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Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Wake the Hell Up!

Russia and its leader (who many Americans also admire because of his macho posturing) continue to openly march forward towards the fulfillment of their negative role in the Henoch Prophecies, as I’ve been documenting on this blog. Meanwhile, many Americans are busy blaming president Obama for all of their woes, failing to understand just how the power game in the USA really works, which was even explained to us by Billy Meier and Ptaah in the process of hinting at the possible fulfillment of another element in the Henoch Prophecies by 2020.


Now in light of these largely unnoticed, hugely important developments my haranguing of the UFO community/industry (UFOCI) may have been seen as an irrelevant indulgence. But consider that the time, energy and money going into the creation and promotion of what is almost exclusively disinformation and distraction, amounting to a multi-million dollar industry, has effectively prevented the world from learning about the singularly authentic Meier contacts and the wealth of information they contain. This information of course includes vast amount of specific prophetic information, which is intended to alert us to the grave errors of our ways so that we can make the necessary course corrections – in time – to avoid the otherwise overwhelmingly disastrous consequences.

But the parasites and poseurs in the UFOCI who couldn’t resist sucking up all the air in the room – and whose usefulness thereby didn’t escape the notice of the intelligence parties who gladly channeled their disinformation through the witting or unwitting ones – have contributed more greatly than they know to preventing the all important truth from reaching humanity, which actually equates to a form of…suicide. Of course this also goes for the interminably insufferable know-it-alls who proudly refer to themselves as Skeptics. (NOTE: Since the publication of the information here, not a single one of the quacks in the UFOCI, nor the suddenly silent, pseudoscientific skeptics, have come forth to dispute Meier’s now incontrovertibly proven evidence, or of course to apologize for their stupid, stubborn, self-centered, erroneous statements and/or defamatory attacks on Meier.)

Outsmarting the Prophecies

These ongoing developments aren’t really only about Russia and the USA of course. People in Canada, Scandinavia, as well as Eastern Europe, Iran, Turkey, China – in fact people all over the world will be affected by what will otherwise unfailingly occur in accordance with the immutable laws of cause and effect, should we remain passively indifferent to such long foretold and continuously unfolding events. So neither late in the game handwringing, nor ill-conceived attempts to do an end run around the prophecies to attempt to thwart their fulfillment will do anything but assure, and negatively compound, their fulfillment, as I wrote in 2007.

And while the actions of many people, in many countries over time have contributed to what we now all face, the Henoch Prophecies clearly point out that it’s the long established military and economic policies of our own country that have largely set in motion the mighty pendulum that threatens to come back upon us as a huge, unstoppable wrecking ball should we not wake the hell up here in the USA.


The complete, unedited version of this important interview of Dr. Sanford Weinstein is available in the new, award-winning film, “And Did They Listen?

NOTE: I have emphasized Arkhangelsk below in the following information compiled for us by Matt Knight, in reference to what is specifically foretold in the Henoch Prophecies (215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987): “It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk.”

9 July 2014:

“Russia test launches first new space rocket since Soviet era”

“Russia declared the maiden flight of its new Angara rocket a success on Wednesday after it launched from Plesetsk cosmodrome near Arkhangelsk in the country’s far north.”

Related info: Plesetsk Cosmodrome (near Arkhangelsk).

May 2nd 2014:

Arkhangelsk region was included into the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The Executive Order #296 listing land areas of the Russian Federation that fall within Russia’s Arctic zone was signed by Vladimir Putin on May 2nd 2014. This order is the most important step in implementation of the “Russian Federation State Policy in the Arctic to 2020”.

Source information.

Related info: Russian State Policy in the Arctic is part of a development strategy of the arctic. “The strategy aims to implement the sovereignty and national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and contributes to the solution of the main tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic as defined in the Principles.”

March 28, 2014:

“Arctic strategic security centre opens in Arkhangelsk” “Russia’s Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) and will be oriented to the issues of Russian state policy in the High North areas with strong focus at the national security topics.” “RISS is engaged in the studies of Russia’s relations with the foreign countries. The Institute makes analysis of the trends of political and social-economic processes on the global and regional levels, studies the possible ways of sustaining strategic stability.

May 13, 2014: “Police officers, fire fighters and other law enforcement employees in Murmansk or Arkhangelsk can forget about visiting friends or take a tourist trip to other Barents countries.”





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Mike B

I have tried ENDLESSLY to wake people up to all this. I am very sorry to state what most here likely already already know, from their own interactions with the UNINFORMED OR UNENLIGHTENED people, little to NO success! It’s is flat out hard to watch this unfold “knowing” all this and MIGHTY lonely at times too. Thank you again Michael for your endless efforts on behalf of humanity on earth.

Andrew J.

That is why some of us, that cannot get trough to people around us with plain information about the case, should concentrate more on implementing spiritual teachings in our lives and be an example for others in family and close circle of friends. Letting go of disharmony from our psyche will let harmony work, and it should be reflected at some point outside in a world for people to see. That should generate more interest and attentions of others.


Again, I just want to talk about facts in regards to Obama. From the contact report link – “But if, in relation to the USA, the gigantic mountain of national debt, of now more than 16 trillion dollars is now considered, which can no longer be repaid,”

Ok, so Billy is saying the debt cannot be repaid. That means only one of two things from an economic and historical basis – either a default on the national debt, which will have horrible consequences on the economy as well as a significant devaluation of the dollar, or the US continues to go into debt and eventually creates hyperinflation as a result of all the money printing. Which also will wreck the economy and destroy the value of the currency. Scylla or Charybdis.

But has Obama publicly warned anyone about this? Not to my knowledge. In the battle over the debt ceiling he fought to increase it and add more debt onto the pile. His bailout was massive, and most of the consequent QE has ended up on Wall Street, boosting the fortunes of the wealthiest people in this society.

Anyway, it would be nice to hear at least a warning, because when this debt bubble pops, and it will eventually pop, many people are going to suffer as a result.

And the thing with the IRS bothers me also. We know from the records that Lerner went to the White House just before the tea party groups began to be audited and delayed on their requests for tax exempt status. And now she lost two years worth of emails, from that exact same time period, along with 7 other people who were involved? Yeah, that’s just a coincidence I’m sure… Someone calculated that the odds of that happening would be like winning the lottery 30 times in a row. Are they protecting Obama? That cannot be proven unless we have the emails. But they’re going to an awful lot of trouble to protect those emails. Obvious criminal activity has to be involved at high levels.

So again, I have to believe all the hopeful rhetoric by Billy and the plejaren on Obama was based on potential. And I just don’t see that potential manifesting for the most part.


