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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Gun Deaths without Perpetrators

Politics and religion – the ugly twin-siblings of irrationality, polarization, advantage-seeking, violence, and destruction – once again drown out and obfuscate all reason, logic and common sense

As soon as the most recent murderous shootings occurred, euphemistically referred to as “gun deaths”, the predictable responses immediately appeared. From the religious right, calls for prayers. From the looney left, immediate calls to ban all guns.

That there are too many guns in the hands of violent, unstable people is indisputable. As is the fact that the political, religiously-driven right isn’t troubled enough by that fact to rethink its refusal to genuinely seek ways to solve the underlying problem that involve effective restrictions and means of enforcing them, so that the unqualified, dangerous, and deranged can’t obtain them.

The left is trapped in its denial that, in addition to the obviously mentally disturbed, there really are bad, psychopathic and sociopathic people intent on committing violence. Because of their immature, emotionally and politically driven agenda, they fail to connect human beings to the inanimate, will-less, weapons with which they cause carnage.

In the wake of a, rarer but nonetheless also occurring, slaughter of people by a deliberate attack using an automobile, I’ve yet to hear the left call for a ban on motor vehicles. Nor have they cried out to ban knives, poison, clubs, explosives, drowning, hands and fists, blunt objects, etc. And the right cannot avoid the fact that firearms are now the overwhelming means used by people.

Certainly, neither side really objects to murder. Both the left and right now enthusiastically support wars and the right is particularly enthusiastic about the death penalty, a form of premeditated murder in itself. All of the preceding of course funded by the American people, whether they endorse state-sanctioned murder and barbarity or not.

So, as is always the case in the US, politics and religion – the ugly twin-siblings of irrationality, polarization, advantage-seeking, violence, and destruction – once again drown out and obfuscate all reason, logic and common sense. It’s also the case with abortion, as will be discussed later.

Neither side acknowledges, considers, or breathes a word about…overpopulation, the underlying factor for humankind’s woes, as its manifestations take various forms, all of which result in the decreasing quality of life, affecting child-rearing, lowering the quality of education, causing environmental destruction, as well as escalating scarcity of resources, etc.

So, along with the glories of religion and its insidious influences, it’s also politics that makes people tragically stupid, hopelessly impotent to think clearly for themselves, and bound to watch helplessly, as one “senseless tragedy” after another afflicts them.

As always, neither the Sky Daddy, his earthly representatives, nor pandering politicians can deliver them from the evil.

See also:

Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings

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Timothy Allen Anderson

Stupid is as stupid does, a more poignant statement mired in truth could not have been made by Mr. Gump, echoed by Michael in a far more eloquent and meaningful manner.
Back in the late seventies and early eighties when I was in high school, many of us young men were avid hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts often had rifles and/or shotguns in the back window rack of our trucks. Never did any of us take one of these into the school and blast our fellow students into the after life realm nor did any of us ever consider this. Most of us also carried pocket knives daily, it was like an accessory along with keys, wallet and such, never did any of us consider stabbing or slashing another human being, they were tools, and served a purpose as they still do. The weapons used in today’s mass murders were available back then too, and many of us had access to them.

So, what changed? Besides a lot of liberal policies and programs politicians started adopting in the 1960’s 1980 saw the creation of the “department of education”, and the quality of education started falling the next year.
I was a kid when the first video game became a sensation, it was called PONG, the only thing aggressive about this game was the better you did the faster the ball moved and the smaller the paddles got, and this actually helped develop hand eye coordination. We used to try to get into “R” rated movies but the checked your identification so if you were under the age of 17 they wouldn’t let you in, today infants are watching “R” rated moves, and the video games have become virtual reality engagements in mass killing and mayhem that 4 year olds and up play for hours every day.

There is so much more that we have created without ever considering cause and effect, not just the entire justice system. The devolution of Earth humans MUST continue for the wicked in control demand their ton of flesh for their entertainment.

Al Jedd

I had the same thoughts back then.



Another good one, Michael. Thank you. The predictably stupid refuse to acknowledge overpopulation which is the number one global problem. They continue the blame game while focusing on how much money they can obtain between skirmishes.

Brock Bradford

Well said MH…! The anti gun left is taking a materialistic approach, thinking to solving the problem. The entertainment conglomerate is partly responsible for the uptick in murder, and mayhem happening in this country. No one is talking about banning violence, in movies and video games. Censorship works to ban love making, and nudity, but allows very harmful negative audio and visual scenes, of humans being murdered, raped, tortured, beaten and maimed. The root of our problems will be solved, when the masses clearly take responsibility, to see beyond the fragmented material surface, the universality of Creation Energy, and the laws of cause and effect.

