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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Truth Is the First Casualty

…when politics, religion, ambition and greed reign supreme.

In case it escaped anyone’s notice, it’s all about…the buck; and of course mainly passing it when it comes to self-responsibility.

Time and again, for decades actually, we’ve been warned. Now some things are disappearing, while other things make their appearance, both with deadly consequences. And sudden disasters like this mudslide that wiped out people, cars and homes in Chile were long foretold by Billy Meier as well.

Special political and profit motivated exemptions are made for companies to consume and pollute the water in California, which is becoming ever more scarce, the consequences of which are still not comprehended by most people.

Lip service is given to stopping the destruction of arts and antiquities by the IS, while Apple tap dances around it’s support of countries that murder gays. It’s already been pointed out that Qatar openly sponsors the genocidal maniacs of the IS.

All of this and, unfortunately, more are the result, the effect of our ill thought out actions, which prioritize profit über alles. So truth is indeed the first casualty but the ever-unfolding consequences take on mass suicide proportions.

It can seem beyond daunting to even try to make a difference. But those of us who’ve been studying the Meier material, especially everything connected to understanding and applying the Might of the Thoughts also know that it requires now a long, painstaking process of controlling our thoughts, of neutral-positive thinking and complete self-responsibility.

It took a long time for the obvious effects of the cumulative irresponsibility to appear, despite the still unimaginable denial of the profiteers, and it will take a long time to correct it. Coming together in study groups, discussing the various solutions, methods and insights will indeed serve us better than hand wringing. Still, every now and then a “reality check” is given. But to repeat, it’s not so we can moan and blame, etc. It’s so we can set the example by becoming conscious, responsible creators, with even small steps at a time.

I encourage the readers to now focus on discussing such things and leaving behind the futile criticisms. Let others pass the buck, it’s time we worked on and offered solutions.







Special thanks to Mike Basal, Chris Lock andAnnie Newman, Michael Turley.


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Spot on, like the focus Michael~!


I agree. The Might of the Thoughts seems quite interesting. I was thinking today, the core reason we do not yet see this other knowledge may be due to the fact that we have not controlled our thoughts, although it is FAR easier said than done. Through time and evolution, these other Humans and probably non-Humans have achieved a level of ability to control their thoughts in such a way that hardly one iota of illogic and semi-primitiveness permeates them, which is why they have acquired these consciousness abilities. It is a huge responsibility to harness such Spiritual power and only those who are ready will seem to attain it, although I have a feeling this may not always be the case throughout the Universe and beyond. Solutions are the key as are groups of like minded people. Hopefully as time progresses, people will find their way to their respective locations in a timely fashion. The material, it seems, is the only hindrance.

Daniel Zumon

Your essentially asking people to skip a massive chunk of essential evolution, and assuming technological, scientific progress, social agreements will just pop out. Well it is possible what your asking for, but the only way (ive ever come across atleast) would be if money was just handed out in combination with all laws (manmade laws) just being stripped out and removed. So essentially we’re waiting for a special energy source to be developed which would completely collapse the entire world economy, essentially, and invoke a completely refreshed re-look at everything achieved thus far by those that have ‘controlled their thoughts’

“The material, it seems, is the only hindrance.”, be careful about saying shit like that forto, your essentially endorsing mass suicides, be careful how you write stuff.

Daniel Zumon

“Controlled their thoughts”, be careful there, we’ll have weirdy idiots stomp all over us if we do not take care there. Every human being “Controls their own thoughts”, we would all just be laying on the ground grunting if not, if you can see what you’ve essentially said there?

Daniel Zumon

Do you see how stupid some of those people on youtube come across?


