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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Today’s News Yesterday

More evidence that we were warned but didn’t listen

As we’ve tried to point out many times over the years, the dramatic news stories making today’s headlines…aren’t really news to those of us who’ve read the prophetic writings of Billy Meier. Sad and troubling as these things are in themselves, they’re even more alarming for those who know we’ve been warned but failed to listen.

Some of us hoped that the original documents Meier wrote and published still existed, like the 1951 and 1958 Letters and the Henoch Prophecies. We figured that being able to provide incontrovertible proof of Meier’s foreknowledge of such things as the two US-Iraq Gulf Wars, AIDS, the destruction of the WTC on 9/11, even the internet, etc., would be so dramatic and compelling that humanity would have to stop its headlong plunge into oblivion and gratefully accept the freely offered advice and recommendations also contained within the spiritual teaching intended to help us assure our own future survival.

However, while the most dramatic events stand out for us, we neglect to recognize that the ongoing corroboration of the prophetic warnings – long after their verifiably earliest publication dates – serve this unfortunate purpose at least as well, if we but only notice. Of course had we noticed in the first place we might not be on planetary suicide watch today.

As the long foretold, and now inevitable, fall of France to radical Islam further unfolds, as a variety of tragedies ensue because of mass illegal immigration, we see that it’s yesterday’s news to those of us who’ve paid – and tried to draw attention – to the warnings.

Again, Meier’s prophetic information is so extensive and varied that its accuracy in terms of what initially seemed to be less dramatic events only adds to its cumulative significance. Whereas people may have failed to notice what he foretold pertaining to the taxing of prostitution, the meth epidemic, legalizing euthanasia, etc., when something unimaginably barbaric and degenerate pops up in the news pertaining to the hunting of children the first reaction is that it must be some bizarre modern myth, until we come upon numbers 94 and 98 here…and then read this pertaining to organ trafficking (if we can stomach it).

It would really be newsworthy, and unprecedented, if instead of trying to outsmart the prophecies we’d decide to rewrite our future history, as I suggested 11 years ago, and not continue to follow the script to destruction, as Bush did, setting in motion the destabilization of Iraq and ultimately leading to the growth of the IS that now threatens to become a worldwide danger, as Meier also foretold in…1958.

With all of this delightful news we may also revisit number 40 and perhaps watch the interview with Joe again for a connect-the-dots moment in hopes that enough people will indeed wake up before they fulfill yet another prophecy and willingly bend over and get the chip implanted in their brains.


See also:

French intelligence fears Islamist ‘missile strike on airliner’ or 9/11-style attack

Targeting the Victims

Mass Migrations of Peoples Threaten the Humankind

Consequences of Overpopulation

Excerpt from Contact Report 620 Translation


Thanks to Mumtaz Khan and Dubhaltagh O’ hEarcain for the information pertaining to France.














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More on the encroaching financial totalitarianism, albeit one could argue there was some hanky-panky? Snoop may have been bypassing customs rules, but as Armstrong puts it: “Welcome to the new world of Civil Asset Forfeiture where the money is guilty for just existing.”

Sheila Clark

Serling your money would be better spent backing the one person in America who has tirelessly dedicated himself to the mission. If you don’t know who that is already, you’re on his blog.

matt lee

I am going to flog this blog after Michael becomes president.
Of course with his permission.
Sheila how’s VP sound for you I am sure Michael can get around to changing the law for Canadian citizens with the lame congress and all.

