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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Digital Age Convenience: Enslave Yourself!

…and make it easier to get into your office and use the printer too! Yes, why wait until we’re invaded by a conquering army, or you’re abducted by aliens? Now you can give up sovereignty over your body, mind and every function therein. Think of the relief you’ll experience when you’re tagged like a mangy dog and able to be controlled by the EU and the US, from Brussels or other exotic locations, by the dreaded evil elite that you’ve been busy worrying about for years.

But compared to the convenience of having a door unlock for you, or being able to make copies of your naked butt on the office computer, what’s a little thing like having control over your life – and death – in the hands of some capricious, highly amused lackey sitting in a big room somewhere who just may choose…you to experiment on next, to entertain himself watching you twitch like a splayed frog wired up to electrodes?

And if you weren’t hooked by the ease of operating the office coffee maker, wasn’t it clever when they…made it mandatory that every cell phone user had to be bio-chipped to use one?

How big a step do you really think it was from conditioning the slobbering, humbled, meek, drooling masses, sullied and subservient from millennia of groveling obeisance and obedience to delusional, mind-enslaving, worship-the-imaginary-guy-in-the-sky religions…to bending over for the bio-chip?

Why not eliminate any doubts that you’re regarded as nothing more than a pathetic, lazy, otherwise useless, easily manipulated, mindless pawn?

Sure, it’s gonna be hard to resist the allure of waving your hand to pay for the privilege of getting whatever slop your dictators have thrown in the trough you’re allowed to graze from. Hey, they’ve already convinced multitudes of women to cram silicone grapefruits into their chests to attract knuckle-draggers conditioned to salivate over deformed versions of what once was the sufficiently natural female body.

The stupidity of the overly entertained masses should never, ever be underestimated.

In other news

The people were warnedand did they listen?

Thanks to Blake and Mike for the info.


Botswana is the 132nd country from which we now have visitors.

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Matt lee

No thanks I like my chips fried preferrably with fried fish, calamarie rings and generous serving of lemon and salt if not Samboy barbeque will do.

On a another note I wouldn’t be surprised if Saudi Arabia, the US lackey that keeps on giving, well, to IS is the next terrorist target.

Philip Brandel

That’s it, I am going back to living in the woods until they find me:) Sounds more fantastic than it is I am sure. Though better than this disgrace of a civilization. Though I will defend myself before going within.
This is a fight for all things humans should understand and yearn for. Being free and thinking for oneself in an overly babied and coddled world.
Not having a smart phone personally, it is amazing to see others on these things. I will agree the ease of use and ability to ‘look up’ anything is astonishing. Including the 99% of crap no one should really care about. Why don’t more find themselves in the damn things. It is no coincident that many cannot live 15 minutes without looking at the thing. I guess I am no better when I get home to my computer…. And finally getting sucked into ‘facebook’. I guess it is for different reasons though. Entire countries have been over run using it, a lot can be done on this ‘facebook’ for those willing!
When there is no clean water, food, air, electricity, pressured water, grocery/gas stores what will these zombies do. It is such a fantastic set up that it seems to have no way but to fail. All because of our individual choices slowly, apparently given to us. I pull my phone out and the looks I get are laughable. Like I should be ashamed to not have a phone that can ‘think’ for me, smarter than many of the people holding them theses days it seems. Though what do I know…. as one thinking creature among the sheeple.

Matt lee

I’ve always wondered Phil why they call it a smartphone when the device is only as smart as the people who use them.
Dumphones should be the next catchphrase at the rate that we humanity are going. He he

Philip Brandel

I hear that:) I could open up another page right now and have one of these things sent to me, free of charge!
As with the boob-tube, it is an interesting thought to try and live even a week without my phone. Would open up the realization of how much has changed and where we are going if we don’t stop. And of course we won’t, not until it is to late.

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

As someone on the internet said:

“We live in the era of smart phones and stupid people.”

randy arena

We are so obsessed with entertainment and being surrounded by luxury that we do not see how little privacy we have… they have cameras on every street every doorway and every cell phone why worry about a chip… they don’t need it… we are closely observed from every angle.

Matt lee

Yeah Randy its an overkill but it just goes to show how worried and desperate these elites are.

Matt lee

One less psuedounscientificskeptic to deal with but Hey! Where’s the $1mil you owe Billy?

Matt lee

The pope is still at it.
You can’t beat Jesus.
Jesus christ!

Instead, the three elements of Jesus’ “new and living” way are: having “faith in Jesus who purifies us,” having unwavering hope in his promise and looking outward to encourage one another to be loving and charitable, he said.


Haha catholics are all loving and charitable until they marry a freemason and then there’s no love or charity to be found.

Matt lee

Hummmmm match made in heaven perhaps or was it hell.
Good one!


Paul Wr

Hey Michael the biochip link is not working!

