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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

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Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

TRANSLATION made by J.B.S – Brazil

“The Big Bow is drawn in tension”

Or A wake-up call to all FIGU members and mission allies who are still in ‘sleep mode’. It all began around 13,500 years ago on Earth. At that time, the Nokodemion-Henok teaching of the spirit was taught in the Indian-Burmese region.

Henok last appeared on earth 389,000 years ago, only to appear for the first time around 13,500 years ago with the modified name form Enoch and as the first prophet of the so-called ‘Later Period’ (see article ‘Clarification on the prophets Henok and Enoch’ in FIGU Bulletin No. 50). The last great immigration of extraterrestrials to Earth took place at this time, namely extraterrestrials of the Enoch lineage (see related reader question in FIGU Bulletin No. 40).

It should be clear to all FIGU passive members and FIGU friends who feel connected to the Mission that most of us, as former personalities of our spirit lineage, belonged to the immigrants on planet Earth. Ultimately, however, it is not important to know whether this is the case or not. What is decisive is the knowledge and the clear realisation that we have voluntarily joined a worldwide and epoch-spanning mission and task that demands a great, conscious and alert commitment from everyone.

Taking responsibility means not just being aware of it in theory and thinking about it while lying on the couch in front of the television and reading a spiritual textbook.

It means freeing your thoughts and feelings from comfortable, lulling habits that narrow the horizon of your consciousness and placing your senses and aspirations for the creative-natural truth on a responsible and active basis.

In the present time of 2014, we are in the hot final stage of the mission with the true prophet of the seventh series, although the mission will continue until the year 3999. For the last time, however, we have the good fortune that the spirit form of Nokodemion has incarnated again with a new personality as a Prophet and is fulfilling his long, arduous and invaluable missionary task.

Does this knowledge not demand that every woman and every man who is truly aware of this unique time and opportunity should actively participate? If we let this historically unique opportunity pass us by carelessly, then we are like a sleeping person who dreams away the rising of the sun in the daytime sky, misses the dawn of a beautiful morning and lives like a dream dancer into the day without really realising what is happening around him and the overwhelming reality in which he exists.

This life is associated with a great, wonderful and extremely far-reaching responsibility for the present and future of humanity on earth. The voice that we hear quietly within us and which calls us to awaken from our sleep of passive consumption of creative-natural truth and to co-operate, leads back to ourselves or to our respective predecessor personality at the time 13,500 years ago, whose self-commitment is stored in our personal memory banks and whose impulses affect us today.

The self-imposed obligation we made at that time is aimed at contributing to the mission of the ‘Silent Revolution of Truth’ here and now in this current life.
We have therefore given ourselves the task of actively participating in the mission and in doing so we have made a kind of contract with ourselves that we should not break.

It is not enough to simply consume the truth and use it for personal benefit and personal evolution. Doing this is undeniably very important, good and valuable; but in this life and existence as a small link in the large network of the FIGU mission, it is not enough to fulfil all the promises that were made around 13,500 years ago.

“… The great arc from the past to the present and into the future has already been drawn tense according to the law of cause and effect. There is nothing to shake about that. However, spreading the truth to the public still requires a tremendous effort so that the mission succeeds in the future and bears its good fruit. …”

Even if many people who feel sincerely connected to the mission do not want to hear this, the time of the great gathering in modern times has long since begun. Unfortunately, many ‘from back then’ are not with us today.

Many are caught up in the clutches of religions, sects and other movements that are alien to the truth; still others indulge in materialism or are simply too selfish and too comfortable to do good to the mission and themselves in order to co-operate.

It is now and today of urgent necessity to join the existing FIGU national groups and FIGU study groups, if this is possible somewhere and somehow, or to take the initiative to found new FIGU groups and actively participate in them.

There are an estimated 75 passive members in Germany (note: in year 2014), of which only around 20% are currently organised in groups, i.e. in the FIGU regional group for Germany and in the FIGU study group for southern Germany.

Anyone who is not yet a FIGU member but feels connected to the mission and benefits from it should consider whether it is possible for them to become a Passive Member and/or join a study group or a national group.

People are needed to help set up and run the groups in the future, who require constant commitment and see this as a life’s work, as far as it is possible for the individual. Information stands must be held and lectures given, and there is much more public relations work to be done, but without proselytising, as is the case with religions and sects etc. In a harmoniously functioning group, people have many more opportunities for their individual evolution than as lone fighters.

This is not helped by the familiar but stale excuses that you are not a person who likes to fit into a group; that time is so short; that you are not an early riser; that money is tight, etc. etc. Each of us should be grateful for the immense wealth of knowledge and wisdom that FIGU has offered to all interested parties since its foundation in 1975, and in turn make an active contribution in thanks and honour.

Those who want to receive should also give something. Where would we all be now if the true prophets had not taken on so much self-commitment, labour, hardship and effort to spread the truth among the stubborn and truth-shy people of the earth – often at the risk of their lives and under great physical and mental pain and hardship, yet full of love, a sense of duty, tenacity, love of truth and loyalty to the truth and Creation?

At the end of our days, we should not have to reproach ourselves for having neglected to join a FIGU group in order to participate more actively than before in the big picture, thereby perhaps having missed out on a good piece of personal evolution – when we are on our deathbed, it will be too late.

Those who do not yet know ancd have not experienced the great value of studying and working together in a FIGU group should throw their prejudices and inhibitions overboard and seize the opportunity to join a good non-religious and non-sectarian community. The unity and strength of a FIGU community is more than the sum of its parts!

