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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

API: How UFO Disinformation Works?

UPDATE: Aug. 3, 2014

Questions being posed to Antonio Paris now here. He dodged all attempts to substantiate his claims against the Meier case but now is shucking and jiving about begin a “UFO researcher”. Feel free to chime in.

UPDATE: July 17, 2014:

Hi Antonio,

We took you at your word regarding your willingness to review the Billy Meier information and evidence which, without any actual investigation, research, etc., you had concluded was a hoax. You have also posted Meier’s photos in a section of photos you claim are hoaxed…and which we’ve requested that you remove.

It’s well past the time that you said you’d be following up and getting back to us. More than a few people have raised questions about your failure to keep your word and some have raised concerns that you’re being…”advised” as to what to say or not say.

As you know, MUFON has effectively changed its position of 34 years towards the Meier case and I think we’ll soon be seeing more developments in that direction.

So at this point it is strictly up to you if our original assessment of your own credibility, etc., stands, or if you are ready to stand up and present credible substantiation for your old position.

There is an old saying that often applies as well, “No answer is indeed an answer as well.” We look forward to your answer – now – seeing as you’ve effectively defamed a man with no reason to do so and you’ve certainly had sufficient time to support or recant your position.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts


Since this blog has received an unprecedented response, especially from very uninformed people in the UFO community/industry who are essentially hobbyists, perhaps before attempting to comment on things that they admittedly know nothing about, they would do us all the favor of at least reading this first…and save themselves further embarrassment:

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

As we celebrate Independence Day today, on July 4, it seems like the perfect time to look at what may be an example of how some of the best, government trained personnel are now “serving” the public in this peculiar area of UFOlogy. Knowing that the government ‘s job is essentially to protect and serve the people, who better to protect us from any confusion about what’s really going with UFOs, and to reassure us that any appropriate investigation of the subject is being carried out, than a formerly high-ranking military intelligence professional? Of course one mustn’t try to second-guess just how these people do their jobs. Case in point: Antonio Paris of API. The following blog is a result of what I’d call a mixed message from Mr. Paris. As he had been on my mailing list, I was surprised to receive this email from him, on June 30:

Remove me from this mailing list NOW. I DO NOT want any emails from YOU. I am no longer interested in anything about UFOs.


Thank You.

My request for clarification of this confusing, seemingly inconsistent request wasn’t responded to so, on July 3, I sent this to Antonio and all of the team members listed on his site:

Dear Antonio & Co.,

I noticed the following here:

“API is a worldwide UFO investigations team about the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as UAPs or UFOs).”

…on a page that mentions “UFO” 32 times, with an insignia that has three UFOs on it.

Since we agree that the entire field of “UFOlogy” is largely unscientific, lacking in credibility, etc., it seems safe to assume that you would be interested in the only scientifically proven, still ongoing (over 72 years) UFO contact case of Billy Meier. (The Meier case also meets the legal standard of proof.)

Since the evidence in the Meier case is not only stunningly clear, still irreproducible but also testable by anyone with PhotoShop (which didn’t exist when Meier took all his photos, etc.) I’m sure you and your team would agree that the need to chase lights in the sky has long since passed.

You now have what you’ve been looking for, freely presented to you on a proverbial…silver disk. So I invite you to respond to my invitation to explore the evidence in the Meier case…as MUFON has now also decided to do.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

Then, this morning, certainly flush with that patriotic spirit, Antonio, er, cleared everything up for me with this reassuringly open, professional response:


First, please email ME only. It is unprofessional to blast everyone an email. If you want me to respond, thats fine. But DO NOT email my team. They are very busy with their lives and they only study UFOs a few times a years. UFOs are NOT their full time job.

API is only interested in about 5 cases per year. Thats it, five. We do NOT investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos. WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. We all have families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs. API is a small and part time team only. We are not MUFON.



I responded thusly:


I think we need to clear up some communications here. You’re a military man so I’m sure that my cutting straight to the points will be appreciated.

1. Since there are email addresses for the members of your organization in the US and UK, with no qualifiers that they shouldn’t be contacted…why is it “unprofessional”? As a matter of fact, your promo material makes it look like studying UFOs is indeed what they do. I must have missed the “five cases per year” thing. Have you also arranged it with…whom or whatever is being sighted that there will only be five cases per year occurring that are worthy of your time?

BTW, if my email to Cherish had been a modeling or acting opportunity would that have been a problem?

