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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Crisis Actors in the new Police State

UPDATE: Alexandra Bruce has another interesting addition to the “crisis actor” element that may be quite an eye-opener if accurate.

I haven’t ever before published someone else’s newsletter on my blog. But I’m going to publish this one from Alexandra Bruce.

I’m not doing so just because she is also promoting my new film, And Did They Listen?. I’m doing it because Alexandra has pointed out an absolutely sickening situation. I’m no fan of conspiracy theories but it looks like the information she published about “crisis actors” is accurate.  If so, we’re looking at the cynical, sickening, power hungry and greedy lengths that the government will go to in order to perpetuate and magnify that control, which then results in a police state.

Of course, in this new, “virtual” world (such as long ago predicted by Billy Meier in number 127 here) so much of the populace has already been dumbed down to mere button pushing, twittering, texting, game playing imbeciles that neither know, nor care that they can no longer distinguish the real from the unreal, and that they are being reduced to nothing more than slaves to consumerism and entertainment, that the biometric chipping (foretold in number 40 at the same link) is close to being a foregone conclusion.

It’s ironic that we would seek  any comfort in the Henoch Prophecies, which predict two coming civil wars in the US. But that would mean that eventually this diabolic control agenda from a centralized government may also be doomed to failure. The price of that failure, if the prophecies are correct, is rather high in itself too. And then there’s the information about anarchy reigning in the US by 2020.

We were warned but didn’t listen.

While I don’t always agree with everything Alexandra publishes – and almost needless to say she doesn’t agree with everything from me – she nails some really important issues. Please feel free to join and support her efforts.


Dear Michael,

The existence of “crisis actors” entered the spotlight, in the wake of the Boston  Bombings, when footage of live, “man on the street” interviews from local Boston TV news stations, were reviewed for further inspection, revealing that some of the same people interviewed at the scene of the crime were also  interviewed at the the scene of the reprehensible siege of the citizens of Watertown, MA.

You may recall the body-armored agents of the DHS and Federally-deputized Massachusetts State Police and Boston   Police, wearing full body armor and driving BearCat armored urban assault vehicles (i.e., tanks) systematically breaking down the doors of innocent citizens’ homes and dragging the occupants out onto the streets, while wielding assault rifles.

When I broadcast anything related to the many falsehoods propagated by the Criminal Mainstream Media in relation to the Boston Bombing story shortly after the events, I was  bombarded by the rage of family members and friends of the 200+ injured and 3 killed during this incident – or so I thought. I’m beginning to suspect that perhaps some of this tsunami-sized out-pouring was by government-paid, sock-puppets, alleging to be these justly-outraged people: such online services are, indeed publicly-acknowledged to be provided by the actors trained by companies like Visionbox.

I wasn’t aware of Visionbox at that time, so the desired effects were achieved – because I stopped talking about the Boston Bombings.

Visionbox Crisis Actors is a “talent agency” for actors, based in Denver Colorado, which is self-described as “…a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center. Crisis Actors is a project of the Colorado Safety Task Force established by Colorado State Senator Steve King.”

Their stated function, in late 2012 was to train actors to help law enforcement professionals in training exercises, by playing everyday citizens during crisis scenarios, such as mass shootings in shopping malls, etc.

Footage reviewed in the wake of the Boston Bombings and the subsequent domestic military siege of Watertown (illegal, by definition), reveal that these crisis actors will continue to “stay in character” and oblige TV news camera crews with their scripted version of events. They will even continue to stay in character online, on social media sites and in emails to online publishers, like me.

That’s their job, which various government agencies, masquerading as NGOs are paying them to do. As the Visionbox website, itself said in December 2012, “Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments on social media websites.”

It has long been speculated that at least a few such disinformational “crisis actors” made their way into the televised coverage, at the scene of the demolished WTC complex during the 9/11 crisis.

