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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Concealing Contact at all Costs

I think it’s safe to say that the “official discovery” of other intelligent life in the universe would be the single most important event in human history. If and when we “officially” make contact with those beings would certainly equal, and perhaps exceed, that primary event in significance.

But such discoveries could also pose huge problems for our world, especially for those rather primitive elements like our religions and belief systems. Additionally, worldwide recognition of such realities would also be the cause of colossal concern for the traditional power structures such as governments, economic, military and political establishments. After all, the reality that far more advanced and powerful beings exist that can freely operate outside of any terrestrial constraints would be viewed as dangerously destabilizing to all power and control structures. Such fears are completely understandable, if not actually fully warranted. Certainly to be approached by an outside race that would logically also have some pretty tremendous weaponry and technological power, etc., would arise primal fear in many people. Of course such fear would be all the more understandable in light of how we human beings of Earth would quickly assume that the approaching visitors were similarly motivated, i.e. were at least as irrationally violent, barbaric, bloodthirsty, brutal and aggressive as we are.

The Disinformation Agenda

Officially, there are no other intelligent life forms in the universe, friendly or otherwise. However, unofficially at least some of our governments have known about the existence of extraterrestrials since…1915. There have been various events since that time, even before the crash and recovery of androids at Roswell, about which Billy Meier and the Plejaren know infinitely more than any so-called “UFO experts”.

As part of the disinformation programs by the US and other governments, various groups were/are either formed, or assisted, by the respective intelligence agencies, as were/are certain individuals used to further the disinformation agenda. The parties themselves may be unaware of any existing covert connections and of course some groups and individuals may arise without any such assistance, solely through their own enthusiasm and, quite often, extreme delusions. Characterizing virtually all of the aforementioned groups and individuals is a delightfully blithe disregard for serious science and logical thinking, etc.

This isn’t to say that all sorts of bluster and lip service aren’t given to describing their concerns, theories and “investigations” into the UFO phenomenon. But since their so-called scientific standards are so abysmally low, and they have zero actual evidence of anything verifiably of extraterrestrial manufacture, resorting to pseudoscientific smoke and mirrors, dog and pony show “disclosure hearings”, “field investigators, etc.”, are substituted. All of this helps to marginalize the whole topic and, still, for the most part relegate it to, and regard it as worthy of, tabloid and fringe discussions. And it makes a bunch of people feel important.

Helping to keep things as stagnant as possible organizations such as the stupidly name Exopolitics group feature prominently, with a surprising number of international affiliates comprised of people who may have been convinced that they’re doing something of historical importance by babbling about concocted nonsense regarding non-existing “aliens”.  Exopolitics, therefore, has functioned as a prominent, attention grabbing disinformation entity, which like MUFON, has as a large part of its purpose distracting the public away from the contacts between Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrial human beings, ongoing for more than 72 years.

The Exopolitics group has so far, with the backing of people like Canadian philanthropist Tom Clearwater, managed to keep perpetuating the disinformation about the imaginary “alien” this and that. In fact the rumor is that Clearwater is the person who supposedly put up the $600,000 for the Washington hearings fiasco, wherein six US congressmen were reportedly paid (something like $20,000 each) to attend, give lip service to, and carry on for a while about all the completely unsubstantiated “alien presence”. Of course no mention at all was made of the Meier case at the dog and pony show. And in my brief online contact with Clearwater he made it clear he didn’t have the slightest interest in knowing anything about Meier.  Why would a very wealthy and seemingly intelligent person put up almost two-thirds of a million dollars to support a third rate hack like Bassett, who’s known for saying absolutely nothing of substance and even getting quite hysterical while doing it? (Doncha love my linking to a site that also attacks me?)

So, is Clearwater a well intentioned but extremely gullible, New Agey, UFO aficionado who wants to make a name for himself in UFOlogy…and is willing to shell out big bucks to do it? He’s also been associated in some way with Stephen Greer, who seems to actually have discovered perpetual motion and free energy, i.e. he’s perpetually hustling money from people to free himself from such trifling matters as substantiating all of his various claims, about free energy, “alien contact”, etc.

A Break in the Ranks

One member of Exopolitics, Mark Snider, has now quietly and unceremoniously broken ranks with Exopolitics, declaring:

“After reading many Exopolitics books and much UFO literature I am a little disappointed. Compared to the wealth of information in the Meier material these other texts just don’t have nearly as much to offer. There is a tremendous amount of useful data in the Meier writings and I want to concentrate my efforts in this area.”

