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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


I have a new article, under the above title, posted at UFO Digest about my recent experiences with various blowhards who perform James Randi-rivaling disappearing acts when it comes to dealing with the inescapable reality of the Billy Meier UFO contacts.

While the majority of these characters purport to be scientists, they certainly don’t want to apply the scientific method to dealing with the recently authenticated WCUFO photos, nor dare they admit that they tested the nighttime WCUFO themselves and confront their own vastly diminished relevance and authority.

The truth can only be suppressed for so long before it erupts and cascades over the mountainous ignorance and self-serving, profit-oriented ambitions of all those who are complicit in trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.

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Oh man, you can get lost forever at UFO Digest. The stuff goes on and on and on, and everyone has something to say. Who has the time to read and follow all that stuff? It’s easier to have 1 point of contact, make up your own mind, and dispel the confusion. If I were visiting a tribe in S. America never having contact with outside world, I would limit who would be allowed to be contacted and who came into the area – so not to confuse them. What do you think?

J. Smith

That’s right Michael keep on calling these poseurs and cowards out. It was easy for them to yell “hoax”, etc., when the case was in its infancy now that new evidence is coming to life (Other than the obvious prophetic and predictive corroborations), as the truth grows bigger; they all of a sudden want to play “catch me if you can”. Sooner or later they’ll get tired of running and have to face the truth one way or another.


Nicely played Michael. Hold their feet to the fire.


If they read the HP, they’re already dancing on the fire and just don’t know it yet. The collective UFO-Religious Alzheimer’s self inflicted silliness appears to run its course unfortunately waiting for the popcorn to pop.


Maybe all the coldness is coming from being on the dark side? Even asstro-skeptic/coward Stuart Robin’s blog comments have admitted that’s the answer. Geeze Stuey we all know you’ve been on the dark side for quite awhile now:

So, what you are saying is that I’ve been doing it all wrong and should turn to the dark side? Okeydoke. 🙂
Comment by Bob — November 7, 2014 @ 6:10 am | Reply

Definitely. How much has Burzynski made selling his crap versus you debunking it?
Comment by Stuart Robbins — November 7, 2014 @ 9:24 am |


Having read your previous post, I must admit, I am at a loss for explaining many things. It seems so very simple as our Plejaren friends and potential family name them. Yet, we continue on in such ways that seem ever more barbaric to me. Even the innocent dieing, I almost understand, yet it still perplexes me on a logical level. What is really hard to digest is that once you know the truth, it’s almost impossible to stop the train that is heading towards you. This is where we err in our current level of evolution. We simply do not have the biology necessary to complete certain consciousness levels seemingly required to understand certain truths. It seems a simple matter of correcting the terrestrial Human brain to think in ways of the natural Creation, yet we seem incapable of doing this on the deepest of levels. It seems logical that we as Humans, even here now, would be able to deduce such things by now. Logic and emotion seem strange bed fellows, yet they have their place I suppose.



Never mind those who deny the truth because there are always those in the background who are quietly listening and absorbing the truth.

Applying scientific methods requires that they question their own beliefs systems (denials & vials), first. The truth has already peaked over the threshold point of awareness (the top of bell-curve). Unknowingly to them, they have all played a part in awakening of the world to the presents of others in the universe/multiverse. We should thank them all for helping with the toughest part, laying the groundwork.

In the words of Nicola Tesla’s:

“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine”

“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

“If their hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.”

“All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”

Uh, what again did Tesla do for humankind…? Oh yes, that’s right… only advance civilization… and they still do not give him proper credit to this day.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you tell you that they knew already that all along.


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you tell you that they knew already that all along.”

Indeed. I wish they knew what we must do here. This is truth. Why must Humans be so difficult? What is it that we have missed? These are the questions we need to be asking. How can these people out “there” live in such harmoney, love, and wisdom? How can WE achieve these goals?


forto, “…live in such harmony, love, and wisdom … How can WE achieve these goals?”

How To Create Peace And Harmony On Earth:

Billy had once answered a similar question:…html#What_Can_I_do?_-_Response_Aired_on_Coast_to_Coast

The change and achievement of peace and harmony you speak of will always take place on an individualistic basis and/or within and through groups of individuals of like minds who desire truth and conscious evolution.

However, typically change takes place only when the individual is faced with one or more insurmountable challenges, i.e. cancer, etc – then there is an awakening within (a letting go of the ego and an acceptance of truth) and sometimes not.

