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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

An Immediate Call for the Abolishment of all Nuclear Weapons and an Absolute Demilitarisation!

To all reasonable, peace-loving human beings of Earth, call for the immediate abolishment of all nuclear weapons and an absolute demilitarisation now!

An excerpt from the book “Erdenmenschheit, strebe endlich nach Frieden und Freiheit statt nach Krieg und Terror” (Earth humanity, finally strive for peace and freedom instead of war and terror) by “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM), pages 110-111.

Note, this is an unofficial translation.

“Effective fact is namely, that as long as there are still nuclear weapons, the great and uncontrollable danger exists always and at any time, that they can be brought to use through carelessness or consciously through some maniac. There exists also always the great and undeniable danger, that a technical malfunction, evil human affectations, an unforeseeable causal foreordination or a natural catastrophe etc. could trigger off a nuclear catastrophe. All of these possibilities, as also many others, demand of the state-mighty-ones, governors and all military-mighty-ones as well as of all of the international community and with that of the entire world population, that absolutely all nuclear weapons are forbidden and destroyed. And that may not only be a wish of the earthly human kind, but it must be their imperative striving towards it and their duty, to implement it as quickly as possible into reality. Therefore every human being must internalise this and never become weary, to always repeat this demand, to repeatedly demand of the responsible ones of the state leaders and the military, that all nuclear weapons must finally be destroyed and forbidden. This corresponds to a reasonable necessity, to preserve all life on the earth, as the necessity however also demands a drastic reduction of the overpopulation (through an immediate worldwide birth stop followed by a reasonable and logical ongoing birth rate regulation in a humane way, to ensure the planet-given human population of 529,000,000 (million) is not surpassed), which in the present time has already laid the ground stone for a world encompassing catastrophe in many ways, which will put into question the greater part of all life on earth in the future. Yet the dismantling and the prohibition regarding the nuclear weapons is likewise urgent and as important as all the necessary measures for the preservation of all life of the nature, the fauna and flora, of the planet and the human kind itself. In the same way as the reduction of the earthly overpopulation, the dismantling of all nuclear weapons must be carried out, consequently reason and rationality is demanded of all of the state-mighty-ones, and governors, as also of the entire humankind. Regarding the world and military politics this means, that in the future war and terror as well as sneaky secret service acts can only be prevented and peace can be created, if a determination for a demilitarised world and military politics is set and this is also implemented, achieved and then adhered to. And such a demilitarisation of the world and military politics must on the one hand take place in every single state of the earth, as likewise with regard to all international relations. Fundamentally the reality and its truth is thereby this, that the majority of all earthly peoples also reject the use of military Gewalt as well as all unjust state Gewalt. State-mighty-ones, mighty-governors, politicians and military-mighty-ones, who in their delusion believe their might-megalomania, that they could solve problems and strife or further differences through war, terror or any other conflicts as a final means, must be deposed by the peoples and relieved of their positions. State-, government-, and military-mighty-ones, who do not fundamentally strive towards peace and freedom, but instead heckle in their unreason and in their delusion towards war, terror, Gewalt, battle and conflict, are to be deposed by the peoples from their might-platforms, kicked to the curb and made mightless, so they can no longer wreak havoc. Therefore it must be, that all such elements vacate their military-, political-, government- as well as state-might-platforms, to make way for suitable peaceful, for-the-good-of-the-people, honest, virtuous and righteous leaders.”

These wise words of BEAM are to be heeded and implemented by all human beings, as they correspond to an absolute necessity, and the only true path towards a life on earth that truly represents a just, good and honourable creational existence for all life.

Here are now a few words from Quetzal from the 215th contact from February 28, 1987, 2:09am, excerpts from the pamphlet “What The Plejaren Wish For The Human Beings On Earth”:

9. Real peace as well as true love and freedom have finally to prevail on earth and among all human beings regardless of colour of skin, race, and trend in religious thinking without hatred, revenge, envy, retaliation, hardship, misery, murder, manslaughter, terror and wars.

10. It has to come to an end that countries of the planet earth – even the poorest and the most underdeveloped among them – maintain armies that are armed to the teeth and senselessly squander innumerable amounts of money which could and should be used for the true welfare of human beings. Therefore it has to end that politicians and military as well as various organisations everywhere in the world talk of peace, freedom, love and humaneness, on the one hand, to justify the immense financial expenditures, and on the other hand, to get hold of even more funds for the purpose of war and terror, and to speed up war machinery and its industry, so that further acts of terror and wars can be carried out with new weapons.

17. Unfortunately, human beings of earth have given high priority or first rank to political, economic, military, material and financial values. But this is a false value and causes tremendous damage, thereby the well-being of the physical body and the body of the psyche will be just as much harmed as the consciousness-related development of every human being, and even of all humankind. As a result, the truly wise ones, and philosophers have disappeared which allowed the “wanna-be’s” in regard to wisdom and philosophy to inundate the world and humankind with horrendous nonsense that has nothing to do with reality, correctness and conformity to the laws of creational energies and the Creation. All these worthless values have to be redressed, so that the true wise ones are able to return again to their due places in society. It has to be made possible for the few presently living on earth to come out of their hidden solitary places in order to teach human beings. At the same time, all of those have to be thrust aside who disseminate unreasonable sectarian teachings and principles, which will lead human beings of earth astray and away from the real, veritable truth.

