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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

UPDATE: MUFON Acknowledges Billy Meier UFO Case Is Still Ongoing

With a simple retitling by MUFON of the link to the page pertaining to the Billy Meier UFO case as “1964 – present”, it appears that a major step has been taken towards their inevitable, official acknowledgement of Meier’s singular authenticity as a UFO-extraterrestrial contactee.

While the more than 120 previous posts were mainly answers to commonly posed questions, links to information and evidence, etc., this new page is now open for even more direct, critical examination of the Meier case and the staggering implications of its unique, historical significance to humankind.

The Handwriting on the Wall

It still may take a little longer for the members – and the executives – at MUFON to overcome their timidity but I think that many of them are also aware of the handwriting on the wall and the demonstrable futility of pursuing pseudo “investigations” of reliably inconclusive, substance less “UFO cases” and reports. As previously mentioned, they’ve had around 100,000 of them in the past 45 years and not a single one contained proof of anything of extraterrestrial manufacture, nor anything of lasting importance. With Meier’s recently authenticated WCUFO photos – some taken within15 ‘ of the object – and the easily self-testable nighttime WCUFO photo,  there’s a very compelling reason to stop causing lights in the sky, i.e. doing the same thing and getting the same results.

Certainly this recent article is yet another indicator of the dull, redundant and essentially pointless type of events that MUFON and other members of the UFOCI have essentially milked dry and which no longer really serve anything but a financial purpose, most probably also to the point of diminishing returns.

The Truth Will Set You Free

So, if even by default, what better time for all to align with that truism, “the truth will set you free”?

It seems that our friend Jan Harzan, as a friend of the truth himself, has opened the door a little wider. The room appears to be a bit empty…which is certainly preferable to one cluttered up with disinformation, denial and distraction. So let’s honor the opportunity and await our guests, who are also effectively our hosts, in further exploring that which they’ve long been looking for and which they will also now find is free for the taking.

(NOTE: I’ve reached out to other MUFON executives like Robert Powell, Roger Marsh, Debbie Ziegelmeyer and special effects professional Marc Dantonio to participate as well and I am awaiting their comments. )






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Thats really great michael keep it up

robert forrest

Perhaps reason is not cead after all. But what a mountain you have climbed MH. I can only say how grateful I am, for you and your work. Soon they will come to know this about you. As well as, soon they will come to know about Billy and friends. I thank you, very much. Salome, Robert.


well done


Well done Michael!


“Little by little” indeed, yet certainly these MUFON developments are a significant breakthrough/milestone! Yes, a hearty congrats from me as well!


Sure. Certainly. A new level of exposure, wider platform, etc., in the very least. Which reminds me — ya may be due for another Coast to Coast appearance, eh? Do they usually reach out to you or vice versa? Seems there is plenty of new developments to be discussed. (Not that you’re not staying busy and engaged already…).

I, and presumably many others, were exposed to Meier via your C2C interviews.

Terry Carch

Well done Michael.As Jean Luc Picard would say”Make It So”.


Michael you are A trooper !!!!
Way to go !!!

David Scott

Michael , your work is awesome and your efforts are legendary at this point . I would like to comment on the momentum . Lets not put too much expectation on MUFON . They are sorting out their compass at this time . I appreciate the gravitation towards the same cohesive point .
In commenting , I get to the point by saying that our media is collectively broken and it has shifted for some time into the new media . In the hands of US . I stated I purchased url sites meaning I intend to do my part with a media outlet . You are all encouraged to do this as well . Here is why .
Matt Drudge has a site that gets more media hits per day than any site period . Look at Alana and Alexa that define traffic flow . Michaels site has a steep upward slope because it is quality . But the truth is that we cannot do this without expanding the work . Real world story now ….
I work for large corporations that make several hundred millions of dollars per year per location . When they speak of opening a new location , I roll my eyes and think , here we go , as a failed endeavour . Its expensive to loose traction . BUT , the market has shown town and town again that our competitor could be across the street and their is room for the exact same revenue and more ! Think Mcdonalds and Burger King or Target and Walmart . Its what must motivate us to clone what works and give it our decisive character .