As for how? There are many answers and avenues. The spreading of true spiritual knowledge, spiritual teachings, namely the Goblet of the Truth,, would serve humanity the most as this would increase conscious awareness – first things first.

Secondly, the creation of a Spiritual Council whose function would be to oversea global spiritual teachings, whereby all members have an equal control, say and vote – no one single department head.

Keep up the rational thought provoking questions/dialogs so that others may read your thoughts and concerns and know that they are not alone in seeking the same or similar answers.


I sometimes wonder if there is a spiritual council for this place, although I doubt we warrant such a thing yet due to our innate seperation from each other and our seeming separateness from them (those who have achieved relative perfection with regards to their own evolution). If people only knew what they are missing. It saddens me at times. Wise words friend, thank you.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The UFO community is rotten fruit that has no more material that is not worth harvesting for food for any thought what so ever more, so ever more deplore the explore or any further rapport.


I agree with you forto,Why can`t we be like the Plejarens. If the people of Earth don`t wake up soon,we`ll all go down into a sinkhole or worst, a black hole

J. Smith


You have to remember that the Plejaren were once upon a time just like us. They gave us the blueprint whether we use it or not that’s up to us.


I think I know why they stay so hidden. Much of it is because we are so primitive in our thinking and our lower “vibrational” existence. But some of it is strictly due to the maintenance of their own species. No one wants some rogue Human species latching onto technology that may take them somewhere where they could cause havoc, not that they would ever have to worry about us, but still. We are still so primitive in so many ways. I now know deep inside why they have no interest in us on a personal level. I almost hope they never expose themselves to this horrible place for their own good, not that they need my advice, because they don’t. If they ever do come though, I can only say please be careful and do your homework, pick wisely as you did with Billy, many will try to decieve you. How odd that we wouldn’t accept them openly as fellow Humans, we must seem so out of sorts to them.

Rasmus Outzen

Russia to expand aviation patrol mission to Gulf of Mexico – defense minister:


Such spinelessness is rampant among too many in their comfy positions of notoriety, fame, fortune, with a bully pulpit … I agree, MH, you should go hard on them despite their playing ostrich.

Now for some comic relief. God HIM-self has taken to twitter.

a few of his greatest hits –

God @TheTweetOfGod
Almost all animals were harmed in the making of this civilization.

It’s funny how nearly all the people who believe global warming is a myth also believe I’m not.

People always say they want a “personal relationship” with Me. But I’m not looking for a relationship. I just want to screw you.

If your team loses it’s because I don’t like you.

I want all human beings to find happiness. Now go fight each other for it!

If you ever have second thoughts, congratulations. That’s two more than most people.

Retweet this and you’ll go to heaven. Yes, the standards are now that low.


Putin, playing a little harmless game of chess is all.

” Russia plans to send long-range bombers to patrol the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, the nation’s defense minister said, … The patrols would bring the flights close to the United States’ territorial waters.

In September, the United States intercepted six Russian planes, including fighter jets and tankers, in airspace near Alaska, officials said.”


Closedminds refuse to post my comment so what are the chances that these brainwaves are going to suddenly come out with the concept of electromagnetics being the source of alien abductions? Time will tell.
Hi Billy, are you delusional? It’s time you learned the truth as told to Billy Meier:,_Betty_and_Barney
“What has to be said in respect to the married couple Hill, and all other persons who were allegedly abducted or even medically harmed, or who supposedly had implants implanted, and who under hypnosis exposed these occurrences is, that these occurrences have never happened, and are nothing but illusions, imagination, delusions and deliberate lies, as well as also schizophrenic illusionary products and disturbances of consciousness brought forth through the interference of electromagnetic fields of the earth, through which unrealities, unreal happenings as well as unreal memories and unreal experiences are caused, but also unreal pain, fear and unreal perceptions and so forth. The disrupted electromagnetic fields of the earth have been the cause of the untrue memories of the Hills. All these factors will become or could be knowingly or unknowingly manipulated, which means that the hypnotised describe their unreal happenings and unrealities etc. as reality, or that liars and deceivers are able to maintain their deliberate lies and deceit under hypnosis. Hypnosis, namely, is in no means capable of finding out the truth in such or other cases. Altogether, in earlier time, every incident in this respect we accepted as the truth, like contacts between earth’s human beings and beings foreign to earth as well as abductions by beings foreign to earth; however, they have been proven wrong through our newest technology according to investigations for such incidents that go back to the early times of the 20th, and the 19th century.”

