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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

What’s the Truth about Crop Circles?

There are people who are pro or con regarding the validity of astrology, which has a long history on Earth in various forms. Of course it’s well known that astrology and any and all other forms of divination, etc., are considered to be false in the spiritual teaching. That being said, as freethinkers, we can allow ourselves to look at any claims to the contrary about anything in particular and decide for ourselves. Perhaps there is someone who has developed an intermediary, or more advanced, step towards the correct astrology and, more importantly, it’s actual usefulness to humanity, such as is practiced (if and when it is practiced) by the Plejaren.

The purpose of this blog was basically to give someone who claims to have produced the correct form of astrology a forum in which to make his case. How well he does that is up to each person to decide and not really the point of this article.

I bring up the topic of crop circles here for specific reasons. First, I don’t know the full truth about them myself. It has been revealed that some of them are certainly manmade. My own point of view, which I formulated in the 1990s, was that they must be produced by some very advanced intelligences using equally advanced technologies. Of course, the revelations about the manmade ones narrows the focus down to the more remarkable ones.

Dyson is a strong proponent, to the point of certainty, that those crop circles are absolutely extraterrestrial in origin, specifcally that they are made by the Zeta Reticulum beings. I don’t know. As far as I know there is no proof that this is so, certainly none that I am aware of Dyson, or anyone else, presenting. Of course he could be right, which would be fine by me. But it raises some questions for me.

First of course is how and why Dyson makes these confident assertions without qualifying them, such as “In my opinion”, “It seems to me”, “It appears that”, etc. Those of us, including Dyson, who are strong proponents of the Meier case rely on, and freely present, the best substantiation for the evidence in the case and its singular authenticity, etc. Obviously it’s bad enough that the entire UFO topic has been marginalized due largely to the irresponsibility and unscientific behavior of parties that spread deliberate disinformation in the UFO community, the not so courageous academics, etc.

The information from Meier and the Plejaren hasn’t exactly been definitive or crystal clear regarding crop circles. Although his explanation about impulses from the Creation being received and artistically expressed by people (and maybe other creatures) on Earth is very thought provoking.

If I understand it correctly, Dyson has come to his conclusions based on things like the advanced mathematical and/or geometrical information contained within certain crop circles, as well as their amazingly precise, complex formation and execution, etc. Again, that’s all fine; I don’t know.

But since we don’t yet conclusively know and are still in a state of conjecture, aren’t the proponents of the extraterrestrial origins, and the significance of the content of the circles themselves, indeed just…believers?

At this time, is their position any more valid, or scientific, than those people who are proponents of astrology, for example? After all, with the crop circles there’s all sorts of conjecture as to what they mean, their origins, etc. What uniquely valuable, specific information can we all agree has been effectively communicated to humankind? That’s not a rhetorical question. We have the Meier case with it’s unambiguous, non-cryptic, direct, clear as day prophecies, predictions and of course profound spiritual teaching to measure other claims against.

To be clear, I’d be glad to know if some of these magnificent designs are indeed extraterrestrial in origin. It would confirm my own premise from 20+ years ago that they are a demonstration by such beings of how to use great power and energy with precision, creativity and harmless intent. Even should that be the case, I don’t need convincing that there are more advanced beings in the universe who are capable of such things. But for now, apart from how wonderful they are to see and contemplate, I’m afraid that they aren’t particularly important to me.

So I think that we should be careful about attacking one source of inconclusive, symbolic, cryptic, information or belief system – or their proponents – while unquestioningly promoting another. Let’s simply apply the same standards of objective, scientific evaluation and testing to all of them.

Perhaps the question about the extraterrestrial connection to some crop circles will eventually be answered, to every objective, thinking person’s satisfaction – as I think has certainly been accomplished in the Billy Meier case.

Please also see the new trailer for And Did They Listen?

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Dyson Devine

Right. Andy.


Sorry for the many-days delay.

I could spin this one out if I had the time, but I don’t.

While we were doing our Disclosure Project lecture circuit around the far north coast of rural New South Wales (Australia), in 2001, we got a lot of supportive crop circle activity, where every time we did a talk, at about the same time of that day, the UK would report a new crop circle. When we did a separate second talk (by popular demand in Coffs Harbour) about Billy, we got two crop circles. It’s an indisputable matter of public record, because we ran newspaper ads. They are interactive phenomena. And that was the year of the Chilbolton (ET contact) code and face, being the reply to our planet’s 1974, twenty trillion watt radio transmission to the stars, and the “FACE” on Mars.

So we printed the face onto sheets of paper, added the details of our upcoming talk in Byron Bay, and drove around in our rusty 1974 VW Kombi van trying to get various commercial establishments and public notice boards, etc., to let us post it up, with little success. Too crazy.

But I thought that it would be just right for Nimbin, and it was.

I walked into the nice art gallery on the main street with one of our little black and white posters.

The guy there, running the place walked up, took one look at what I had in my hand and he literally jumped back and his eyes bugged out. Unable to avert his gaze, he shouted, “DID YOU DO THAT?!”

I said, “No, but …”

And he shouted, “WHO DID??!”

I said, “Well actually … this is a printout of an aerial photograph taken a couple days ago of a wheat field in England …” (Or words to that effect to the best of my recollection.)

He stared at the face.

I went on for a while, as one does, and his expression slowly changed when he first understood that I was not some undiscovered artistic genius who was about to make him a fabulously rich and famous art gallery owner, and he then saw me as just another druggie/loony with a copied portrait from a very accomplished commercial artist.

When I’d finished my brief but utterly insane sounding explanation – this was 13 years ago and he’d never heard of “crop circles” – he said emphatically,

“Well, I don’t know who did it, but I’ll buy any original works you can get me.”

Graphic artists recognise the crop circle art as THE best in the world – no contest. It takes a little digging, of course, but their reviews exist.

Art is art is art, and it’s provenance is irrelevant to its genuine quality, even though – being Earth – there’s a big PRICE difference between a bone fide Rembrandt, and a work from his school which could only be differentiated by x-rays. But if you look at the Chilbolton and Crabwood faces from a good perspective, they are both astonishing works from an artist or artists with a uniquely ingenious eye for detail and shading.

As opposed to the US. Military Industrial Complex who are a pack of philistines.

