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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

UFOs, SETI and World War 4

 A call to action that would help bring attention  to solutions for many of humanity’s problems

A new video seems the best way to follow up on my previous blog about SETI.

It’s a call to action that would be immensely helpful in bringing attention to solutions to many of humanity’s problems, which I explain further in the video.

In addition to again encouraging you to emailing the personnel* I am including SETI’s phone number for those who would like to directly – and politely – express their concerns: 650.961.6633.

For any SETI personnel who read this blog, be assured that we do not encourage any rudeness, etc.

 Click here for new video!

* SETI personnel…do they really not know about the Billy Meier UFO Contacts? Feel free to ask them, that’s what they’re paid for:



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dubhaltagh o hearcain

Hello Michael

The video blogs are a very nice addition. I always informative and refreshing.

I watched a documentary today about the ufo cover up and it was pointing to word this guy Doty as having a big influence on feeding the UFO community with BS. Wyatt is still strange though is that we don’t here anything about the Meier case in the doc.

Would you ever Cate to do a blog and weigh in on your thoughts on the disinformation and campaign and those organizations that not only avoid the case because they think they risk losing a Thier money stream but actually are part of the disinformation to hide the truth frombthr public.

Terry Carch

Hi Michael, Just caught your video and thought it was just great. However I wonder just how am I going to convince SETI, Steven Greer, Stephen Basset,Stanton Freedman, etc that the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of these people from the Plejarem Federation are REAL and visiting ONLY Billy and not the rest of us who could use help etc. What am I suppose to tell the PHDs who think they are smarter than us waisting all that time and money partying and looking into a dumb microscope etc. Ptaah once told Billy the stars in the DERN Umiverse are too far apart for SETI to find other advanced human beings like the ones from The Plejaren Federation worlds like Erra,Timers, etc. By microscope I mean the WRONG radio frequency or the wrong telescope or even the wrong part of the sky and frequency etc.I may not be good with words beside I`ve never ever had to do this before. Any suggestions? Thanks

kevin pigford

Thank you, Michael. I emailed each of them.

Philip Brandel

Also just emailed them all.
Tried to tone it down a bit and keep it a little simpler this time. Seems as usual, as even within our physical, material world we have utterly over complicated the very simple things, and their meanings beyond what is supposedly tangible.
It is crazy that such an organization will not even at least say something! Anything!

“A couple questions for SETI
As someone interested in the study of ET life beyond our own, I just had a few questions that I hope can be answered by members of SETI, if you would be so kind.
I wonder if anyone at SETI has taken the time to look at evidence of contact here on earth, to try and use this information as a bases for searching, thinking about what life might be like out in the cosmos. I wonder if anyone at SETI has looked at the scientific information in Billy Meier’s case? To help in putting together an approach to what intelligent life in the cosmos may be looking for as a means of someday having joint, open communication. Is any member of SETI versed in Billy’s case and willing to give a short thought on it, good or bad? It seems that an organization dedicated to searching for life in the universe should in some ways be versed on what is available here on earth? As per something like Billy Meier’s ‘case’?

Thank you
Phil B.
Minneapolis Minnesota”

Greg Dougall

re: the expansion and contraction phases of the universe..

I have been assigned the task of reading through 622 reports, respectively the transcripts of conversations had by Billy Eduard Albert Meier over the past 40 years. Some of these conversations have to do with the history of our universe, solar system, planet, and ancestors. Who he is having the conversations with is debatable, but the factual statements made in the conversations can be scientifically verified. There are also topics pertaining to physics, astronomy, and biology. They should at least be considered as theories and tested as such.

The age of the universe,
the appearance and disappearance of bodies in our solar system,
the percentage of dark matter that constitutes the universe….
the expansion and contraction phases of the universe..
biological life forms that live in extreme environments..
All of these topics are discussed and explained in great detail.

Please visit
to see excepts from outer space related topics.

Or download the PDF I have assembled…

If vetted and verified by experts like yourself, this information could greatly increase our understanding of the cosmos. Please respond after you have looked at and read some of the information and let me know what you think! Thank you.

