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The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

And It Wasn’t in the Stars

A brief look at specific astrological predictions, which, fortunately, weren’t fulfilled

…but first, this message! Please remember that you can download The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life, the new documentary with Billy Meier now – don’t wait until next year!


This is the last we’ll hear from Astro-Tony who, despite a one-in-two chance of getting it right, got it…very wrong:

Tony Vasquez 2016/11/05 at 3:39 pm

Nov. 2016 Election: Both Clinton and Trump are political puppets, the vote rigging will make it look like a close race, the final count will be in Hillary’s favor. No matter how you vote, Hillary wins. LOL

Jared Farland is one of my students. I gave him the above prediction. He posted it on this blog.

And – as I predicted* – those two years that he was hoping would be personally bad for me, turned out to be rather nice and productive.


And now, back to our regularly scheduled blog:

Almost a year ago, I dedicated some blog space to predictions of an astrological nature, primarily from one Tony Vasquez, aka Astro-Tony, aka A-T. The discussion about astrology began on this blog.

I gave A-T sufficient opportunity, time and space (and some may say…rope) to establish the validity of his claims about having the “correct” form of terrestrial astrology, closely comparable in accuracy to what the Plejaren have. I was motivated by my own interest in the subject, as well as by wanting to provide A-T a little visibility, since he seemed both confident in his abilities, as well as otherwise invisible in the online world.

Overall, I’ve found many interesting things perusing astrological information from numerous sources, some uncannily accurate, some completely bogus. So it seemed like a good opportunity to evaluate the claims of someone who had great confidence in their own accuracy, etc.

In addition to A-T’s Vasquidictions that you’ll find on this blog, a fuller record of them exists on a page set up by Rob, someone who also participates and contributes to this blog. I wanted to link to it in the spirit of fairness so that you could see and evaluate it all for yourselves. However, I found Rob’s conditions for “allowing” me to post a link to it to be convoluted, manipulative and controlling, so please simply search this blog if you’re interested in assessing A-T ‘s hits and misses. And perhaps, since I know he reads (and curses) this blog, perhaps he’ll get around to putting up a page or site of his own somewhere to set the record straight, if he feels that his accuracy, etc., has been misrepresented. Should he do that, I’ll put up a link to it, though I won’t post any further comments (including death threats, curses, spells, voodoo, etc.) from him on this blog.

Some of his Vasquidictions were hits, like the earthquake swarm in the L.A. area and, if I recall correctly, the death of a 90-year-old man, etc. Below are those that our unabashed optimist and lover of humanity, fortunately, got wrong. I haven’t included all of his abusive comments and death threats, which he recently took a moment to clarify (emphasis added), “I did not wish death and suffering on everyone, just on you and the other self-deceptive, stupid, idiots on this blog.” Based on his record of accuracy, it could also said be that, fortunately, most of Astro-Tony’s wishes for others don’t come true, despite whatever he asked of Satan Claus.

I have taken the liberty of substituting initials for the names of the celebrities that he was…preparing to say goodbye to this year:

L.M.P. dies – young man kills her.

M.C. will die this year, as I told you. She will die by rape and murder, or by an accident with a wall. She is actually a very good person, just mislead and used by evil people.

There will be an approx. mag. 7.0 quake (off shore) in Northern California between Cape Mendocino and Eureka, between July 6th and July 13th. This quake is directly related to the 8.9 LA and 9.2 SF mega-quakes, that will hit between Sept. 14th and 30th, 2014.

There will be a powerful quake in Jamaica – 8.5 – 8.9 – July/August 2014.

Something bad – an explosion, tornado, or plane crash – will happen at the Wichita, Kansas airport soon.

You don’t want me to post “death” predictions, so, I’ll just tell you. I see an American airliner destroyed/blown up in August by terrorists using children to carry the explosives.

H.F. (Infection/Illness), and D.B. (Accident/Fall) will die in 2014.

I was one of the last people who wanted to accept that A-T demonstrates some serious narcissistic and/or sociopathic tendencies but hey, nobody’s perfect…right? That being said, he ended his last threatening email to me with:

“Don’t forget, you will suffer through two very bad years – 2015 – 2016. And you certainly deserve it. LOL”

*…which, based on A-T’s record of accuracy – and the fact that the might of the thoughts trumps astrology – should turn out to be two pretty good years.

