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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Bad Research or CIA Shill?

I was recently sent a link to a seemingly unusual place to find an inept attack on the Billy Meier UFO case, the OccupyTheory website. According to the info on the site:

We are a online magazine that focuses on important issues related to the Occupy movement. Our journalists write about topics in the fields of climate change, activism, environment, and human rights.

So exactly why did they choose write a purely skeptical attack on the Meier case, use the outdated and inaccurate information and provide no links to any of our sites? Could it be because someone there was aware that Meier had criticized the stupid Occupy movement in “as the time fulfills”?

Certainly Prof. Zahi’s analysis on the WCUFO was already available when they wrote the article and they could’ve tested a photo themselves. They also could have recently learned that Phil Langdon chickened out of the debate with me, probably also because it’s obvious that he really didn’t – and couldn’t – duplicate the details of the WCUFO.

Still, since the site claims to discuss the pros and cons of numerous social and environmental issues, how is it that there’s no mention whatsoever of Meier’s abundant, prophetically accurate information pertaining to many of these exact topics?

I have only two theories as to why the Meier case is attacked here. One is that they are simply bad, shallow, trendy “researchers”. The other is that they are perhaps a kind of “rat catcher” site for the CIA or some other intelligence gathering agency set up to track people who are interested in quasi-alternative news and subjects. If so, they also want to direct people away from where real, vitally important information can be found.

Something “conspiratorial” to ponder on this Sunday morning.


Thanks to Adam Coate for the information.

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Don Schneider

The logic does seem to point to that. That is an attempt to point people away from the definitive guide on all things explained and proved that are immensely important regarding the Billy material. A cheap shot at keeping people in the dark who may already lack the skills to even invest the effort to discern the truth and make up their own mind.


If a hoax is dubunked doesn’t that mean it’s not a hoax but proved genuine? Not that those superficial infantiles would understand. Our world has far too many unthinking giggling kids like them trying in vain to masquerade as adults. To argue that a prophecy which includes a clause saying it may not happen is a copout is to say that all prophecy is a copout since every single one throughout all time never HAD to happen; but these dolts are again obviously incapable of seeing that. No wonder the Plejaren don’t want to make contact with the general populace if they peer in and see ones like them as the typical superficial ineptitudinal know-it-alls. Good grief!


For those who don’t want to dirty themselves (and I don’t blame you) by going on the website Michael linked, here it is.

“Billy Meier Hoax Debunked
on 5 November, 2014 at 10:00

Out of all the UFO cases that have ever caught the public’s imagination, the contacts of Billy Meier may be the most famous and one of the most controversial. When most people say that they have had contact with aliens, Meier never claimed to have met a single alien. He instead claimed that he had been in contact with humans from other planets and that he was still in regular contact with them. Did the UFO, which looked remarkably like a wedding cake, actually exist? Or is it all just an elaborate hoax that needs to be debunked.
Just How Was the UFO Supposedly Constructed?

A unique claim that takes this UFO contact from ordinary to extraordinary is the fact that Meier provided metal samples to a chemist who was employed by IBM. The chemist, Marcel Vogel, claimed that the material contained Thulium, which is an extremely rare earth element and at the time of the UFO contact, nearly impossible to obtain. Vogel used an EDS x-ray spectrum to analyze the metal to support the claim, but later admitted that the secondary spectrum bands for Thulium were missing.

That meant the metal was actually aluminum and there was a good possibility that silver had been alloyed with it. It was entirely possible that the ship was made from one sheet of aluminum that had silver plating.

In addition, Vogel claimed that the metal involved showed signs of micro-manipulation when it was magnified to a degree of 500 diameters. Using other metal samples, scientists have proven that the exact same manipulations that Vogel saw can be created with basic metal machining and seen at that magnification level.

One UFO Researcher Went the Extra Mile

A man named Phil Langdon decided that he’d had enough of the UFO stories, so he took it upon himself to prove that the images and videos that Meier took could be completely duplicated. Starting with the construction of the ship, which included step by step instructions, Langdon recreated every still image and every video that Meier created. The images are remarkably similar and anyone can do the same thing – sometimes just by using an arm.

A common question about Meier’s UFO videos is this: what about the strange sounds that are heard? When Langdon strung up the UFO model with cording, he discovered that the suspension wires would vibrate as the model swung about. This would amplify the sound and the camera would pick up the audio as a type of screeching. The two videos, when watched side by side, show that Meier suspended a wire between two trees and swung the UFO to show it flying.

Whether they were humans or aliens, the fact is that Meier made the whole thing up. Until solid evidence of extraterrestrial life is found, stories like these should just stay what they are: stories. Turning them into a “fact” is what makes them an elaborate hoax.”

LOFLMFAO Who writes that crap anyways??? Oh and look, no place for comments. Dumb skeptic or dumb CIA agent, what’s the difference?


thank you Shelia for posting this, I really don’t like to go to sites like this one, I don’t want to add to their numbers of visits, silly little quirk I have 🙂


I like to balance out my visit number by sending them an email inquiry which takes them to task. I’m waiting for a reply from the editor explaining why they don’t allow comments.


good, I’ll remember that, Taro.