Or … a good amount of debt forgiveness should be in order. I doubt anyone would want to hang up a closed sign across the globe considering no other country can pay their own debts anyway.


Now that’s a great idea, and I’ve heard it before. If Obama really wants to “soft landing” this economic collapse. He should get behind a “total debt forgiveness” program. All nations forgive each others debt, and the IMF, world bank, etc. And all mortgages, credit card debt, etc. are forgiven.

But I don’t think Obama will do that because the banking interests are the ones who are really running the show on this planet. Yes, I know the CIA and other secret services are running rampant, but they’re also puppets (to a large extent) of the banking powers.

Billy has made vague references to this in the past. I feel like he was never totally blunt about this because he knows or has been warned by the Plejaren that this would definitely incite assassination attempts of a nature that he would not survive.

But again, have a major political figure float the idea of a total worldwide debt forgiveness and reset and let’s see what the reactions are.



You sound like an Alex Jones listener. I voted for Obama both elections. To help elect President Obama to his second term I volunteered with the Democrat party to go door to door asking people for the President’s vote. You probably think that I am a moron. I love this man. I agree with Billy, President Obama is the greatest president in American history. I really think that if Obama had not been elected, and we got warmongering McCain or Romney, we would be in WWIII by now. But people like Alex Jones rant and rave that Obama is responsible for the financial mess we are in. What they forget that since the 2008 crisis, the US stock markets have fully recovered and the DOW is currently at an all time high. The dollar is improving and is gaining against gold and other currencies. Real estate has began to recover; and in some markets like Nevada which took the largest hits, it is up almost 50%. Unemployment is still a problem; but if the USA can create the illusion that the economy is thriving with her indexes, 2015-2017 might end up becoming boom years for the US economy even on mainstreet as business gain confidence to hire. Of course this is just another bubble ready to pop; but the fact is that President Obama took a financial disaster and has turned that around, and with the plus of better and more affordable health care for the populous, has stabilized markets, turned the dollar around and will end a recession until at least 2020 in my opinion. It is people like Alex Jones who points fingers at President Obama and say that he is responsible for the mess, and all the Quantitative Easing (read: money printing) and giving enormous power to the banks. If President Obama had stopped the financial bailout, and not restored the banks, giving them power to stabilize entire markets, everybody on this board today would probably be starving or typing out their comments on a cereal box in their cardboard box homeless shelter. The USA’s financial mess goes back years and years in the making. And I don’t think anybody can fix the abused financial system; all any US president can do now is put band aids on it and kick the can down the road. President Obama has done a marvelous job of this as well as ending the warmongering, even if he still has to fight wars and launch drones. People can’t expect the wars to shut down overnight. But President Obama has done his best to stop beating the drum for war like Bush, McCain, Romney wanted to do. How can people be so blind to how reasonable and responsible this man is? Enjoy these days folks. These are the good ole days. If we get further warmongers in charge, like another Bush or Cheney, we will eventually be glowing radioactive toast.


You just don’t get it. I obviously disagree wholeheartedly on the issue of Obama. Stock market at an all time high? Factor in price/earnings ratios and we’re in the 3rd biggest stock market bubble of all time. It’s a bubble. All he did was create more debt and put us in a bigger bubble. You do not understand our financial system. The Plejaren don’t have money, so they’re looking at it and describing it from a totally different perspective. If you want a good analysis of what’s about to happen, check out Mike Maloney’s series on the hidden secrets of money. It gives a very thorough description of how the Federal Reserve works. OUR MONETARY SYSTEM IS BASED ON DEBT – and as such, it is immoral and unethical. Repaying the national debt would result in a deflationary collapse. Likewise, continuing to increase the debt will result in a hyperinflationary collapse. It’s a system that’s doomed to fail. The only way to win is not to play. I don’t think Obama understands it either, but he needs to educate himself and start warning people. In our system, the only way to pay off a dollar of debt is to create another debt based dollar. As the currency is created it is automatically used to buy debt instruments. It’s a system that benefits the banking interests – not to mention the fractional reserve banking benefits they legalized with this system.

Do you really think the richest banking interests in the country created the Federal Reserve in 1913 to benefit the common people? Really?



You need to be more neutral in your assessments; AND need to see things for yourself rather than through the eyes of so-called experts like Maloney. I agree with you, it is a bubble. I get that. But at the same time, despite how flawed and weak the system, there is, a relative, prosperity and peace. President Obama has effectively kicked the can down the road. Now is the time to rejoice, not complain. When the bubble pops in 7 years or so, then you can bitch. But then it will not be Obama’s fault; everyone will have to take responsibility for doing their part to abuse the system.


I’ve tried being neutral in my assessments and Obama keeps thwarting me by behaving like an authoritarian statist and a narcissist. I just listened to report by an expert on narcissism profiling Obama as a stereotypical narcissist. He’s got plenty of observable facts to back up his assessment.

As for Maloney, I’m not listening to the man because of who he is. I’m evaluating the FACTS and EVIDENCE that he’s presenting. Time to rejoice??????? Are you kidding me? Obama is doing nothing but setting us up for a bigger fall. Again, the bigger the bubble, the bigger the consequent deflation. How exactly do you come to the conclusion that Obama will not be at fault? I’m certainly not saying he’s 100% responsible, but he’s the President now and he indeed has some responsibility.

As for the dollar getting stronger, you’re wrong. Here’s an article with some FACTS:

A quote: “Although the dollar’s reserve status won’t end overnight, the global payments system is now moving inexorably towards that outcome. The US currency accounted for just 33% of all foreign exchange holdings in 2013, on IMF numbers, down from 55% in 2001.”

As for Obama’s role, in this interview Kyle Bass claims an Obama senior official told him that “we’re going to kill the dollar.” Now this one is not fact, only hearsay, granted, but I see no signs of the administration even trying to attempt a strong dollar policy. And based on his body language and tonality, he doesn’t appear to be lying.


I do want to say for the record that Bush was a disaster as President and I voted against him twice, but I just don’t see a huge difference in Obama.

If I was President, first I’d fight for the worldwide total debt forgiveness. Then, once we stabilized the economy, the next thing I’d do is meet with Billy and try to establish a partnership with the Plejaren and gradually, and I feel very strongly about GRADUALLY, work their policies into our system.

But I think based on what we’re doing, if we could just eliminate all the debt, we could stop the worst of this global economic collapse and that would give us a far better chance of stopping any potential world wars. Then, we slowly build from there.