By: Achim Wolf,

Translated from original German-language texts written by Achim Wolf, checked, and corrected into English Language made by José Barreto Silva

Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

For everyone interested in the original texts.

Full original texts, in German Language, written by Achim Wolf, a friend of FIGU, a citizen from Mannheim, Germany.
Please, see the full translation in English Language above (or below…).

«Der grosse Bogen ist gespannt»
“The Big Bow is drawn in tension”

Oder Ein Weckruf an alle FIGU-Mitglieder und Missionsverbundenen, die noch im ‹Schlafmodus› sind. Es begann vor rund 13 500 Jahren auf der Erde. Damals wurde die Nokodemion-Henok-Lehre-desGeistes im indisch-burmesischen Raum gelehrt.

Letztmals erschien Henok vor 389 000 Jahren auf der Erde, um dann vor rund 13 500 Jahren erstmals mit der abgeänderten Namensform Henoch und als erster Prophet der sogenannten ‹Späteren Zeit› in Erscheinung zu treten (siehe Artikel ‹Klarstellung zu den Propheten Henok und Henoch› im FIGU-Bulletin Nr. 50). Zur genannten Zeit hat die letzte grosse Einwanderung Ausserirdischer auf die Erde stattgefunden, und zwar von Ausserirdischen der HenochLinie (siehe diesbezügliche Leserfrage im FIGU-Bulletin Nr. 40).

Es sollte allen FIGU-Passivmitgliedern und FIGU-Freunden, die sich mit der Mission verbunden fühlen, klar sein, dass die meisten von uns als frühere Persönlichkeiten ihrer Geistformlinie zu den Einwanderern auf dem Planeten Erde gehörten. Letzten Endes spielt es aber keine Rolle zu wissen, ob es so ist oder nicht. Entscheidend ist das Wissen und die klare Erkenntnis darüber, dass man sich freiwillig in eine weltweite und epochen-umspannende Mission und Aufgabe eingeordnet hat, die von allen einen grossen, bewussten und wachen Einsatz verlangt.

Eine Verantwortung wahrzunehmen bedeutet, sich dieser nicht nur theoretisch bewusst zu sein und darüber nachzusinnen, während man auf der Couch vor dem Fernsehgerät liegt und eine Geisteslehreschrift liest.

Es bedeutet, dass man sein Denken und Fühlen von bequemen, einlullenden und den Horizont des Bewusstseins einengenden Gewohnheiten befreien und sein Sinnen und Trachten nach der schöpferisch-natürlichen Wahrheit auf eine verantwortungsvolle und tatkräftige Basis stellen muss.

Wir befinden uns in der Jetztzeit des Jahres 2014 im heissen Endstadium der Mission mit dem wahren Propheten der Siebnerreihe, wobei die Mission allerdings noch bis ins Jahr 3999 andauern wird. Zum letzten Mal jedoch haben wir das Glück, dass die Geistform von Nokodemion wieder mit einer neuen Persönlichkeit als Prophet inkarniert ist und seine lange, mühevolle und unschätzbar wertvolle Missionsaufgabe erfüllt. Verlangt dieses Wissen nicht danach, dass jede Frau und jeder Mann selbst tatkräftig dabei mitwirkt, die resp. der sich dieser einmaligen Zeit und Gelegen heit wirklich bewusst ist? Wenn wir diese historisch einmalige Gelegenheit achtlos vorüberziehen lassen, dann gleichen wir einem schlafenden Menschen, der den Aufgang der Sonne am Tageshimmel verträumt, den Aufzug eines wunderschönen Morgens verpasst und wie ein Traumtänzer in den Tag hineinlebt, ohne sich dessen wirklich bewusst zu werden, was um ihn herum passiert und in welcher überwältigenden Wirklichkeit er existiert.

Dieses Leben ist mit einer grossen, wundervollen und überaus weitreichenden Verantwortung für die Gegenwart und die Zukunft der Erden menschheit verbunden. Die Stimme, die wir leise in uns hören und die uns dazu auffordert, aus unserem Schlaf des Passiv-Konsumierens der schöpferisch-natürlichen Wahrheit zu erwachen und mitzuarbeiten, führt auf uns selbst zurück resp. auf unsere jeweilige Vorgängerpersönlichkeit zur Zeit vor 13 500 Jahren, deren Selbstverpflichtung in den persönlichen Speicherbänken abgelegt ist und deren Impulse uns heute treffen.

Die damals selbst auferlegte Verpflichtung ist darauf gerichtet, hier und jetzt in diesem aktuellen Leben ganz besonders bei der Mission der ‹Stille Revolution der Wahrheit› mitzuwirken. Wir haben uns den Auftrag zur aktiven Mitwirkung an der Mission also selbst erteilt und damit quasi einen Vertrag mit uns selbst geschlossen, den wir nicht brechen sollten.

Es ist nicht genug, die Wahrheit einfach nur zu konsumieren und sie zum persönlichen Vorteil und zur persönlichen Evolution zu nutzen. Das zu tun ist unbestritten sehr wichtig, gut und wertvoll; aber in diesem Leben und Dasein als kleines Glied im grossen Verbund der FIGU-Mission reicht es nicht aus, um alle Versprechen einzulösen, die vor rund 13 500 Jahren gegeben wurden.

