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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Kick the Cringing Dogs Before You Put Them Down

The real “God” of this world is the insatiable, psychopathic greed, power-hunger, money-madness, upon which both our politics and religion are based and meant to serve

With headlines about war, domestic terrorism, new and emerging pandemics grabbing attention, the latest blatant step towards enslaving humankind was, as is often the case, openly publicized. Knowing that the mass of humankind is demonstrably too stupid to understand how, like the proverbial frogs in the pot of water, they help to turn up the heat on themselves, the message translates into:

“You will do as we command, or you will not be able to eat.”

At the same time, in a delightful irony, a new technology is being pursued that will quite possibly even the playing field, by advancing the capability for the delivery of mega-weapons of mass destruction. Since the intention is to decimate humankind, and since even the power-hungry, elite control-freaks will inevitably be among the incinerated, this suicidal-genocidal two-fer may be what the Dr. Strangeloves of the world have been dreaming of.

Try as we may to outsmart the propheciesinstead of stopping the train hurtling down the tracks –  it’s already been pointed out that, in addition to other deadly devices, what will ultimately destroy America are weather weapons which, once launched are really un-interceptable:

223. Enormous firestorms and gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring devastation, destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never before will have happened.

276. As already mentioned, enormous natural catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war will bring thousandfold deaths, destruction and annihilation.

How unkind to kick the cringing dogs before you put them down.

Prayer: Arrested Human Development

Americans, who have for a long time been praying, i.e. practicing the art of delusional futility, will no doubt, at the first – already very delayed – realization that the end is near, really amp up the prayer routine. This obvious expression of arrested human development consists of incessant, desperate yammering and begging directed to an imaginary Sky Daddy who, paradoxically, is assumed to be omnipotent, incapable of errors, etc., and yet needs constant, reminders from the “faithful” to correct his mistakes, short-sightedness, and other blunders, as well as grant unattained successes, victories in football games and wars, winning lottery numbers, etc.

People actually…pride themselves in this devotion to the non-existent and you can bet it’ll be one flag-waving, hysterical, fool’s fest when something unpleasant is confirmed as…INCOMING.

Considering the course that humankind has chosen to pursue and/or willingly accept, it’s no wonder that…

The Billy Meier Information Is Suppressed

We obviously know the warnings, advice and recommendations published, for many decades, by Billy Meier have been received and summarily, fearfully suppressed. Particularly noteworthy is the blatant cowardice of supposedly “intelligent” people in the sciences, government, military, media, etc., who’ve actively hidden and censored every evidence, information and warning, the public awareness of which could’ve, at one time, helped to awaken humankind and be utilized in the service of our common future survival.

The real “God” of this world is the insatiable, psychopathic greed, power-hunger, money-madness, upon which both our politics and religion are based and meant to serve.

But the immutable, universal law of cause and effect will continue to unfailingly deliver the actual fruits of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. And while we have ceded to outside forces all self-responsibility for everything in our own lives, we can judge for ourselves how sweet – or bitter – the fruit may be.


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Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur Origin of All Existence

“All consistently and throughout on ‹Endless Duration›, ‹Absolute-Nothing›, ‹Perfect-Absolute-Vacuum›, the ‹Perfect-Absolute-Nothing›, the ‹Absolute-Nothing-Space›, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Origin, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Impulse, the ‹BEING-Absolutum›, SOHAR-Absolutum, Super-Absolutum, Creations-Absolutum, Central-Absolutum, Ur-Absolutum, Absolutes-Absolutum, Vacuum etc. etc., related explanations correspond to the memory storage banks of the universal herald Nokodemion, which were retrieved, fathomed, compiled, elaborated, coded and explained by me in written form without any falsification.”
SSSC, August 11, 2016, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)
“Alle durchwegs auf ‹endlose Dauer›, ‹Absolute-Nichts›, ‹Vollkommen-Absolute-Vakuum›, das Vollkommen-Absolute-Nichts›, den ‹Absolute-Nichtsraum›, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ursprung, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Impuls, das ‹SEIN-Absolutum›, SOHAR-Absolutum, Super-Absolutum, Kreations-Absolutum, Zentral-Absolutum, Ur-Absolutum, Absolutes-Absolutum, Vakuum usw. usf. bezogenen Erklärungen entsprechen Speicherbank-Aufzeichnungsimpulsen des Universal-Künders Nokodemion, die von mir abgerufen, ergründet, zusammengetragen, ausgearbeitet, codiert und erklärend sowie unverfälscht in schriftlicher Weise festgehalten wurden.”
SSSC, August 11, 2016, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)