Dear Hunter,

“Debt Forgiveness” is irresponsible; it goes against the spirit teaching. The human being is responsible for all thoughts, feelings and actions. I agree with you about the US economy and dollar, the problem is debt. Financing is a wonderful tool to help leverage yourself, but people can abuse this and this is being irresponsible. A responsible person would never burden themselves with so much debt that it outpaces ones earnings and ability to pay it off. This is the case with the USA today; she has abused debt and now owes more than she can ever repay. It has gotten ridiculous. The same for most of the USA citizens; they too are consumers and rack enormous amounts of debt upon their backs. This burden is enough to consume ones thoughts and hinder their spiritual development. So Billy Meier would NEVER GO for “Debt Forgiveness.”

Of course not EVERY American consumer has abused debt; and there are those who will fare well in any type economic collapse. These people are responsible in this example. In order for the Earth humans to adhere to the spirit teaching, thus being self responsible in all their ways, there CAN NOT be any debt forgiveness.


So Anthony, as you prescribe to the literal “Debt Forgiveness” is irresponsible notion, just how exactly are you going to turn back the clock on folks, which we’re talking about nations here, to FIX the problems which you feel is ONLY debt related?

Even the Plejarans had provided a workable solution to the over population issue which obviously would work if people would do the needful and begin to discuss the topic without fear of the all seeing that isn’t all seeing and not actually home. SOME level of national debt forgiveness has to be done as otherwise you run the risk of making the Henock Prophecies a certainty where things will no longer be bought or sold … but militant goons run the roost. After all, the cause of debt … if anyone would do their OWN homework as to WHY people go into debt, which more than likely involved people that have their own families to raise, is actually due to … this thing called … over population ….


As far as debt forgiveness, I don’t think anyone has ever posed the question to Billy Meier, but regardless, it has to be in proper context and you’ve essentially presented a Straw Man. Of course people should be responsible for their own actions. But if I voted against every single politician that ever held power and abused their authority to put everyone in the country into debt, even unborn generations, exactly how am I responsible for that? How are the unborn responsible for and liable for the “national debt” – which isn’t really fully national considering that the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel? Please explain. And please stick to the facts. The “USA” has not gone into debt. A country cannot go into debt. POLITICIANS, most of which are LAWYERS, have put this country into debt. Very few Presidents left with a national debt lower than what they entered office with. And only Andrew Jackson brought the debt to zero – as he understood the “den of vipers” that he was dealing with – the banksters.

Also you don’t understand the monetary system – the banks have printed an extra 9 times the amount of any loan through the fractional reserve system. The only ways the big banks lose is because they go out and over leverage these insane profits in the derivatives market. So their losses would not be heavy, as far as fiat currency, if everyone’s mortgages were cleared. And this would help the common people far more than what Obama proposed, which was a bail out for the big banks, Wall Street and the wealthy elite.

Again, who do you really want to help? The common people? Or the wealthy bankers?

Terry Carch

With all this happening in front of my eyes and ears and I keep saying people on Earth just won`t take Billy Meier our prophet and herald seriously and the Plejarens too. I`ve said it before and I`ll say it again and again and again ”GROW THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO BILLY AND THE PLJARENS AND STOP BEHAVING LIKE 2 YEAR OLDS, GET OFF YOUR BUTS AND DIO SOMETHING BEFORE ALL HELL BREAKS OUT I.e.ww3 OR WORSE ww4,ww5,etc,etc,etc, BEFORE WE ALL DIE AS TOAST AND BURN IN HELL’1

Terry Carch

P.S. If you haven`t heaerd what1`s going on in Isriael and Ukraine, Iraq,Syria and so on, I would advise everone to heed Billy and the Plejarens BEFORE 2020 if you want to save your life and everone else before this whole planet turns into a global Middle East,North Korea,Ukraine,etc,etc,etc!


There is no money or markets that involve money. WE created these things, what a primitive species we are. How stupid could we be? There is no debt or consolidation needs. SPOR , Senate and People of Rome comes to mind. We are no different yet, although we have eliminated the games of death to replace them with fake laws of justice. It’s no wonder others in the Universe want nothing to do with our primitive clan of Humans. I can see their concern over “our” need to dominate the suurounding space and they have good reason to be concerned, although we will never pose any direct threat to them, ever. But we may decide in the near future to attempt something stupid which may effect our neighbors and as Humans we seemingly always wish to do some act for some unexplainable reason. It seems if you give a lower Human a place of power they do only one thing with this authority, and that is to subjugate those beneath them. I do not understand this logic as it is counter to what could be. This is patently unfair to the innocent who bear no guilt over these decisions. How could the Human species be so inept and malleable? I’m quite sure there is a very direct answer to this question and I would venture to say that it lies within our genes. The question is, where is the damned key?? We must solve this puzzle NOW. This information must be made available before we simply repeat what has happened before. This present world does not serve the Creation nor our own evolution. This place seems to rob us of the Universal love that we are striving to find. Too much death and suffering.


Yeah that religious gene has been wreaking havoc since it’s inception. It’s made people into beings who don’t take personal responsibility for themselves and they almost always think there is some magical formula (that if they only knew) would make them richer and better looking.

J. Smith

Michael you’re very right people in America continue to believe that Obama is pulling all the strings when in fact he’s the one wearing them. Its very easy for him to be attacked because people have no knowledge of what is really going on. You have to go where the money is because money runs the world and those private bankers control the governments because they control the money. Why is this a big surprise? The president is a front-man and scapegoat for the leading elitist, either by will or by force. I don’t think anything can change until people realize this because they’re attacking someone that has no power the only thing he can do is warn us and by doing so he will most likely be murdered for it.

The world of politics is a big joke and people are still falling for it. It is what it is if people don’t start to realize the game being played we’ll definitely lose in the end.

J. Smith

This video explains how private bankers create wars and why. Very informative. Nothing is controlled by the President they’re mainly fronts. There are people we don’t see running the show and creating false flag incidents to begin conflicts.

All Wars Are Bankers Wars by NSA – MICHAEL RIVERO


Dear Micheal,

I now think that I can better explain what really turns my stomach about your beating up on the UFO community and industry. Why do you put so much on the UFOCI shoulders to save the world? All these people want to do is have happy hour with spaceships and lights in the sky. Sure the Meier case has UFOs and is considered a UFO case; but you have said yourself, you are getting away from the beamships. It is about the warnings and the teaching. So the Meier case also makes a lot of reference to spirit vs. religion, so it makes sense that you could be hitting up churches, formal religious figures, famous New Agers, Gurus to take a look at Meier, for instance. Let the Trekies dine in their desire to hear fantastic tales and see flying machines and miss out on the best with Billy. The UFO nut is not necessarily going to help you spread the word about overpopulation, religion, reincarnation, the alleged Jesus Christ, self responsibility, God, spirituality, materialism, prophecies, etc. I say let the UFO people be and shut down the beamship store. Talk with religion and politics; that is the answer. Instead of going after some staggering UFO wanna be important, drop their whole agenda. After all, it is not about UFOs or beamships anymore… SOOOO now it is time to leave those people alone and honey badger gurus, ascended masters, pastors, rabbis, politicians, scientists, economists, etc., about Billy Meier. Because it is these people who would care (or should care) about ‘overpopulation, religion, reincarnation, the alleged Jesus Christ, self responsibility, God, spirituality, materialism, prophecies, etc.’ So please, oh please, let the UFO community churn out entertaining tales about time travel, and alien contacts, and focus on the adults (or hopefully adults) at the (R)eligion(A)nd(P)olitical or RAP media outlets.