Sheila Clark

Can I be the groundskeeper instead?

matt lee

You are too modest Sheila
Don’t sell yourself short.
Look if you accept the nomination for the secretary of state I’ll accept the nomination for the prime ministership of OZ downunder
Um where am I going with this joke. Ummmmm

Allen Anderson

While I won’t presume to speak for how all who participate here operate outside of the comments posted on this forum, I suspect that by reaching the point of their personal efforts to investigate the story of Billy Meier, most have done quite a lot of research on their own in order to find the message and meaning that was intended, some to a different level as others. We ARE critical thinkers, and I know that I take the time to investigate claims and information brought to my attention here that I had not been exposed to elsewhere, and again I suspect that I am certainly not alone. Due to all of our personal experiences through our lives, each person may be exposed to things others may not have been, and sharing our thoughts, feelings and the actions that we have undertaken, can help each of us with our understanding and attaining true knowledge rather than just work with theories brought about by Earthly means. In the abundance of material, contact reports in particular, it is said over and over again that each human being MUST determine for themselves what it all means, and this includes those of us who have accepted the truth as it has been explained, through the logic and reason in which it MUST be attained. This forum, in my personal opinion, does offer all who participate, the opportunity to fully open doors to all willing to put forth the effort, through each others participation. Students under one instructor can obtain different meanings from the way the information was presented to all, especially when the instructions are in a language so full of ambiguities and multiple meanings, however this is what we have to work with and this forum has helped me on several occasions, realize that my understanding was different from the intention, and allowed me to make corrections. I’m rather confident that I am not the only one to experience this phenomenon. I know that I am not a master of the English language, and certainly make many mistakes with my punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, proper use of words and more, but I also accept that part of being human is learning from my mistakes and part of learning from mistakes is asking questions and corroborating the answers before implementation, but I also keep in mind what Jmmanuel said “do not forsake others for the splinter in their eye, without first removing the beam from your own” (poor attempt as paraphrasing I’m sure).

Billy Wilson

Those of few words run to the fires.
Thank you Michael.
Billy Wilson

Searl Abercrombie

Where is the like button when you want it.

Hear hear. 😀

Searl Abercrombie

Michael…I’m replying out of context because of a technical short-coming. There was no reply button for your comment.

“I want us all to try to move on to discussing HOW we are taking back control of our lives – which is a good way to teach by example” – MH

My answer, in the form of reading:

My three part plan:

1) Understand thyself
2) Utilize meditation and mindful awareness to note and study my reactions to things – coffee, feelings, work, study, play, people. Of particular note:
a) Things that irritate me
b) Things that make me happy
c) Things that cause me to sit down, and think.
d) Things that cause me to stop thinking
3) Formulate plans of attack
a) Fix personal schedules
b) Establish better habits
c) Identify and research opportunities.

I don’t claim copyright or ownership of any of this. It is free for modification, improvement, and general use.

Searl Abercrombie

Today I screwed up and went in unprepared (for something).

Tomorrow, I will have started writing an app for this ‘today-tomorrow’ thing on

steve tillbrook

The day l woke up to the reality behind 911, l felt myself to be the recipient of a deep and profound insult. The horror of it was, so established, embedded and immense, l could only respond later here and there with prose, to provide a comfortable vehicle for my feelings.


Grinning goblins, Glaring gargoyles,
how does your garden grow,,,
with dollar bills and media shills,
and a country to scared to know..

~911 truth

Nine eleven truth, nine eleven lies,
silk tied rats, eating plates of eyes,,
there’s a fat lady singing at a midnight sun,
there’s a rhyme there’s a reason,
there’s a smoking gun..

matt lee

Michael I was just wondering though how did you know?
Meaning if it was the 80’s when you weren’t all that into the Meier case such as now and his information how were you able to inspire yourself to come close to the spiritual teaching to have written these kinds of songs and poems?
Something just doesn’t add up

matt lee

Very nice Michael
You were probably writing songs when I wasn’t even a zygote in my mothers womb.
It sounds pretty sad though like written on the cold windy night on the street of LA whilst you were hungry in need of the very thing you were writing about.
77 was the year your daughter was born wasn’t it and probably your hardest period?
Sorry to bring up the past

Darcy Wade Carlile

Love is in every creature from the center of Creation even if they are evil minded and very dangerous, look at this lovely creature caught on trail camera in USA. I suppose this corroborates more of the Meier material about those ET’s breeding humans with animals here on Earth thousands of years ago.