As usual, people misinterpret or misunderstand my words. It was probably my fault. We must endeavour to begin to think differently, beyond simple money and material motivation. You are far more than just your logical thoughts and rational conclusions. This I can tell you from experience, although it is simply my own individual experience. The trick is learning how not to care so much about the “world economy.” These things are going to fall eventually, no structure stands upon a hill forever. The wind withers away at its tops and finally its foundations until it ceases to exist. The material is important, yes but it is only a tiny fraction of what you truly are. Your personality is what guides you, as so often does mine. I can tell you right now, there are short cuts, but they really are not all that significant when it comes to linear time. It’s just important that we know that. Everything within Creation is alterable if you only know how to do it and fully understand and become one with what it is you are changing. This is something we as Humans here struggle with everyday. Let me tell you all right now, simple logic will get you only so far, you will then approach a wall which will require you to dig deeper. That’s when the REAL work begins and it will not be easy all the time.


“Through time and evolution, these other Humans and probably non-Humans have achieved a level of ability to control their thoughts in such a way that hardly one iota of illogic and semi-primitiveness permeates them, which is why they have acquired these consciousness abilities.”

This is nonsense! For starters only “human beings” have a creative consciousness that allows for free will, evolution, etc. “Non-humans” are not human so there is no contemplation of the Universe or free will, etc. to begin controlling ones thoughts. All human beings make mistakes! No matter how highly evolved, humans can be illogical at times and have a relative primitiveness compared to even higher races.

Corey J

The non-humanoid life forms are called Peregrinhumanoids, which means strange-humanoids (Fremdartighumanoide).


The point is that if it has a human brain, with a strange looking body or not, it has the ability to think. Plus non-humans, would be incorrect for “strange-humanoids.” The two are not the same. Non means “not” in English.

Daniel Zumon

Hey Corey, I’m not confident it means that, do you know about taxonomy? Well at any rate the peregrinus family have distinction bird evolutionary features. Maybe worth researching that through, who knows where it might lead 🙂

Daniel Zumon

Ah, hey again Corey, “Fremdartig” does mean ‘strange’ in german. Non-humanoid means not of a ‘consciousness-evolution’, I assume anyway, and if thats the case then we are looking at intelligence-evolution. I dont know who originally wrote that particular page on the FOM, thank you to the person that did, the original source 469th contact, does not appear to have been translated far enough to include the information about the various taxonomies of humanoid form. Maybe someone could rewrite it, do some investigation into the specific taxonomy and how it relates properly to the english language, if it turns out to be the case that’s it not quite factually aligned with the common biological agreements. Someone could provide pictures of the evolutionary features associated with the specific taxonomical class maybe.

Pictures of aliens – thats what most regular people want to be fed isnt it.

Daniel Zumon

The common everyday understanding which just about pushes the average person over the edge of their understanding. There are further taxonomical class tiers family genus. I am sure you can look further into it if you want to know what your talking about, and come across as if you know what your talking about. The conclusion as it stands that there are 7 races on earth, planets creating 3 races, you can do your own investigation, blah blah. So there are evolutionary traits that emerge, differences that emerge in relation to planet, environment, conditions. – It can all be worked out, but you’re going to need to look into yourselves, else it just sounds like your reciting a myth (with respect)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo

Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Homo floresiensis
Homo rhodesiensis
Homo georgicus
Homo antecessor
Homo cepranensis
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens

Take a look at everything, do some work on it if you genuinely wanted to know something about what your talking about, evolution, human beings etc


I thought as you did for a long time, well seemingly long for me. But this IS one of those times that logic WILL serve you if you only think simplistically about it. Do you honestly believe that only Humans have been given a life to ponder and perfect? Only an Earth Human would create such high fences for themselves to jump over. Think about it. You are one of many life forms within the great expanse. Be careful not to attach too much significance to your species. You are only one of MANY.

Daniel Zumon

I would only add to be careful about mixing your self up with animals generally, you’ll run into nothing but problems if you align yourself too closely. Also what I said, is more about the creative spirit form (all humans), and what is going on materially in terms of evolution in humans, as you say is less relevant, but still incredibly important to know that there are differences and the universe works that way for a legitimate reason, its important yeah, to know about how your own species works ideally, absolutely, why not?. Its not a high fence, its just a general acceptance that its ok to care about specific things even if a stigma has traditionally closed the subject down hard, that showmanship in race and species relations is not even helpful useful, and be a scientist about it and we tend to get away with anything we want.