18. Human beings of earth have to learn not only to run after material things and money all through their life. They ought not to listen to human beings who have gained enormous political and military power or accumulated immense fortunes. And they must not strive after them nor resemble them and not dedicate their time, work and effort to them and not their initiative, drive and life. Yet, if human beings will do that, they forfeit their evolution and, therefore, the meaning of their existence. And if they do not lose their lives accidentally, they become dependant on the mighty in power of political, dictatorial and military institutions and the well-to-do, scream yes and hurrah, and instead of becoming a true being i.e. human being, they become a shadow of a being that only seems to be.

19. The human being of earth has to free himself/herself of the different political, dictatorial, military as well as science-, and faith-related movements. This alone guarantees, on the one hand, to discover and follow the path of truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations, and on the other hand, a loving, peaceful, free, wise and harmonious functioning of individual human beings and all humankind. In truth, not any movement of political, military, economic, scientific, philosophical and faith-related form must be allowed to dominate over any other movement. However, if such domination exists, rivalries, hatred, racism, faith-related and political quarrels develop as also discord, repression, heartlessness, ignorance and many more forms of negative attitudes. They lead to destruction, murder and manslaughter as also to deceitfulness and actions of war.

And finally, from the same pamphlet:

15. It lies within the individual human being’s power to change the world i.e., the human beings, if he/she feels the need actively to do so, however, only in being an example to his/her fellow men and women. Therefore, each human being has first to begin with the change by him/herself for the better, peaceful, loving, free and progressive as also towards knowledge and wisdom and to discover for him/herself the path to a life in freedom and happiness. At first, each human being has to acquire an optimistic attitude; only then, the progress and expansion will be possible. This will encourage and stimulate the fellow members close to you, who will be pulled along. And when human beings think consciously about this possibility, they will make the remarkable discovery that all means and hopes for a true progress lie in every respect only in oneself.

Peace on Earth


Guest Article by Paul Saleh 

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Sharon Stephens

I agree. However, with a headline like this: World ‘population bomb’ may never go off as feared, finds study” Here is a link to the independent newspaper The Guadian. true population of the earth is not accurate in this article. So scientists don’t really know what they are doing. Or maybe they just don’t care anymore.
I like many others, have sent out 1000s of emails, without response. Well, maybe they ghost me. But, no real conversation. Most have their own interest in mind when reading an email so if it does not benefit them in any way. Forget it.
The question is: How do you present truthful information when no one wants to listen? Who do you present it to?



Please see my response to Phil.

Sharon Stephens



Hello everyone, one of the main obstacles I have encountered and am still encountering is to make people see the magnitude of the problem of overpopulation, for every person who sees it and understands it, there are not even 10 who do not, and d many people tell you that you are a “eugenist”, I have tried it with friends, telegram groups, newspapers etc. I am currently in a group of approx. a thousand people, created by a renowned and courageous journalist, Bea Talegon, and from time to time , I put the link to an article on your blog MH, And nobody has given me the slightest comment so far, they are more for politics than anything else. is that about “preaching in the wilderness”? Health

Sharon Stephens

Carles, I am always amazed what readers take away from these posts.

Andrea Logue

In reality, those who profess to be in honest search of the truth, and that they will do everything in their power to uncover it almost never do. This is especially the case when it involves information provided by Billy Meier. These “courageous journalists”, scientists, etc., continually avoid, ignore, disregard, and trample the most important information and warnings under their feet, and some individuals will greedily use the information to their own personal advantage.

Philip Brandel

For about 6 years we had a unofficial FIGU based group here in Minnesota USA. It dissolved for varying reasons before covid struck. We mainly came together from MH’s blog and FB.

I would love to start a new if anyone is in the area?

A few of our group field trips was to meet up with a local overpopulation group called Overpopulation Balance. It was quite interesting how this group echoed what FIGU was saying without realizing the correlations. Or should I say caring for that matter! Though grouping together in real life has been one the the most fruitful experiences as much as we all may differ, striving for the same things. For me personally, as much as miss ALOT of the Arizon based monthly meetings. Got to start somewhere when not one in our personal lives, media, ect considers to care.


The foreboding, and condescending nature of the Plejaren messengers must be taken with some serious reflection, and questioning.

I presume that I am allowed to pose thoughts and questions?