Terry Carch

“DITTO Well don Brock I couldn’t. have said it better myself. We need to become more responsible human beings and less violent too I might add. Salome

Robert forrest

This morning there was a news story of a 2nd grader that kept a loaded gun in their desk at school. Something I have never heard of, is how many unstable people. Play video games, or become unstable because of these games. This kind of discussion is not of any interest to anyone. At least to those unconcerned with mental illness. It’s a kids game……. right. There is a whole generation of them, with no end in sight. I have even heard of a plan to turn, what drone operators observe on their screens. To be more like a video game.

Terry Carch

There seems to be copycat rumors in Tennessee and Yonkers New York too of kids between 10, 11, 12 and 13 years old bringing loaded guns to school. Background checks for parents will not be enough. We need to have a license to buy and own a gun along with being mentally capable of even owning such a weapon such as a police officer and being in the military etc.

Paul Johnson

wow you hit the nail on the head. perfectly worded. and it’s only getting worse.

Ivailo Niden

I spent a few hours on Google Maps and Stats and could have never been more puzzled about the population growth in some countries: (may come a bit cynical)

China – of course… but somehow understandable, mostly their own leaders were their own enemies who killed them, yet the growth is as if nothing such has happened

India (incl. Pakistan + Bangladesh) – mind boggling overpopulation, I think it is worse than China! Especially in Bangladesh. We could say great climate, not cold, fertile soil, water… and nothing else to do besides multiplying.

Nigeria – seriously why? Ok, hot mild climate, but not so great soil (they import wheat, milk, etc.) but let’s say they have some petroleum… as Norway has, yet nigerian population (though multiple ethnic state) is 40 times that of Norway. Fourty!!!
* here we could include Indonesia and Brazil as well

Japan – goodness me! a strip of an island (limited area and water), yet they approach 130M people. I guess they just like to f..k as the chinese (apparently) do!

Ethiopia – beyond words… above 100M with bad water conditions. I guess they also just like to f..k.

We passed the 9B (that is for billion) population mark as of end of 2021. Researchers say the growth curve is decelerating (good!) but even with such (slowing) temp we will hit 12B by the end of this century for sure!

I can propose a solution: no it is not war (apparently wars do not help, quite the contrary!)
· vasectomy (apparently applies to the male population), the procedure lasts for 15 min. on average, applicable to:

all criminal individuals

political\financial\religious\military individuals

no high-school education individuals

The question is… how to impose such a policy?!
In about 100 years the population growth would decrease to about 3/4.

Melissa Osaki

Don’t forget the USA. It was only 100 years ago that the population was around 95,000,000, and now well over 330,000,000. Japan’s population has started to decline recently.

The top ten overpopulated countries according to Worldometer:
1. China
2. India
3. USA
4. Indonesia
5. Pakistan
6. Brazil
7. Nigeria
8. Bangladesh
9. Russia
10. Mexico

Grigory Dougallovich

Nyet! Mother Russia is nyot owerpopulated!

Melissa Osaki

Ha ha! That was my word, but they are the top ten largest populations. The West is by far the most wasteful and uses the most resources.

Rich M.

Hi Melissa. People overpopulation, absofrigginlutely. I’m with Billy and the Ps that 9b people on the planet is about 8.5b too many. But as it relates to guns, how many of those top-10 most populous countries have gun violence issues anywhere near what we have? Possibly excepting Mexico with its drug cartel violence.

We have so much gun violence not bc we have more mental types here per capita, but bc we have such an overpopulation of guns — 400m for a population of 330m. A country awash in guns and with a gun culture driven by overzealous pols who encourage more people to get more guns and bigger guns, all falling back on a bogus interpretation of the Second Amendment, is the proximate cause of the gun problem.

My loony lefty two cents.

Rich M

Not that familiar with the Swiss, except for their fine chocolate. But don’t most gun owners their have them as a result of mandatory army service? They are therefore trained, know how to store them, respect them and their power, etc. On mental attitudes, as a long-standing neutral country, that has probably had a major, positive contribution to the Swiss’ overall non-aggressive mindset. Perhaps our overly aggressive military posture in recent decades over here has had an opposite spillover effect on individual Americans, as we’ve seen more of a hyper macho mentality in the culture and in our politics. It’s just that I haven’t seen info to suggest the US leads the world in mental illness. Collectively in our national governmental policy yes, but not individually. We do lead the world in guns per capita, by far. And that to me signals the nut of the problem. It’s not the nuts but the guns. My dos centavos.