Just gonna echo Michael’s last bit above. I don’t think it’s so much that Michael actually expects the UFOIC folks to help save the world… but rather the hope is to get them to stop diverting truth-seekers away from the very thing that can indeed help save the world.

Reality television, like the UFOIC, is mostly a useless distraction. But the efforts aren’t focused there (aside from a couple, ahem, cracks, at the Kardashian’s) because reality television generally isn’t actively, conciously, working to defeat the truth and invaluable treasure that is the Meier case, as the UFOIC is. The UFOIC is simply not as innocent and harmless as you suggest.

There is a reason Semejase(?) named MUFON and the like as the greatest enemies of the truth. Given that, I tend to think Michael’s efforts are well aimed.


“…basically disinformation and distraction, indeed Andy, not unlike reality TV.”
I happen to enjoy reality TV. As a proud member of the UFO community I really enjoy all the “distraction.” My favorite distraction is “The Friendship UFO Case” that supposedly happened in Italy starting in 1956. The case does have film and movie footage of a daytime, up close flying saucer type. Of course being closed minded, most Figu students would automatically dismiss this case as “NONSENSE.” As a UFO nut I certainly enjoy studying movie and video footage of circular flying machines; I have studied their insect like flight pattern. It is easy to spot fakes when there appears to be no gravity effect, and accompanying energy field. By familiarizing myself with various video/movie footage, and comparing it to the Meier film, one can use a baseline, the beamships, versus any outside UFO film to try and determine authenticity to being genuine machines in the air. BUT THEN it is difficult to determine if the craft are extraterrestrial or terrestrial. I enjoy this. So do other people in the UFOCI. Most UFO people think everything is alien. People have been programed so much to think EVERY UFO is ALIEN that these people find it hard to believe that MOST UFO photographed and filmed are advanced Earth made aircraft. But at the end of the day. If a person wants to be responsible, and in line with the teaching, they must see the truth for themselves in Billy Meier photos and films. An expert can NOT tell them that the pictures are real. This would be against the spirit teaching. The way we live and assist others is to provide credibility. Credibility is Delotoso’s computer analysis of the Meier photos. Or credibility is your discovery of numerous Meier prophecies or predictions in the mainstream news that have come true. BUT it is up to each and every human to analyze, every Meier bit of information and contemplate it. This is the consciousness-related exercise that Billy and the Ps wish for us. You, as an authorized representative for the Figu, should not be the reason a person finally understands the truth about any particular topic. The student must search out the truth and SEE it on HIS/HER own! All you have to do is post Road signs and keep doing a WONDERFUL job helping create an official Figu watering hole.


“…missing the points about how this cynical industry is itself a huge obstacle to making people aware of the Meier case and all of it’s rich, pertinent contents?”

You just don’t get it Horn. It is each person’s RESPONSIBILITY to become aware of the Meier case, and its contents, NOT the UFOCI job. It is the people that must recognize the truth from the nonsense. The people can not be religious and subjugate their responsibility to see truth by leaving it up to the UFOCI to do the work for them.


And that’s where the saying you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink comes in. So basically Michael is giving the water (Meier material) to the horses (or jackasses) so at least they don’t have to go searching for the clean water within all the toxic runoff from the ag/oil/gas industry.


Dear Sheila,

Thank you for always bringing common sense to the argument. The Pool are the official Figu sites:,, etc. The Figu, along with Michael, have provided a clean a refreshing watering hole.

Going out and banging on the doors of anybody, let alone UFOCI, and telling them about Meier, and then further forcing the issue upon them so as to finally convince them that they have been wrong all along, and they will now speak out for Billy Meier…. is Dragging a horse to a watering source. Cheers!


“…want to know everything about it. Strangely enough, they are the ones who suppress, attack and ignore the best evidence for real, ongoing contact. And they attract people who are looking for the truth about UFOs, etc., and basically lead them away from the truth.”

Here is where you are being religious. If people are led away from the truth because of nonsense, it is their OWN fault. This person needs to take responsibility for discovering reality on his/her own. The human must not be led around, but rather be in control of the truth on his/her own! Period! If a person is led away from the truth by a person’s credibility, rather than the information he or she is promoting, then that person is strongly out of balance with the spirit teaching and is acting religiously. A person needs to be responsible and in control to walk away or embrace nonsense on his/her own!!!! If a person is wrong, they should be responsible in evolving toward the truth about things. They will eventually get it if they are on a spiritual path.



Sham or not, it is still up to the individual to see the truth. Responsible people who want to help their neighbors, like you, do their best to provide a safe watering hole AND make it easy to find. Responsible people do not grab criminals by the neck and force them to go legit, to stop crime.

Besides, in my opinion, I really don’t think that there are many of the UFOCI skeptics that consciously think that Meier is for real, but are pulling shams. Maybe people like Kal Korff. But most of these trendy UFO types are so wrapped up in their own importance and UFO experience, that they FAIL to see the truth in Meier, EVEN WHEN IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR NOSES! You and eye, can’t see why most people can’t see the value in the Meier case, to us it is obvious. But for others, I really think that most people think Meier is too fantastic and too good to be true to be real. Plus Meier upsets people about religion and being irresponsible. Most people, bless their LITTLE hearts, do NOT want to deal with the complexity and sheer mind blowing, and breakdown of beliefs that come with the Meier case, so they remain in the dark. Just have a flashlight on at the end of the tunnel. That is all that I’m saying, my friend.



Please my friend. What I can NOT understand is why you think I’m giving advice? And if I was giving advice, why should that mean I’m trying to change or trump you? You are a Figu hero. I am super glad you make cool dvd movies. You have a blog and allow comments. This is just my opinion. If people read my posts, all I’m doing is trying to demonstrate my understanding of the spirit teaching by showing how the Figu topic of “self responsibility” fits into letting every damn human do it by himself, for himself. This should be welcomed. But instead, for some damn reason you assume I’m attacking or trying to be “Monday Morning Quarterback.” You ask for opinions. Here are mine. It has been an entertaining evening. Cheers!



