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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

An Open Letter to All MUFON Members (Part 2)

Below I’ve posted a response from a MUFON member to my open letter to the organization and its members. I think you’ll understand right away that Craig is representative of the many good people who do want to know the truth but who know little or nothing about the Billy Meier UFO case, certainly due in large part to MUFON’s very deliberate suppression of it.

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your note.
I am aware of many different beliefs and conclusions on the Billy Meier case. although I do not follow the Meier case all that closely, myself, I still find it to be intriguing. I am familiar with your views on it, and consider yours to be one of several possible viewpoints on this fascinating case.

As a member of the MUFON Abduction Research Team, and a state director for MUFON, I don’t feel that your disparaging comments regarding MUFON are warranted. We are an organization made up of every-day human beings who are doing the best we can. We pretty much all have regular day jobs and other commitments. Furthermore I sincerely doubt that we are at the core of any conspiracy to cover up the truth about UFOs. On the contrary, I believe we have done far more to bring out the truth than you state in your note.

I believe that all aspects of the UFO mystery deserve serious study. This includes contacts, abduction, distant encounters (including lights in the sky), etc. Furthermore (although I know you take exception to this), I believe the Meier case is just one of many potential cases deserving of investigation. I also believe a number of other researchers have looked into the Meier case with a range of conclusions about it. As a result, a whole spectrum of possible evidence and conclusions on this case need to be considered (including your own).

Thanks again for your note.
Your comments are insightful as always.
-Craig Lang
Hi Craig,

Thanks for writing and expressing your viewpoint.

Out of respect for both of our time – and intelligence – I will be quite plain speaking, with no intention of being offensive. First, I don’t deal in any beliefs, so they simply don’t interest me.

MUFON’s existence was foretold in 1953, by Asket, Meier’s second contact person/mentor. Of course you don’t need to believe it, though history has proven her to be painfully correct.

Since the Meier case is the only one with such an abundance of authenticated evidence, which has been sent – by me and others – to MUFON for years, and since your own director acknowledges that it’s true, pardon me if I don’t let them off the stick. That game is O-V-E-R.

Concerning MUFON’s knowledge of the Meier case, here’s my email to Clifford Clift…from September 2010:

Dear Clifford,

I am the representative for the Billy Meier case in the U.S. and I thought I’d introduce myself…and somethings for you to consider about the case itself. So you’ll know what my intention is, allow me to state what would normally be the conclusion to this message first:

I invite you and MUFON to embark on a rigorous examination of the Meier case and to take a firm stand based on your conclusions. After all, it’s either the biggest, most impenetrable hoax…or the most important story in human history. I will be more than glad to assist in this process by answering questions, challenges, referring to evidence, etc.

Now, I’ll “back up” a bit and lay some groundwork. You may be aware that Meier’s UFO evidence remains the most abundant, best and clearest of all and is still irreproducible. His first photos were taken in India, in 1964, and a major witness to those events, Phobol Cheng, is a highly credible retired UN diplomat.

I suggest that if extraterrestrials are indeed visiting the Earth in UFOs, then there has to be a reason for it. And I am quite sure that the reason isn’t to give people lights in the sky to chase after…nor to provide “careers” for speakers, myself included.

Actually, the reason is to help the human beings of Earth to assure our own future survival by warning us of specific dangers that we face…and how to avoid them. Meier first began publishing this information in 1951, then in 1958. As you can see, a significant number of forewarned events have already occurred, unfortunately.

If the field of UFO study is to evolve into something truly relevant then we will have to understand that the real cover-up is about the Meier case. Outrageous as this may seem to many in the “UFO community”, plain reason tells us that there will never be anything of significance revealed about Roswell, or any of the other crashes/retrievals and, in truth, the so-called “government” actually knows little about them.

But we don’t need the government or any “experts” to easily determine both the authenticity and importance of the Meier case for ourselves. One read through this ever-expanding compilation of corroboration for Meier’s scientific and other information will convince the objective, scientifically minded thinker of it immediately.

