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Friday, May 10, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years

UFO contactee warned about Ukraine, the IS, Qatar, etc., BEFORE Assange, whistleblowers

With the US ramping up its warmongering efforts in Eastern Europe – a place, like the Middle East, that’s actually not part of the US despite frequently proclaimed, so-called “national interests” – Billy Meier briefly touches upon the real, underlying causes for this potentially world-engulfing conflict:

“Then I will come to speak to the Ukraine and the IS. As you know, in the Eastern Ukraine the Russian military is also mingling with the separatist battles, as you have said a long time ago, and this is also officially spoken in the media. However, the US government’s secret special units of the mercenary company Constellis Holdings of the former company Blackwater, who are fighting against the separatists, is not dealt with in any media. This is not the case with the fact that specialists of the US secret service CIA and also the FBI in Ukraine are acting as advisors and assistants for the government for the logistical and military rearmament, as you privately told me some time ago.”

And with the recent reports about the CIA’s considering launching cyber-attacks against Russia – for which they’ve concocted dubious reasons, which are carried forth by a criminally corrupt, robotic political mouthpiece – we are reminded of this comprehensive information about the CIA that Meier dared to openly publish, in 2006, including:

“So the CIA is not only the secret service that governs and controls the USA, rather the entire world.

And whoever does not obey their rules is, quickly, tersely and brutally struck down.“

Again from Contact Report 602, in light of these recent threats by the US to launch the cyber-attacks against Russia, it seems that Meier got it right again…unfortunately:

 “Especially in this respect, you have finally told me that the US intelligence agency NSA is also involved, and that a new system is being developed for computer intervention, which is commonly called ‘MonsterMind’ So-called cyber-attacks against governments, the military and the entire economy, as well as against civilians, but the NSA remains unrecognized as the author. You said that such cyber-attacks – if they actually take place when the ‘MonsterMind’ system is really used in the future – will cause a tremendous chaos and collapse the entire infrastructure of a country. The infrastructure includes all the long-lived institutions of a material or institutional nature that ensure the functioning of a labor-intensive economy. A distinction must be drawn between the private infrastructure created by all private enterprises, etc., and the state-designed infrastructure, mainly state investments and all state enterprises, as well as the economic regulation, etc. It is also possible, as you have said, that this system can mislead states and their intelligence services by disseminating false information that discriminates against other states, which can then lead to dangerous attacks against them and even wars. In addition, you said that work is being done to develop the ‘MonsterMind’ so that it reacts fully and fully automatically to real or alleged cyber-attacks and triggers dangerous and lethal countermeasures.”

Further, Meier had already scooped Edward Snowden’s revelations about the Microsoft/NSA connect, in 2007, preempting Snowden’s revelations…by six years.

Research from Matt Knight

The following documentation is from Matt Knight:

In Contact Report 602 from November 22, 2014, here in German, Billy responds to being repeatedly asked how the IS should be handled:

“My answer, which I am able to give, is that the Henok system would have to be carried out, i.e., through an effective Multinational Peace Campaign, which has many times the personnel and material superiority, as well as necessary weapons and technical equipment, etc. It should not be lax, but, achieved through harsh measures against the IS-militias as well as al-Qaeda, which, as you have explained, are mainly supported by rich Qataris and the royal family of the Emirate of Qatar.”

An email sent by John Podesta on 27th September, 2014 and released by on the 7th October, 2016, clearly shows that Billy is not only getting “Classified” information at the same time as those in power do, but, that the Plejaren know in advance the specific details of that information and how it will eventually be made available to the public, e.g., the email states, “While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, [emphasis] which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

This is further supported, in another of Hillary Clinton’s recently-leaked emails, entitled “EMIR OF QATAR CALLS FOR ARAB TROOPS IN SYRIA (AP)” as the Emir of Qatar, Al-Thani, specifically mentioned in Contact Report 602, is shown as being directly involved. The email from 14th January, 2012, which was released on 16th March, 2016, shows that Al-Thani was calling for “troops” to be sent into Syria: “BEIRUT – (AP) The Emir of Qatar says that Arab troops should be sent to Syria to stop a deadly of crackdown that has claimed the lives of thousands of people in the past ten months.

