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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

MUFON, UFOCI Force Cancellation of Billy Meier UFO Case Event!

The truth is too much to bear for those who only seek to profit, mislead and disinform

You read that correctly. My upcoming presentation of “The Billy Meier UFO Case: What the UFO Cover-up Is Really All About”, in Kansas City, has been cancelled because of pressure put on the organizer and promoter, Margie Kay, by MUFON and other members of the UFOCI.

Margie also told me that these parties tried to convince her that they had “irrefutable evidence that some of the photos of the supposed alien beings are actually photos from a Dean Martin episode in the 1960’s”, which I was able to quickly refute with this information.

Margie had posted this note here:

“A great deal of controversy has been stirred up by this event. There are people on both sides of the fence about the case and Michael Horn. We invite the public to attend the event and make up your own mind about the validity of the case. Michael Horn will answer any and all questions after his presentation.”

But apparently the threat of having their complicity in the real UFO cover-up revealed – which as I’ve stated is now solely about the singular authenticity of the Billy Meier – is now far too threatening to the various profit-oriented, disinformation promoting members of the UFOCI, as I expound on in this video. Fearing that people would, as she suggested, determine the truth for themselves they pressured Margie – a MUFON member herself! – to cancel the event.

It now seems that this information about MUFON, that “the U.S. State Dept. and the CIA basically control this activity”, can no longer be doubted.

New video!

P.S. We’re getting a lot of comments about this and I want to add something. I think the cancellation is also indicating that MUFON and all of what I call the UFOCI are finding it hard to avoid admitting to themselves that they are mainly involved in imaginary pursuits. They also are loathe to recognize that for all the chasing of lights-in-the-sky their own activities and participation are basically farcical, meant to make them feel important and give some meaning to their otherwise boring lives.

The work of the various intelligence agencies and other vested interests have succeeded in marginalizing the topic of extraterrestrial life, UFOs, etc., with enormous help from the wannabes in the various UFO groups who promote the utter nonsense uncritically. As an experiment in mind control, mass hysteria, suggestibility, etc., nothing rivals the imaginary “alien” abduction scenarios (which, whenever an actual abduction has taken place is the work of secret military groups) that has produced droves of “experiencers” who have their own nice little events, cozy coffee klatches, etc.

Throw in the preoccupation with techno-toys, the relentless pursuit of escapist entertainment and unreality, the degeneration of consciousness, rational thinking, etc., and we find ourselves in the midst of what Meier calls “phantasmagoria“.  Is it really any wonder that the members of this UFOCI, many of whom came from religious backgrounds, don’t want their little make believe bubble burst by the harsh truth, as they are already getting an inkling that at the core of the Meier material is that rather uncomfortable requirement for complete self-responsibility – and self-honesty – that has nothing to do with chasing lights-in-the-sky?

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Moshe Levy

It’s possible that when presented with evidence like the Asket photo and the lackluster rebuttal, the promoter had second thoughts. That’s an alternative to the claim of a person who talked to a person who talked to a person who said MUFON is a CIA front organization.

I realize that you’ve been blocking my posts as of late, but maybe you’ll let this one through as an alternative theory to the one you’ve presented as fact.

Moshe Levy

You described your communication with the person in the link you posted. If I misread it, my apologies. What is the incorrect assumption I made?

Moshe Levy

I don’t understand how any of that is inconsistent with my precious post.

Moshe Levy

That’s a fair observation.

Moshe Levy

Everything in your 10:17 post.

Moshe Levy

Earlier when I wrote “precious,” I meant “previous”.

Matthew Reed

MUFON represents UFO/paranormal cases that are controversial and filled with irregularities all the time. To claim the Meier case cannot be presented due to controversy is cowardly and clearly not the real reason.

Gregory Matthew Dougall

..but they got a T.V. show…

Matthew Deagle

Moshe, if you read German I recommend picking up the book “Existentes Leben im Universum”, where Billy explains the physics of how the speed of light varies (diminishing over time) as chronons are converted into tachyons (!), or how about “Ein Offenes Wort” where he gives a detailed history of how the ancient Hebrews were influenced by Atenism, including corrections to the numbers given in the Chumash. Add to that dozens upon dozens of other such examples, and the fact that Billy is an audodidact with no formal education beyond highschool. It is absolutely impossible that he could have as much knowledge as he does, and had in the 1970s long before the internet, let alone that he could independently make breakthroughs in physics without the help of the meagrest laboratory or academic assistance.