We are truly at a major crossroads in our world – environmentally, politically, etc. The old ways of doing things must yield to the new, and hopefully better, way. Likewise, the pursuit of the truth regarding the UFO matter must now turn to that stubborn “elephant in the room” and to a very long overdue examination of it.

So I reiterate my invitation to you and MUFON:

I invite you and MUFON to embark on a rigorous examination of the Meier case and to take a firm stand based on your conclusions. After all, it’s either the biggest, most impenetrable hoax…or the most important story in human history. I will be more than glad to assist in this process by answering questions, challenges, referring to evidence, etc.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience and I look forward to updating my listeners of our progress on my new radio show.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts

And allow me to share with you one of Susan Swiatek’s lovely emails concerning my previous attempts to get MUFON to stop suppressing the Meier case. Oh, this was sent to Victor Martinez and is from December 2011:


Michael Horn is a complete asshole and the Meier case is moronic. Not only does Horn keep pushing a case only a village idiot can love — he also has to assail ALL OTHER CASES AS FALSE. He doesn’t even have the courtesy to at least use the weasel words of “You may have your own truth in your case. But the Meier case is the best.” No, Horn can’t even bring himself to say that much. It’s HIS case or the highway. No other cases or UFO contacts need apply.

Horn is the supreme arbiter in all things ufological. He alone can decide that NO CASE HAS ANY MERIT BUT MEIER.


Susan Swiatek
MUFON – Virginia State Director

So this infantile, completely unscientific mentality about “whose case” and having one’s “own truth” supercedes the importance of the claim itself? And most of MUFON doesn’t even know anything about hte Meier case? Why, who’s been keeping what from all these”investigators”?

If the Meier case is authentic, and singularly so, then it’s simply the most important true story in all of science…and human history. And MUFON is concerned with…what?

Now, I noticed that you, Craig, made no mention whatsoever of this:

Do we just live on different planets with different criteria for the truth, where a man takes 63 photos and a five-minute video of a UFO – from as close as 20′! – and even you don’t even mention it?

But you do mention that you’re a member of the MUFON Abduction Research Team. Are you at all aware that the so-called abduction phenomenon is primarily military (when not completely imaginary) in nature and not extraterrestrial?


441st contact report

Alien Abductions: Delusional Disinformation

The reason you may want to consider the information therein is because the source of it has been impeccably accurate…and there is zero credible, scientific evidence that any “aliens” are abducting anyone (or mutilating animals). Sorry, unless and until such evidence is presented the plain fact is that you have a job that is, well, basically…imaginary. MUFON has never presented proof that “aliens” exist, let alone that they’re “abducting” anyone.

So no, MUFON has not only not done anything to reveal the real truth, which is about the Meier case – it has actively, knowingly, willfully suppressed it.

And when you say that, “I believe the Meier case is just one of many potential cases deserving of investigation.” do you really not know how bizarre that is? Can you name one other case, drawing freely on MUFON’s 45 years of “research”, that is even remotely in the same league?

If you are the sincere, intelligent person that I think you are, then I also have to say that my open letter to MUFON is spot on. You’re among the good people who’ve been taken for a big, bad, distracting ride, who’ve been encouraged to participate in the least scientific, last credible approach to dealing with the most important question – and answer – in human history. MUFON, along with the disgusting profiteers at Exopolitics, OpenMInds, etc., are all complicit in concealing the truth.

Truly, I welcome substantiated rebuttal to my position. Of course the first step requires that you, all of you at MUFON, have the courage and self-honesty to shake my letter in MUFON’s face and demand answers…truthful answers. Of course, since MUFON’s part of the disinformation and cover-up – well, if what I’m saying is true and your organization has been around since 1969, what other conclusion can you draw? – then don’t hold your breath.

But do consider going into a meaningful line of work.

Since you did have the courage to respnd to the email, which was openly sent to numerous MUFON members, etc., I’m including them and also letting everyone know that I’ve also posted the orignal letter on my blog, to which all are free to respond there as well.


Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts

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Michael, you write “And when you say that, “I believe the Meier case is just one of many potential cases deserving of investigation.” do you really not know how bizarre that is?”

They obviously don’t. Perhaps upon the next interaction, spell it out for them a little more — would be a great spot to point em towards that blog post of yours about the treasure hunting club. Ahh, twas a good one. And very relevant.


For any MUFON member that heads this way, this is highly illustrative:


MUFAIL at its finest!


a fail so epic recovery is futile lol.

and thank you michael for all the work you have done and will do

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

Hi Michael,

Excellent discourse. We’ll see what comes out of it. Mufon is the worst disinformation UFO group. After he does his investigation into the Meier material, perhaps Craig will see that.


They’re good company together in the UFAILO Movement. 🙂

dyson devine

Hi again everybody!

MUFON has roused me briefly from my cryo-suspension.

Craig Lang takes the cake, in my opinion.

He (more or less) states, “I do not follow this fascinating case all that closely.”


extremely interesting.
“a fascinating book”
synonyms: engrossing, captivating, absorbing, interesting, enchanting, beguiling, bewitching, enthralling, enrapturing, entrancing, spellbinding, transfixing, riveting, mesmerizing, hypnotizing, engaging, compelling, compulsive, gripping, thrilling

Craig is 100% correct about that, of course. If people only knew! But – for the benefit of planet MUFON – it’s ALL in GERMAN, and only a TINY percentage of it has been translated – except of course by the secret services, etc., but that doesn’t count, because they don’t like to share (just weaponize) all the good things we’re given from outside.


Poor Earth.

Craig says, “We pretty much all have regular day jobs and other commitments.”

Wow. They sure must be mentally enslaving.



Welcome back to the real world Dyson 🙂

J. Smith

Another great challenge, receiving nothing but terrible responses from people who rather “believe” what they hear than do the research themselves. I’m getting sick and tired of hearing and seeing the word believe and people using it to try and justify their ignorance. He says “I believe the Meier case is just one of many potential cases deserving of investigation”, but doesn’t even refer to another case which comes close basically saying he’s done no research and he’ll stick to what he “believes”. Ever since I’ve come across this case this is all I’ve been reading from the skeptics who don’t even deserve that title anymore lets just call them what they are “Egotistical Deceivers of the Truth”/ “EDT” for short. That little rant was for Craig as for Susan Swiatek it seems that her bra strap is on too tight remind her to loosen it a little next time Michael! SIL!

I don’t know what else to say it this point. Now I just get a laugh out of their stupidity which is far more humorous than stand up comedy!


“MUFON… MUFOFF… MUFON… MUFOFF… Now take whitewash & do whoooole fence” or, should that be, ‘take offence and do whitewash’ (as usual). Mister Michael will show you what you’ve learned at the point you’ve had enough.


Obviously MUFON is vividly aware of the Meier case. In that line of work even as a side occupation, you’d have to be living under a rock not to be aware of it. If they truly are unaware of the Meier case, they and many organizations like them must be utterly and completely incompetent. I think it’s fair to say they probably fear the spiritual aspects of the case and the finality of the physical evidence. Many of them are also confusing contact types as well. Clearly there are legitimate sightings of an extra-terrestrial nature occurring fairly often, but this is much different than a face to face sit down luncheon with Ptaah. All MUFON and others have to do is scientifically analyze the physical evidence. No one is asking them to attend seminary college or anything. They (MUFON and the like) obviously require return customers of the kind that prefer those pesky unprovable types of cases. The fact that none of these organizations will even look at the Meier case is a fairly large blight on their reputation as serious bodies of UFO investigatory work.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

Craig Lang,

MUFON is deliberately misleading the public, at the higher ranks, with false information regarding UFOs and ETs. This is orchestrated by the US government, especially by intelligence agencies, in order to influence US public opinion and/or the public and governments in another nations. You are an unconscious channel for pieces of UFO and ET disinformation aimed at the world at large.


