fast-tracked too, however, I would like to eat 8 cheeseburgers per day, it is sometimes not possible or wise to have the things we want to have. I believe in suppression of the impulses, the Plejaren way, take many small breaks and rests.