Further Notes on the World Situation

Here are some additional comments from Patric Chenaux based on the information he received from Billy Meier and previously sent to us (see: The Only Way to Stop the IS and URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling):

In the 602th contact note Billy mentioned only that the Ukraine separatists are supported by the Russian military, which is not new information and officially revealed in the media, whereas the Ukraine Army is supported by secret/clandestine mercenary special units of “Constellis Holdings” (the successor of “Blackwater”) in order to fight against the separatists and which are sent by the US government. Even the CIA and the FBI are supporting and providing the Ukraine government and are therefore responsible – as advisers and supporters for the Ukraine government – for the military armament and the logistical rigging and supplementation, which is officially not mentioned in the media.

The second issue was regarding the fact that currently the IS is financially mainly supported by wealthy people of Qatar and even by the royal house of the Qatar emirate. But this fact seems neither to be in the interests of the German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, nor does it bother her, because she seems to still have a good relationship with the ruler of Qatar, the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, with whom Angela Merkel was strolling in front of a “military parade” in Berlin on September 17, 2014. And the worst thing regarding this issue is that she obviously even wants to provide (Merkel) with weapons that will presumably find their way to the IS-militia eventually.

New Live Presentation!

Here is some information on a new presentation I’m making at a  Barnes & Noble bookstore, in Flagstaff, AZ, on January 9…2015. Be there or be exceedingly square.

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A few other notable misses by the death-wishing wannabe correct-form astrologer.

Tony Vasquez – Professional Astrologer
April 7, 2014 at 3:09 am
LA MEGA-QUAKE UPDATE: In the last three weeks a 4.4, 3.6, 5.1. and a 4.1 have hit the LA area as part of the swarm of quakes of approximate magnitude 3.5 – 5.0 I predicted will hit that area before the 8.5 – 9.0 hits in the July – September time frame. I see 3 more quakes between approximate 3.7 and 4.7 hitting before the mega-quake. If you plan on getting out of LA to avoid the disaster, that last quake of the following three will be your last sign.

Tony Vasquez – Professional Astrologer

April 8, 2014 at 7:30 am


I decided to take a look at the San Francisco Bay area, as far as a major earthquake hitting there this year – 2014. After studying the astrological charts for many hours, I predict there will be a mega-quake of magnitude 9.0 – 9.3 in the SF Bay area between September 25th and September 30th, 2014, with the 27th the most likely day.

Tony Vasquez – Professional Astrologer
April 6, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Hi Michael,

I only have time for a short reply.

I have been making predictions using the correct form of astrology for 35 years, predictions for individuals, and for the world. Most of my predictions have come true. I would estimate 90% of them have. Some came true exactly as I predicted – person, place, timing, etc. – others came true at a later time than predicted with things I did not see, and some have not come true.

Making predictions using astrology is very complicated, as I have said, and mistakes can be made. I work very hard and long to avoid mis-interpretations of the charts, but mistakes still happen. My stance is always – I’ll make the predictions and we’ll see how well I do.

I find Billy’s response in alignment to what I see happening in the world as far as mega-quakes.

“Billy said that he gives no specific answer to your question except that the bad happenings on the world (earthquake-wise) are now getting really worse, as can also be seen in the recent happenings (tremors) in Chile.”

Therefore, expect the 8.0 to 9.0 quake in LA between July and September 2014. According to the astrology, I would rate this prediction as an 95% chance of happening. I strongly advise people TO LEAVE LA ASAP!


And from the Goblet of the Truth, a couple lines which seem tailored to the likes of a Tony Vasquez – Professional Astrologer for hire and his would be victims.