Mark’s efforts are now focused primarily on disseminating information about the Meier case on his radio show. I couldn’t be happier of course because I’ve long been an advocate of bringing the entire, abysmal Exopolitics charade to an end and perhaps now more of the wide-eyed, misinformed and misdirected members will awaken to…reality.

The Main Shills

As I stated in this recent interview, to be clear, I am definitely calling Exopolitics, MUFON, OpenMinds, the Disclosure Project and people like Bassett, Greer and Michael Salla, etc., peddlers of gross, cynical disinformation. They are free to challenge me any time they want to but…I won’t hold my breath.

Going back to the beginning of the article, I mentioned that actual proof of extraterrestrial life, let alone its making contact with us on Earth, would be the most important and potentially disruptive events in all of human history. This is at the core of all disinformation and one of the most obvious tactics with disinformation is to surround the truth with lies. In terms of the various UFO organizations, the objective is to thoroughly drown and smother the truth; to so confuse, cover, cloud, obfuscate and corrupt it that those people who actually do want to know the truth will also most likely find, or be found, by these groups and get caught up in their dead-end, chase your own tail charades.

What the UFO Cover-up Is really all About

MUFON, Exopolitics, the Disclosure Project, etc., all do the same meaningless, cynical never-can-find-the-evidence dance, just as SETI and Seth Shostak do for the mainstream, so-called scientific community, media, etc. And all of this is effectively maintained to conceal and cover up the truth that actual contact with an extraterrestrial human race has not only occurred but has been ongoing for over 72 years. The Billy Meier UFO contact case is what the UFO cover-up is really all about. And, as one can discover for themselves, the irony is that it isn’t so much the so-called government that is the only, or main, suppressor and opponent of the truth but rather the UFO community/industry, which hides its cynical machinations and agenda in plain sight. It does so more and more by providing lots of…entertainment and illusions, relying on the ever-deteriorating consciousness and discernment that Billy Meier himself had foretold (number 127) in 1958.

In truth, the Meier case isn’t so much about UFOs and extraterrestrials. It’s about helping us to assure our own future survival. Its abundant information, spiritual teaching, prophetically accurate prophecies and predictions, etc., contain the means to accomplishing this. And it is exactly this real, selfless gift to humanity that these enemies of the truth – and humanity itself – seek to conceal from us at all costs…and we’re soon to realize just how high those costs really are.


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Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

For me, and I’m sure many others, the info. below is great.

“Billy: Fantastic, Semjase.


“61. Surely, but I have not finished, as I want to tell you now another origin, for this fateful comet also brought along your moon, a small planet from a far away solar system.

62. The Earth’s Moon originated as a little planet 4.5 million years older than the Earth.

63. It happened millions of years ago.

64. Deep in unexplored space, in a sun-system near the milky way (ecliptic), a lone star floated far from the normal courses of the sun-circling orbits.

65. It was a “dark star” empty of life, very dangerous in its erratic course into which it was cast by a huge eruption of its native sun.”

Carlos Ribeiro

Some problem, Michael?. Oh, I do not care. The risk of hearing and make room for these individuals and act as you act is just yours. And if not I, as other occasions proved, you will still have problems with it.

Carlos Ribeiro

Há um excesso de preocupação com grupos ufológicos. Nem sempre todos os ufólogos foram ruins. Dr.Walter Karl Buhler, defensor de Meier, e já falecido, foi um dos mais importantes ufólogos brasileiros. Até hoje a ufologia de meu país o reverencia e respeita, embora não acredite mais nesse caso. Eu não leio mais revistas ufológicas nem o que os ufólogos dizem, nem perco meu tempo com que eles dizem nessa sub-cultura de céticos ainda pior que a sub-cultura da internet ela mesma. Minha última briga com ufólogos foi 15 anos atrás. Eu nada tenho a ver com eles.

Pouco antes disso, 1999, me encontrei face a face com Mathusalem no micro ônibus que nos levara a um congresso ufológico na capital do meu estado, no sul do hemisfério sul. Alguns anos depois Guido Moosbrugger foi convidado para um evento em minha própria cidade, bastante ambicioso, e embora tenha aceitado o convite, o evento não foi realizado por culpa das instituições locais, falta de estrutura, entendimento, ou outros problemas. Isso iria ocorrer no maior teatro local Cine Teatro Ouro Verde, que na época da construção disseram: “Poderia estar em Nova York”.

