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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Billy Meier Accurately Predicted Recent Dangerous Solar Activity

While we may laugh at, or be troubled by, the ersatz “spirituality” of the New Agers, the reality of the truth contained in the prophetic warnings in Billy Meier’s information is no laughing matter. In fact, it is Meier’s record of virtually impeccably accurate, preemptively published scientific information that clearly sets him apart from the poseurs and pseudo-psychics, some of whom plagiarize him in concocting their own disinformation.

It is intended that through recognizing the credibility of the source we would also then proceed to study the spiritual teaching and other advice and recommendations from the Plejaren for intelligently and peacefully solving our largely self-created, worldwide problems.

One problem we (amazingly) didn’t create is discussed in the new article, Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012, where we read, “If an asteroid big enough to knock modern civilization back to the 18th century appeared out of deep space and buzzed the Earth-Moon system, the near-miss would be instant worldwide headline news. Two years ago, Earth experienced a close shave just as perilous, but most newspapers didn’t mention it. The ‘impactor’ was an extreme solar storm, the most powerful in as much as 150+ years. ‘If it had hit, we would quietly be picking up the pieces,’ says Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado.”

Bruce Lulla, who forwarded the article to me and pointed out that Billy Meier specifically warned of such things four years ago, also sent this very rudimentary translation of Contact Report 498, from July 31, 2010:

Ptaah What you do say in relation to the cycle of solar activity, is in fact true, because inside the sun takes place a change process that affects not only itself and its activities, but also affects the Earth and to the whole SOL system. The fact is in the process on the sun that the active cycle is in a conversion, which means that it emits much less energy than is usually the case. The activity takes place in a much smaller mass than is usual, which can lead to different effects on the Earth and that can drag on for decades. Such an effect can e.g. be that a long global cold spell spreads, or it can come to a solar storm that hits the Earth with tremendous intensity as an electromagnetic storm.

This would then have an unexpected significance for the infrastructure on the ground, because in certain circumstances the magnetism could break down the communications and navigation systems, and the overall function of all satellites and electric power plants, and also break down all cable networks of all kinds in the world, because everything would be overloaded in the highest degree.  In the time of today’s higher mechanization, the impact would be so catastrophic, which would be the case if a multi-year cold period would befall, cataclysmic changes taking place worldwide and famine due to crop failures, etc. would appear. And to explain it by consulting the last winter with its great cold and the present cold summer time, then this could be a sign of an unusual cold period, which announces itself through the slowed down and changing solar activity.

But this is not fixed yet, because the activity can also increase suddenly and bring at least for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, huge magnetic storms, which, as I said, could cause catastrophic consequences on Earth for humanity and nature. This would then produce several fold worse effects than the last massive solar storm in 1859, of which the Earth was hit and which even then collapsed the global communications network. At the present time, there are still very fragile technology forms with respect to the communication, navigation, entertainment, medicine and information, etc., which have as you once rightly said, is still in its infancy, such a collapse would be particularly bad, because all forms of this earth human technology are still extremely vulnerable and sensitive.

And would this breakdown scenario befall the earth because of huge solar storms, then would truly gigantic streams of electrons rain down on the earth form the sun, by which respectively caused electric currents would be induced. This means that voltages and currents would be generated in the electric conductors moved by magnetic fields. This could cause short circuits in sequential order and thus long-term power outages, etc. to appear. If that were the scenario, then would the entire food and drug industry, and the water supply and global communications come to a halt. But what I am saying here and explain corresponds to no prophecy and no prediction, but the whole thing sets only options open, which can become a reality under certain circumstances, if the results go one way or another. What will be really, that the next few years will prove, although we have not explored this , thus in this respect I have mentioned no predictions.

See also: Contact 515 for even more information on the sun and solar activity, etc.

If It Doesn’t Work, Keep Doing It

Of course Meier’s environmental information – from 1976 – is constantly being confirmed and corroborated, as the extremely ill-advised fracking and petroleum extraction from the Earth produce the logically negative consequences. But where there’s a buck to be made, human greed, arrogance and stupidity has no interest in conforming to nature’s laws.

And yes of course, this too is rooted in the core problem of…overpopulation, which to a large extent is promoted by the also greedy, mind-enslaving religions.


Some people are very unhappy with my harsh criticism of the escapist New Agers who mistakenly seek to “only be positive”, “have their own truth” and who fall apart when confronted with what they perceive as “being negative”. We know from the spiritual teaching that the positive and negative are both necessary and need to be balanced to create truly positive results.

It’s understandable that many of our young friends flock to channelings and feel good events, etc., in their desire to get away from all the unpleasant realities of the world.

But the fact is that we’re all in this together and those of us who do know better, based on years of trial and error, thinking, discernment, etc., also have a duty to speak up and point out that self-responsibility is the key, not leaning on, or distracting oneself with, imaginary advisors from outer space; we have enough bad ones right here on Earth. Attempting to awaken people from their hyper-happy stupor can be appropriate if suggestions, recommendations and directions also accompany it pointing to where the truth – which isn’t exclusive to, or of, anyone – can be found, learned and applied…through their own efforts.