Matt lee

“I used to say to him what’s the point of all this,” said Russo, “you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what’s the point, what’s the end goal?” to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

Now that’s a link

Antony E

I saw the office worker biochipping story on BBC news last night. Even the reporter on the story decided to be chipped to see what it was like. Clearly operating photocopiers by using a fingerprint scanner is so last decade! It’s nice to see the BBC doing the groundwork for the EU.
The only way that someone is going to biochip me, is if they kill me first!


Fast forward to a year from now and his wife will claim that his personality has changed.

Philip Brandel

Hey Michael, anything new with Foster Gamble? Just wondered if you two are communicating, just followed up reading the -thrive- blog again today? He seems to be a fairly level head guy, and glad he brought up Billy to his ‘mentor’ Dolan.


I too saw this one live as it was being aired on bbc news. – unbelievable. getting chipped just to open doors and use the goddamned printer! dumb-asses beyond belief, willing mindless serfs & slaves!!!!! just – just no end to the Earth human’s mind-boggling insanity!


I generally enjoy your posts Michael, but this one is a tad over the top, in my humble opinion. The shock value will not resonate with the public like you think it will. You are also stating things that are quite common within the “conspiracy theory” circles that you have so heavily admonished in the past. My advice to you, if you care to regard it is to stick with the spiritual teachings as no one will ever understand what you say regarding the things to come, ever. We must come to certain realizations now, we have known for a while what is what, but they will never listen. The shock value is lost on this place, they will never listen, ever. Sometimes we do ourselves unnecessary damage when we concentrate on those things in which we can never change. I know this first hand. Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth. Some things will simply be until they are not.


I understand and respect that.

Darcy Wade Carlile

It is nice to see the opposing charges discharge back into neutrality… did I just witness lighting on Mikes blog?

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

True .i must admit that if people even “glance” at the information provided .at least they can form their “own” opinions and grasp it or not ! And if they have just a taste or a hint of it .maybe in the future when somebody they trust and know that ‘Has” the information ……maybe they will delve into it a little bit more !.i have seen this happen time and time again in my circles over the past. ! Like a .slow .snowball effect .. Look at religions for instance ! ……………..and at least we “do” know that it “does” come to fruition in the future ! I look forward to my future incarnations , when the masses are informed about the Truth religions are a thing of the past and on the way to …..Humanity !


Here are some websites you might want to check out on thses horriblblr RFI Radio Bio_Chips. Check out Kathrin Albrecht website. One of her other websites is The otherone is etc. She even has herown radio show on her website too. The only problem is that she does believe in God and religion but I do agree with her about the number 666 which is the Mark of the Beast even thogh I DON`T believe in God and religion. You might find a lot of information about those horriuble radio chips and how to avoid them. She says there are ways tio avoid these chios. She also doesn’t recommend anything smart such as smart phones,smart TVs. Also she says even using an o-;phone is also being spied on too,that is ehy I use startpage as my home page instead of Google And she recommends using Mozila-Firefox as your browser if you are concerned about your privacy too as well. If you use Tor and or Tor browser,the NSA will try to find you and look you up. Years ago I took a one year couce and writing editorials for newspapers long before computers became common back then so I`m well aware of what is going on as far as being an independent reporter. I`m a very strong supporter of independent whistlbowers because I believe in telling the truth no matter what the cost is “I just DON`T trust these political religious corporate KIssnenger bullies,etc,etc,etc””!

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Well i reckon the best thing to do is to say “NO” …………..thanx! …………………but no thanx
i will do without it ! .At least the “Informed ” people ! i know myself and everyone i know that has this info , wont get an implant !


I’m pretty sure the alzheimer and dementia patients aren’t going to have a choice.

Matt lee

Good point Sheila!
Well I guess even having no choices is also a choice by default but one that you don’t choose.
What a choice!

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Heya there Sheila !!!!!!! (hope you are well !?)………well they will shortly…… if they get a hold of some of what Paul Stamets is doing ! (mycologist) Take a Glance on a google search on him if you might ..and if you get a chance !

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila, my wallet has RFID Tracker protection printed in embossed when I open my wallet. It is already 5 years old or more because mom bought it for my birthday years ago.


I support independent journalist such as Snowden, Glenn Greewald, Laura Portias Julian Assigns ectc, I have taken a cource on Jounalism in college years ago, but that was only for one year and got a B+ back then. Forgot to mention that. Sorry about that:)


Michael…………You really should stay away from those energy drinks!* (*sarcasm alert)

Darcy Wade Carlile

David what is the conspiracy plot against energy drinks? When I was in line at Sobey’s the nice lady at the till demanded that the young grocery clerk who was on his coffee break not buy that energy drink, and the chap gave in politely to her demands and exchanged it for a different kind of a drink.


Darcy……… Please note, (* sarcasm alert!)


Haha I like clerks like that. Brow beat them into making better choices.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila and David, FYI I have living cousins who are brother and older sister and their names are Sheila and David.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Well if Jesus was not nailed to the cross they would have stole him too.