When I was stationed for a year at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi Mississippi, I discovered that the student “Squadron Artist” would have to do all the posters, notices and ugly faux-Olde Englishe calligraphy, so beloved of military lifers and other members of the tattooed criminal underclass. So when the word went out that an artist was sought, who would not have to work in the scorching heat and humidity of the Gulf of Mexico on work “details” all day before we all put on our heavy packs of books and marched ten miles and back to school from 1800hrs to 2400hrs, naturally, I leapt at the chance, bought a book on calligraphy and the pens and brushes I needed, and was suddenly a very celebrated squadron artist for the remainder of my stay in Biloxi. Cool. And clean. It was sickening kitsch, simple to emulate and (luckily for me) requiring no artistic talent whatsoever, so I churned it out cheerfully on demand. Military wives and girlfriends would stop into Squad HQ, where I often “worked” (very slowly and carefully), and admire and chat.

So I KNOW that Planet Suicide’s off-the-leash Military Industrial Complex doesn’t do the real crop circles, and they would NEVER tell us, “We Are Opposed To Cunning And Deceit” in 1996, or, eleven years later, “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING”.

And they do NOT have a witty self-deprecating sense of humour, or any other kind either, in my experience, unless you think killing people and destroying property in novel ways is funny.

I’ve proven it to myself beyond a reasonable doubt, even though in order to do so I had to teach myself the languages of signs and symbols and their occult uses as a secret means of communications by the ruling elite (who also speak German).

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” – Confucius, who may and/or may not have been a real prophet.

Symbols wasn’t as easy as German, but if you want to read what the real crop circles are trying to tell us, it’s a prerequisite. Same as with German and Billy.

I’ve changed my mind about also trying to elucidate the politics of the message of crop circles. If you haven’t got my drift about who they see as the enemy of our planet in our midst who they’ve come to warn us about, anything further on my part will merely get me in even deeper legal (and illegal) trouble than I’ve already brought down upon myself at the moment.

I hope this explanation has been of some use to you Andy, and others like you with eyes to see and the will to strive to open them.


Darcy Wade Carlile

Dyson what is a pictogram and is it a symbol? I think they appose each other for some unknown reason as far as knowledge is concerned here. The crop circles were said to be pictograms.

Dyson Devine

Hi Darcy.

There are lots of good on-line English dictionaries which will give you more detailed answers, but a you can have a pictogram (“a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Pictographs were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC”) and then you can just have a symbol (an object that represents, stands for, or suggests an idea, visual image, belief, action, or material entity).

P.S. I don’t go along with your “black hole” theory of crop circle formation at all, but I definitely think your’re onto something about the Golden Radiation/black hole nexus, which I’ve also tried to bring up here with no takers.


They, if I’m reading the symbols correctly, also use a combination of languages such as Greek and Roman by the way.


Darcy Wade Carlile

Billy Meier reads symbols.

Dyson Devine

He sure does. 52,476,812 of them, which he translates into the best German in the world (according to the Plejaren and me) at 60 wpm.


Darcy Wade Carlile

My knowledge on the topic of this theory is extremely limited so any light on this subject from higher places is also welcomed with open arms, however it could be disputed by others, and so it would be only be something shared to us from our advocate Mr. Meier to actually proceed with those enrichments as he sees fit with the great mission or else I will repulse from the theory and go on to my evolution unimpeded.

Dyson Devine

Hiya Darcy,

“I will…go on to my evolution unimpeded”

Impedance (adversarial forces) is an inescapable requirement of evolution.

We need to strive. Striving is Creation. Striving is life, according to what I’m translating at the moment in “How to Live”.

According to Billy.


Darcy Wade Carlile

I know that already Dyson , however I am very interested in the great mission and it’s awards that insure multiplication in fold in evolution. What a good job that pays off in no gold or silver or monies but rather in fairness.

Dyson Devine

You mean you have to do that EVERY NIGHT? Like, again and again and again?


But then how would I get all my work done?

Dyson Devine

If you learn anything more about this “sleep” thingy, let me know.

On the face of it, it seems like a horrible waste of time.

Dyson Devine

Yo M!

You opine, “Also, while we still have the luxury of a few things, like…crops, for instance, let’s take a look at just why such things may become rarer. We may also want to ponder why the presumed extraterrestrials making the circles haven’t bothered to connect a couple of those dots for us, instead of delighting in displaying fancy mathematics and geometry…not that it’s their responsibility of course.”

If you go back and read the Puffer fish thread, you’ll see that the (real) CC makers do something to the grain which makes it grow up to 5 time faster. In other places, in response to your demands to know more from me, like on the FIGU forum, I explained the concept of polyembryony, and mentioned that experimenters have also seen other improvements made in the grain from (the real) CCs, such as drought resistance and also a need for far less fertiliser. You must have forgotten. So (the real) CC makers seem to want to feed us.

Would you (or anyone else) care to speculate about why Billy uses the word “Kornkreisfälschungen” (grain circles forgery / counterfeiting / faking / falsifying) in this text of his?

I have many many CC answers on the old dead website, which disappeared when Ptaah suddenly and urgently advised us to pull the plug. (Most) of these data about CC’s are politically innocuous enough and if you ask James Moore nicely he might upload some.


Dyson Devine

I knew you knew that, Darcy, and you’re right about what you say, of course. I’m just a little focussed on striving just now because it’s the current topic being translated and I’m increasingly aware of how useful it is to be able to strive against impedance, which is wrongly portrayed by religious dogma as something to be avoided.

Fairness is one of the indirect rewards of studying the teachings, but it has to be striven for. Billy teaches that “you have to find your own justice and then try to make other people see it”. More immediately, you get peace, love, freedom, harmony, joy, and things like spiritual poise/balance, etc., which gives you what it takes to seek justice (fairness).


Dyson Devine


I’ll try to dip into your above blog entry as I make time for it, and address your many stubborn misconceptions in a piecemeal manner.

First, in the same way I do, you complain about putative investigators’ “unscientific behavior”, whereas you seemingly have no real understanding of the term yourself. No offence, but..astrology? Bit hypocritical.

And, like you, I occasionally practice a little journalistic provocation, and decided, since I’ve never gotten so much as a nibble with all my many previous carefully qualified deductions about the Reticulans, I’d just come out and state it for once, hoping that you’d finally take my bait, and now you’ve swallowed it, hook, line, sinker, rod, reel and please cough up my glove, thank you.