 As for the title of this blog, Billy Meier Accurately Predicted Recent Dangerous Solar Activity, technically he was given the information by Ptaah. Of course for skeptics to admit that would mean that they’d have to admit that the Plejaren extraterrestrials exist, and that they are in contact with Meier, which would certainly make this the most important true, ongoing story in all of human history.

Another difficult option for the skeptics would be to have to say that, because of his incredible accuracy, Meier’s the greatest psychic and prophet that ever lived.

Of course both options just may be correct…as most of us already know.

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Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

“you no longer make any predictions, it’s completely pointless because the Earth human beings do not listen to them, rather they proceed in the traditional contexts with all evils, and thereby trigger more and more catastrophes.”

Is the above quote pessimism, or reality?
In my opinion, and I have been reading and studying the Meier material in English since 1988, we should focus on the few humans on Earth who choose truth and survival. Trying to educate the masses, is like screaming in the wilderness.

With the powers behind the scenes blocking the truth from Humanity in many ways, very few people will listen to the Ps and Billy. You can be “optimistic” all that you want about huge numbers listening, learning and changing, it’s worthless mental gymnastics to me.

I see that we have very little time left, perhaps 2-6 years, before we see the Henoch Propecies manifesting before our eyes. Many of the HP are developing presently. It’s vital that we get very serious and realistic about survival, as Michael points out regularly.
I suggest that you look for one or two people in your family, and among your friends, who will listen with an intelligent and open mind to the truth, and to the accurate predictions and prophecies the Ps and Billy have given us, BEFORE it’s too late.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

No need to wait 6 years for the prophecies to manifest. The prophecies ARE manifesting right NOWm right befor our eyes, as we speek. That’s my view of the words of Henoch, and I also agree with your whole comment Professor. :/ What do you think of the super “SUPERMOON” predicted for the 10th of August 2014 ?

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

I want to survive, that is why I’m trying to know somehow when and where the biggest event will occur. That’s my challenge.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Oh… I see, it’s not by fleeing catastrophies that we are gonna prevent them from happening.., but what if we have passed the point of no return. I want to live threw, I won’t stand in the way of a well predicted tornado, volcano, meteor, or not yet predicted or “unpredictable” solarstorm, cause I don’t want to die. I would not stay in SanFransico more then a couple of hours either.

Does solar superstorms with their radiations have effects on the human body? befor during and after …

Can a solar storm cause harming effect to the human coming from the surge or solar-wave itself or is it just harmfull for robots, computer electronics, etc… ? ty

Matt lee
Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

Hi Max.,
Thank you for writing. It’s good to communicate with someone on this blog who truly has an open mind and is intelligent. I wish I could answer your question with more astrological details. You could write to me at, if you would like.

A “supermoon” is a full moon, or a new moon, in the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of luna as seen from Earth.

Astrologically each supermoon is different, causing different things to happen on Earth, depending on the exact various positions of the other heavenly bodies within range. Astrology is always done by interpreting the combinations of the planetary, solar, lunar, and stellar positions, which change every second. Supermoons would have a magnifying lunar effect.

Michael doesn’t want me to make any further predictions on this blog, until the ones I made in January come true, which some already have, but I can tell you that Aug. 10th will be interesting from my point of view.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

ok, thankx Tony

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

You’re welcome.

David Scott

Well the forsight of thought is encouraged , however it is a constant that the sun is a dying star and the earth is amidst a celestial decline . In fact it is actually shrinking so to speak . The core is nuclear and that is an engine that will run out of fuel . If man were to align with sanity it could procreate the positive of its mother . Do we all love our mother ? for the most part yes , but do we all behave as if we do ? As an example , how many cigarette butts do you see on the ground . Pure disrespect . Our governors show the same spew . Disrespect for the most part . Many are good . We can effect this world by simply voting , with your pocket book and showing your affirmations with a visit to your voting box . In effect look at you tube , we now judge the effect of a video with how many hits it gets. Well how many hits does your life get . I mean hits like a black ops arraignment ? Many . Wake up to this . You and I are being assaulted by this world . It should be polorized to the opposite . We should be uplifting our society and each other . Be it with information or our daily decisions . Hey a short post ! Potent for sure . Usually I run my mouth or keys for a big posting . But this one is simple. You all can make a huge difference collectively by making better decisions . We are gonna turn this around this is like wildfire . Wildfire is a positve part of nature and we can do the same . Up from the ashes we change this mess . Start with making yourself strong , making quality decisions bite by bite and your physiological health will endure the challenges to continue to fight the good fight .

