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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

The Bells Are Ringing for You and Your “God”

Pavlov had nothing on the Church fathers for programming the masses

I think that very few people have ever – consciously – realized the subtle, Pavlovian effects of church bells ringing, such as the triggering of unconscious associations and memories that are evoked by this age-old conditioning. Who stops to ponder all of the connections to some imaginary, fearful deity that is not only supposedly judging your life but also reminding you of its (imaginary) existence with such…clocklike precision and predictable regularity?

Yes, I know how well this may be received by those who feel so comforted by the commanding, annoying clanging. But do we really need some invasive public “reminder” of just what time it is?

Perhaps we actually do – if that reminder served to alert us to how asleep we are to the ceaseless unfolding of long foretold and forewarned events…as the time fulfills.




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Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Some facts about the Plejarens. From The Meier material.

Erra is the home-world of Ptaah, Quetzal, Semjase, Sfath and 550,000,000 others. Member of the Plejaren Federation.

Star System-
Plejara or Plejares (alternative names)
About 500 light years away from Earth on the otherside of the Pleiades star cluster.

The Milky Way

DERN Universe

Space-time Configuration-
A fraction of a seconds difference to our space-time configuration(space-time configuration has the same meaning as dimension).

Physical Characteristics-
Gravity: 3% higher than 1 Earth-g
Diameter: Almost the same as the Earth.
Continents: Several

The Andromedan High Council are the lead advisors to the Plejaren Federation.
Leadership chosen according to level of spiritual wisdom.

Average lifespan: ~1000 Earth-years.
Age of puberty: 12 to 16 Earth-years.
Age of maturity/marriage: 70 Earth-years.
Diseases: All STDs eradicated.
Genetic alterations: All pubic hair removed.

Robot-assisted manufacturing.
Borrowed-asset scheme (e.g. flying cars etc).
Food, energy and housing free.
Poverty eradicated.

Living Quarters-
Multi-story buildings exist but no sky scrapers.
Extensive park and garden facilities with footpaths are placed between residential buildings.
No streets or roads of any kind. All residential areas have their own pedestrian zones.
No surface vehicles used with the exception of hobbyists.
Majority live in the countryside or rural areas.
Majority of homes are single-family houses that are semi-spherical or spherical in shape with a minimum diameter of 21 metres (69 ft).
Building materials largely consist of a resistant metal alloy or synthetic material that is primarily from sand, similar to silicon.
Sufficient room for family of 5.
Each house is built on its own plot of fertile land of at least 1 hectare (2.5 acres).
All families take pleasure in planting and cultivating their fruit, vegetables and flower gardens.
Gardens are used as much as possible for personal cultivation of home grown food.
Each home has it’s own water and energy supply.
Not a single smoke stack pollutes the atmosphere on Erra.
Houses and buildings are not constructed from small pieces, that is, made from stone or cement blocks and so forth. They are made as single units from synthetic materials. There is not one seam anywhere. Furthermore, they are constructed on systems of springs or as floating bodies.

Both monogamy and polygamy exist – one man to many women but not the other way around.
No men and women on Erra are homosexual or bisexual as this benign and natural genetic disorder has been eradicated through genetic manipulation.
There are virtually never any incompatible couples due to the use of advanced astrology and other social sciences.
Thus there are virtually never any divorces on Erra and furthermore, all childrens’ well-being is guaranteed.
Sex and cohabitation are permitted without marriage but not having children.
Couples who wish to get married must must go through a two years period during which no sexual activity is permitted, and they can only see each other once every seven days. This period must be followed by one year without ever seeing each other.
A married man may have a personal building into which no wife may enter.

Main languages: Errin and Sarat.
Federation common: Kosan
Number of languages: 16,403 (July 2002 quote).
Average number learned by Errans: 3
Exceptional number learned by a few Errans: 100
Technology-assisted learning.
Any language can be learned in 30-31 days.

Murder and prostitution eradicated.

Last War-
50,000 years ago.

Other Interesting Facts-
There are no roads on Erra.
Orchards of fruit trees hundreds of metres high with giant fruit e.g. tomatoes, which are processed on an industrial scale.
Only couples without any genetic disorders are permitted to procreate
Population of planet is carefully controlled.
Expectant mothers receive their own house and land (100m x 100m).
They regularly send impulses to Earth-scientists, undetected, to plant useful inventions within their minds.