Rich M

Thanks for the useful article link which I’ve just read. I’m all in favor of the Swiss approach of stricter access to guns, as their national/cantonal process of getting a permit to own one appears far more rigorous than what we have here, and even includes a process to check for prior violent or hateful statements by the would-be purchaser. Over here of course that might run into issues of 2A protections and privacy. But they do seem to look closer into the mindset of the person, including a check with a mental health professional/psychologist.

Interesting too that Switzerland recently passed, by public referendum, a law banning semi-auto rifles of the type used by the teen in TX. That was 2019. Good move. We need to do the same here. Assault weapons, the AR-15, is a weapon of mass destruction and has no place in a civilized society.

Robert Olson

Do not fall for that nonsense. An AR-15 is merely a firearm for self preservation like any other (shotgun, revolver, long rifle, etc..,). If that unfortunate situation ever arises it boils down to how fast you can pull the trigger and your bullets reaching the target as needed.

Melissa Osaki

Inanimate objects are not responsible for violence.

It’s the psychopathic degenerate behind the weapon who is responsible. The first thing that everyone should have learned from Billy Meier is that we are all responsible for our own actions. I’m not responsible for your actions and you are not responsible for mine. That doesn’t mean that mentally ill people should have access to any weapon but it’s still not correct to punish those who are law abiding and responsible. Guns aren’t the problem and I think the gun ban protestors know that. We have a bad case of overpopulation which has led to widespread degeneration among the Earth humans. Getting the population under control is the only thing that will heal our planet.

Rich M

Beg to differ Melissa. The country is underwater with guns. No doubt there are psychos out there, but I’m not aware of any data that show the US people are more wacko per capita than other countries. An overabundance of guns — or more specifically the easy availability of guns — just seems the most logical factor in all our gun violence. And gun control is something that can — with much luck and some political changes from 10 or so people in the senate — get done and be implemented quickly and get results fairly quickly if not overnight or perfectly. As with the 1994 national assault weapons ban, which was allowed to expire in 2004 for lack of a sufficient senate majority. Too many easily available guns in the wrong hands are the problem.

Melissa Osaki

Americans are wacko and undisciplined, much more than other countries. If all these bans and regulations work, why haven’t we solved the drug problems? We haven’t solved them because inanimate objects aren’t responsible for peoples behaviour. It’s an absurd analogy. There are other countries that have just as many guns or weapons on the market. And whether it’s the legitimate market or on the black market, you don’t see as many psychopaths and wackos in other places. Our culture has been completely corrupted, so if you keep blaming an inanimate object, we will never solve the real problems.

You should also realize that you can never ban weapons. People will make them, print them, or get them from the underground. The only thing you’ll do is stop the responsible people from having them.

Rich M

The US banned the fully automatic machine guns (Thompson guns), a popular weapon with hoodlums and gangsters back then, in the 1930s. Considered a menace to society and to law enforcement and considered a successful ban.

Then again in 1994 congress actually passed a bill banning semi-auto assault rifles, though the bill was full of loopholes and imperfect. That law lasted a decade but expired and was not renewed in 2004. During its existence there was a drop, not dramatic for sure, in assault weapon deaths. But after it was not renewed, iirc the number of deaths by assault rifles went up by two thirds.

The law made a difference, even if it didn’t completely eradicate the problem. It did get such weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of enough people who might have previously been able to easily acquire them. I call that a step in the right direction. We should return to that law, make it stronger with no loopholes, and get these battlefield weapons out of society, as Switzerland recently did. Do that along with the other things to keep other weapons away from the immature and unstable.

Melissa Osaki

We live in a different time with different people and different technology. The human being who picks up a weapon, whether it be a gun, knife, baseball bat, etc., and kills another human being, will not be stopped with another law. It’s a fools errand and only prolongs the actual problem.

Our society has decayed from the inside out. There might have been a time in the 1800’s when we were a more cohesive culture, but those days are gone forever. You can’t have a fragmented society like ours and expect people to treat others with dignity and compassion. The people don’t share a common culture and similar values. There are many reasons but the main reason always goes back to overpopulation. The overpopulation has led to mass migrations and the mixing of different peoples and different cultures. There won’t be any bans or laws that you can pass that will take the violent and arrogant nature out of Americans. The population must be reduced before human beings will return to reason.

Rich M

Final comment on this, and will let you have last response if u choose. My post above and link indicates some good (not perfect) laws can make a difference in reducing gun violence. A return to the 1994 law, only tighter and tougher, would be a good start. Some “inanimate objects” are just too deadly, serve no good social purpose, to be allowed. Inanimate objects like bombs, machine guns, bazookas, grenades are not permitted anywhere by law and such laws have made a difference. They are all considered inherently dangerous to society with no place outside of the field of battle.