~Greg Dougall


Hey Greg, very good written letter.
I’m right now searching the 5th Contact-Block (CB) for other astronomical stuff… so much information in here… for example
page 179:
the anti-black-hole: … geschlossene Raum-Wölbung, a “closed space-bulge”

page 433: more about black holes..

somewhere in the 5th CB:
kosmische Mikrowellenhintergrundstrahlung (Cosmic microwave background) = this signal-nois is actually the result of incoming new matter into the forth unsiversal-belt…

and of course ET’s:
page 475:
… in the milkyway-galaxy (MWG) there are around 2,63 million known high-evolved human civilizations, whereby there must be add on 1141 million civilizations fom other galaxies…
…low-(light?)evolved civil. in the MWG: 1,04 million
… for the hole univers: in our (materiellen Raum-Zeit-Gefüge) space-time-dimension there are approximately 6000 to 7000 billion civil. (high- and low-evolved together)…
and that are just a view exampels written in the 5th CB (3. February 1983 to 31. July 1989).
… to say nothing of that the speed of Light is continuously decreasing!

The ONLY conclusion is to shut off SETI and use the money for better stuff: maybe medition pyramids and an operator’s guide for each household!!


just found another thing in the 5th CB:
page 146:
… there are around 49 million earth-like planets in the MWG, around 7 million of these planets harbour life…

Moshe Levy

Why not submit comments through the channel SETI has given you and stop harassing the poor employees?

They probably have a personnel policy that doesn’t allow every employee to communicate with the public except through the PR office. Many organizations have such policies. That helps avoid miscommunication.

Billy Wilson

Check out the location of all the wild fires, all of the radiation readings around the pacific rim, the weather patterns and then with all that in mind watch this guy;s report he has no money being made in the game just trying to warn us. I would not ask anyone to give away 50 minutes of their time unless it was very important. As Michael stated the house is on fire, it is past being out of control. Even if our friends can not handle ET.s, then show them what is really going on, and just maybe they will want to know more from you.
MH thanks again
Billy Wilson

stefan löschl

Yeah, sure.

Jacobus Kotze

Whenever Moshe is unhappy about something, you know you’re on the right track.

Moshe Levy

Ok, that was pretty funny.

Daniel Zumon

I agree with Moshe almost always. Human beings are only what they are, as you say, employees are going to make just as much difference as any other cnt. If the Plejaren really wanted to entertain some level of compassion they would of properly undermined Earths evolution instead of deluding and manipulating people putting them into a grotty little poverty subroutine evolution. They would have just flown back and forth and properly terrorised the leaders of the world, rather than, as I said, hiding and deluding and manipulating them indirectly as a way of achieving the exact same thing. Moshe is on the side of humanity as the skeptic, its the people who are not skeptical, that are the properly delusional ones, because its them that think they can all by themselves make any difference, like a priest, – a priest lol


In keeping with Moshe’s suggestion, I’ve sent the same message using both the contact form as well as email address:

“Hello. First if all, congratulations on your latest financial support from Mr. Milner.

I’m hoping to be directed to the person most familiar with SETI’s protocols with respect to validating claims of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Specifically, I’m curious to know the exact process involved in SETI’s methods to determine what is or is not what SETI considers to be, ‘credible physical evidence’. ”

From SETI’s FAQ:

“Is someone hiding aliens?..despite the popularity of aliens in both movies and TV, and more than a half-century of UFO sightings, the lack of credible physical evidence has made it difficult for serious scientists to believe that UFOs have anything to do with extraterrestrial visitors.”

All replies will be posted.

Taro Istok

So, thought I’d take one last shot at getting some, what I thought were perfectly reasonable questions answered by SETI. I think this answers your question, Moshe. This is why not, “submit comments through the channel SETI has given you”: Because they actively evade questions that might expose their redundancy.

– – –

Hello again. Is this the most appropriate means to contact SETI? I sent the same message two weeks ago using both


I’ve done the same with this message. According to SETI’s FAQ page:

“How can I contact the SETI Institute?”

“The best way is to email us at

I’m wondering, was my question somehow inappropriate or unclear?

I’m still hoping to find clarification for SETI’s criteria for what SETI refers to as, “credible physical evidence”.

Once again, from SETI’s FAQ page:

“Is someone hiding aliens?”

“…despite the popularity of aliens in both movies and TV, and more than a half-century of UFO sightings, the lack of credible physical evidence has made it difficult for serious scientists to believe that UFOs have anything to do with extraterrestrial visitors.”

