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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Get Them Out of Here!

The agonizing idiocy of political correctness

Life Is Ruff

Okay, I’m not a “dog person” per se, though I’ve come to appreciate them a lot more as I meet various breeds walking their owners through the forests here. In fact, I’ve seen some truly magnificent looking creatures and some adorable little ones, as nature seems to package the young of almost all species so that most human beings will find them somewhere between cute and irresistible, which probably helps (or at least used to before so much degeneracy set in) to keep human beings well cared for until their eviction date, sometime after puberty.

The problem I have isn’t actually with dogs; it’s with the politically correct, bureaucratic idiocy that allows animals designated as “service animals” into places they don’t belong, such as grocery stores and restaurants. Suddenly, the designation “service animal” is enough to force these businesses to allow animals to be present where quite wisely they never were before. So health rules that were put in place to protect people from the unnecessary risks of having their food contaminated by animals have been trashed so as to protect/not offend a small minority.

Aisle Be Darned

Before the tomatoes start flying in my direction, let me clarify a few things. I have compassion and understanding for people who have serious disabilities. We all know that guide dogs have proven to be invaluable for so many blind people for a very long time. And there may be people with other disabilities for whom such animals also provide comparable assistance. I honestly can’t think of any such conditions off the top of my head but feel free to suggest them; some just may not be obvious.

Having said that, I really can’t remember seeing any blind people in grocery stores shopping with their dogs. Maybe it’s because in these situations dogs can’t really be helpful. However, I see an increasing number of, mainly, women with service dogs now wandering the aisles of the grocery stores I frequent, as well as other non-food related places. So far as I could tell, none of these women were physically disabled; certainly they weren’t blind. But as they were roaming around the romaine and cruising for cucumbers they had the dogs in tow.

No, I haven’t yet asked anyone why they’re pulling a pooch through the aisles, although some dogs had a little sign on them about being service dogs in training, advising not to pet them, etc. But then whom are they being trained for, that actually require a dog in a grocery store, or a restaurant for that matter? You should know that while federal law forbids the employees and/or owners of these establishments to ask such questions, I don’t think that anyone else is – or can be – forbidden to. By asking we can find out if there’s something we really don’t know about any legitimate needs that certain not obviously handicapped people may have that do require them to bring their dog into a grocery store.

Eschew! Dog Bless You!

I’m particularly sensitive to this whole “needing” a dog thing because many decades ago I started to notice something curious concerning women with dogs. While I’ve already upset a few people with my perceptions and conclusions, I’ll risk gaining a whole new audience of offendees by saying that what I first noticed when I was about 18 has become an ever-growing trend, one which I don’t think bodes well for the already fragile state of man-woman relationships. To the point, it seems that more and more women are…replacing men with canine companions. Now I’m not talking about so much about married women, or women in families with children, etc. I mean single women, spanning a fairly wide age range, who seem to eschew the company of, or at least close relationships with, men for the more risk free relationships with dogs, which are quite often formidable creatures (unlike many of their human male counterparts today).

I see some differences in the kind of situations for women in more rural areas that have dogs and go hiking with them, etc. There are exceptions of course. I happen to know a couple of women with dogs who actually are in relationships with men…or who…were. And of course there are women who were raised on farms, etc.

But I also think that there just possibly may be women who have been diagnosed with some emotional “disabilities” that are now getting service dogs for their condition. I haven’t checked this out yet but honestly, I can’t figure out why a good number of seemingly able bodied women otherwise have service dogs that they traipse around with in grocery stores, unnecessarily (and now legally) compromising the health of people that decades of sane and sensible laws have formerly served to protect.

I’m Pickin’ Up Good Vibrations

There are other things going on in this world of surrogacy, some that have become so aberrated that it warranted comments from the Plejaren…some thirty years ago. And Meier himself nailed it more than fifty years ago, when he said, “The constantly climbing mass of overpopulation leads to apathy and the softening of the people whereby the genuine interpersonal relationships grow cold and disappear while the masculine gender, however, still slowly, unstoppably becomes less potent.”