«… Der grosse Bogen von der Vergangenheit über die Gegenwart bis in die Zukunft hinein ist bereits gespannt nach dem Gesetz von Ursache und Wirkung. Daran gibt es nichts zu rütteln. Das Verbreiten der Wahrheit in der Öffentlichkeit erfordert jedoch noch einen ungeheuren Einsatz, damit die Mission in Zukunft gelingt und ihre guten Früchte trägt. …»

Auch wenn das viele Menschen, die sich der Mission ehrlich verbunden fühlen, nicht hören mögen: Die Zeit der grossen Zusammenkunft in der Neuzeit hat längst begonnen. Leider sind viele ‹von damals› heute nicht mit von der Partie.

Viele sind in den Fängen der Religionen, Sekten und sonstigen wahrheitsfremden Strömungen hängengeblieben; wieder andere frönen dem Materialismus oder sind schlicht zu egoistisch und zu bequem, um der Mission und sich selbst Gutes zu erweisen, um daran mitzuarbeiten.

Es ist jetzt und heute von dringender Notwendigkeit, sich den vorhandenen FIGU-Landesgruppen und FIGUStudiengruppen anzuschliessen, wenn dies irgendwo und irgendwie möglich ist, bzw. selbst die Initiative zu ergreifen, neue FIGU-Gruppen zu gründen und tatkräftig darin mitzuwirken.

In Deutschland sind geschätzte 75 Passivmitglieder (Anmerkung: in Jahr 2014), wovon aber derzeit nur rund 20% in Gruppen organisiert sind, sprich in der FIGU-Landesgruppe Deutschland und in der FIGU-Studiengruppe Süddeutschland.

Wer noch nicht FIGU-Mitglied ist, aber sich der Mission verbunden fühlt und davon profitiert, sollte überlegen, ob es für ihn/sie möglich ist, Passivmitglied zu werden und/oder einer Studiengruppe bzw. einer Landesgruppe beizutreten.

Es werden Kräfte benötigt, die beim Aufbau und künftigen Funktionieren der Gruppen mithelfen, die dauernden Einsatz erfordern und dies als Lebensaufgabe betrachten, eben soweit es für den einzelnen Menschen möglich ist. Es müssen Infostände abgehalten und Vorträge gehalten werden, und es gibt vieles mehr an Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu tun, ohne dass jedoch dabei missioniert wird, wie das den Religionen und Sekten usw. eigen ist. In einer harmonisch funktionierenden Gruppe hat der Mensch eigens viel mehr Möglichkeiten für seine individuelle Evolution denn als Einzelkämpfer.

Daran ändern auch die bekannten, aber doch schal wirkenden Ausreden nichts, man sei eben kein Mensch, der sich gerne in eine Gruppe einfüge; die Zeit sei doch so knapp; man sei eben kein Frühaufsteher; das Geld sei knapp usw. usf. Jeder von uns sollte für das ungeheure Gut des Wissens und der Weisheit, wie alles durch die FIGU seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1975 allen Interessierten angeboten wird, dankbar sein und seinerseits als Dank und Ehrerbietung dafür einen aktiven Beitrag leisten.

Wer nehmen will, sollte auch etwas geben. Wo stünden wir alle jetzt, wenn nicht die wahren Propheten so unendlich viel an Selbstverpflichtung, Arbeit, Not und Mühe auf sich genommen hätten, um die Wahrheit unter den so verbohrten und wahrheitsscheuen Menschen der Erde zu verbreiten – oft unter Einsatz ihres Lebens und unter grossen körperlichen und psychischen Schmerzen und Entbehrungen, dennoch aber voller Liebe, Pflichtgefühl, Zähigkeit, Wahrheitsliebe und Treue gegenüber der Wahrheit und der Schöpfung?

Am Ende unserer Tage sollten wir uns nicht vorwerfen müssen, es versäumt zu haben, uns einer FIGU-Gruppierung anzuschliessen, um aktiver als bisher am grossen Ganzen mitzuwirken, wodurch wir vielleicht ein gutes Stück persönlicher Evolution versäumt haben – wenn wir auf dem Sterbebett liegen, ist es zu spät.

Wer noch nicht weiss und es nicht erfahren hat, dass das Studium und Zusammenarbeiten in einer FIGUGruppe von grossem Wert ist, der sollte seine Vorurteile und Hemmungen über Bord werfen und die Gelegenheit beim Schopf packen, um sich in eine gute nichtreligiöse und nichtsektiererische Gemeinschaft einzufügen. Die Einheit und Stärke einer FIGU-Gemeinschaft ist mehr als die Summe der einzelnen!

Von: Achim Wolf,

«Der grosse Bogen ist gespannt»
“The Big Bow is drawn in tension” – by Achim Wolf, Germany.

Translation into English Language, see above, from German, made by J.B.S – Brazil


That’s quite compelling. The planet is starting to go off kilter politically and culturally, people seem distracted by big nothings, the movies are ridiculous fantasies which run counter to good development. The culture is stagnant and withering. We’ve become a bad sequel of better times.

Michael has taken on an huge burden. I don’t like seeing him beating his head against a brick wall contacting these cutout UFO investigatory groups who consistently act as if they have the upper hand on this subject. We can help promote this also.

look at the popularity of Joe Rogan who is killing the MSM. I think there’s a huge receptive audience out there who are ready for the truth and it’s just a matter of getting it out through our new media which is where all the fish are schooling now.

David Hurlburt

Greetings. We – the United States FIGU Studiengruppe – have info-stand kits for any FIGU group to make a table event, everything fits in a car including folding table. I assure you it is so rewarding and fun to sit outside and read, chat and answer questions. See our NEWLY re-designed website for prior table events and send an email if interested, simply print it locally.
See Salome!