Daniel Zumon

Also forto with respect your being ridiculous about it actually, oh yeah sure there are a billion trillion life forms out there in several hundred unique taxonomical human forms. But people need to focus primarily and exclusively on the specifies of earth and our evolution (sure after they have accepted the ideas your talking about), for the exclusive reason that we live on earth and do not have access to any other world, we need to know stuff before we can start going far. You should have thought it through what you were saying more vigorously. The universe does not build bridges between all the worlds light years apart, does it.


Maybe he is a reptoid in a human body?


I do not separate myself from my fellow Humans in any way, shape, or form. The meaning or the conveyance is what is of importance here. All of us are Humans of this Earth, there is no escaping this, even Eduard. We must be careful to follow only one single line of thought or expression here as this can become quite confusing for us, on top of the introductory information being offered. This journey is about the absolute truth, not just our personal perspectives concerning truth. But then how do we find truth without a personal perspective regarding truth? It is often a double edged sword. You can often be informed of something and feel you understand it, but do you really? These things we discuss are often complex and hazy and each one of us has a role to play in some little way. Words are simply a way to convey a thought or feeling and they are not always meant to be received in the manner in which they are presented.


I would also like to add that it may be important to understand what self responsibility really means. This is often thrown around a lot as a means to make people experience self loathing. This is not the intended meaning. Self responsibility involves those moments in which no one is watching or hearing you, only you are there to judge yourself. When you have perfected this, then you are a true Human. None of us can honestly say with any certainty that we’ve reached this point yet, no matter what we tell ourselves and we must be careful not to feel so utterly informed when dealing with others. I include myself in this obviously. These other people do not land for this very reason. They know most of us have simply not reached the state where our very existence has integrated with absolute truth. It doesn’t make us evil, just somewhat uninformed as of yet.


I think you’re sort of reaching here a little Michael, but I respect what you are saying. Sometimes in life we have to follow our gut. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but all I see here many times is fairly typical Human combative behaviour which is totally understandable, I’m still pretty pissed off about stuff sometimes, but it will gain you nothing in the end. It’s all energy that could be spent doing other things of importance. We all feel we have the answers, but we are so far away from the end it’s often ridiculous to even pursue certain discussions in my opinion. That’s the beauty of free will though in this respect at least, we are free to voice how we think and feel.

Daniel Zumon

You are right in what you say forto. But the truth facts of the natural laws never change evidently. This is why people such as my self throw out these poorly founded ideas readily, easily such as: reptiliods, chemtrails, externalisation of any of the dimensions, illogical time-travel, god complex, polarity inverted ideas. – If we stick to the creative-natural-laws/natural laws, then apparently the entire library of BEAM is open to us, and were welcome too in that particular case.


That is a good point Daniel. The thing that concerns me often times is that we focus upon the negative entirely too much here. On one side of the coin we are to hold peace, love, equality, compassion in our thoughts, but on the other side of the coin this isn’t really what we are doing. It often makes for very extravagantly dramatic conversation, but we incessantly ignore the obvious. If we are truly to understand and incorporate these Spiritual teachings, then we must do more than simply argue and compare wise sayings. No one ever listens though, everyone seemingly needs their time in the sun I suppose. I am not targeting any one individual at all, it’s just a general observation.


I came across this from the nets which I think is apt here:

“When you’re 20 you care what everyone thinks, when you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you’re 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place” -Unknown”

Or this from a not to too old of a tune that says the following:

“Why do things that matter the most
Never end up being what we chose
Now that I find out, it ain’t so bad
I don’t think I knew what I had”

I guess knowing is half the battle.


