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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Racing Down the UFO Road to Nowhere

The real price of the cover-up of the Billy Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit

In my presentations and interviews I’ve been emphasizing the very overlooked fact that the confirmed existence of extraterrestrial life forms would be the single most important discovery in all of human history…exceeded only by contact between them and a person on Earth.

Nonetheless, the UFO field is filled with one unsubstantiated claim after another from people popping out of the woodwork in an attempt to reap some kind of bounty from the delusional, distracting, disinformation rich circus.

To the Rescue

Yet another “UFO investigator” has popped up to proclaim how he’s gonna follow, find and reveal the truth no matter what – and also help anyone else who has real, verifiable evidence and information to get it out there too.

Right. Meet self-proclaimed “UFO Road Warrior”, Jeremy Corbell*, a nice fellow I’m sure who thinks he’s just discovered the equivalent of sliced bread. Worse yet is that it appears that some veterans of the UFOCI are encouraging him to take his kindergarten approach to UFOs very seriously.

George Knapp, a veteran TV reporter who’s done tons of pieces on UFOs – and who interviewed both Wendelle Stevens and me extensively so that he knows the Meier case is singularly authentic – seems to be a driving force behind Jeremy’s rather naïve but slick venture.

I emailed Jeremy to introduce the Meier case and myself to him but got no response, despite his gushy, “If you can prove or document compelling evidence in support of your story, I will amplify your case to the public, and help you expose the truth.”

I tried again a couple of days later, with a more in-your-face approach. Still nothing. So I don’t know if he’s sitting around in shocked silence now that he knows his whole approach is rather banal and irrelevant, or simply doesn’t care because he’s created a nifty persona that he wants to capitalize on.

You may wonder just why Knapp and some of the other people associated with this thing are out there pushing it. Familiar as I am with the cynical, deceptive, disinforming idiocy from the UFOCI, I find it even more troubling now that we’re so undeniably deep in exactly what Meier and the Plejaren have been warning about for decades. Whatever the perceived profit, the real price of the cover-up of the Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit.

How It Works

Jacobus recently posted this on the blog, which helps to explain some of how this essentially suicidal process of manipulation works:

“The secretive GCHQ and JTRIG training manual which was leaked via Glenn Greenwald and Ed Snowden says:

‘Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.’

According to these latest documents, there are paid government agent/contractor persons on social media posing as someone they are not, whilst on the payroll of the government. Their job is to befriend members of the alternative media, embed themselves in the ebb and flow of day-to-day communications, and then to engage in elaborate subterfuge – by any means necessary. The training exercise uses terms like ‘befriend’, ‘infiltrate’, ‘mask/mimic’, ‘ruse’, ‘set-up’, ‘disrupt’, ‘create cognitive stress’, ‘use deception’, ‘ruin business relationships’, and ‘post negative information on appropriate forums’ – all of which is not only illegal and morally bankrupt, but also runs completely contrary to the very fundamental ‘values’ and indeed founding principles, of a modern free democratic society or constitutional republic.”

When Orphans Beg the Court for Mercy

If one wants to see a glaring example of en masse participation in such stuff, take a look here. You may notice that this thread started in 2009 with negative comments about the Meier case, me, etc., setting the tone. I started posting there a month ago to respond to a challenge by someone named John Razimus who’s been busy defaming the case, Meier and me for years. This particular coward kept up his attacks, claiming that he’d substantiate them and debate me anytime…while steadfastly running like a scared rat. (Radio host Dr. J just agreed to host that debate later in August…no word from Razimus yet.)

While the thread is filled with one anonymous loser and shill after another, it’s noteworthy to point out that “astroguy” is none other than the cowardly, long defeated, pseudo-scientist…Stuart Robbins. He apparently feels at home as a skeptic and debunker on the forum of Art Bell, who for the most part has been the champion of promoting all things paranormal, UFO, alien and pseudo-scientific. (Robbins is predictably not only cowardly in trying to attack from this blog, shunning any direct debate with me but he also exudes a seething jealousy that his go nowhere blog doesn’t get a fraction of the interest and participation as this one. Whose fault is that?)