So perhaps we can also see how and why so much confusion about what we are as men and women, as human beings who are different and distinct from animals, contributes to a rush to leap frog our way over the necessary evolutionary steps to becoming true, fully human beings and which leads to things like embracing transhumanism as some kind of magical “solution” to our incompleteness.

We need to understand that we’ve created problems for ourselves by confusing temporary sensations with deep feelings, and anthropomorphized affection for animals, as well as romantic affection for people, with love. Billy Meier draws a distinction between this affective kind of love and what he calls effective love, which focuses on seeing the inner value of a person. In her introduction to her translation of a section of Meier’s writing on Creation’s Love, Robyn Foley says, “Effective love on the other hand is a love that is based in our innermost being and is in no way transient, can never transpire. This effective love is the love that Creation is, and that we also can sense/perceive and feel.”

A lot of life seems to be about getting our priorities straight.


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Darcy Wade Carlile

They’re going to pass a new law so that women are not allowed to own or be in possession of any dogs.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Nope, just wishing.

Catherine in Canada

Hi Michael,
Indeed, the neediness of people who cannot bear to be/ live alone and their substitution of animals for babies/ relationships is sad. Never mind the great amounts of agriculture that is going to feeding animals when there are people starving. Manicured, pampered and dressed up doll-dogs are really horrific too; a true sign of degenerated human behaviour. I haven’t seen these service dogs in the grocery stores up here…. yet. I wouldn’t want fleas in my cauliflower either!!!

Catherine in Canada

Ha, ha….Excellent, i’ll go to K-tel now and see if i can get one!!! Preparedness IS the mother of prevention!!


boy oh boy, I’m not going to touch this one except to say I really like animals, dogs too. The happiest dog is the dog that has a job, something that he does in his family pack….eg guarding, etc…. cat, getting rid of rodents,,,,, etc Gosh, I guess I do have somethings to say! And families with children, a pet is good education for learning respect for living things in general of this Creation. So is teaching a child to germinate seeds, growing vegetables….ok, gotten a bit off topic, I will stop now 😀


Well said

Phil Maple

I seen the same thing a couple of times here in Australia where I saw a blind person with a service dog in toe in the supermarket. This supposed blind person was seemed to have not much trouble walking between isle and choosing items off the shelves. I concluded they must have had some partial vision. Either way it’s wrong and I am against any animal being around food shops that people buy from. Why should the public be exposed to dangers from animals when these blind people can ring up food stores and have their shopping delivered.

J. Smith

I might be a little to biased for this because I never had a dog or cat for a pet and never wanted any either. I still don’t know why people keep them in their homes and just the thought of them being around food you have to buy makes it even worst. Not saying I dislike them to the point of hatred, but I’ve never been fond of them at all even though a guard dog can be helpful. I’ve watched videos of dogs doing incredible things to help their owner, etc.

I’ve seen this video of a dog pulling another dog off a highway out of the way of oncoming traffic just seeming like a random dog and not a trained dog. Then in the same video they showed a little girl being ran over and for minutes if not hours people passed her there laying in the street like a piece of meat…I really question if animals are becoming more conscious than human beings..It might not have anything to do with the topic, but its something to think about.

Marco K.

I wish people would understand that animals belong outside the living spaces (and grocery stores) of humans.

What I have seen with single women is that they seem to be more into cats. They kiss them, they let them sleep in their beds, they hold them in their arms like babies and “baby-talk” to them, changing their voices. They let them walk over their keyboards and everything while they are at the computer etc. etc. These women really cannot complain if they get Toxoplasmosis and become crazy “cat-ladies” later in life. They don’t want to listen to reason and get angry when I mention the dangers of cats in the living spaces.