Yen, you clearly have not understood the meaning of Creation, but few do. You think because YOU are Human then all things should reside in some comparison to you as a Human. That is pure egoism. Try not to accept my words as attacking or hyper-critical, that is not my intention. Humans are not the end all and be all of Creation, we are simply one facet of it. If you reject this premise, then you have clearly not contemplated Creation in its totality, and I am not speaking of lower formed animals either.


I recently purchased this documentary. It is very much worth the $9.95
After watching it. You’ll say to yourself. Where have I heard this before. This movie helps it sink in a little more what we have read and been warneded about from Billy. Very much a corroboration from Billy Notes. Co2 emissions from Engines is just part of the story and not near as bad as the climate change and pollution of the seas caused by the big Agri Beef farming industry.
If you want to do your part. Buy this movie and support this info. The only critisim I would have is the support of veganismm. There is no doubt It would help the problem tremendously by refusing to consume meet but possible at the cost of ones health.


I should add that removing farmed meet from our diet seems to very much be one of the keys to our future survival. But how can realistically expect our western culture, bred on an average of 9oz of meet per day to remove it from their diet. Well left out a good solution. Cultured meat. Coming to a store near you.

Daniel Zumon

Actually its the other way around (obviously), we’re omnivores, and there are many of us, veganism causes premature death and hereditary problems including a competitive economic disadvantage, we need intensive farming methods, so that we dont strip bare the oceans and nature reserves.

What we need is family planning clinics. And freely available condoms, with the correct signs and welcome notices to direct people to them.

Daniel Zumon

I realise i’m going some way to agreeing with you, but the artificial meat production and mechanically recovered meat processes will again leave much of the necessary nutrients out of our diets, so it is still inverse to “future of our survival” idea. We still need meat that has run free and plants, fruits that have soaked up all those good things. Unless ofcourse we can work out an artificial meat production method that does in and of itself factor in all those various naturally occurring processes and those necessary minerals are put in somehow.


MH, What about cultured fish and chickens that don`t have all these horrible chemicals such as mercury, radiation,oil from the Gulf Coast of Mexico and so including salmenila poisoning etc?


Hey Daniel. Good to hear from you. I thought I had scared you away.
I’ll be honest I felt uncomfortable and a little upset that the filmmaker only seemed to explore veganism as the only option. I’m a meat eater and ashamed to say do a little hunting. Its a cultural things though and I think primitively connected to our stage in evolution. I wouldn’t argue with a vegan and where there heart is but after reading the info in the Meier material and later doing some research came across compelling arguments stating that a vegetable based diet can be bad for ones health. D longo Makes a good case in her work.

Now I also came also came across Allan savory’s approach who has ben studying the growing dissertation of the planet. He makes an argument that introducing livestock to mimic nature can reverse the growing amount of land turning to desert. Interesting case.

We have read all of this in Billy’s work but im sure you’ll agree Is important we do not to take his word for it and do our own research.

Daniel Zumon

I think many people think that they have personally had that effect on me, It is probably more the case that I have spoken to everyone, and had to withdraw a little bit just for the shear volume of all these connections with hundreds of people. You should take it as a compliment if anything, because evidently you’re all incredibly good company, valuable to talk to and consume all of my free time. 🙂

Good and interesting what you say there about Allan savory


I have a small fish farm and must say that I can not guarantee that the fish is completely chemical free. The fish is growing indoors and most of the food i have to buy abroad and that is the weak point. I do not know exactly how clean is the fish food. So some way or another we will get polluted.

Daniel Zumon

I wondered, what do people think about that ancient chinese tradition of putting a handful of fish into the ground water troughs of the fields. The fish then fertilizing the field, and a double harvest then when its ready. What do we think?


I’ve been vegetarian for more than 25 years, and not Vegan, but usually avoiding milk and egg products for the most part. I am much healthier than I was at the age of 25, when I stopped eating meat. I am healthy and have not had any of the usual complaints of someone my age. . . . no bone or joint issues, headaches, bowl disturbances, back pain, etc, etc. I am totally “sold” on a vegetarian lifestyle. And I can’t believe how most people on the earth (at least in the West) seem to think their life depends on eating a few pieces of carrion every day. They are all collectively carrion-eaters, like vultures. The meat they eat has been dead for days, if not weeks. . . . . There is no way that eating dead meat is going to create a healthy human being. My opinion, for what it’s worth. . . . BEAM should be encouraging earth people to give up their carrion-eating ways. . . .