Greg Dougall

Earlier this year Neil Degrasse Tyson did the remake of “Cosmos” on Fox. It’s for a younger audience but it’s still pretty good, and millions of people watched it. What struck me as amazing is that an organization for atheists had a commercial on television, asking for people to sign up or donate or whatever. Now it must be a big organization, because it is not cheap to advertise with a major network in the prime time slot on a Sunday night. To me, it was a sign of progress. That and that highly publicized debate on creationism vs. evolution. I think atheists and agnostics would embrace the Meier material and spiritual teachings if they only knew about it. Maybe MH could contact the head of one of these large organizations and offer an article or something. It would be great for a well known popular scientist like Bill Nye or Neil or someone to endorse or even just mention the material. Or maybe an alliance of scientist or professors. If one person does it, they’ll be ridiculed, but if a group endorses it, people will have to stop and think about it.


Mexico detects first case of mosquito-borne chikungunya virus – Yahoo News Canada

Greg Dougall

I opened the article in a new tab but didn’t read it until after I commented. After reading the article I saw that you contacted Michio Kookoo. Great work! Thanks for your continued efforts. There’s bound to be some who will take a look eventually.


There’s no money in the truth and obviously no ethics either.


Correction, no ethics in not telling the truth.


If only people would act like they are in front of a judge at all times, tell the truth, nothing but the truth, so help me dog.

Greg Dougall

So help me Gob!

Darcy Wade Carlile

Yes can I help you I am the great dog gob.

Darcy Wade Carlile

No takers dog gobbit.


Hello Michael sorry for it being off the subject. How long till the next video release.


Michio Kaku, Neil Degrasse Tyson and all the other famous scientists we always see on TV would never acknowledge the validity of the Meier case even if they knew the case was real because they know it would take the limelight completely away from them to Meier. They have to protect their ego’s as well as their bank balance.


I have no idea why Americans put their celebrities on a pedestal. They are surely to be toppled, just a matter of time. Personally I find it more interesting to speak to my neighbours. It was interesting that more people tuned into the philae landing on a comet than Kim Kardashian’s big butt. So things are looking up (as opposed to cracking up).


Sil oh yeah, that baby oil will put a stop to Philae’s landing for sure. I can’t wait until Kim’s baby grows up and tells her “ew mom that is gross, could you at least have kept your clothes on, you’ve embarrassed me, my friends and foes shove that in my face all the time”. Things that celebrities don’t like to think about and probably wouldn’t have been able to infiltrate into that pretty little head of hers. But what a good role model (insert sarcasm here), to be famous for leaked sex tapes. We should all be proud knowing that our youth aspire to that.

J. Smith

Michael I didn’t know you did background checks on these types of things! SIL!


the latest I’ve heard is it has landed in a dark corner somewhere so the mission will be short lived, but I don’t have a real link or information. Does anyone know where links are?


Sheila. If I were you or your daughter I would be very suspicious because President Obama is still TRYING to “fast track the TPP and TTIP and don`t forget NAFTA too. Theses stupid moronic politians and their cooperate lovers are TRING to do all they can to reduce us vasals/slaves in paying for their expensive defective non-generic inexsnsive low cost altenative products that don`t have theses terrible side effects that oxicoton has!


Hi Ev, here’s the European Space Agency’s main page:
Here’s the link specifically to Philae:
Please note that ESA uses cookies to track visits to their website.

Matt lee

Sheila that’s one hell of a ‘cracker’ ha ha


Sheila, thank you very much! I am very intrigued by this mission. With anything one does for the first time, there are things that go wrong, but to me it’s a really big step in space exploration even through I am not, have not been a big space buff. At the rate this planet is getting screwed up, we will need to find another one in which to live if we as a species of human beings want to survive. Again thank you.


I couldn’t agree more with you Ev. Yes we certainly do need a whole new world to live on and join the Plejaren Fedreation becom members and learn to be more like them by studying the spiritual teachings and meditating more so we can be like the people from Erra,Timers,etc,etc,etc.


Terry, I don’t think this will happen in my lifetime so I’m not holding my breath 🙂 yet, as with anything, we cannot reply on anyone but ourselves, so this mission was quite exciting for me.

Perhaps they are practicing for the large asteroid, Apophis, supposedly coming in 2029 which will make the nearest approach in recorded history – it will be visible to the naked eye. No one is sure if it will impact in 2036 on it’s return since the 2029 encounter will alter it’s orbit slightly. Ever seen the 1998 movie Armageddon, it’s quite good. It’s about landing on a asteroid and blowing it up to save Earth.