Single women with dogs seem to be the more active, extroverted, outgoing ones, who often also like to have an excuse to scream and dominate. Training and calling their dogs gives them this excuse. Overall I see more and more people focusing on shallow and materialistic things. It was different, when I was younger, living in the GDR. For a male single life has gotten much harder since the turn of the millenium, I find. Germany seems to go from one extreme to the next, meaning from male domination to female domination (in a bad way) and calling it equality. This whole gender-mainstreaming thing that comes especially from the EU is absolutely horrific. But that is something for another article. 😉


I feel the same way you feel about dogs when I walk past the meat counters, fresh fish and lobsters in the tank. I designate all meat as “carrion” and the people who eat it basically as vultures or crows.. . . . creatures that feast on carrion. Dead meat is carrion and it is full of bacteria. Since I have been a vegetarian for almost 30 years now, I avoid coming even 10 feet close to the meat counters, fearing contamination. Whatever planet or star system I came from (I don’t know where it was since I’ve lost my memory), the people where I lived would regard consumption of dead flesh of creatures as the uttermost abomination and akin something to the idea of eating your own children after they die. For us, eating lamb would not be any different as a concept than eating my own child. So stuff that into your pipe and smoke it for awhile.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Lol, Hello Carolyn.

Being vegetarian is as worst if not worst for your physical health than the bad habbit of smoking tobbaco… according to… Quetzal, I think… Animals are “eatable” just as vegetables are eatable also.

Additionally in Contact Report 154 the following is explained during a separate conversation about the dangers of leaked radioactive radiation in air in the context of food, lung cancer and smoking.

52. That is of correctness, both your words about the concerns about food, nuclear use, and radioactivity, as well as the fact that criminal machinations are pursued, in order to make smoking pleasure primarily responsible for humanity’s scourge of cancer through the use of false propaganda.
53. Smoking pleasure is truly only to blame for this epidemic to a lesser extent, and such has been the case for a long time because the actual damages of smoking are of a different nature, such as in the areas of nerve damage and the asthmatizing[1] of the respiratory organs, etc, as well as the impairment of blood circulation through deposits in the bloodstreams, etc.
54. But all these phenomena of smoking pleasure are even lower, relatively seen, than the damages of the bodies and organs of human beings and their necessary physical developments, etc. by widespread vegetarianism as well as by the criminal pollutions and contaminations of foods and substances of vital importance of all kinds and the air, but also by released radioactivity.

Then vegetarianism should be more harmful to human beings than an average amount of smoking?

55. That is of very important correctness, but this shouldn’t suggest that this means an animation for smoking pleasure.
56. Smoking is harmful in every case, but often less harmful than other wrong actions and lifestyles.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

I would not eat my pet cat, though.

Barry Smith

Michael , there are some people that are unbalanced and do need a service dog , I work around them everyday … I do see that having a dog in a place where people are browsing for food , is completely insane … They could make a list and have someone else get the items they need and keep the integrity of the store uncompromised … no one wants hair in their food … Funny , a woman can get along with an animal better than with a man … The animals tears up everything , poops on the floor , sheds all over the house and can’t help with the clean up , and the woman is okay with that ??? Maybe it’s cause they listen and can’t talk back … lol The ego and ideas are never challenged …

Darcy Wade Carlile

Does Billy Meier know anyone who has a St Bernard rescue dog with the barrel hanging from its collar? What is in that keg is it liquor? Don’t those dogs slobber a lot all over everything including the keg? Who’s the liquor for?


I believe they St. Bernards were used as rescue dogs if someone got lost in freezing temperatures in winter. Weirdly alcohol actually lowers your body temperature so I’m not sure why they wouldn’t just didn’t fill it with water.


D’oh! Thank you Michael for the correction. Sil at my stupidity.

Philip Brandel

The keg thing as far as I found was just a folk lore started by a picture depicting the dogs in this way…. it was more of a symbol than an actual reality.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Have you ever seen a women with 42 St Bernards on an Island 1 hour from Vancouver…


“And Meier himself nailed it more than fifty years ago, when he said, “The constantly climbing mass of overpopulation leads to apathy and the softening of the people whereby the genuine interpersonal relationships grow cold and disappear while the masculine gender, however, still slowly, unstoppably becomes less potent.”

