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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Bells Are Ringing for You and Your “God”

Pavlov had nothing on the Church fathers for programming the masses

I think that very few people have ever – consciously – realized the subtle, Pavlovian effects of church bells ringing, such as the triggering of unconscious associations and memories that are evoked by this age-old conditioning. Who stops to ponder all of the connections to some imaginary, fearful deity that is not only supposedly judging your life but also reminding you of its (imaginary) existence with such…clocklike precision and predictable regularity?

Yes, I know how well this may be received by those who feel so comforted by the commanding, annoying clanging. But do we really need some invasive public “reminder” of just what time it is?

Perhaps we actually do – if that reminder served to alert us to how asleep we are to the ceaseless unfolding of long foretold and forewarned events…as the time fulfills.




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Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Religion is evil/not good for humanity. It leads to violence and hatred among people.

A religion is not history; it is the embodiment of the metaphysical and spiritual thoughts of a society at the seminal point in the course of that religion. In this socio-anthropological perspective, Man created religion out of the twin needs for (a) a code for moral or ethical thought and behavior and (b) spiritual tranquility and “salvation”. The major religions of the world evolved out of these needs felt by various societies over the millennia. The creation of each religion was, of course, a conscious act, and each was influenced by the ET powers behind the scenes and particular socio-cultural environment out of which it arose.

Our ancestors had to struggle to survive in the face of limited resources. Separated from other tribes by distance and culture, they often took recourse in violence against members of other tribes in order to protect their own kind. As human societies grew in size, the notion of “we” vs. “they” had to be constantly expanded. Different religions codified this tension between “we” and “they” in words specific to that society at that juncture in time. In addition to the various edicts prescribing or proscribing violence in the name of goodness, other culture-specific trappings also found themselves in each religion in the form of additional verbiage.

Religions are supposed to reflect these attributes of ourselves – morality, compassion, love, etc. – which can be generically called humanitarianism. Unfortunately, most religions have a lot of other baggage in them beside a codification of these human values. Some of this baggage may have occasionally been marginally useful when that religion served a small society isolated from others, but in these modern times, of a single worldwide society, the non-humanitarian aspects of the world religions are inimical to that global society. In this sense, religions are like cancers attached to the healthy tissue of humanitarianism.

Many people think of their religion as being full of peace and brotherly love but stain other religions with some kind of fault. More than xenophobia is at play here: it is easy for an outsider to spot the arbitrariness, internal inconsistencies and the lack of logic the “mumbo-jumbo” in other religions. However, since such mumbo-jumbo is always intertwined with messages of love, compassion and goodness -values humans are inherently attracted to by virtue of their humanness, when people learn their own religion they become blind to the mumbo-jumbo of that religion. In fact, many become enslaved by the mumbo-jumbo and imagine the humanitarian values as actually arising out of, or at least being inherently part of, the mumbo-jumbo. Further, many consider their religious tracts as actual, authentic history and become zealots over these religious idiosyncrasies.

In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks by Muslim terrorists, Islam especially has come under scrutiny by non-Muslims. To Muslims, the concept of jihad signifies the struggle to overcome oppression within or without. Because the extremists among them can interpret the concept of jihad to sanction wreaking unspeakable horror on fellow humans who the jihadi decide to be the perpetrators of the oppression, jihad is often sighted by non-Muslims to justify their non-tolerance or hatred of Muslims. But there are many other concepts in Islam which to the non-Muslim appear just as silly, inhuman, arbitrary or internally inconsistent.

The problem, however, is not with Islam alone. The other religions that originated in the Middle East, Judaism and Christianity, are equally riddled with their versions of mumbo-jumbo, fantasy, and absurdities. Inherent to Christianity, for example, are concepts of a Santa Claus-type God, “Original Sin” and hellfire and eternal damnation. Believing Christians have rationalized and reconciled to these concepts in a variety of ways, but to non-Christians they do not follow logically from any fundamental principles necessary for human survival or understanding.

But it’s not as if these three so-called “Abrahamic” religions are the only ones that mix moral messages with irrational gobbledygook. The other two major religions, originating in Asia, Hinduism and Buddhism, also have their own healthy (or unhealthy!) share of tortured logic. For example, Hinduism in its most essential tract, the Bhagwad Geeta, goes to some length to explain monotheism embodied by thousands of avatars, “justified killing”, and “dispassionate need-fulfillment” – concepts which evoke skepticism, distrust, or ridicule among non-Hindus.

Some religions, in addition to prescribing personal thought and conduct, also prescribe civic behavior of a society and therefore butt heads with the laws of a nation and those between nations. Many Muslims, for example, think of partitioning religion and civic codes i. e., “separating Church and State” as antithetical to religion itself. This further complicates the orderly government of people because the question of who calls the legal shots is never resolved.

World’s great religions are some what good and desirable precisely to the extent that they embody brotherly love, compassion and good deeds. Beyond that boundary, they only divide people and confuse ethical and logical thought processes by injecting silly drivel or downright violent orthodoxies in human discourse and interaction. But the invention of “God” and the creation of religion are unnecessary to promulgate the virtues of love, compassion and good deeds. These virtues are inherent in our common humanity, not in religion – let alone in a particular religion. All we need to do is to articulate these universal virtues without the trappings of religion, in a sort of least-common-denominator version of the Ten Commandments of all the great religions of the world. Religions do far more harm than good in the world.

But what about the spiritual hunger that impels many to follow their religions? How can this hunger be satisfied in the absence of religion? While not everyone feels this hunger, a vast majority appears to, so this hunger must also be considered part of our evolutionary make-up. And following the codes of thoughts and behavior of a specific religion appear to satisfy the spiritual needs of many people. If religions are abandoned, where can these people turn for spiritual peace? It is true that other behaviors such as meditation and social service satisfy the spiritual needs of some people. But why should these behaviors replace religious practices for those people who are perfectly content with their religion?

The problem is the one we started with: praying to different “Gods” divides people. While a majority of people are perfectly content with letting others pray their own way, others are not. What the world needs, therefore, is a new overarching “religion”, or a non-religion, which codifies the spiritual aspirations of Man. Is the creation of such a way of thinking practical? Of course it is. The humanitarian dreamer dreams of a new order when religion stops being a destructive, divisive influence on the modern world. What a great day that will be.

Dyson Devine

Dear Tony,

You write, “In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks by Muslim terrorists”.

Are you seriously suggesting that you still believe the ludicrously delusional brainwash-dogma that the September 11th, 2001 attacks were by Muslims?

Don’t drink the koolaid. (Pass it on.)


Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Dyson,

You are incorrect. Look into the Meier material. Muslims did attack the towers with the aid of Bush and his gang.

Jim Deardorff


You’re up to mischief again! You know that Ptaah informed Billy that 9/11 had indeed been a Muslim attack. (I wish there were a convenient way of searching through the mass of Contact Reports to find which ones talk about which items.) Well, at least Ptaah got it right about the TWA Flight 800 crash.

Dyson Devine

Hi Tony. Hiya, Jim.

Not “again”, Jim, “still”, although “mischief” doesn’t do it justice. But because Billy may have said those things about THIS particular hot potato (DID he say Muslims did 9/11? Where?) does not make them true, except perhaps in some bizarre otherworldly way.

Like the Plejaren tales of “crop circles” origins which keep changing.

