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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

API: How UFO Disinformation Works?

UPDATE: Aug. 3, 2014

Questions being posed to Antonio Paris now here. He dodged all attempts to substantiate his claims against the Meier case but now is shucking and jiving about begin a “UFO researcher”. Feel free to chime in.

UPDATE: July 17, 2014:

Hi Antonio,

We took you at your word regarding your willingness to review the Billy Meier information and evidence which, without any actual investigation, research, etc., you had concluded was a hoax. You have also posted Meier’s photos in a section of photos you claim are hoaxed…and which we’ve requested that you remove.

It’s well past the time that you said you’d be following up and getting back to us. More than a few people have raised questions about your failure to keep your word and some have raised concerns that you’re being…”advised” as to what to say or not say.

As you know, MUFON has effectively changed its position of 34 years towards the Meier case and I think we’ll soon be seeing more developments in that direction.

So at this point it is strictly up to you if our original assessment of your own credibility, etc., stands, or if you are ready to stand up and present credible substantiation for your old position.

There is an old saying that often applies as well, “No answer is indeed an answer as well.” We look forward to your answer – now – seeing as you’ve effectively defamed a man with no reason to do so and you’ve certainly had sufficient time to support or recant your position.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts


Since this blog has received an unprecedented response, especially from very uninformed people in the UFO community/industry who are essentially hobbyists, perhaps before attempting to comment on things that they admittedly know nothing about, they would do us all the favor of at least reading this first…and save themselves further embarrassment:

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

As we celebrate Independence Day today, on July 4, it seems like the perfect time to look at what may be an example of how some of the best, government trained personnel are now “serving” the public in this peculiar area of UFOlogy. Knowing that the government ‘s job is essentially to protect and serve the people, who better to protect us from any confusion about what’s really going with UFOs, and to reassure us that any appropriate investigation of the subject is being carried out, than a formerly high-ranking military intelligence professional? Of course one mustn’t try to second-guess just how these people do their jobs. Case in point: Antonio Paris of API. The following blog is a result of what I’d call a mixed message from Mr. Paris. As he had been on my mailing list, I was surprised to receive this email from him, on June 30:

Remove me from this mailing list NOW. I DO NOT want any emails from YOU. I am no longer interested in anything about UFOs.


Thank You.

My request for clarification of this confusing, seemingly inconsistent request wasn’t responded to so, on July 3, I sent this to Antonio and all of the team members listed on his site:

Dear Antonio & Co.,

I noticed the following here:

“API is a worldwide UFO investigations team about the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as UAPs or UFOs).”

…on a page that mentions “UFO” 32 times, with an insignia that has three UFOs on it.

Since we agree that the entire field of “UFOlogy” is largely unscientific, lacking in credibility, etc., it seems safe to assume that you would be interested in the only scientifically proven, still ongoing (over 72 years) UFO contact case of Billy Meier. (The Meier case also meets the legal standard of proof.)

Since the evidence in the Meier case is not only stunningly clear, still irreproducible but also testable by anyone with PhotoShop (which didn’t exist when Meier took all his photos, etc.) I’m sure you and your team would agree that the need to chase lights in the sky has long since passed.

You now have what you’ve been looking for, freely presented to you on a proverbial…silver disk. So I invite you to respond to my invitation to explore the evidence in the Meier case…as MUFON has now also decided to do.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

Then, this morning, certainly flush with that patriotic spirit, Antonio, er, cleared everything up for me with this reassuringly open, professional response:


First, please email ME only. It is unprofessional to blast everyone an email. If you want me to respond, thats fine. But DO NOT email my team. They are very busy with their lives and they only study UFOs a few times a years. UFOs are NOT their full time job.

API is only interested in about 5 cases per year. Thats it, five. We do NOT investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos. WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. We all have families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs. API is a small and part time team only. We are not MUFON.



I responded thusly:


I think we need to clear up some communications here. You’re a military man so I’m sure that my cutting straight to the points will be appreciated.

1. Since there are email addresses for the members of your organization in the US and UK, with no qualifiers that they shouldn’t be contacted…why is it “unprofessional”? As a matter of fact, your promo material makes it look like studying UFOs is indeed what they do. I must have missed the “five cases per year” thing. Have you also arranged it with…whom or whatever is being sighted that there will only be five cases per year occurring that are worthy of your time?