Oops, I referred to you as “Tony” above! Force of habit I guess — one of my favorite contributors here, whom I converse with often, has that name.

Anyway, I think you are the one not getting it, Anthony. Micheal is not Bible thumping (Talmud humping?) anybody with the Meier material — he doesn’t go door to door as far as I know. He runs a blog. And perhaps attempts to contact people who may be in a position of power/authority who could put certain info to good use or help lift the Meier material out of the tiny obscure corner of the internet it currently maintains.

And as for the activity under discussion — his recent attacks on the UFOCI –again, MUFON et al was named enemy of the truth number one for a reason. Yes, each individual is the great truth bringer unto themselves, BUT, as you must know by now, the teaching is not “live and let live” but “live and help live.”

So, if the aim is to help but not coerce, can you think of a better way of going about this than working to tear down the greatest obstacles in the path towards the truth? I cannot. Personally, I’ve never been so impressed by/excited about Michael’s work as I have been of late.

Matt lee

Anthony is it that time of the month
For g o o d n e s s s a k e s can you take your childish antics and rhetoric somewhere else where it aptly belongs.
Man oh friggin man what does it take to at least not undermine the cause for heaven sakes if you can’t at least help it.


Mr. Lee,

You never cease to amaze me how limited your understanding and how weak your consciousness. Go learn German; please translate something before WWIII brakes out. The world is waiting for your greatness, Mr. Lee.

PS- Because you are always staring at the finger, you are missing all the heavenly beauty.

Matt lee

Gees here we go again
Anthony grow up!


Billy Meier on Rasputin and World War I –

Billy: …I would like to address you once again on former Yugoslavia: for nearly 2,000 years, they’ve been smashing their heads down there and massacring each other at every opportunity. Did you know that even Tsar Nicholas II of Russia had huge troubles with the peoples and ethnic groups of the former countries of the current ex-Yugoslavia and that Rasputin, the Russian miracle monk, had told him in 1908 that these Balkan peoples weren’t worth a shot of powder?

Ptaah: 69. Yes, that is well-known to me.

Billy: I can’t tell you anything that you don’t already know.

Ptaah: 70. I am just a few years older than you, and I also knew Rasputin personally.

Billy: …Naturally, the assassins were quickly found, yet the Tsar stopped the police investigation.
The conspirators asserted that they had murdered Rasputin because he had exercised too great an influence on the family of the Tsar.
These statements from the assassins were, however, not the actual reason why the Tsar did not intervene in the matter of the murder and its investigation, rather it was the fact that it was not a Russian but a foreigner – the British agent, Oswald Rayner, to be exact – who was Rasputin’s real murderer.
The true reason for the murder was that Rasputin – peace-loving as he was – was active in pressing for an armistice, in order to thereby end the state of war between Russia and Germany and in order, additionally, to also avoid a defeat.
And his chances of implementing his desire were, in this regard, very good, because the Tsar – due to Rasputin’s enormous influence on the Tsar’s family – was willing to bend to Rasputin’s wishes and to declare an armistice.
But the British, who saw their plans and the victory in the First World War endangered by Rasputin’s peaceful political aims, did not like that. Consequently, they introduced into the plan, as murderer, an agent, who worked hand in hand with the conspirators, and whose murder plan fitted theirs exactly, because the nobility were also not keen on an armistice.


Is Ukraine today comparable to the Balkans in 1914? Or are we seeing a rewrite of “weapons of mass destruction” being rewritten, redirected, and pushed again by John “Skull and Bones” Kerry this time?

Here’s what Meier told me about the U.S. dollar and its coming (and now present) troubles…in May 2006:
“…The attack on Iraq was also not entirely about oil because at the root of the US war policies is the decline of the US dollar, which could bring about a huge collapse in the US economy and its world influence. Should that decline intensify, according to Meier we may as well roll cigarettes with our paper money, for those of us that are still smoking. All this supported the statement in the Henoch prophecies regarding the US aspirations to affect a world wide military and economic dictatorship.”


Right – Saddam was accepting Euros for oil and moving away from the Petrodollar standard. Same reason the US went into Libya under Obama. Qaddafi was setting up a system to accept gold for his oil and break away from the petrodollar standard.

Notice how anyone who threatens this standard suddenly becomes public enemy number one…

But regardless, world reserve currency status does not last forever. All one has to do is look back at the cycles of history. And all paper currencies fail. This is a historical fact and it’s about to happen again on a mass scale.


What’s a “petro-dollar standard”? I understand the US Dollar is the world reserve currency and that Steven Greer makes up his own terms for what he calls certain things. Global Politiks is a bit more complicated than mere A is equal to B, and B equal to C, then A equals C logic. Things that are in the gray area are really hard to blanket across logically as it does not clearly show what the real problem is or where the real solution comes from.

Andrew J.

Google Jim Willie of and listen to interviews with him on Youtube. You will not regret it. He answers your question the best. Not only that, but his explanations “chess moves” that are happening on the global scene now, if true, shed a light on why USA economy might collapse in the near future, as stated in Henoch Prophesies. His track record is amazingly good. Very smart fellow.


Petrodollar standard is the agreement by OPEC and other nations to use the dollar for all oil purchases. So any country that wants to purchase oil on the open market must first convert their own currency into dollars and THEN they can buy oil. And it’s also essentially a function of the dollar as world reserve currency. Yes, they both overlap. But the dollar was in real trouble after Nixon ended the gold convertibility. Only Volker’s temporary high interest rates on Treasuries, the computer rigging systems originally developed by Greenspan, and the petrodollar agreement kept it from hyperinflation in the late 70’s.

Volker’s plan is no longer feasible because if we returned to those same interest rates it would absorb 100% of the tax revenue since the US debt is so great today. And the petrodollar is gradually withering away thanks to deals with China and several other nations to conduct trade in their own currencies. Once the COMEX defaults on gold or silver physical delivery demand, the dollar will collapse in short order.

Check out this award winning documentary for more facts on our monetary system:

The Secret of Oz

Michael F

Hmmmm, as per the above exchange with Anthony. I agree it is our responsibility to investigate, research and then decide what is the truth in this world of disinformation and manipulation. But I use Alex Jones as one of my information sites which I can actually see the Meier information coming to life. Yes, yes, yes he is off base on the religion thing…..but as with everything else, research, validate and decide.


Alexander Emmerich Jones does not actually know what he is talking about. Knowing something and making logical conclusion from something are two different things and not mutually inclusive or derivable. Just because someone said A = B, B = C, and thus A = C does not actually make sense because the subjects he deals with is not exactly cut and dry where such logic can apply. Rather, in most cases if someone does their research they will find out that A does not actually equal C with a lot of these derived and claimed arguments.