Get back to me when we start seeing a trend of frequent mass killings by knife, baseball bat or hockey stick.

Re deaths by automobile accidents, it has long been one of those things that is accepted by society as an unfortunate byproduct of an imperfect but necessary means of transportation which keeps our economy and society functioning, an invention which overall has more social/economic usefulness than downside. Shutting down all auto travel would cripple those two things and would be considered too draconian a measure to take, a cure worse than the disease. Not so with banning assault rifles, an inherently too dangerous object with no social value. Just saying that while we can ultimately rightly point to overpopulation as the root cause of so many of our problems, practically speaking tackling that one will be a very long-term project as, for one good reason, there currently is no major organized effort, while meanwhile with a little more effort and persistence we can take care of some important gun matters in a few weeks time.

The TX shooting has been an emotional issue for me and many others, little kids being brutally shot up by a devastating weapon that leaves a hole in the body the size of a large orange. It’s just crazy what we allow in this country and I wanted or needed to vent on that issue and just note that some positive steps can be taken, realistically and soon, to help reduce the likelihood of such incidents occurring again. That said, we will have to agree to disagree on a few things, but thank you for all your other efforts here in recent years, and as always thanks to Michael for the great job he’s done in repping Billy.

Melissa Osaki

While I appreciate your comments and suggestions, I still think that you are ignoring the actual problem and placing the blame on inanimate objects. In many cases, the shooter will pass all the background checks and legally purchase their weapon. Aside from telling everyone that they can’t own a weapon for self-defense, you aren’t going to stop the violence by banning an object or adding more taxes and difficulties for the regular people. Guns will always be accessible to those with the means to acquire them and only wealthy people will be able to sustain the upkeep. A person with a history of mental illness is already barred from purchasing or owning a firearm, by law.

“Possession of a firearm by the mentally ill is regulated by both state and federal laws.”

The government already steals an enormous amount of money from the taxpayers with endless fees and taxes. Every year new fees and ineffective services are added so they can continue to siphon more money from the working people. We aren’t children and shouldn’t have to be treated like children by the people we elect to represent us. Honestly, I find it insulting that there’s a loud group of fanatics who want the government to take care of every thought and action we make. It’s time for the people to start thinking for themselves and actually see reality as it truly is. Until we do that, murder, homelessness, drugs, and all other violent crime will continue to escalate.

Robert Olson

Wait for all of the facts; it takes time for them to appear rather then falling into the intended play on emotions. Individuals should be asking vey critical questions and demanding verifiable proof on unfortunate situations of the Hollywood like shooting productions.
BTW: Death by bullet is not even in the top ten causes of death.

Robert Olson

The intent of the 2nd amendment was to prevent a government going rouge against its own people. The common people are/were supposed to be able to checkmate by equal force, tools and ability (training) any encroachment by government upon their freedom, liberty, life, etc… The above also applied to any possible enemies foreign or domestic.
Everyone should desire peace, but always be prepared for situations.

Robert Olson

Perhaps you should research crime statistics, what false flags are & agendas mean. More importantly note that criminals are criminals & they are going to get firearms if they want them regardless of any laws

Ned Duke

“Researchers say the growth curve is decelerating”

It’s going down because of mass urbanization and what that means economically for people that only live in the city. Since folks primary means of income is not farming, its not surprising population would start to trend downward as you cannot afford extra hands like you would running a family farm. It’s not so much a macro-economic issue on what a government can do or moving anyone out of poverty as mankind on Earth have been running farms since the neo-lithic period with 4-5 children for any woman surviving child bearing. It’s mainly an understanding that its more expensive to raise children in an urban environment which is the 800-lb elephant in the living room. So the long term trend that we are seeing currently is negative population growth a long the lines of Japan.

I don’t know what this means economically and I’m not sure there are many voices on what to do when you have an economy that’s top heavy with a much smaller youth population and its not just Japan. Given the universality of this issue, it’s not something that can be safely guided by government action or nice sounding speeches. An example of being unable to reverse declining population:

If you look at the current methods to stimulate child birth one can see the attempts have been so far futile. Probably because the paltry sum of money they’re handing out would mean they would have to cut into their own Swiss bank account so that’s a tough choice for some bigwigs whether to give up some wealthy or watch the consumption base decline. One merely just have to ask the right question and throw out the conspiracy explanation provided by notable non-experts. How much does it cost two adults to raise a single child to adulthood? It seems like the answer is in the numbers given by families the world over through their spending habits and life choices.