Once again I’d like to ask what is the exact process involved in SETI’s methods to determine what is or is not what SETI considers to be, “credible physical evidence”. In short, how does SETI define, “credible” with respect to the UFO phenomenon?

Thank you.

P.S. I’ve sent the exact same message via My submission was followed by the message: “Your message has been sent.”

– – –

All replies, if any will be posted here.

Taro Istok

Yep. I suppose calling them, “redundant” is going a bit easy on them. I’d love to see(or listen to) Seth Shostak in a live debate with either you or Jim Dilettoso. You think it might be worth issuing the challenge then putting up one of those website clocks counting up the time he’s failed to accept? Or maybe those clocks are a bit tacky.

Taro Istok

I can’t imagine a man who is (allegedly) searching for scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence would dismiss the science backing Meier’s case so quickly based on what, “the majority of people” he’s talked to considers or the way the evidence, “looks” without actually looking at the investigation reports himself. I’m quite convinced he knows more about it than he leads on. He was pretty quick to classify the UFO phenomena as not his, “field of research”. Highly consistent with the spiel on SETI’s FAQ page. Screams evasion to me.

Taro Istok

That is hilarious and sad at the same time. Sad that too many people buy into SETI’S phoney-baloney without question. Funny how the many UFO and “alien” “enthusiasts” don’t appear to question SETI’s dismissal of the UFO phenomenon.

Billy Wilson

Michael, package sent maybe just one will be wanting ideas for their masters paper or a project for that prized Phd.
Best wishes to all
Billy Wilson

Taro Istok

Nope. Sorry for the ambiguity. Only the text in the first set of quotes. The segment from the FAQ was to put their criteria for serious study into context.

Also, sorry. Thought my homepage was enough.

Taro Istok

I guess the more variation in our approach to elicit a response, the louder their silence becomes. I’m hoping to meet them on their own turf, so to speak.

Allen Anderson

Hello Michael,
I’m truly enjoying your You Tube video posts and thank you for yet another forum in which to try to wake the sleeping masses. I just sent the following to SETI.
My name is Allen Anderson, and I have been interested in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence for over 40 years, and am somewhat familiar with SETI, but I am curious what types of evidence do you folks find worthy of investigation? I understand that SETI has been actively searching for radio frequency transmissions originating from outside of our Solar System, but would photographic, video, or any other form of evidence be equally considered worthy of your efforts to investigate as well?

I have spent the better part of the last decade corroborating information that a one armed Swiss farmer named Eduard Albert Meier has made available, and some of the information that he has published concerned events and discoveries that had not yet occurred prior to the publication and their corresponding copyright dates. I find this rather astonishing when considering the details and accuracy of what has since come to fruition since he published them. So far I have come up with 272 different claims ranging from a meteor that he claims will near pass Earth in 2029 and if not manipulated, will crash down in 2036, to our discovery of the diverse forms of life right here on Earth that thrive in the seemingly most hostile environment imaginable, one of which he calls “black smokers” which our scientists discovered recently as deep oceanic vents that come from deep below the Earth’s crust and cause the water to boil at their opening, yet the creatures that thrive there have been found nowhere else. What information between these two examples, while it may be on a completely different topic or of different nature, it has all been quite astonishingly accurate and detailed to the point where it would seem highly unlikely for this man to have such expertise in such a wide variety of academic disciplines, yet he does not claim to have any real formal education beyond that which we would consider Junior High School in my state. His claims for where this information came to him is what I find most fascinating, and this is where my letter to you originates from, he claims this information was imparted to him from human beings he has met with in person that are not from this Solar System let alone this planet.

Knowing how hard to believe this is, is why I was drawn to investigate these claims to the best of my abilities, and in doing so, I have only been able to corroborate some of the information, but so far I have yet to come up with any place where he has contradicted his previous claims, and so far ambiguities do not exist either.

Obviously your resources would far outweigh my own, and am sending this letter to you to see if this is something that your group would be willing to investigate. It would seem to me that someone very well informed has been giving this man his information, whether or not they come from outside our Solar System I certainly could not say, but for someone with such apparently limited resources and living in such a remote area to be so uncannily accurate in these “predictions” and having such detail regarding them, it would be interesting to see what your investigation could conclude.