Matthew Deagle

Elsewhere in the Contact Reports, Billy also briefly mentions how gravity is due to the difference between the “Hitze” (high temperature) of a planet in contrast to the “Kälte” (coldness) of space. This was decades before Erik Verlinde published his entropic theory of gravity in 2009!

Matthew Deagle

Basically, for those who read carefully, Billy has provided ample PROOF BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT in the form of absolutely impossible levels of advanced knowledge, that by parsimony can only be explained if he is really in contact with extraterrestrials.

Matthew Deagle

I strongly recommend that anyone with a background in theoretical physics or a related field, or medicine for that matter, among a myriad of other fields covered, peruse the Contact Reports – here and there you will find little snippets like this that simply blow the mind. Who needs photographs of 20-foot-wide “toys” hovering near trees when you have proof like this?

Matthew Deagle

From the 54th contact-report of 8 June 1976:
77. Aber gut; die Ursachen (der Gravitation) sind einerseits auch ganz richtig in der Wärme und Kälte zu finden, in der Eigenwärme des Planeten und in der Kälte des Raumes.”
77. But yes indeed; the causes (of gravitation) are indeed on the one hand to be found in the warmth and the coldness, in the relatively high temperature of the planet and in the relative coldness of space.”

“In 2009, Erik Verlinde disclosed a conceptual model that describes gravity as an entropic force.[4] On 6 January 2010 he published a preprint of a 29-page paper titled On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton.[5] The paper was published in the Journal of High Energy Physics in April 2011.[6] Reversing the logic of over 300 years, it argued (similar to Jacobson’s result) that gravity is a consequence of the “information associated with the positions of material bodies”. This model combines the thermodynamic approach to gravity with Gerardus ‘t Hooft’s holographic principle. It implies that gravity is not a fundamental interaction, but an emergent phenomenon which arises from the statistical behavior of microscopic degrees of freedom encoded on a holographic screen. The paper drew a variety of responses from the scientific community. Andrew Strominger, a string theorist at Harvard said “Some people have said it can’t be right, others that it’s right and we already knew it — that it’s right and profound, right and trivial.”” – Wikipedia, Entropic Gravity

Matthew Deagle

It’s things like this that have me conclude that “skeptics” who have “thoroughly researched the case” like Mahesh and Andy must be either liars, or dumb.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hey Matthew, did you read the one about the magnetic suction caused by a black hole that hurled all of the dirt off the planet Venus only to be burned up in the sun? Why did this magnetic suction not pick off the Venus atmosphere too?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Okay Mike, I will relay my questions to Billy and he can ask the Plejaren and I might get a reasonable answer or might get no reply too. I feel that it is too good of a question to answer because to reveal the facts could cause greater destruction from us Earth people if we were to gain such knowledge.

Matthew Deagle

Darcy, I do not know. Where is that in the Contact Reports? Probably it is referring to dust and rocks orbiting Venus but not on the surface, hence the reason is just that the dust and rocks were further away from Venus’ centre of gravity, i.e. had a weaker attraction to Venus than the atmosphere (gravity decreases in strength as the distance from the centre of gravity squared). Gravity is considered basically an acceleration, rather than a force, so it moves the object the same regardless of its mass (the mass of a black hole or planetoid is so much bigger than that of the dust or gases, etc, that you can just ignore their masses). As a result, objects in the gravitational field at the same distance would fall at the same rate regardless of how heavy or dense they were (see: Galileo), considering that they would be falling into nearly empty space. This implies that the reason was that the dust and rocks were in orbit around Venus and not on the surface. Black hole? Wasn’t it the Destroyer, which also pulled Venus out of its orbit of Uranus? If you ask Billy, you need to cite the exact sentences from the Contact Report or else he is likely to give you an “I don’t know” answer or the like – that is what he does when questions are not precise enough. Uranus does have rings, so it is possible that this is where the dust or ice came from. There actually is a ring of dust near Venus’ orbit, as well as near Earth’s.