BTW, if my email to Cherish had been a modeling or acting opportunity would that have been a problem?

2. You represent yourself and company as a professional, scientifically oriented, serious organization of “trained UFO investigators” that investigates, researches and analyzes aerial phenomenon. So what part of a more than 72 years-long, still ongoing UFO contact case doesn’t qualify?

3. You inform the public that you are a former “US Army Counterintelligence Officer and Department of Defense Counterintelligence Special Agent.” Is part of your specialty being deliberately non-responsive to the actual questions and points I raise with you?

4. You tell me that you “don’t investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos.” Is there an expiration date on the truth? Is “historical” now being redefined as being synonymous with: irrelevant, unimportant, to be ignored, false, etc. As a self-described COINTEL pro yourself, is this new dismissive and contemptuous approach to “historical” perhaps COINTELPRO to “protect” us from a pesky, inconvenient, thought-provoking, disturbing little thing called the truth…a word that seems to be missing from your mission statement.

It is interesting, however, that you consider Roswell to have been “proven” to be just what…the government said it was, a weather balloon.

5. Have you ever heard the term “cold case”? Don’t you realize that today’s technology, including PhotoShop, is the digital equivalent of DNA testing? Have you bothered to review the expert analysis of the WCUFO photos using state-of-the-art technology conducted by Prof. Rhal Zahi, the results of which an eight year-old child can duplicate in about five minutes?

6. Returning to point 3., just whose intelligence are you trying to counter? Sorry, soldier, you’re either misrepresenting your qualifications, or you’re using them to be part of the disinformation you profess to want to separate yourselves from. Your failure to be “following the evidence where it leads without jumping to conclusions” leads me to believe that you’re actually prominent among the “convergence of arm-chair UFO investigators, conspiracy theorists, hoaxers” you disdain.

Perhaps though I’m expecting too much based on your own promotional material. I’ll let my readers decide for themselves.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

Naturally, at this point I thought that I should share all this with my readers in part to see if just maybe I’m being too vigilant, even to the point of being suspicious that…things aren’t always as they seem or are claimed to be, etc. I’m reminded of that corny old joke about a man coming home earlier than expected who finds his wife in bed with another man. As he stands there, shocked and confronts the situation, his wife looks up at him indignantly and defiantly says, “There’s nothing going on here! Are you going to believe your own eyes…or me?” Please pay special attention to the way doublespeak is now being used to redefine and equate “historical” with irrelevant. This isn’t the only UFO organization to now be using this tactic. (Watch for how this trend will be – or already has started to be – spread in our so-called “educational system”.) Notice how Antonio’s “trained UFO investigators” are suddenly portrayed as people who “DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS” with “families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs.” Notice how mentioning UFOs 32 times on one page is now the same as his being “no longer interested in anything about UFOs.” The inmates, the asylum, the thrills, the spills! Have a happy holiday…from reality! UPDATE: Here is Mr. Paris’ just received comment on the entire matter, reaffirming my sense that he has more than a nodding familiarity with asylums, inmates, etc.:

You really have no respect for personal emails do you? This is why no one takes you seriously. You need to see a psychiatrist.

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Antonio Paris

Michael Horn is a conspiracy theorist who has, for the past several months, blasted dozens upon dozens of spam emails to the UFO community. Several prominent UFOlogists in the community, including myself, respectfully asked Michael to remove us from the mailing list. His emails lack any substance whatsoever and have derailed the study of UFOs to a point where it has become a joke. He is paranoid and has completely disrespected the email confidentiality I entrusted in him. This posting is a joke and does nothing but bring to light the claptrap UFOlogy has become.


I saw this piece and recognized “S I D” from the 70s TV show not surprisingly titled “UFO” that dealt mainly with human looking green-ish looking men.

For folks that want to know about the reference and listen to a pretty nice 70s music opener:

Ed O’neill did a pretty good job as Ed Straker running SHADO with it’s front office being an entertainment/movie making facility.


