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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

New Corroboration of Billy Meier’s Prophetically Accurate Scientific Information

A new article in NewScientist, titled Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core, reports that a “reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface.”

This “new discovery” apparently wasn’t so new to the Plejaren, as Ptaah mentions “enormous masses of water also located in the interior of the earth” in his discussion about numerous terrestrial matters with Billy Meier in the 540th Contact, on May 19, 2012…two years before this “new discovery”.

While we’re at it, an article on the Huffington Post explores the fact that the Earth’s core is as hot as the surface of the sun, as was originally reported in the magazine, Science. Not unexpectedly, Billy Meier already published the essential facts, as Ptaah presented them to him by, in 1986:

53. The Earth’s core, thus the center of the Earth, is not simply a solid mass, as is erroneously supposed by the earthly scientists; rather, it is a core that is similar to what the Sun is in its entirety.

Regarding Meier’s prophetic accuracy, so many things that Meier predicted in 1958 have come to pass that many may have been glossed over. While his foretelling the two US-Iraq Gulf Wars, AIDS, plastic credit cards, the internet, portable telephones, the EU and USA and bio-chipping are among the most dramatic, mundane – but specific – little things like this should be of interest:

80.) The time is coming when nobody who speaks for law and order will be heard anymore, as it has already been for a long period of time that none are heard who speak against the religious and sectarian beliefs and painstakingly spread the truthful truth in regard to life, Creation and its laws and directives, which especially will be again, approaching this time, when, in the Third Millennium, a German religious fanatic Pope will assume the pontificate, who believes, through his fanatical belief in god, that he can save the world from its disintegration and downfall.

 Now of course the skeptics and debunkers will really have to work hard to tell us just how Meier “hoaxed” his advance knowledge of…so many things. He couldn’t just be – telling the truth about his 73-year-long contact with the Plejaren extraterrestrial human race, could he?

Thanks to Bruce Lulla for the translation of the 540th Contact.

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As I have stated to you several times most all of this was predicted in the Bible long before Meir or any of us. Even the Pope was predicted by another pope in 1100 AD??? Tesla predicted that people would someday be walking around talking on phones. That was in 1900 again before Meier.
The Mark of the Beast in the hand or head was in the Bible again long before any of us.
I think it has been an accepted fact that the earth core was very hot molten iron core that the earth above floated on it. . Except for the hollow earth nuts. So how could all this water be near this heated core and not turn into explosive steam? Or cool the core?
I recently made contact with a man that drills for water He claims that water is made by the earth. If you know where to drill you can get almost unlimited amount of water. Certainly not near the core. I do not know how long he has know about this water reserve but it sounds about the same. Again except it is not near the core.
So there is not much new here.


Michael,I never ever read the bible nor do I even believe the bible. I you want to know,I NEVER EVER believed in religion nor even practiced ANY religion. The closes I ever got to religion on was when I was a child. My parents wanted to send me to Sunday school to learn about my Jewish faith and even tried to read in Hewbrew. After two weeks I said to my parents that I didn`t want to go back to Sunday school because I couldn`t even understand the bible let alone eve in Hewbrew and that was the end of that experience. To this very day I just CAN`T even unserstand this horrible idea of ANY religion due to the fact that religion is so out of touch with the universe believes of the stars, galaxies,planets, the good friendly STs like the Plejarens and so on. To me religion is just an enigma and a side show. Even when I went to temple the sermons would just put me to sleep. To this ver day I CAN`t stand the thought of religion.

Matt lee

Terry work with us here if you say that you’ve never read the bible then how do you know to make such a remark.
It baffles me that people base their opinions on other people’s opinions and not on established fact.
What is this but blind belief!


Heavy water?


“So how could all this water be near this heated core and not turn into explosive steam? Or cool the core?”