You write, “As far as I know there is no proof that this is so, certainly none that I am aware of Dyson, or anyone else, presenting.”

I am not trying to present PROOF.

THAT would be the primary example of classic “unscientific behaviour”.

I’m presenting EVIDENCE, and it’s YOUR job to seek more so you can do the proving YOURSELF – TO YOURSELF.

Going back to Billy yet again to learn the truth about crop circles is every bit as misguided as going back to Billy to learn the truth about…(insert hot topic of choice here).

” … he [the prophet] is familiar with ruses, tricks and ways unknown to the average mortal. However, such qualities enable him, the rogue and arch-crook in the positive sense of the terms, to twist everything in such a manner that he may be frequently explaining the truth and yet only explain a minute portion of the whole truth, should it be necessary to do so. This could be the case when people are not yet ready to grasp and cope with the all-inclusive truth.” – Billy, Ein Offenes Wort (An Open Word), ©1975/1980/1992,383,v8p69.htm

Regarding the provision of proof:

I think this is about the tenth time here I’ve TRIED to draw your attention to this below article of Billy’s which I translated for you four years ago from SdW. Similarly, I think it’s NEVER been acknowledged BY ANYONE and the last time I tried to post it, when your astrologer was saying he could/would prove to us his unerring accuracy, you simply DELETED it, without even letting anyone know that you’d done it. After calling for quotes, you told me it was too long and we should think for ourselves. I’ve now shortened it by half by removing all that pesky gobbledygook. I think “too long” for you must have been a joke, because you seem happy to post your astrologer’s seemingly randomly selected long-winded impertinent Meier translations – not “his” translations, of course, in the sense that I refer to “my” translations. I think the real reason (unless you WERE just joking with us again) is that Billy is WAAAAAAY too harsh. He certainly couldn’t join your forum here, as “Eddy” or “Bill”, without having his contributions rejected the way the best of mine have been recently.

You know that aphorism about leading a horse to water?


One more time…with feeling:

The Wrong Way…

“Since time immemorial, wanting to prove something to someone has been the wrong way, therefore it should never be declared that now something or other will be proven.”

For the entire text see:

Voice of the Aquarian Age, No. 142, March 2007

Further reading:

Dyson Devine

Thanks M,

Quick responses:

“Astrology: Is discussed by Meier, he must therefore be unscientific and hypocritical”

Non sequitur. He discusses Plejaren astrology, which is a science, and the Earth version, which he calls “star-reading”, as “impossible”, “drivel”.

“Proof: Sure, should read “conclusive evidence”…at least it hasn’t convinced Meier and the Plejaren (perhaps we’ll add yet)”

Non sequitur. Science doesn’t really reach “conclusions”. People draw their own conclusions from studying scientists’ logically reviewed published evidence. We still call it the “theory” of natural selection. Currently, the “law” of gravity (for instance) is under review.

“Ruses, tricks, etc.: He’s also the man wrote about the difference between lies and concealment. A direct statement from him tells me that he’s neither lying nor concealing.”

Non sequitur. Fideism. What if he’s “lying (misnomer) and concealing” about his “lying and concealing”? Eh? Too much reductio ad absurdum for you?

“He may or may not be right.”

Like everyone (except Pope Francis and your star-reader). But Billy’s a lot smarter than us, so I study the totality of his openly published material as closely as I can and my “conclusions” (that we can have confidence in his integrity but never simply believe him) are based on all of that. To choose a stance without first seeking sufficient evidence to support your stance is inadvisable, as you aptly demonstrate with these threads about fish behaviour and crop circles. When you said, on a previous crop circle thread (or it might have been this one) that I’d asked good questions, I wonder if you’d take a stab at providing some commensurately good answers – or any other kind for that matter, illogical, humorous, etc. I ask that of you because there ARE lots of answers, to these crop circle phenomena, which are very — — — USEFUL in advancing our theories, even if not fully CORRECT, and how would we know except by trying to gently place (not hammer!) the puzzle pieces into where we logically deduce they might fit, to see if they do? The graphic artists/geometers won’t likely come right out and tell us any more than they already did at Chilbolton and Crabwood, if that’s still insufficient. But they could if they were less intelligent. They DO, obviously, upon sufficient study, also adroitly practice Deardorff’s Semi-plausible Deniability. Luckily.

“Since you provide quotes form him all over the place, including this one, maybe we should consider what he’s quoted as responding to YOUR assertion.”

I certainly don’t exclude myself from those to whom he provides his voluminous advice; quite the opposite! I try on the shoe and when it fits I wear it, even if it hurts. But you do deliberately exclude yourself from those who receive his advice, simply due to your stubborn refusal to learn how to read it. Don’t get angry and defensive now please, Michael. It’s just the unvarnished truth. If the shoe fits….

“Of course the quote you provide about simply could be a…ruse, trick, etc., intended to make us think he uses such things when he doesn’t. Right?”

Now you’re getting it, bro. Everything from Billy has to be weighed up to try to see if it’s logical, never just blindly accepted as belief. Like everything from you has to be weighed up to try to see if it’s facetious, and never just blindly accepted as earnest.

“Of course when he says that “people are not yet ready to grasp and cope with the all-inclusive truth” maybe he was also talking to…you.”

Absolutamente, hermano! He’s talking (writing) to EACH and EVERYONE of us who listens (reads) – to a greater or lesser extent – depending on how much truth we can handle. Those who may have, say, insider knowledge (MILABs, USAPs, for instance) or do the hard yards to look deeply into things (CC’s, PoZ, chemtrails, Buddha, etc.) can often break his circumlocutory code, and those who can’t handle much truth will continue to be fooled by his “arch-roguish” semantics (VERY hard [impossible] to translate!) and silly-looking models on monofilament, etc., as intended to protect their labile psyches from devastation.

“Not posting long quotes: I stopped posting the extremely long submissions, with quotes that could be linked to not to censor them or you but to not dissuade people from reading…all of your and/or other people’s posts.”

I’ve often tried to help you to understand that there is a world of difference between most of your contributors and most of your readers; the latter, not wishing to be subject to the blood, vomit and excrement on the floor, being generally of much higher calibre than the former. This is offered as a logical deduction, not cant, dogma, unimpeachable truth etc. But I won’t say “in my opinion” here because an opinion, by definition, is merely a point of view held with less than certainty.