Now, we have the actual name of one such government-sponsored service, which trains and pays actors to actually do this: Visionbox CrisisActors. Moreover, the Visionbox site says: “Security camera footage is edited for after-action reports and future training.”

I’d bet this NGO is more than happy to pass along edited footage of “real” events to TV news outlets, who are also happy to save a buck with free footage, starring the Thespian employees of Visionbox CrisisActors, who make a living by playing victims or witnesses during false-flag operations to TV news outlets – the latter of whom may or may not be unsuspecting in their own involvement in perpetrating fraud – or to be more charitable, Psychological Operations – all in the interests of our own National Security, of course!

To quote Marine Colonel Peter Martino (Ret.), from a video I sent a few days ago of a Concord, New Hampshire city council public hearing held in November 2013:

“What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military, because its unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil…

“I saw a picture in the Boston Globe after the Marathon bombing where there was a state police officer – actually there were two officers – both had identical helmets, flak jackets, weapons, everything I wore in Iraq – only it was all blue.

“The officer on one side had a big patch on his back that said Massachusetts State Police. Another officer next to him, his patch said Boston Police.

“So what we’re doing here, and let’s not kid ourselves about it, we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens.”

              — Marine Colonel Pete Martino (Ret.) 

Please do not take mainstream TV news at face value, anymore, people!

Beneath my article that appears below the video screen, at the page linked below is the full text that was recorded by the uploader of this YouTube video, as what was published on the website, in December of 2012.

The current pages at that address do not refer to these activities but the splash page for, which requires that you sign-in makes no bones about what their job is. I encourage all readers of this to visit that page, for yourselves to see what’s going on – and if you’re unemployed and looking for acting work, you might even land yourself a job!

(Video: around one and half mins):

Crisis Actors:

– Alexandra

P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV emails and videos with your friends and colleagues by using the “Forward to a Friend” link within this newsletter, below.

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                                      AVAILABLE NOW  

                    ‘And Did They Listen?’

                                   A film by Michael Horn

* The first film BANNED at a major American university in 

20 years.

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Chris L

The Alexander link doesn’t go to “Crisis Actors in the new police state”. I did a search on Forbidden Knowledge for it, and the site said they couldn’t find it. Maybe it’s been forced down?

Chris L

Just found: If you click directly on you can see it.


it seems so unfortunate that all these prophecies are being fulfilled, so sad, we were warned and now going to pay the price. apparently they did not listen. looks like i will need some weapons training to survive what comes next

Philip Brandel

With all the things unfolding as they are, it is almost impossible to not get conspiratorial with a large percentage of it. It seems ever since 9/11 ‘they’ have been more and more brazen in their attempt to control something they will never be able to control. It will eventually lead to a very brutal civil war here in the states(or two)… if not a world conflagration. I wait for the day the petrodollar falls. As its collapse will mean the end of one system and possibly the start of another. At least in this way if we make it that far ww3 might have been diverted for a little longer ones again. (little side not… as I had read somewhere in Billy’s information that a massive war would come down to control of currencies. It always made me think as not many were saying that in the underground media let alone anywhere else at the time. Now it is main stream… the petrodollar and its ramifications within revolt and war. I remember reading it thinking that is a weird thought of what runs this slime, as far as I can recall it was many, many years ago in Billy’s notes? Now its main stream! One more big one as far as I see it for Billy!!!!! He was right on again.)
The signs are all around my fellow Americans if they just looked!
They are brazenly altering the very meaning of the constitution so many admittedly hold onto yet, do nothing about(sounds familiar)! Though MANY others have been swayed by this same system to barely recognize reality from holes… Their ass from a hole in the ground! Add a few hundred million guns with more ammo than can be imagined and we are in for one hell of an upheaval! At this point within what is unfolding within the heart of this beast.. we could only hope for the demise of the system with as little upheaval and war as possible. Wishful thinking!
I don’t think this system will just throw up its hands and give up that easy though! The chess board has increasingly bean rigged and aligned for only one side to ‘win’.