There are some interesting things like this that pop-up Meier material where one wonders how it would remotely help, according to alleged extraterrestrials, a less than evolved race that is at least fifty thousand years behind on the development curve. Not sure how exactly their particular living standards is going to help here in other words.

In some case it comes out in odd places like when other Pleidian contacts claim the Pleidians/Plejarans as “tall Nordics”. Of course, there are a few blurbs from the alleged Plejaran Semjase that explains the natural progression of height which may mislead someone not literally understanding what is being said; HOWEVER, one could easily miss that Erra is a smaller planet with higher gravitation pull and should have made logical deductions on the height of Plejarans in general. Yet, other folks will still claim the Pleidians/Plejaran to be ‘tall Nordics’ when in all likelyhood they’re not much taller than the alleged Semjase’s 5 foot 5 inches height which is not tall for Earth Humanity’s standards compared to Usain Bolt:

In other cases you have to admire some in FIGU that would write a letter suggesting literally to live like the Plejaran with houses built on top of a water layer, bypassing the obvious problem of fifty thousand years of evolution missing and climate disasters in the Henock Prophecies, and not independently provide the engineering behind such suggestions which obviously will be asked. Or, the male only poligamy which may come off as hard to folks and particularly towards Earth women that may wish to be on the same level as men. There is a neat contact note that explains a world where only women live and reasons why that may seem to take a jab at the largest minority on this planet, being Earth men. Of course, the contact notes more profoundly suggest that extraterrestrial men, not Earth men, initially caused the problems on this world where not all men were created equal. It is also why there are male only Earth Human prophets. It is also why prostitution would theoretically be eradicated as then every Earth women, much to their profound annoyance towards Earth men and other Earth women, could theoretically share a marrage between a man and another woman and not resort to prostitution. This is all covered under the natural ordering of things though these days the conspiracy folks are convinced about duality when nature provides more woman then men making true duality impossible. Most likely in the super critical worst case scenario of the Henock Prophecies where WW3 would ocurr, you really only need a small amount of men and a large amount of women to rebuild Earth humanity. On the brightside, at least Figu did not demand Earth men be forced to marry more than one Earth woman!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

From the Meier material above:

“There are virtually never any incompatible couples due to the use of advanced astrology and other social sciences.
Thus there are virtually never any divorces on Erra and furthermore, all childrens’ well-being is guaranteed.”

Below are some other great benefits of the correct usage of the correct astrology.

1. Understanding much of what makes you who you are.

Even a very basic astrological reading will tell you what your Constellational, Sun, Moon, and planetary positions are, and what this means in your life. Through looking at these positions in the sky at your birth, and how they relate to each other, you will find answers as to why you are drawn to the people and situations that you are, and what you are to learn from them.

2. Knowing the talents and abilities that you brought with you into this lifetime.

3. Determining your Life Path, the Main Theme of your life.

How do you know if you are following the Life Path that is right for you? Are you happy in your life? Do your work, and your relationships, support you in all ways? Are both your opportunities and your challenges moving you forward? Astrology can help you access your creative nature, and express yourself in the highest and best way possible. You will be able to pinpoint the energy that was in your past, the energy that you are currently working with, and what will be coming up for you in the future. Understanding why something is in your life, or coming into your life, allows you to look at possible solutions and options, and choose the best one for you.

4. Understanding the cycles of your life.

There are many different cycles in life. Sun cycles would be one such cycle, with the Sun staying in each of the twelve signs for approximately one month out of each year. The Moon goes through four cycles every 29 days, starting with the New Moon, then moving on to the Waxing Moon, the Full Moon, and the Waning Moon. There are 13 Moon cycles every twelve months. Each year around your birthday the Sun returns to its natal position. The Solar Return is when the Sun reaches the exact degree that it was at your birth. Studying your chart as the Heavenly Bodies appear on your Solar Return shows you the possible energy manifestations for the upcoming year.

The planet Saturn moves through its cycle every 29 1/2 years, which means that you have a Saturn return every 29 1/2 years. What you are dealing with here is taking responsibility, and what form that responsibility might take.

The planet Mercury goes through three retrograde periods every year, when it appears to be moving backwards in the sky (but is really not, this is an illusion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, related to the position of other planets in our solar system). This is an important cycle because retrogrades tend to create havoc in our lives, and Mercury the Messenger creates snafus in all type of communications, and travel arrangements.