In case you don’t have the interest or stomach for perusing page after page of attacks in this cesspool, another quaint aspect of the way it works – and I imagine it would be true on any thread there where anyone would present facts to counter the vicious attacks – is the way the snarling dogs take exception to being “insulted”, e.g. “You have time to insult but not enough time to answer questions.”, “All you seem to do is pout and insult us.”, “Lashing out with personal attacks, etc., etc.”

This reminds me of another joke. A man is being tried for killing his parents and in his own defense he pleads the court to spare his life because…he’s now an orphan.

Enter the Law of Causality

These particular orphans who shamelessly slash and stab, while paradoxically being so filled with shame they dare not mention their own names, who fancy themselves wizards, can only hide behind the curtain for so long before it’s pulled back by that dependable equalizer, the Law of Causality. Whether paid shills or simply empty, self-loathing, envious, misanthropic losers, they too are as Meier says, smiths of their own destiny. As Meier also points out, one cause can have many…effects. To say more would be superfluous.

Paying the Piper

The subject of UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc., has been deliberately and effectively marginalized into a tabloid topic through the efforts of the intelligence agencies and their willing paid and unpaid shills in the UFOCI, as well as the media. While the original purpose wast to hide any evidence of the existence of actual extraterrestrial life forms, the Meier case soon became the main reason for the UFO cover-up. There is nothing left of things like the crash at Roswell, which while authentic can’t any longer be proved, as is the case with other crashes.

The government can’t be forced to reveal what doesn’t exist, what it may not even know, etc. So of course the various “disclosure” events, hearings and other variations on the farce likewise serve the disinformation agenda. And the most willing disseminators of all of the disinformation and distraction are associated with the UFOCI, a fertile field for those looking for a safe haven with the least scientific standards for credible “research” of any subject imaginable. No doubt this too is deliberate, or at the very least a possibly unforeseen “benefit” of letting every lunatic and their claims have more than equal exposure than is accorded the only authentic, still ongoing UFO contact case.

As stated, the real cost of this is anything but insignificant and fictional. An ever-growing portion of the world’s population is being turned into techno toy toting dummies who can’t conduct a coherent conversation with another human being, who willingly give up their own identities as well as conscience and consciousness for momentary celebrity, while at the same time anonymously eviscerating anyone who reminds them of their own unbearable and empty worthlessness.

Through their willing complicity they have helped to assure the fulfillment of the long foretold prophecies, the specific, pointed, non-allegorical warnings of the man made environmental destruction, the wars, terrorism and devastation that could have largely been averted had not humanity willingly descended into greed motivated, religiously and politically fueled, degeneracy and denial.

How’s about all that, UFO Road Warrior, chaser of lights in the sky, imaginary aliens and a quick buck?


NOTE: My Canadian trip was a success. I ended up doing three presentations at ACE instead of one, because of audience demand (two were standing room only) and a presentation at the Lillian Smith Library in Toronto. I did four interviews as well and hopefully they’ll be posted soon, including the one in a car where I was partially asleep.


*It’s possible that circumstances prevented him from responding, so I gladly await correction of any inaccuracies, etc., should Jeremy care to clarify them.




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Another to the point, no clarity problem in your writing and I want to say enjoyable although the ramifications of all of their delinquent behavior causes much harm and not one of them will realize nor take responsibility for it. Such a shame they don’t see sense; think deeper, clearer and work for a better world, indeed “techno toy toting dummies”. Good work Jacobus, Michael and many on this blog.


Congratulations on your Canadian trip.
I look forward to your recent interviews; it has been some time since I’ve had a dose of sanity


Hey MH Is it possible to see and hear your lecture from Toronto on You Tube? Wish I could have been there.