2. You represent yourself and company as a professional, scientifically oriented, serious organization of “trained UFO investigators” that investigates, researches and analyzes aerial phenomenon. So what part of a more than 72 years-long, still ongoing UFO contact case doesn’t qualify?

3. You inform the public that you are a former “US Army Counterintelligence Officer and Department of Defense Counterintelligence Special Agent.” Is part of your specialty being deliberately non-responsive to the actual questions and points I raise with you?

4. You tell me that you “don’t investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos.” Is there an expiration date on the truth? Is “historical” now being redefined as being synonymous with: irrelevant, unimportant, to be ignored, false, etc. As a self-described COINTEL pro yourself, is this new dismissive and contemptuous approach to “historical” perhaps COINTELPRO to “protect” us from a pesky, inconvenient, thought-provoking, disturbing little thing called the truth…a word that seems to be missing from your mission statement.

It is interesting, however, that you consider Roswell to have been “proven” to be just what…the government said it was, a weather balloon.

5. Have you ever heard the term “cold case”? Don’t you realize that today’s technology, including PhotoShop, is the digital equivalent of DNA testing? Have you bothered to review the expert analysis of the WCUFO photos using state-of-the-art technology conducted by Prof. Rhal Zahi, the results of which an eight year-old child can duplicate in about five minutes?

6. Returning to point 3., just whose intelligence are you trying to counter? Sorry, soldier, you’re either misrepresenting your qualifications, or you’re using them to be part of the disinformation you profess to want to separate yourselves from. Your failure to be “following the evidence where it leads without jumping to conclusions” leads me to believe that you’re actually prominent among the “convergence of arm-chair UFO investigators, conspiracy theorists, hoaxers” you disdain.

Perhaps though I’m expecting too much based on your own promotional material. I’ll let my readers decide for themselves.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

Naturally, at this point I thought that I should share all this with my readers in part to see if just maybe I’m being too vigilant, even to the point of being suspicious that…things aren’t always as they seem or are claimed to be, etc. I’m reminded of that corny old joke about a man coming home earlier than expected who finds his wife in bed with another man. As he stands there, shocked and confronts the situation, his wife looks up at him indignantly and defiantly says, “There’s nothing going on here! Are you going to believe your own eyes…or me?” Please pay special attention to the way doublespeak is now being used to redefine and equate “historical” with irrelevant. This isn’t the only UFO organization to now be using this tactic. (Watch for how this trend will be – or already has started to be – spread in our so-called “educational system”.) Notice how Antonio’s “trained UFO investigators” are suddenly portrayed as people who “DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS” with “families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs.” Notice how mentioning UFOs 32 times on one page is now the same as his being “no longer interested in anything about UFOs.” The inmates, the asylum, the thrills, the spills! Have a happy holiday…from reality! UPDATE: Here is Mr. Paris’ just received comment on the entire matter, reaffirming my sense that he has more than a nodding familiarity with asylums, inmates, etc.:

You really have no respect for personal emails do you? This is why no one takes you seriously. You need to see a psychiatrist.

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Samantha Broderick


Im from MUFON too. This Michael guy is annoying and has no respect for email etiquette. I do not know Antonio personally but I did read his report on the San Agustin UFO Mystery last year, which was also on Open Minds magazine recently. I can see why Antonio is one of the top investigators in the community and why MUFON investigators still reach out to him for help. I too cant wait to check out Phenomena.

Josh Heilly

Michael … As a MUFON investigator for over 20 years, I can rest assure I have never heard of you. To claim you are “world’s leading expert on UFOs” is delusional at best. You should go back and retract many of the comments you made above. They are unfounded and completely unprofessional. If you are the leading world’s investigator, why haven’t I ever heard of you? I have been to almost everyone major UFO conference in the past 20 years. On that note, I did meet Antonio at various conferences, including the recent Ozark UFO conference. In comparison, you are an amateur at best when compared to Antonio. I do not agree with everything Antonio puts forth, but he and I are colleagues and we respect each other’s work. Again, read your comments above to everyone who disagrees with you. Your comments are way off base.


Just to be clear, you argument is this:

Antonio is the pro because he will investigate all manner of SUBSTANCE-LESS cases, worthless and unprovable anecdotes etc., and Horn is the amateur because he sees the futility of investing in such triviality and instead represents the ONLY UFO case of substance — and which also has an unparalleled amount of evidence behind it?

Whoa! If you mean he is an “amateur” because he does not make a lot of money like some other pseudo-ufo-investigators like Antonio, that is, if you mean he is an “amateur” because he is not a professional member of the UFO INDUSTRY/distraction/laughable religious-like dog and pony show…than I guess you got him there.