Carolyn, as far i understand, BEAM has stated that mental and physical balance is important- omnivore in every meaning.

Daniel Zumon

I had a girlfriend a few years ago for a while that was a vegetarian, It all made more sense to me what the Plejaren had explained to BEAM after that. Obviously getting much closer, I realised there were actually many health issues that she really wasn’t fully aware of as much time went by, it being difficult to assess ourselves as easily than what someone else may be able to neutrally observe. I suppose after 25 year Carolyn you’ve probably conquered many of them. To cut this story short, diet, what happens to the various bodies organs manifests in various subtle ways in our outward appearance, so we can make out quite a lot about what is going on internally by what manifests outwardly, also in the personality, on top of the sweat, twitches and whatever else have you, vegetarians tend to even develop sometimes irrational kind of xenophobias to foods and others foods too, in what they eat, intolerances, fears, spending quite a lot of time thinking about all that stuff, worrying basically, and substituting food stuffs anxiously.

I am not really in a position to make a judgement about anyone frankly because I eat all kinds of things, and I probably dont have the ideal diet, I just eat when I want to eat, and luckily I like fruit, vegetables, various nuts, herbs etc, so it is not so much a problem if I enjoy a steak with seafood all over it, chocolate caramel snacks etc I suppose, now and again, in moderation.

Daniel Zumon

Michael raises an interesting point about evolution, if we think about it, traditionally we just killed, skinned, roasted any meat we liked, blase im hungry now. Only more recently were intensive farming practices absolutely necessary, and its never been explained to anyone, this transition. So with people now adopting meat free diets, that would be fine ok, but because of our traditional diets not being exclusively plant based, our genetics are not in the best way for this change to happen immediately and it does require a different lifestyle too, our thoughts and feelings change quite dramatically actually depending on our diets. There are some special communities in asia that have in terms of evolution been able to develop those necessary social agreements, but here in the west its going to be much harder for vegetarians, I dont know I mean, I suppose it is a good thing. The plejaren are vegetarians essentially, but then again, they all work together with that dont they.


MH, another good blog!

Fukushima’s radiation reaching the US is scary. Meier was right about the severity of the Fukushima disaster. I’m glad I live in Australia. It is safe for now from that threat, but for how long, it is a worry.


There is a lot in the material where Billy warns of and are seeing right now come to real life on our planet, it is difficult at times to keep the neutral-positive mind set up and running. But Billy also talks a lot about how by studying and applying the spiritual material brings with it a peace within ourselves and this is the important part in terms of …….we express this “peace” because of the commitment we ourselves have entered into working with the Creational laws and directives….how much better to show the world than with this knowledge that brings with it wisdom and love. I’ve, recently, come across this quote in a article written by Mariann Uehlinger, Figu bulletin 69, so poetic…. “Destination of the human-consciousness-evolution is to harmonize the external and internal self with the human’s relatively highest possible level of the innermost, creative self (spirit-form). Our individual evolutionary level is of course decisive, depending on whether or not our predecessor-personalities – and now we for the ones who come after us – recognised their responsibility and evolutionised in consciousness as far as possible in a creational sense. If not, our inner self is not congeneric (like-natured) with the innermost self or in other words with the knowledge, love and wisdom impulses of Creation, which flow via our spirit-form into our subconsciousness and on into our consciousness, where we – upon seizing them after they have passed through the censor – continue to work with them in our thoughts and feelings and to direct our inner according to them – at best.”


it is in English


oh, sorry I should have, here it is and no I did not translate

FIGU Bulletin 69
Thoughts about the Sentence: I Always Remain Relaxed …“I Always Remain Relaxed and Thereby Gain Might over Myself”


I just read Bulittetin 69 Ev. Thanks for the info. Found it very informative and thought provoking. Thanks.