Matthew Deagle

Come to think of it, I do remember it saying somewhere in the Contact Reports that unexpectedly Venus was going into a new phase of planetary evolution, beginning to take on a new tone (the Plejaren hold that you can determine the level of evolution of a planet by its colour, so Earth is going from a blue/cyan to a green tone). It was said that some dusts streamed from Venus into the Sun (Sol). I don’t know how that worked, but if you could find the contact-report where it is exactly described, I could look up the German original. Also, read my previous comment. Although anti-gravity and of course electric charge and magnetic fields are real phenomena, it seems most likely that this was just dust in orbit around Venus. Note however, as I have said elsewhere in regard to Apophis, that attractive forces can be produced by “kosmischen Kräften” (cosmic powers) and there is much more at work in the solar-system than just plain gravity, but working on some of the same principles and in the same basic field. If the planet Venus was going into a new phase of evolution, that implies a change in its atmosphere, too. I don’t know much about planetary evolution, but you can read up on it yourself.

Here is the article about planetary colour:,0

Moshe Levy

Matthew, you wrote a LOT of stuff. I’m reading through it. Do you think the examples above indicate Meier is in touch with extraterrestrials because he couldn’t grasp advanced topics without extraterrestrial assistance because of his limited education or because he understood aspects of science before scientists did (or both or neither)? Is that what you’re getting at with the examples above?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Matthew, I read your comments and post to my question about magnetic suction/black holes. I will reply with this post that you requested from me for starters.

Matthew Deagle

Moshe, I am saying that Meier briefly, but clearly records Semjase as putting forth an entropic/thermodynamic theory of gravity in 1976, around 3 decades before this theory was developed by some of the most advanced theoretical physicists on Earth. Not only someone with his level of education would be unlikely to be able to do this, but even theoretical physicists of the time would be. The groundwork of the thermodynamic theory of gravity was done by Ted Jacobson and published in 1995.

Matthew Deagle

In addition to that, the updated Talmud Jmmanuel (the teaching of Jmmanuel/עמנואל published in 2011 is written in an idiosyncratic German that follows the original Aramaic style and phrasing of the author, disciple Jehuda Isch-Keriot, to a T, and can be compared to Aramaic of the time to confirm that it is based word-for-word on an Aramaic original.

Matthew Deagle

Michael, Jehuda/יהודא is the Aramaic form of the name Judas (Judas is just the Greek form of Jehuda). Isch-Keriot means “man of Keriot”, איש־קריות, which is a town in ancient Judea.

Daniel Zumon

Matthew Deagle, are you talking of those things regarding “the level of evolution of a planet by its colour” including your gravity notes – out of a personal interest, or are you simply bringing that forward to convince someone of something. Thats a bad habit if you were, the idea being to go about things more selfishly in a business-like manner, for you own personal development of understanding.

The reason I develop this suspicion is that there was no inclusion of additions that may indicate a learned understanding, that you even care or have any passion for the subjects.

That knowledge Matthew has taken a very long time to fathom, with such value it really shouldn’t be thrown around dishonorably. Ordinarily that kind of information would take a seriously long time to fathom, I really hope that you appreciate that as a principle. Many answers are ordinarily off limits such is the layout of the long progresses – evolution as you say, I just hope that you hold an utmost respect for those principles.

Matthew Deagle

Daniel Zumon, I do not get what you are trying to say. I am not trying to “convince” but pointing out that if you just think for a few minutes you can see that Billy has proof beyond a reasonable doubt of his contacts. Actually no one can be convinced, as to know something for certain requires thinking for oneself.

As for the “gravity-notes” – Darcy asked me what I thought, and I said basically I do not know. I do not see how that is trying to convince someone of something.

Daniel Zumon

Oh so you get what I’m trying to say then


Hi Michael,

Very interesting article.
I have noticed the staggering rise in Phantasmagoria in UFO groups that seem to post anything but images of UFOs lately!