(1) They do not interfere but other rogue factions of their species has interfered (Bfath) and are supposedly attempting to steer our world into extinction. Other humanoid-type life forms have interfered with our evolution, and technological development. These interferences to alter the trajectory of Earths people appear to have impacted and amounts to a ‘telepathic control’ war between interfering species. Some more ethical than others. (1a) This interference has produced so much implicit variety in the minds of the human civilisation. Here comes many perhaps’: perhaps if the benevolent races, supposedly part of a federation, in all their wisdom, approached sincere humans, and acclimatised us to their existence: calming the mind, elevating our thinking, and then proceeded to provide refuge on Earth-like planets, where in they could guide, and develop a civilisation that is type 1 from the beginning.

(2) Life on the planet of the Plejaren is socially and spiritual advanced. However in their distant past they were like we are now – war like – and eventually did not resolve their differences. Instead they departed from their war-like counterparts, and settled on a planet etcetera. there appears to be two types of “modes of being” in the universe(s): (1) war-like, (2) social-like. The war-like species want to control, dominate and win (utterly materialistic). The social-like want to learn, co-exist, and socially co-operate toward a better way of being (balanced / spiritual). The intelligent Plejaren know and understand the outcome of the war-like path. They have observed it on many other worlds, they showed Billy Meier, the outcome of another world like ours, who used far more powerful Nuclear-like weapons – then reassured Billy that an advanced civilisation monitoring this species would come to their aid. We never got to understand what that meant, or how that went.

(2a) Surely, the Plejaren or other races who are “benevolent” wont waste the creational manifestations (human of this inhabitable “Earth-like” planet) of this world, when as they say, we have potential. However, not all have the same potential, some, and it seems to be somewhat clear, that some are potentiated toward power, greed, and domination, and others co-existence, co-operation, and logic.

(3) We are a world torn by the interreference of other advanced civilisations. We have to now pay for the historical mess that the Plejaren do not take responsibility for, the Bfath, they divided, and went to different worlds: the peaceful and the war-like cannot exist on the same planet, and yet they cannot be allowed to be war-like at all. The Bfath are according to the Plejaren terrorists, and rogues but they are not our responsibility, neither are they directly brothers of Earth. The Plejaren must remove any, and all extra-terrestrial influences that are dividing humanity. The Bfath are the degenerate portion of the Plejaren species. Unless the Plejaren remove them, they will continue to interfere. As it stands, our planet is heading into a Nuclear exchange of some level, and certainly a World War for resources, control, hegemony etcetera.

(3a) There are so many people on Earth who would and are ready to leave this planet, and would if they could. Why not offer those who seek peace, who think, feel, and reason, who are caring and are socially trying to improve – offer them some refuge. Lets say that 1% of humanity is truly compromised and war-like. Then lets say that the 99% fall into a gradation of consciousness 33% misled (fear), 33% misinformed (fear), 33% sincere (hope), therefore each percentage should be shown, and given the opportunity to flourish in unimposing conditions. Why doesn’t the ‘galactic federation’ assist us? It is clear the 1% will not release their grip on the minds, and lives of the people. The people cannot take anymore, their potential wasted, debased, commodified, brutalised. This is no way to exist.

My concluding thought is more of a message to the Plejaren. Plejaren whose analysis of thought produces prediction and prophecy, how much more data do you need? How much more? Help those of us, who in our mode of being are good, kind, rational people and provide us with refuge on other inhabitable planets, provide us with learning, general development, and allow us to rebuild from a socially peaceful point. Let us leave the war-like counterparts here on this world but instead of leaving them to end up like the Bfath, we make certain they are not able to leave this planet.

Melissa Osaki

1. It wasn’t the Plejaren (the Bafath are gone due to the Plejaren capturing and deporting them a long time ago)
2. It’s our responsibility
2a. It’s our responsibility
3. It’s our responsibility. There are no longer any Bafath extraterrestrials interfering, only the waning negative impulses (see number 1)
3a. It’s our responsibility (we are not advanced enough in consciousness or spiritual evolution)

The Plejaren have done everything that they can possibly do. We can change the negative effects that were left over by the Giza Intelligences, but it’s up to us.

Anurag Murarka

An excellent summary article by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: What Ukraine Needs To Learn From Afghanistan

brigitte de Roch

The professor, Anurag, has received the blog info. I sent it to:

Anurag Murarka

Thanks Brigitte.

Al Jedd

Soon, in Finland there will be a place where no humans will tread for 100,000 years or more!
This is where all the ‘waste’ nuclear rods will be held in storage! Which sounds like a massive nuclear bomb in the making and I hope the tunnels don’t collapse.

Well it’s not the first as the UK has been doing this for decades. Back in the early 1970’s Nuclear waste from Sizewall, Dungeness and other sites would quietly slip their waste to Kings Cross railway station, and to where, at present the London Dome is now situated.

Once a large enough load had been made up, it would then be taken to Scotland and placed in deep tunnels for storage. This was carried out at night!
I wonder how much would go to weapons research?

Around 4.3 million cubic meters (96%) of this waste has already been produced.

And all this after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.

To add to the Nuclear nightmare it would appear that there are still lost nuclear bombs, that are still to be found, but no one can find them!


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