Something that we may have all missed was that Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani was interviewed by CBS’s “60 Minutes” show and that these, “…are the first statements by an Arab leader calling for the deployment of troops inside Syria. They come amid growing claims that a team of Arab observers dispatched to Syria has failed to stop the killings. Qatar, which once had close relations with Damascus, has been a harsh critic of the crackdown by President Bashar Assad’s regime.”

Notice the positive spin “60 Minutes” puts on the Emir of Qatar, Al-Thani in their show, calling his country “peaceful” and he a, “Master of all he surveys”. (The show may be conflicted by the 6 US University Campuses it mentions were recently built in Qatar).

The significance of Billy’s information from 2014 can only be understood in light of these recently leaked emails and comparing with known history. Written on 31st March, 2011, (released by WikiLeaks 7 months after Billy mentions that Qatari Royals fund ISIL), the following email shows that the Qatar government directly profited from the invasion of Libya: “It is also the [Qatari] government that will soon be helping sell oil from eastern Libya

According to that email, Egypt and Saudi Arabia wanted nothing to do with Policing Libya’s No-fly zone and so Qatar, would, “…reap [oil] benefits from Libya mission” by Policing it, which Syria… directly opposed! Soon after this direct opposition to Qatar, Syria’s “civil war” starts in March 2011. Coincidence? Is Qatar the small country CBS would have us believe?

Al-Nusra was formed in January 2012 shortly after the Emir of Qatar called for “Troops” to be sent to Syria, as leaked in the email from 14th January, 2012. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) are then formed shortly after this, in April 2013. This new group then freed more than 500 prisoners in simultaneous raids on Taji and Abu Ghraib prisons in July 2013 and on 29th June, 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. In July 2014, ISIL recruited more than 6,300 fighters. On 3 August 2014, ISIL captured the cities of Zumar, Sinjar, and Wana in northern Iraq. Thousands of Yazidis fled up Mount Sinjar. ISIL controls the four towns of Atmeh, al-Bab, Azaz and Jarablus on the Turkish border, opening up ISIL’s oil trade. In late January 2015, four thousand ISIL members had infiltrated the European Union and disguised themselves as civilian refugees.

See also:

Hillary In Leaked Email: Saudi Arabia And Qatar Are Funding ISIS

Qatar Wrote Clinton Foundation a Million Dollar Check for Bill Clinton’s Birthday

ISIS Confirms “Sleepers” in Europe as Billy Meier Warned

May the American People Know the Truth Before It’s Too Late

Billy Meier on America’s Coming Civil Wars

The Prophetic Warnings, the Press, the Disasters

Billy Meier on Putin, the EU, the IS, US Lies (2015)

Billy Meier on EU, Russia, Coming American Civil Wars (2016)

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Matt Knight


This blog just appeared on mainstream RT TV today – with the Billy bits taken out! The big Leak Assange has been promising – “Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money” – is out today, but, 3 weeks late according to what is EXACTLY in this blog.

Please watch Assange reiterate this blog today, here:

For the same information with the Billy bits added in, please see the blog above!

Can I just say that I’m in good health and very careful. Hope that Ecuadorian Embassy has another floor, as I may need it to hide away for a presidential term, or, so. Big Brother version 2,647 reality is not something “I” really want. But, they sure heck are trying to force the “I” be (J?), EU/US down our throats, like a new religious-sectarian control system. They have all the western media and they “…ain’t afraid to use it, neither”. It’s all rather boring. We know some dark order have been planning this EU dictatorship for a very, very, long time, but, I’ve grown accustomed to life and that… something those planning this may be a little lacking?