And (for the first twenty years) the story, “We’re from The Pleiades.”

I am a man of little faith – which is one reason I’m so drawn to Meier’s brilliant works of non-fiction.

Sure, even if some “Muslims” DID somehow also lend their box-cutters to “attack the 2 towers”, WHO did everything ELSE which constitutes the entirety of “the September 11th attacks”?


Hardly. And “Muslims” doesn’t explain “the dancing Israelis”.

I’d say, “Bush and his gang.”

I SHOULD say, “The Gang and its Bush”?

Tony, you write, “Muslims did attack the towers with the aid of Bush and his gang.”

I’m sure, if anything, that whole sentence is the wrong way around as well.

(“Bush and his gang did attack the towers with the aid of his Muslims.”)

— And what OF “Building 7” anyway??? Hmmm. —

If we DARE to look, “9/11” provides us all with a unique, but narrow, keyhole into today’s ruling occult reality, and its tell-tale, unmistakable rituals and undeniable numerology.

But you have to very laboriously familiarise yourself with much (sickening) information from several different independent sources (other than the corporate media) to be able to eventually find the empowering truth for yourself – that’s particularly so with “9/11”, which even requires an understanding of some “New Physics”! You shouldn’t believe anything said about politically dangerous topics by Billy, who’s already collected 22 assassination attempts(!) for his dangerous and little-understood efforts to inform us as much as he CAN.

Even Billy says, “Don’t believe anyone, even me.”

Suggested further reading:


The audacious title, “The Most Dangerous Book in the World” isn’t an exaggeration, naturally, as long as you disqualify Billy’s books as current contenders for the title.

I otherwise enjoyed your comments, Tony, and welcome you to Michael’s blog. And it’s always a pleasure to see you here, Jim. Evidently, the slumbering army of FIGU-forum trolls hasn’t discovered this place yet (en mass), so please participate while this rare situation lasts.

All the very best to both of you, and thanks again to Michael for his platform.


Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Dyson,

First, I would like to say that it is a pleasure and a great thing to discuss important topics with someone like you, someone who is very familiar with the Meier material. As I said elsewhere in this blog, I have been reading and studying it since 1988, and I consider the Ps material to be the best source of facts related to Earth in the world.

Michael and I have been friends for a couple of years, I am his astrologer, so I will always respect this blog’s participants as much as possible.

What exactly do you mean by saying, “Even Billy says, “Don’t believe anyone, even me.”? In the search for truth one must believe someone. That’s only logical. I know Billy is human and so are the Ps. They will make mistakes and they still have much to learn, but I do believe them to a very high percentage. Maybe you mean don’t believe anyone all of the time?

9/11 was a CIA op with many components. I am very familiar with the powers behind the scenes who call the shots.

Have a great day and keep on keeping it interesting.

Thank you.


Hey Astro,

You said, “In the search for truth one must believe someone.” Are you serious? You say you have been studying the Meier material since the 1980s? And you don’t understand the concepts of ‘belief’ vs ‘knowledge?’

If a wise person like Billy tells you “that the sky is blue,” do you just believe him or do you actually look up to the sky to see for yourself?” If I tell you sir Astro that the new Taco Bell Doritos Fire and Lime Tacos are tasty, would you take my word for it? Or would you trot down to TB and buy one and taste it for yourself to see if you agreed? No one should be giving you “the truth,” and then you just blindly take their word for it, because you think they are an Authority.

The trick sir Astro is to research everything for yourself, think about the subject and try to find examples in nature so that you can see the truth for yourself. Don’t Believe the Truth that Billy or another wise person gives you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Dyson,

What is your take of the HP?

Thank you.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Jim,

What is your final take on the TJ?

Thank you.


Hi Jim. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I was thinking you should re-release your book on kindle or something. It is a fantastic book. I read it twice last year. Such an incredibly informative analysis. I always thought in terms of statistics while growing up and as a result finally predicted that the Meier case existed and that it had to come public in 1975, so I really really can relate to the way you think. I then discovered the case 10 years later via my uncle in passing conversation. Lucky as hell. Your article on plausible deniability really continued my education on the nature of the case in more ways than from reading the case itself. Thanks for all your brilliant work. I would love to learn more about statistics. Nothing has served me more in life.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

From FIGU Special Bulletin Number: 30

“As the USA is the biggest terror-country on Earth which acts worldwide and wants to bring all terrestrial resources and countries under its sword, whereby every filthy means is quite good enough, the CIA, worldwide is the biggest, state-sanctioned, respectively, legalised, criminal organisation which ever existed, and which does not find its equal, on our globe.

And because, on September 11th, 2001 in New York, the Al Qaida terrorists attacked – sped with two highjacked passenger aircraft into both towers of the World Trade Center and released an inferno, next to which, that a further aircraft was steered into the Pentagon and a fourth was brought down in the state of Pennsylvania – the power of the CIA grows immeasurably.

New anti-terror laws were created, through which practical charters were prepared in regard to the terror search.

The press was muzzled and the CIA was given freedoms which are so unbelievable that a normal citizen of the country cannot conceive of these.

That could only happen, however, through the Al Qaida terror act, which shows that this was quite consciously allowed to happen.

It is a matter of fact, namely, that the CIA, through its spies and informers, was just as fully informed about Osama bin Laden’s oncoming terror plot as was the irresponsible US President George W. Bush; yet neither he nor the CIA, nor ones from the other secret services, undertook something in order to prevent the harm.

That has several reasons, because on one hand the terror attack had to serve to provide yet more unrestricted power for the CIA, and on the other hand, through its actualisation, the USAmerican people could be duped with threadbare and filthy lies, and the war in Iraq could be launched.

In addition to that, the anticipated terror attack also guaranteed that the CIA and the other secret services, as well as the US government, had to be given, along with more power, a greater financial blessing, which then also actually happened as the terror act was actualised and demanded more than the 3,000 human lives which the CIA, as well as US President Bush, coldly took into account.

Also a reaction did not then even come from the side of the secret service and from Bush or from the CIA boss, George Tenet, when on August the 30th and 31st of 2001, in Minneapolis, a suspect named Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested who, as it turned out, was a substitute assassin in regard to an airplane hijacking.

CIA boss Tenet did not react to the warning that terror attacks were to be carried out with hijacked passenger machines, whereby he also even hid important information from the FBI, through which it would have been possible to arrest all the terrorists who were entangled in the terrorist disaster.

But, for money and power, everything is possible for the USA, for the US President, as well as for his dependent vassals, as well as for the criminal secret service CIA and all other secret services.



Two words:
Cognitive Dissonance

Its critical to realize that religions aren’t just going to ‘go away’, because you write an essay critizing them.

If they are a ‘cancer’ on humanitarian ’tissue’, then perhaps the healthy tissue within the cancer needs to be nutured, much like it is critical to care for cancer patients, as much as it is important to suppress the cancer.

The analogy of cancer is actually pretty apt – because the truth of the matter is that it is incredibly difficult to do anything about a cancer. Conventional ‘treatments’ are analogously just as harmful, and require much, much subtler approach that contemporary medicine offers.

Also with regards to your criticism of Buddishm – the religion which has spawned around the Buddha is ridiculous, but like the other ‘masters’, the ideas and ideals are of critical importance.

As with anything, we are stronger united than as disparate bodies.