Allen Anderson

As Michael has pointed out several times, the more the UFOCI and the powers that be try to hide the truth and claim that all the Meier information is hoaxed or faked, the more they must then accept the alternative requisite that Billy, despite a lack of any evidence to support, is an expert in over 30 academic disciplines and thus likely the MOST intelligent human being on the face of the entire planet. Yet even THIS fact they refuse to acknowledge, when they create the premise by their very denial and defamation of his true character. How long can people continue to see someone, or something other than themselves when they look into a mirror? I have made and handed out over a dozen copies of the story by Kathryn Schulz in the July 2015 issue of New Yorker magazine regarding the research of Chris Goldfinger of Oregon State University on the coming earthquake and Tsunami off the Pacific Northwest coast, along with copies of contact report 392. So far eight of the recipients of these documents have expressed serious interest as a result of the fact that Billy spoke about the facts that Professor Goldfinger uncovered back in 2005 long before the professor came to his conclusions. When these folks displayed their interest I then directed them to theyflydotcom and theyflyblogdotcom so that they could see the hundreds of examples of how Billy has beaten our scientists at times, by more than three decades regarding certain events and discoveries. I will continue this effort as long as I can on every new event that arises in the hopes that I might wake some of the sleepwalking masses. I find that handing out physical copies of related contact reports and news articles to corroborate the accuracy of the information that Billy brings to our attention, seems to work better than giving people web addresses to look up for themselves, probably due to the effort needed, as people truly are far too easily distracted by mindless stuff that truly has little if any value at all. What has been a very interesting side note regarding these efforts, is that some of the recipients of the information have actually come back to thank me for sharing it with them and have likewise found it ridiculous that so many will credit Billy with the ability and ingenuity to hoax everything, yet fail to realize what they then MUST credit him for is far more preposterous than his claims themselves, and that if they are willing to conclude that the accuracy of his predictions and physical evidence of the existence of the flying craft he has photographed, and the information in the Talmud Jmmanuel being corroborated by Professor Deardorff, how can it be so unlikely that his entire story is simply the truth? It is so unfortunate that our history was hijacked and truths replaced with lies so long ago that the willingness of people to challenge what they have been taught since birth has degenerated to such a level. What must have seemed like such a struggle for Galileo, has absolutely become exponentially worse today, and even attempting to remind people of that very real and documented fact in our history STILL elicits little if any interest in trying to avoid the same pitfall in our perceived modern world.

Gregory Matthew Dougall

Allen, here are some arrows for your quiver:
I am extracting from the contact reports discussions having to do with astronomy and space.

Matthew Deagle

See my above post about Erik Verlinde’s and Ted Jacobson’s entropic theories of gravity, dating from 2009-2011 and 1995, respectively. It is a bombshell, perhaps one of the biggest in the whole case. That Billy and Semjase predicted entropic gravity as a valid model in 1976 alone constitutes bombshell evidence in favour of the case. Just take out one of Wendelle Stevens’ early translations of the Semjase Blocks – it must be in there.

Philip Brandel

Well she replied to my email…. here it is.

Hello Margie,
As a regular of most things worthy of attention within the so called field of ‘ufology’, It strikes me as odd that Billy Meier’s ‘case’ is threatening enough that Michael Horn cannot even present it at the Un-X Tour? What is it that has allowed this unique opportunity to vanish?
If in fact Billy Meier is in contact with humans from the depths of the cosmos would it not entail one of the most, if not the most compelling story in all of memorable history? And yes, obviously there are some things within this case that have become focal points of speculation for many whom have not looked closer. This ‘case’ is fraught with people trying to bend the truth of it at every angle and corner, with as minimal amount of time and effort put in!
As someone whom has independently investigated it for over ten years, I just don’t see what is so threatening? Is it the length of these encounters of Billy Meiers, 70+years and still going? The evidence, a thousand+ pictures, 20+ videos, crop-light-snow circles, finger-foot prints, hundreds of eyewitnesses, private investigators that DID go to Switzerland in the 70’s to present and found no evidence of a hoax from the one armed, rural Swiss family man driving around on his moped. Taking pictures and videos of things only possible with technology available decades later? Lest I regress into only a small fraction of the evidence beyond the many thousands of pages of information that also reflects the reality of our world.
One would think, non the less that the mutual UFO network would be more willing to look into things with time, evidence, witnesses to back it up, for ones. How can an organization(be it non profit or not) ignore and suppress something it apparently is looking forward to investigating? As it seem per the director of MUFON endorsing the Billy Meier case while its many state representatives still have no clue of it? So again as much as I don’t understand I just wonder why an organization apparently looking for evidence and cases to propel the entire reason for its existence, would ignore one such as Billy Meier’s?
Thank you,
Phil B.