David Scott

The coronal mass ejection from the sun is actually an event us humans can endure its the technology that will take the hit . Disabled power grids lead to the catastrophy . To change gears , but not derail the thread is the concern regarding the ocean which controls the weather let alone the wildlife that lives within it . Take a moment to visit here …

The BP oil disaster and the effect on the ocean is in concert with the fukishima disaster . We have radiation and we have biochemicals that made the BP disaster look less than it was . The chemicals were so toxic its now in the food chain . You are now ingesting this chemical from the fish , shrimp and biprodoct of the oceans . Let alone the radiation from the actuall drilling that you have never heard about . All the oil is irradiated and the residual is direct into the oceans . So read this article and you will be sick . The cover up is insane . But that is the insane matchiations of industry . The loop of the oceanic flow is up near the iceland loop . Here when the fresh water from glacier melt and just alterations on this loop take effect it is an absolute disaster . It effects the entire globe . From a small pinch point . Again thats not the end . We now have Ebola which is portrayed by the media as a close contact disease , BUT it is now airborne . Now we have a worldwide killer . What happens . Well I will tell you . It goes like this . Its blanketed by the mainstream media . They say its close contact only . BUT , its airborne and it will show its evil ways up to the drug companies to suddenly show up with a vaccine . NOW the world has a vehicle to dose you or kill you with the so called cure . Everyone enlightened knows their is no cure in medicine . Their is no money in the word cure . Its an end . They want an ongoing vehicle . So be forwarned . The cure is the death of you , like when the flu outbreak got the government to sell us Tamiflu . Tamiflu that did nothing . To us it did nothing , but to them it was a vehicle to control the population . Ahh, kill you . This world is not what it seems . Dig deeper and learn their tacticts because its a war . On you .

David Scott

Here in part…

The sun effect to follow …

David Scott

MBF , a coronal mass ejection is more of a magnetic effect on earth . Our atmosphere and polar magnetism kind of fends it off .However the electronics as you say do take a hit when the storm is aligned moving into us. The last big one was very close . Don’t worry about your own self being harmed , its the things like water treatment plants , electric production and mostly communications from satellites and such that will be taxed and in some cases damaged . So its good to have a plan for home that negates these necessities . Three months of food water and general necessities is a god rule of thumb . …… I will say that a seed bank and food to grow is a good idea and solar power is a good forethought because you may have to do this indoors , so lights are of concern here and the knowledge of a growing season light cycle too . Be well , I love you all . David

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Ok david, thanks!

Jeff Tan

On the topic of current events and news, Ebola have been warned in Contact Report 215
“232. Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths, as well as other unknown epidemics and diseases which will sporadically arise in epidemic proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great concern”.

Jeff Tan

Cheers Michael and also why are you still awake at 4 something in the morning, you should have much needed rest 🙂

I have also been following news on the craters which have been appearing in Siberia. I remember reading this on Contact report 481 noting the dangers of Methane gas being released from permafrost thanks to climate change.

” In addition to that is still the enormous overproduction of animals, which are bred as means of nourishment for the humans and which exhale, and release from the colon, horrendous amounts of methane and other gasses. But also, due to the thawing of the permafrost, enormous amounts of all kinds of dangerous gasses are released which enter the air.”

This new article about this very issue can be viewed here:

Armando Morales

Mr. Horn does this have any effects on causing a collapse of the dollar if the solar storm hits the planet. Did Billy Meier give any hints when it would happen.

Armando Morales

Will you be doing anymore future updates on this piece. I was reading that Nasa put a piece out about to get reading for a once in the life time solar storm. also I so a piece on its before news .com about Billy Meier and future events.

Armando Morales

Hello I have a question about the currency I see people buying and selling gold and silver but what good will it do in a collapse in the henock prophecy says that you will no be able to buy sell and what good will this do if you do not use it now to purchase things you need and that is being sold to help you in future survival. How will we be able to keep up with like minded people or things if this happens no power, money, no information no hearing you on the knowledge you bring to the table… Thank you Mando

Armando Morales

So it comes to this question that I have? what books are most important to have from figu and how came I get them is there a bundle special.

David Scott

Recently while investigating earthquake activity I came across some painful truths regarding the outcome of a nuclear blast or CME from the sun . Turns out the Fukashima event could occur in every nuclear powerplant at the same time as a result . An outage off the grid for 24 hours puts a diesel generator at work cooling the plant . When the fuel is gone its over , or if the generator malfunctions . Its Chernobal time or Fukashima revisited times 125 . And the sick fact also shocked me that every power plant is also located on top of a fault line . No wonder how strong the message from the Plejaran seemed to be . I never realized the backdrop here and am very shocked . In addition the plate off the coast of Oregon located in the ring of fire is the last to unload itself of all of them . Its over a hundred years overdue and a 9.5 quake is expected in addition to fifteen other fault lines being impacted , including the San Andreas faultline and San Fran area . This is the big quake Billy has seen . Its unprescendented . You have to see the map and realize how bad this will be . In addition , the satellites have been able to determine the whole west coast has dropped over four centimeters and Yosemite National Park has raised significantly . In addition it gets worse because the San Madrid fault line which basically mirrors the Mississippi river is riddled with sinkholes that have a lot of people panicing . That is over a hundred years over due and the last one was a 9 . They expect more of the same except they predict ten million deaths in accordance with this little event . Pretty shocking stuff .