I have really thought about this idea. And this is what I have been thinking. Do you notice how beautiful and magnificent an animal in nature looks? Tourist will nearly kill themselves and others, trying to pull off the road to take a picture and admire the elk herd. This unhealthy fascination with dogs that MH has pointed out here, and I would not agree that it is a minority, is that most people look at animals with more loving compassion then they do their fellow human beings. These same humans oohing and aahhing over that rare Norwegian Lundehund, are the same people who will punch out their neighbor for a black Friday Christmas gift. The point being, and I am as guilty as the next person, because their are SOOOO many people, humans are not rare, they have become ordinary, and because of this excess, our perception of human beings as creatures has been marginalized, and when you factor in all the hate and violence that is programed into TV, movies, video games, etc., you have a complete indifference to your neighbor because there are so many of them and they keep coming. Think cockroaches, maybe?

Now, imagine a world where the Creational directive of 500 million population of Earth has been realized. Now human beings have become rare on the planet. Family groups may be living in harmony with nature, but may be several hundred miles apart from other clans or communities. It now becomes a treat to see another human being. Since we are living in harmony with the planet, diseases have been minimized, we can return to organic farming, instead of factory, so the humans living at that time would not be ghastly overweight and lumbering through their habitat, the grocery store with their beast; no the humans living in harmony and on a quality diet would look as beautiful to the eye as a wild tiger or pure breed show quality pit bull. For those of you who find beauty and joy in cute animals, I can relate to how marvelous squirrels, chipmunks, and hamsters look. They look special to me too. So let’s reduce the population so that people start looking good again too!

Philip Brandel

Nicely said as well Anthony….
I find this also sometimes with insects and small bugs. They might not look as appealing but they are beautiful in their existence within creation.

Philip Brandel

All to often I find myself mesmerized by this tiny world existing at our feet. As cheesy as it sounds it kills me to mow a lawn watching all the creatures run for their lives under my irresponsible acknowledgement of their place within this world(let alone the utterly stupid concept of mowing grass). I always feel like a monster and sometimes truly hate to mow any lawn. It seems I for one have still a lot to learn about personal responsibility to my place within this world.
Awesome link Michael…. thanks:)


Very well spoken,reducing the human population to its appropriate limit would give animals back their habitats and greatly reduce social problems.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Why not train some service horses for those with a big… “need”.


“Horses” backwards is ‘sword.’ Maxi sweetheart why are you in my den?

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

I don’t get it.


Haha clean up in aisle 4, bring a shovel.

Matt lee

I am still unable to reconcile the notion of having pets in close living quarters and the number of deaths given by Billy which according to my recollection runs into millions upon millions
Did Billy consider AIDs and factored this into the equation seeing as it is animal human disease crossover?
Any idea?

Matt lee

I also haven’t been able to reconcile health risks that pets poses to humans with deaths that run into tens of millions and it’s relationship to fleas and mosquitos.
As Billy has written people can get the AIDs via mosquito bites but even more dangerous is Malaria which is the number one killer in the world closely followed by human created deaths.
So my question being was Billy also factoring in this equation of pets-mosquito-malaria-disease to humans-death link when he gave the millions figure for the number of human deaths attributtable to having pets in close living quarters?


Millions upon millions of deaths from pets? I don’t recall this figure — cite?

Matt lee

Andy I’ve definitely read that somewhere in CR
The problem is I don’t know where


Last year my cat had kitty AIDS so we put him down even though the vet assured us the cost of the expensive treatment had reduced in price. The cat was in a lot of pain and although the treatment may have prolonged his life, what kind of life would he have had? The vet said it was caused by an infected cat who may have scratched or bitten our cat. What if the cat had scratched us? Would we get AIDS too? No, she said it wouldn’t be able to cross the barrier between human and animal…but I don’t believe her…

Matt lee

Lucky for you Sheila
When my cat scratched me I nearly died.
Long time ago of course

Terry Carch

Why are the French especially in Paris still refuse to not go out without their dogs even in a resterant even eating out on a café? Not only that but you also have to just becare to watch out where you walk in Paris!