Demographic check (assuming said government reports are true):

comment image

Most likely future for most countries:

comment image

Ned Duke

I think that if we give up this sacred cow called economic growth (which is already ironic with our limited resources), which is directly linked to population growth, then we could talk about limiting the birth rate.

Rich M

Hmm, I’m probably going to sound like a “loony lefty” on this, but an overpopulation of guns in this country is the issue. Trying to argue today on this matter about an overpopulation of people as the ultimate root cause will just seem a bit off point or a bit of a non-sequitur, a root cause bridge too far.

As for banning all guns in private hands, in a better world that would be possible. Ban all assault weapons, yes, nationwide with a new bill coming out of congress. Definitely, if that can’t be done, ban their purchase before age 21 or 25.

My view, backed by two scholars who’ve studied it, is that the Second Amendment was only meant to establish the right of states to form militias, the concern at the time being in some (southern slave) states that they would be unable to adequately patrol their forced labor and that there would be a danger of a federal militia interfering with such objectives. So the 2A was drafted to assuage those fears. When debated in the House, the 2A was discussed only in these terms of a collective right w/n the context of a militia. No mention whatsoever was made of an individual person’s right to keep and bear arms. See Michael Waldman’s book, The Second Amendment. And this Emory U professor further discusses the slave states and the 2A:

Robert Olson

Overpopulation, climate destruction, sustainability of humanity, untruths in religion, corrupt big pharma, corrupt government, corrupt politics, etc.., are what should be on the mind of every human being; not passing more firearms laws restricting the ability of self responsible thinking acting human beings in protecting themselves and/or others.

Chuck Torbyn

Speaking of Switzerland and it’s neutrality, there was an interesting article in today’s paper about a Swiss billionaire, Hansjorg Wyss, whose been behind hundreds of millions of dollars of “dark money” being used in America to manipulate the elections toward Joe Biden and the left. It’s ironic he’s Swiss, don’t you think? Who do you trust anymore? Between him and George Soros, two EUROPEANS at that, maybe they’re the ones who are trying to start a world war, AGAIN!!! It’s a strange world.

Ned Duke
Terry Carch

Joe Biden is a war monger and a hawk!

Charles V.

Guns don’t kill people, stupid mother f***ers with guns kill people. Case closed.



Terry Carch

How about banning forks and spoons too while your at it. Ha ha ha ha:)))) Very funny MH. Salome

Robert Olson

Wait!!! We need the knives to cut everyone’s fists off. More people have been killed by fists than bullets ever have. We must pass laws to require all fists get removed.

David Chance

Some ideas about trying to address this problem…
Aside from a criminal background check and a waiting period, also require a psychiatric evaluation, character references, and gun safety education in order to obtain a permit and a gun in the first place.
Annual tax on guns, in the same manner as annual taxes on cars and homes. The taxes should go back into programs related to the problem instead of doling them out to unrelated programs.
Periodic criminal background checks for gun owners, and periodic psychiatric evaluations. If one needs to have a periodic exam in order to drive a car, why not similar to own a gun?
Possession of an unregistered firearm carries a penalty (fine and/or jail time). This in order to partly address the problem of black market guns.
Crime committed with an unregistered firearm carries a heavier penalty (longer jail time).
Coupled with this must be serious prison reform. Instead of inmates being allowed to congregate with like-minded groups which perpetuate their ignorance (and hatred of others) amongst themselves, they must be educated about (and share cells with) other social/cultural groups. Prison education (on a wide variety of subjects, including self-responsibility, the dignity of all, etc.) is an essential aspect. Presently there is virtually none. Also needing to be addressed is the vast corruption amongst those running the prisons.
All of these things should apply to anyone owning a gun, whether they are military, police, security personnel, etc., etc.
Perhaps not all of these things are realistic or practical, but a start needs to be made somewhere, instead of essentially doing nothing as continually seems to be the case with the inept so-called “leaders”.

Terry Carch

Why not include the bunny ears, ha ha?

Robert Olson

Ninjutsu is a peace loving self preservation system. Also look a “Team America”.

Robert Olson

Every time I bring up overpopulation I am accused of being a Klaus Swab, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc.., sympathizer, Satanist, Georgia guide stone promoter, etc… Crazy!


If Sweden is the first place to legalize suicide then I’m assuming because of nuclear fallout possibly the whole world will legalize suicide to deal with the suffering that comes from radiation and bio disease etc.

Michael Simon

Why does the USA have a mass shooting/killing problem when other countries similarly armed with lots of mental illness do not?


dalibor moyzes


Matthew Reed

What Amendment does Switzerland have for guns?