Mais tarde reencontrei o livro de Moosbrugger, muito bem traduzido por Buhler em português, na Biblioteca Pública da minha cidade. Nas livrarias de usados reencontrei também Anos-Luz de Gary Klinder e na internet encontrei o de W.Stevens, que estudou um caso de uma cidade há 200 km da minha, no livro “Abduction at Maringá”.

Mas não leio mais essas coisas. Elas representaram uma busca legível, hoje não representam mais. A ufologia não tem mais nada a dizer. A ênfase neste blog contra a ufologia eu interpreto como a mais viável solução encontrada por Michael para direcionar um assunto que não teria qualquer respaldo de outra forma, como já testado, seja em instituições oficiais ou populares ou alternativas.

Outro ponto referido (por que você diz que outros não tem a dizer? eles disseram melhor que você): O movimento New Age partiu de premissas válidas, com raízes mais antigas, e soluções bastante aceitáveis se você pegar pelos melhores intérpretes do movimento e não pelas adaptações populares com termos e práticas religiosas. Um livro que tenho em minha casa se chama “Consciência Cósmica Revisitada”, com todo o histórico disso tudo. E muitos outros podem ser lidos e até mesmo foram comentados positivamente em fases iniciais dos contatos.

O outro lado, que é pegar pelas profecias, vai se chocar de um lado contra o ceticismo das instituições, de outro com a cultura popular que já tem essa cultura da profecia, e além do mais, Meier não é o único que fez previsões, mesmo que outros tenham feito de forma menos detalhada, e se vocÊ LER TUDO, verá que parte falhou como outras da época (1980/81 por exemplo). Sim ´profecias podem não ocorrer, mas as deles (PS & BEAMS) falharam como outras daquela época. E recentemente Ptah disse num contato que as pessoas estão melhorando e que por isso alguns eventos podem ser adiados e não ocorrer. Isso é exatamente o que todos aqueles que tem uma melhor interpretação sempre disseram.

Eu não acredito particularmente que o ser humano de modo geral esteja melhorando no caminho que segue, então me surpreendeu aquela afirmação. Mas também não acredito que a cultura humana como um todo está errada ou que o ser humano de modo geral está perdido e não se pode confiar em ninguém. Nem acho que não haja coisas verdadeiras e verídicas, científicas e lógicas, passadas pelos contatos.

Eu acredito que uma parte, menor da humanidade, sofreu muito pela busca da verdade, da certeza, da lucidez, da cultura e do conhecimento. E um mínimo de respeito nós temos que ter por isso. Não é coisa que se brinque, então a solução é atacar continuamente os grupos ufológicos e falar daqueles que não aceitam as profecias, de modo geral.

Mas quem vem discutir com frequência aqui tem compromisso, se não sabe onde está a melhor cultura humana, de pelo menos estudar o caso e se inteirar das coisas, em vez de ficar dizendo besteiras e mais suposições subjetivas a semana inteira. Pois se as pessoas que vem aqui encontram discussões que fazem sentido, não teriam uma visão negativa daqueles que estudam o caso, ou dizem que estudam. Aliás, até mesmo um hobby inteligente pode fortalecer alguém fisicamente ou mentalmente, então não é isso que está em questão. E Michael não teria problemas, como teve em várias fases deste site. Embora vá tê-los sempre, pois faz parte e é um risco que ele corre quando prefere fazer de um jeito ou de outro.

O que você faz aqui pode ser definido por uma expressão popular “viajar na maionese”. Eu acho, não me leve a mal, que você, além de se inteirar mais do que está dizendo, ter um pouco mais de respeito pela humanidade e a cultura da humanidade do qual você acredita ser um “simples humano”. Alguém usou isso com “H” maiúsculo, e é duvidoso, pois quem não atinge o entendimento básico ou é uma criança ou um humanóide animal que ainda não adquiriu o dom do entendimento. Na melhor das hipóteses, uma criança pouco inteligente e nem um pouco sábia.

A questão de honra aqui é defender que BEAM é o maior, mais acurado, mais exato, que ninguém disse o que ele disse. Bem, com uma assessoria dessas, acho que até uma criança, um adolescente inteligente não se sairia tão mal, sem qualquer depreciação dele ou de outras pessoas.

Alguns little pigs and dogs vieram grunhir, xingar aqui, o que mostra a idiotice maior do que medimos inicialmente. Cresçam e aprendam little dogs: o poder de pensamento, consciência, vem de não renunciar a seu livre arbítrio, não entregar na mão de outros e figurar as coisas pelo seu entendimento, aprender, digerir, num processo paciente. Um hobby inteligente pode prepará-los melhor mentalmente (não precisa ser xadre, leitura de b ons textos, que não sejam a sub-cultura dos websites, por exemplo).