Billy Wilson

Today I over can my programmed DNA that allows emotion to be used as a control tool of the secret sciences. After pushing aside all emotion that would have been used as a reason not to responded to the aid of another human being. While dealing with a woman in shock and not in control of the emotions, Freely allowing the feeling for what is correct to be done from the wealth of knowledge that a life well lived had stored for me to call forward. Which proved to be needed even though that knowledge had been stored for over 25 years. Repeatedly it is ask what did you do today to help, I helped a strange that will respect me tomorrow when we talk after her hospital visit. You want mind if I recommend BEAM’s material to how the human mind truly functions.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Although your action was brave I’m not really sure about your wish for respect though. It doesn’t seem quite right because shouldn’t you actually expect nothing in return? I could be wrong though. Strangely my son went to a party last weekend at which a guy threw a liquor bottle and it slipped out of his hand and smashed into a girl’s mouth and broke her teeth and cut up her mouth. My son drove her to the hospital but on the way turned right on a red light (no one was coming) and the police stopped him and saw the girl and the blood and followed them to the hospital. At the hospital he was paid for his good deed by getting an almost $400 traffic fine for running a red light. Nice hey?

matt lee

Wow help and pay
Good on your son and good man.
This is why in Korea hardly anybody will help a stranger in need and it doesn’t matter that they are being raped or mugged in front of them just as long as its not them and besides it is reckoned that its other people’s problems and not theirs.
The bystander effect is truly live and well.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt yes I notice that in cities where people don’t even know who their neighbours are. Caused by overpopulation and cold feelings. But I do notice around here that the ones holding out their hands for help are rarely the ones that need it. For example one of my co-workers who recently lost her husband, crying that she couldn’t pay her bills so I gave her $100 to help out but she spent it on beer. The ones that need it most are usually too proud to ask for help.

matt lee

You’ve hit the nail on the head Sheila and from my personal experience I’ve also succumed to the Microsoft effect.
Having lived in regional towns for many years it was natural for me to say hello to strangers and passerbys but fast fastforward to the recent years where I have lived in major cities and towns, saying hello to anyone on the streets is definitely a sin.
People just want to be left alone and in no uncertain terms they’ll even give you that perplexed WTF look of F… off leave me alone.
No trust left at all between people but only suspicion, animosity, alienation, inconvenience, and so forth.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila you should go to the local newspaper and give them your story.

Andrew Grimshaw

I find that if I say to strangers and passerbys , with a smile on my dial and filled with joy, happiness and intention: “SMILE!”, I get more smiles than not.
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” – Dolly Parton.

matt lee

Good on ya Andrew
Just keep away from major cities and you will be fine.
BTW I can smell the gum leaves on ya from where I am;-)

Sheila Clark

Hi Darcy it didn’t happen around here, the girl was a stranger, it wouldn’t be read. But good suggestion, thank you. No, they make it so it would cost more to fight it than it is to pay the damn thing. Plus traffic violations have a lower threshold meaning the crown only has to prove it happened.

Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark, Only enough stated to serve a propose, many comments with very strong emotional tones almost pleading to know someone is doing something. That doing something that others are doing will happen when the moment is right, for that person or group, and may never be heard about. Even though how the PJ.’s had almost completely over come this within themselves. Billy had to aide in their understanding of a possible error. Which caused miss understandings about earth humans due to how much we give into our emotions. The entire political machine, entertainment industry and religious empires are masters at abusing the emotions to gain influence over humans within reach. Even here when long debates start over just the meaning of a word, is because emotions have gained the upper hand. When you saw my comment did you respond because of a emotion or did you see the focus was on BEAM’s teachings? I have much to learn as do we all., In your example you proved emergencies are far more complex than the little I used.
Peace to you and to those you hold dear.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