Get cancer and you die if you do not align with logic. Cancer is an imbalance, and contrary to the logic of Creation. The cure for cancer is equalisation. Religion is dying. And it can’t heal because by definition it is anti-logos to self-responsibility and independence. Let it Fkn’n die. It is DEAD. DAED. .DAED SI DOG


In response to the topic the following statement echoes my sentiments.

What the Plejaren Wish for Earth Humans.

Presented by Quetzal in Contact Report #215:

19. The earth human must free himself from the variety of political, dictatorial, military, scientific and [faith-oriented] directions, as this alone guarantees, on the one hand, the discovery and following of the path of the Creational truth and its laws and commandments, as well as, on the other hand, a loving, peaceful, liberated, wise and harmonious functioning of the individuals and the entire community of mankind. Truthfully no movement of a political, military, economical, scientific, philosophical and [faith-oriented] form should be allowed to dominate over another. However if such domination exists, then rivalries, hate, racism, [faith] and political struggles, as well as discord, lack of freedom, unkindness, ignorance and many further non-values develop which lead to destruction, murder and manslaughter, in addition to warlike actions and falsehood.


Salome to all.

Allen Anderson

Regardless of how far back you are able to track from the miniscule records of true or false history on this planet, one thing is a constant before the existance of the USA, and especially since the USA, and that is the age old warrior golden rule of divide and conquer. This is evident in religions, governments, corporations,social gatherings, community activities, and the educational system just to name a few. Since the birth of the USA, this country has pushed this doctrine to the extreme as is evident everywhere you look starting with the two party political system. How can a society EVER come together in common goals when at every turn the design is to keep people divided and foster angst and aggression.


Christianity = opium for the masses. Ring of the bell = time to smoke opium.

Scott McMan

I’m so glad you have it all figured out. God is mumbo jumbo, but your beliefs are completely reasonable?

You speak of Faith as a draw to fools, yet Billy Meier is the biggest UFO charlatan in history. Time and time again he is exposed and well, I’ve dealt with Billy believers before and know I’m wasting my breath. Although, I have to wonder when you use Pavlov as a point of reference. Your bell is a fraudulent one my friend.

I am a Christian and I also believe that there is other intelligent life beyond our solar system, but I don’t believe Billy. I think at one time he had good intentions, but it went too far. My apologies if I seem too blunt.

Allen, America was founded on Christianity, not multiple religions. It was we as a people that screwed this country up and if you hadn’t noticed we are at the worst point in our history in every respect.

God is being pushed out rapidly and replaced by immorality, dishonesty, greed, disregard for law and order and lack of integrity. Family time has been replaced with violent video games, profanity and sex filled TV, Pornography on the internet and music that glorifies rape and cop killing.

Worst of all, love is now twisted to mean any number of things and is now a mere punchline. Love used to mean commitment and care, it used to bring people together and foster faithful lifelong relationships. Now love is just something you feel in your crotch or see visually, it no longer has any depth. Without love societies break down. God’s Word is based in love, but we haven’t time for that anymore.

It’s not God that’s causing the problems, it’s a lack thereof. As Faith leaves, it’s replaced by something else and that something is the evils of man.

(Note to site owner: fix your mail detection please. is a valid email address)


Scott McMan

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Scott,

You don’t believe Billy? Obviously, you have not done your homework. Any intelligent person who does a serious investigation into the Meier material will come away convinced it is authentic. Do you really want to know the truth? Then get busy.


I’m going to simply point out that not everyone understands or prescribes to the same understanding of “God”. It is also why folks say they believe in God. The actual meaning and extent “God” has changed repeatedly throughout history and something that cannot adequately explain if someone did not on their own initiative figure out whether or not the information they have received historically is correct.

For example, the original “mystery schools” were simply just an extension of trying to figure out the mystery of wheter or not the stories of our ancestors were true. “Initiation” was merely an entry point to turn away folks who have no real interest in figuring out things and simply spoil everyone’s efforts, hence the school part. It was also a starting point to fill folks that do have an actual interest but only enough to let their brains cook on the information without being spoiled by someone else’s interpretation that has been researching the subject already. This is logically done as sometimes a new pair of eyes could figure things others may have overlooked. It is no different than having a friend read a paper for you for criticism but not telling him what the paper was about before hand. As the saying goes, “too many cooks spoil a broth.”

Case in point is Plato and his Atlantis mystery. Plato originally received the information of Atlantis because he went to the folks that dealt with the mystery in the first place. He passed it down in writing and today we have, hopefully, the original mystery preserved for new brains and eyes to cook with it. Unfortunately, today’s incorrect view of mystery schools and initiation have usurped the original intent and largely pushed this into conspiracy circles.

More profoundly, trying to understand a touchy subject like the just war in the Middle Ages is not something most people can stomach. However, it can show great insights as to how Roman society that championed the Law of Nations (Jus Gentium) would synthesize the bellicose nature of the Old Testament.

If one needs a helpful guide, Amazon has posted a good chunk of the book for preview if anyone is interested:

Be forewarned though, it may remove the easy button one may have had prior to spending time on the subject matter.


Scott, how can you be a Christian but believe in extraterrestrial life? It contradicts your belief that God was the creator of all things on Earth?

You speak of love as if your religious faith knows how to teach it. Do you love all equally or just based of your biased religious beliefs on who to love? Have you read Meier’s material on true love? I don’t need any god to believe what Meier wrote on true love is the absolute truth.

What are your thoughts on homosexuality? did your God tell you to love them or hate them as other preachers have preached about? Think of all the hate crimes that have been reported against homosexuals. Or does it make more sense that homosexuality is unnatural because it cannot procreate but is natural because of creation?

Now, based on statistics only 11% of the world is either athiest or non-religious. So you are telling me that you believe that roughly 825 million of people that lack god in their lives are responsible for the worlds problems?

Of this 11% that lack god in their lives, how many hold powerful positions in their government or country? None, but based on what you believe, without faith we become evil. Some of the most notoriously evil people in history had a religion they believed in. How can you explain that based off your logic? let me guess “god works in mysterious ways.” Or its the devil in sheeps’ clothes?

Allen Anderson

Scott, while I can agree with you on your point that America was founded by folks that wanted to base their society on christian principles, that fact does not change the reality of my statement. The fact that the christian religion was based on the life of a man, that prior to his crucifiction, was considered a rebel and a trouble maker, yet had such a following, he could not be ignored. The problem is that his detractors falsified his true teachings to enslave the masses by CREATING a religion based more on their desires for deception and control, than the lessons that he truly expressed through real thoughts, feelings, and actions. Besides the falsification of his teachings, they falsified his name as well as his family history and the story of his birth. So in truth, the religion that the USA was based on, as you pointed out, was in fact as designed, intrenched in the art of divide and conquer. As far as the evil that men do, evil is not a noun, but rather a verb, and as such, is dependant on thought and the implimentation of that thought to be put into action. So evil thoughts are what manifest and the decision to act on those thoughts to be made an action, is strictly the results of a human beings actions based on thought. The problem with christianity is that it’s design is to eliminate the responsibility of the individual person, and place that responsibility on the IDEA that a omnipontent being is in fact responsible for the thoughts and actions of a material being. That premis is in and of itself illogical and unreasonable.

Dyson Devine

Dear Scott,

Is coming into Michael’s lions’ den to preach like this some new form of Christian penance or self-mortification?