You may not like Mr. Horn’s style, many people do not and particularly those with a bias that is antithetical to being a researcher, investigator, UFO detective/sleuth, etc… however that has nothing to do with what is going on and has been going on for a decade X’s seven. You and I both know that Meier has been in contact with humans not from this planet, and still is, therefore why don’t you just lay out why you won’t touch this clearly actual and factual case and therefore endorse it’s authenticity. Since you are a military man, I assume you have a backbone to be proud of, that is strong and can stand up to the truth.

These humans not from earth have delivered quite a lot of info through Meier, not to mention Meier himself, that is purely for the benefit of the earth human, which would include you, your co-workers, your family & your co-investigators families, of which you mention. One would think you’d like to do the right thing and contribute to improving the lot of the earth human and by extension your families, because like it or not, we all share this limited space and play our part in making this a better world or the quite the opposite.

Tony Q

You might want to point out to him that he has three Plejaran beamships as his logo…


Usually business folks don’t turn away business especially if their business is the UFO business (or is it?). That being said, the supreme avoidance to EVEN LOOK at the case says much about the supposed vigilance of others that merely claim to be doing something. It’s an eye opener for sure and shows just how much is lacking as there is an overriding lack of motivation on the part of some folks that clearly don’t ‘feel like’ doing what they say they’re going to do and respond as if they had their hand in the cookie jar. In the business world, they can’t turn around opportunities or innovation as otherwise they would go bankrupt or lose significant share of the business potential!

They’re leagues apart from Wendell Stevens.

Antonio Paris

It would be credible if Michael actually did some research on my background. First, I was never a high-ranking official. I proudly served my country in Iraq, was injured by the enemy, and honorably served my country. How does that make me a disinformation agent? Only a conspiracy theorist would come up with that conclusion. Second, as a scientist and TRAINED investigator, there is nothing more I can do to investigate any of the historical cases Michael mentions. The goal of API is to REVIVE Ufology by investigating only RECENT cases that are credible. Our goal is NOT is investigate Roswell, etc. Thousands of Ufologists have already drowned that case and nothing new has surfaced. Michael has no relevance in the community. I have a great worldwide reputation with over 500,000 fans and followers who respect the work API does.


Proudly serving your country in Iraq does not make you a disinformation agent, however using and exploiting your military service in this context does make you an obfuscation agent, a smoke-screen agent, a get them off the scent of the trail agent, as serving your country had nothing to do with the fact of your severe lack of detective skills as evidenced by going to a war that was contrived through phony evidence, on false pretenses, iow, everything leading up to that war was HOAXED and you couldn’t figure it out with your expert detective skills, therefore exactly how are you qualified to write books, give lectures, to speak on phenomena foreign to this planet, when you can’t even see behind the curtain of what actually is going on, on planet earth? And in no way, I am disparaging anyone who “served their country” in that epic disaster, of a failure of a war. However, you, Mr. Lead Investigator who is “no longer interested in anything about UFO’s, PERIOD”, got fooled by old man Cheney and frat boy Bush and it wasn’t the last time you’ve been fooled. Me, a lowly ordinary human, could see the top-level brass hoaxing and coaxing into an Iraqi war, a mile away, and I don’t have 500,000 fans nor followers, nor a worldwide reputation.

Luis Marcelo Badano

Seriously Antonio, even if you’re angry at Michael, don’t like him, think of him as a pest for sending so many emails, etc. The whole “truth about UFOs” stands small next to the comprehensive information Meier gives.

A piece of advice, forget about MH, forget about this webpage, forget about API, and investigate the Meier case.

Antonio Paris

Michael has now resorted to stalker phase. His email was blocked so he went to our website and posted this via the Official UFO Reporting page. His IP address is the same as his email, so it WAS him:

Remain Anonymous: No

Field Investigation Requested: No

From: Your Mom

Email: go_f***

Date of Sighting: 07/04/2014

Time of Sighting: 7:04

Duration of Event: All Day

Location of UFO: Your Mom’s Panties

Shape of Object: Cylinder

UFO Report: You and your organization are a complete hack Antonio. You know nothing, you are nothing, furthermore, you and your organization will never be anything other than the low-level remedial “UFO-Chasing” pond scum that you are. You’re a complete hack and you have no idea what you’re doing, plain and simple. Logic and truth seem to be exponentially out of your grasp.