The best time to see the man in action is when there is no person to interview and it’s a slow day and you will begin to see the inane ranting and silly arguments he pops out treating his “stack of news” like it was the holy bible. No joke, complete preaching package delivered without failure as if this was Wrestling. However, I fail to see how the audience takes pleasure in being called scum just to beat them into a fear submission and that EVER problem somehow involves this phantom New World Dunces or the Moron Collective.

David Scott

If you owe someone a $100 , they own you . If you owe someone $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) you own them . Wise banker quote;-)

Deep down Obama might be a nice guy . I don’t know . What I do know is based on his track record and his place in the grand scheme of things . Yes scheme . Because everyone I am her to tell you the system is not broke , It is FIXED . Say it to yourself like its a meditation moment and turn off the emotions . Their is no emotions in business . That is a hard core rule . We are not part of the business per say . We are their business . So that being said , yes you should be so fire eyed mad as hell you should walk over to your window and repeat after me . Open said window , now lean out onto the sill , take a deep breathe . Now take my lead=> At the top of your lungs scream as if your life depends on it (because it does) ” I AM MAD AS HELL , AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!”

Now that we have created an appropriate mood allow me to be so brief and to the point as to why you should be mad as hell and every damn person on this planet should be feeling the same . The internet is here and their is no longer an excuse for being mis informed and not knowing the truth . So be prepared to accept the truth , much of which will hurt.

We are here , NOW, at a certain point in time .Much of which has to do with no contribution or fault of our own . Much , however , has to do with MUCH or our own inactivity regarding the truth and how it has been what can be accurately described as an affliction on man , and our lack of reaction to the process that we let happen and accepted .

In 1913 a group consisting of private banking institutions colluded to have our government accept a private bank united and called the Federal Reserve . Note Private . They agreed to finance the debt of a bankrupt USA . They had permission to be exempt from USA control and no one even the president could bind them with laws .

In light of this bankrupt country , TAXATION was introduced . In which I will tell you is illegal to this day . Their is no LAW that says you have to pay taxes . This funded the country and linded the pockets of the banks.

These elite global technocrats belong to no country , however by their banking leverage control them . All Countries . In doing so they already have enough money . It is now about power . So leveraging an entire country or and entire people to attain goals and ascertain power is the normal playground .

Power . Control . And the main problem they have is that their are too many people on this planet and we are looked upon as reproducing like rats . In light of this for a hundred years that has been the background project called EUGENICS that controls and tailors a society. In history they have used such tools as mass introduction of chemicals , into public water , inoculations , food supplies and the atmosphere . They have used the techno age to control radio transmissions and television transmissions with mind control and surveillance and tracking . They have used medical experimentation on humans , just like animals . In fact they killed over a billion people with this approach . Some were gassed in masses during entire crusades if you will . The wars come into play here with munitions , chemicals , biologicals and nuclear sub atomic detonations leading to more atmospheric long term consequences . Cancer , poisened food supply , poison atmosphere , poison in your genes , your unborn and major long term damage to mother earth . They strive , some day to have a populous of under 1 billion left on this planet with a society they fashion to their likings . They all have underground living quarters and mega yachts to ride out turbulence should it , I mean when it happens .

If you think for one minute that these heads of state have any control over what is going on at this point your are successfully a victim of programming . Their endeavors have succeeded . The last time our president thought for himself , he was killed during a parade in Texas . You remember Kennedy right . So does ever president after him . He was made an example .

So essentially Barrack Hussein Obama is a Wall Street trained human being that was selected for the role by Henry Kissinger . Henry gave Robert , ugh I mean Barrack his first job . His role is a public aggitator not a public organizer . He uses high tech communication programming during his speaches to almost hypnotize the receptive masses . He is not a sock puppet , because he accepted his destiny . He is one of ‘them’ .

I don’t have enough fingers or toes to count how many times Barrack lied to the world . When someone lies you can no longer trust them . He is just the Busch replacement . The sooner you realize that and understand their is no Republican ,or Democrat you can at least have a chance . They all fight in the ring like the WWF and go out for a beer after .

The idea of a bubble is rediculous . It will be soft , slow and controlled . Its been going on for a good hundred years . We are being molded . Proped up and set up for the firing squad essentially .

I’ll be back with some bullet points that will really hurt . This is enough for now . Like I said before , the elite know Billy , and you better believe they will do anything to keep you from knowing Billy .


Good post, but I think the globalists/elite are going to find that a worldwide economic collapse isn’t as manageable as they think it is. These guys aren’t divine, and they’re quite arrogant.

What you said about the Federal Reserve and the income tax is spot on. It’s not a coincidence they became law at the same time. They need the labor of the people as collateral to support the fiat currency since they were removing the gold collateral. There are other factors, but they key issue is they want a DEBT based currency. Debt gives them more control as they can enslave everyone through it.

As far as eugenics, yes, they want to depopulate the earth, but through murder. The earth is indeed overpopulated, but we of course need a positive way to address this problem, not through murder. And globalism itself is not bad either. It’s just that they want a global tyranny. If we had global freedom and liberty and could set up a government based on these principles and the Creational laws, then it would be a great thing.


Actually it is you who continues to lack understanding. I seek as much spiritual enlightenment as possible, but we live in a material world. Actions have consequences in the material realm, as does ignorance. This is really another Straw Man on your part. You’re foisting up this spiritual argument rather than addressing the facts and evidence of the matter at hand that we’re discussing.

No, anyone who votes against anyone in power is not responsible for those person’s actions. America is the wealthiest country in the world for now, yes. But WHY?????????? What created that wealth? Initially it was having a stable currency backed by gold and silver and no income tax, along with a limited government that respected some inherent rights. Was it perfect? No. I’m not arguing that. You still had slavery, for example. But people were freer then than they are today.

Now, certain unethical deals have been made in order for the US to maintain economic supremacy. One obvious immoral change was the introduction of the Federal Reserve and debt based currency – Federal Reserve NOTES – a Note is an obligation of debt. So by indebting everyone and future generations, everyone has been able to live a higher standard of living for now. Just as if you were to go out and take out a loan for a million dollars. Initially, you’d have all sorts of money to spend, far beyond your usually salary. But eventually, it catches up to you, and then you realize you’re in far worse shape than you are before.