And if you Josh have never heard of Michael Horn–again, who represents the only case of substance in the whole damn field– after 20 years of investigating UFO’s…I think that speaks to your failure not his.

Josh Heilly

Yep, like I said. Never heard of you. Redneck Radioman??? The list you mentioned above mentions no credible source of information. The websites, stations, etc. you mention above are conspiracy websites that no serious investigator uses as a resource. Best of luck … i will stick with MUFON, API, and NUCORC.


A friendly suggestion Josh, you should probably add the likes of or to your list of sources there (that is, if you are really interested in genuine ET case of substance).

I’m going to try once to explain how silly and pathetic the current situation regarding MUFON, API and the like appears to the non-insane:

Imagine a planet of really smart folks who just achieved technology sufficient to get them to a neighboring solar system. The planet has never yet found proof life exists elsewhere. They get an excited young team together to go an an expedition to a nearby alien world in the search for alien life. They land on the foreign planet and it is for the most part pretty barren and desolate looking, but as fate would have it, just a couple hundred yards to the left is standing a giant elephant. One man walks over to the elephant and investigates the strange creature and indeed, its not a mirage but a real flesh and blood, living, breathing alien beast! Incredible! Mission accomplished! The creature affords him enormous valuable information about the nature of life in the universe.

Yet, oddly, the rest of the team, with their safari hats and their fancy tool kits, they wander around in the otherwise barren landscape. Taking out his magnifying glasses one takes a close look at the soil. ‘Look, I think I see something! I cant be sure, but possibly maybe I might be looking at a microscopic creature!’ Another comes to pat him on the back ‘Grrrrreeeaat work! Yes, and I took out my fancy gadget and did some measurements –traces of methane! Score! I can’t be sure but I think at sometime somewhere something alive used to be around here!’ (very proud of themselves, they high five).

When they return to their home world… who will be viewed the hero? Who did their job? And what motivated the others to play in the dirt while in the midst of the elephant which represented their stated purpose for being there?


Only too true:)

Roger Clemmings

Never in my life have I seen someone such as Michael go on a rant about UFOs. Im in London and had the pleasure of having Antonio on my podcast. He and API are huge here in the UK. I also had the chance to listen to Paul and Marsha on Case Files. These three are top-notch investigators. Josh, you are correct. I never heard of Michael … but I have now. I will make sure I spread the word to BUFORA here in the UK so they can block him. PS Michael, API is having a live international Google Plus hangout next month. You of all people need to listen.


“He and API are huge here in the UK.”

Such comments as Roger Dodgers and Antonio’s “I have a great worldwide reputation with over 500,000 fans and followers”, are sooo typical of these as yet completely worthless human beings to whom popularity on planet earth equals the truth. I got news for you, Roger Clemmings, not only is the truth not popular but the truth has not a thing to do with popularity contests and particularly on planet earth.


Fame and popularity and success in spreading “entertainment” is not equivalent (hardly comparable) of being successful in sharing and spreading knowledge of the truth.

James Moore

Michael need not contact BUFORA as I have already done so a few years back. I am a British citizen interested in the fascinating and important Billy Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) case myself and could not understand why BUFORA would not investigate it thoroughly. I still do not. The science officer of BUFORA admitted he has heard of BEAM but never investigated because he thought he was a hoaxer. Clearly he wasn’t what one would normally consider to be a decent type of science officer, one that investigates before dismissing, not the other way around. His other excuse was because BUFORA only investigates UK cases (not foreign ones). Quite a disappointing response in my opinion. I’ve also contacted Timothy Good who stated that BEAM probably did have contacts but was dropped after some time, however he only spent 4 hours with BEAM. If I were a UFO field investigator I would spend at least 3 months at the Semjase Silver Star Center investigating this case and attempting to catch alien activity on camera as well as interviewing people, taking radiation measurements of landing sites etc.

J. Smith

Damn, seems like all the skeptics are coming out of hiding on this blog to the rescue of Mr. Antonio. Something seems very fishy about this seeing that this is the first time I’ve seen those names and all of them seem not interested, but found their way to a blog site concerning the Billy Meier case. Don’t these people have “credible cases” to worry about instead of trying hard to praise Mr. Antonio? Who called them to his rescue? Are they playing charades?