Another side not:
Michael when is your next press release going out? I think you already told us. I have been arranging my funds to try and see what I can help with in that regard.
Thank you,


That father who was paraded before the media whose little daughter was supposedly killed during Sandy Hook was definitely an actor. I knew it when I saw it because if your daughter had just died you wouldn’t be talking like he did. So does that make the whole Sandy Hook drama just a show of force to unarm people? Maybe Philip can jump in here.

Philip Brandel

I would say so Sheila,
There are so many holes in the entire thing it is sickening. As far as I saw it, it was preplanned and instantly turned into a gun debate. Almost before the ‘stated event’ happened. The rest as so many things are, is up to each and everyone of us to investigate the real truth. Though I usually seem to sway to a reality of the event when the evidence for foul play is so readily within all of our grasps. It is all right there for us all to ponder and yet so few do(like so many things, Billy especially!). What occurred after with the anti-gun propaganda accelerating internationally as well as locally coast to coast here in the States. It seems as every major event of this kind have some truth with a higher hand at its disposal.
Look what happened in the country of Turkey recently, Supposedly the ‘top of the government’ got caught on tape discussing a planned false flag attack on Syria(ones again). What happened next, they turned off the internet and you-tube in Turkey. Barely hear a peep… The whole world sits on its hands, another close call to things potentially escalating out of hand and not many give more than a horse apple…


Well I’ll give a you a horse’s apple and raise you a cow turd, this just arrived in my email this morning:

One question, did you or anyone you know, know anyone who supposedly died at Sandy Hook?

Philip Brandel

Cow turd nice:) Apparently there is a fruit called horse apples which seem to have some benefits. Joys of the internet.

Crazy what these ‘goverments’ say and then actually do, lie to our faces, most only seem to know what they are. Syria is such a mess, I cant comprehend how we in the ‘west’ watch these things unfold onto ourselves. There fighting hard for that petrodollar.
I didn’t know anyone connected to Sandy Hook, I felt its repercussions though and it did affect many in a seemingly degenerative way.


Sorry I thought you meant horse apple as in road apple. And I meant to say cow pie as it’s more delectable than turd 🙂 Yup it’s all about the money, isn’t it? I found it weird in the days after Sandy Hook it was expressed that Adam Lanza’s stepfather was a General but not a word about that since. When a person dies naturally there are many people, family and friends, who knew that person but why is it that no one can come forward and make the same claim with Sandy Hook?

Philip Brandel

You are correct in them there apples:) We had horses for a few years, plenty of apples to go around.

Even as they tore down the school no one was allowed to talk about anything! I guess I should say I have no quarrels with the event happening just as it might have basically occurred(with a few actors here and there). Yet, like 9/11 and so many other things, someone else’s hands were all over it. Was Lanza just a pawn in someones effort to make a few more ‘gun sales’? Then try and take them all away? Was he manipulated to do what needed to be done to propel their agenda forward… there ones again seems to be more questions than answers yet, it is so porous that it holds no water in its entirety. Some even doubt the building was in operation at the time.
We will speculate tell they have completely destroyed the system behind us. Seems we are always a petrodollar short and a day late, what one of these big lies will tip this thing onto itself? The odds are increasingly against them.


How about the unarmed friend of the Boston Bombers who was interviewed and killed by the FBI. The FBI agent killed an unarmed man because he felt threatened? He was the one with the damn gun but he felt threatened? The FBI detective has been cleared of any wrongdoing in this man’s death.
In my own province I’ve railed against the killing of Brad Clarke by RCMP officers in his own home coming out of the shower. These people do not put their lives on the line every day like they claim…they shoot to kill. How about the Polish immigrant tazed by 4 Vancouver cops and what happened to them? One of them went on to cause a fatal accident and still no accountability? ASIRT who investigates all fatal shootings by RCMP is stacked with former police officers. There has never been an incident where ASIRT has concluded the officer was at fault. Last June in High River where the RCMP kicked in over 1,900 doors and stole 700 guns and ammo in homes that were never flooded? Currently this is being reviewed by an Ottawa agency whose job it is to determine that no officers are at fault. This is probably the biggest reason our Premier recently quit…because she knew she was going to wear this as she was the RCMP’s boss. High River is the home riding of the leader of the opposition. So there is confirmation that our provincial gov’t was using their “resources” to make a political statement.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The 1 percent of the world’s population owns half of all the wealth on this planet Earth…maybe they own the world’s police enforcers because of the law of cause and effect and money talks.