Matthew Szostek

Who were the so called Anunnaki and the Hindu gods? Were they related to Billy’s contacts?

Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

Dear Melissa,

There are only very precise, truthful, straight to-the-point awesome answers coming from your part here, Melissa.
I really love your very intelligent and dedicated work here on Theyflyblog, Melissa.
I love very much to read your, always very truly precise postings.
I will always try to help you and Michael Horn as well, as much as I can to help our Mission. I really love your hard work here on Theyflyblog, dear Melissa.

I have been studying the Lessons of Life, the Lessons of the Spirit, Lessons from the Energy of Creation (Lehren der Schöpfungenergie), Billy Meier’s Geisteslehreschrift) now for exactly 23 (Twenty three long) years now. I am now 65 years old age now. With a very happy 40 years long marriage with a sweet and very intelligent Japanese woman (Mrs. Atsumi, my wife, we have one son, and one daughter), my wife and my very wise counselling wife who also loves Billy Meier’s writings very very much. I always translate FIGU’s and Billy’s publications to her. She loves it.

You, Melissa, and also surely Michael Horn, can the both of you, count on my help at all times when needed.

Saalome and my best regards Melissa,
From Brazil

Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

My proof of membership. Figu’s Honorary Member for 23 years long. Granted to me by Billy Meier himself.
All by books are gifts, real gifts, which Billy Meier sends to me. I do have even many more books, all in German Language, that he sent to me as his gifts.
I love Billy Meier very much. He is like a father and an old grandfather and a father friend for me Melissa Osaki.

Ronald Rojas

Ronald from Gainesville Florida USA. I am originally from Costa Rica. Don’t know about you guys but it seems the Great War is soon approaching with yesterday Iran attacks on Israel and the psychopath of Netanyahu salivating to attack Iran. I wish Billy can give us little hint of which countries or cities more or less will be little safer or something like that. I am at peace though, when you the great one starts I like to be with my family ( 3 kids and wife) at least to be together and hope for the best .

Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

Dear Rojas,

This is what I think of this Warmonger and Genocidal NAZYNIAHU:

Ich möchte nur die Prozession der kriegslüsternen Selbstmörder sehen
die in den Tod gehen, um unser Leben zu retten

Ich möchte die Herzen der kriegstreibenden Kommandeure lesen
Alle von ihnen verurteilen ihre kriegstreibenden Selbstmörder-Soldaten für die Orgie der Farceure der kriegstreibenden Befehlshaber

Ich will einfach natürlich grausam sein
Und herausfinden, wo das Böse geboren wird und seine Saat zerstören
Ich will einfach nur von Natur aus grausam sein
Und herausfinden, wo das Böse geboren wird, und seine Saat zerstören…


I just want to see the procession of the warmongering suiciders
Walking to their deaths for the sake of our lives

I want to read the hearts of the warmongering commanders
All of them condemning their warmongering suiciders soldiers for the warmongering commanders’ Orgy of the Farceurs

I just want to be naturally cruel
And find out where this evil is born and destroy its seed
I just want to be naturally cruel
And find out where this evil is born and destroy its seed…

Eusebio Apellido

It is also a good time to observe what is going on since what we see can also go along with what we read here. For instance, what occured yesterday now or the day before, we have seen that one country does not wish for war, yet they also want to express that they will not take any sort of aggression from their opposition.
With regard to the BEAM material, one may or can discern what just happened as what is termed Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, in the inadequate but closely understood term we may know this as a ‘violent nonviolent’ action, whereby one country has shown its capabilities in a manner that a de-escalation of aggression is taking place.
So yes, we may worry about what may occur, however we can only go so far in looking towards how well we plan things. But what is occuring now is also an opportunity to learn using our way of observing life for what it is – like what makes us human as well as those things and situations that makes us not human and therefore how can we walk a better path.
With great danger, there is also great opportunity to create real peace, because peace is not a whimsical thing, yet as we observe folks speak in social media and in mass media, they see no peace because they have not truly sought those things that define the essences of wisdom, to which love, harmony, freedom and peace belongs.

B. S.

Hi Ronald,
This is Christian Frehner’s advice:
“The only thing we (who are aware about the mess on this planet that has been created and is fostered by religious thinking/belief) can do is to prepare ourselves mentally (most important) and also materially about various scenarios that we may be confronted with. All of these precautionary measures of course depend on the individual situation, as e.g. whether I live on the slope of an active volcano, or near the beach in Florida, or up on a hill in an elevated region, etc. etc.
Basically, one of the most sensible action is, IMO, to leave from the mega cities, because where there are masses of people, the probability of panic and violence is increased.”

Should it come to the “Great War” the whole world but esp. Europe and North America will be affected. But I wish that you and your family and all Figu members and really all those who do not support war as a solution, to be safe.

A true change may only come when creational laws underlie human thinking
When our world is ruled by leaders whose first priority is not national dominance or pride but the intent to “… act in consonance with the creational laws with the knowledge that only this will guarantee the peace of the country and all the whole world”.
When they take office with this oath.
This will be “the day”. 

E.g. Semjase to Billy in CR 142:76-85


I watched this clip on Facebook and I’m wondering if Billy talks about this in the contact reports?


I appeal to the group to help in a simple task. Ashton Forbes could help this case wide attention.

I have sent him a simple Email which we could all replicate and send.