Hello Phil,

The events main sponsor is Un-X News, not MUFON. The reason the event was cancelled was due to lack of adequate ticket sales. If the sales are not there, we can’t put on an event. We may bring him out on another date.


Margie Kay
Assistant State Director, Missouri MUFON
Un-X News Magazine & Radio Show
UN-X Tour 2015:They’re Here
Director, Quest Investigation Group
Independence, MO 64050
I hope she is sincere in that assumption and maybe she is thinking twice about her ill thought out approach!

Philip Brandel

Seems like she is getting a lot of flack and was not prepared for such… I emailed her back just stating that I hope she is sincere in having you present in the future and that if I lived in the area would be more than willing to pay and attend.
No doubt she was not aware of the line she has been stuck in the middle of and hopefully she will take this opportunity to inform herself on the ‘issue’, and or lack there of.

Marco K.

Margie may be a “nice” person, but she pretty obviously lied to Philip. She made up the story about not enough interest in the presentation. This behaviour clearly shows that she is a coward and even resorts to lying to secure her “career” at MUFON. You will not get an invitation from her again, I guarantee you that. If she cannot stand up against some pressure like that, she will not be able to cope with the reality of the Meier Case and the truth in general. Why are you so soft with her? One either stands up for the truth or one is an enemy of the truth. There really is no middle ground here and we should stop letting people get away with lying like that, no matter how nice they may seem. Those kinds of people are the ones following orders to pull triggers or drop bombs and then say “I was just following orders.”

Marco K.

I consider everyone who organizes paranormal events with always the same dead end nonsense an enemy of the truth. If it would have been the first time for her and she could not have known better, I would give her a pass, but she knows full well that nothing of substance ever comes out of a paranormal event and how can the sales have improved so suddenly when the advertising had to be changed? You also mentioned that they have already paid for your flight, right? They would have probably made at least enough money to pay for their expenses with your presentation, so this whole “not enough tickets sold” thing is BS. Imagine if everyone would just cancel their gigs, presentations etc. if relatively few tickets would be sold in advance. If I organize an event and people have already paid for it, I follow through, period. I’ve been the only person in a cinema once, they didn’t kick me out, you know.

Marco K.

So we do agree that the ticket story is BS, right? If that is the case then Margie outright lied to Philip, correct? There can only be two reasons for this deceitful behaviour: 1. She literally had a gun to her head or something of similar severity. 2. She had selfish motives (likely based on fear) like not getting kicked out of MUFON, not losing her (money making) audience for her own lectures (“Margie Kay White Spirit Bear Medicine Woman—- Star Seed”), books (“Margie Kay – Gateway to the Dead”) etc.

The probability for #1 is very low. The probability for #2 is very high.

Also, as the “Assistant State Director, Missouri MUFON” she must know the rubber-chicken curcuit, as you call it, pretty well.

Yes, most of us probably were into some goofy stuff before we discovered the Meier Case. I personally believed a lot of the stuff David Icke and Alex Jones were putting out. But most of us, including myself, were never running around, giving lectures about “Star Seeds” or writing books about contacting the dead, which is deceitful behaviour.

My “unyielding harshness” very much stands up to the facts. I can say out of experience that it doesn’t help people – in the long run – if you say “Oh, well, it’s okay. I can understand you, yada yada…” because then they don’t learn and will act the same way next time. I’m only harsh to people to help them. They may hate me for it at first, but they thank me later (at least some). As you know, the truth is often harsh, especially for people who are far away from it.

Marco K.