I don’t know if you remember this Darcy, but a few years ago the oil companies were offering $1 million for information concerning well site bombings. When Wiebo Ludwig was still alive. I don’t know what happened in the last decade but it used to be that the police were part of your community, your friends and neighbours. Their mandate was to uphold the law and keep the peace. Now it’s all about laying as many charges as possible…the RCMP will never admit to having a quota system. But our local Sargeant (who was the same one who put the no swearing law into your local town) went on record that he has a quota – 8 traffic violations per month and 2 DUI charges per year per officer. He’s also the same one who goes to town council every spring to get his no hitting/spitting/shitting bylaws passed. There are already laws in place for crimes but now they want to make them into bylaws so no citizens can have their day in court. The Sargeant admitted that our judicial system is all for these bylaws. Our crime rates are down but the shenanigans of the police and the crown keep getter higher. Our new town council just passed a cat & dog bylaw and now my cat has to be on a 2 metre leash. Looks like I’m going to bylaw jail this summer.


This reminds me of Karagol and his descendants and those who followed him. It is so egregiously contrary to the Creational laws that one must shutter at even the possibility that the Human would venture into this darkness to maintain power. If there is any truth to this behavior, my experience has dictated that cause and effect will be less than amicable to them.


That should have read “Kamagol”

Don S

This crisis actor debacle is more widespread than previously thought. I vaguely remembered this incident and then rediscovered it. It was published on Liveleak and YouTube
Aug 18, 2013. Shows crisis actors in Egypt pretending to be (fake) Muslim Brotherhood.

Also came across this posted on Aug 15, 3 days earlier:
AUGUST 15, 2013
Egypt: True Status is NOT What the Crisis Actors Portray

Below is a collection of items that sheds light on the true state of affairs in Egypt and the tremendous amount of disinfo and propaganda. Is it any wonder we don’t know what to believe any more?

First, a revealing but not surprising video from ‘Idaho Picker’. Thanks to One People Canada on Facebook for this,

This from a fellow named Sayed, who lives in Giza, Egypt from the Cobra Etheric Liberation Facebook page this evening:

“To all of my American, European & foreign friends, you might have heard the current situation of Egypt lately, please note that for some political benefits and trends the international media is trying to reflect a deceiving and lying image regarding the Egyptian Army and government, the truth is the Egyptian Army and Police are against a group of terrorist and extremists known as “Islamic brotherhood” they were always considered as a hostile group of terrorists to all of the word supported by Al Qaada terrorist group, All of the moderate Egyptians Muslims & Christians are against those terrorists and their goals specially after their hostile behavior against civilians, blocking streets, burning hospitals, factories, Churches terrifying people and killing police and army members, on the other hand using Hamas( an armed Palestinian terrorist group) in attacking Egyptian lands on North Sinai , I can’t understand the reaction of the American and European Governments except being totally unfair taking the wrong and evil side, I hope they will realize that what goes around comes around and when you enhance a deadly contagious virus you can easily get affected with it , may God protect Egypt and it’s national loyal army…”


Michael, there are conspiracies and there are theories of conspiracy. We should distinguish.