“You’re correct that Tony has submitted a couple [a “COUPLE??”] that I allowed prior to your pointing it out to me. Since he has been criticized for not substantiating his claims, which is incumbent [necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility] upon him, I welcomed a bit [a small piece, part, or quantity of something] more in that department.”

“a bit MORE”? We’ve had nothing of substance. He ignores all who doubt and imperiously scorns, and finally semi-ignores all who try to persist. I say semi-ignores because I assume it’s me who’s now being referred to as “Sarge” as an eleventh-grader. So what’s YOUR time limit on “incumbent upon”? I’ve been waiting since around last October. (And when I came home, at 18, for the first time on leave from the USAF and my elderly mother, distressed, discovered that the back of my class A dress uniform was covered with SPIT, I never thought that 46 years later my (coerced) military wartime service would engender that sort of public mockery here from someone who I assume is a citizen of the United States of America. It’s a disgraceful insult to all your country’s dead and surviving war veterans and also your country, but it no longer surprises me. No wonder you’re all earmarked for annihilation. No. I’m not trying to be funny.)

“However, as I said, since you pointed that out, I’ve been mindful of it and will apply it equally, if I previously haven’t.”

So – because one contributor (your friend and one of your many personal star-readers) who, in spite of his mendacious agitprop to the contrary, knows Billy’s teachings as well as he knows Sanskrit (being not at all) posts impertinent, randomly selected translated tracts from Billy, larded through with literally nauseating sycophancy directed at you and sophistry directed at everybody in general – that means that because ‘we’re all the same and nobody’s any better (at anything) than anybody else’, I can’t post Billy’s (translated) words here either now, I can only link to them elsewhere. Great. (Mission accomplished, TV.)

“Billy too harsh: No, not at all. The difference is that Billy would simply speak his mind directly..”

You still believe that? What will it take? It’s like Ned Flanders: “I’ve done everything the Bible says – even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!”

“ the person to whom he would be responding, rather than lecture…”

Is this a joke? There are about 150 occasions in (just) the GoT where he says, “you human beings of Earth ..” Sounds like a lecture to me. Billy’s “imperious lecturing and hectoring” is one of the main criticisms I get from the ignoranti. “The high value of this work can only be completely expressed and made comprehensible through the German language. The human beings of Earth shall strive to make the German language to the world language because it is the most valueful of all languages that are in use on Earth.”

“… – or attack – him, nor do I think that every other line would be a quote from the spiritual teaching.”

No. Every SINGLE line IS the spiritual teaching. He says that the entirety of his work is. I’ve told you that before.

‘It seems the majority of his letters, comments, answers, etc., in the bulletins, forums, etc., are devoid of that shake-my-fist-in-you-face kind of thing.”

Do please read his books as soon as you can.

“He seems to know how to make his point a bit more reasonably without sacrificing directness, being truthful, etc.”

Duh. I’m just this guy, right, Michael? I don’t pretend to be the living true Prophet in direct spiritual lineage to Nokodemion, “Older than the Oldest – Wiser than the Wisest”. Just like you, all I try to do is covey his message to the best of my very limited, barbarous, Earth-humanoid ability.

“HINT: Always attempting to justify your style by saying that the truth is harsh…doesn’t mean that you’re telling, or in exclusive possession of, it.”

Again. (this time patronising) non sequitur. I’m not trying to justify my “style”, nor have I ever tried to insinuate that you, me or even Billy is in “exclusive possession” of the truth. But I don’t just feed you all a pack of lies and distortions, although I’m human and I’m neither infallible nor are my comments unquestionable. I SEEK – I welcome – I NEED – logical and informed clarification and correction. We all do. And if my “style” is too harsh for you (the pot calling the kettle black, tiger?) Billy’s sure would be. He says ALL true truth tellers are harsh, and are unjustly attacked for that harshness. Something tells me you’re not reading all these quotes from him I laboriously have to translate for you and put “all over the place”.

“Certainly we’d disagree about it as it pertains to this (Billy better than Dyson) topic.”

Not at all. (Joke?) When Billy Meier was SEVEN, his IQ was AT LEAST three times mine now, so it’s very unreasonable for you to compare my abilities to reason to HIS! “He seems to know how to make his point a bit [“a BIT??”] more reasonably without sacrificing directness, being truthful, etc.” (This is a joke, right?)

The quotes (which you DID recently ASK for, as the best way of teaching), which I translate for you and try to reproduce on your blog (“all over the place”), obviously come from a broad range of sources and, unlike Billy’s personalised replies to personally asked questions, are usually deliberately directed at Earth human beings in general, in the same way that I’m forced, due to the nature of this venue, to address my contributions to Earth human beings in general. So those with eyes to see – being the only true, positive change agents – can see what I’m trying to do, and those who come here, with their egos on their sleeves and an ammo belt full of dogma and ignorance, will be repelled and antagonised, trampling and attacking any messenger of Billy’s messages. Do you ever wonder why so many bilingual Meier students NEVER hang out on English ONLY forums trying to share their greater knowledge? I see it as an unavoidable cost associated with my self-appointed job. There’s heaps in the material about this phenomenon. Believe it or not.

“Proving (again): Maybe you should take a hint from…Dyosn and stop trying to PROVE how “right” you are by quoting an article that may suggest that you’re going about it- The Wrong Way.”

Maybe you should try harder to have a little confidence in my integrity based on my work, not on my words or my “style”, and try to approach the matter in this (less negative) way so that you can understand that I can try to provide you with the evidence you purport to seek (while simultaneously stating that you’re not interested, it’s not important, you can’t be bothered, etc.) without me trying to PROVE anything TO you.

And did you take the time to read recently my attempt to explain why it seems obvious that we’re not being very helpful here trying to broadcast “the truth about crop circles” on a blog supposed to be about the truth from Billy?
I said that the Plejaren say (251?) that if and when another ET race makes contact sufficient that it will be collectively seen for what it actually is, then the Plejaren mission must end immediately. So please drop it with the crop circles, OK Michael? It’s all boards and ropes. Whatever. Who cares? Learn German.

And of course I know that you’re not TRYING to provide me (MOI?!) with a bully pulpit. Heaven FORFEND, mon frère! But yer doin’ a pretty good job for someone who’s not even trying. For which, as ever, I covey my slightly satirical gratitude and appreciation.

