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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Cause and Effect or Is It any Wonder why “They” Hate Us?

When we support any kind of covert military operations, and are entangled in the roots of terrorism, etc., it does and will continue to come back to us…hard.

Our callous disregard for others takes many forms like when the garbage doesn’t work here we sell it to other countries with utter disregard for their lives, only for the profits.

Maybe, as the lies unravel, we not only understand why “they” hate us but also why we end up…hating ourselves.

Henoch Prophecies Update

As Russia pays Northern Europe, Canada, Sweden and us a visit, as long been foretold in the Henoch Prophecies, is this the…icing on the cake?

And maybe it’s time for the good people in India to read the Henoch Prophecies as they consider this latest development.

UFO Tidbits

The former federal agent, whose information about the connection between MUFON and the US State Department and the CIA was the spark that got Jan Harzan to contact me and subsequently open the Billy Meier UFO case to the MUFON membership, had some comments about former US President Bill Clinton and his knowledge about extraterrestrials.

In response to this by Kenneth Smith:


Bill Clinton is so full of BS. He would not know an E.T. if he saw one.

Billy Meier was informed by the Plejaren that one of the plans conspired by the U.S. Government, Canada, France, Russia and maybe others is to simulate a hostile E.T. invasion as another tool to control the people and take away more freedoms.  They were or are planning on using the flying saucers that have already been developed from captured plans and paraphernalia captured after World War-2 in Germany. Clinton is well aware of these plans!

To which Ray replied:

You’re absolutely right about Bubba.  First of all, and I know this for a fact, Clinton did not have the proper security credentials to even receive a briefing on 51, let alone investigate it.  My former agency and the “Company” conducted all investigations on 51, not even the FBI.  Because of his shady past, Clinton failed his background investigation but was granted an Interim Secret by the DoD.  That’s it.  And he abused that.  Suffice it to say, Bubba is a bum who, as you stated, is full of s***.

Overpopulation News

Interestingly enough there are those who are now expressing concern about the underlying cause of all of the problems we face:

How Do We Respond to a Growing Population

Dick Smith on Population

Urgently Needed Now: A National Policy to Reduce U.S. Population


Another online TV show. (Don’t blame me for the online banner, etc.)

Coming Soon

Conspiracies & Consciousness, Part II


Thanks to Greg, Kenneth, Michael V., and others for all the info.


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Your “Our callous disregard for others takes many forms like when the garbage doesn’t work here we sell it to other countries with utter disregard for their lives, only for the profits.” is so right on, it’s sickening 🙁

I had to take a trip through LA and across the Mexico border the last three days, some observations….. LA (just one large city on this planet) is a mess, there are so many people twelve lanes of freeway isn’t enough, one freeway of many. The US border agents (not all obviously but most) are such pompous, arrogant A*holes, now I would want the border people to use discernment doing their jobs but what I saw was disgusting …… no wonder we have such a bad name in the world, I was ashamed of them and that is just to name a very small thing compared to all the other atrocious acts we, this country I was born in, are doing on this planet. I am so disgusted….trying to keep a positive neutral mind set is hard sometimes.


Ev, Don`t listen to those A-S politicians and their lover-corparations,US-Supreme Cour jugdes. I`ts all the tax-payer money black hole deal and their F-A war-mongering polluting our beautiful Eart up with all their hyping prpaganding money-loving gung_ war machines,etc”! I too am VERY VERY ANGRY with this rotten government and their cooperate Black-Ops, it`s the waste of the tax dollars going for all this dirty gar bege anddirty6 laundry’!

Matt lee

Well EV its not your fault but I must say after paying a number of visits to US military and airforce bases in Korea it brought home just how power hungry your government is.
The land on which these bases sit on rightfully belongs to the Koreans but are not owned by them any longer.
What in the heck is going on here.
Californian laws apply to some of them and these bases are like leeches sucking the lifeblood out the host countries legitimised under the false pretense of protecting the host country from outside threat like NK.
Its a shame

David Scott

In the spirit of embracing the spiritual teachings , one must realize this is one component regarding the strengthening of ones self . This is important . Firstly we need to be strong , mentally sound and clear . Its important to develop a platform in which you can stand and grow with awareness,grace and valour . This world we inherited is for us to interpret and stern fully scrutinize or we just accept it as the wind blows. In reality the truth bears a burden which is might fully encased in itself. When found, you have a responsibility . Like it or not it is so. You cannot just unplug because you feel its more than you ! It is inherently fact and often shocking. The character of self is now challenged . Do you decide to do nothing ? Then guilt is the price for your ‘pulling the covers over your head and rationalizing it is not so. From the beginning tyranny walked this planet and desicrated it. Be it crusades, genocide and manipulations. Religions , societies and extreme evil grandeur have written massive inclusions of pure evil tyranny that are strong, firm and decisive regarding their intent. The weak bow brown and lay in the fetal position acknowledging being dominated. Where is your genetically modified Genome in this faction? Do you not have the same agessive gene to fight? The same fight yet for right ? Every action (evil) has an equal yet opposite reaction (right-light).