Chapter 5 (page 165)

7) Those amongst you who are unknowing ones in the truth, you attempt to find out your foreordination (destiny) by objects referred to as a Lospfeil*, but this, like legerdemain (magic) and making fabulations from reading the stars, is only a harmful deceptive hallucination (delusional construction) of evil blabbermouths (charlatans) and deceivers and false seers who delude you and demand possessions and payment (money) from you for it; and do not fear their threats that you will be struck by a calamity or other terrible things, which they talk you into believing through their cunning and let you fall into grievance and fear, because these deceivers of you are entirely powerless (unable) to make truthful (unfalsified) predictions, although this is a capability of the true prophets and the true wise heralds (seers and harbingers), all of whom never take any payment for their insights into the future, just as they do not undertake commerce or swagger (boast) with their skill (ability), because they are truly wise ones and are dedicated to modesty, and do not make a fuss about themselves. – *(Lospfeil – pl. Lospfeile – is the German word for small arrows used for soothsaying which are dropped from the hand, allowing predictions to be made based on their positions; similarly to African stones, bones or shells, etc., used by so-called soothsayers of either sex even in the new time, who however also practise card tricks and other hocus-pocus in this wise nowadays.)

8) All those amongst you, do not doubt your knowledge of the truth when you hear the blabbermouths (charlatans) and deceivers and the false seers telling lies about your foreordination (destiny), because all of their words are mere slander (calumny) of the truth; do not take their false words as the truth so that you do not begin to despair due to their deception and so you do not fear what the time to come (future) will bring you.


thank you Michael, have fun at you presentation in Flagstaff, would be great if I could be there…yet I will not. There is a part of me that feels sad that some have to resort to such foolishness, making unkind and really awful comments and threats but…..I have to say that since I’ve been working and studying the material I’ve toughen up a bit concerning others and where they are in their field of being. They seem to be in a world of hurt, it is no ones fault but theirs and faulty perception. I am so very glad that I am a person that would be the first to admit to wrongs or wrong thinking I have done or thought ….. whew!


Always remember dear Ev, words only hurt if you let them. Since women are the nurturers it goes against our grain because we’ve been conditioned to think that we should never say or do anything that would upset people. If given the choice between not upsetting people and telling the truth, I would choose the truth every time, as I see you do. Keep up the great work! I think I realized at one point that I could never make everyone happy, there will always be people who dislike me for whatever reason, and I’m okay with that. I think we were given this schoolyard rhyme for a reason – Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me.


thanks Shelia 🙂 for the comment. It’s taken a bit to get there.

Blake P

Great post Bruce;
I doubt any of us could ever say it better than the true prophets of this world.

As for ASS-tro Tony- I always find it funny how the attackers,skeptics,and delusional blabber-mouths of the world ,and specifically of those, the people who defame the Meier case along with the people who logically support it;continuously disregard everything but their own agenda. This is obviously the blind leading the blind. These folks only want quiet submission and agreement so that they can feel better about their own absurd conclusions devoid of thorough and logical assessments. Truly, how backwards is this world,when these people who are so mistaken about everything,lead the rest of the sheep into the abyss and away from the truth. At least it is easy to feel bad,instead of anger,towards these types of people,even with the damage they’re doing in the world,because of how much they have to learn,probably for many lifetimes to orientate themselves with the truth,and how greatful the rest of us should be for knowing the truth in these crazy times.
And whether he knows it or not,in his confused consciousness,wishing terrible things towards others will only serve to swing back around and determine his own future negativity,good luck with that. I wonder when that happens,if he will look back and say, why didn’t I see that in the stars.


Tony Vasquez – Professional Astrologer
Just means he takes peoples money when the word “Professional” is used. This topic deserves a in-depth discussion. Way beyond this blog. The average peoples who dosent study this stuff like a Professional (for money) (Professional=money) dosent understand this stuff because it’s really time consuming as to what Astrology, Occult, Magic, Psychic Readers, etc… or where these people are really coming from and the source where it pours from. Before you call me out on this, I practiced all of the aforementioned Professionally and interlaced the Meier material into those practices at the end of my tour – and I was fully committed – clients all over of USA – and some interesting things happened. Simply, all these guys are frauds. Once in a while you can get something profound – but – if you keep going back – you get screwed. Once the dollar changes hands whatever “real” inspirations the practitioner has or had, are gone, and the game is on to get more dollars and prove ones-self even more, and the deeper and greater the commitment to obtain that all elusive power of knowing what you don’t. They become insane, mentally UN-balanced, spiritually disconnected due to the spirit-mind connection atrophying and the predictions get ever bigger and ever wronger. This is very serious stuff though, you need to wake up, it permeates every aspect of our societies on this planet – Religion, Politics, Cops, Courts, Military, Banks, Governments at all levels, Schools, Medicine, Money…. Its all about CONTROLLING YOU, YOUR MIND, YOUR PSYCHE, to OWN you and to take your stuff, you confidence, your strength, you money. It’s all about power. Over you, your mind, your efforts, your wealth, your ideas. When you look outside for an answer you will get what you deserve for giving up your power and free will. So you take it back by saying “no”. And, you begin to look within for answers and only peer out for information. YOU is actually ME talking to myself. Its what I learned,but I don’t know everything. Hope this helps.


“Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you.” ~Jack Kornfield


Very nice Bob. I always justsayno plus I’ve added FA behind my name to look more professional. Everyone always assumes the FA means financial advisor and most are shocked when I tell them it literally means F*** All.

J. Smith

Michael, I thought this Tony nightmare was over here you’re bringing back all these bad memories! Anyhow, I’m not surprised to figure out most of what he’s been saying is wrong. Tony seems like the kind of person that wants you to believe in him so bad and if you don’t he’ll tell you to “burn in hell”, as he’s done so many times. I never understood him comparing what he does to the Plejaren these are people that have mastered space travel and have the luxury of being out in space while doing their astrological work where they have a total front row seat….Where is the logic? I don’t expect Tony to shut down his stations and drop his astrological “profession”, but I hope he changes his views towards people that have opposing opinions, etc.

Brian Covington

The fact that this Tony Vaquez verbally attacked you Michael with unkind words tells us something about his untruthfulness and how he gets offended when you challenge him about his so called future predictions in turn creating another belief system for people that can’t think for themselves and buy into this nonsense for them to get all hot and bothered about.If he really believed his own abilities to look into the future and see disasters coming in certain areas that will happen with certainty,why would he get all up in a huff when he is questioned about them actually occurring?This guy just seems like another person who is desperate to be somebody because he feels like he’s nobody,so then he goes and manufactures utter nonsense(as you would say Michael)and that’s too bad.
He’s one of the reasons why the world is in so much trouble because they create disinformation like this that people whom can’t think for themselves will buy into and convince others that this stuff is going to happen for sure and cause a panic.It’s really a shame that people like this don’t even realize the damage they are doing to themselves let alone others when they misuse the might of the thoughts in a very negative way which of course is overwhelming on the planet at this point.


MH, nice to see your blog attracts all sorts of colorful people. This person’s color must be black.


Yes, it seems like he had a very “dark consciousness” from what I just read.

Well, I gather this person who claims to be a “Professional Astrologer” is not showing himself here now because most of his predictions were dead wrong?


MH, This TV sounds so dark and negative why do you bother with this guy who thinks he`s so professional,you might as well throw this guy in with Gerald Celenty another Gloom &Doom guy from c2c with Geprge Noory. How much Gloom&Doom negativity can we take? Where is the white positive light with these guys? TV is just using and wasting all that energy on you like Gerald Celenty etc. Why the bother MH?


Not only that, Captain Awesome was so AWESOME about his Astro-fail that he refused to answer some of the more simpler evidence-based questions when asked of him. The short response was 10+ years of personal secret classes with nothing but absolute belief that he is right can anyone “comprehend” his “corrected” terrestrial form of the ‘science of the stars’ (as he called it). Also, his (or her) apparent lack of recognizing the language barrier did not dissuade the “professional” on his scientific journey to read what he wanted to from the various Contact Reports.


Dennis, are you referring to the tone or color of his physical skin or the color of his material consciousness?


My Astromalogical Predictions for 2015

Technological breakthroughs will bring new convenience to the people. Religious differences will cause much suffering, violence, and death of innocent people. The U.S. military will attempt to instigate and control, while more and more countries turn away from the petro-dollar and use other currencies for trade. The world’s population will continue to grow out of control causing hunger, starvation, disease, and sickness. Earthquake activity will rumble in the ring of fire, as well as swarms in northern Nevada and Yellowstone park. New discoveries of exo-solar planets that potentially harbor life will inspire many to look to the stars in wonder and awe. Billions will be spent on political campaigns, yet corporations will still have more say than the mass of individuals. Slowly, more will awaken to the true teachings of the prophets and the Plejaran extraterrestrials, expanding the consciousness of only those who are open to new ideas, neutral-positive-equalized thinking, and a balanced and healthy psyche free of inaccurate information and degenerative thoughts.