Rhal Zahi

I understand you perfectly, Michael. Having interacted with several skeptics in the “Victor’s list” I have noticed there are too little real skeptics that debate Meier’s case with solid arguments. Most of them do not want to know anything about it, and others, that sometimes use a false identity, only want to make a lot of noise, so the truth cannot be heard. The silent revolution of truth, is not only silent, it is long and requires a lot of patience. I feel sometimes trying to grow fruits on the desert. I expect fresh rain comes soon and allow our seeds to grow plants in a very hostile environment. Unfortunately those rains might come with severe storms.

Michael Levesque

Hi MH and All, Had that same thing happen to me and others on an Atheist forum. There is always one member that slams the Billy Meier case and all those who make positive comments about it. And for those who may be willing to think for themselves. Just might have found what they were looking for anyway. As the posts and links are there to explore.


MH, another good blog!

Sometimes I think people in the UFO community are harder to convince of the authenticity of the Meier case then people who are not.


MH, Why are those parasites so stubbern? Talk about Peter Devenport, Steven Greer,Stephen Basset etc, and all their dirty laundry day in and day out or night in and night out OUCH!:(((

Daniel Zumon

Hey, an interesting point has been made. I judge the answer to be rediscovered within the prevalence of the use of fact. You make your own example Terry when you say “parasites”, are you talking about insects? the natural world of small creatures? -immediately lost the most profoundly thinking humans on planet earth by substituting fact with something that is out of place and has nothing to do with the subject whatsoever. Dirty laundry day? wtf?

Most people stay away from the ufo people because they are incapable of holding a basic factual understandable reasonable intellectual conversation, that references reality consistently, in such a way that every reasonable human being is invited. The alienation community more like. FIGU is different, its strongly professional in the presentation of information, strictly for that very reason, to bring in the intelligent reasonable thinking individuals and to alienate the confused. This is basically why I feel most of the comments here have been harsh, unnecessary, -never fame or a thank you, its about sharing ideas based on those facts that have united us in the first instance, the troll ideas are unfounded and an equality problem has been caused, but I dont care.

Daniel Zumon

Incredibly important to quickly identify an individual/subject/object to hate/negate, if we fail to identify that source together and develop a standard social agreement quickly enough we run into a very serious problem, we then have to face one another, very serious situation be warned. Thank you.


A funny, but true article I read the other day lists 20 habits of a paid troll. Here are a few that definitely hit the nail on the head:

Never completely disagree – just throw the comment thread off track

When comments get troll rated – dump ID and move to new ID

Use multiple IDs’ and computers so can post under as many as 8 names in a single diary
Discourage new diary posters

Turn off readers with a hostile tone, vicious, or condescending attack

They call your statistics arbitrary, ask you to check your figures, doubt your analysis or facts,

Tell readers your story lacks facts, that your story lacks depth, that your story lacks research, that your links prove nothing, that your conclusions are wrong etc (of course a troll will never offer a shred of “evidence” to back up a single of their assertions)

Write using a dismissive, surly tone

Dismiss diary writer or comment posters as not quite right

No personal identities on their page

Never offer any constructive ideas

Complain that someone is not following the “rules”

The way they attacked you on that blog in 2009 is so completely despicable, that I could only read through half of it. What is also important to keep in mind, is that seemingly different IDs could very easily fall under one person. Maybe it was just one or two people giving whoever was reading the comments, the false impression that there were many participating on the blog.

As I was curious to find something more substantial, I ended up on a website the other day with an article called “I was a paid internet shill: How shadowy groups manipulate internet opinion and debate.” A very interesting piece of writing, the guy, who calls himself an ex-shill, goes through quite detailed information about his experience working for this dodgy company for over six months. All the deception and lying just became too much for him at the end and he quit, despite earning a pretty good salary, he says. But I do recommend it, it’s a good read.

Rhal Zahi

Very interesting, Jacob. Thank you.


“Right on MH,it will hit them in the face!”