Well I wish I had sent that, obviously he has no sense of humour. What are the authorities going to do about it though? Oh right, there’s absolutely nothing they can do. I believe it’s called Freedom of Speech. Damn whiny babies nowadays.

J. Smith

This is what you resort to after being asked simple to, DO YOUR JOB. If you can provide proof of these claims, which many seem to lack in your field of UFO chasers I’ll “believe” you. Out of all the people Michael has sent emails to why are hasn’t anyone else reported this kind of behavior on his part? What makes you and API so special? Come on Antonio just do the right thing!

Antonio Paris

End transmission. Over and Out.


No doubt. I find it hilarious that he’s unable/unwilling to respond to any of your questions. Since he feels he’s the authority on who should and who shouldn’t seek out a psychiatrist, it begs the question – did Antonio’s psyche evaluation determine that he was the best suited for his current disinformation job?
Happy 4th of July!


sil that is precious.

Dr. Ronald Eastwood

To all concerned. I have very recently re-encountered the Billy Meier Contacts case. I am sorry to say not much has changed since I first delved into the matter over thirty years ago. If anything, the issues have become mired (no pun intended) in petty personality clashes among the principals. I do wish you all the best in your quest for truth.
Please Mr. Horn remove me from your mailing list.
And friends, I have no doubts of “contact” as I have worked with young people who have DNA of non-earth-human make up and they are NOT Plejaran. All truly serious researchers and investigators must take the high road and simply walk away from the distractions of self-serving individuals and organizations.

Dr. Ronald Eastwood

Luis Marcelo Badano

The whole UFO mistery is over, and I thank Meier and the Plejaren for it.

I’m more worried about Fukushima, the coming civil war to the US (if it can be avoided), the growing overpopulation, unnatural climate change and disasters, Apophis, and tons of other stuff that the Meier case brought to my attention.

So… keep watching lights in the sky guys as the most important case in human history passes unnoticed besides you.

Matt lee

It’s absolutely mind boggling to see these adult children like Antonio and Ronald who appears to have never grown up out of their infantile prepubescent stage heading these type of organisations with the same childish approaches they used at play school being more self impressed with their insignificant titles and the sound of their own voices than actually and principally directing their undivided attention to uncovering the truth.
These dishonest and spineless deceivers are condemning themselves through their own lack of courage, decency, honesty and character by continuing to lie to themselves of their own self importance which in the end is all that they are concerned about through their platforms.
Michael if I had a suggestion it would be to let these self absorbed and overly self obsessed swines to continue to play the fools game and revel in their ‘need to prove I am somebody by impressing other people with my credentials so that I feel better about myself’ routine whilst the truth finds those that do really deserve it lest it be trampled to the dirt once again.

Matt lee

Yeah Michael we will just have to allow the infants to be childish and laugh off their bad attempt at sophistry which Antonio tried to unsuccessfully pull a fast one over you and just get down to what we grownup adults do best and that is to deal with the unequivocal truth.
BTW can you provide a link to Jan’s MUFON page?

Matt lee

Well speaking for myself I already did roughly a week ago
Seeing as Jan must be busy I haven’t gotten a reply to validate that he has received my encouragement of his efforts.
But no big deal just as long as he knows that his efforts are genuinely appreciated.
Can’t wait to get that link

Phil Maple

Antonio Paris, you and API might fool others in the UFO community with your disinformation but not Meier followers who KNOW the case is real.

J. Smith

You can’t run from the truth, Antonio. I don’t understand what’s so wrong about someone simply trying to get you to, DO YOUR JOB. If you’re a “trained UFO investigators”, I’m sure you want to know what it’s all about instead of chasing cases of people reporting seeing flying “Unicorns” in the sky. The Meier case tells us everything we need to know about the “UFO Phenomena” and it also comes with validated evidence. This is the second time I’ve seen someone refer to this case as “historical” to try and dismiss it, but don’t we all need to know our HISTORY to figure out where we’re going or at least know where we came from and what it’s all about?