5. Relationship compatibility.

Studying our astrological charts will tell us which people we are compatible with, and which we will have to work a little harder on. Comparing astrological charts gives us a heads up in family, romantic and business relationships, as well as friendships.

6. Determining the best career.

An astrological reading can tell you which career(s) are best for you. Where Mercury is positioned in your chart determines your communication skills. Jupiter’s position where your challenges and opportunities will be found. The constellation and planets in your tenth house represent the type of career you will do best in, your professional goals, and how you are perceived by others in your career.

7. Determining when to begin a project or new enterprise.

Astrology will help in the timing of new projects, beginning a new business, or even a new relationship? The Moon has great influence here: new projects are correctly begun at the new Moon, and projects that are being wrapped up are finalized at the Full Moon. Look to Mercury here also, you do not want to begin a new project when Mercury is retrograde. If you must do so, be very careful that you understand what other people are telling you, and that they understand what you are saying. Make a special effort to make sure that all communications are clear.

8. Looking at the pros and cons of relocation.

Much of the stress and mistakes can be taken out of the decision making process dealing with relocation by looking to a competent astrologer for advice. You can use this tool when looking at where to vacation, or where to live, a move across town, across state, or across the country. You will get a clear look at what your options are, what they have to offer you, and what the opportunities, and the challenges will be in each location. Some of the things to take into consideration are career opportunities, romance, creative opportunities, community and spiritual growth.

9. Look at the year ahead.

Whether you are looking at the calendar year, or your personal year (from one birthday to your next birthday), astrology can show what energy manifestations lie ahead, where your opportunities and challenges will be found, when the best times to take action are and the skills and abilities that are yours to draw on to accomplish your goals.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

From the Meier material:

“On February 3, 1953, Meier heard Sfath’s voice once more and transmitted to him many matters and a huge amount of knowledge before saying goodbye. His voice sounded very old and tired. Then, his voice became silent forever. Only a few hours after Sfath’s voice became silent, a new voice came into Meier’s head. This new voice was young, fresh, and full of force, quite unlike Sfath, namely very smooth and harmonic. This new voice explained that she was a woman called Asket (pronounced Ahs-ket) and that she would now be his new companion. Meier was finally able to meet Asket in person on February 3, 1956. She showed him inside of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and they spent 2 days together while she explained many things to him. Then, 2 days later, they met again for 7 days of time travels. In the following years, Meier learned many things and obtained phenomenal perceptions.

True truth-tellers and prophets only offer words of liberty and knowledge, of love and wisdom in absolute logic. Wrong truth-tellers and prophets only bring heresies and illogic which must be continuously developed over time while actual truth-tellers and prophets offer lessons of truth, being eternally the same and never altered. Meier was told that within twenty years, he would write a great lesson of truth, being transmitted to him from a very high spiritual entity. It will come from the same level as where also the carpenter’s son Jmmanuel, whom is erroneously known as Jesus Christ, received his knowledge. It will become the final lesson of the New Time; a lesson of truth, knowledge, the clearing up of love, and a lesson of the Age of Aquarius. It will be a lesson of absolute truth about many other things and for all coming times. If new forms of life come and want to change it, then they are only of deceptive character and evil lies.

Asket explained that it is the obligation of each higher developed form of life to assist under developed forms with help in responsible measure to influence its evolution. This obligation is for all forms of life in all universes because it is in creational law. So, when they come from another universe, this duty requires them, at a certain time, to officially make contact. After many years have passed, Asket said that she would contact Meier again when she has returned to her universe. They have recognized many matters in our universe in need of change and especially on Earth, which are very dangerous. Mankind has entered an age of knowledge and development that is badly disturbed, especially by religions that influence enslavement, humiliation, and exploitation of humanity.

The limitless greed for power is evident in all earthly religions and represents the most dangerous threat for the eventual goal of a world government. All earthly governments are subjected to religious influences that endeavor to unite them under a single world government. These wicked efforts have always resulted in wars and the death of innumerous human lives. Mankind has developed deadly weapons of destruction and will soon venture out into space in manned rocket ships. Earth humans will walk on the moon and speak words of peace and love. But they are only words of deception for the unconquerable greediness for a world government. Humanity has evolved to a high level, but only technologically and in pure materialistic regards. Spiritual evolution has been wickedly prejudiced and forced aside in favor of the worldly and material concerns. That has resulted in many kinds of degeneration and fanaticism. The most evil factors of earthly religions are in the cursing and denial of all reality and truth.