I won’t eat you, brother, but you’d be happier staying among your own pathetically ignorant kind where your contributions are appreciated for what you misguidedly intend them to be, instead of what they are.

I only just wanted to correct you about ONE of your several erroneous assertions, “It was we as a people that screwed this country up and if you hadn’t noticed we are at the worst point in our history in every respect.”

You forgot to add, “SO FAR”. To quote U.S. President (and real Hollywood movie actor) Ronald Reagan, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Certainly the first half of your sentence is obviously true, but, according to all I can find out, and what Billy & Co. have been saying all along; you have not yet reached “the worst point in our history in every respect” by a degree utterly unimaginable to a normal US American – even with his/her current gluttonous diet of mass-media apocalypse zombies and ubiquitous skulls-and-bones designs and combat-camouflage fashion accessories, which fulfil two very different roles at once. While we’re being subconsciously prepared for The Big Cull (down to half a billion) that the Dark Order has in store for us cattle, as intended, the current terror and future horror also provides nasty jollies for our pathologically sadistic overlords.

Scott, according to the Plejaren, the U.S.A. will BURN, and eventually politically dissolve and fragment as a result of civil wars, so if you believe that the good times are gonna roll on again in the future just like the post WWII era, please do reconsider your long-term plans.

And I know that there’s no point in me even ASKING you if you’ve actually READ the material (95% in German only) you come here to defame with your brainwashed ignorance.

I know Christians who haven’t even read the BIBLE! But they still “believe” it. (“I’ve done everything the Bible says — even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!” – Ned Flanders) So it’s a peculiarly consistent form of logic to expect that the people who pass (positive) judgement on things they are ignorant of, can just as easily also pass (negative) judgement on other unrelated things they’re ignorant of.


Anyway, have a nice life, Scott, and I genuinely hope that your fervent prayers and obvious love of “Jesus” bears you, and those who may be dependent upon you, though your coming secular ordeals.

Salome (Peace in wisdom)



You might not be aware but Zeitgeist is probably one of the worst things to source and will run counter to your arguements presented. The section on religion is fanciful and unreliable. This is because the education level stems from such untrustworthy sources like “Jordan Maxwell”.

The arguements are inherited from the loopy logic world of Madam Blatavsky whose erroneous logic only serve to obfuscate real discussion regarding religion. I don’t think I have to mention Quetzel’s comments to you regarding Blatavsky. The movie serves only to trash completely any trace of the spiritual teachings any religion may have had. Not once is any of that discussed in the movie with regards to Jmmanuel/Jesus or make anything remotely close to the work TJResearch has done.

Also, Jordan claims to be a Pleidian contactee as well.

Dyson Devine

Oh Duke.

Try to be more eclectic. Don’t toss the baby out with the bathwater. I think Scott needs basic Context for Christianity 101 if he’s to make a start.

You remind me of those people tricked by the P’s, rejecting the reality of the case because the beamships (deliberately!) look like models, etc.

To reject ALL evidence if ANY evidence is suspect is the way we were trained to think, and it still serves us when dealing with our fellow Earthlings, but we are not dealing with Earthlings now. If I told the average blinkered “UFO skeptic” that I was going to give her $1000, and then handed over ninety-nine, clearly genuine, $10 notes and one counterfeit which I had drawn myself – with a crayon – this person would see only the fraud, and not be $990 richer.


Allen Anderson

Great example Dyson, I love it!



Zeitgeist’s communication is solely based on belief, not neutral presentation of evidence but belief in an interpretation of evidence as the point and parcel of the movie. It does not prove anything other than a self-satisfied narrow perspective that is out of all proportion to the extremely selected evidence claimed. Unless you believe the alleged P’s visited and had contact with Jordan Maxwell, and you’re allowed to believe whatever you want to or prescribe to, I think its quite clear what I was attempting to come across with.

You would probably have more luck pointing out the Bafath in Isaiah than some terribly arranged socially inclined movie that has no basis in reality other than unrealistic exposition that Earth Humanity seems to be stuck holding onto. Then, maybe with some hope, you may begin to understand the Meier material does not just have one source of information directly from Billy, but also 6 references in the past which SHOULD be considered as evidence as the TJResearch very importantly does show whether someone realises it or not.

After all, there is a point to having 7 prophets and leaving the other 6 high and dry is not a good strategy and will only serve to discourage everyone else who end up essentially communicating in their own way, even if it sounds combative, that the wheel is being created again. If you push the easy button, don’t be surprised if it pushes back.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Well said Dyson.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Throughout today’s “Christianity” the Bible is looked upon as the “word of God”, as the truth which God has revealed. All so-called “Christian” denominations have made it an act of faith that their members believe that the books of the Old and the New Testament teach that the so-called “Holy Ghost” not only impelled the authors of those books to write them, but imparted the contents to them in strict accordance with the truth, and also guarded the writers against any error in writing them down. Many of these false cult churches even go so far as to maintain that not only the contents in general terms, but also the very words themselves were inspired by this fabricated “Holy Ghost” or “Holy Spirit”.

This doctrine is an expression of the belief that the truth can have only one source, namely God, and that only those things that are derived from a divine revelation can be true. As for the “truths” that are taught by the Christian denominations, these are based mostly upon the writings of the New Testament. Therefore, flawless and unassailable evidence must be produced to prove that the contents of these texts were revealed by “God”.

The authors of the books of the New Testament say nothing about the operation of any supernatural influence upon the writing of their reports! Luke clearly and specifically states in the first few lines of his gospel that he has compiled his story in quite the ordinary human way. He writes, “Many before me have undertaken to write the story of the well established events that happened among us. Their accounts agree with what we are told by those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning, and who appeared in public to proclaim the truth. Having looked carefully into all the facts from the very outset, I have also decided to write them down in historical order and to send my account to you, most noble Theophilus, in order that you may convince yourself of the truth of that which you have learned by word of mouth.” As you can clearly see, his account contains the things that were told to him by eyewitnesses, and not those that were imparted to him by the fabricated “Holy Ghost”. He tells the same story that many others before him had written down. He is familiar with their writings. He re-examines these one by one and arranges everything in its chronological order, having looked carefully into all of the facts from the very outset; only then does he write his own account. He is doing merely what any conscientious historian would do. If, on the other hand, he had been engaged only in setting down the knowledge imparted to him by the “Holy Ghost”, what need would there have been for any painstaking research or for arrangement in chronological sequence or for a careful investigation of all of the facts from the very outset? In that case he would have been spared the duty of making any personal investigation. The same is true of his Acts of the Apostles. It would be foolish, incorrect and even absurd to speak of these two writings of Luke as “inspired” by the “Holy Ghost”.

Therefore, it is obvious to every honest student of the Bible that the authors of the books of the New Testament say nothing about having received their writings through inspiration by the so-called Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. As for the gospels and epistles of Luke and John, the proof that they were written without any supernatural aid or intervention is their own statement to that effect.

It follows that the false cult churches cannot produce from the New Testament itself any proof of their doctrine of inspiration.