I noticed that my name has just become a key-word search-term on your blog here. I don’t know whether I should be flattered of mortally offended. Pretty soon I’ll come on line to find I’ve been given my very own page, like your star-reader mate, and you can call it “The DYSONISING Page”. Except it’d be spelt with a “Z”. But, like Groucho Marx, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it.



Dyson Devine

Trombone time, you mean. Do you still play music? It might help you with your challenged sense of humour. Billy advises it, as well as going for daily hikes barefoot through the forests and fields as a “requirement”. And singing and shouting out loudly, while varying your gate.

“Billy – in his specific response, specifically addressed to you, pointedly calling your position WRONG”

Oh. I never heard the question, (feel free to forward it to me in its entirety privately) I only saw the answer and thought you’d just gone back and asked the boards and ropes question again, since Christian said no further info had come forward since the last time you asked.

So you’ve just (seriously?) asked someone, who staunchly contends that the CCs are made with boards and ropes, whether they’re made by Zeta Reticulans? Why? In the hope that Billy will NOW tell your that they ARE actually made BY advanced extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system, some 49 light years away WITH boards and ropes? Gee, you’re a comedian!

“why not just present your best evidence that the crop circles are made by the beings from ZR”

You DID ask.

[warning warning quote alert] (Unless you only want the link and instructions to search for “excrement” and the sentence following, plus the one that comes before the one before that, or that I tell you to count down six sentences from Quetzal’s 33rd, skipping the seventh, and including the ninth, which is getting a little silly even by our customary standards of silly public behaviour.)

“Everything further had to then, through one’s own learning and through one’s own hard efforts, be independently learnt and fathomed so that evolution was guaranteed. … That also applies to the Earth humans, because if all knowledge was simply tossed out to them like feed and they fed on it thoughtlessly and without processing, then it would bring no proper success, but rather only a certain school-knowledge, while the undigested remainder would be secreted again as excrement. In other words: everything undigested would be forgotten, and would therefore be completely useless.”

I’ve gotten as close as I’m going to go for you already on your previous two CC threads. So please stop demanding that I chew your food for you. IF you’re serious about wanting to know, learn the two languages used by the two ET races TRYING to quite independently make gentle contact with those of us prepared to work for the privilege. Von nichts kommt nichts.

“Why it hasn’t occurred to you to NOT be the one fanning the embers for a topic you don’t like, agree with, etc., is beyond me.”

Oh, c’mon. You’ve GOT to be pulling my leg. Do you seriously think I don’t KNOW that? You used to be/are in show biz. “Bad publicity is good publicity”?

For nonsense and drivel the reverse is also true, of course.

“Thrashing” to sort the wheat from the chaff requires agitation of the mix. You did say you wanted that.

And why banning the ad hominem stuff doesn’t apply across the board “is beyond me”. Shadenfreude? Please stop introducing the topic of astrobloodystrology if you don’t want me to respond to it, and keep it safely contained its own isolation ward, and the world will be a better place.

You say, “If [someone] can’t and/or doesn’t respond adequately to support his claims…then the matter will fade, die, disappear for lack of substantiation, etc”

Ha ha! Doesn’t seem to have worked with religion yet!

And I’ll take “righteous pomposity” over the OTHER kind any day!

You might want to try to work on those anger management issues of yours, Michael.

I’ve read these great books which might be of help. They work for me.


Wow. Crop circle heaven these days, MH! I just discovered that while we’ve been playing nicely together on this thread, all the action’s over on one of the other ones!


Dyson Devine

AH HA! The wheel grinds SLOW, but it grinds fine!

Michael, I simply COULD NOT understand what you were referring to here:

“Your name, my conspiratorial, hidden meaning (where there is none) inference preoccupied friend, was entered once simply because of the frequency of your contributions.”

In the back of my mind, the puzzle about “my conspiratorial, hidden meaning (where there is none)” just lingered on one of my rank of buzy back burnerz until it slowly reduced to the point where I now think I understand. Pleaze correct me if I’m wrong.

When I said, “I noticed that my name has just become a key-word search-term on your blog here. I don’t know whether I should be flattered or mortally offended. Pretty soon I’ll come on line to find I’ve been given my very own page, like your star-reader mate, and you can call it “The DYSONISING Page”. Except it’d be spelt with a “Z”. But, like Groucho Marx, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it.”

I waz merely alluding to Noah Webster’z remodelled Amerikan spelling of wordz that the “English” speaking world (me included) spell with an “S”. If you read anything sinister into that, such as a racial slur, really surprizez and disappoints me. You’re needlessly suspicious of me, but I apologize if my oblique humour went right over your head again and waz wrongly interpreted as anything else. No wonder you sound so pissed at me lately.

And I think your ad hominem references to me recently as “pompous” [antonym-“humble”] might have more to do with me being gradually poisoned by my soaking in the weird 1940’s “British English” that forms so much of my work as demanded by Ptaah. As I previously mentioned, those to whom these linguistic characteristics apply are not the sorts of people out with whom I would normally hang. They do not even use contractions.

Similarly, your continual ad hominem attacks here and privately about me being “religious” might have to do with my calculated (to remind people whose texts we study) references to “the Prophet”, and, like most folks, the medium may be distracting you from the message. Just a thought.


Dyson Devine

For what it may be worth, in the reference to Buddha recently, “Babatschi” also got a mention, and I explained that I couldn’t track down all the conventional English translations of the Germanised names of the prophets, etc. I just read something on the German FIGU forum which made the penny drop.

Could it be the Indian “saint”, “Mahavatar Babaji”?

Sounds right.

Seems pretty unlikely, but Billy says that there were other lines of prophets active on Earth who were not related to Billy’s line. And a reader says that recent material in books about this “saint” says that he was seen with a blue (their skin colour, not their mood) shapeshifing serpentoid, with his/her/its own “spaceship” from a distant star system.

Just saying. He wants someone to ask Billy about it.

Billy will probably gently explain that it’s all just impossible drivel and anyone who’d believe such nonsense was a poor stupid little idiot.

I guess we’ll find out.

Or not.


Dyson Devine

You ask, “If there are complex formulas within some of the crop cirlces does it mean that they MUST have been made by ETs..?”

No. As I said – they may have been made by time-travellers and/or interdimentionals, etc., “but they’re not from around here”. I have to repeat myself because you don’t read what I write. Opening another CC thread with not help that. Please reads my references about Euclidean geometry and try to figure out how the people with boards and ropes (you know, those jolly pranksters who cunningly disguise themselves as flying balls of light) managed to discover two further (new) theories (4&5) of Euclidean geometry never previously discovered or described anywhere on planet Earth. If you want more info, please ask James to post up those sections of my old website which went into exquisite detail about these things – like we started to do with Meier.