The opposite yet equal reaction to evil is still sitting in the bank . It has not yet been fully implemented yet . The work of possibility needs to be unearthed and afflicted in this worldly fight. Must we wait for a tipping point beyond end days to tap into this massive legion of light ? NO!

Pick yourself up , scrape your will up off the floor and look at yourself in the mirror . Wash your face and dry your eyes and wake up to the possibility of taking back the helm and moral compass of this planet . Curling up in a ball and only focusing on the spiritual teachings is a far cry from being human. You almost accept the actions of your surroundings doing so . You need to be well rounded and participate in the fight for change . Yes , heal yourself , but it does not stop there. Fix yourself and find your respect for the creation and find your role in the fight for the light. Its a responsibility we all have to not turn your cheek and dig deep into your soul to identify your role in the implementation of your will lodged into the banks of the good inactive. Fight for right within your respect for the creation knowing how far its been dislodged from grandeour by the evil will .


Hi Michael, Here are 2 more articles you might also like to read if you want to:#1 Obama Declares Perpetual War for Monday September 15,2014 by Margorie Cohn/News Anaysis from and #2 Expert Say Fireball Above Rockies Was Russian Satellite by Sam Frzall Sept 17th.

Matt lee

The US and even the regular citizens of this country will unfortunately be judged by the actions of a few bad apples and in this case by the actions of their government, military, secret service and the shadowy ‘Dark Order’ group within a group controlling the vast corporate MIC and the institution of the 3 branches of government.
According to my recollection Hillary Clinton cut Dr Greer’s presentation off fearing the enormous remification and responsibility that comes with knowing the inconvenient truth.
So Bill Clinton’s farcical revelation on Kimmel is just another cowardly distraction of half truths hiding the real truth he hasn’t the balls to reveal to the public.
As Dr Greer stated, had Clinton persued the UFO matter further he would have ended up like JFK.
It was for the similar reasons why the former CIA director Colby was bumped off as well as Marilyn Monroe.

Terry Carch

Matt, I guess there are still some really bad apples still trying to mess up Planet Earth ESPECIALLY in the USA! Doesn`t seem likely things will ever get any better thanks to all those politicians,coperations,militiary industrial complex,CIA,NSA, DIA etc,etc,etc! All they do is mess things up and just make it worse and fight wars until we rot in hell and ask for our good-earned money for what ever is left of Planet Earth,WW3 or WW4 anyone?

Matt lee

Hey at least the US had a good run and enjoyed the best of things that life had to offere even to the detriment and expense of others.
As George Carlin used to say “enjoy whatever you’ve got left Cos it aint gonna get any better”.

Matt lee

The US like Rome and other empires that came and went is setting another precedents as to what the consequences would be for a nation that commits the ultimate transgression against life by not making the effort to create peace, love, harmony and freedom within and without.
Many a people, family, relationships and relations have been ruined as a result of people not creating peace, love, harmony and freedom.
Obviously the problems facing the US is universal in one degree or another extending to wherever there lives human beings but the downward fall of this country and the speed at which it is falling is unprecedented.
Just as Billy often repeats it is because people are ignorant of the truth of Creation, it’s laws, how to think and behave properly and not following the laws of Creation that so many insurmountable problems arise and it’s symptoms persisting without resolution.

Jeff Tan

Hi Matt, it is also probably to do with misguidance and the lack of knowledge of the truth of Creation which is why there is probably ignorance in the people in the first place. After much contemplation we are trapped in a sea full of different opinions, view points, ideologies, philosophies etc and I guess the one with the best “marketing” tactics used will generally get more exposure than one that does not (dare I say it religion*). I guess the key word here is “exposure” and we mostly likely need some marketing tactics to get the necessary exposure the Meier case desperately needs. Also we also have to deal with the disinformation campaigns which produce controversy against the Meier case which only leads people further away from the truth. I am sure there are scientists and group out there who are aware of the over population issue but because there is a lack of education and understanding of the topic that so many people do not see. What I am trying to say is some people are ignorant because they simply don’t know or don’t think about it because they don’t have the time in their “busy” lives to approach such matters. What we should be doing is try to raise “awareness” of these issues with our friends and family to get the ball rolling. As we already know, the bottom line of the Meier case its all on our futures survival, the spirit teachings and getting back to “reality” and not so much of the Plejaren and UFO’s themselves.

Matt lee

I cannot agree with you more there Jeff.
I haven’t had success with my family and there is no indication that I have at least changed the course of history of one other person with my participation in various forums over the years under various usernames spreading the word.
So its the old parable or proverb or whatever coming to the fore once again in that ‘you can lead the don…….’
So truly I have no idea myself as to what the best approach is even after all these years other than take Michael’s example as the best working method so far.
But I doubt whrther the Plejaren will allow WW3/4 to happen

Terry Carch

Matt, ‘IJUST HOPE YO`RE RIGHT’! Let`s we ALL burn in hell(((((WW3/4).