It’s OK, we won’t come after your dictatorial religous nut jobs ass. We have better things to do. We just want to be left in peace and have no desires to profit through heartless murder, thanks. Maybe, these dictators could try seeing what being human being is for a change? Variety is the spice of life and don’t knock it ’til you try it I always say.

Notice how the UK news is all about watching the pound… Like lifers doing solitary watching a nervous money spider spread its crap all over my prison walls. “Oh pound”, “How are you today?”, “Can you not ruin our day today?” It’s like money is the only thing given “reactions” these days, whilst the rest of us have barely a pulse. Money’s a nervous wreck… lowered and skyrocketed depending on whether the headlines are bad, or, good about the US/EU (≃ — — USE U).

If the world goes to war, or, there’s civil war in the states, everyone will be happy to have arms, let alone any money. Whilst prestitutes completely ignore Billy, the EU signs all human freedoms away with CETAs and other legal illnesses and threaten us with catastrophe if we don’t comply. Are we in the EU, or are we out, or, are we shake it all about? Time will tell and the media (except RT) will try to grind down the will of the British people like the propaganda tool of a dictatorship that it is.

In case this was missed the first time…. This AGAIN…

“…clearly shows that Billy is not only getting “Classified” information at the same time as those in power do, but, that the Plejaren know in advance the specific details of that information and how it will eventually be made available to the public, e.g., the [podesta wikileaks] email states, “While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, [emphasis] which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”


Matt Knight

The name Billy or anything to do with him being a source and/or but I’ve posted on RT using your suggestions Michael so let’s se if we can get some more traffic headed this way, please, everyone. I posted…

“This information was published nearly 3 weeks ago. Search for BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years, October 16, 2016 for the true source of this information.” on the RT link.

Matt Knight

If the 500+ visitors here copied and pasted the above message in RT, then the information may take root.

The other option is looking for the message by selecting “Sort by Newest” in the comments and voting it up. Or, even better, others doing this for all the times they see that message in the comments AND posting that message. How much traffic does RT have per day Michael?

Matt Knight

Posted in RT’s Comments. They accept “quotation marks” around wors and the word theyfly and my 4 comments below.

If you see the comments, please feel free to cut, paste, shape, copy to any size place you want in RT’s comments section & share on anywhere you know this leak is being discussed. Share those links here.

Reply and like a comment on RT to move the comment up! Replies score big. I’ll do same for your comments. It’s a like for like deal, where everyone wins!


Assange getting info from “BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years”? Swiss UFO contactee wrote in Nov 2014, “IS-militias as well as al-Qaeda, which, as you [the human ETs] have explained, are mainly supported by rich Qataris and the royal family of the Emirate of Qatar”

Wow!!! This was leaked on 16th October 16th, 2016 on theyfly blog, ‘BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years

Swiss ET contactee and author published this leak on November 22, 2014 and has been hitting the bullseye on hundreds of world wide events before they occur since the 1950’s. Search, “BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years” for more info.

This information was published nearly 3 weeks ago. See for yourself by searching “BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years, October 16, 2016” in the browser of your choice.

Comments section of RT from here:

Imagine if it was you, out there, not yet knowing the truth, but, so desperate to find it and you see a comment on RT one day…

Matt Knight

They are there. In the historical comments (alot of scrolling the more time passes) so new ones are good.

Tyler Rutland

I’ll look too and make ‘likes’ too.

Do you know Quora? I used to go there to say my own ideas on life topics, but actually it is one of the best places I have found to share sections of knowledge. It’s simple to leave a lot of trails for people to follow, since people are already asking a LOT of questions that are answered in the whole archive of knowledge from Billy and FIGU. I use the search bar, and find people asking indirect questions about the truth on almost any imaginable topic.