Let us for a moment admit as a fact the unproved and unable to prove “inspired nature of the New Testament”, a statement that could apply only to the text as originally written down. Even if this was true, which it clearly isn’t, we no longer possess a single such original manuscript of the New Testament. What we have today consists of about three thousand incomplete copies and fragments of copies, no two of which agree! In fact, each individual manuscript can be read in more ways than one, many of its words having been altered by marks subsequently superimposed on them. Often one and the same word has been repeatedly changed. Consequently, no one can say what part of the copies agrees with the original manuscripts of the authors of the New Testament.

It is an actual fact that no other book on Earth has undergone so many changes and falsifications at the hands of the copyists as has the Bible, both the Old and the New Testament!

Even the well versed scholar cannot say for certain, with reference to those three thousand copies, which are the words, sentences, or chapters that have been intentionally or accidentally left out, overlooked, misread, misinterpreted, capriciously altered, or deliberately falsified by the copyists. Furthermore, not one of the scribes who made the copies that we have today had access to the original text, but only to copies of still earlier copies.

The discrepancies in the documents available to us are not by any means confined to matters of little importance, but in many cases touch the very foundations of the various Christian denominations of today. Also, there are many passages in which the gospels contradict each other even when reporting the same facts!

I am certain that I am right when I say that many of you who are acquainted only with your standardized New Testament would never suspect that there are many thousand different versions in existence. Competent judges estimate that the number of discrepancies exceeds the number of words in the New Testament! Under these facts, the “Christian” churches of today would be embarrassed and bewildered if called upon to uphold the doctrine of “inspiration”.

If the copies of the New Testament in our possession essentially differ from each other in matters of the utmost importance to the creed of the Christian churches, and if in addition they have been incorrectly translated into modern speech, no dogma remains in support of which we could refer to the Bible with a feeling of certainty.

This view is confirmed by no less an authority than Jerome. Around the year 370 A.D. he translated the entire Bible into Latin. Damasus, who was Pope at that time, had asked him to make this translation, and Jerome, in a letter to Damasus, reports on his work in connection with the new version. He writes that it would be a dangerous presumption to attempt to issue a Bible which would reproduce the correct text, since the existing copies of the original documents were scattered all over the world and no two of them were alike. He was now called upon to judge between them. If he were to produce a Bible at this time, it would be unlike any of the others that had preceded it! As a result he would be called an irreverent forger for having altered words and sentences, or having omitted something here, inserted something there, or tried to improve on the original elsewhere. And then he adds a remark that strikes a fatal blow at all who hold the Bible as we have it today to be the unadulterated word of “God”. He says, “Even those who condemn me as an impious forger must admit that we can no longer speak of such a thing as “truth” where there are variations in that which is said to be true.” What he means to say is this, if the writings which are supposed to contain the truth contradict one another as to the truth, no one can call me a “perverter of the truth”, because in my case one can no longer speak of “truth”, nor of any “perversion” of it.

In his letter Jerome goes on to state how the many discrepancies between the copies of the original text can be explained. Some copyists, he says, were deliberate, criminal forgers. Others were conceited enough to attempt to improve on the text, but in their inexperience merely succeeded in impairing it. Still others dozed while they copied, and so left out, misread, or misplaced words and passages.

What Jerome says of copying in general, and of copyists, is quite true of his own version of the Bible, because he himself did exactly what all other translators and copyists had done before him! He too, following his own personal opinion, added material in his new Bible, altered passages and words, and made omissions, as he himself admits. We may be sure that such changes as he made were not unfavorable to the doctrines being taught by the papacy at that time.

Subsequently, still further changes were introduced into Jerome’s translation, which is known as the “Vulgate”, and then, by decree of the Council of Trent, it was declared that the Vulgate contained the “inspired word of God”. We are not told to whom the inspiration of the Vulgate with all of its additions, omissions, and subsequent alterations was granted, whether to Jerome himself, or to someone else.

The opinion is often expressed by people in general that “God” decided to preserve the original documents of the New Testament unaltered and to protect them against falsification. The fact that “God” did not do so has been established above.

As many as ten thousand different “Christian” sects have been counted, each differing from the rest in one tenet or another, yet each of them citing the New Testament to prove that its own creed is the true one. I can’t think anything more absurd!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

You’re welcome.


Earth Humanity, for all its sillyness with regards to religion or religious ideas, are at best always changing their opinions, ideas, dispositions, and thoughts on it regardless of what you believe to be reading on paper and whether or not folks literally took it to heart to the letter what is written down on script. The reality of the situation is starkly different than what folks imagine their own past history to be regardless of how someone champions walking like an Egyptian and talking like an Egyptian. It is remarkable someone like Bill Maher would be astounded to find a Pope remark “who am I to judge” when in all consideration the Pope is simply another person doing his best working with the information and society inherited from their ancestors; no different than you or I. If the sky was blue outside and the Pope said it was purple, I would flatly tell him to get his eyes checked without any pomp or fanfare. I guess Bill Maher holds the Pope on a higher level than I do for some biased reason though he would claim otherwise.

The vast majority of Earth Humanity were illiterate for the vast majority of the timeframe concerning religions. It is completely unlikely folks had the opportunity to leave the farm to learn to read and write to relate modern day Bible literal analysis with ancestral beliefs. Therefore, the people are best left understanding their spiritual teachings as best as they can depending on the interpreter doing the preaching and how they understood the communication after that, NOT the other way around. If anyone has had any experience communicating to folks where English is not their first language, you would understand and gain the necessary experience to know how relatively easy it is to mis-communicate when both parties believe they are accuractly conveying information. In other words, you could not hold someone responsible for decrees and “Council” decisions largely because of the obvious reason the folks on the farm would not understand what it is being conveyed. In all likelyhood, the reality on the ground saw little change in the day to day running of society where war had more an impact on society than did an intellectual debate.

So, in light of this, it is critical when discussing ANY religion, even going as far back to the Egyptians and Sumerians, one must take the responsibility to fully understand the implications interpretations of information has and the consequences for such actions rather than transpose a modern day bias into translations that in all likelyhood stem from previous interpretations rather than some hard headed analysis done by our ancestors.

That being said, Please refer to all the information in the Meier material on Saul/Paul of Tarsus as I expected him to make at least an appearance when I started reading your last post here. Sadly, he did not. It would have probably be good to look that over so you could home-in on your efforts rather than focus on a single man 300 years later doing a translation for the gentile Romans. This might help:

Then you can, hopefully in time, realize that Earth Humanity as a people are remarkable more for what they did NOT KNOW than what it did. Much like the German Armed Forces had plunged into war with the Soviet Union sustained by the unsubstantiated conviction that the Red Army was not fit to engage in a modern conflict and would unable to defend itself from the most modern war and effective machine in existence.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


I respectfully disagree with most of what you said, but I appreciate your effort, even though it’s a bit arrogant. I suggest that you read my posts more carefully and THINK about what I say, instead of trying to find something to disagree with.


Hi Tony,

Arrogance, how best to describe it, would be changing one’s name after someone els’s very painful life and death ordeal and then claiming to be THE one with the right message. The culprit was directly named whose interpretations would have a profound impact everything after that point and essentially the cause of the very lenghty problem you described.

