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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Racing Down the UFO Road to Nowhere

The real price of the cover-up of the Billy Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit

In my presentations and interviews I’ve been emphasizing the very overlooked fact that the confirmed existence of extraterrestrial life forms would be the single most important discovery in all of human history…exceeded only by contact between them and a person on Earth.

Nonetheless, the UFO field is filled with one unsubstantiated claim after another from people popping out of the woodwork in an attempt to reap some kind of bounty from the delusional, distracting, disinformation rich circus.

To the Rescue

Yet another “UFO investigator” has popped up to proclaim how he’s gonna follow, find and reveal the truth no matter what – and also help anyone else who has real, verifiable evidence and information to get it out there too.

Right. Meet self-proclaimed “UFO Road Warrior”, Jeremy Corbell*, a nice fellow I’m sure who thinks he’s just discovered the equivalent of sliced bread. Worse yet is that it appears that some veterans of the UFOCI are encouraging him to take his kindergarten approach to UFOs very seriously.

George Knapp, a veteran TV reporter who’s done tons of pieces on UFOs – and who interviewed both Wendelle Stevens and me extensively so that he knows the Meier case is singularly authentic – seems to be a driving force behind Jeremy’s rather naïve but slick venture.

I emailed Jeremy to introduce the Meier case and myself to him but got no response, despite his gushy, “If you can prove or document compelling evidence in support of your story, I will amplify your case to the public, and help you expose the truth.”

I tried again a couple of days later, with a more in-your-face approach. Still nothing. So I don’t know if he’s sitting around in shocked silence now that he knows his whole approach is rather banal and irrelevant, or simply doesn’t care because he’s created a nifty persona that he wants to capitalize on.

You may wonder just why Knapp and some of the other people associated with this thing are out there pushing it. Familiar as I am with the cynical, deceptive, disinforming idiocy from the UFOCI, I find it even more troubling now that we’re so undeniably deep in exactly what Meier and the Plejaren have been warning about for decades. Whatever the perceived profit, the real price of the cover-up of the Meier case will be paid by humankind for a very long time to come, which bothers the shills and hucksters not one bit.

How It Works

Jacobus recently posted this on the blog, which helps to explain some of how this essentially suicidal process of manipulation works:

“The secretive GCHQ and JTRIG training manual which was leaked via Glenn Greenwald and Ed Snowden says:

‘Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.’

According to these latest documents, there are paid government agent/contractor persons on social media posing as someone they are not, whilst on the payroll of the government. Their job is to befriend members of the alternative media, embed themselves in the ebb and flow of day-to-day communications, and then to engage in elaborate subterfuge – by any means necessary. The training exercise uses terms like ‘befriend’, ‘infiltrate’, ‘mask/mimic’, ‘ruse’, ‘set-up’, ‘disrupt’, ‘create cognitive stress’, ‘use deception’, ‘ruin business relationships’, and ‘post negative information on appropriate forums’ – all of which is not only illegal and morally bankrupt, but also runs completely contrary to the very fundamental ‘values’ and indeed founding principles, of a modern free democratic society or constitutional republic.”

When Orphans Beg the Court for Mercy

If one wants to see a glaring example of en masse participation in such stuff, take a look here. You may notice that this thread started in 2009 with negative comments about the Meier case, me, etc., setting the tone. I started posting there a month ago to respond to a challenge by someone named John Razimus who’s been busy defaming the case, Meier and me for years. This particular coward kept up his attacks, claiming that he’d substantiate them and debate me anytime…while steadfastly running like a scared rat. (Radio host Dr. J just agreed to host that debate later in August…no word from Razimus yet.)

While the thread is filled with one anonymous loser and shill after another, it’s noteworthy to point out that “astroguy” is none other than the cowardly, long defeated, pseudo-scientist…Stuart Robbins. He apparently feels at home as a skeptic and debunker on the forum of Art Bell, who for the most part has been the champion of promoting all things paranormal, UFO, alien and pseudo-scientific. (Robbins is predictably not only cowardly in trying to attack from this blog, shunning any direct debate with me but he also exudes a seething jealousy that his go nowhere blog doesn’t get a fraction of the interest and participation as this one. Whose fault is that?)