People ask, “How can I recognise a psychopath?” Answer? There’s an article called … ‘By what a human being is recognisable as a psychopath’. So I posted an excerpt, left a link – and I’ve actually had some people upvote my shares and say “That’s fantastic”. Seriously, there are a LOT of phony “experts” these days (a bit sad to say I was one of them), so the actual logic of Billy’s explanations stands out really obviously.

People ask, “What is the difference between men and women?” There’s an article called … ‘Differences between man and women.’

It’s really great – and the questions are just on practically any subject. People really do want to know the truth about a lot of things – but they just need the truth, and to be able to find the balanced perspective in admist all of the positive and negative Ausartungen.

Tyler Rutland

Ooookay. Sorry, here I gave like – the long speech about it. That’s so god damn embarassing -_- … especially to recognise the truth afterwards.

So, my recent post on Quora to the question here:

has got 154 views and a link to the rest… So, beat that? 😛

Matt Knight

Hi Tyler,

As you have a Quora account, could you put this link…

As an answer to the question: ‘Do you think the full truth about Hillary Clinton’s emails will come out before the election?’ here…

Parhaps say something about how Billy told the truth about Clinton’s emails 2 years ago?

Matt Knight


Leaked October 16th, 2016. Confirmed by the publication date in the web address for the blog “BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years”. Look into it. Amazing!

Sheila Clark

Good job Matt!

Matt Knight

Important; Sort (comments) by Newest. Lots of replies pushes them up (I think).

Matt Knight

One comment only needs 10 likes and a few replies to hit the leader board.

Matt Knight

Thanks Michael!

A comment pointing to this site with 20 likes and some good replies would push it to the top of the comments in RT’s feature with Assange; literally millions would then know where to go to find where this information was released online first.

Let’s get Michael’s Visitor numbers to skyrocket!

Date Visitors Flag Counter Views
November 4, 2016 438 1,836
November 3, 2016 530 2,416
November 2, 2016 562 2,390
November 1, 2016 564 2,543

According to this article, “RT’s total monthly online audience jumped to 49 million unique users”
In the US, RT is ahead of Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle and Sky News, and in Britain it has surpassed Fox News, Al Jazeera, Euronews and Voice of America. Both US and UK markets show a high ratio of mobile consumption of RT content – in the US 59% of’s unique users come from mobile devices, while in the UK this indicator jumps to 66%.

Just 5 minutes of your time to make/reply to a comment that has the potential to be seen by millions worldwide and then other media outlets could pick up on it.

Let’s see Michael Horn in a video debate on RT!

Matt Knight

All my comments have just gone…. poof… disappeared. I liked two of my comments all last night and today and submitted 5 replies to both all day and was doing this all last night till 3 in the morning and as well today and I gave them 8 likes each (enough to go to best list) but both comments, including the one liked by Michael, have gone bye bye.

Sheila Clark

They may have disappeared or perhaps they are somewhere near the bottom of the over 1000 comments. Just reply to the comment which has the most up votes. At least your comments will be seen then. I was gold scooter on my last post, but it changes to some other colour and noun every time I post.

Matt Knight

Hey Sheila, Good news!!! My comment as ‘Cylan Flower’ popped up again about 15 down from (sort by) best!

‘Search “BillyLeaks Beats WikiLeaks by Two Years” as the information was published by Swiss UFO contactee on 22nd November, 2014 ‘

Comment here:

Sheila Clark

Okay thanks Matt. I commented as Cyan Pizza.

Matt Knight

Thanks Sheila!

Unfortunately the above link I provided was wrong (sorry). The correct link with my Meier comment (14+ likes so far) is here:

I’ve liked and replied to your Cyan Pizza comment. They are rated by number of likes in the default (Sort by) best list and 20 or more likes gets them near the top 20.

Sheila Clark

Found it Matt, gave you a thumbs up! Excellent post.

Matt Knight

Sorry, may have posted wrong link. See best of comments & scroll down about 15 ’til you see the Meier comment in here:

Please reply and like, thanks.