MH, here is the quote from Margie’s mail to Philip: “The reason the event was cancelled was due to lack of adequate ticket sales. If the sales are not there, we can’t put on an event.” That is a lie, because the reason the event was cancelled was that she was threatened and couldn’t stand the heat for mostly selfish reasons. MUFON cannot control who visits the event, except for some of their members. So Margie cannot predict how many tickets will or will not be sold on August 14, unless she can look about a week into the future and I can guarantee you that she is not capable of doing that.

I don’t want you to attack Margie. I just want you to realize the reality here and talk to Margie WHEN THE DUST HAS SETTLED about her cowardice and deceit, in a helpful, self-empowering (for her) way. Of course I don’t want you to scream at her or anything like that. If you don’t do that and let her get away with it, she will do the same thing over and over and may never stand up against any heat in the future. From her reaction I can also see that she would never have invited you in the first place, had she known what’s coming.

About the name thing…
I have told you before that I won’t reveal my last name until you use “Michael Horn” instead of “MH”. Yes, your picture is on the site and yes I know who you are, but “MH” cannot tell others to use their full names. I’ve read some of those conversations and it made me giggle. Besides, Marco is my real name and people call me by that name. You also know my last name, because I had tried to get you to lecture at a university in Germany. Unfortunately I didn’t hear back from them after a few e-mail exchanges. I wonder why (not really).

Philip Brandel

The reason my response was so geared towards MUFON was as MH has stated. Every time I have confronted this organization it comes down to ‘well, we are a non profit and all volunteers so we can do whatever we want! Including ignore and suppress the validity of Billy Meier, after work, on the weekends after church, generally speaking.
I guess for my own sake this had less to do with Margie and more to do with the organization she has immersed herself amongst. She obviously has very little forth knowledge on the entire subject and ‘controversy’. The fact that she replied to me at all speaks volumes to where she is at? Is much better than others I have tried to converse with within MUFON(as most here should try if they see an issue!). As she did not ‘get into the facts’ might mean that she is still looking into it, could care less, or is overloaded into something she never wanted or thought about getting into. Good that it wasn’t just one sided and geared towards beliefs of others, in her all business reply to me.
Hopefully as the dust settles she will take the opportunity to make up her own mind and investigate what needs to be ‘investigated’. As for some it takes time to wade through the garbage when one never knew there was a flower filled meadow just over the horizon. Especially if one works and converses at the ‘dump’!
In the end one cannot do anything but hope that she will see what she has immersed herself amongst and at least have the courage to invite MH back in the future…. to let others also make up their own minds.

James Moore

70. But the fight for the truth will be very hard because you will have to fight against the lack of understanding and lack of reason of sectarian ufological groups, and so forth, who are strongly anchored in the religious and in pseudo-sciences.
71. In regard to that, take note especially of the coming worldwide organisation for ufological work, MUFON, because – along with various pathological know-it-alls and slanderers of truth – it will be your greatest adversary.
72. You will become loved and hated worldwide and also your life will no longer be secure.

Asket to Billy, 7th Feb 1953

Matthew Deagle

It is interesting to note that Mufon/MUFON in the kabbalistic code sums to 18, meaning closed-mindedness, falsehood, etc. Also, curiously in Japanese Mufon means “betrayal”, “mutiny”, “treacherous conspiracy”, spelled 謀反 in Kanji, which literally means “to scheme against”, made up of “scheme” and “against”. The collective subconscious reveals it.

Matthew Deagle

There is a contact-report where Billy uses a kabbalistic code for the letters of the German language that shows that several words related to cult-religion and war, usury, etc, sum to 18. I find it remarkable that for all their attempts at concealment these people reveal their true nature in plain-to-see universal symbols.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Thankyou James, I just read that entire CR and it coincides with reality.

Darcy Wade Carlile

That post says people went insane and I believe some of them people are posting on this topic.

Terry Carch

Maby there is a point to be aware of the fact as bad as all those creepy liers are at MUFON we ALL here on Earth are aware of the existence of good and bad and just pain enbetween ET`s. At least we ALL know by now that we are not alone in the cosmos. We too were also ET`s at onetime or another in our past. It`s just matter of being aware of our very own existence here on Earth. I personally think we were not just put here by some accident or other. It`s high time we put some meaning ad purpose to the ET existence though not the stupid lights in the sky nonsence(pie-in-the-sky thing) mind you. Personally I prefer to listen to Billy and the P`s for the REAL TRUTH but there comes a time that we better start thinking of other worlds and other beings. This is just a logical point of thought that sooner or later we will all have to face all theses harsh realities one way or another. After all didn`t all these other worlds like Erra had to start thinking ouside the box too?