Matt lee

Hey Terry have you reread Asket’s aquaintanceship?
Asket clues us on their activity of preventing major earth annihiliating wars.
Lucky once and twice and thrice over again aren’t we.
Hows this for coincidence btw
The movie ‘independence day’ came out right around the period when our Plejaren brothers and sisters saved us from a real ET threat.
Whoever wrote the storyline of that movie I think was definitely impulsed by our ET friends for without the Plejaren intervention we would’ve been toast I mean literally.
This they said was the main reason for their withdrawal from earth and their completion of the mission.
I could just imagine much like an armada of starship enterprise would surround a Romulan ship the tens of thousands of Plejaren beamships used to send a clear message to earth invading ETs would have been just like that.
And to think that all this was somehow as real as the two eye balls I am reading these words with is truly amazing the more I think about it.

David Scott

Hollow be the name . Hallow be the start. The fight is one of valour and dignity. Check your commentary before you write it in concrete . I find a huge amount of humanity to be involved before some of these commentaries find the light of day.

David Scott

Matt, your observations are respected , however, we as a race are responsible. We found comfort within lies . Lies. How are lies working for you?

Matt lee

Not so well
Especially self lies or rather lies to oneself.
It gets all the more complex when delusion and denial is involved in the mix and all the more worse when the fog of ignorance and egoism is put in as icing on the cake.
Billy has covered many topics least of which about ‘knowing oneself’ or self knowledge.
I think this perpetual work in progress towards Creational spirituality like I had written before is fraught with 2 steps foward 1 step back dynamics that has it’s final destination not so much as a destination but rather in the ‘process’ itself.
So like all processes everyone has them that includes dealing with self lies, lies by others, lies in general generated by self and from others and the lies which has existed for billions of years that we have yet to finally extirpate.
I think that is where majority of us are in and it is what it is at the moment

David Scott

The opposite yet equal reaction of positive implementation is the only way to insure the positive application of light.

Matt lee

You mean neutral positive equalised balance


It’s very appropriate that you went in this direction. Many powers will be testing the waters so to speak, to test the readiness of others, although much is a show. The powers are so mired within darkness that even they are now terrified. This is not always good, but it does keep them somewhat “honest.” These phenomena are REAL and people had better start paying attention. It is essential now that people look for truth and lies within their govenmental structures as it will not be an easy task. Many will go along with whatever they are instructed to do in the name of patriotism, and to their credit their are many who truely believe in what they do, yet they are decieved. We see now the resurgence of militant, psychotic religiosity and its effects upon Humans, yet many times occurrences are not as they appear. Many stand to loose great amounts of money and influence with the elimination of religious ideology as it still remains a billion dollar enterprise. Many facets are tied tightley together in these pursuits and it is not all as fictious as many may think.

J. Smith


You’re only 3 shows in and I’m already thinking that you deserve your own Network! SIL! Another great show and Blog!

I’ve been keeping up with some of what’s been going on in the WW3 beginnings. France has now joined America in bombings in the Middle East. Now it seems like America is on edge about border control now that they speculate ISIS terrorist may use that as a way to enter into America. Even though the border should’ve been closed off a long time ago.

In other news some people are still afraid of population control because they’re caught up in the New World Order, etc. stuff. People don’t know the danger we put ourselves in already with overpopulation. In my opinion a lot of people’s mentality about population control falls back on their religious upbringings, which have nothing to do with reality.

David Scott

So your standpoint is? Let alone our our challenges begot , where do you stand? Lift us up? Please tell us so. I amongst many eagerly await your queue . How about you squelch your intent and make it clear. Gather your might and be one . I ask for clarity and then we an march as one .

David Scott

Yes the optimum application of might equalls the aplication of the other might of thoughts. This becomes exponential.

David Scott

Fear not your brother an for they stand by your left and your right , dif deep and find your own might. Its in these times of challenge you find your will and your vigor that take you to places you find you need to be. Garn your head dress and stand your fight , its time. Roll and jive in the land of freedom, stand up!

Terry Carch

The real problem is religion and overpopulation. But as the Plejarens and Billy have pointed out,if we do away with the Pope and Caththolism, that could not only start the 2 civil wars in the US but also WW3/4 etc, even so it would take another three hundred years to do away with religion and money and another seven-hundred to eight-hundred years before we can even evolve intoTRUE SPIRITUAL HUMANS! Who is willing to wait it out long after we are all DEAD?

Matt lee

Terry as good old Michael often quips ‘hey don’t worry you’ll live through it’ and my version ‘hey don’t worry about it you won’t remember anyway’.


In May 2013, Senator John McCain made his way illegally to near Idleb in Syria via Turkey to meet with leaders of the “armed opposition”. His trip was not made public until his return to Washington….

The object of his illegal trip to Syria was to meet the chiefs of staff of the Free Syrian Army. According to him, the organization was composed “exclusively of Syrians” fighting for “their freedom” against the “Alouite dictatorship” (sic). The tour organizers published this photograph to attest to the meeting.