Matt Knight

Oops, too busy with many links today. It’s the comments in here:

Matt Knight

The RT comment, that included this blog’s title, appeared briefly amongst the ‘best’ with 25 likes and was about to be featured in RT’s ‘Popular in the Community’ section on Tuesday 8th, but, was deleted by RT on Wednesday.

None of the other featured comments contained searchable words to specific websites, so that’s likely to be the reason?

Thanks to Michael and Sheila for assisting me in this test.

Matt Knight

Billy’s specific informaton about Qatar is supported by the following website:

Statement from the ‘Stop Qatar Now’ website:
“In light of the wars and violent turbulence that currently engulf the Middle East and parts of Africa, a coalition of concerned citizens, journalists, and activists are launching a campaign to expose a most infamous and pernicious sponsor of Islamic terror: the Gulf state of Qatar.
Qatar, (pronounced “cutter,” or “gutter”), is, per capita, the richest country in the world ($93,352 in 2013).”
“A backer of international terror from Nigeria to Gaza to Syria and Iraq, the Qatari ruling family, the al-Thanis, exploit Islamic jihadi groups and their ties to illicit smuggling.
What is being smuggled? Mostly narcotics and people – slaves.”

One of the contributors to the Stop Qatar Now website is interviewed by Stefan Molyneuz, here:

Sheila Clark

It appears arms are what’s really being smuggled as per state dept arrangement and donations to the Clinton Foundation:

Matt Knight

Here’s some more corroborating evidence of Meier’s accuracy about how Qatari Emirates supported the build up of ISIS in Libya as in 2011, as they were enticed by British and Irish special forces to support Libyan rebels to overthrow Gaddafi.


One of these Libyan “rebels” became the ISIS supporting Manchester suicide bomber, Salman Abedi.

According to an article today in Middle East Eye, a British-Libyan says he edited “slick” videos in Libya in 2011 for “…showing Qataris and Emiratis to support troops” who were being trained by British SAS and Irish special forces mercenaries in Benghazi, the eastern city from where the uprising against Gaddafi was launched.

“They weren’t cheap videos with Arabic nasheeds [songs], they were slick, professional glossy films which we were showing Qataris and Emiratis to support troops who were getting elite SAS training.””

No border controls

Several former rebel fighters now back in the UK had been able to travel to Libya with “no questions asked” as authorities continued to investigate the background of a British-Libyan suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in Monday’s attack in Manchester.

“The British government operated an “open door” policy that allowed Libyan exiles and British-Libyan citizens to join the 2011 uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi even though some had been subject to counter-terrorism control orders, Middle East Eye can reveal.

It’s not the first time that subsequent facts have emerged to support Billy’s information about the connection between Qatar and terrorism: “Billy leaks beats WikiLeaks by two years”

Billy Meier on what to do about terrorism

In Contact Report 602 from November 22, 2014, Billy responds to being repeatedly asked how the ISIS should be handled:

“My answer, which I am able to give, is that the Henok system would have to be carried out, i.e., through an effective Multinational Peace Campaign, which has many times the personnel and material superiority, as well as necessary weapons and technical equipment, etc. It should not be lax, but, achieved through harsh measures against the IS-militias as well as al-Qaeda, which, as you have explained, are mainly supported by rich Qataris and the royal family of the Emirate of Qatar.”
Source [in German]:

Murdering terrorists not necessary

Excerpt from 625th Contact, Saturday, 15th August 2015, 5.44pm

47. Actually, with all forms of technology available on the Earth today and with all the knowledge, it would be possible to form a ‘multinational strike force for peace’ which would be equipped with all of the necessary means named by you, consequently, with the use of ‘Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit’, no murder and killing would occur anymore.
48. Effectively, through suitable means and substances, opponents or fallible ones and so forth would only be made incapable of fighting by means of anaesthesia, in order to then intern them in suitable camps, keep them far from the society in secured places or to banish them.