So Matt Drudge has a site , it links a story to the headline in such basic format your 12 year old can do it or replicate it . Its time we become the media and fortify the story that inspired us . I have several I will share soon with excitement because they are bold and brothers and sisters of Michael and Matt . Do a podcast , a forum , but be mindful of the trolls that can destroy it . Entrepenaurial wizadry is possible in the face of unemployment and machines taking over the workforce . Again their is no expansion ,only retraction with 9 billion people on this planet , wake to a fresh air of quality news that answers to its beconing . Be the beacon , of the new herald of the new times and shine your light and lead those all from the rocks of despair . Together . One keystroke at a time . We got this .


Hey Scott.

Can you be reached for a chat.


J. Smith

Congrats! I’ve been going over to the site to see some of the discussions and have been seeing mostly the same names hopefully more curious people will join and try to learn about the reality of this case.

Melissa B

Hi Michael,
Congratulations! You really are a fantastic, enthusiastic ball of fire. I admire your perseverance and appreciate all that you do. It was you that opened the door for me so I’m forever grateful.
On a side note, are there organized study groups here in the States? I’ve read that living in highly populated areas puts you at risk from being bombarded with negative thoughts and vibrations that aren’t good for the consciousness. Since I don’t live in the woods and you all are the only like-minded people I know, it would be nice to physically be around other like-minded people who have positive thoughts once in a while. Any recommendations would be great! Thanks!

Melissa B

Thanks Michael!
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. If anyone knows of a study group in the area, please let me know. Although I’m not fond of crowds or driving in the city, I would love to get something going or join one already started. I’m somewhat new to the material and have lots of questions. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts and ideas regarding the spiritual teachings. I’m also very interested in the evolution of our spirit forms. Heck, I’m interested in all of it to be honest. There is so much information that if I don’t write down my questions, I forget what I want to ask. Between being on the computer almost constantly for work and reading the Billy Meier/Michael Horn material, the only time I get out of the house is in the evenings when I have my telescope out or go for a walk. I REALLY need to get out and meet some new people, ha ha! My problem is I’m more of an invert and actually enjoy being alone. Anyways, I need to come out of my shell and I want to do something positive with this wealth of information I’ve found. Who knows, if enough of us can get together, maybe we can even find a way to let people in this area know about the big one that is coming. We need to plant that seed without scaring people at the same time. Okay, enough of my rambling. If anyone has info regarding study groups, please let me know. Thanks!

Melissa B

Ha Ha Ha! That should have read introvert. I shouldn’t proofread after I hit submit. =o

robert forrest

I first learned about billy, on C2C. When Art Bell was running the show. C2C now seems to be driven by fake UFO stories, or the most of uninteresting ones. I feel that C2C has to much to loose $ wise, If they promote Billy to much. C2C loves that $. The interviews that I have heard george do and the others on C2C have been poor at best. They all seem to stick to certain subjects, and it slows the understanding of the case. In fact the last few shows, where MH was interviewed did not get pass a certain point. Im tired of hearing nothing but Bulls..t on C2C. I use to listen every night, but not anywhere near as much any more. Mostly george spouts so much crap that is in opposition to Billy and his information. C2C needs to give up the $ and start telling the truth. OH, thats right theres no $ in the truth these days. If there was, they would be talking about Billy every other night. I agree it is wide exposure, but so inconsistent and far a part form one another. I have heard 10 Roswell case interviews to one of billy. C2C needs to start telling the truth, or replace with one that will.


I watched a program this past weekend called Alien History or something along those lines and they spoke quite a bit about MUFON. I got the sense that MUFON has been around since the 50s or 60s. If this is correct my question to them is why has it taken so long to look into the Billy Meier case? How can you be a supposed UFO org and you never looked into his case, it’s mind boggling to me.