Sugiro a você que antes de opinar tão sumariamente contra as pessoas aqui, que estude mais na biblioteca ou pelo menos se inteire mais das informações deste caso. Ou veja outro modo de solucionar seus sentimentos confusos e mal orientados (que podem existir aqui ou em qualquer parte da internet e do mundo).

Tenha um bom fim de semana.

(Quanto a mim: “Hey, sunday sun… let s go walking and we ll talk about some things. I kick my shoew off and we ll dream about some dreams (…) Baby, I can fly … He-hey sunday sun come shine on me, let s go walking etc etc).

Carlos Ribeiro

There is an excess of concern with UFO groups. Not all ufologists were always bad. Dr.Walter Karl Buhler, defender Meier, and now deceased, was one of the most important Brazilian ufologists. Until today ufology of my country reveres and respects, though most do not believe in this case. I do not read most UFO magazines or what ufologists say, not waste my time on what they say in this sub-culture of skeptics even worse than the sub-culture of the internet itself. My last fight with ufologists was 15 years ago. I have nothing to do with them.

Shortly before that, in 1999, I found myself face to face with Mathusalem the minibus will take us to a UFO conference in the capital of my state in the south of the southern hemisphere. Some years later Guido Moosbrugger was invited to an event in my own city, very ambitious, and although he accepted the invitation, the event was not held by the fault of local institutions, lack of structure, understanding, or other problems. This would occur in the largest local theater Cine Teatro Verde Gold, who at the time of construction said: “It could be in New York.”

Later rediscovered Moosbrugger’s book, well translated by Buhler in Portuguese, in the Public Library in my town. In the used bookstores also rediscovered Light Years Gary Klinder and found the internet to W.Stevens, who studied the case of a city for 200 miles from me, in the book “Abduction at Maringa”.

But do not read that stuff anymore. They represented a readable search today represent no more. Ufology has nothing more to say. The emphasis in this blog against ufology I interpret as the most feasible solution found for Michael to direct an issue that would have no support otherwise, as we have tested, whether official or popular or alternative institutions.

Another point that (why do you say that others do not have to say they told you better): The New Age movement was valid assumptions, with older roots, and quite acceptable solutions if you take the best interpreters of the movement and not adjustments to the terms of the popular and religious practices. A book I have in my house is called “Cosmic Consciousness Revisited”, with all the history of it all. And many others can be read and even been commented positively on the early stages of the contacts.

The other side, which is grabbing the prophecies will collide on one side against the skepticism of institutions, another with popular culture that already has this culture of prophecy, and besides, Meier is not the one who made predictions, even though others have done in less detail, and if you read everything, you see that part failed as the other season (1980/81 for example). Yes prophecies can not occur, but theirs (PS & BEAMS) failed as others of that time. And recently a contact Ptah said that people are getting better and that’s why some events can be delayed and may not occur. That’s exactly what everyone who has ever said a better interpretation.

I do not particularly believe that human beings in general is improving the way that follows, so that statement struck me. But also do not believe that human culture as a whole is wrong or that humans in general are lost and can not trust anyone. Nor do I think that there is no genuine and truthful, scientific and logical things, past the contacts.

I believe that part, lowest of mankind, suffered much by the pursuit of truth, certainty, lucidity, culture and knowledge. And at least we have to have respect for it. It’s not something you play, then the solution is continuously attacking UFO groups and talk of those who do not accept the prophecies in general.

But who comes here has frequently discuss Escrow if you do not know where is the best human culture, at least study the case and become aware of things, instead of getting blathering more subjective assumptions and the whole week. For if the people who come here are discussions that make sense, would not have a negative view of those who study the case or say studying. Indeed, even a smart hobby can strengthen someone physically or mentally, then it is not what is at issue. And Michael would have no problems, as had at various stages of this site. Although it will always have them, as a part and it is a risk he runs when prefers to do one way or another.

What do you do here can be defined by a popular expression “travel in mayonnaise.” I think, do not get me wrong, you, in addition to learn more than you’re saying, have a little more respect for humanity and human culture which you believe to be a “mere human”. Has anyone used this with uppercase “H”, and it is doubtful, because who does not meet the basic understanding or are a child or an animal humanoid has not yet acquired the gift of understanding. At best, a child unintelligent and not at all wise.