Matt lee

Good on ya Michael
It’s one of those things that needed to be closed out for a new beginning lest it rears its ugly head in the future.
I’ve noticed as early as last year that in a different forum I was participating in the Skepticons did actually quote some of Tony’s claims mind you it didn’t help the cause of the truth.
So now we can let bygones be bygones and say bye bye to this episode as gone with the wind.


How stupid he is A-T..A Psychic Predictions Addendum | Exposing PseudoAstronomy


One must never rely strictly upon astrological or numerical sciences alone here, mostly due to the fact that we do not yet possess the necessary skills in which to perform such calculations accurately. One must rely on their own personal awareness and experiences. Many strange things occur that neither astrology or the study of numbers can currently explain. It is becoming obvious to me now that these strange occurrences are exceedingly rare. I had assumed otherwise.


Come on Forto tell us about your strange experience because I know you’ve wanted to for some time. I think everyone has strange experiences, I know I have had a few. Weirdly after years of trying to figure them out, the only solid conclusion that I ever reached was after reading Billy’s material which explain them and I’m satisfied with that.


I don’t think it makes much of a difference anymore. Even among our own circles it is somewhat unwise seemingly to speak of things that many still consider outlandish or crazy. I once thought it important to raise these issues, but I’m not so sure anymore. Words and/or descriptions would be grossly inadequate anyway. Afterall, who would believe it? This is the central issue facing people here. We are considered psychologically imbalanced and out of touch with “reality.” It sounds cruel, but sometimes I really don’t care that much anymore what happens here. To contemplate on it all is simply unhealthy. It’s a good thing though that there are some who seem to get it, whatever that may be.


PressTV – US agenda in Syria is chaos, destruction: Analyst


Presstv is Iranian propaganda.take anything they say about the US with a grain of salt.

Matt lee

I wish Tony all the best and a speedy recovery from his delusional consciousness state.
I won’t pretend to know what he has been through to have gotten this deep into his self dug grave but however Billy’s advice about people needing to take full responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings and action, some have allowed themselves to become so victimized by cruelty and injustices of this world that truly they can be regarded as victims.
Life and living is not easy and it wasn’t meant to be and some do lose their way for one reason or another.
It reminds all of us that human beings are fragile and the ego weak and thus more compassion, love, understanding, empathy, sympathy, patience, forgiveness, care, tender affection, respect and courage is needed for our fellow brothers and sisters especially when tempted to lash out at them or met out our own version of hard love.
Obviously being indulgent is not what I’ve meant only that at the same time we give people the chance to rectify themselves but also provide the opportunity through the laws of cause and effect for self realisation.
Some people do take longer than others especially when they have unresolved psychological issues through trauma or painful past.
Happy new year to Tony and to everyone here.


nicely said, Matt. Many don’t realize how deep certain dramas have been which created such pain are and that the need to lash out in such nonsensical ways towards others is in fact directed towards some undescribed, by them, negative swing wave within. Until the chaos is recognized for what it truly is, brought into awareness and learned from, into a balanced view, actions and interactions will, at some point, explode. This also can happen with, what I call and experienced personally, the “nicest person in the world”. The pain is so deep they’ve covered it up with presenting to the world how wonderful and prefect they are and all along the “injustices” were boiling away till the frog came jumping out right into the face of a very surprised and shocked person whom had been the closest. These extremes show very clearly how important it is to be aware of ones thoughts and feelings, in fact, it can be that this self realization within these extremes, produce, if recognized and worked on, a very balanced person which contributes and adds greatly to the world. We all deal with this, perhaps not on such an extreme level, all the time. It’s called being human 🙂

Happy New Year to you all and look forward to the continued conversation here on They Fly!

Matt lee

Good on ya EV
May all of us find our way back to our genuine higher self so that we can go back to our true home.

J. Smith

HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL! Its been a year now since I’ve stumbled upon the Meier case and its been great chatting with everyone on here time and time again about the case and life in general. I hope everyone has a great 2015 and I hope something new actually happens this year for the better of us all! One love peace!


I want to say Thank You Michael for all you did and will be doing in the future may thing be more fruitful this year for you. I hope that more people wake up and find there way to the spiritual teachings.Happy New Years to all and peace,love and harmony be with you…