Philip Brandel

Seems the head director of MUFON in Minnesota… is ‘not sure about the Billy Meier case’. Though Craig Lang was not belligerent in his response to me, he most definitely is all about ‘believing’ and thinking that what most ‘think’ is what everyone should. He is pretty sure that ‘Mufon does not officially promote the Meier case’. In his words they just ‘tolerate’ it. Though the buck did not end their obviously.
Seems the attached article in Michael’s blog post above pretty much sums it up. It will not be until a new generation of peoples look at this information that anything substantial will be changed. Set in their lights in the sky ways….. Well, at least I hope I am wrong!
Ones again these dam beliefs have got logic twisted to the point that someone supposedly interested in these sorts of things cant even go in with a neutral stance to see what is truly going on! Barely take a look at the cover and move on to things not even legible. The epiphany of an up hill rebellion with these types. Consistency and patience seems to be key! Hope others try and correspond with those within MUFON in their area… at least gets them thinking a little more about it all if nothing else…

Philip Brandel

That would be to easy for him I think.. No beliefs necessary.
He has not responded to my latest email asking him to comment on certain things that only take a simple neutral approach.
Not done yet though… eventually going to email them all here in Minnesota from the top down!


In response to Robert about C2C, that radio program, it is what it is, full of nonsense lately more than ever before, me too I used to tune in every night, I think unconsciously looking for the Billy Meier case, but they also used to have some other guests that were making some sense, but lately they are talking garbage night in and night out, like I said before, I was looking for something, like in a scavenging hound, now maybe its no longer needed. I feel that that program is hurting more than helping.

David Scott

Yes Dubhaltagh, you can contact me at mister.david.scott or call me at 848-240-0359 . Anyone for that matter can contact me via those contact points . Look forward to your outreach. David

Matt lee

Homeshopping channel?


Thank you everyone, this blog is the online highlight of my day. I just want to say, since reading and learning the material, I find personally I have developed in many ways. I was not educated in the mainstream academia but learned of the world by the seat of pants. I am surprised with myself lately at the level I am conversing with people who have had such education, who back up their view with facts that don’t come close to the trend of the conversation. The material coming out of my mind spontaneously I contribute to the Meier information. It is my hope that at sometime something in that conversation will click , one can hope. I am not offended with their lack of tact or stupidity, another way in which I have grown. It is like I’ve downloaded without even actually knowing that I have. I am in no way in league with all of you yet…… I am rather pleased with myself 🙂

Matt lee

Well thanks EV for uploading

Lotus H

Hello, All.
Nothing to contribute specifically regarding this blog today (posted a few days ago), I just wanted to say that I am here, reading and listening. I’ve been studying the Meier Material for the past 5 years and it’s very heart-warming to hear/see people catching onto the Truth. I feel there are more people reading and responding (positively) to Michael’s blog these days and it puts a smile on my face. I’m up in the Pacific NW if anyone reading this is as well….
Lotus H.

Matt lee

Good on ya Lotus
Btw the Koreans eat Lotuses for side dishes so watch out!

Allen Anderson

Hello Lotus, and welcome aboard.
Where in the PNW are you from? I’m in Puyallup, WA. and would love to chat anytime you desire.

Matt lee

Michael I was enthused by a spark of sudden recognition that rang a bell after I’ve read CR 11-53.
It concerns the WCUFO
Does it ring a bell for you too?

Matt lee

Michael I should’ve been more clear.
You know the hue coming off the WCUFO that Savio enhanced of the night time photo.
Well that passage 53 of CR 11 fits the bill to me as far as I am concerned.
We’ve been wondering what the heck that strange hue was wondering, how it was caused and what caused it and finally we ‘may’ just have been given the answer just as other answers to other questions are strewn all over the place like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle that has yet to be reconciled.
What is your view on this?


I would agree. A type of radiation that scientists don’t know about? Very nicely played Matt. Have a happy Gwangbokjeol!

Matt lee

Wow Sheila how did you know.
Good holidays to you ‘for a rainy day’
You must either have Korean friends or you may have something to do with Korea I am guessing.
I am here in Seoul to meet up with the pope but instead I am inundated by masses of at least 1 million people getting in my way not to mention over the top security measure so I am afraid I am out of luck trying to meet with pope Francis face to face like I’d hoped.
Wow the religious mass delusion of all.
Here you have nice little lambs packed to the brim like sardines in Seoul square by the hundreds of thousands to meet with one old man selling lies and when it comes to more important issues of saving poor children from pedos or helping poverty stricken elderlies you have empty seats in the house so to speak.
Am I the only one here who sees something wrong with this scenario?????