His Email is

If we use the same header and body it will get his attention,

Header — > “UFO teck”

Then for the Email body, paste in the link to the Redacted interview with MH

Let’s keep it simple, if Ashton gets his teeth into this he won’t let go. It’s a step in a good direction. Ashton Forbes is already interested in hyperleap technology.

Syed Hussain

As much as this sounds strange and if Pliedians are reading this, I really want to meet them.

Marie Roberts

May I ask. And I’m not trying to make this a race thing at all. Are there any sightings or encounters with melaninated people ? Most encounters I hear are more so about tall white with blonde hair.. just super curious if there are others that are different


Meier has claimed to have met with a wide variety of human beings who appear be of familiar, and unfamiliar, ethnicities, colors, etc. The only illustrations would be of Menera and Asina here:

Also, the Trilaner who left the embedded hand, finger and arm prints, were said to have a light greenish skin color. Meier has also met with people who look like terrestrial Asian people.

Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

Yes, Menara has dark skin.


By chance, is there anyone here from the Philippines also?

Eusebio Apellido

There are Filipinos who are familiar with the BEAM material, There are a handful of folks in Facebook who frequent some Billy Meier materials there, this if the question about those being from PI is leading or related to the interests here.

B. S.

The Danger of Apophis Is Real

Henoch Prophecies about Apophis (Red Meteor) – Quetzal on Oct 10, 1981 (CR 150)

493. The meteor mentioned in the prophecies, which will have an enormous size and will cause very vicious destruction on Earth, and which besides climatic also threatens to bring tectonic and other changes, will also threaten to split the Earth’s crust, from today’s North Sea to the Black Sea, which however does not have to be true with certainty, because today certain factors speak against it.

510. Glowing lava masses and earth gases, etc. will then additionally create a deadly sulphur wall from this, which will drift westwards over the land and thus create an additional death zone, if the prophecy should actually be fully fulfilled, if the Earth-humans do not undertake something about it together.

Billy on Nov 23, 1981

On the mountains lies snow, yet it is not white, but yellow. A deadly colour at that time, because the yellow harbors death and ruin for all life. At this time, the weather will be overcast and rainy, while many deaths float in the atmosphere. The survivors freeze and will be snatched away by known and unknown deaths, which result from new diseases, epidemics and poisonings.
But at the same time, a severe quake rolls across the nations, to which many people fall victim.”

1.     Apophis will come close or hit Earth on April 13, 2029 and March 30, 2036.
2.     On both dates (but maybe more likely March 30, 2036) there may be snow in the Alps.
3.     The colour of sulphur is a vibrant yellow.–573364596290053780/

Phil Marshall

Petale prophecy:

A meteor from space – comet-like, races close and crashes in the big pond, the air it burns up as a glowing ball, in the year of the three-value, with terrible sound, with terrible howling, gigantic power, as death-missile it crashes on the Earth. As concentrated power racing through space, it brings a deadly destroying seed.

To add to this comment, I would be interested in knowing if this meteor (Apophis) being “comet-like” is just referring to the fiery tail produced during travel through the atmosphere, or if it’s a more precise use of language describing Apophis as actually having a tail caused by it venting gas from its surface, just like a comet does. That would mean the scientists calculations on its orbit is wrong due to the slight thrust produced by the venting gas which is not accounted for.

Furthermore, “year of the three-value”, what does that mean? Maybe its meaning is embedded in the numbers of the year.

For 2029, multiplying the digits together: 2×2×9 = 36 (three-value)

Adding the digits of 2029 together gives 2+0+2+9 = 13 (three-value)

The next flyby date is on April 13, 2029 (Friday), which is the 103rd day of the year, which both have three-value in it.

For 2036 the three-value is contained in the year. And multiplying the digits together you have: 2×3×6 = 36, which also has a three-value.

Interesting number coincidences for both years, but maybe 2029 is more of a three-value year than 2036.

Chris Day

The accepted science of comets is incorrect, A comet has no more water than an asteroid, the tail you see is not water vapour caused by heat when approaching the sun, A comets tail is caused by electrical pressure as it approaches a charged body in space, which occur from all elliptical orbits, thereby producing hydroxyl radicals from the electrical discharges machining the rocky surface in tuft like outbursts. As well as the gasses being emitted they and the body in space are electrically charged which will also create forces that will change the trajectory.
As for the impact date, why would a second impact date be mentioned if it was just 2029 that it hits? also the error margin is much much higher once it has been past earth and only a short distance will affect the final approach and whether it going into the keyhole, of course none of us can be sure and the best thing would be to deflect it like it was going to hit in 2029, as we wont have a second chance or it will be much much easier at the current time.

Chris Day

51. Due to solar energies, etc. the repelled particles then become visible as a shining tail.

55. These system comets generally only develop their impressive long tails in the vicinity of the Sun, which can often be many millions of kilometres long.

This caught my attention, especially the “etc” what solar energy is being talked about? If the particles are then being repelled, what is repelling them, it sounds like an indirect description of electrical charge to me, with electrical charge you have a magnetic field which would envelope the comet and resist the solar wind.

solar wind and photons interact with the released material photoionization is know to produce UV so the “shining tail” is actually producing light itself not just reflections from the sun.

Elongated orbits are also mentioned which would be a requirement for a change in electrical pressure.

The “dirty snowball” model of comets doesn’t work properly and is definitely not what they found when they visited a comet in the Rosetta Mission and they found a rocky body with none of the jets where water vapor was supposedly erupt from like a volcano.