Details for Pre-order

We have been informed by the publisher that this new English translation (which also has the original German on the facing pages) will be available around the first of June. All Pre-Orders will receive a PDF excerpt from Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur Origin of All Existence while they wait for their physical copies, which will arrive by early June.

NOTE: Our standard domestic Priority Insured shipping rates will apply, insured shipping for international orders will vary.


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George Champaninh

Religions are the leading cause to the populations mental health crisis. It limits human thinking to a point where the human decides it’s either this way or that way. Looking at the US support for Ukraine, you can clearly see that those that side with Ukraine will consider anyone that opposes, Pro-Russian. Either allow abortions or don’t, democrat or republican, guns or no guns, etc. And it is pressure from peers to conform to one side or the other thus eliminating what Meier has been talking about, neutrality. It is too the point where you cannot remain neutral because the powerful ones will force you to choose. It seems like when it comes to murder or suicide, the person committing the act does not see in their mind that their are other ways besides death.

The people want solutions but they won’t be willing to accept that believing any form of religion is primary cause for mental health issues.

Melissa Osaki

I’ve noticed that too, George. You can’t be center/neutral without having others hound you and call you a Russian agent. It’s absurd and shows the stupidity in people. I’ve even seen it here on the blog from some unthinking people. We are a minority, as Billy says.


A minority we are but it often feels as though we are a micrority. Still, we forge the best future we can for self and all, for no one, and no-thing, else will do it better than ourselves.

George Champaninh

We are taught to form our decisions based off of logic here, something the world leaders can surely learn from.

Timothy Allen Anderson

When I was in the third grade, (St.Philomena Catholic) we were doing a project on Angels. It didn’t matter what section of what book, Bible or otherwise, every picture was confusing to me. I was, like every other captive student, taught that Angels were created by god, not born of the womb of a woman, yet each and every depiction shown these creatures with a navel. My parents brought me up to ask questions when ever something came up that was ambiguous or confusing in some way, in order to learn, to understand, so, that is exactly what I did, I asked Father Long, “why do each and every depiction of the Angels, show them with a belly button?” First look was one of utter perplexity, then the attempt to cover up, “do not question the words or actions of God almighty!” Then came the ridicule, the seat in the corner and the trip to the office and visit to the Dean of Discipline.

This was a year of revelation for my parents and due to some other disturbing events, this was the last year I was forced to study or even report to the Catholic church. I never participated in another event or gathering at any church for the rest of my life.

If the Roman Catholic Church was such a powerhouse in the early years, how did so many artists of the time get something so basic in regards to the doctrine, so wrong? Did that indicate how little attention they paid or was this a middle finger to the establishment? One may never know. I will always be grateful for the way my parents brought me up to be a free thinker and truth seeker.

George Champaninh

This is how i try to raise my kids as religions slowly seep into their minds through their family and peers. My oldest son who goes to school with kids that like to say “on god” before making a statement, tends to get bullied by the same “on god” people. So i proposed a question to him, doesn’t it seem silly that your peers love to bully but have deep faith in an all loving god?

I’ve also tried to look at serial killers and the faiths they believed in but there was some religious author that twisted it around to make it seem like serial killers were athiest.

valdinilson de souza martins


Earth humans do not want to understand that an imaginary god cannot prevent such events or take revenge, so prayers are useless.

Prayers in this or any other religious, sectarian, and believing form are completely useless, because where there is no Almighty God, no help can be expected from such a person.

And a God according to religious belief corresponds to a pure illusion.