The Plejaren are recommending geothermal for meeting our energy needs. So this ocean down there would be feeding other sources closer to the surface, and make it VERY feasible for ANYBODY anywhere on the planet to tap in to a geothermal source, as well as water. There is no doubt that this could be a HUGE opportunity for entrepreneurs in the future. Since we know, from Billy and Earth scientists, that we have an almost unlimited source geothermal (AND the technology is available right now), I can envision in the not too distant future an geothermal energy start up company, maybe servicing a small city or several towns, that will compete with Public service for energy needs for homes, apartments, businesses, etc. This company might be able to recycle water to further their revenue stream; no pun intended, but worked out that way. Plus other side benefits that we can only imagine right now. With overpopulation and over consumption, creating blackouts with today’s dated energy infrastructure, and an ever increasing demand, the obstacles that held alternative energy back, by petroleum industry covering it up, for example, will crumble. Just like we have Tesla electric cars now, in a once only gasoline world. Green is in for the people who are thinking. And who knows, just maybe in the future Steam Punk will go mainstream!


I once saw a You Tube Video some time ago a year or two that drilling for gas and oil(fracking) is really 1940s technology which is dirty filthy quaint hydrawlick old 1940s technology which in my opinion just horribly BAD technology and is very very old too!


I’m confused [now] … we ought to be spreading the truth teaching on the Internet? I assumed it was better to make it silent – just to learn in private, because I came up against enough resistance just by keeping my mouth shut and refusing to accept Jesus as my saviour … but I am wrong? Well that part from the contact report just opens up new questions … for me, about what it really means to spread the truth. Can it be that spreading the truth means living it in silence AND talking about it openly? How can one exist alongside the other … because if it is silent, doesn’t that mean keeping mouths quiet, at least until it seems like there’s a slight chance of being heard …? I’m really trying hard to get it right, but I wonder if I’ll ever get it right :S


This thing we are doing, after all is called “The Silent Revolution of Truth”

It’s the summation of the Mission, among many other things; maybe you are on to something?

Matt lee

Billy warned about missionizing and proselytizing.
He said to make an example to others by you living it by conforming your words, deeds, actions, intentions, motives, feelings, thoughts and life to the Creational laws whatever this means to each person according to their understanding of the truth of the 12 commandments, directives and recommendations.


Michael, Wasn`t that pope Benedick who was from Germany before he became the Pope who stepped down due to health issues before Pope Francis?

Matt lee

It was pope Benedict XVI to be precise

Antony E

I’m pretty sure I remember reading an earlier contact report in which the plejaren mentioned that there was more fresh water under the earth’s crust than salt water in our seas, but I can’t seem to find it!


Anotny, Because these fosil fuel guys are just too busy drilling for oil and gas for money and they just don`t care if they pollute and mess with the people on planet Earth for money instead of finding safer more sustainable alternatives that save the planet and the environment. “All they want is the money,they DON`T care about the people who have to live with their dirty fosil fue”!

Matt lee

Terry you’ve also got to remember that it is also about jobs

J. Smith

And another!………..but who’s counting!

Matt lee

The money changers


Yeah when i read your article. It was a case of i heard this before and thought it was from a new article. It must of been the contact notes. They just keep coming.

Darcy Wade Carlile

And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone. However, this will not be the end yet—because the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Heavy overnight shelling by Pakistan at International Border in Jammu and Kashmir…

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

just to clarify here , My extensive Drilling career as a Exploration driller up to 1500+ meters and Water bores …..and R/C ,RAB , Diamond(core) drilling,,,,The ‘water” source and why it doesnt blow off explosionally like super heated steam , is that it isnt trapped !…Its like you have layers of earth/ rock/clays/shales/ Mudstone etc etc , then voids for meters at a time .right the way down .ive hit aquifers and sub aquifers “communicating” with eachother , and more sedimentary clays and shales down to 1500 meters and “drilling ” Nothing for meters. broken ground and fissures .When i have finished drilling a hole , we send down a camera which shows all the cracks and voids . “ALL the way ! $150,000 camera !
So the water is actually quite fluid flowing.Its “always got somewhere to escape to / through.Ive pumped over 1 million litres of water in 1 hole .With drilling “muds ” just to “plug” a small crack in the strata , Where i lost water return from my rig..((you need to see the water return from the hole where possible whilst drilling) I could have pumped the whole Pacific down there and still would have gone somewhere !. Water like air , finds the path least of resistance. And there aint much down there !(resistance)as well as the “soaking ” effect. Gravity also plays a big part .and acts differently “below the surface of earth than it does “on the surface !… . like,,,, try sucking the air out of a balloon through the rubber !