No problem. Ingenious fool must be the correct classification when thinking about your average troll. This will probably sound a bit strange, but I kinda miss the local trolls hanging out on this blog… Where are the buggers? Where is old Mo? Things seem to be unusually sterile lately since we started talking about them. Maybe they have become a bit shy or something. I was hoping at least that some of my insults would be “good” enough to have them back…


Great Job Jacobus! !!


Hey Terry, I remember you talking about the evil aliens working together secretly with our governments.

Will you please explain this in more detail, because last time when I confronted you about this nonsense, you just sort of, petered out, not giving a proper response.

As the Meier material repeats over and over again, this is a deliberate smear campaign, systematically being used to cause fear and panic.

Why do you support such distorted views, when everything mentioned in the Meier Case clearly states the opposite?

Daniel Zumon

“Will you please explain this in more detail,” this is [also] a deliberate smear campaign, systematically being used to cause fear and panic.

Work that one out.

Si Walsh

Hi Michael, great work in Canada in spreading awareness, I’m looking forward to hearing the interviews. And I’m really excited in seeing what will come from John Razimus in August, if he’s not too “chicken” in attempting to prove his statement. Good luck with that one John boy.


It really makes me scratch my head how people can be so stubborn and brainwashed. I never knew there were so many people lacking common sense until the whole world got connected. Whoever started the “little greys” campaign really has made a mess of things. When I mention the Meier case to some people, they give me that strange look like, yeah okay, human extraterrestrials coming to earth to meet with another human? Yet they so easily believe in the little greys with big black bulging eyes that abducts people and cows. Oh, and let’s not forget about the elusive hybrid children running around. Am I missing something?

Dyson Devine

Hi Mellissa,

You ask if you’re missing something. Yes. Even you have experienced a bit of brainwashing, as have we all. Ptaah said something which confirms the testimony of us Disclosure Project Witnesses provided before the the Rockefellers’ joined-at-the-hip CSETI silliness utterly destroyed our credibility in the eyes of those incapable of independent thought.

Extract from the 441st contact report of Saturday, February 3rd, 2007:

“For the entire machinations of the group, the meanest machinations are quite good enough which, as said, were already operating since the 1920s and to that also belong highly developed electronic weapons systems, futuristic flying discs, Earth humans who are hypnotically and surgically converted, as well as converted in their consciousness, to robots, whereby some have an appearance like the being which is called the ‘Little Gray'”.- Ptaah

“A certain part of the group has also fallen to a Christian sectarianism and to the supposed ‘End Times’ in such a way that hope is directed at a malicious invasion of extraterrestrials resulting on Earth, and thereby the prophesied Armageddon will become reality in which Jesus Christ celebrates his official return and God the father will exercise his judgment. Their delusion is therefore bound with a biblical end of the world, which, as they believe, rests on the terrible badness of the Earth humans. And in order to accelerate this divine judgment as well as the return of Christ they do everything in order to make the way free for that. The monstrous power of the worldwide group and their small groups as well as the religious fanaticism, together with the cultic maintaining of the secret of the entire underhanded, degenerated and deceptive as well as criminal and felonious machinations, lead to malignant effects which could not be worse.”- Ptaah



Hello M.H,
I was Reading the B.E.A.M Contact and I constat that he (and the pleajens)disapprove totally the abduction phenomena
A part from the “Betty and Barney Hill” that they first approved in the contact#37
And tried to deny it in the #424 contact

But see this


Here is a Analysis from someone Else:

“Initially Meier’s Pleiadians themselves: in the 37th Contact from 1975 even said:
“The Earth is being visited by civilization unknown to us… they captured two earthlings (Betty and Barney Hill) just for study reasons. They took them to their cosmic spacecraft and subjected them to the physical-chemical analyses… Their origin is from the constellation Zeta Reticuli…The memories are only put deep into the subconscious in order to be released later… by strong hypnotic anti-block.”
In another context in the 34th Contact from 1975 they mention again:
“…For these abductions of people are mainly responsible the leading forces of Gizeh Intelligence and also time travelers and another elements from this Universe.“
In the 441st Contact from 2007 they also admit the reality of military abductions.