J. Smith

SIL! If those are the performances that receiving “standing ovations” I would really like to know who’s in the crowd. Certainly this man has no clue at all about what it is he’s talking about and it shows in his responses here also. If the boat sinks Michael and I’m sure it will they’ll all sink with it. Michael, keep exposing these people for what they’re.


What a dog and pony show! A jokester. A complete farse of a UFO smokescreen of a UFO joke.

After watching that video of Antonio’s utter cluelessness, to read all the below glowing comments from various & sundry UFOlogists about the esteemed UFO-detective in charge of API, it’s no wonder UFOlogy is such a joke.

Jose H. Santiago, PhD – “I have to defend Antonio. He is one of the leading investigators out their who has brought credibility to Ufology. I heard him speak at various conferences and he always gets a standing ovation.”

Roger Clemmings – ” Im in London and had the pleasure of having Antonio on my podcast. He and API are huge here in the UK. I also had the chance to listen to Paul and Marsha on Case Files. These three are top-notch investigators.”

Christopher White – “To everyone out there. Just wanted to let you know that I personally worked with Antonio on over 20 cases while he was with MUFON. Antonio is a hard working investigator who has helped MUFON re-write the investigations manual, the report of investigation forms, and he has developed many on-site forensics courses while at MUFON. In short, he is one of the best investigators I still continue to work with.”

Samantha Broderick – “Im from MUFON too. I can see why Antonio is one of the top investigators in the community and why MUFON investigators still reach out to him for help.”

Josh Heilly – “Michael … As a MUFON investigator for over 20 years, I can rest assure I have never heard of you. To claim you are “world’s leading expert on UFOs” is delusional at best. You should go back and retract many of the comments you made above. They are unfounded and completely unprofessional. If you are the leading world’s investigator, why haven’t I ever heard of you? I have been to almost everyone major UFO conference in the past 20 years. On that note, I did meet Antonio at various conferences, including the recent Ozark UFO conference. In comparison, you are an amateur at best when compared to Antonio. “


I will clearly not be on Antonio I have over half a million fans, Josh I’m a PhD and you’re not, Rodger the not so artful Dodger Clemmings, Kistopher sno-White, Sammie Broderick no relation to Matthew I assume, and Josh give’m hell Heily


“What can brown do for you?”

J. Smith

They say “Great minds think alike”, I guess inane one’s do too. Not only are they trying to assassinate Michael’s character, but they’re defending a man that has none. A classic case of know-it-alls.


that video makes it clear as day that it’s a case of the blind leading the blind … no wonder this planet has hell to pay for another 8 times a hundred years

J. Smith

These people are like turtles in a shell. Lets poke our heads out and say something and them when he replies back we ignore him and go back into hiding. Again something seems very FISHY about this.

Roger Clemmings

Who the heck is Billy Mieir? I google his name and most of the google results say HOAX.

Case closed Michael. Time to move on. You lost the argument … since you are now just copying and pasting the same rhetoric. Ps, i am not a Skeptic! In fact, I have had a close encounter 8 years ago.

Roger Clemmings

Hahaha oh my God. I just checked the fake photos from Billy. Are you serious? Om my god.

J. Smith


This is the response an adolescent gives, not a grown man with experience in doing RESEARCH. Today on this blog site has been a very eye opening day for me to now see exactly what kind of people refute this case. If a simple google search is what a “UFO researcher” needs to dismiss a case then there would be no case to begin with.

Michael, I think these people are trying their best to harass you and misguide others through your site. Seeing that they have not responded to any of your replies. This is what little kids do for attention not grown men trying to get to the bottom of something.

J. Smith

They definitely are misguided and in the process seem to not want to have a serious discussion, debate, battle of evidence, etc. Basically throwing stones in the form of nonsensical tirades like Roger’s and running back in their shell. A complete lack of morality.


I don’t see evidence … but it’s EVIDENT that they’re up the cul-de-sac in a cement SUV!

J. Smith

I see no responses, period. Which shows that they came to defend Mr. Antonio and run back into their bat-cave. Maybe Mr. Antonio sent out the bat signal for help, but it failed miserably. This was a very interesting day on this blog I can’t wait for the next one, while I continue to read Meier’s material and learn more about myself and the World than anyone in the “UFO community” can every teach.

Carolyn Snyder Milke

You probably weren’t even alive in the ‘seventies, so you wouldn’t know anything about those kind of photos anyway. . . .

Carolyn Snyder Milke

My comment is for Roger. . . . sorry, I should have named him!

Carolyn Snyder Milke

Yeah, please remember that the men in black are probably reading this blog too!