I’m not sure what you mean by disagreeing with ‘most of what I said’ as I do not believe you actually mean to say in disagreement to my post that our ancestors were mostly literate, that the Western Church Fathers intended that their words to the letter would be understood to every farm and fieldhand to ensure their Council decrees were met, our ancestors were robots and believed everything, no miscommunication between languages and cultures would happen forcing a watered down agreement, or that there is too much importance given to people with fancy titles that obfuscate the reality of history to the point that it does not sound logical if one played out what was being said. Bill Maher does that a lot to the point of simply being antagonistic to folks beliefs playing into the Bafath’s hands so to speak whereas Billy Meier built a bridge for Christians with the Talmud Jmmanuel.

I’m just pointing it out, not trying to sound like I have all the answers though one has to take pause and observe the amount of work Billy has done that would essentially be helpful to Christians like the Talmud Jmmanuel rather than focus on some amorphous antagonism towards all religions. Probably best at this point to quote the source material as I do not ask you to believe me:


231. Truly, you are not inferior to me in my teachings.
231. Wahrlich, du stehst mir in meiner Lehre nicht nach.

232. It is as you say.
232. Dem ist so wie du sagst.

233. The reconnecting things, therefore the religions, are of great value for allowing the human to recognise knowledge.
233. Die rückverbindenden Dinge, die Religionen also, sind von grossen Werten, um den Menschen das Wissen erkennen zu lassen.

234. The reconnecting religious values always are, and remain, the values of the spirit and therewith wisdom.
234. Die rückverbindenden religiösen Werte sind und bleiben immer Werte des Geistes und somit der Weisheit.

235. But these religions must be free of misleading cults, from dogmas and false teachings.
235. Diese Religionen aber müssen frei sein von irreführenden Kulten, von Dogmen und Irrlehren.

236. Normally, religions themselves contain matters concerning the knowledge of the spirit, natural and Creational laws and recommendations in pure forms, while cults, dogmas and other unreal teachings, which are based on unreal assumptions and assertions, are of purely human origin.
236. Religionen selbst beinhalten normalerweise geisteswissende Belange, natürliche und schöpferische Gesetze und Gebote in reinen Formen, während Kulte, Dogmen und sonstige irreale Lehren rein menschlichen Ursprungs sind, die in irrealen Annahmen und Behauptungen beruhen.

237. That means that religious teachings, in the form where they are constructed by means of dogmas and other kinds of false teachings, are wrong in every respect because the religious teachings themselves also become falsified through that which is not real.
237. Das besagt, dass religiöse Lehren in der Form, wenn sie durch Dogmen und sonstige Irrlehren aufgebaut sind, in jeder Beziehung falsch sind, weil durch das Irreale auch die religiösen Lehren selbst verfälscht werden.

238. A religious teaching itself can only be valuable and truly instructive if it is free of dogmas and human false teachings as well as other nonsense, and is brought together with the relegeous.
238. Eine religiöse Lehre selbst kann nur wertvoll sein und wahrlich belehrend, wenn sie von Dogmen und menschlichen Irrlehren sowie von sonstigem Unsinn frei ist und mit dem Relegeösen zusammengeführt wird.

239. But in my time as in yours, religion is fundamentally wrong, and only relegeon alone can be useful.
239. In meiner wie in deiner Zeit aber ist Religion grundlegend falsch, und nur Relegeon allein kann dienlich sein.

240. Religion always remains wrong for these times, and only relegeon finds true legitimacy.
240. Für diese Zeiten bleibt Religion immer falsch, und nur Relegeon findet wahrliche Berechtigung.

241. This will continue until the truth is again purified and religion and relegeon can again be united.
241. Dies solange, bis die Wahrheit wieder geläutert ist und Religion und Relegeon wieder vereint werden können.

242. The reconnection and the joining-together-again – therefore, religion and relegeon – can only then constitute a harmonic unity when dogmas and other false teachings and all human nonsense is removed from them and destroyed.
242. Das Rückverbindende und das Wiederzusammenfügende, also Religion und Relegeon, können nur dann eine harmonische Einheit bilden, wenn Dogmen und sonstige Irrlehren und aller menschliche Unsinn daraus entfernt und vernichtet werden.

243. Humans of your time already recognise this profound truth and search out the pure-religious facts in the false traditions in order to process them into a form which recognises knowledge.
243. Menschen deiner Zeit erkennen bereits diese tiefgreifende Wahrheit und suchen in den falschen Überlieferungen die rein-religiösen Fakten heraus, um sie in wissenserkennender Form zu verarbeiten.

244. However their powers and cognitions in this regard are still in their very beginning stages, and largely they are still trapped in their cultic and false religions whereby they become greatly confused and are not able to separate the chaff from the wheat.
244. Ihre diesbezüglichen Kräfte und Erkenntnisse jedoch stehen noch in minimen Anfängen, und im Grossen sind sie noch in ihren kultischen und falschen Religionen gefangen, wodurch sie sehr in Wirrnisse geraten und die Spreu nicht vom Weizen zu trennen vermögen.

245. They certainly know about the falseness of the cultic religions and about the truth of the truthful religions, yet they are still too trapped by that which pertains to cults for them to be able to free themselves from them.
245. Sie wissen wohl um die Falschheit der kultischen Religionen und um die Wahrheit der wahrlichen Religionen, doch sind sie noch zu sehr im Kultischen gefangen, als dass sie sich daraus zu befreien vermöchten.

246. So, unfortunately, they always still seek the truth of the truth on the wrong paths and do not recognise that this lies much closer to them than they suspect.
246. So suchen sie leider die Wahrheit der Wahrheit noch immer auf falschen Pfaden und erkennen nicht, dass diese ihnen viel näher liegt als sie vermuten.

Wrong paths like one being the U-FAIL-O Community’s focus on external forces a bit too much and penchant for conspirational materials leaving folks in circular logic literally ending up nowhere.

Of course, no eye has been given to the influence of the Old Lyrans that ancient cultures like in Rome, according to the Meier material, the Bafath dutifully impregate false information on it so that later chaos would ensure generations down the line. Let’s not forget the Old Testament that even “angels” could read minds so they would know whether or not someone was clinging onto the old ways and not truely consign themselves over. And as instructive as the Bafath were, the Meier material suggests that Jehav’s myrmidons taught the ancient Israelites a lesson about war by having the Assyrians conquer their lands to show just how much influence they could never dream of having to ALL of Earth Humanity. I digress at this point.

All I ask that you leave the gun, take the cannoli.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer


You said,”…Billy Meier is the biggest UFO charlatan in history.”

Let me ask you, where do you think he gets all of the thousands of scientific facts years before Earth scientists do? And where does he get hundreds of predictions of future events that have been accurate?

Take your time, don’t sound too foolish.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Friendly greetings to everyone. It’s good to communicate with you in this blog.

I think it’s very important that everyone reads and studies very carefully what Semjase said concerning the times we are living in. I placed this in this blog under the topic “How to make sure that we destroy the planet and cause more earthquakes, etc.”, if you read it there, please read it again. I’m certain that you will benefit by reading it again. To me, this is understanding what is transpiring on our planet at this time at the highest level possible.