Nowhere else do such religions of delusion exist in the universe as they rage on Earth. They become a danger as they slowly and deadly begin to spread. Not only have earthly human beings pushed their world and the whole solar system dangerously close to destruction, but also space traveling races have excited three of their home worlds with earthly religious delusions, requiring them to be brought under control again by outside forces. Expeditions were sent to Earth to explore the facts concerning religion. All of their nations were educated in the earthy Christian religion and after thousands of years of living in peace and harmony with all forms of life and themselves, their world changed into the very picture of life on Earth. Soon, they murdered each other until they degenerated into an evil worldwide war.

Eventually, transgressions against the other two worlds ensued and caused one of them to be destroyed. At last, other space-traveling races interfered and ended the deadly dissension which was already being carried into the universe. All religious material was destroyed, Christianity was strictly forbidden, and the old form of living came back again. All visits to earth were prohibited and a regulation was established that, if anything should go wrong with a ship on the Earth, the whole crew had to eliminate itself along with the ship. A great spaceship had malfunctioned over Russia and was unable to leave the Earth’s atmosphere. As a consequence, the ship and 4,300 extraterrestrial beings turned to dust in an explosion and damaged the landscape, causing an extensive crater.

Many other dangerous events have also occurred. Humanity is now able to destroy his world with atomic explosions and cause very dangerous consequences for the whole solar system. Thousands of years ago, a similar catastrophe occurred when another inhabited planet in this solar system became destroyed by the unreasonableness of the humans living there. The planet blew up into thousands of pieces that have come to be known as the asteroid belt. The name of the planet was Malon and the explosion forced Mars into a closer orbit to the Sun. A further such event must be prevented and it is the duty of higher forms of life to prevent it. An atomic destruction of the earth could damage the whole solar system and expel very dangerous missiles out into space. This could result in the destruction of other solar systems and could lead to a cosmic catastrophe. Even adjoining universes could be damaged because this solar system has giant planets with extremely large gravitational fields. With the destruction of earth, the whole time and space structure could become distorted and whole universes could fall into a deadly destruction.”

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

To anyone reading this.

One of the statements that Asket said above that I find to be very interesting is,”Nowhere else do such religions of delusion exist in the universe as they rage on Earth.”

Why do you think that is? I have my opinion, which I will state later. I would like to hear yours.

Thank you.

Nathanael Mallow

Mankind of Earth was artificially held back.

He was essentially a slave race to the overlords aka “gods” that would through there force of arms, religious, political, and technological intrigue keep energy of belief pulsating into the minds of men.

Also to compound these matters every 3600 year the destroyer comet would pass through the Sol system. Spreading havoc and acting often times on Earth as a reset button. Through these factors mankind was a slave through and through. There are other intricacies to this process but these are, in my opinion, the main ones.

Once the slave mind was firmly established, every system that man created was a reflection of his thinking. The systems would always require a top down dependency, servitude, a lack of self responsibility, inequality, un-harmony, fear, schizoids, etc.

When man was convinced to accept belief instead of knowledge and it’s pursuit his being became a stomping ground for religions.

Belief is also part of the human evolutionary process. This also played, either by design or luck, to the will of the overlords and the acceptance of it as a day to day ideology.


Nathanael Mallow

It also occurred to me that the genetic manipulation that happened to man of earth heightened his aggression and lowered his tolerance and patience.

Tolerance is key to growth without it man can be kept in a cyclical self afflicted dumped down state. Where important lessons taught by nature and other humans often are a result of patience and tolerance. Mankind of earth had a hard time learning anything that would result in true freedom.

The women of earth by there nature embodied patience and tolerance because their energy is that of the negative. Below is an excerpt that talks a little bit about balance and energy.