One of seven foundations of being human is patience. Wait……. Wait for it.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

What are the other six?


1. Modesty
2. Anti-materialism
3. Perseverance
4. Patience
5. Peace
6. Universal love
7. Understanding


Damian Jones

Just did a google search on Susan Swiatek and this came up on You Tube.
She’s obviously too busy running over 10 foot lizards to do much research, and as a 10 foot shape shifting lizard myself, I ask all of you to keep an eye out for us on the roads.


Oh man! Nice find Damian. And hilarious comment.

Sometimes I wonder if the tone is a little too harsh around here towards folks who havent come around to accepting the Meier case.

But, in this case, I’m wondering if the tone isnt harsh enough. That video, coupled with her comments above… jeez la freakin weez.

(I think the term is psychological projection?)

On the other hand, perhaps instead of harshness I should thank the deranged woman — we couldn’t have asked for a more telling illustration of Michael’s point here.


Did you hear her say she ran over the 10 ft. lizard with her vehicle? But chose not to stop and investigate something she could see and touch and actually investigate??? Proof that they can’t even investigate their own road kill but they claim that’s what they do, investigate. Well Susan Swiatek should keep on investigating her imagination and I do believe she’s the one that deserves the biggest A$$hole award. Come on Susan, come take a bow.


uhh what the hell did i just watch?

she obviously has much more than a few screws loose


Well I fully agree with you Michael, they hash out all that shape shifting reptilian crap with zero evidence. Did these people tell their lies so often that they believe them as true? And yes please d continue as the human irritant 😉


Why need any sort of scientific examination or proof when you got ‘street cred’. That’s what it says on the power point presentation going on and on and on and on. No WONDER why Mike is on their case … because no one there would dare put their story up to scientific scrutiny or at least have a detective review the case.

Best line in the video ‘lizard doing totally lizard things’ … which is stand still and do practically nothing of considerable value on a tree all day other than being ’10 feet tall’? Did it walk on two legs or crawl around on all fours? Lizards do some pretty unremarkable stuff for hours on end. Surprised she did not call the sheriff as something that big WOULD stick out. But, then again, a story like this with the way it goes on, how many people there actually lost after 30 seconds and clearly not really following it?

J. Smith

Relax people relax! She just saw a Komodo Dragon!!!!!!!! This is the kind of nonsense, no “DRIVEL” that people sit around listening to.


Hey a****e (sarcasm), keep it up haha 😉 Mordor falls one small chisel chip at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Water looks foolish for trying to carve stone but in the long run, that’s exactly what happens. Wears entire mountain ranges down to dust. That is the meier case in essence. Well, not to personify it… Actually that’s what truth does in essence.


Good idea.


Philip Brandel

Well well well…. Seems Craig Lang is the Minnesota state director of mufon.
Next meeting is June 14 with this ‘group’. Half hour drive might have to stop in and test out my sea legs(will bring a few spare puke bags of course). Stir a few feather if possible. He might get a little more shock to have me bring up billy Meier again if I can!
If I am able to make it to the upcoming ‘meeting’, or one of the monthly ones after, will have to report back.
Maybe I will find some ‘closet’ truth seekers non the less. I ain’t holding my breath though!

Philip Brandel

‘Maybe I will find some ‘closet’ truth seekers non the less.’
Almost like going to church to try and find people not religious? Talk about yearning for some ‘in-person’ true understanding! Nothing else seems to have worked for me within my own journey, and other humans around me. There are too many millions of humans for that to be the case! Someone near me must have also come along this same path!

Never had a ‘in person’ affiliation with this waste of a time group but it yearns within to sometime in the near future sit amongst them? My own eventual experiment if nothing else. Though Saturdays are a hard day for me to waste.