Dyson Devine

Chanting won’t change the logical scientific evidence, presented over at the Puffer fish thread.

But it might make you feel better.

So why would Billy say, “Don’t believe anybody, not even me”?

And why does Billy use the word “Kornkreisfälschungen” (grain circles forgery / counterfeiting / faking / falsifying)?


Seriously, try learning the trombone, Michael. More fun than the tuba and it requires less puff. Helps maintain perspective.



I could not find that either and google also pointed me to a saint that happened to have passed away shortly before Meier was born, around 1930s. How does that work with reincarnation?


I’d like to see Phil replicate the Plejaran landing kraft circles outside the center.

Dyson Devine

Ha ha! Apparently “Babaji” simply means “Little Father” (“Daddy”), so there are a lot of them in India. Surely ONE of them (at least!) could have been the prophet in question.


Dyson Devine

“Dyson is maintaining, at every opportunity, that it is the Zeta Reticulum beings that are definitely responsible for the more/most complex crop circles.”

This is an error of fact that you can prove to yourself as such if you make the effort read what I’ve written.

It seems you won’t take no for an answer, or won’t read it.


Dyson Devine

Hi there again Anthony!

(I’ve been unable to keep track of all Michael’s increasingly tangled threads, so I’ll assume you’ve accepted my apologies to you, we’ve shaken hands and we can start again like adults. Good.)

I won’t try to correct all your erroneous assertions or presumptions about me re the Meier stuff here, but suffice it to say that if I didn’t accept Billy’s good work I wouldn’t be promoting it as enthusiastically as I do. It’s just that I know that (the REAL) crop circles are not made with boards and ropes. Go look at the puffer fish thread. And I know a few other true things that Billy – for a variety of VERY good reasons – does not want to openly and in English promote as true, not unlike the early years of the Apollo 11 hoax, MILABS, etc.

But if I’m a government agent, I’m doing a very good job for Billy, wouldn’t you say? Or have I been a “sleeper” all these years and soon I’ll start writing “Jesus” instead of “Jmmanuel” in my translations? Ha ha! Ya gotta larf. I’ve been passing ammo up to MH for yonks.

You ask, “Why do you say that ancient crop circles accompanied by “…flying balls of light, for centuries…” This is simply NOT true. There is no way to prove this. Only some crop circles have been supplied with videos of balls of light.”

Well, for one, you’ve removed the grammatical context, and as soon as you return it you’ll see I never said that, but no matter, persuasive evidence does indeed exist that the BOLs didn’t start up with the advent of video cameras.


And I’m not trying to prove anything, but anyone who REALLY does her/his homework will very soon learn about places like “Golden Ball Hill” in the heart of the UK’s CC country, and read the historical reports. Seek and you will find. The truth is out there. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Bla, bla, bla.

Anyone who thinks I’m going to prove all this stuff to people here is going to be disappointed. Nor will I seek to prove Billy’s genuineness. If ET could have been “proven to” people, it would have been done a long time ago, and we’d no longer be reading in the news that scientists are speculating about primitive microscopic extremophilic versions of it.

As with Billy, CCs take a lot of work to get to the bottom of, and that does include learning the language if you want to know in any detail what they’re trying to tell us, but they have much less to say than Billy, are manifestly less cluey than the Plejaren (but way more than us of course) and German is easier.

Cheers, Anthony!

Dyson Devine

Thanks, Michael,

Relaxed? If I was any more relaxed I’d be in a coma.

You don’t really know what’s going on, through no real fault of your own I guess, nor do you understand what’s passed and what’s likely to come. I’m not allowed to say. But that doesn’t really matter. I don’t think you understand either how free a person can be who’s not bound to material things, but breathes the cleanest air in the whole world (literally) and sees the darkest sky at night and the brightest stars there are. That’s what I value. And being a change agent. What a privilege!

It’s each to his own. Everyone has different values. And everyone has to go the way he thinks is best, and I now have a detailed pattern of functional behaviour laid out in Billy’s teaching that gives me the ability to follow that pattern and constantly hold up my life against it to see how it fits. And it’s not at all how you portray it.

But thanks anyway for the well-meant advice and your obvious concern, albeit misplaced. I do sincerely appreciate the sentiments.


Dyson Devine

Dyson Devine says:
February 8, 2014 at 5:59 am
Here are some examples of my ignored qualified statements recently misrepresented to Billy. And a few links and thoughts on the matter.

March 16, 2010 (FIGU forum)

“the Zeta Reticulans(?) who I think are responsible for the genuine (not the hoaxed or corrupted) “crop circles’”

“Just to clarify: I don’t know for sure that the crop circles are ET, per se, since they might be from interdimentionals or time travellers, etc. But they are NOT (all) from regular (or Dark Order) Earthlings.”

And me, again in reply to MH, March 18th, 2010, two days later.

You continue, (I’m quoting you quoting me now) “and then ‘I don’t know for sure that the crop circles are ET, per se, since they might be from interdimentionals or time travellers, etc. But they are NOT (all) from regular (or Dark Order) Earthlings.’ is a bit confusing, as well as a bit self-contradictory.”

This one is easier. It’s in the same way that various know-it-all skeptibunkers have split hairs with you and claimed that even if these so-called Plejaren zoom around in flying saucers which people can see and photograph, provide metal and sound samples for analysis and so on and so forth, THAT – in and of itself – does not PROVE that they are EXTRATERRESTRIALS, since they might be interdimentionals or time travellers, etc. I was simply trying to avoid falling into that one with you. Do you remember what Marcel Vogel said to the Japanese television interviewer who asked him – after Vogel explained what he’d found in the Plejaren metal samples he’d looked at – “So, then, are they … extratestorials?” Vogal smiled and said, “Well, they’re not from around HERE!” Maybe the gigantic field forms aren’t from ETs? But whoever or whatever is doing the “real” ones – well, they’re not from around HERE!

A forum search of crabwood or chilbolton will unearth more if anyone’s interested.