The question of honor here is advocating that BEAM is the largest, most accurate, exact, no one said what he said. Well, with such advice, I think even a child, a smart teen would not fare so badly, without any depreciation him or other persons.

Some little pigs and dogs came grunting, swearing here, which shows the greater idiocy than initially measured. Grow up and learn little dogs: the power of thought, conscience, comes not to abandon their free will, not hand in hand other and figure things by their understanding, learn, digest, a patient process. A smart hobby can better prepare them mentally (not to be plaid, reading texts b ons, other than the sub-culture of websites, for example).

I suggest that before you opine so summarily against people here, to look more at the library or at least inteire more information on this case. Or see another way to solve their confused feelings and misguided (that may exist here or anywhere on the internet and the world).

Have a good weekend.

(As for me: “Hey, sunday sun … let’s go walking and we’ll talk about some things I kick off my shoew and we’ll dream about some dreams (…) Baby, I can fly. … He-hey come sunday sun shine on me, let’s go walking etc etc).

Carlos Ribeiro

Consider if published only the english text. (the system failed and a error occurs)

Matt Lee

Michael would it be important enough for me to not wait for others here to point this out to you by indicating that the hyperlinked perpetually hustling money returns whoops 404 error or has someone already done so?
Just thought Id ask

Matt Lee

this artical in the section where you talk about Greer you hyperlinked perpetually hustling money. It returns an error 404


Well, as one youtube video I came across pointed out, ANYONE with enough money can buy a night vision goggles these days and watch mysterious things flying in the sky without having to pay for some Ambassador UFO CE-5 training course that Greer does going around in small controlled groups hundreds of miles away that seem to constantly guide the viewer from making their own judgement calls on what’s happening.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

I read this many years ago, and nothing has changed in regards to Humanity in general. Of course, some people have made some spiritual progress, but 99.99% of the world’s population have not changed at all, in my opinion, maybe they are worse.

“Truly the Earthling has developed and “splendidly advanced” to the turning point of the approaching year 2000. He has taken himself to the brink of a deep abyss and placed himself before the fangs of the beast of lunacy – driven by false doctrines and religious cults of malicious degeneration, which brought forth hatred, greed, vice, misery, lust, and bloodshed. He, the Earthling, self-appointed “Crown of Creation”, who rules or wants to rule the world and the universe, who has conquered the air, water and fire, has long ago forgotten how to be a true and sincere human being, and how to think, act, and live by pure spiritual standards. Hence he has essentially forgotten how to live as a valuable person in communion with other persons. All his forms strive for pure material and materialistic objects and concerns, and he badly disregards all matters of the spirit, progress, love, truth, knowledge, logic, and wisdom.”

This is just a small portion of a message, given Meier by the spirit-form which is really nameless, but introduces itself by the Sanskrit name Arahat Athersata, which is beyond time and space, and which is recorded in OM and in the book Arahat Athersata as having also advised past prophets. The Arahat Athersata delivers this important book – a message to the Earthly humanity explaining circumstances of the human condition in regard to religion, politics and sciences and so forth – with strident admonitions that the message never be falsified again! (Some of it, including the above excerpt has been printed in the English language booklet Life in the Spiritual and Physical, which is therefore required reading for any sincere seekers.”)

Matt Lee

Did Linda Moulton Howe somehow fell out of favour with the Billy Meier case
Why isnt she of all people who had visited Billy, who also knew very well Wendelle Stevens and Bob Brown going out there on various conferences and TV shows supporting the Meier case?

Marco K.

Because she’s more into fame and fortune than the truth, pretty simple.


No doubt. Or she’s being financed by the military industrial complex which are the true cattle mutilators. I mean someone had to pay for that boob job…did I say that out loud? In 2008 a mutilated cow was analyzed at a Las Vegas lab and wouldn’t you know it had high amounts of military grade tranquilizer. Does she assume that ET is stealing the military grade tranquilizer from the military? How dumb is that? Did she ever wonder why nothing would touch the corpse? Maybe it’s because scavenger animals and birds have a innate sense of not eating something that might kill them. My own research into the subject (and only because I know of 3 families whose lives have been effected by such shenanigans) has uncovered the fact that veterinarians and law enforcement will always tell the owner that it died of natural causes no matter how many parts are missing, they just skip right over that or give some retarded version of events. How natural is the military industrial complex? So Linda Moulton Howe’s book was for nothing and the fact that she could disregard something so true (Billy Meier) and she could carry on with her disinformation makes me think she is part of it. If you can’t be part of the solution there’s good money(breasts) to be made in prolonging the problem. Maybe Michael Shermer can grope that.