It’s easy to post unresearched(or deceptive) articles when there are no consequences. If everyone sent them an email, they might think twice the next time they consider using the Meier material. Maybe even remove what they have. If you’re bored and feel like causing a lil’ trouble, send them something that warrants a specific response. I’ve found if you remain direct but respectful, it will increase the chances of a response. This is for anyone not just Ev, of course.


Hi Taro (Anthony is that you?), I used that link you posted:
I got a “message delivery failed: returning message to sender” apparently due to “no valid MX hosts found”


Not Anthony, just Taro. I never had that problem, although I never received any confirmation message either. Sounds like it’s all on their end. Maybe they’ve been inundated with emails and pulled the plug on their server. Maybe it’s a fake contact page. Just guesses.


Hi Ev, I hear you and am with you on that.

Matt lee

Gee Sheila all my favourite words into one LOFLMFAO beautiful! Let’em have it!


Hi Matt, the first letter should have been an R but thanks for not noticing 🙂


What a weak thinking group of overly socialized chatters.

Billy’s Witnesses ignored, as were beams hip sounds, photos and the teachings. Not worth a listen to, unless you can afford to be dulled and disappointed in these young immature brains

No depth to this, it’s all a party to them, wise crackers



A shallow article written for ADD, non-truth, non-seeking fellow humans that are all a part piece of the one BEING and have no desire to seek true knowledge. Here is a link to an article “Why Do People Believe Stupid Stuff, Even When They’re Confronted With the Truth?”

Dyson Devine

I think I found the problem:
“2008 – Brain Tumor Tears Down My Mind”

Dyson Devine

“that’s what we’re instructed to say;)”

Matt lee

Even presidents are people who are told what to say or else these days.


Bad news for those who hold out hope that the governments will ever come clean with their secret military industrial black ops programs.

Dyson Devine

It’s NOT “the government”. It’s private corporations. The elected governments are out of the loop and haven’t got a clue, let along “files” to release.

President Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation, January 1961

“In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

paul russell

Good example of non-critical thinking playing itself out under the guise of reporting. In fact, I would suggest they were attempting to ride the coattails of a famous story to enhance their image. They won’t be building image on credibility. This is the world we live in now. Facts are irrelevant to belief.

Greg D

One obvious flaw in their argument is:
“Did the UFO, which looked remarkably like a wedding cake, actually exist?”

They don’t even realize that there are what, 5, 6, or 7 different types of beamships photographed, plus telemeter discs, plus the Great Spacer? I guess Billy also made a model of the fighter jet too, and used a string to fly that back and forth behind the beamship 20 times?


I think neither bad research nor CIA shill .. just brain-dead marketing and giving them any sort of press is all they care about .. better off ignoring such nonsense, imo

David Scott

The recent FCC Internet ‘appointment’ wor watchdog has taken a sad turn friends . Michael being liked to that is very very bad and a plant . I have noticed hacks in major internet news sites and personally I am being sensored . My E mails are ‘disappeared and my computer has been remotely turned on a I have had virus central . It was the day of the ruling this all started . I suggest everyone uses antivirus software , updates each day and scan your computer often . The game has changed . The internet is under attack cencoring media big time .


Its called neutrality.FCC and Google doing that.
Soon we may not be able to go to these websites.


I don’t have internet at home. Only use public computers.

Greg D

Ahh, I made a mistake, being human! There are 9 pictures of craft that were sketched out by Wendelle Stevens. Here is the link to view the sketches free of charge:
If you want to buy them all on ebay, it will also cost you 9…hundred dollars, that is.

Greg D

Plus the WCUFO = 10.


Hi Guys, I suggest you use startpage as our home page and Mozillia Firefox as your browser.I have antivirus but I`ll check to make sure I got,if not then I`ll call my computer guy to make sure it`ll be installed. As Ed Snowden suggest,Yo`ll need to have ROBUST INCRIPTION INSTALED TOO! When ever my computer stops working, I always ask my computer guy check and and have robust inscription put in that way you can`t get hacked,buged Oh and don`t for get the most important thing you can do if you don`t want the NSA looking into your files,Emais,websitesand so is to use InPrivavet,that`s very important., That`s what I have on my computer that we your Email can`t get hacked and you can also recommend that to Billy at As far as I`m concerned the CIA,NSA and all those corporate and political inhumain entities are ALL A BUNCH OF SHILLS,JUST DON`t listen to those stupid shiils,the`re not worth listening to,. Just ignore them because all they do is get you to believe them and their stupid lies etc. “Know It All,there nothing more than BALLS that belong in a petri cuture dish”! Don`t forget I`m also a member of WESPAC Foundation A Peace Action Network and I`ve been protesting wars ever since the war in Viet Nam back in the 1960s and 11970s. “This world should be like Erra NOT like this,it`s just awful right now. We NEED to do something to change the behavior and attitude of this world if we`re going to survive and become more responsible and reasonable and take a more positive logical steps to undo and unscew this despicable negative fearmongering warlike attitude and behavior. Think of what Billy and the Ps would do I think it`s high time we join the Plejaren Federation and listen to the Andromedian high Coucil and the Coucil of Elders on Erra instead of listing to all these horrible shills who only intent is ki8lling and destroying this world and making us suffer for all their garbage”!