Carolyn Snyder Milke

They’re the delivery boyz. . . . LOL


To everyone following this thread. BM has information not limited to UFOs and ETs but detailed info on your health, spirituality, environment, food, human history that is truly logical. Now when did you hear or stumbled upon a case like Billy Meier’s? I guarantee you, nobody! With the thousands upon thousands of very detailed information already published by BM, isn’t possible, even by a very small bit, that the Meier case is real?

Phil Maple

I see Antonio Paris brought his dumb friends over here to help him out because he done such a poor job challenging MH in a scientific and logical way about the validity of the Meier case. Nothing he said to counter MH’s arguments and points added up. He could only throw mud at MH and Meier.

API, Antonio Paris and friends = DUMB

Gary Mobley

Thank you for putting Antonio in his place. He is such a braggart, and make s API sound like they have it all together., which they don’t. Several months ago, API was to have a conference in Tampa. They were advertising Travis Walton to be a main speaker. I went to a Mufon Meet up where Travis was speaking and just casually mentioned to him about him being on the API venue. Travis denied it, said he was never on the venue ticket. We had FI’s going to this conference just to hear Travis. When Florida Mufon confronted Antonio about it a bi g blow up ensued. He started a tirade of dis information about Mufon and of the leadership who had contacted him. Not to long afterwards, his conference imploded with cancellations and did not happen.

Matt lee

Gee this would explain about this cut and paste Antonio Paris
A senior intelligence analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton, holds a top secret SCI clearance and has worked for SAIC.
These low life scum bottom feeders whose pligh and trade is deception, disinformation, psyops, misdirection, lies, misrepresentation, misinformation, dishonesty and lying through their teeth as a way of making a living are not the kind of people you would like to hang out with on any given day lest their stench reeking filth rubs on you.
You will know them by their fruits they bear and all I seem to come across about this Antonio Paris is rotten tomatoes.

David Scott

How simple is this . Just forget about the photos , the videos . Read or watch the comments of Phoeble Chang . An embassador for the United States . Read the commentary about 9/11 , the presidents , the solar system , the commentary on disease and human progression . FROM the pre 70’s . The specific fortold coming of the mad cow disease , Crutsfield Jacobs , the meltdown in Lyon France , the death of many in Jonestown , the facts behind Hiroshima Nagaski , facts behind Pearl Harbor , Hitler , the moon landing and Walt Disney ….. on and on READ . Stop looking at pictures and passing SNAP judgements and I will stop making SNAP judgements on you . You may be a great person , but all I read is ….. Question , simple . Who else during the history of planet earth has put foreward a more significant body of work ? WHO ? you have a chance to help just me here , because if their is I WANT TO KNOW NOW . Thats how I am I want to read the best NOW . That is how I spend my time . forget about television . My suggestion is you start learning high German NOW and just fade back for a while . You can always try to compete with your ego . Competition at times is good . But declaring yourself victor over your ego is the assasination of self in real time . Its called EGO DEATH .


These so called UFO researchers and their egos can’t grasp nor understand your lack of diplomacy and why it is useless when it comes to the truth in of itself and in regard to the BEAM case. They go into defence mode it seems right off the bat and start lashing out after only a short time surfing Google. Really? And they call it research? As they continue to dance around the truth, wondering aimlessly through dead end cases and cold case files that contribute nothing to any one or anything. And as you refuse to join there little dance, I wonder Scotty… is there any intelligent life on this strange planet? Unreal man… unreal. I have to say Michael, I don’t envy your job. Or shall I say your day job? (Joke) ha. Peace.

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

It’s a huge waste of time communicating with these phony, stupid, weird, disinformation dupes, dregs of Humanity, like Antonio and his gang, that he obviously asked to write to you, Michael. Their slander against Billy is all that we need to hear, to know for certain, how utterly stupid they are. To me, they are a gang of idiots that will never learn the truth. Everything they said was utter stupidity, absurd nonsense, and fabricated fantasy. They are one of the world’s biggest laughing stock. They are all frauds and dupes, and I had many good laughs reading their supreme nonsense. Deal with them any way that you want to, I think they should go drown themselves, worthless, pathetic human beings that they are!

Tony Vasquez - Professional Astrologer

The worst piece of trash, nonsense, horrible slander against Billy came from Jose H. Santiago, PhD. “Regarding the Meier case, it is complete hogwash. Meier is a known liar and hoaxer and everyone in the community, including MUFON, has considered his photos as bogus.”
The man is an ignorant fool.