I think that it’s the repitilians who conspire. Kidding. IMO there’s no big difference between the ‘patriotic and democratic’ secret services and the terrorists they allegedly fight. I recommend anyone to watch this documentary on Operation Gladio i.e. on how NATO itself conducted some bloody false flag operations and terrorist attacks in Europe:

As for the false flag actors, that might be interesting. I myself, however, find it unreliable:

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hey Flapjack the reptilians disinformation is older than the bible, there is a 1975 TV show called Kolchak The Night Stalker…The series also dealt with creatures from science fiction, including a killer android, an invisible extraterrestrial, a prehistoric man thawed back to life and a lizard-creature protecting its eggs. The series also featured some more esoteric antagonists, including a headless motorcycle rider that hinted at the headless horseman myth, and an animated knight’s suit of armor possessed by a spirit.


aren’t the Giza intelligences repitlians?


Don’t you find it weird that Ms. Gifford was approached by Loughner from the front but the bullet entered her head from behind?


Right. As Sheila mentioned above… Sandy Hook. Strong indications something deceptive afoot there… Yes, the implications, I know…unbelievable, horrifying. Surreal.

Perhaps the tin foil hat people are onto something…


Andy, I’ve been wearing a tin foil hat since 2004 when I saw the government paper sent to a farmer when he was applying for a subsidy. In the document it said that “Due to our satellite imagine we have determined that you have X amount of acres in wheat, X amount of acres in barley etc.”. If their satellite imaging was that good in 2004, what is it like today? I tried to warn people how spied upon they really were but ended up in the corner wearing the tin foil dunce cap. This was in 2004 and just imagine how good the satellite imaging has gotten in the last 10 years. Which makes me think that MH370 was never really lost…


Correction: Satellite Imaging


Michael, they (fire dept, police, ambulance) do mock disasters all the time for practice.


Michael what makes you think it was a real one?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Last time I was carrying groceries into my home I accidentally pocket dialed my boss with my smartphone and he had to politely ask me to hang up.

Philip Brandel

I thought about that a lot too yet seems these events are only preplanned as far as that they are able to happen if everything else falls into place…
Set up the exorcise during the event and if all goes well do it and if not stick to it just being a ‘drill’. To me, it seems to be an easy way for them to cover all of their basis while still having the potential to go forward with it if they want to. Yet, as these conspiracies go how can they compartmentalize and pay enough people to ‘act’ within these events? Or are these people payed to go in and know nothing about what possibly could occur there-in?
Personally as is the case with 9/11 and the plejaren(which would be a good blog post:)) sometimes it seems that these events aren’t acted out falsely as much as they are steered in the desired direction, if everything else indirectly preplanned continues to work in their favor.
Yet who is ‘they’ and how can they seemingly control these events if they in fact do have a hand in them? With as much as is out there information wise within some of these events, it seems all they have to do is tend/distract the sheeple and steer them in the right direction for these events to fade into ‘most’ peoples history…


When I start to read certain things, some details here and there pop out that are factually wrong. For example, “BearCat armored urban assault vehicles (i.e., tanks)”. Unfortunately, Bearcat are NOT tanks by any stretch of the imagination. They’re wheeled armored vehicles that are too heavy to go offroad, very large profile, no turret, and couldn’t cross a trench of any size if it tried to going offroad.

The famous picture of a guy standing in front of REAL tanks in Tiananmen square:

From that one example, I hope that folks have a better discerning eye before jumping to conclusions with the rest of the material.