Chris Day

It was rhetorical, sorry to keep going on about this but I think its important, If the asteroid develops a magnetic field on approach to the solar system then the cross sectional area that experiences a force from the solar wind will be higher and the deceleration force that it experiences will affect the trajectory, I wonder if this has or even can be taken into account seeing as we don’t know the strength of the solar wind a week from now let alone in the next 10 years.

Observations of predicted trajectories of approaching asteroids have varied wildly from predictions and no one can agree why, yet “they” are certain of something to a ridiculous confidence years in advance, its just crazy talk to not alarm people and cause panic.

Phil Marshall

Scientists have calculated that if in 2029 it passes through a small gravitational “keyhole” as it passes Earth, then it will collide with Earth on the next flyby date in 2036. And if it doesn’t pass through this keyhole (or collide with Earth) then it will miss Earth by a large margin in 2036. But if it does pass through this keyhole in 2029 then scientists will surely try to deflect it so that it doesn’t impact in 2036.

I don’t know if the 2036 collision is more likely than 2029, except that the current modelling shows that in 2029 the impact corridor of Apophis passes through central Europe (between North Sea and Black Sea) which is in line with what was written in the CRs.

Also, I’ve been thinking a lot about what is meant by “year of the three-value”, and if that means 2036 or 2029. But for 2029, the digits add up to 13. The flyby date is April 13, which is the 103rd day of the year. So the number “13” shows up three times for the 2029 flyby date, which might be what is meant by “year of the three-value”.

Chris Day

It would be prudent to just go with its going to hit in 2029, The time frame for deflection after 2029 is tight, and as I said before the force needed to change it will be higher as if it is going to slingshot past the earth adding an additional 3kms per second to its velocity. If nothing is done when its very easy to do so I fear nothing can be done in time. If it is done before is goes past earth the change of final trajectory will be huge with only a slight nudge.
This combined with the Yarkovsky effect and the possibility of increased drag from solar wind its going to be very tricky indeed.
There is a good talk about this from ages ago here:


Hi Phil,

Officially, at this current time and for many years now, NASA have been saying that the risk of Apophis impacting Earth in March (not April) 2036 is far less than the risk it poses in 2029:

[Wikipedia] For comparison, the planet Venus will be closer to Earth at 0.2883 AU (43.13 million km; 26.80 million mi; 112.2 LD) on May 30, 2036.”

After 2029, Apophis will be on a 7-year cycle before coming close to Earth again in 2036 (March or April). Therefore, the many years NASA have needed to have any confidence in their readings of Apophis’, relatively straighter, path and risk of collision now won’t be available after 2029 and it will hit if nothing is done against it, as Billy clarifies here:

[CR 475] In the year 2029 it is supposed to either hit the Earth or whiz past it only very narrowly. If the latter should be the case, then a next dangerous meteor appearance would be in the year 2036, whereby then a nearing to the Earth could all the more lead to the catastrophe, if nothing is undertaken against it by the scientists or nothing changes in relation to the trajectory of the meteor itself”

Due to the arrogance of scientists, the real risk is if Apophis trajectory does NOT change or appear to change, or IS NOT affected by the gravitational keyhole, which is highly likely according to all estimates, because then it will be too late and success isn’t guaranteed even if action is taken at that future time, as Ptaah clarifies:

[CR 475] 158. However, such an undertaking must already be carried out early and not only then, when the real danger starts to threaten, because otherwise a success can hardly still be given.”

B. S.

Hi Phil,

Below some information that tries to narrow the timing of the Great Inferno.
from FoM and CR information.
The resulting conclusions are my own guesses and I may be mistaken.


Billy’s Nov 23, 1981 “Prophecy”
may be further evidence pointing to the likelihood of Apophis hitting earth just after the WW3 inferno 

Billy published his prophecies some 6 weeks after Quetzal’s advice on the ‘Red Meteor’ (CR 150) and some 6 years before Quetzal’s version of the ‘Henoch Prophecies’ (HP). But his Nov 1981 prophecies Billy describes both, first the WW3 inferno (similar to the HP) and then he hints at the Apophis hit:  

As for the latter (Apophis hit) he points out that the ‘snow is yellow’ – ‘a deadly colour at the time’. This yellow layer may well correspond to the “deadly sulphuric wall” that a possible Apophis hit will create – as Quetzal explained some 6 weeks earlier in CR 150 (Oct. 10, 1981):

“ 510. Glowing lava masses and earth gases, etc. will then additionally create a deadly sulphur wall from this, which will drift westwards over the land and thus create an additional death zone, …”

By first describing the WW3 cruelties and then hinting at the asteroid hit ‘soon after the inferno ends’., Billy’s Nov 1981 prophecy mirrors Jmmanuel’s Prophecy (TJ 25:44):

Because Jmmanuel’s Prophecy, too, first describes the WW3 cruelties and then explains that soon after this inferno ends (TJ 25:44) “… the sun and moon will lose their light, and the comets will fall down from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
If ‘comets falling down’ corresponds to “Apophis hitting our planet” this may point to an end of major hostilities on/before March 30, 2036.
          Counter argument: 
         Comets have tails – asteroids have no tails
         But Semjase, in CR 60:79, compares the Mu asteroid with a shooting star
                   79. First only visible like a small shooting star, in a few seconds it
                         turned to a gigantic size with a fiery tail.
        This tail may be well be related to the system the Mu scientists attached to
the asteroid. But it could as well describe the view of an asteroid that
is on a planet-collision course
If Jmmanuel’s Prophecy (TJ 25:44) hints at Apophis we can calculate the start of WW3 because in CR 215:171 Quetzal tells us the duration of the inferno.
          171. The human beings will be completely powerless against all this and
will live through 888 days of Hell on Earth, suffering hunger and
plagues which will claim even more lives than the war itself.