Another trick they used is the Petrodollar standard. When Nixon ended the Bretton Woods agreement and ended the gold convertibility of the dollar in 1971, they needed something else of value to maintain the dollar’s world reserve currency status. Thus, though some shady deals with repressive, criminal countries like Saudi Arabia, the petrodollar was born. We agree to defend them and they agree to only accept dollars for oil on the world market and to buy US Treasuries, thus funding out debt. This is now crumbling because the BRICS nations aren’t going to play along anymore. They know too many dollars have been printed and the US can never pay off its debt.

As for accusing me of consumerism, I buy American when at all possible and I really don’t buy that much, Anthony. So, please don’t accuse me of materialism. I reject it. And don’t accuse me of in some cases being forced to buy foreign goods because of corrupt trade deals brokered by politicians that you voted for and that I voted against. I didn’t want any of those deals, and I voted against both Republicans and Democrats.

I’m all for a more spiritual government, but if you’re waiting on Obama to usher that in, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Lotus H

Per the argument from Anthony regarding the UFOCI, or rather, leaving them alone and focusing on religious heads, etc. The thing about ‘going after’ the UFO community is not about handing them the work to do, it’s about making the information freely available to those already searching in that same direction. We know the Billy Meier Information is not ‘about’ UFO’s however, it is a starting point to get to the real information, ie Spiritual Teaching, Prophesies, Predictions, etc. in the hands of those already looking. Does that make sense? And in regards to ‘going after’ religious heads, Priests, Pastors, Shamans, etc etc, that, to me, would be more difficult to get through. Since those with very religous backgrounds or careers in religion are more impeneratrable because of their deep rooted beliefs and upbringings. ‘Going after’ people in the UFO community seems a logical choice. And I’m so happy to learn that MUFON is opening up and letting the Meier Material on their website, so those looking can find the truth. Way to go, Michael. And as always, you are doing a tremendously good thing for all of us out here who are listening and continue to strive to get the truth known.

Peace to all,

Philip Brandel

All the more reason to wake the hell up….Our very existence could depend on it in the very near future. The time for ‘America'(and potentially the world, within the imminent change of world currencies) to taste what it has been ‘cooking’ the world over, is pungent within the air!
Yet, some like Anthony ones again wish to shut the hell up. Or in a way crawl back into their mental bunkers never to be seen in the light of the truth. Sure there will be room for a TV down there…
Whom cares…. someone else in another time will have to deal with it, right Anthony?
Go after the ‘religious’ ha! Might as well start decking out whatever hole one is going to go crawling into because this world within its belief driven delusional diseased thoughts will listen to nothing other than the eternal damnation for those even daring to use the lies name in vane. Truly the epiphany of the analogy of water wearing down stone! Many drips…one grain of rock(sand) at a time, and for and because it was only always meant to be. The straightest path to our destination…. the truth! One individual at a time.
Someone has to go after those with the audacity to say they are interested in ‘ET/UFO’s’ and spill forth their filth onto the faithful. Michael is going after the ‘religious’… ufo/et belief driven cults! Better at this point in the game in my own personal opinion. Though whom am I to judge ones again while sitting on my hands!? Whilst Billy’s amazing, TRUE story sits out in the open ignored by those supposedly most eager to ‘get to the bottom of it’. Well, if they have time this upcoming weekend….


Dear Philip,

Please read my post again, never have I recommended, “…shut the hell up. Or in a way crawl back into their mental bunkers never to be seen in the light of the truth.” You are not seeing reality, my friend. My sheer presence on this board is proof that I am NOT being quiet, I am speaking my mind!

Also Mr, you need to be much better observer. “….someone else in another time will have to deal with it, right Anthony?” You maroon, I have been advocating “self-responsibility” in the majority of my posts. What are you talking about? You are in left field. As a matter of fact, most people here are just as blind as you. So don’t feel bad, you must be on the right page. This blog is for you. I am not religious. I am the least religious person on this board. I work hard at discovering what religion is and how to eliminate it in your daily life. So please friend, don’t ever call me religious unless I deserve it. Thank you.

Philip Brandel

That’s the spirit!
As I don’t really understand your stance on things at times…
We are a ‘special’ breed… the USA
So you are speaking your mind here and also saying the blogs is not for you? As I guess as what I was saying is that people find religion in everything! Especially around here! So in actuality most humans cant look at ANYTHING and not see it! You like me Anthony, seem to run from anything spiritual as we have been burned by it so heavily. It just erks me as it should when people pop their head in with all the ‘advice’ in the world and then throw out insults and disappear ones again. Why not stick around and find some common ground with those also NOT RELIGIOUS!
You sure do throw out a different vibe than what you profess to be against Anthony. At least in my opinion. Yet, I am also with you my friend when it come to religion as much as you might not think so. Quite a few of my post around here go into what I think of religion and how it correlates with Billy’s case… with me.
Self responsibility to help ONES cause! One should be more concerned about themselves than Michael! He has more insight into all of this than you could ever watch on your ‘TV’. How can you profess to call anyone here ‘religious’ when it can just as easily be put right back on your shoulders. Doesn’t feel all that good, does it?


“You like me Anthony, seem to run from anything spiritual as we have been burned by it so heavily.”

Phil, Phil, Philip, what on earth gives you the idea that I have been burned by spirituality? Do I know you? Have we ever talked outside this blog? You are pulling this out your ***.

I love spirituality, I embrace it and it has most certainly never burned me! And I take this blog seriously. I really try to post helpful and unique things. I have studied this case for years and years; and I have my own take on things. My views, although I carefully try to aline them with the teaching, usually clash with the Figu people. Although I agree with the spirit teaching, and have studied it carefully enough to practice the basics day to day, I don’t always agree with the Figu group, their goals, and all the rules and regulations. A good example is that I refuse to learn German. I have no interest. AND I think I don’t need it. Of course this is the worst thing you can say in the Figu; you might as well tell them to bleep off. I have demonstrated many logical arguments backing up my ideas with the basics of the spiritual teaching. This clashing may be the conflicting “vibe” you get from my posts. I am indeed practicing the spiritual teaching; but I usually have a contrary view. Sometimes I post contrary views just to see how open minded people are here. When people start attacking me instead of my ideas, I know things are going over their heads and they do not know how to counter argue my points. Should I stay or should I go now.

Peace, harmony and intelligent and interesting discussion. This is all I want! I don’t want to necessarily be RIGHT! I want the exercise, like mountain biking 20 miles in the forest. And time and time again, I meet with brick walls and burning fires on this blog. I don’t want that. I don’t want the newbees thinking I’m some demon because Michael Horn continues to clash with me. I want progress and creation.