Contact Report 9


164.Further necessary knowledge regards a cosmic change, of which I have already spoken once.
165.It treats of the “Age of Aquarius”, also called the “Golden Age”. this respect I must first explain the religious interpretations concerning this epoch are wrong.
167.A certain irresponsible fanaticism treats this as the religiously proclaimed “final days”.
168.By no means is this new age a final time, because in truth it brings real life.
169.This epoch enables everything to develop to highest potential, including spirit, according to providence.
170.But it will take many centuries after entering that period to reach such advanced levels.
171.At first, as usual, the irreligious scientists will profit from the new advances while the common people will be restrained by their religions.
172.Caused by the change of epoch, religious people will fall into fanatical religious delusion.
173.Especially the 184 years of the time of change, religious beliefs of all sorts will shoot up like mushrooms and bring many humans under their control.
174.Murder, suicide, and exploitation of all kind, as well as religious slavery to false beliefs will be the daily lot, by which the whole world will be shaken.
175.False prophets will offer salvation publicly in a fanatic search for victims and new followers. (7.
176.This is the initial phase of the “Golden Age”, the transition phase of 184 years.
177.The culmination of this period will come in 2028 (our years).
178.The revolutionary force of this new epoch has begun in 1844, and since then the extensive alterations on Earth rush irresistably forward.
179.The New Age already demands its tribute, religious delusion, rapidly developing sciences, rampant crime, and wars of extirpation, characteristics of this time which can not be ignored.
180.The first half of the transition period lasted 92 years, until 1936, while the Earth felt the last of the “Age of Pisces” (as it was called).

181.Since that time, rapidly evolving events, discoveries, inventions, etc., were characteristic as for no other time.
182.This whole sun-system with all its innumerable creatures is under the control of the new age.
183.Each and everything is influenced by it, because this is a cosmic law.
184.It is to this law, to which are subject all movements of planets and all forms of life in the Universe, that the earth proceeds in the run of cosmic events since 1844, which according to evolution replaces all hitherto existing regulations not of the Creational character.

186.The origin of this epochal change is in the radiation effect of the huge central sun around which your system circles once in 25,860 years and passes through 12 epochs within the meaning of your astrologer’s Zodiacs.
187.The Earth has already touched the outer borders of the “Golden Radiation” of the central sun, which are of the strongest and most revolutionary radiation.

189.But also much mischief is connected with this, quite especially in respect to religions and the use of new discoveries and achievements.

202.The way-showers of these changes are in cosmic destiny and appear under the Creation laws.
203.The way-preparers for these revolutions (affecting humans) are also human beings who, as prophets and teachers, announce the truths of knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

205.These way-preparers will be considered revolutionaries, heretics, and exiles, for they will announce the truths for all to see.

212.These revelations are of much interest, and also of great importance to humans and you should spread the word by all means. This is our desire.

When Semjase says “everything” she means everything. “169.This epoch enables everything to develop to highest potential, including spirit, according to providence.”

How will this happen you might ask? By establishing a world where each individual lives his/her best by practicing the Truth – the laws that govern the whole Universe. It begins with a state of mind where regardless of environment or circumstance we can find peace and happiness through Truth.

It will be an age where the majority of people will accept the absolute and ultimate Truth and the law of reincarnation. When the age of spirituality is established.

Through studying the Truth and exploration of the Right Mind each individual should create an ideal world – a “utopia” – inside themselves. This effort leads to personal enlightenment. The transformation that occurs within individuals must become a great tide of Truth and love with the power to influence and transform the minds of many. If each person strives to attain happiness and create a utopia at home, the sum total of the small units of utopia will produce utopia on a global scale. This will lead to the transformation of society as a whole and this world will be transformed into a world of Truth, love, peace, harmony and prosperity for every person on Earth.


Yes I agree, the bells are very annoyingly ringing. But then I also have this weird sensitivity to sound.XD


Religion has done more to shamefully erase our history. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if civilization goes back father than 50,000 years.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Sarah,

It goes back much farther than that. Look into the Meier material.


Folks, just like to point out “our history” would imply solely Earth Humanity from my understanding of the Meier material; not history of meddling folks from another planet or human immigrants from another star system. Technically speaking, there is a difference in the Meier material between Earth Humanity and its civilizations and those of other human civilizations not originating from Planet Earth. I do not recall an instance where, for example, Atlantis or Mu is referred to or implied as Earth human civilization or their people as Earth Humanity.

Our history of civilization is not all that much different than what we have alredy in the text books or on wiki. 50k in the past is a bit of a stretch to find a civilization being formed by late Paleolithic Earth Humanity. Things start to get interesting around 10k in the past with the Meso/Early Neo-lithic period but so far nothing has been found to suggest modern human behavior by Earth humanity before that.

Dyson Devine

Hi Duke.

When you wrote, “Our history of civilization is not all that much different than what we have alredy in the text books or on wiki” – do you mean our planet’s ACTUAL history, as described by Billy and the Plejaren and suggested by crypto-archaeology, etc?

If so, you’re quite incorrect and you seem quite unfamiliar with the material already translated. Accordingly, the planet’s true human history goes back about 20 million years. No distinction is made due to the inhabitants’ various origins. People are people and they make the history regardless of where they may have come from or why.

This is what current ET contact is all about. We get some extraterrestrial historian, with an archive from his even more ancient federation members, to tell us the truth about how old our history REALLY is.



Sorry to burst people’s bubbles but this actually not about having “ET Contacts” even if the material is in Contact Notes format and Billy has alleged discussions with Extra Terrestrials that possibly suggest being done consciously without actual talking. After all, according to the material, Billy is the only man on Earth in conscious contact with ETs. So from the perspective of everyone else on this planet, we are all equally on the same footing with regards to what is publically available with the material.

If this was about ETs you would not have, if I recall correctly, Quetzel dogging camera shots from Billy running into the woods. Put it another way, if we were at the pool party at Mike’s place, the Plejaran are not going to prove that they can swim to the audience and would rather dive onto concrete risking injury than releaving themselves into the water.

The Plejaran are serious about not proving themselves to be authentic because that would directly take away from Earth Humanity’s responsiblities and also show the alleged extra terrestrials to have double standards if you take the volumous amounts of information that discuss responsibility. So, out of all due respect to the material and thus the alleged extraterrestrials, they’re alleged because they want it that way. Again, out of respect to the material and thusly the alleged extra-terrestrial actions and INTENT. Obviously, and otherwise, they could very easily prove their existence to the world if it was necessary.

Now the “our history” is exactly that, being solely about EARTH HUMANITY. Maybe you folks are not clued on history or human behavior but no one education in a profession and takes their responsibilties seriously is going to mislead folks into saying something is true if they have no direct proof to back it up. If you say its true because you say so, how is that different than carrying print outs of Billy’s Contact Reports going door to door and demanding Earth Humanity prescribe to a new mindset?

Do you see the hole that Earth Humanity is effectively in and the same behavior happening again? Is this about actually learning and taking responsibility or repeating the same mind locked behavior focusing on things beyond the responsibilties of Earth Humanity at large? The easy button is to blame religions then turn around and believe in something new to repeat the cycle.

This is all about you, Earth Humanity, after all.

And yes, there is a contact note that explains what the Plejaran mean by their designation of humanity if I did want to prove a point. And no, I’m not going to post it here as that would be unhelpful.


All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


Oh I wanted to ask, did Meier mention anything about the recent shootings?

I don’t know, something about seems strange. My friend mentioned there would be in the early beginning of 2013.

So it seems strange its still happening later in the year. And it seems the news isn’t telling us everything about Syria.

Or world is stranger than fiction.O_o

Jim Deardorff


An even more alluring draw of the church is some of the classical hymns sung on Sundays. Some indeed have beautiful music, such as “Amazing Grace.” For many, the lyrics are tied closely to the music, thereby producing a strong Pavlovian and propagandistic effect that may be difficult to shake off..