Here is an excerpt from contact report 216:
283. The cosmic electromagnetic life energy is constructed in the same forces of positive and negative, as this is uniformly the case in all creational creations of every kind.
283. And exactly this means that neither on Earth nor on any other worlds or stars or anywhere else in the Universe could or can something arise or exist that doesn’t hold both forces of positive and negative in itself or which isn’t animated by the active energy or passive energy.
284. Without the opposite forces of positive and negative, which complement each other, always being given simultaneously, nothing can become existent and nothing can exist.
285. But this means that even with the passive energy, both forces are present, so both positive as well as negative.
286. At the same time, the negative represents the passive, the feminine, receptive, dormant and old, while the positive represents the active, light and warmth as well as the masculine, generative, and the new, as this has been defined since ages ago.
287. That’s how the cosmic electromagnetic life energy is to be seen, therefore, divided into two factors, into two forces, respectively positive and negative energies, which form a unit in themselves as well as in their union.
288. Now, if these energies get out of balance, then there results either an energy shortage, an energy surplus, or an energy obstruction, i.e. an energy blockade.
289. And as already mentioned, and it must be said again, both forms of energy always only exist together and are inseparably linked with one another, so the feminine and the masculine and, thus, the positives and negatives are always simultaneously present, and indeed, in every movable as well as immovable life form.

You can find it in it’s entirety here:

With a structure that is imbalanced with too much positive then you have the effects that we have today and over indulgence in instant gratification, a matriarchal domination, objectivity of human life, etc. Also take in to account that since the construction of the Sohar meditation center(not sure if the name Sohar is correct) in Switzerland you have had a constant freeing the planet of belief energy.

Which I am very thankful for.

So I hope I haven’t rambled on too much here. To recap:
Genetic manipulation caused a loss of the virtue of tolerance within man.
Tolerance is essential for growth.



I don’t have much of a personal response but can reference the material for further thought and review.
TJ 15:43-52 43But he put before them another parable and said, “The consciousness-related world is like a man who planted good seeds in his field. 44But while he slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the good seeds and went away. 45As the plantings grew and bore fruit, the weeds also appeared. 46Then the servants came to the sower and said, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’ 47He spoke to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ Then the servants said, ‘Do you want us to go out and pull up the weeds?’ 48He replied, ‘No, lest you uproot the good fruit when you pull up the weeds. 49Let both grow together until the harvest, and near harvest time I will tell the reapers: First gather the weeds and bind them in bundles, that they may be burned and the ashes strewn over the field so that the soil will be nourished; but gather the good fruit and stack it for me in my barn.’ 50For behold,” said Jmmanuel, “both grow side by side, the weeds and the good fruit. 51The weeds hinder the good fruit from growing, yet later the weeds will become compost and nourish the ground. 52Were it not for the weeds being made into nourishment for the soil, the good fruit could not grow, since it needs nourishment.”

Also to add further the following.
TJ 17:15-25 15But he answered and spoke, “All plants that do not live according to the laws of Creation, will dry up and rot. 16Leave them be, they are blind leaders of the blind; but when a blind man leads another blind man, both will fall into the pit. 17But let us go away, so that the henchmen remain without booty.” 18Then Petrus answered him saying, “Please interpret your speech about the plants and the blind men for us.” 19But Jmmanuel reprimanded his disciples and said, “Are you, too, still without wisdom and therefore also ignorant and doubting in recognition, comprehension and understanding? 20You have been with me for a long time now, but you still lack the ability to think and recognize the truth. 21Truly, I say to you, you yourselves will do much towards falsifying my teachings in the future. 22In your knowledge you barely exceed the other people. 23Haven’t you realized yet that all the parables and speeches have a consciousness-related meaning and are therefore about the consciousness-related life of human beings? 24O, you of little knowledge, does your understanding still not extend beyond the stupidity of the people? 25Beware, lest you see me in a false light and accuse me of an origin from which I could not have descended.”

Michael Freesmeier- Truth Seeker asks,

I have read all of Sitchens books. Some of what he has written has been in line with Meiers accounts, some has not. But the events I have always wondered about were the genetic manipulations he describes that were performed on humans by other travelers, to lower their life spans, and make them more vulnerable to the influences of religion. This was supposidly done to elevate these E.T. humans to a self created God level on Earth. Did this actually happen and if so, is this the answer to your question?

Nathanael Mallow

This is a contact report that discusses you question in depth.


Al Jedd

The bells wont be ringing for this one, as over 3,000 pedophiles held positions in French Catholic Church since the 1950s, and shows child abuse to at least 216,000 minors by French clergy.


Screenshot 2021-10-05ChurchPedos.png
Al Jedd

This filth should be on Polluted Planet? but this blog is close enough.
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI knew about sexual abuse as archbishop of Munich.

You don’t want to wake up this god! as a new law bans laughing at weddings, maybe bells will be next?