All of us grew up and around religion before we learned about Meier and realized the spiritual path. So we all have had to shed religion. If we where part of an organized religion, our first step was to stop. Stop going to church, stop praying to Jesus… start thinking of a Creation instead of a creator, try to control our thoughts and feelings to find mistakes and start making corrections. This is spirituality. It is this simple. I think that Figu is making this way too complicated by making people master German, and read through countless contact reports, bulletins, special bulletins, on and on; and after all is said and done, most of the students are left perplexed and feel that they need someone to translate more or get the answer from someone fluent in German.

I just shake my head. So I have a choice. CLASH with most of the people here; not all of you, of course :0). Or stop coming here AND GO TO OTHER BLOGS and post what I have learned from the spirit teaching. What would you do?

Philip Brandel

Once again words have as usual blurred my meaning. I meant as in what 99.9 percent of earth humans consider ‘spirituality’. Of course there is a meaning to being ‘spiritual’ that lies within the truth! What are we here for, about, if not… it. I, if no one else, has been utterly torched by religions mere presence! My entire life has been one of nothing short of rebellion against it. If one is interested I have spelled a lot of my story here at Michaels blog under his atheist post.
I don’t know about you obviously but I was trying to show a peaceful correlation that we do share if you care or not! Religion…. spirituality as is portrayed on our world is nothing more than a degenerative mental disease that stops the mind from even acknowledging what true independent material consciousness stands for.
You don’t have to agree with everyone… just ones own path. I don’t speak German either and probably never will! Yet, it doesn’t mean that I am not highly intrigued by getting and supporting new material being translated. I don’t have to have ‘tea and crumpets’ with anyone! Just a common interest that many-most around me physically could care less about.
What will any of us do! What will I do? A more common question I find myself asking, within my own thoughts.

Matt lee

Anthony there is a reason for everything and everything is an idea.
It helps to detach yourself from that idea and to reflect upon it from a third person perspective from time to time so as to get to the core of the meaning of the idea and its nature.
Every experience including clashing is a learning experience where you have the opportunity to gain something from it rather than just deriving discomfort and frustration for not being understoid by others.
Anthony I hope you persist with it wherever you may find yourself

David Scott

I was recently reading contact 39 and learning about a time when the earths magnetic field wandered and the poles exchanged places . The north pole became the south pole and such ( what a ride that would have been ) . And in that contact it was with Semjase and later Ptah . I love the interaction with Billy and Semjase . He asked her to draw Jehova for him and during this he actually took control of the Beamship and piloted around the earth and moon and took some amazing footage yet to be seen . But the comedy in Billy had me just totally cracked up for a while . But the exchange talked about Atlantis and its relationship being moved in the pole swap . Greenland and Florida were the two reference points used . And even mentioned that JImmanuel spent alot of time in what is now Florida in his later years . I thought that was amazing because thats where I live and , my spot always seemed pretty charged for some reason.
So on to my reason I wanted to make you all aware of . Its just sick human stuff , the usual . We see fire in the distance . But actually water is a major issue right now . I commented earlier on India and Pakistan sharing a river between their countries and because its such a dried up source they are ready to go nuclear with each other fighting over it (M.A.D.) Mutually Assured Destruction style . All the weapons aimed at each other already and such . A company has sudden new tech to desalinize for them , so MAD is on hold for now .
BUT , California and the Western U.S. is in deep do do . They are in red zone drought and wildfire situation with some towns day to day water supply . That is borderline riotous when you run out of water . Try it for a day . Its suffering at its best . Well turns out the Good ol Colorado river is being diverted into the ocean at some points as all these aquifers and Lake Mead are drying up . Its the good ol’ Government caught red handed doing this self sabotage ! Here is where it comes together ..

Drill all the oil out of Oklahoma and leave cavernous holes in the ground , you get sinkholes and the most active earthquake activity EVER in Oklahoma. Now surpassing …gulp LA! Now keep in mind that equates to millions of tons of weight off the tectonic plate .

Next we Fraq and Fraq the Dakotas pumping water where the oil was and instead of removing millions of tons of weight from the extraction we are adding it since the water is actually heavier ! What happens , we put pressure on that part of the plate and it does what ? gulp … It puts pressure on the SUPERVOLCANO know as Yosemite national park . Did ya hear ALL the roads in the park were boilded last week because of all the heat . Oh and the lake is draining on one quadrant because its LIFITING UP . ouch . not done yet . Now we just got done mapping the magma flow under the Mt . Ranier caldera . Gotta keep an eye on it too after all St. Helens was just marked for ‘ready’ status and since their connected , much safer to monitor from afar . Now the scientists won’t tell you this because its career suicide , but I will . Now here is where it comes together . The ring of fires edge is where the St Andres faultline runs , you know through San Fran , LA , skirts St . Helens and Ranier and then off to the deep ocean . Well , the active fault lines in California are usually more active because the fluid and water actually lubricates the tectonic plates as the slide and they give more often hence more smaller earthquakes and more frequently . Typical Cali . But with the drought becoming more pronounced and more severe , the aquifers drop lower and lower causing the tectonic plate lines to dry out and become tense and less prown to move . They stick if you will . In these extreme cases they SNAP . This is what causes the big shakers . The shockwave from the snap is a very low frequency rumble that travels faster than the snap causing and even more wicked event . Its like a bomb shockwave . Very low frequency and the wave is miles in size . Think of a fighter plane slung off a carrier and a bomb blast at the same time at point of launch . OK sick human conclusion stuff . Turns out their is a H.A.R.P installation off the coast of California that has been on just diverting moisture north and south of this drought area for a while now . Coupled with the diversion of the Colorado water into the ocean . Someone is ushering in this quake .
Pause ….All the towns ratcheted the water restrictions and fines and have the S.W.A.T. boys ready for when all hell breaks loose . One cigarette and the whole place is on fire . Now you see where I’m going here . Houston , we have a problem . Turns out instead of telling you the facts as I just have , they just put out in the media , ugh, looks like September is a concern for earthquakes . Really ? Oh , thats right they did the math . A few million more tons of weight off that tectonic plate and sssSSSNAP. Everybody is then screwed . Nice time for the Russkies to take a beached wale . Maybe Obama is trying to fight the plate load by loading it back up with illegals ? <(joke their) sorry . But that is a pretty scary scene right there . Pay close attention to that one its the worst drought in hundreds of years .


Welcome to the planet of the apes! Well, if apes could consciously comprehend, they would feel seriously insulted by that remark…I meant barbarians. Isn’t it obvious that there are agents on tbe loose? How pathetic and childish, not to mention, a complete waste of time. Infiltrating blogs to spread fabricated discord. Yes, do feel ashamed for being so foolish! Overpopulation should be on every bodies lips. But no, what seems to be more important, is to see who is going to be in the finals of Strictly Come Dancing.