I have always responded to emergencies in a calm reasonable manner because I know that whatever emotion I give, will be embraced by the victim. I have never shied away from helping those that need help, stranger or otherwise. That’s the way I learned and have taught to my children. But I kind of think I know where your coming from…it’s a man thing I think. After my hubby rescued the elder couple who blew through their garage door and hit the water line and were trapped inside their car. When he rescued them and shut off the water, he felt like a low grade superhero (by his own admission). He had no expectation of respect or baked cookies 😉

Billy Wilson

We are not on the same page so to speak. You are still not out of a emotional response mode of thinking. I am steadfast with my responses being on the spiritual teachings. Your responses are a true joy to read, and the look into your personality is cause for great hope. My response that you joined was to geared to others that take joy in writing books and demanding prove from others while claiming to have many years of exposure to BEAM’s material. I am very sorry that the info I posted did not provoke a different line of thinking within you. But still take you for trying.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Well I’ll try and get on the same page then. You claim your post was about the spiritual teaching but I’m really not sure why you wish for respect after helping someone? Can you please explain that? Where exactly did you find that in the spiritual teaching?

Philip Brandel

Interesting.. but aren’t emotions uncontrolled forms of feelings that are always understood as negative based within their thought produced nature? Seems to me Sheila is not within this sphere as per -what I- have come to see within the Spiritual teachings and the descriptions of ’emotions’. More or less that one is just plainly thinking in one form or another instead of basing it on emotions, which seems to be very different than feelings. Perceiving, analyzing and comprehending ones own meaning to thoughts within written feelings? Now insert one of a few other peoples comments here that we don’t always get to read and see the power of emotions, and lack of controlling ones thoughts neutrally at all times, and the out write delusional behavior that ensues. Though we all succumb to emotions at this point it seems, just some more than others:)

Arie Levy

Mish is an excellent Financial commentator, and whilst surlely this post is off topic, it is in a way not at all. The financial tribulations we face globally raise the risk of geopolitical conflict.

Arie Levy

Hi all. This is another “off topic” link but I should say from experience, my personal knowledge and understanding and insights into the cashless drive and Financial Technology world I swim in, this is a tad worriesome and true in great measure (as much as I know):: How cash became a policy tool;

steve tillbrook

The Meier materials mention cults in either prophesy or contact notes l don’t recall exactly,however, the reference was to them elevating themselves to the level of gods in respect to the average person and l believe it was in the context of either church or government or both.

A link above in the blog body leads to information on the ninth circle cults activities regarding the hunting, rape, murder and sexual mutilation of children by European Royalty. in my view this has to be at the heart of the evil which dominates our world. It is a hideous outrage and l don’t see why it isn’t being focused upon discussed aired and exposed by They Fly and the FIGU.

The connections between the ninth circle cult activities and events like 911 in terms of numerology and symbology is apparent and tangible. Is Billy and the FIGU not tackling this head on for reasons of direct retaliation as was the case with the exposure of the moon landing hoax of Appollo 9?

steve tillbrook

Rather Apollo 11 – and BTW, how many numerical coincidences does it take before we start admitting to a pattern? Let’s find a way to discuss it with a focus, as l can easily see such a discourse getting diluted to an ineffectual collection of observations. This cult and its disgusting rituals which are vile to point of nausea, have to be opened up like the machinations of a gangrene infection.

steve tillbrook

Here feast your eyes and vomit, this is Utubes best on the central sex/mutilation ritual which fuels the souls of these parasites who parade as official vessels of dignity and honor but are in fact, lower than the most disgusting animals and in my view should forfeit their right to incarnate amongst us.


matt lee

Yep and we are supposed to love these vermin as they are inviolable creatures who are part of Creation.
Love can be strange at times.
But ‘love is not all you need’
Jewish Ritual Animal Slaughter
He, the Earthling, self-appointed “Crown of Creation”, who
rules or wants to rule the world and the universe, who has
conquered the air, water and fire, has long ago forgotten how
to be a true and sincere human being, and how to think, act,
and live by pure spiritual standards. Hence he has
essentially forgotten how to live as a valuable person in
communion with other persons

matt lee

We need to declare a decree of ‘logical force’ much like what Nokodemjon has done on these Satanic Luciferian Devil Worshiping Ritual Child Sacrificing Scums and Dregs.
Forget about the proper Peace Keeping Multinational Fighter Troops Creation style as it ain’t gonna happen yet.
Forget about top down it has to start from the grassroots bottom up