I did too, Terry, and I am glad you found it so as well. As in so many times when studying the material it takes many reads to really get it, I have seemed to have latch on to this bulletin at the moment 🙂


Ev wonderful posting! I do too remain relaxed as much as I can, and always trying to stay connected with the creational impulses, it brings many gratifying results.


Thank you Silvana 🙂 I’m still a work in progress 😀


Ev, I have practiced with these for some time now, but mostly in English. I have decided to transition into German even though I don’t understand German. Here are the 77 ( There are also the Meditation 12 points ( which can also be found in the in audio mp3 somewhere inside the FIGU website to listen to in German. These have been most helpful in my life.


Thank you Arie, I have just come across this particular meditation from Clear Sight mentioned in another social media site but have not delved into yet. I will look for it, Mariann Uehlinger does talk about in the article how meditation is key in become better acquainted with self. Thanks again!

David Scott

Daniel , I will take the bait . Each time man says ,”We Know “. Forget about it . Its political , its egotistical its jumping to conclusions to attain grants for further research about nothing but political mish mosh . SO , SCREW these Jerk OFFS . Politics is so pervasive and if I hear about another campaign contribution I will surely puke . Here it goes , want to figure it out ? It goes like this ….. no more campaign contributions . Government supplies an equal amount to any qualified candidate . That candidate is decided by the public . End of story . No bit money , no lobbying . LOBBYING > ARE YOU PEOPLE F**KING STUPID ? LOBBY ? F**K YOURSELVES WILL YA…..! I am so fighting mad . Watch Hillary raise a billion dollars , watch Jeb raise a billion dollars and question it . …… Its already done ! and you a*****es who are brain dead allow it to go down . Are we in the twilight zone ? Hell fu**ing yea we are . A poor guy that just wants to do things right like Rand Paul gets his you tube announcement pulled hour one . NO billions raised , just a real guy. THis is not going to be a nice time here . DO you get it . Gloves are going to come off . Heads are going to butt . They already have . But I have to stop here , if its not something on your radar , your already dead .

Darcy Wade Carlile

We could all start by not inventing huge massive explanations that only grow more massive in mass and are truly only material-sided and it would only collapse on itself like a black hole. Keep it simple with the least amount of wording, please.

Daniel Zumon

Some people need the reassurance that everything is in hand, entirely explainable, they’re sometimes looking for the parameters of the entire universe itself, as well as several other things, so they can settle down in their knowing.

People need details, its basically all we have at the end of the day, during this tiny little segment of life we lead here. I appreciate what your saying, that by summarising it, in stages, then it cuts out much of the confusion. Well if we want to teach that, then words are essential.

Daniel Zumon

I remember long ago the last email I sent the FIGU I explained some long series of difficult complicated scenarios to Christian Freiner, and he just replied with “You need to get back to reality”. And do you know, I said “Wanker” out loud when I read that email from him, which is rare for me. Ever since, I have tried to explain things carefully to people.

It is not acceptable as far as I am concerned, to just say its this or its that, especially when the person answering the question does not understand the subject. At the very least we should be explaining that its Billy himself, and no other person who is going to offer a good explanation, assuming people just know stuff. That is what the most idiotic fathers do you know, they assume they’re children will just know stuff, and so never teach them anything, I have a serious problem with those particular men by the way, as you know from our previous discussions.

Daniel Zumon

You could have said what you said without the coarse language, that is what MH is explaining. You have said something worth explaining. Usually I just stay out of all these political things because they make me feel uncomfortable and my body uncomfortable, weak stressed, strained, unnecessarily, the political men get themselves into a right fuss and strain themselves unnecessarily, I think this is why I find the thing distasteful. And I only used to care on the basis that there was this hope inside of me that a party existed that planned to fundamentally revolutionise the entire operation, but as you say its more of a stimulation of monetary assets than a better future for our descendants. Thank you David.