Matt lee

That was another classic Michael which deserves a trophy
You can’t top that one.
Hey speaking of parasites it reminds me of paracast duchebags

David Scott

I grew up in suburbia and a satellite farm we had alongside some close family friends . So we would spend many a week travelling back and forth . Back then in work and trades the (& Sons ) clause meant free labor and an aire to your business . So needless to say we had a lot of animals and I was always having to feed and care . It was a great experience but later in life it became like , if it poops or eats , I don’t want it . Today most pet owners and doing just as you all described , replacing a child or excercising dominance or just trying to keep up with fashion and own a chiauua (sp?) . Then they take it in the store and its in their purse or the vented bags . You can see a cat or small dog any day at a home depot or various stores . My last two girlfriends were pet owners and they were definitely substitutes for children , their children . My point is that huge disparity has occurred with the perception of animals and their keeping of them . Let alone them treated in industry . The residual is each of us is paying for animal abuse and neglet in several ways . First you have a pound or espca or a pet adoption in every town almost . Government funded , meaning we all are paying for the neglect . Industrial we pay with our sacrificed health and damage to environments and the most severe in both cases is the spread and transmission of disease . Remember these pets are on planes these days . So the idea of a pet in a supermarket the a** lickers that they are . Is insane . Today you can order your food online and they can deliver it to you . Or you can phone it in , they cater . So the first time the pet bites a customer you have a major lawsuit . Insurance goes up along with prices . No matter what we pay for it in the end .

Matt lee

David a**lickers?
Food handlers can get just as unhygenic in a very hygenic food preparing areas as food packaging factory and facilities.
They can sneeze and not wash their hands after going to the toilet even if they wear plastic sterile gloves when preparing food.
The process of taking off their masks and gloves can contaminate it with what they’ve stained their hands from rubbing their pets before they’ve left for work or after they’ve been to the dunnies.
Bit of pet dust can get airborne straight out of your clothes and into the factory fod preparing facilities via the central aircon unit or from people to people interface so nothing will prevent a bit of scum from pets ending up in our food no matter what especially when so many people have pets nowadays

Matt lee

Now that’s a pet idea


Well said,Michael,the cause of our internal dysfunction and deficiencies is a lack of real analysis of our thoughts and behavior and not deriving solutions therefrom,unfortunately this has been smothered by religious thinking and other useless forms of thinking which take people far away from spiritual evolution,people are deprived of truth and wisdom which worsens the spite of the awe-inspiring information age we live in,people continue to drift further away.i’m 28 and notice my peers becoming absorbed into aimless subcultures that only foster self destructive narcissism and addiction.we are still far from the first steps in being and living as humans.


i’m in the united states,nyc.hipster capital of the world.

Philip Brandel

I know a few people around me whom openly admit that they care for and would rather see harm to their fellow humans than their pet dog, cat, gerbil, rabbit, chicken, etc, etc. It is pure insanity that we have degenerated to the point that these animals have taken the place of humans in multiple ways. That people have lost the ability to see the good in their fellow humans to the point that they find a replacement within a pet.
Yes, even here in the heart of the beast(Minnesota USA), the trend of ‘pets’ seems to be growing exponentially to the insanity of their ‘owners’. They are actually in the process of finishing a brand new dog park butted up to my back yard. Not only will they be in my grocery store but I will get to hear, smell, and witness them right out my back door. These parks for dogs have been popping up all over the Twin Cities.
Being in the rental business…. We strictly abide by a no pets policy in our buildings! I can’t tell you how often people move in and all of a sudden have 2 cats, a bird, one pet rat and some fish. Ones they are caught then comes the ‘well, they are service animals’. Having a broken toe nail constitutes having a frig en heard of bison living with them in a one bedroom apartment! Pure insanity….. Glad so far most judges don’t always see this all to often loosely used(at least in rentals) service animal fad as legitimate.

Matt lee

Yeah it’s like bye bye son