That’s why you can’t pray for peace in the world and expect a God to answer those insane prayers and create peace among men. Man must strive for anything and everything in full responsibility, consciously directing his thoughts and feelings as well as his actions towards it. But it is frightening how people fail to assume their responsibilities and rely more and more on religious or semi-religious prayers and hope that a God or a heavenly Father really exists, who hears prayers and helps people in their needs. In their faith, they expect help that will never come. People who have fallen into a religious or sectarian faith – which corresponds to a hereditary disease and acts on the temporal lobes and the posterior parietal lobe – cannot and do not want to recognize and do not want to understand that they are truly God themselves and consequently responsible for it. for anything and everything that comes close to them and affects them. The individual human being molds his whole life, his thoughts, feelings and actions in self-responsibility, being the forger of his own destiny. And life itself proves that it is so, for never before has it been other than that man was the sole ruler of himself and of all the things he accomplished through his thoughts, feelings, deeds, and deeds. Faith is, therefore, a fact of rejection of one’s own responsibility in favor of an imaginary, non-existent God who is used as Lord and Judge over good and evil and over life and death, created to escape the perception of one’s own reality. responsibility.

Barry Smith

Christians follow jesus, Muslims follow Muhammad, both thinks the other is evil. Religion goes against the foundation of Creational teaching, SELF RESPONSIBILITY . We battle 4,000 years of brain washing . There is nothing spiritual about killing, wars, genocide, etc. Believers cannot see the forest for the trees.

Terry Carch

“DITTO I`ll buy that!!!”

Greghammed al-Dougallah

From my personal experience on Quora, muslims are way more tolerant of Jesus/Jmmanuel as a prophet than Christians are tolerant of Mohammed.


I am from a very religious family. So was I also before, went to 3 different churches a week – that sums up how religious I was.

The believers in reality are understandable how and why they are strong to beliefs. Imagine yourself groomed from your very birth until adult. That things in life are supposedly planned by whoever God. That miseries shall pass. That a better tomorrow will come.

And as a person, you witness that things truly became better. And if they were not better, you can now endure the extreme pains of yesterday because of the help you get from praying. Such personal experiences become the ABSOLUTE evidence of God for the believers. And that’s probably the root of their beliefs – that their prayers were heard by their God but NEVER in their mind they think that it’s their very OWN inner God who heard them.

From all kinds of people in my life, I can confidently conclude that it is impossible to make anyone into disbelievers. The only possible way, in my experience, is to undergo a personal non-physical death. Some thing or event that simply breaks all of your being, your mind, like literally shattering every bits of you from which the most important thing happens – you start questioning, and then you seek for answers and then if you get lucky, you find them.

However, such thing or event is rare and unique individually. And our world cannot wait for everyone to have their own whatever event. If I remember correctly, somewhere in the prophecy says that some kind of discovery will crash the earthly religions. That’s what I’m looking forward to for that I think is the fastest way to get the masses start questioning. Few will seek answers, but much less will find them – unfortunately.


HARP weather machine anyone know much about that. Pakistan’s about to get into a Civil War China was laying the foundation for apparently a military practice with air and sea, I call that strike But it’s just an opinion on one person feel free to join the chat


is there connection with the Lead generation as explain by that Facebook story?

the Lead is by product of uranium………. that contaminate Human and the descendant, and make people stupid and bla bla…….


Amreen Bhat 35 your old actress in India was murdered by possibly Pakistani terrorist?…. My hope is they don’t assassinate Imran Khan then Pakistan tricked into war. Doesn’t Pakistan owe China Billions in China controls their power grid infrastructure and has already turned off the power in the whole country recently….Hey these are all just guesses for me the one person really actually I main man,Billy


China said there is lyrics to an old song that goes “Prepare wine for friends and a shotgun for jackals”

Top admiral says Navy is unprepared to fight two separate wars while supporting budget to cut fleet


I think Joe Biden clearly recognizes what’s up ahead and acting stupid dumb forgetful incompetent will be his legacy he hopes, because when we look back our view on the antagonizers, I’m sure will be written different history than it seems to be today. Now Kamila H acting goofy also. Hey summer time in the state is hurricane season in the East Coast and wildfires are going on too isn’t it?