“A man without history is like a tree without roots” ~Marcus Garvey, can’t this quote from Marcus Garvey be applied to this discussion? Maybe the answer isn’t always in the present or the future; maybe you have to look back at the past to find it. If you’re concerned with investigating cases without evidence then you’re in this for the entertainment nothing else. What would your children say about their father refusing the truth, so that he can be entertained by lies and in the process doing nothing of importance to stop their future demise? Well not to toot your Horn (Pun intended), Antonio, but that’s what Michael is trying to do, so I think you’re the one that needs to see that psychiatrist. Any recommendations?

Jose H. Santiago, PhD

Sorry Michael. I have to defend Antonio. He is one of the leading investigators out their who has brought credibility to Ufology. I heard him speak at various conferences and he always gets a standing ovation. Regarding the Meier case, it is complete hogwash. Meier is a known liar and hoaxer and everyone in the community, including MUFON, has considered his photos as bogus. I think you should do your research on Antonio a bit more before going on your ridiculous claims. He is well educated and trained. You of all people should read his two books, Aerial Phenomena and Space Science. Educated yourself and respect the man if he does not want to participate in your Meier crusade.


Mr. PhD,

Antonio Paris: ” I am no longer interested in anything about UFOs. PERIOD.”
followed up by: “Several prominent UFOlogists in the community, including myself, ..”
and “We all have families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs. API is a small and part time team only. ”

So there you have it, from “one of the leading investigators out their[sic] who has brought credibility to Ufology”, who “is well educated and trained” –

iow, by his own admission he’s a prominent UFOlogist who is no longer interested in UFO’s because he has a family and a full-time career that has nothing to do with UFO’s.

I think I’ll run right out and buy a book by such a confused and confusing expert who actually has no interest in the subject he writes about, speaks about, investigates … and you, Mr. I’m a PhD and I want everyone to know that, is duped by such a flagrant flake. All I can say is, like attracts like.


Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!


Jose, your PhD hasn’t made you very smart has it?
Antonio’s responses have made him look like an idiot, and all Michael is doing is sharing how non-sensical he really is. If he could offer logical arguments to support his disinterest in the Meier case, he would have shown himself to truly be a “professional” in his field yet he is only using pathetic weasel tactics to escape Michael’s confrontation.

So Jose with a PhD, Why not provide legitimate logical evidence that validates the dismissal of the Meier case as a hoax before or along with making such a claim? Not doing so makes your claim look like “hogwash” to the rest of us.

Billy Roe

Amen Jose. I read Space Science and I have to admit he is a breath of fresh of for Ufology. Have you listened to his Case Files podcasts? Its my understanding that he is working with NBC for a new show called Phenomena that will air this fall. Its suppose to be a CSI type show about UFOs. I was a MUFON Star Team investigator for 5 years and in those years I have worked with Antonio when he was with the Star Team. He knows his stuff.


Just curious … how can one claim to be an expert of such obviously hazardous white elephant rolling science lab lemon craft that cannot safely go slow without careening into the ground have a straight face discussion of such untested disastrous vehicles be on a “Star Team” that could do something ‘CSI’-like oblivious to the obvious?

Christopher White

To everyone out there. Just wanted to let you know that I personally worked with Antonio on over 20 cases while he was with MUFON. Antonio is a hard working investigator who has helped MUFON re-write the investigations manual, the report of investigation forms, and he has developed many on-site forensics courses while at MUFON. In short, he is one of the best investigators I still continue to work with. Michael Horn, your name came across our MUFON email listing and we were told to block and stay away from you. Reading your comments above … I can understand why Jan told us to stay away.


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you…”

Sincere congrats Michael, at moving all these folks quickly along to stage three. Actually, in my eyes and many, stage four is complete as well. Would be great if some of the other relevant parties would acknowledge it (fingers crossed on Jan).

Just one question for Antonio:

Because the Meier case is “historical” (ignoring that this as a rather strange characterization of an ON-GOING contact case) and you claim you do not investigate historical cases, it would be much obliged if you would remove the title “ufo_fake_billy_meier” from the photos you post of his on your website (how can you know its fake if you refuse to investigate it?–as it stands, the premature [false] characterization is the opposite of objective researching).

Or, better yet, do the people who come to you looking for genuine UFO info a real service and post a few of the more stunningly clear day time photos of Meier next to all those fuzzy and/or post-computer age photos you have up — or would that be too distracting from… all your distractions?