In case you don’t have the interest or stomach for perusing page after page of attacks in this cesspool, another quaint aspect of the way it works – and I imagine it would be true on any thread there where anyone would present facts to counter the vicious attacks – is the way the snarling dogs take exception to being “insulted”, e.g. “You have time to insult but not enough time to answer questions.”, “All you seem to do is pout and insult us.”, “Lashing out with personal attacks, etc., etc.”

This reminds me of another joke. A man is being tried for killing his parents and in his own defense he pleads the court to spare his life because…he’s now an orphan.

Enter the Law of Causality

These particular orphans who shamelessly slash and stab, while paradoxically being so filled with shame they dare not mention their own names, who fancy themselves wizards, can only hide behind the curtain for so long before it’s pulled back by that dependable equalizer, the Law of Causality. Whether paid shills or simply empty, self-loathing, envious, misanthropic losers, they too are as Meier says, smiths of their own destiny. As Meier also points out, one cause can have many…effects. To say more would be superfluous.

Paying the Piper

The subject of UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc., has been deliberately and effectively marginalized into a tabloid topic through the efforts of the intelligence agencies and their willing paid and unpaid shills in the UFOCI, as well as the media. While the original purpose wast to hide any evidence of the existence of actual extraterrestrial life forms, the Meier case soon became the main reason for the UFO cover-up. There is nothing left of things like the crash at Roswell, which while authentic can’t any longer be proved, as is the case with other crashes.

The government can’t be forced to reveal what doesn’t exist, what it may not even know, etc. So of course the various “disclosure” events, hearings and other variations on the farce likewise serve the disinformation agenda. And the most willing disseminators of all of the disinformation and distraction are associated with the UFOCI, a fertile field for those looking for a safe haven with the least scientific standards for credible “research” of any subject imaginable. No doubt this too is deliberate, or at the very least a possibly unforeseen “benefit” of letting every lunatic and their claims have more than equal exposure than is accorded the only authentic, still ongoing UFO contact case.

As stated, the real cost of this is anything but insignificant and fictional. An ever-growing portion of the world’s population is being turned into techno toy toting dummies who can’t conduct a coherent conversation with another human being, who willingly give up their own identities as well as conscience and consciousness for momentary celebrity, while at the same time anonymously eviscerating anyone who reminds them of their own unbearable and empty worthlessness.

Through their willing complicity they have helped to assure the fulfillment of the long foretold prophecies, the specific, pointed, non-allegorical warnings of the man made environmental destruction, the wars, terrorism and devastation that could have largely been averted had not humanity willingly descended into greed motivated, religiously and politically fueled, degeneracy and denial.

How’s about all that, UFO Road Warrior, chaser of lights in the sky, imaginary aliens and a quick buck?


NOTE: My Canadian trip was a success. I ended up doing three presentations at ACE instead of one, because of audience demand (two were standing room only) and a presentation at the Lillian Smith Library in Toronto. I did four interviews as well and hopefully they’ll be posted soon, including the one in a car where I was partially asleep.


*It’s possible that circumstances prevented him from responding, so I gladly await correction of any inaccuracies, etc., should Jeremy care to clarify them.




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Jacobus Kotze

Okie Dokie

Jacobus Kotze

This quote will be more relevant to the discussion I think, because David Icke actually mentions the Pleiades in his book, The Truth Shall Set You Free.

“Many psychics and esoteric scientists, are now agreed on the existence of a belt of highly charged energy centered on the Pleiades star system, an estimated 500 light years from the Earth. It is from here that much channeled information which feels right to me is purported to come from.”

“I believe that the Pleiades (maybe in our future) is a base for the positive extraterrestrial support we are being given at this time, and quite possibly the home of extraterrestrials who have abused the Earth and humanity, too…”

So, it seems to me, that David Icke is deliberately spreading false information, that will further estrange truth-seekers from the Meier material. Something that Dyson, since he is apparently so familiar with David Icke, should’ve known before he blurted out his undying support for the swindler.

I think Dyson should at least confess that he was wrong about David Icke. That he made a massive mistake. Weather it was deliberate or not, is a matter of personal opinion.

My personal opinion however, is that Dyson will not confess. It will be safer for his already fragile public image to just stay quiet for a while and let it all blow over. Dysons credibility is on the line. He is caught between a rock and a hard place, in a bit of a catch 22. He is damned if he carries on defending David Icke, and damned if he comes clean about his blunderings.

That’s all I wanted to say.

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