Given the secret technology level behind government curtains that we learn about in the Meier case, do you think that the Earth humans have the technology to drill ultra deep to reach these ultra hot ‘water’ sources near the core of the Earth to get the “super heated steam?”


Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Hya Anthony !! not until such time as when the technological advancments for such an extensive undertaking takes place. It wont happen .There are too too many complications down that deep.With a rod pipe string (3m lengths all joined together) Hypothetically , the inertia required would just snap the rods. Try to twist a short piece of steel , then try to twist a Long piece of steel.The long piece will twist easy.Just to add also .the geothermals are not super heated steam from underground sources , it is just “hot” formations of naturally depleted
granites , and uranium , Ive retrieved core samples that i couldnt hold for more than a few seconds!. They have to pump water down there for it to turn to steam . So …thats a lot of our natural “above ground resources that will be required to do this ! BTW ,there are 8 geothermal trial holes being conducted in several places here in Australia .

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

So . if the Water volume of 3x the seas on earth were to be situated near Magma chambers and so forth .it would have blow off valves “everywhere ! always got somewhere to go as steam and then to cool and condense back to the good ol H20 as it travel’s miles along the way !

Matt lee

Well Wayne I don’t have quite an extensive drilling experience as you but I am also sort of in the mining sector building part of mines, doing maintenance and commisioning of mines, oil rigs and ships but I must say my suspicion with all these earthquake activities human induced is that we are also disturbing the underground acquifers or underground seas if you will via our disturbance of the magnetic field from HAARP, over building, the usual open pit and underground mining, increased air traffic, damming, reclamation of land, human induced global warming induced sea level rise therefore displacement of enormous weight around the earth and the might of our negative hyper frequency thought waves.

Not only does the magmas move with the rhythm and rotation of earth but so does the vast underground water.

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

There was a drilling rig in Russia which drilled down to 16 Km or miles .cant remember now, but !! they were still drilling clay and river beds down at that depth !

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

We drilled a “geothermal” hole outside of Leigh Creek here in South Australia , down to 2000 meters. A geothermal hole is .depleted granite / uranium Once the hole was completed , they put on a “head” and pumped water down and the return water /steam came out at 156 degrees centigrade . Their (the client’s)target was 163 degrees to make it viable.According to their statistical data.

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

And just to point out also is to be said that ….just as it is wrong to rape the oil from the earth .so to the water ! ……… Drilling for resources we dont need ! But the bigwigs have it their way dont they ! every child that is born in Australia , puts a $1 million injection into the Governmental resources ! Thats why the Govt here gives out a “baby bonus” unwed and single Girls from 14 years of age i have seen and know that they have gotten the bonus ……..It ‘used’ to be $7000 , It is sent in stages now $1400 a month and i think it is now only $4000 . So this is another issue of overpopulation matters. $4000 for a kid , and that kid injects $1,000,000 for the Govt ……WTF

Matt lee

WTF Wayne are you for real? Where did you get that data from?

J. Smith

Now if the other umpteen other frauds have the balls to come out and admit their deceit we can probably begin to get the ball rolling in accordance with the truth..but we all know that’s not happening.

J. Smith

His art work is actually really, really good but how low of him to use that gift for something like that. Looking at his painting he has a wild imagination.

Matt lee



ISIS losing momentum

ISIS naturally appears to contain an innate self-destructiveness

Matt lee