I recollect watching the early reports of the Boston Marathon event when it was first stated that the ’emergency responders and Law enforcement’ were doing one of those ‘mayhem’ training events. Then it was hushed. Like usual this happens anymore. Most major public events are planned a year in advance, especially if they happen regularly. It would be nothing for one of these ‘training events’ to just happen to synchronistically happen at the same time. And the guy the FBI shot in Florida was Ibrahim. I heard about all that on a show on NPR a couple weeks ago. Very creepy stuff about the whole situation. It’s almost like if you know too much, your life expectancy is shortened. And I don’t always mean know too much as in know too much about who concocted and enacted the ‘mayhem’ or shady schemes. Frankly, I find it all a whole lot of psy ops crap that is completely outrageous and unnecessary in a civilized world. If all the money that is spent on militaristic endeavors by an army or law enforcement,etc. and by those who spend $big money on elections was instead used in a positive, nurturing manner within the society, as in helping vets or extending unempoyment, well, this could be a much more sustainable society. A model for others. But instead, this country is like a reallllly bad acid trip, like a realllly bad living movie of some old scifi book.
It really bugs the hell out of me that too many people aren’t tuned in and that the way our society is now, it makes it hard to feel okay talking with people about too much. I get edgy just doing comments anymore. And also, thanks to Sheila for some interesting insights/comments. Like I tell myself daily, Light, Love n Inner Peace. Don’t let the ‘bots get to ya.


Hey Lorina, good to hear from you but find it disturbing that you feel edgy talking about it. The bots already did their little heartbleed bug song and dance so I have a few days (or weeks) off. I’m sure glad the NSA has known about the bug for 2 years but instead of saying anything to our federal government, they chose to continue using it for their own nefarious purposes. So if the NSA is checking out Canadian citizens income taxes out what are they doing with yours? Could the NSA be part of the identity theft ring? I guess Edward Snowden was right when he said what has been released already was just the tip of the iceberg. Yes there is too much complacency in matters that matter. They want you to feel that your life could be threatened if you talk. It never stopped me and I refuse to let it. Years ago I even had the elementary school principal tell me not to trust the local cops which was good advice. My experience with them has only reinforced this and I’m a law abiding citizen with no criminal record. They will lie to save themselves, their friends, their family, their co-workers and all their children. I’ve told two RCMP corporals they were liars because they were. I guess I should have been afraid, after all he was the one with the gun. Oddly I wasn’t because I had the truth on my side. All he had was lies. Never be afraid if you have truth on your side. When I make a mistake I try to correct it, I just don’t pretend like it didn’t happen like my local morons.
If I lived closer I would definitely go to Sandy Hook and Boston and start asking around. Why are people so afraid to ask questions? For the most part people will not say anything in a public forum. When you get them alone that’s when the truth can come out – out of earshot of the tv and computer. Another thing I found weird about Sandy Hook was the state ordered the caskets. Doesn’t ones family do that? A mass funeral day? What if family from out of town couldn’t make it that day and who the heck wants a funeral on the same day as everyone else? It’s such a personal matter I’m surprised they didn’t have a whole month of funerals almost every day. Who decided that? Now Philip is saying that school may not have been in use at the time? WTF? Surely the neighbours could tell you if the school was in use or not at the time. My experience has been when they start closing ranks like that it usually means they are hiding something. When they are performing mock disasters do you know how easy it would be to pretend it was real? Very easy…but the trail of the so-called victims is a lot harder to cover up. No one seems to know any of the people or children that were killed. How can that be? So this is the kind of police state world we want to live in? Is this the kind of world we want to leave our children? Is this the kind of world we want to come back to in our next life? I don’t think so. So if we are unwilling to do anything now just imagine how badly your hands are going to be tied in your next life.
And another thing about Ms. Gifford how come both her and her husband are for guns? You would think after something like that they would be against them. After that happened, Mark Kelly delivered the Hadron Collider to the ISS for crying out loud. Almost like, we saved your wife, now we have a job for you. He sounded disgusted after delivering it. In my question to Chris Hadfield I asked what they do with the Hadron Collider but of course that was never answered. But that will not stop me from asking. Who was standing behind Ms. Gifford when Loughner approached her from the front and the bullet entered her head from behind? All I’ve seen is a re-creation of the event with the person behind being unnamed. But apparently Ed Chiarini was there so maybe he knows more than anyone who was behind Ms. Gifford. The only thing he’s said is that they took Loughner’s face and distorted it with photoshop. What a shock they took his picture and turned it into some crazy looking person. I believe in free speech and the last time I checked, I could say whatever the hell I wanted. When did this stop for most Americans?