In a deliberate act of journalistic provocation – taking a leaf from Michael’s book where he used the unqualified statement, “The World’s Leading Expert on UFOs” as a clever way to prompt much-needed debate – on November 16, 2013, I mentioned the Reticulans here without mentioning that it was my own tentative and seemingly common sense conclusion based on all my many years of work.

It got no response.

So, on February 1st, 2014, I deliberately tried again on Michael’s new thread where he effectively calls me a liar, in publicly headlining my Disclosure Project witness testimony as “BOGUS”. – meaning: “not genuine or true (used in a disapproving manner when deception has been attempted).”

It seems to me, since I’m not trying to be Meier’s media representative, that I should enjoy the same privilege – of being able to state my conclusions about CCs as “my truth” – like the astrology fans do here about their conclusions, which, unlike mine, seem designed to mix the Plejaren science of astrology with the Earth-type which Billy condemns. The difference I see between these two issues, neither of which Billy supports, is that only one of them (CCs) has any logical scientific substantiation (not to mention common sense) behind it.

I welcome and encourage people not to dogmatically believe Billy as if he’s a tin god to be worshiped, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want that.

On February 3rd, 1997, Billy wrote, “They [“a worldwide group of certain earth humans”] are also not inactive in matters relating to the COUNTERFEITING of crop circles, and indeed in the most differing countries.” [my caps for emphasis]


The fervour in which Billy’s ludicrous boards and ropes statement is being wielded against in-yer-face scientifically established hard physical evidence to the contrary, and Billy’s own statements about “grain circle counterfeiting” (“Kornkreisfälschungen”) – shows to me that we still have a very long way to go before we get over the idea that what “the book” (or Billy) says IS TRUE BECA– — — USE “the book” (or Billy) SAYS it’s true.

Further reading:,383,v8p69.htm


Dyson Devine

Dear All,

Jim Deardorff (and Mahesh, Rhal, Chris) and I have been having a private email exchange about the pendulum UFO analysis, which moved into the realm of crop circles, and Jim always seems to have interesting and intelligent things to say, so I asked him if it would be OK for me to share his thoughts with all the rest of you. First I’ll put in what he said to that, and then I’ll paste in his previous email unedited and in its entirety. (Herr Schmid was evidently one of the people who cut up one of Billy’s UFO films, and Mahesh expressed understandable disappointment that the original has been lost/stolen.) And like me, Jim has eye/typo problems. My thanks go to him for generously allowing me to share this publicly.


Jim writes:

Yes, feel free to post it to Michael or wherever. I was going to post something like that on Michael’s Part 2 CC blog, but then ran out of time, as it takes me so long now to read through all those responses and then to type out a response and put in all the needed corrections of typos.”

Hi Dyson et al.,

Certainly the crop-circle-formation phenomenon has not escaped from Plejaren obfuscation or semi-plausible deniability, relayed by Billy. The repeated point that we need to think for ourselves and not necessarily accept as truth what authorities, including Plejarens, tell us, is well taken. The CC phenomenon is something we should be able to figure out for ourselves whether or not the large, comprehensive, creative ones showing up overnight could have been made by human hoaxers. So the Plejarens should feel free to prevaricate to us about that phenomenon.

There is only one way I know of that hoaxers could almost pull off a real-looking impressive CC formation. That is to learn about a new impressive formation before anyone else, summon their hoaxing crew immediately and go to the scene with well functioning cameras; then proceed to shoot footage of themselves with boards & ropes supposedly creating it, and do this before onlookers have gathered who might learn that the hoaxers had not yet been out in the field nearly long enough to have constructed it. They would have to be very careful to tromp only within the preexisting formation.

Then they would need to arrange for aerial views of it to be taken. Soon they would announce that they had made it, and would provide the photographic movie proof. However, they would first edit their footage carefully to edit out any ground-view indications of their being within a preexisting formation, just showing themselves with board and ropes and flashlights and measuring tapes and such. And at the beginning of their movie footage they would edit in an introductory piece showing a precision line drawing of the plan-form of the formation they would create. So there would be a couple days’ delay before they would exhibit their movie-footage as proof.

I only expound on this because I do think such an operation was once carried out, (but don’t presently know whereabouts in my computer files it may be). However, even that wouldn’t be convincing, because they would first need to obtain an elevated view of the location within the field where they would do their work, which would show the crop to be in its original undisturbed condition, and also take photos from the same location afterwards. If all that somehow worked out, it would be pretty convincing. Yet, even then they would need to disclose where the field was that they practiced on, so as not to make any mistake in their elaborate hoax, along with evidence that their practicing preceded their real effort. Very tough to pull anything like that off.

Regarding Mahesh’s question, Meier may not have known beforehand that Herr Schmid was a shady person. Or, perhaps one of the Plejarens surreptitiously intercepted the film at the developer’s (somehow) and made some manipulations in it then returned it to Schmid. Or something else, perhaps involving their implanting of a false memory in the brains of one or two workers at the photo shop. With highly advanced technology, where there’s a will there is indeed a way.

Fortunately, the Plejaren use of deception and prevarication is more the exception than the rule. However, knowing that this has been going on, can one be completely loyal to Billy Meier and the Plejaren mission? Or is it necessary for close members of FIGU to believe that everything Billy relays to them from the Plejarens is true or just an occasional error on their part, in order to be loyal? Although I believe it is possible, the Plejaren strategy may require complete unquestioning loyalty from the inner circle , in order that Billy remain in a debunkable status.

If the Plejarens can have their own way with this, due to their intelligence, knowledge of us, and advance technology, should those who have been trying to make the reality of Billy’s experiences known to the public just give up — what’s the use? I would say no; keep up the good fight; the Plejarens are expecting us to do so, and of course have been supplying Meier and us with plenty of evidential ammunition. Both sides are needed, until the debunkers all realize where they went wrong. It would seem that this won’t occur in our generation, so patience is required. But when and if this were to occur, then the world’s population would be ready for Disclosure and also ready for treating the Teachings seriously.

However, UFO-ET disclosure might occur decades or more before the reality of Billy’s experiences sinks in widely.

I find it worthwhile to ponder on Jmmanuel’s willingness to proceed with his mission all his life although he could prophesy, and his Plejarens also informed him, that his mission would not begin to succeed, and his teachings become well known, until well over two thousand years had passed.