Paul Russell

If you want another good laugh watch some of Muffin’s recent foray into series t.v. Direct to us from their secret warehouse of secret archives at a top secret location, they produced some horrendous mindless garbage.
In truth, they cannot provide a serious case for the existence of anything extraterrestrial from what should be the best they have to offer.
A sensible viewer might even conclude that they have nothing credible to offer.
They have shown us exactly who and what they are, a sponsored campaign of disinformation.
There is a problem of logic: if they accept the Billy Meier case as factual then they have no reason to exist. And they REALLY want to exist, even if that means they must wear tinfoil hats to deflect “truth rays.”
Sadly, the truth IS biting them on their arses and they don’t know it.

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

“Direct to us from their secret warehouse of secret archives at a top secret location, they produced some horrendous mindless garbage.”

Hilarious! LOL Michael.


its the warehouse where MUFAIL comes up with all their crackpot disinformation, maybe they also eat some space mushrooms supplied from the greys and reptilians so they can hatch up the most ridiculous ideas.


Hey, if you think Mofo is bad at acknowledging reality, check this out. In Canada, meteorologists and scientists are no longer allowed to talk about climate change.


Who cares? The one time I needed Environment Canada to warn my village of an impending tornado, they called the police instead to tell them not to go to Pine Lake because they would probably be needed in my village. They had 3 minutes to warn us but chose not to. The other time I called them they told me environmental concerns were provincial matters. So tell me dm what Environment Canada can do for you?


The point is, they and scientists are not ALLOWED to talk about climate change. Doesn’t that strike you as a bit off the scale bonkers for a government to push for? I’m talking about a group of people who are so afraid of reality that they censor it from being allowed to enter any media discussions without THEIR approval. Paranoid and delusional. And throwing out vital data for said research. Maybe you didn’t read my previous response to your other response. Here are some of the highlights.

My cousin was working with regard to methane release from melting permafrost in the far north, taking care of said equipment that you mentioned which is out in the middle of nowhere and needs constant upkeep and checking. It doesn’t work via magic. They get dug up by bears, weathered, and the data from those stations need to be recorded once a year.

Again, did you see Harper’s “enemies list” last year? In their own written word, “environmentalists and other radical groups.”“eco-terrorists.” Less heard from since the omnibudget cut their funding. Also “scientists”. Here’s the list for you. Don’t take my word for it but it’s pretty clear in the way he has been acting towards these groups and yet funding other groups like Oil companies and misleading ad campaigns going into the hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

And here’s the conservative candidate for Ontario and his connections with George Bush, the american far right wing Tea Party and on and on and on. This is how he built his platform. Harper endorsed… Maybe I wasn’t being clear enough before. If you don’t know about George Bush and the tea party then read the contact reports.


Oh and I forgot… The libraries closing were nothing to do with internet. Those libraries had books, scientific papers, weather and other related recording dates going back over 100 years with respect to climate and fisheries/oceans. There were only a tiny percentage that were put in ebook form (which if you read the contact report’s is not healthy for learning anyways). So he saved 400,000 dollars by closing them and then in the same week gave Isreal 105 million dollars. Yeah, no anti science religious agenda there…


Hi Dm, I did have a long winded bunch of paragraphs to dispute every article you posted but for the sake of keeping this short and sweet I do know that Harper is not a warmonger and will not be the one to start WW3 and you can probably thank him for being part of the G7 which is part of the group who has helped put WW3 on the back burner. Harper is not Bush and never will be as much as you want to make it out like that’s the case. And please consider the fact that the Plejaren have not once come out and spoke against Harper and we know they would have if there was an issue 

Matt Lee

Michael why do you keep lambasting the good folks at the MUFON for their dedication and courageous efforts towards uncovering the truth.
MUFON is the best organisation out there with the best team of people with some greatest minds out there dealing with this subject……………..

Oops sorry wrong universe.
Take two!

MUFON why do you keep lambasting the good folks like Michael for their dedication and courageous efforts towards delivering the unequivocal truth about the Billy Meier case.
FIGU and Theyfly is the best organisation out there with the best team of people with some greatest minds out there dealing with the subject on ET/UFOs but more importantly the only truth that matters.