Terry Carch

For me personally living on a planet the still relies on rockest,fosil fuels,nuclear energy,GE/.GMOs in other words all the horrible dirty stuff of politics, religions, corporatism high rise buldings,big cities is just going to kill us all off sooner than later. The fact that we ALL KNOW by now that we are not alone in the vast cosmic universe(s) is enough to start finding alternatives if we want to avoid ANY nuclear war by joining the the good cosmic people like the P`s etc Why should we live in small little fishbowl of a palnet when it`s high time we learn to travel the stars and learn and explore who we really are. Let`s face it travel throughout the cosmos are face nuclear war and religious fanatisms,politics and all the other stupid antics of small narrow mind people who would rather brainwash us into oblivion with their stupid fearmongering beheaded thinking and money grubbing crap! “To me Billy Meier,The Plejaren Federation and the Star Trek Universe, and the Spiriual Teachings is life giving and life affirming.” Why should we have to put up with all this negative dark energy that is trying so hard to suck and drain the life out of this dark primitive world.We NEED to grow up learn and explore outside of this dirty dark fishbow of a planet called Earth.” These politiciuans,religions and corporations are just siphoning and feeding off of us with their greed,money,blood, and son on. It`s high time to leave the Earth and travel to the stars if we want to avoid a nuclear war as Billy and the P`s are predicting if we don`t grow up and get our act together NOW!”

Tommas Ma

Hi Michael

I was wondering how come ASU banned you from presenting? It would be cool if you can head down here.

Terry Carch

Isn`t it funny how those in control glorify the ET exists then just air brush,whiteout/blackout what ever so those cabals can get control of humanity here on earth? Seems to me they want to take control of the entire human race righjt down to cloning and killing just so they think little grey men and MIBs can get control of us and do and deny us the right to speak out about the ONLY AUTHORISED REAL GOOD ET`s and their Spiritual Teachings etc. I think this is what these nefarious cabals and shills are afraid of. Seems to me they are afraid of other human beings in the vast cosmos so these shills use ugly scary monsters such as little Greys to get us to believe they can scare,force and control us with their nefarious stupid deeds such as UFO LIghts in the Sky stuff by using all kinds of trick in the trade such as stealth fighter planes, the Fake Blue lighbeam charade nonsense etc.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Terry antigravity is useless in outer space.

Matthew Deagle

Darcy, no it’s not. The same principle can be used to propel a craft up to light-speed, but not beyond it.

Paul Wrenn

Gravity from the deepest parts of space have pull on objects in space, and Billy himself has spoken of the pull on Venus from the spiral arm of a black hole.
Spacecraft need to be shielded from the pull of gravity from systems and bodies, and they need to generate a field of gravity of their own.

Gordon Barnes

This has disappointed me immensely, and has also confirmed to me that MUFON are nothing but a bunch of blind, scared chickens. If one of them had a back bone to stand up and looked at the evidence, to stick two proverbial fingers up to the controlling elements i.e. the CIA, maybe they would have learned something. I say, let’s put this conference on ourselves and show the blind puppets that they are not in control and the truth WILL be told. Who’s with me.

Terry Carch

“Me Gordon! High Fives to you I`m with you on this ticket! You are so on with these stupid MUFON jerks! Sooner than later they will HAVE to listen to the TRUTH or else face their own short comings!:-))) Hahaha.:-))) Time to stick to our phasers and tell like it is!”

Daniel Zumon

Hello Gordon,

So to be clear that I’m following and referencing the same real. Like a battery farm chicken? but KFChicken hit $87.82 a share up 0.24%, on the NYSE today and the USDA has chicken listed as more popular than beef and pork. A healthy spine is essential to keeping us upright, ask a chiropractitioner for the evidence. Uses the same time immemorial excuse, CIA was founded in 1947, we’ve all learned something today. Human-made crafts such as puppets are inherently blind inanimate objects, yeah, will the truth be told? I had to reverse polarize everything you said in order to understand it, so not with you at all, no.