(Note from Dyson: During the U.K.’s brief “crop circle season” swarms of enthusiasts descend on that part of England in their thousands from all over the world. Apparently it was because Nippon TV broadcast that “straight” documentary about Billy all those years ago that FIGU Japan is so healthy, and has had so many books translated. Perhaps there was a spin-off, because it seems our Japanese friends are also nuts for crop circles. Anyway, all these “croppies” prowl around the countryside enjoying the 3 and a half hours or so of full darkness per night that far north, and they all want to be the first to spot a new formation. The air is thick every morning with light and ultra-light aircraft apparently, so I think the likelihood of Jim’s above hoax scenario ever actually taking place is probably fairly remote.)

Al Jedd

From the blog

Hi Shiva Yes I remember the 2002 Crabwood uk CC with the alien face holding a disk through a square window with a binary message saying something like-

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.
Much PAIN but still time.
Believe there is GOOD out there.
We oppose DECEPTION.

Quite a nice message which I thought it referred to our politicians/leaders.
Understanding the pain humans are going through, in this hell on earth.
They? want us to believe there is good out there (ie the P’s).
And they appose the criminal actions of our leaders/governments.
Finally the cosmic connection is now switched off.

It was in a number of uk papers, maybe designers were trying to wake people up? Hint hint.

Shiva Balu

Hi Al
You know Colin Andrews had said when he entered a just formed crop circle from the North side , some energy sucked him in and levitated him to East side of the circle. The flash batteries of many cameras of visitors were drained of charge. Although it may
be possible for earth machinations to do this , Makes me wonder what kind of energy is involved here.

Al Jedd

Hi Shiva Ive heard of a truck and a man being levitated when the Twin Towers came down.
This was from Dr Judy Wood in her presentation on “Where did the Towers go”(?). However she said that, the microwave cooker cooks from the inside out.Try heating up soup for 1/4 or 1/2 of the time. I didn’t have a thermometer, so I put my finger into the middle, and the soup tasted ok, cold. Then at the edge and it was warm.
The soup was just for me.
The book” And Still They Fly” has mentioned a couple of similar instances, which happened to myself and others.
Ive heard that batteries seem to malfunction in the CC.

On the CR’s there what Semjase did and later Billy did with the mind. “The Might Of The Thought” comes to mind.
From one of the CR’s I read that Spontaneous Combustion was caused by the person, unknowingly, bringing down on herself cosmic forces. And the result; what was left was a part of leg, burnt at the top. Surrounding flammable objects that were not burnt. Ive seen Ball lightning, and small Orbs.

Ancient text’s describe science in their way, of that time. The Dogon tribe and the Egyptians have symbols for the atom and electron and more, way back then? Cave and Rock Art appears to show some advance knowledge of the cosmos and science that some are now being discovered. Telekinesis or Psychokinesis seems possible and is in science now. As is “The Electric Sky” and “The Electric Universe”. In the Thunderbolt Project.

There is natural occurring electricity in the earth, called “Telluric currents”.
A long time back I felt the effect of a lighting strike just in front of me. There was a spiraling stinging feeling going up my legs 3 or 4 turns anticlockwise. The spiraling faded away over a second or two.
The guy below looks like he has just seen a CC.
The CR’s have proved to me, that there are energies not yet discovered by terrestrial science and is the place to go first. Human science is still coming out of the caves. All part of life’s rich tapestry.


Brex itBoris.png
Shiva Balu

Thank you Al
I remember Ptaah mention 3 or 4 different kinds of energies not known to earthlings.
Thanks again.

Shiva Balu

I really would like know what kind of energy ,technically is involved in the making of crop circles. certainly not microwaves. the balls of light over a formation looks authentic though. The mystery continuous even after so many years..One thing is certain ,the real ones are made untouched by human hand.

Al Jedd

From the blog-

Hi Shelia, thank you for the link to Wendelle Stevens, very nice to see; which led me to this long interview with Wendelle.

Last interview with Colonel Wendelle Stevens before his death

This may have already been put out in another blog somewhere; apologies for that, as there are so many blogs to catch up on, one can end up getting lost (in the nicest possible way)..
Wendelle makes some interesting comments.
Never a dull moment on that’s for sure.


Al Jedd

Hi Ned, You are on the right track (excuse the pun). The PAL system as used in UK and Switzerland, run a 2 to 1 interlace. 625 lines. Similar to the NTSC system in USA. 525? lines.
Where the “even” horizontal lines are sequentially sent & drawn across the screen first, forming the first field 2, 4,6 and so on, with horizontal gaps going down screen. . Once the first field is complete This is then followed by the odd numbered horizontal lines 1,3,5,etc that fill in the gaps between the even numbered lines (field), that makes up that complete Frame(Raster scan).
The eye’s have a persistence of vision, as does the persistence of light emission of the phosphor coated TV screen. The horizontal scan lines start at the top left of the screen and end at the bottom right of the screen.
VCR’s have 2 (read/write) rotating heads (mounted in the drum, 180′ degrees apart). The rotating drum is tilted at an angle (30′)And the magnetic “track” is written diagonally (30’degrees) along the length of the magnetic tape, from top to bottom of the tape.
So when a recording is made the camera chip(sensor) sends the signal to the view finder and rotating drum to record to tape. Therefore, one see’s the image in real time, but not the actual image written to tape.
To overcome this minor problem, another set of heads were added to the rotating drum, which “read” the track that had just been written, and is sent to the viewing screen/output (top view of the drum would show the R/W heads are now 90′ degrees apart. Therefore if there was a problem such as dust getting onto the tape/drum etc, one would see the problem straight away. And a re-record of the scene can be done.
And as you quite rightly said, about the interlace.
This addition of a 2nd set of (R/W) heads could be used to write to tape, for example a Peak white pulse could be inserted into the 2 horizontal lines that make up the Frame. The peak white pulse would be synchronized from the Line (horizontal) pulses and the vertical synchronizing (frame) pulse. And using simple circuit delays, the Peak white pulse could be moved along the horizontal field lines, track, and hey presto, a moving white dot on the screen. The price of the equipment was very high.
I am not saying that it is how it was done, rather that is how it could be done.
The name National Panasonic comes to mind, but which model I cannot recall.
I hope that helps and doesn’t confuse anyone.
Below is a short video where an expert describes this as a hoax, using up to date technology that was not readily available in 1997 (remember windows 95). a kind of store and forward technology.
Below is a link that shows how scan lines are presented in slow motion.

Oliver’s Castle Crop Circle Hoax (Is It Real)