“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.”
One time I was speaking to my health practitioner about religious people and she said if people think religion saved them, just imagine what type of crappy people they were to start with?


I find the words of Semjase very comforting. ( thanks for reminder Tony). As each individual delves within and uses his/her potential for true spiritual growth, that will be added to the “whole” and in a snowball effect we will finally come into our own.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Diane,

Yes, I’m sure that is the only way it can happen. Each person must fill their mind with Truth and Universal Love and become a new person, an Aquarian Age-type person.

As Semjase said,”182.This whole sun-system with all its innumerable creatures is under the control of the new age.
183.Each and everything is influenced by it, because this is a cosmic law.
184.It is to this law, to which are subject all movements of planets and all forms of life in the Universe, that the earth proceeds in the run of cosmic events since 1844, which according to evolution replaces all hitherto existing regulations not of the Creational character.”

I see the Age of Aquarius to be an upcoming “utopia” or golden age on earth. It is an age of globalization that will forever shift the way we view nationalism and tribalism – you can already see this happening. We are struggling to become “citizens of the world”, not just Americans, French, Chinese, etc.

The Age of Aquarius does hold the promise of a dominant world view in which the individual is allowed his/her freedom to actualize as an independently liberated being, yet still participate in group life in the spirit of altruism and humanitarianism.

Also, I do believe our intuitive abilities and multi-sensory perception will increase such that we honor the world of energy and spirit far more than the dogma of religion and politics, which I think will slowly die out.


I’m going to be 29 soon, i’ve been following and reading the Meier material since 2004. I even remember seeing the video Meier shot of the beamship sweeping over the tree on Ripley’s Beleive or Not, and said it was fake based off of Kaliope’s (spelling?) statements. One thing I noticed is how much more freer my mind is from all the nonsense we are taught growing up. I currently have a boy that is 3, and he is the happiest person. That being said, we raise him in an environment without religion. Morally he knows what is right and what is wrong, without religion. (amazing right? Some of the religious will argue that morality can’t be taught without religion). I’m worried though, because his grandmother is a Christian, and may occasionally take him to Church at such a young age. I do not want to be mean, but what would be the proper thing to say to avoid my son’s grandmother to taking him to church? What would one say if he starts having questions? I just do not want him to accept those beliefs when it leads to nowhere. I also know a close friend who denounced all religions before but now deeply believes in Christianity, all for the sake of his girlfriends belief. I find that entirely wrong for people to conform to accept and can see why religion still has a stronghold over the masses.

Sorry I’m just posting to generate discussion because you guys have lots of good things to say.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Gchamp,

Michael and I are good friends. We have been talking for years, and we agree on almost everything, and I respect him, his blog, and the people who post on it, so please do not misunderstand me. You cannot be serious. You will allow your beloved son to be exposed to the utter nonsense, stupidity, and mind-control brainwashing that goes on in a “Christian church”. That is insane, in my opinion. It is very harmful to your son’s spiritual and intellectual growth and progress. I advise you to take a stand, no matter what, and so no to him attending that church. Children, as you know, can be impressed upon very easily, so take action now.


i appreciate your responses. I agree with you guys 100% and do not want my child expose to that nonsense. He is with his grandmother at least 1 day a week, typically Friday’s fortunately. If ever brought up, I will be sure to express why I do not want my child to go to churches or partake in any religious practices. From my experiences growing up, it was just too confusing for a young mind to try to comprehend, I always questioned religious beliefs. I take no offense to the knowledge that you guys bring and appreciate the input of all very much. Keep it up.



I disagree with the advice you have been given. Billy studied, and was a member, of many earth religions. Even in the SROT movie MH says that “…in order to understand, we really need to look at (religion & spirit teaching) both.” I know from my own experience, unless I had studied religion, I could not truly understand the flaws enough to compare them to the truth in the spirit teachings. Also, anytime you censor something from a child, it creates a forbidden fruit effect. Take it away and the person wants it more.

Let his grandmother take him to church. You can use the opportunity for discussion about the spirit teachings and how YOU don’t believe, yet respect your mother’s opinions. Let the child decide. What everybody is forgetting is that the truth is powerful, and it prevails. Nonsense and religion are no match for the TRUTH. As long as your child is openminded and is taught how to apply logic, he will not fall for religion. He will know how to destroy it.


Too confusing for a young mind to try to comprehend? Is that because there was no one around to talk to that was not religious? I was the opposite, I came home from school and asked my dad why everyone had a religion, but we didn’t. He laughed and told me that he was from the round church, so the devil couldn’t corner him. My husband was 12 when he realized that no one could answer the question who made god? Last year my daughter took a worlds religions course and told me she would never marry anyone religious. But that doesn’t stop her from having religious friends. If you resort to only interacting with non religious people it narrows your view of the world. Recently I had the opportunity to engage a muslim woman (in the bathroom LOL) about her head covering. Why do you wear it? Waiting for a religious explanation…she said if men thought her pretty and ended up raping and killing her, it would be her fault. I told her you are in Canada, men like that go to jail. She informed me that in Saudi Arabia they don’t. What a bunch of freaking animals unable to control their urges and then blame it on the women.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

I trace the roots of most of the evil in the world to organized religion and to fantasy faith itself: the belief in all of the various fantasy Gods has spawned all manner of wickedness and malice throughout history.

Indeed, secular “religions”, known as ideologies, have proven to be even more lethal and pernicious than Nazism, Communism, Fascism and Nationalism. They have wreaked more mayhem and death than any counterpart.

The attempt to prove a fantasy God that a religion is based on is futile, leading to absurd fallacies and falsities.

Organized religion is a business. It is a transnational corporation that thrives and feeds off the insecurities and superstitions of humankind. It is managed by “men of god” in an insidious manner, twisting truth and bold faced lying to present a palatable and surprisingly believable product to seduce people into falsely hoping for a better life in this world and the next, and into the worst type of actions, including murder.

Salvation, according to religions, is supposedly attained by accepting beliefs(whatever they may be)through blind faith and illogic and embracing a well packaged brand that gives the consumer a sense of belonging to a tribe with the customs and rituals that create an atmosphere of mindless religiosity, the music adding an emotive aspect to the experience. Religions are cults.

Anyone who partakes in the fantasy “God” based religions is being foolish and even idiotic.


Hi gchamp, it’s always good to expose children to the hypocrisy of the church when they are able to understand it. It worked well for me. My daughter came home from a evangelical kids club pissed right off because she had been given a passage from the bible that basically said to not hang out with non religious people. How dare they not allow her to hang out with her parents, LOL. And that was the last time she went and she was only 8. Since children are going to be exposed to religion at some point, you don’t want to treat it like forbidden fruit since that might backfire. You will still have to deal with and respect his religious grandmother, and you don’t have to make it an all out battle. Three is too young, so tell her you’d rather wait until he was able to absorb it. Then use the opportunity as a learning experience and be able to stand by and counter act any effects with non confusing explanations. For now just tell your son that some people believe in a god who will save them but tell him that we know we are the only ones who are able to save ourselves by our thoughts and actions. Keep explanations age appropriate.


You said it Sheila. I should have read your post before I answered gchamp. Nicely put.