Mat Denham

There is an old comment shared by cooks that says “The proof is in the pudding!”

We have always known that this choice that we have made is not going to be an easy one. It is best not to speculate the future or the past but we must survive as one…”One day at a time!”

If there is to be a middle way to this all it is perserverance, discernment and a good overall well founded perspective which must prevail in our hearts and spirit forms.

There are most certainly ways that we as a whole that we can maintain/enforce in order to keep the ball rolling!

I am no expert but my faith is in the truth that is openly shared through Billy and that of MH efforts to share this obvious fact that we are not alone!

Mat (Bronzedesk)

Daniel Zumon

Hey Mat D, my opinions are in agreement with yours, but what I will say is that it does make the truth that little bit more horrifying, within the perspective and context of the real that the good upstanding reasonable thinking man [such as yourself] naturally puts it in, in logical progression I mean. The whole NSA files thing for example is all entertaining and everything, a real time consuming community establishing, water cooler gossip generating good learning time, but, when we get down to it, it all goes quite a significant way along to saying that our humanity is in quite a bad way lost. In a hopeless selfish enslaved sort of a way.

I studied some ancient greek texts and as some already know I put a solid learning effort into learning more than most about the Atlantis historical episode, a few years ago. And what I learnt, well I learnt a whole range of things, some of the greek authors describe the possibilities of the future as developing into the necessary monstrosity [that we know today].

But what I found really of key interest was the overall shape of the social systems comparatively. That we were better off as reasonable thinking independent men under that ancient social structure, than we are today, that is to say we are less wise today than in those times, and less free too, under the current contradicting legalese, national enslavement, overpopulation, equality-delusion, humanrights-delusion, race-delusion, God-delusion system, free market greed-might-delusion system. And while there is nothing we can actually do about that apparently, pushing everything firmly into the real as the reasonable knowledgeable thinking wise men do, I suppose at least we have to hold onto some form of hope, which is again why we do it. What I now have the capacity to argue is to what the point of that would be, I mean, if it is not echoing through our establishment, through our governments, it is not resonating with humanities leadership core base where ever they may be.

The truth is that we have lost any possible shade of wisdom at the national/international level, and it all needs to be quite hard firm concrete at that level if we are to develop anything pleasant in the future, we’re basically waiting for the administration of earth from another planet, wont happen in our lifetime evidently. And that is quite a hopeless way of looking at it anyway. So apparently it comes down to the value of emphasis, and specifically to the human and what they value. There is some statistics in a contact report given by Ptaah, for the current time (think info was gathered in 2006), which looks something like this.

82% religious (exception of Buddhism philosophy of life)
18% free thinking of which
2% no interest in various different earth developments
16% generally focused on the teaching of life and the natural laws etc.

Most people ignore statistics like these in the contact reports, which I find appalling really given that we have no possible ability to collect such data at the current time, it should resonate as profound data. The contact report is 4xx cannot remember exact number.


My computer is an acer pc which is a Swiss computer company which doesn’t come with an antispyweatr,however I do have a Norton anyspywear softwhere installed in my computer. I`m surprised that acer didn`t install anytispywear in their computers? Hmm?:( Sorry I forgot to mention that . Sorry about that.:)


Try the Malwarebyte software. It is for free and it does a good job.

Stephen Lane

If you want anonimity online you can also use the Tor network. Though doing so may eventually attract the attention of Intel/law enforcement. They’re assumption being that if you are using it you must have something to hide. If Intel agencies want to access our computers they can simply do it. They really do have the means. They could take down all FIGU and connected websites if they wished. They could dispose of people if they wished! But all that would ultimately backfire on them in the long run. However, I don’t think that they are that interested in us… yet. We pose no threat to commercial/political interests … at this stage (they will ultimately destroy themselves). So they simply monitor. They have bigger fish to fry at the moment. What David says below is absolutely right. No online digital technology can be trusted. Things have moved on from virus’s. Kids are taught to code at school from an early age now. It’s their language. It’s no longer a case of “look what I can do to your PC.” They are going after your money, your ID, corporate servers, clouds, infrastructure. Fortunately there is always the low-tech life too. Nobody can hack your books. 🙂


Stephen, What about Mozilla Firefox? is that the same as Tor?

Stephen Lane

Can you fix that last post Michael? 🙂

Jeff Tan

My only question would be why would anybody take Phil Langdon’s word for it with his models (as truth to suggest the case as a definite hoax) without ever questioning the loads of other credible and unique differences between the genuine crafts and his tin can backyard knock offs?


This is NOT the CIA; so I’m going with “… they are simply bad, shallow, trendy “researchers”.

I would bet that Phil Langdon is your cat. I would go so far to say that Phil is in bed with his boy Brandon on this. Why are you even concerned with this “shallow” article? This article does not hurt Meier. It is just noise.

Let’s move on. Do you have any further information about the “earth aliens?” I knew that they were not real extraterrestrials; but I did not consider that one is from a future Earth time and the second group is from a parallel time (space-time configuration for short). I would love to hear more.