Giovanna Podda from Italy: This woman provided physical evidence of having been regularly abducted by grey aliens: video footage and documentary photos of spacecraft. She suffered from hybrid miscarriage – something between human and Grays or Reptilians – which has been filmed. She had physical traces on her body and an implant in the brain and the remains of strange silicon fluorescent substance which is not possible to make it home! [42]

Ed Walters from USA: This man has been abducted by Grays. He took many pictures of spacecraft.

Betty Hill from USA: After hypnotic sessions she recollected being abducted by Grays. She drew a star map of an unknown constellation in those days which had been shown to her by them. It was later proved that it is the constellation Zeta Reticuli, whose appearance was at the time of drawing to ordinary citizens, still unknown. In addition, to draw a star map is not easy; and Betty, a social worker, had not the slightest knowledge of astronomy.

In my opinion the truth is obtained in the first Pleiadians‘ testimony in the 37th Contact from 1975 where they confirmed the reality of Hill’s abduction.

On the contrary, the 424th Contact with Ptaah from 2006 sounds like an infamous lie maybe strategically, where they have attempted to deny Hill’s experience as following:
“In case of Hills, the starter of their false memory and experience has been the disturbing electromagnetical field of Earth.“

Project ISIS: The sect of “Followers“ (people who were interested in extraterrestrials) has disappeared in Egypt, it is not known where.

Even though Pleiadians initially admitted the UFO abduction phenomena, they have attempted to calm us down by their claim it involves the “examination contacts“ of peaceful beings.

I think the main reason why they keep us in the dark about the true situation is different. If they had acknowledged mass abductions of people by Grays, the Pleiadians‘ authority would have dropped rapidly.

This is because they don’t do enough to prevent it, and even avoid talking about it publicly. Maybe they have no permission to tell us such sensitive information directly. We are supposed to find it out by ourselves.

Most probably the Pleiadians want to prevent panic, fear and paranoia emerging on the revelation of the truth concerning UFO abductions.”


Check the Vids!


Sir, you have seen the Vids by “Yourself”

Don’t say things based on your Assumption
Whatever if :”Just because something occurs, anywhere in the universe, does never under what possible circumstances means its occurs frequently, and for what possible reason. If a phenonmena is listed in the contact reports, does not mean every alien from here to the next galaxy is doing it on a daily basis.

Mee:you have seen the videos, don’t tell me Allegory

Daniel Zumon

I choose not to word things the way Michael does.


With me its a case of sharpness and use of language properly etc.

A piece of metal from a race foreign to Earth does not imediately indicate an abduction does it, a bullet and a gun, pea shooter or whatever could do the same thing, even from a full light year distance surely if it was self propelled.

There is cases, many actually of human beings on Earth coming up against things they dont understand, nor do our best scientists, on a daily\weekly basis. The Skrill weisen comes to mind or several other examples as you say.

The plejaren and any race, our local administrators and regional national governments, are only ever human, and only ever capable of human things, still subject to the same universe we are, very important to know that because its impossible to know what is going on everywhere, unless there is very special technologies being used, and even then not all the data is being monitored, theres too much of it,

Also there is only so much information in the entire universe to learn, there are only so many possible avenues of information, and the natural laws limits even then to a logical conclusion of progress.

Fear is incredibly dangerous, both for your health and for the decisions you are able to make, its so important to conquer irrational fears (fears that are unfounded)

Yeah there are some strange things that go on here and there on Earth, I have no reason to lie to you, but as I am saying to you now, with knowledge comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes peace, do you see why BEAM and the Plejaren are delivering a full package of information now? rather than a few dribs and drabs, its because life and knowledge comes in a full package.

I’m saying that if you get a grip on yourself you’ll be able to answer for yourself whether you have a transmitter lodged in your leg or not, just like the other humanities in the universe have to do, that dont yet have the internet on their worlds.

Daniel Zumon

People should never use these channels irresponsibly, if they have had a genuine experience then that is fine, but if not, then that is very dangerously irresponsible. What we will end up doing is developing a profile of the irresponsible individual, you understand that will be a necessity if we are still going to be able to actually listen to people who have something to say when its legitimate. To be fair most of the weird stuff happens in America, in Britain for example it is in many places still absolutely still safe to confide in your fellow human beings a genuine experience and be believed and be taken seriously.

Daniel Zumon

Also another thing in response Rino to your various conclusions from a 3rd source. Just because something occurs, anywhere in the universe, does never under what possible circumstances means its occurs frequently, and for what possible reason. If a phenonmena is listed in the contact reports, does not mean every alien from here to the next galaxy is doing it on a daily basis.

I mean, reason (being reasonable) is such an incredibly important part of whatever we read from the FIGU, also preferably checking the original german words so that no funny business occured in the translation into whatever-world-english etc

Daniel Zumon

People on other worlds also have the same fears we do, its no secret, its openly concealed for anyone to work out, each and every human being individual which ever world is going to have a whole series of human things going on in their personality which includes fears. I just thought I should mention that because it was unclear whether or not you thought of people from other worlds as have very special qualities, that were beyond perhaps what we might describe as trained\educated, rather more something like a super presence with associated ability etc. To be clear, no, that is not the case, I can be very clear with you about that.


“Fear is incredibly dangerous, both for your health and for the decisions you are able to make, its so important to conquer irrational fears (fears that are unfounded)” – ditto

” … but as I am saying to you now, with knowledge comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes peace …”

Perhaps knowledge alone is not sufficient to achieve wisdom, as this sentence seems to infer. This reminds me of another question that would probably not make it to the QTB entry.

Dyson Devine

“Perhaps knowledge alone is not sufficient to achieve wisdom”

62. Love and wisdom belong together, because Creation and Its laws are love and wisdom at the same time.



Thank you for the reference to CR10, Dyson. 🙂

In reference to Daniel’s post, I was alluding to the missing component of “experience,” as one definition here shows:

“the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.”

It is always refreshing to go back and remind oneself what is stated in CR10. Perhaps not to be missed in terms of love and wisdom, consider also CR10-57, paraphrased “A human who is rich in wisdom is always full of love.”

Scott Reed

Hello everyone.
Perhaps one effect of the causes the trolls create is that they will be anally raped by one of their favorite grey’s.
Maybe that would push their brain back into their head where it belongs.

Peace to all, trolls included.
Scott Reed.

Daniel Zumon

depraved, an effective way to bring the whole conversation right down to your poor level of understanding. None of it is correct, no one has ever been anally raped by the people from the beta reticuli star system. The brain is always in the skull where there is no possibility for any movement. Why even bother. Your the sort of person that I was trying to explain about, those people that clog up the all the talk time, eventually those people end up living in a morally bankrupt society where no one listens to anyone else only themselves, so that when someone has something to say that is worth hearing, is valuable, then no one will hear it.

From an extraterrestrial point of view, yes, this is the best time in the Earth history to stroll into a place like wherever that is, and do that sort of thing, and get away with it too. They certainly wouldn’t be able to contemplate doing anything like that in all nations, all communities, certainly not, they would be too fearful of being intellectually caught. And its caused as I said, because there is more people interested in their own self, their own stuff and what they can get out of it, what they can get from people, than the welfare of everything, the whole situation. Very poor Scott, very very poor.

Scott Reed

Daniel Zumon,
Eat a snickers candy bar.
Your post is funnier than mine.
I was trying to show the absurdity of the UFOCI.

Truly, I wish for you Peace and Understanding.

With Love,
Scott Reed.

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