MH in case you didn’t see it, article about the US’ bombing of Laos which Billy has often mentioned:


The Spiritual Teachings is the most clear and present source of truth and wisdom – it is the ultimate tool. if I may, I would like to second Michael and perhaps offer that we begin to study the teachings so that we might all learn from each other, help each other understand the lessons, grow and wake up together (each according to their ability and contribution).

Here are some light and inspiring ways to learn/study/share Ruben Dari of the Canadian Group has created which I find to be a good spark driver for deeper dives.

Over the past few years I have had The Might of the Thought, The Psyche and the GOTT at my bed side, in my study room and in my car….I would SO welcome an opportunity where we can all study the Spiritual Teachings together, share insights, perspectives, understanding and techniques that work for the furthering of our spiritual evolution. I echo Michael’s recommendation and resonate with it deeply.

I am sorry for the long posting Darcy.

Daniel Zumon

I’m there with you Arie, and I agree with Darcy just as you do. Thing is the culture of Michael Horns blog covers quite a broad base of subject matter, but still, I think its good for you to do that Arie, many will read it. Post little snippets of thought provoking text, like this philosophy:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – ”George Bernard Shaw”

Daniel Zumon

Do you know about the special groups dedicated exclusively to the spiritual teaching?, well it is my understanding that the preserve of the very best cultures congruent with ‘learning from eachother’ as you say, are located in a specific place on the internet, which I am sure you’d be able to access if you speak with the right people about it in private message – you as individual particularly miss out on something special as you dont have facebook as you mentioned to me privately.


One must also be careful what one adapts themselves to. Just because the world may be a certain way, does not necessarily create a need for you to be in union with it.

Daniel Zumon

The FIGU’s exhaustive 50 year study into every possible frontier of knowledge in the entire universe has concluded: ‘Every human being on the entire planet is absolutely within the right and within what they should be doing, as and when they are doing it, within what ever possible combination they are doing it, where ever they are doing whatever they are doing. And that therefore there is no possible way of making any more progress than we’re already making, at any additional level or combination of additional levels or speeds, changes.

[short enough for you? I could probably shave a little more of this if its too long for you]

Daniel Zumon

Thats my version

Daniel Zumon

So you have no issue with it, I am mildly well, interested that what I have said there has or could have been taken as something like a summation type statement of official form… Well in that case, thank you MH for the compliment, and I’ll make that sure I make that clearer next time as you request.

Daniel Zumon

Ah I see, yeah, I shouldn’t put quotation marks in like that.

Corey Müske


Sometimes explanations and quotes from Billy’s books are a good thing, to give one’s consciousness foodstuffs to work on to enable evolution, see negative power sent out, returning to the emitter as positive power explanations from “The Psyche” page 225/226.


Like the blog, and the “Goblet” quote, keep them coming! I think you have already demonstrated that you grasp the self-responsibility aspect of the spiritual teaching with your petition to stop the IS, that will hopefully knock some sense into our brain-dead political leadership, before the terrorist scum knocks us all back into the Middle Ages. FIGU does the same thing with the overpopulation petitions, overpopulation pamphlets etc. and you are constantly teaching uses your blogs as a platform. These are solutions, now how about some more solutions anyone?

I personally swore off any more child having after I found out about overpopulation, (my daughter was born 5 years before I found out about overpopulation, otherwise I would be childless) and I educated her (who is now a teenager) about overpopulation. She now possesses an implant as birth control so her and her boyfriend do not become pregnant, and she swore she would go to college and graduate and obtain a house and become stable before she starts a small family.

Daniel Zumon

You seem like a nice person Corey, and its not my place to disturb anyone apparently regarding your question “how about some more solutions anyone?”. Well following on from what I said before about the summary of the FIGU’s 50 year summation of the entire universes knowledge in one central location, there are no more solutions.