Darcy Wade Carlile

Nice going Matt, that helps me feel better. I guess in the whole of things we should still hold hands with the cruel ones because they are weaker in consciousness and they need to evolve too.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Matt I vote for the multinational peace fighter troops.

steve tillbrook

Well,, the PDF you linked to was quite something, l will read it in more detail later, though l stopped and slumped when l read this from the higher spirit level portion

“” Humans of Earth, you are neither better nor worse than other life forms.You are, however, much more misled than any other life form known to us. This predicament simply stems from the unworthiness of your unreal and irrational religious CULTS whose equal cannot be found on any other level or universe known to us. “”

That was so crushing to my optimism, it just stopped me in my tracks and a part of me is asking,


Darcy Wade Carlile

Multinational peace-fighting troops organized according to the Henoch [Enoch] system and deployed immediately to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out.

matt lee

Go Darcy never give up someday it will happen

Corey Müske

Yeah I vote for a multi-national-peacekeeping-troop as well, based on the Henoch fighting system. The only question that remains, is how much disaster is going to have to roll over the Earth, before we see one implemented? The biggest drawback I see, is that it is going to have to be up to the masses (the masses would have to demand it, and control it- a world wide direct democracy to vote for it’s use according to FIGU materials). I say, start it yesterday! 🙂

matt lee

Now Corey that’s what I call tomorrow’s news yesterday

Searl Abercrombie

Simply Voting

Helios Voting

…I’m sure there are more…

Problem is getting a large ‘buy-in’ to something – not hard if you’ve already built Facebook but…if you’ve built Facebook and your bottom line is not democracy, hard to get people to buy-in to something new en-masse.

Billy Wilson

Corey,Taking a hard look at what is, would warrant focusing on what one can have the most logical effect on in the moment. And getting young people to learn how to live in the moment though Meditation would do more to raise human awareness than anything done to the old and confused. We have people like Congressman Tim Ryan that require as much help as one can offer. Mindfulness mediation is already growing in the school systems which would start changes in a generation if allowed to grow. With all I know all I can hope for is to ease the suffering were i can for what is to come. But a world full of tomorrows 30-50 year olds knowing how to mediated as children the children of today, can make massive changes.

Corey Müske

Billy Wilson,

Yes, young people learning how to meditate would be a positive thing, I have always wondered why there has never been a translation of Billy’s meditation book “Beginning Meditation”, so the world (and us sparse students) can more widely read about the attention-meditation (Satipatthana-meditation-method) that Billy teaches. Even Jmmanuel studied the Ur-Pali-Buddhism’s related attention-meditation methods (Billy confirmed this for me in the Q & A), which trace back to Nokodemion, and Henok. Today’s Buddhism is still considered an untruthly “irrational teaching” (Irrlehre) by Billy, it’s the Pali-Buddhism mentioned in the 355th contact I am referencing, that was taught by Buddha to 500 monks of the “oldest order”, that traces back to Nokodemtion, but was corrupted in present day times, not sure if there is a translation of it yet, I read it in the Nokodemion book.

Matt Lee: good one! 🙂

Billy Wilson

Corey, I have copied all of your work on this subject you have done on the Figu. forum and thanks for doing that work. Meditation methods completely enhance the time anyone spends studying the spiritual teachings, but is the least discussed. The western world is at complete loss on even how to comprehend what meditation methods are about. With the Might of Thoughts and The Psyche being translated one can hope that this would be followed with the next step, Meditating. I have read that a lady had done this once before but I can not find a copy of that anywhere. Even so, what is being tried is welcome as long it gets people be in the moment.

Silvana De Angelis

More on today’s news yesterday, Greenland is melting… fast!