Matt Lee

if the reasons are as simple as that then the UFO industry as a whole is reflective of the decay it tries to point out about government secrecy abeited by people who least have the character nor the necessary self awareness to at least have the decency to step aside out of respect for the earth shattering importance of the subject matter they are least qualified to handle instead their presence in it makes a mockery out of it with their profit and fame greediness such intention being the worst reasons of all reasons for people to get into the field as it represents antithesis to what it should be all about and that is the ultimate unblemished truth or at least an endeavour to uncovering it.


I try to make an attempt to see things from different directions and try to take some guesses if certain conditions are met. Take for example Ptaah’s comment in CR 251:

“You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and provoke the controversy to the extent that it is not only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc., who preoccupy themselves with the subject. Finally, for some time now, a great variety of scientists, governmental agencies, military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy themselves with this subject, a fact that could not have been accomplished without your help and great resulting effort. Actually, alone through your efforts was this successful launching of the worldwide UFO controversy possible, for which we all express our appreciation to you – a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you.”

So, at least in English, some key points made by Ptaah that also reflect no the UFO Movement as a whole. **IF**, we read it another way, Billy was *NOT* successful in demonstrating controversy in the UFO Subject, then clearly the realm of UFOs would have been the subject of ‘only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc.’. Therefore, the ‘New Agey’ folks would probably, and I say probably as we’re just taking an educated guess on an approach from a different direction, be going around and obtaining converts to their new religion trying to make contact with the ‘UFO, angels, spiritual brotherhood, etc.’ as if they were their own ordained ministry just because of lights in the sky. The whole subject would probably have been worse off being singled out to folks that presume to know-all and word things in quite frankly stupefying terminology we’ve come accustomed to with the New Age, now with the backing of lights in the skies and dropa stone shaped objects. Not to mention, those folks Ptaah mentioned, specifically ‘only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc.’ are not the type that allow for differing opinions or educated investigations.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

Michael you said:

“It’s about helping us to assure our own future survival. Its abundant information, spiritual teaching, prophetically accurate prophecies and predictions, etc., contain the means to accomplishing this. And it is exactly this real, selfless gift to humanity that these enemies of the truth – and humanity itself – seek to conceal from us at all costs…and we’re soon to realize just how high those costs really are.”

No better words can be written. But there is no substitute for intelligence. How stupid is it when People/Humanity conceal, cover-up, and write-off the Meier material. They’re signing their own death warrant. They’re rejecting the one thing that can save them.

I always have good and positive thoughts concerning everyone and everything. I’m never a pessimist, but I am a realist. In my judgment, there’s very little hope that Humanity can survive, especially since the vast majority either don’t know the Meier information, or reject it due to extreme stupidity. As long as these current anti- Meier Religions and Governments control the minds of Humanity, realistically, there is very little hope. What can we do? Our efforts are a drop in the bucket compared to what must happen. Something or someone big has to happen to cause Humanity to wake up. I think the huge Earth changes that are coming very soon might be the ticket. After those catastrophes, where millions are killed, maybe people will start asking the right questions, which will lead to the correct answers.

I’ve been involved in getting truth of all kinds out to the people for many years, as you have, and very few have listened. Nevertheless, I will continue to do so, as I’m sure you will. I couldn’t care less about detractors, skeptics, slanderers, liars, morons, and generally ignorant closed-mined people. They have no real effect on me. I will always wait for the few open-minded sincere seekers to come, as they have come in the past.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

“Progressive hero Noam Chomsky is terrified of the surveillance state that has developed during the tenure of President Barack Obama, calling it a grave threat to our fundamental civil liberties.

In a column published Monday, Chomsky writes that the documents revealed to the public by Edward Snowden show a system that is flagrantly violating the principles of the Constitution.

“It is of no slight import that the project is being executed in one of the freest countries in the world, and in radical violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which protects citizens from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures,’ and guarantees the privacy of their persons, houses, papers and effects,” Chomsky said.

Read more:


If Tony’s attempt at posting long quoted material (which he’s been REPEATEDLY asked not to do) represents another misguided attempt to slander Obama, let it be known that — as Meier published in 2007 — the gross intrusions of privacy were set in motion before Obama even took office.


I was aware of rifts in the “SETI” (for want of a shorter word) scene. But I would have never thought there was criticism of Greer’s Disclosure Project (and I had the feeling he was genuine, no matter what the credentials of each of the witnesses he presents might be).


Nice post and information I found to be useful.