Thus, as the major hostilities take 888 days the inferno would start on or before
                                        (Mar 30, 2036 – 888 days =) June 14, 2034
According to Jmmanuel’s Prophecy the inferno he describes to his disciples will start “2000 years and some additional time after 30 AD (= the year in which Jmmanuel outlined his prophecy) (TJ 25:06). Incorporating the fact that 6 AD-years (2) are missing in our present-day calendar this would be

                    (30 + 2000 – 6 =) “2024 and some additional time”

whereas the ‘additional time’ could be months, years or decades after 2024 (1):
If the above estimate (on/before Jun 14, 2034) is correct ‘the additional time’ would be exactly one decade after 2024

========================== /// ================================
Contributing Information

(1) As mentioned in an comment:
The breakout of the Great Inferno in 2024 is very unlikely as many events mentioned in the prophecies are yet to happen – e.g.

– the HP speak of
—- civil wars in Sweden, Russia, France, Wales breaking out before WW3
—- human settlements under the ocean waters which is as yet a futuristic idea:

– Billy’s 1981 Prophecy mentions that

—- all countries bordering the North Sea are hit by a typhoon
(there have been many heavy storms on the North Sea but its waters are, up
to now, by far, not yet warm enough to produce a typhoon)

As the above events are not likely to happen soon the Henoch Prophecies refer to a much later year (than 2024).
(2) CR 150:464 (Quetzal)

“This is, by the way, a fact that is even known to those responsible for terrestrial time calculation, who know exactly, that according to the year 1981, that must already become calculated with the year 1987.”

So, “time on our planet” is 6 years older than 2024 AD, i.e., it really is already 2030 AD.

Phil Marshall

Interesting. So 2029 may actually be the year 2033, and with Apophis flyby on April 13, which is the 103rd day of the year, that’s a lot of 3’s in that combination.

Phil Marshall

Actually now that I think about it more, the year 2033 makes sense as being the three value year based on the true calendar which is about 4 years ahead of the one we currently use. Plus it’s a more straightforward interpretation, making the year unique as a three value year, and without having to do number gymnastics like I did to find where the number 3 shows up lol.

Dan Williams

Prophecy fulfilled.


Please let us know precisely which prophecy.


Paul Johnson

Thanks for the answers i got on the question i had regarding reincarnation in regards to a generational starship scenario.

I have another question regarding reincarnation i would like to ask. What im about to ask is one thing that i find confusing. I will share a hypothesis i have on what i think the answer might be on this additional question because im curious how close i am to the truth regarding the science behind how it works:

I know that considering how old the existence our species is (according to the CRs) that our species has already become an interstellar, intergalactic and even interdimentional species to the point that earth represents just one of MANY breakaway human civilizations that broke away from other breakaway civilizations, etc, that there will always be more humans dead than alive, this resulting in an endless supply of spirits being available for reincarnation.

but if what is revealed in the CRs regarding reincarnation is true, then there must have been a time (likely over a billion years ago) when our species was so young, possibly when we were on our original homeworld that likely doesnt exist anymore, in which there HAD to have been more humans being born than have died.

in such a scenario, new spirits would have had to have been created that were never incarnated before.

in that case, where did those spirits come from? also this may be the same question but with different words, but where did the first human spirits come from?

my hypothesis: i once heard of a belief system when i was a kid that there is a culture on earth that exists either in or around india that believes in reincarnation and in their belief system that human spirits were once carnated as less evolved life forms.

I have no idea how much that belief system corrisponds to the truth, but i do know that the CRs make it clear that our consciousness evolves just as much as our biology and technology does and that a group of individuals (the high counsel) have the ability to hit the proverbial evolutionary reset button on some spirits which would be the worst case scenario if we earth humans do cause our own extinction.

so maybe “creation” somehow creates these new spirits and they incarnate into lower evolved lifeforms such as animals but when these spirits evolve enough then they incarnate into more intelligent animals until they are evolved enough to reincarnate into human nervous systems thus solving the logistical issue of where new human spirits come from when there were not enough human spirits to go around.

there’s obviously a lot of holes in this hypothesis of mine so i dont think it corrisponds to the truth.

however there HAD to have been a time in the very-very-VERY distant past when there were not enough spirits to go around to logistically support the incarnation of more humans. Therefore in that scenario “new” human spirits had to come from somewhere, but where/how?



And when did the first human life-forms come, which then also developed in higher levels, and where did the spirit-forms of the different levels come from, like, for example, Arahat Athersata and Petale and so forth?


661. At their formation, all higher levels, through the creativity of Creation, are already equipped with spirit-forms which are equipped with the required knowledge and all the wisdom of that pertinent level.

663. They are then, now and again, also the leading and guiding spirit-form powers of these levels for those evolving ones following from lower levels.

The Future Of Mankind – A Billy Meier Wiki – Contact Report 238

Paul Johnson

awesome thank you!

Mark Rudd

From the wellspring of life of course. As the teachings say, contrary to what I believed my whole life, reincarnation, we do not evolve from lower species, we are a distinct Wesen. The universe is vast and there are many places for life to spring up, no shortages, balanced equalized.

Debbie Parker

I just viewed this video on Facebook and wonder if there is any truth to this?