You wouldnt be thinking,talking,about sex and reproduction in the first instance, would you, by way of logic, if there was not a yearning, craving for it already in the evolution, and we probably shouldnt argue with what feels right within us anyway apparently, and besides thats why we invented condoms and whatever that special contraceptive thing is.

So if you see what I am saying, I am speaking like some ancient beardy god character, we cannot do some much about evolution and what is on the table, the cards that have been dealt, the various cycles and lessons of learning that we engage most of all in any given life. If your daughter needs to know about being a mother, then not so much can be done against that, in fact the same principle goes to any human being in any situation, if they really want something and cannot help themselves, and no one can help them, it becomes an absolute thing that must and will happen – Apparently, or so I seem to see in the world, anyway.

Daniel Zumon

You really cover all the necessary points there MH, thank you for taking the time with me, you’ve obviously realised from my other posts that I’ve really bumped up close against the creative natural laws and of causality, cause effect, recently, examining those details very closely and generally looking more deeply at the world and so its timely what you say, its good perspective, thank you for the motivation, clarity, incite, and importantly the focus of attention, your right. Its a real honour you know being able to speak with you, someone with such wisdom of many things MH, thank you 🙂

Daniel Zumon

Thank you. Well you know me very well by now that I get very deep into the individual subjects and with this subject particularly it gets interesting, because this is really where the spiritual teaching is located in terms of the spatial placement of knowledge. And there is some extra additional things that are not necessarily openly named, yet are openly concealed in the world, this like pre-destination, or should I say ‘ideas’ such as, and predetermination, it it all becomes quite interesting anyway in relation to what Corey was talking about, opening that subject some more, where some teenagers are particular hard to reach when discussing contraception and there are others that are more welcoming of the information, and as I was saying, there does appear to be various blockers that people put in place generally in life, which guides them to quite some extent, and then we can start talking about evolution at that stage you see, all quite interesting. You present some great articles here on your blog.

Philip Brandel

It is perplexing how in our created reality, on one hand people can see no need to show(write, talk, think, ponder) the bad and potential negatives to at least try and change in thought. As well as find no way, need, drive, zeil to claw their way out of its presence, individually. Seems to be a rather common occurrence on an international scale. To find it utterly daunting to even begin to see the reality of life neutrally, positive. As sometimes when we are interacting with our own individual conscious thoughts, is the things that are in most urgent need of change. Which is a long one on this planet! One a person could also right out into a novel. Even if it is about basic banter such as how much we are all just crazy fear mongers that have no chance of changing that which is apparently unchangeable within the cycles we create. Wonder how frustrating it must be to be those trying to help such a self serving, helpless bunch.
For me at least, not standing up for some aspects of the ‘truth’ even within oneself will get us no where. There is so much more we all could do! At least in my life I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of how I could help change our world towards the ‘truth’. Sometimes seems most have given up before it has even begun. Though what are we trying to create, something always because of someone else?

Daniel Zumon

All interesting and of value what you’ve said Phillip, I relate to it. I think we live on an incredibly tricky planet for a whole raft of incredibly interesting reasons, each unique to earth reason of which, as you say, could open out into a novel. Even the philosophers of the ages have struggle to put these things into small captions, its taken BEAM and his entire life to put down into writing.

Wayne Sunter-Smith

Education of younger people …Older people have a “set’ agender and Will not change !
“IF” they have been regimented by Atheism ,religions .or just plain naive stubborn etc.
Ive given the “here’s the information” “don’t be pressured by anyone to do anything you dont want to do, and this will help “” scenario to at least a dozen children , students (i’m also a music teacher) and colleagues .recently .and have came to me and asked me questions about further information .It’s a tough one …. some people …if you put an “apple” in front of them , they cant see it or they will deny its there ! . And you can feel/sense their vibrations going into madness/denial ……………Its so strange !!! so the younger / pure they are (from my experiences ) the better ….where i live anyway . I’m trying to think of ways for the truth to snowball bigger . We have to try to get the teachings to groups of younger people .