What I’m saying is if what your saying is wrong then how could it possibly be right?

Daniel Zumon

What’s interesting is that if we use the correct vernacular to express ourself, what we seem to find is that we begin noticing that others around the world are battling against the same things we are already, by using the correct words with the correct values in honesty and sincerity we are uniting with the same principles. By using the wrong words and expressions, with the wrong emphasis’s we are creating a situation of many wrong things and problems.

Tommas Ma

Thank you for answering.

I am planning to drive up to Flagstaff for your presentation next week (from phoenix metro). I was wondering if I am able to purchase Goblet of the Truth directly from you in order to save myself the shipping fee.

*It would be great if you are going to have a presentation at Phoenix area in the near future.

Tommas Ma

Hi Michael

Email sent.

Ah Peng

It might got something to do with the Christian religion influence. Plenty of examples . When compass, dinosaur fossils etc were discovered in the Western world the church viewed them as something evil. The Church even tried to ban many of the New World foods ( potato,tomato,sweet corn …bla bla bla) simply because these dont exist in the Bible. But the Meier case must be the mother of all ‘evil’ because God was simply a mortal alien and his descendants were all deported from Earth for good.
As a non Christian asian since i was born i had met many asian christian who will not accept anything beyond the ‘gospel truth’. So this problem is not unique to the Western world. The Baffath had done a terrific job in playing God that even the advance space traveller like the Bardans got fooled and almost destroyed themselves through religion. We stand no chance at all but luckily the Plejarens and Meier had done their part. But time is not with us

Daniel Zumon

Peng, its because the church is a possibly, potentially legitimate position to take for any civilization. There are those civilizations that are scientific, those that are militaristic, those that are religio-belief based pack lead monarchy crowned, those that are incredibly spiritual (slight difference, usually very quiet relaxed folk for whole lives), then you have your knowledge based worlds, who usually soften too quickly, there are many different types of positions, legitimate positions to take. So the secret societies are dealing with real possibilities, but whether they hit the right notes and chords, whether the church hits the right notes and chords, where the civilizations is beautifully harmonically aligned with the real knowledge of the legitimate position is Dependant on a real evolutionary period of development.

Evolution, its the study of evolution.


Sorry MH I hope I got the right blog. From Mirror “Peace-loving aliens tried to save America from nuclear war claims mission astronaut Edgar Mitchell. I try to send you the article when I first see or hear about it otherwise be the next day it`s old. You can read the article at your own leasure when if and when you want to. Sorry about that.

Thomas Turk

Of interest is the Remote Viewing report in the Giza Pyramid that confirms Billy’s work.

Paul Wrenn

Yes Thomas,

Except that Ptaah has spoke of the Farsight institute as being a money making racket and have no real abilities in this area.

Paul Wrenn

Oh yeah, sorry. I was thinking of Psi Tech Michael thanks.

steve Tillbrook

Interesting about Psi Tech because l tuned into Coast to Coast recently and was amazed to hear “Ed Dames” still singing the same song after nearly 18 years of being wrong… The break came and the song “Head games” was played which really shocked me because that’s exactly what Dames has been doing ..

Paul Wrenn

…also.. they have no real insights as to the real reason for the building of the pyramids, except to say that it was for burials but “may” of had another reason.
According to the information, the pyramids were constructed so that the people could survive the passing of the destroyer.

I would say that they should come back when they KNOW why the pyramids were built.

Paul Wrenn

Well, in Asket’s explanations, Asket spoke of the pyramids being built after a perceptive individual received cognitions of the damage that was on the way from the destroyer.
The Pyramids were built to withstand floods, and earthquakes. See revelation of the pyramids —>

Advanced knowledge also seems to be encoded within the building of the pyramids. But I do agree, that there may indeed be some other meaning to the pyramids.

Sheila Clark

That was a very interesting link you posted Thomas. I liked how they used civilian remote viewers. I did find the summary backwards though, it should have said the benevolent ETs originally built it. This was because they were under the impression that the androids were forced labourers, which I doubt was the case.