Paul Johnson

what are yalls thoughts on the movie Civil War that just came out? It’s about a 2nd civil war in the USA.

just watched it yesterday. it was so watered down and didnt really have a plot. if it wasnt for the trailers i wouldnt have known that the president was serving a third term. it was just about a group of reporters on a toad trip to DC trying not to get shot, hoping to interview the president before he gets deleted. they make it there, get one quote from him and then he dies and the movie ends.

i had to use google to even find out what the point of the movie was. the folks who made it claim they were trying to make an anti-war movie so that people would be disgusted at the idea of a civil war. they tried to be as neutral as possible when writing the plot because they were trying to discourage the idea of civil war. but it was so neutral that it didnt seem to have a plot. but there was a clear message behind the movie that i agree with which was DONT DO THIS.

some folk are claiming online that it is predictive programming for the masses. who knows what the truth is but i find it interesting they they would have a movie like this come out during these times.

Phil Marshall

I liked it. It was lacking details on the backstory but I think that’s because everyone has an idea of what the backstory could be, so why agitate the politics behind that. I think it’s good that it was neutral without trying to resolve anything, and was really just showing what could happen, giving strong visuals and a sense of surreal along the way.

Charles V.

With all the drama surrounding Jedi as of late, I thought I’d switch gears a bit, provide a bit of light and food for thought in the days of darkness that we’re in and possibly are entering.

I’m not sure where I received the following (and no, I didn’t receive it via AA or a message from a high and mighty source, that I’m certain, just wanted to clarify that), it was either by reading it somewhere, a passing thought of mine or something; I’m truly not certain, nevertheless, here it is.

“How beautiful is it that as humans, we love petting animals with love and seeing their joy. How more beautiful is it that as humans, we live in a world full of lovely animals that love to be petted and loved.”

That’s it, that’s all I have lol I take you back to your regularly scheduled program lol

There’s so much to learn and know about our world and life in general, especially with all us humans, all lifeforms of all shapes, sizes and variations that we know of and have yet to discover. We’ve to be kind and humane to all lifeforms, including ourselves.

Take great care of yourself and your loved ones my mission-brothers and mission-sisters, love and positivity binds us, hate and negativity blinds us.



P.S. If you’re reading this Jedi, truly know that I don’t hate you man; hate is such and too strong a word to describe you and who I thought is/was a mission-brother for the most important mission on Earth. Truth be told, I’m disappointed that you chose this path Jedi, that’s all. You’re a smart man, no one is taking that away from you. Flip the script brother, out with the old, create the new. Utilize your intelligence for the good, for the betterment of humans and Earth, and more importantly, to evolve and better yourself young man. You have the power to do so, it’s about inspiring yourself to choose to do the right things in life.

No matter what anyone says, we always have a choice, the choice is yours.

Charles V.

My pleasure Melissa, always 🙂

Thank you for including the excerpt, such wise words, brilliant words if I may write so; I love the information that is relayed to us via the Creational Energy Teachings, everything pieces together so perfectly. As others probably know, this world is not easy to live in. As the days fade into yesterday, we’re reminded (via daily news and updates) of how our lives and realities are shaped by our thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions, whether good bad or indifferent.

Why do we humans have to make things so damn difficult, myself included, I’m far removed from perfection, obviously lol. Just because life isn’t easy, it doesn’t mean we have to make it hard for ourselves. And yes, I do take my own advice, truly.

I wonder if the 800 years or so (before we humans get it right and circle back to the Creational Energy Teachings) might be due to us setting ourselves back to the stone age with the presumably upcoming turmoil hitting us currently and about to hit this planet (that we collectively created). The statement doesn’t need to be answered by anyone, just a nagging thought I’ve had for awhile. I’m doing and will do my best to assist in shortening the 800 years; rough road ahead, but every rough road smooths out eventually.

Thanks again for the excerpt Melissa, truly, and as always, thank you tremendously for all you do for this site, for Michael, the mission and humanity; you’re a very special spirit-form Melissa, I’m honored and privileged to know you, keep it rockin’ sister! 🙂

To all, keep being who you are and you’ll never have to worry about being anyone else 🙂

Take great care of yourself and your loved ones Melissa and everyone, all as one my brothers and sisters!



Der Beobachter Edelweiß aus Brasilien

Singende Strahlschiffe Sirrgeräusche Mit Musikmontage Zur Entspannung Beim Lesen Oder Beim Sitzen Im Garten. Inklusive mit der Urklang OM auch.

Musikmontage durch Der Beobachter Edelweiss 7x7x7x7x7x7x7 gemacht. Am 24. Juli 2023

Singing Beamship Sound – Music Montage For Relaxing While Reading or Sitting In The Garden. including the ancient sound OM also.

Music montage made by Der Beobachter Edelweiss 7x7x7x7x7x7x7 on July 24, 2023

Sie können diese Musik mit einem Kopfhörer hören.
You can listen to this music by using headphones.


OM ist eines der einfachsten und sehr ältesten Mantras, oder Klangschwingungen. Es ist bekannt als der heilige Urklang der Schöpfung.
Dieser heilige Klang OM besteht aus NUR ZWEI grundlegenden Silben – OM, die die verschiedenen Zustände des Bewusstseins, die Energien der Schöpfung selbst, repräsentieren.


OM is one of the most simple and very ancient mantras, or sound vibrations. Known as the sacred primordial sound of CREATION.
This sacred sound OM is composed of ONLY TWO fundamental syllables – OM, which represents the various states of awareness, the energies of Creation Itself.

Link zum MP3 Herunterladen:
Link to download the MP3: