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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

MUFON, UFOCI Force Cancellation of Billy Meier UFO Case Event!

The truth is too much to bear for those who only seek to profit, mislead and disinform

You read that correctly. My upcoming presentation of “The Billy Meier UFO Case: What the UFO Cover-up Is Really All About”, in Kansas City, has been cancelled because of pressure put on the organizer and promoter, Margie Kay, by MUFON and other members of the UFOCI.

Margie also told me that these parties tried to convince her that they had “irrefutable evidence that some of the photos of the supposed alien beings are actually photos from a Dean Martin episode in the 1960’s”, which I was able to quickly refute with this information.

Margie had posted this note here:

“A great deal of controversy has been stirred up by this event. There are people on both sides of the fence about the case and Michael Horn. We invite the public to attend the event and make up your own mind about the validity of the case. Michael Horn will answer any and all questions after his presentation.”

But apparently the threat of having their complicity in the real UFO cover-up revealed – which as I’ve stated is now solely about the singular authenticity of the Billy Meier – is now far too threatening to the various profit-oriented, disinformation promoting members of the UFOCI, as I expound on in this video. Fearing that people would, as she suggested, determine the truth for themselves they pressured Margie – a MUFON member herself! – to cancel the event.

It now seems that this information about MUFON, that “the U.S. State Dept. and the CIA basically control this activity”, can no longer be doubted.

New video!

P.S. We’re getting a lot of comments about this and I want to add something. I think the cancellation is also indicating that MUFON and all of what I call the UFOCI are finding it hard to avoid admitting to themselves that they are mainly involved in imaginary pursuits. They also are loathe to recognize that for all the chasing of lights-in-the-sky their own activities and participation are basically farcical, meant to make them feel important and give some meaning to their otherwise boring lives.

The work of the various intelligence agencies and other vested interests have succeeded in marginalizing the topic of extraterrestrial life, UFOs, etc., with enormous help from the wannabes in the various UFO groups who promote the utter nonsense uncritically. As an experiment in mind control, mass hysteria, suggestibility, etc., nothing rivals the imaginary “alien” abduction scenarios (which, whenever an actual abduction has taken place is the work of secret military groups) that has produced droves of “experiencers” who have their own nice little events, cozy coffee klatches, etc.

Throw in the preoccupation with techno-toys, the relentless pursuit of escapist entertainment and unreality, the degeneration of consciousness, rational thinking, etc., and we find ourselves in the midst of what Meier calls “phantasmagoria“.  Is it really any wonder that the members of this UFOCI, many of whom came from religious backgrounds, don’t want their little make believe bubble burst by the harsh truth, as they are already getting an inkling that at the core of the Meier material is that rather uncomfortable requirement for complete self-responsibility – and self-honesty – that has nothing to do with chasing lights-in-the-sky?

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Matthew Deagle

Michael, if you already paid for plane-tickets and were expecting to sell merchandise at the event, you could threaten to sue them for the losses in order to uncancel it. Depending on the kind of agreement, they could at least owe you money.

Matthew Deagle

Well, they are apparently being harshly pressured by someone else, so you have to fight fire with fire. Who knows what the MUFON folks are threatening.

Sheila Clark

I suspect “that someone” would be none other than Alejandro Rojas. He has been an avid anti-billy meier mouthpiece and disinformation agent for quite some time. Don’t believe me though, try going on his stupid webstie and post Billy Meier’s information, you will get banned. You’ll also notice that every stupid story on the Mufon website, when you click on read more, takes you to his ridiculous open minds webstie.
We can’t disregard Ben Hansen either (former FBI agent) who even pretended on his Fact or Faked tv show that he only wanted to get to the truth. Why was it on his stupid show everything he concluded was fake, I thought was real? And everything he concluded was real, I thought was fake?
The disinformation runs rampant, for example look at the Paul Hellyer presentation. Who does he claim “helped” him? Nick Pope and Linda Moulton Howe, the biggest disinformation agents around.
I’m sorry that your presentation was banned Michael but you aren’t good for the the disinformation industry because you speak truth and it’s obvious that the truth isn’t good for business.

Keith Davidson

Hi Michael
Having researched the Billy Meier case in some detail, I think these kind of reactions from the UFO industry only serve to reinforce the validity of the Meier case and shine a spotlight upon it. In fact, I was initially drawn to the Meier case as a direct result of the ‘controversy’ surrounding it. Once you get to the spiritual teachings, you get to the point of it all. I have no desire to see blurry photos of ‘lights in the sky’ or hear another monster ‘abduction’ story. Just read the Meier contact notes, examine the spiritual teachings and follow your intuition. It really is that simple. I’m a farmer, I work with nature and it makes total sense to me. Keep up the good work, Michael, and good luck getting the truth out there! KD

bigcree1 Val Shadowhawk

Agreed! I feel the same way. Anyone with a good general sense of logic & rational thinking once exposed to this information will only react in the same fashion.

Simon walsh

Shame on you Mufon and Shame on you Margie. Good on you Michael for keeping on at them, they must (Mufon members) feel like right ones when their disagreeing with the blatant, indisputable factual evidence, in which the Meire case is enriched with. Hey Michael, great talk you did recently on The Crazfiles radio show, and great performance too. I loved your songs. “Bravo, bravo Michael”.

Dubhaltagh o hearcain

They are only burning themselves. They can block you all day long Michael. This freight train ain’t stopping. The truth going to catch up with them in the end.

Sheila Clark

Well it all makes sense now that you brought up again how the U.S. State dept and the CIA controls Mufon. Mufon even has the audacity to have a poster on there by the name of Billy using psyops with this name, those dirty pieces of crap.
I guess I was right when I posted on there that all they wanted to do was get everybody and their dog who had a UFO sighting to have regression therapy so they can be brainwashed to remember their fake alien abduction. Clever but BUSTED.

Terry Carch

Just saw the video.couln`t agree more with you. As far as I`m cocened,those CIA-MUFON guys are just burning their buns of with more tail-tell lies of “lights-in-the -sky fairy-tale stories to confuse the general public! Great video. Keep on fighting these “No-It-Al” bums CIA,NSA,etc,who brain wash this world to death with their wishy-washy

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Mike, it is surprising for me to read this topic on your blog and then I went to read Contact Reports where ever I leave off in the past studies. Anyhow I remember reading this sometime ago….CR 175 Sentence 71 through to 101.

Daniel Zumon

“CR 175 Sentence 71 through to 101.” that is timely and required a quality of knowledge to pick that out of a large body or volume of information, is sharp and on cue, is accurate.

Their (MUFON UFOCI) creditors donators and benefactors consist a majority of susceptible individuals. Its not that interesting actually, its very much the same with organizations such as well-known, popular, GreenPeace, they’re also enslaved to be lead themselves into situations where they’re precious vital revenues will continue to be consciously given at regular intervals, even if deceit is necessary to secure it, such as for example saving polar bears that have become lodged on blocks of ice many miles from the nearest shore in the middle of the ocean by protesting at a local power station as a way of fulfilling their promise, delivery of propaganda, to individual customers against climate change in order to lather up the sell, to meet the criterion for the donation, the customers interest and concern.

And so then you’ve got Michael Horn coming along who is going to tell they’re creditors and benefactors that for their falsity, mendacity, craze for intrigues, and denial of truth, as well as their distortion of reality, have very vicious and miserable wages to bargain for because they prepare and summon their own destruction through their shameful and destructive activities, in the sense that they produce their own altered state of consciousness and destruction of consciousness, as well as confusion of consciousness, which leads to the complete psychological destruction of the same.

They go on to become the same type of creditors, donators and benefactors, in a vicious cycle. Ironically no one is telling them off or denouncing they’re status, they’re doing that themselves.

We should get around to discussing MH’s and other like him/her, creditors and benefactors sometime in an open honest discussion given the work that he’s/you’re doing with the honesty that you’ve chosen for it, the necessity of those contributions to maintain a healthy position.

Beautifully finished Micheal, well observed Darcy.

P.S I also like to do as Darcy does and discovered that Michael has by no means corned the market, and found this…. CR 577.

Daniel Zumon

I mispelled-typed re out of the word cornered, to be clear I meant captured the market. MH has by no means isolated or fixed the market place, it just means that in order for any individual to make a comprehensive sense of anything they will in fact have to categorically study Billy Meier information for around a decade. Due to quite a significant raft of prerequisite knowledge in many fields of study. Its a shame that those individuals do not check.

Philip Brandel

A quick look at MUFON Missouri shows it all…. As Margie Kay is the Assistant state director there. Would be interesting to get her thoughts on all this and see if she has heard of Billy Meier in the past, let alone where she is getting her information from now. Though the main MUFON page obviously already has information on it.
When not chasing lights in the sky, reversed engineered crafts left overs, and mostly delusional/brain washed contactees on a continuous basis, what compels one to ignore the real deal! I guess sadly I already know the answer. As one drowns out the other in most cases…. continuously.
Writing a little something up to her now and will see if it is worthy of sharing(if I get a response at all). Trying my hardest to not come across with my feelings and would just like a explanation(ones again) as to why MUFON acts the way it does. Have a feeling at this point it will not be far off from the weekend warrior, belief stricken, out of date response I have received from MUFON Minnesota in the past.

Philip Brandel

I share the stunning Michael, as a bystander! One would have thought by having the director of MUFON finally endorse the existence of Billy Meier(after so many decades), that at least some within it would have headed that call to become aware and try and learn more. Lest they have to actually face something with evidence…. as speculative as so many seem to first see it beyond the haze of beliefs, pre-conceived notions, and paychecks blurring their ‘vision’. I regress into a world you of all people know all to well, dealing with these types.
MUFON as much as you have made head way with them, has a long ways to come, obviously. One step forward, ten steps back it seems. Eventually many years from now, when the torch has been passed on many times, more will hopefully see the folly of their ways! Good that at least ones and awhile some will come along and light up the entire room…. though not an easy task if can’t even get in the door!

Sheila Clark

Hi Philip I noticed mufon have taken down that whole thread from mufon member Terri about her alien abduction. Even their own members didn’t believe her, I wonder why? Probably because it took her 30 + years to remember an alien abduction but only due to Kathleen Marden having done “regression therapy” on her.

Philip Brandel

Ya MUFON sure knows how to make a mockery of the entire situation! Talk about dirtying the water, and why so many give that look of craziness when ever the subject is brought up. It seems no other organization is as responsible for the state of the entire subject, than that of MUFON. I thought for some time of going to the local monthly MUFON meeting here in Minnesota, just to see it all first hand. Though after conversing with them a little through email decided it would only make my hair line recede even more!:) I guess the future may hold better fortune and there has to always been room for dialog and discussion!
Was interesting to read your article in the FIGU Canada newsletter, Sheila, though most I remembered from previous correspondents, was nice to learn a little more about you, non the less.

Sheila Clark

Hi Philip I too am disgusted by muffins lack of honesty. At the ACE event I told the mufon buddy about our local horse mutilations (most horse owners will tell you that their horse is like a member of their family). I told him who exactly was doing the mutilations and why and they act like they’ve never heard it before. Even the event organizer came up to me and wanted to hear it because she had overheard our conversation. But not one word about it because they are too busy spreading the falsehood that it’s done by aliens.
Yes Catherine had asked me to submit an article about how I found Billy when I met them at the ACE. It was awesome to meet them. I must say the highlight of the event was meeting and listening to Michael’s 3 presentations. The rest of the presentations failed in comparison. Too busy selling their damn books and nonsense. One presenter told me not to lock my doors because they (the aliens) can get in anyways. Last time I left my doors unlocked, I was robbed haha. I did manage to find one other person who asked the presenters hard questions, but that was about it. Don’t get me started on that creepy hypnotist, I mean regressive therapist.

Terry Carch

Mikael, It just occurred to me why are so many people afraid of the truth that you and Billy are trying so hard to convince the general public? What are they afraid of?

Carlos Miranda

Frankly I’m disgusted with MUFON, they claim to uphold the truth and seek all kinds of proof from people. Their questionnaire for sightings is ridiculous. I’m surprised they don’t require a blood sample from UFO witnesses. But really I’m not surprised coming from a puppet UFO group. The CIA has been disinforming regular people from day one since the real UFO activity became known to them. I’ve noticed lately all those people who oppose the Meire material have been barking loud. Barking but not biting as hard as they used to because the Meire material has been proven by science and tests to be real and authentic. There is an explanation for everything (logically) if they would take the time to read the massive info of the Meire material. Michael Horn you have become the Cesar Milan of the UFO community. You do not run, you confront and try to debate intelligently using what we all know to be the only extensive authentic, and documented case of extraterrestrial communication between earth man to debate with these loud barkers. Oh they bark loudly but don’t have the chops to bite hard. They don’t have the proof Meire has.

Terry Carch

Could that also include religions and the beliefs in a god(s) creator nonsence too?


Hi all, what I don’t get and find rather entertaining is the U.S. State dept. and the CIA which controls Mufon, have got you be reading Billy’s material and anyone with half a brain that’s paying attention has got to see the events unfolding around the world. It’s insanity, as I have always said we live in the “age of stupid”. I can’t see this ending well for anybody without bloodshed. The Plejaren must be looking at us and just shaking their heads in disbelief. The sad thing about this is we’re letting it happen to ourselves. Just my opinion of course!!!

Terry Carch

I totally agree with you Joe Ottawa.This world and especially the US is just so screwed up that I wonder if the P`s are starting to wonder if we of Earth will ever survive and learn the hard lessons that were given to Billy and MH. Seems to me the people on Earth just don`t want to face and hear the hard truth and facts as they really are. “I guess we are STILL a very dangerous child race of human beings who refuse to grow up and face the real world and the real cosmos etc~”

Diane Magsig

I thought that MUFON and the like were more open minded about Billy Meier experiences and teaching than this. I am disappointed at the lost opportunities in the cancellation of your presentations.
As for myself, I am happy with what I have and try to live more in tune with my environment. I wish peace to all.

Thomas Turk

mufon are the gatekeepers for the Religions and Govts. of Planet Earth. To keep the sheeple in line, they must filter out any even hint of et ever coming here.. often implying they don’t exist. The ‘control system’ would collapse in the twinkle of an eye if et was real. (I visited Billy’s in the 1980s, was an Airline Training Capt. with multiple sightings. My lady neighbor in Switzerland was a volunteer Air Force Radar operator for a few years at that time and confirms ufo targets in the area. Her supervisors knew of the targets and the operators were told to just ignore them and consider it ‘training’ ie well done, you noticed it.

Disbelievers are merely paid-for Govt. mouthpieces or very simple-minded, blinkered individuals.. so this needs to be considered when responding..

Sheila Clark

I find it interesting that Matthews dad gets raked over the coals for selling vitamins but the USFDA has absolutely nothing to say about this retarded “regression therapy” which actually does more harm than good. Only in America.

Matthew Deagle

How about the fact that Scientology convinces people that their psychological problems stem from being the reincarnation of a mollusc? False memory is a real phenomenon that should not be overlooked when investigating hearsay.

It should be noted that while my dad is a genius at biochemistry he has however, in a wise that often irks experts, gone beyond his field of knowledge with regard to conspiracies and the like, apparently being duped at times into having disinfo-agents on his radio-show. But then again, the true info on the show also irks people who just don’t want the truth getting out. People in the intellectual level of evolution rather than the Realleben (or bordering on it in level 3.7) generally overestimate their own intelligence, which ironically allows them to be deceived, as we see with “skeptics” as well as with conspiracy-theorists. Generally such people tend to see things through a filter of their own expertise or theories rather than as they really are, i.e. through a “model” rather than through the laws of Creation. Belief, religion and New Age influences, or on the other hand academic pressure, etc, also play a role in that, whereby the “conventional” academics are generally no better than the conspiracy-theorists.

But nonetheless I cannot recommend highly enough the vitamins available on, particularly VitamineralMAX, MyCell D3 and PowerC Plus, all of which are supported by the statements of Ptaah, an extraterrestrial medical doctor.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Matthew I seen your dads shows on you tube and he blatant Billy. Why should we patronize Dr. Deagle?

Matthew Deagle

He blatant what Billy?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Certainly, however do your own research, I don’t want to do it for you.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Matthew if I did the research for you it would destroy the surprise that is intended for the unknowing one/you.

Sheila Clark

I also find it interesting that one of the biggest names in the UFO industry Stanton Friedman co-authored a book with Betty and Barney Hills niece Kathleen Marden. What is Kathleen Mardens claim to fame other then she is a regression therapist? From Billy’s material we know that the Hill case was a fake and caused by electromagnetics. And here is their niece situated in the middle of all the crap, spreading her own stupid crap. Regression therapy has only been around since the early 50s and was formally known as brainwashing. It’s a known fact that it causes false memories. The most telling part is that regression therapy will not hold up in a court of law.

Sheila Clark

Kathleen Marden’s claim to fame also consists of being on the board of directors at Mufon. Apparently she too underwent “regression therapy” to uncover a fake alien abduction from 50 years ago. Sorry Kathleen but no one here is buying your make work project for yourself. Considering now that you’ve had regression therapy you are now unable to tell the difference between real and unreal.

Matt Knight

Even the term “UFO” is part of the cover-up as some people would like to keep that “Un-” myth going, despite the fact that Billy has already identified everything to do with these ships… and in much clearer terms than these secret groups could ever do, even with full disclosure. It’s not a common theme here on Earth, but, out there, in the big wide universe, the truth is a supermassive thing, as is telling of the truth (or, saying nothing) despite the many (trolls?) people here & on other forums suggesting that Billy and the Plejaren are covering up things, or, saying something other than what they actually said – trying to twist his words. However, lies are not acceptable in the big wide universe and the sky is not the limit – it is the threshold of limitless possibilities, but, many in these secret groups lack the imagination to think that far & to truly explore, inwardly and outwardly and make the necessary changes, but, stick to their mind games, toys & empty lies – which should never be told on this planet. There’s nothing “Mutual” between MUFON and the trillions of ET human beings out there.

Sheila Clark

Hey Matt Knight, now that I know your full name are you still planning on suing me for hurt feelings? Or was that just an idle threat?

Matt Knight

Hey Sheila, Do you still think that someone finding silver iodide in the sky, well known as “cloud seeding”, is evidence of chemtrail activity?

I’m from England & people don’t sue unless they have lots of money & the “suing” you cannot seem to get over was in response to MH’s “if” we were talking – a hypothesis as was my answer, so please go and find a right tree to go and bark next time the meds runs out, please.

Sheila Clark

Does cloud seeding leave chemtrails?
I see, just an idle threat then. I’m not on any meds, just vitamins thanks. You are obviously good at idle responses, good job there chappie.

Matt Knight

It’s important when discussing the issue on a worldwide forum to distinguish between harmless & hardly ever used cloud seeding and the various fearmongering chemtrail conspiracy theories that people like you seem keen on promoting. My lazy responses are more accurate than your weak efforts to be right despite any credible evidence.

“Chemtrail conspiracy theorists use cloud seeding as irrefutable proof that all of their theories are valid, because “look! they’re doing it here, so obviously they’re doing it everywhere and with other chemicals, too!” That’s a huge logical fallacy, but it’s their main fallback and argument, so they stick to it until the bitter end.”

Sheila Clark

Do you honestly believe silver iodide is harmless? Maybe you should google it and find out the effects on the environment. I have no control on what others think or believe but you’re trying to tell me that since I outed the insurance industries spraying of silver iodide that I’m promoting conspiracy theories? I do my own damn research and there has been cloud seeding as recently as 2010.

Matt Knight

Sheila – 2010 is not recent. I don’t have to believe anything with regards to Silver Iodide as it has been used in much greater quantities in antiseptics and in the photographic industry (so why not go after those industries I wonder?) and studies have shown that is is harmless when used in cloud seeding as relayed here:

I guess the facts, or what Billy says about a subject doesn’t matter to you when you’ve got a politically correct bee in your bonnet. Tell me Sheila, how do you get on when discussing issues of immigration and worldwide birth stops as relayed in the material with your PC friends, or, do you prefer to stick to safe ‘right-on’ topics like the Freemasons and Chemtrails?

Daniel Zumon

Hey Matt Knight, I should not jump in like this, please forgive me, I just wanted to say that just because Sheila has presented herself as barking like an american snoop (furtive) dogg with medication breath, does not mean… what I’m saying… we need to entertain at that level, granted a given valid observation for the sake of variety passed along, passed back and fourth, need not be said.

Daniel Zumon

I’m trying to say that most american women have bint breath, but that will never require anything of you personally speaking, make any demand or summons of you Matt, – it will never effect you. Like killing an insect just because it may cause a small inconvenience at some future time.

Sheila Clark

Wow Daniel that’s a pretty ignorant comment about American women.

Daniel Zumon

Well its unfortunate, and mostly an indirect social climate affliction, but are we surely not better living with that affliction worldwide, the woman maintaining that voice, even if it is what it is, than that voice being intolerable, and apparently an awareness causes the behavior to be reflected upon anyway, and even besides that men mostly enjoy strong women

Matt Knight

You still make me smile Daniel 🙂

Daniel Zumon

It was probably a little over done after all that, I just don’t get why Sheila even bothers to form an opinion of anything when she does not even know about it anyway. Its a form of complex, respect on some level for that, but then when we think about it deeper, if its not properly understood at this level then there surely is no subsequent levels and if theres no subsequent levels then no other person on earth could have possibly formulated any deeper further cognitions of it already, so why be harsh?

Anyway i’ve wasted enough time here today already

Sheila Clark

Matthew, the PCs lost the last election and I’m glad I helped vote the bums out. 44 years in power was too much. Yes I do talk about immigration and a worldwide birth stop to quite a few people. The cloud seeding is common knowledge around here so I’m not sure why you still consider it a conspiracy? Silver iodide is toxic to the environment and do you trust the industry when they tell you it’s such a small amount that it’s harmless? I don’t. I care about my environment, what’s happening in the world (Fukishima is starting up again). I try to make my personal environment as chemical free as possible.