I would very much like to hear back from someone if it would not be too much trouble, as mu curiosity has very much been piqued.

Moshe Levy

What does this letter have to do with lawyers?

Andrew Grimshaw

Is the following, which I really want to send to the people at SETI, considered impolite and an indication of the countless miles I am yet to traverse in my journey to relative perfection:
“We can agree that we live in the same universe, right?
We can agree that thoughts, feelings, and actions create effects, yes?
For example: doubt causes obstinateness, guilt causes shame, clicking on a send button causes replies.
OK, great!
This is known as the immutable universal law of cause and effect, correct?
We are on the same page, I presume.
Now, here is where we apparently disagree: if one does something bad, one is going to reap a bad effect. (I will let you look through a dictionary and/or thesaurus and figure out the many and varied bad somethings that one can put into effect by commission or omission)
I and a handful of my fellow human beings think that everything and everyone in this here young Universe is a product of the one and the same Universe, which would indicate that we think everything and everyone is subject to the immutable universal law of cause and effect. Me and my fellow like-minded human beings think that a handful of our fellow human beings are in for a rather rude shock in the not too distant future as they seem to believe that the aforementioned law somehow doesn’t apply to them.
I have been known to be wrong before, but I am willing to bet your life that I’m not.
I now offer you a teensy-weensy bit of advice, which I too am willing to bet your life that you will not heed: think beyond and above your stubbornness, feel the sensation in the pit of your stomach when someone else does you wrong and act like you too are subject to the immutable universal law of cause and effect.
Have a great week and a better week-end.
Andrew Grimshaw.
PS. As you probably have decided already, I don’t expect to hear from you for at least 5 more incarnations, OK I’ll be honest and fair, 10 more incarnations!”
Oh the sarcasm and cynicism that I need to cast out of I.
Smile! They can come here and read this as I shall not click on the send button.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi guys, this all sounds to me like you fellows are trying to invent another kind of a sport.

Andrew Grimshaw

Yeah, I know.
It’s just that I am of the opinion, as I very well know is yours also, that the topic that is of the utmost importance for them and everyone else is The Spirit Teaching.
I am just soooooo frustrated that we find ourselves in this situation as a result of so-called humans of the past, and their lingering effects.
I was brought up in household of a christian and an atheist/agnostic (he doesn’t know what he is either, I’m sure), which is a great example of how to confuse a child in 5 minutes flat.
In my search for the truth I have even found myself succumbing to crapology, oops, I mean scientology.
I can only thank my spirit for waking me up and finding myself back on the journey of all journeys and I simply wish that others can do the same, to the point that I sometimes just want to shake the !@#$ out them. My unknowledge astounds even I at times.
That’s my excuse for being the way I am at this present point in time, yet I continue to plod on…….

Darcy Wade Carlile

Thanks guys, my feeling is that hope is the finer feeling energy that powers our thoughts to find the better and the good.

Taro Istok

Don’t forget, WE are reincarnations of those, “so-called humans of the past”.

Andrew Grimshaw

Hi Taro, thanks for the reminder.
When I first heard (over a decade before I found the teachings of BEAM) of Jmmanuel’s teachings on reincarnation being removed from the bible my IMMEDIATE thought was that I should do something about that because I could have contributed to this heinous crime.
Darcy, I agree and add good old caring. And I feel responsible for this new sport and I hold my wicked sense of humour responsible. Most of my posts are an effort to put a smile on the dial of my fellow like-minded humans. Only 5 to 6ish incarnations to go ’til I will be thoroughly chuffed to reincarnate.
And to get back on topic, I wish you all luck in your endeavors to pry open the minds of and re-establish the conscience of our friends at SETI.

Billy Wilson

Michael, Please get the owner of of the google plus site for Sukofu to add to their circle. Poor Dan Werthimer has been lost in the cosmos since 1979. To all others he has his facebook and twitter accounts listed his youtube videos are at All his friends from school like Bill Gates are all rich, so if we can get him to be honest he will be rich in knowledge but as broke as field mouse.
Best wishes to all
Billy Wilson

Terry Carch

Well guys,My past life was pretty AUFUL,so I DON`T wish to embellish my past life considering how bad it was!:-((( I don`t think we were put here accidently or what are we doing here in the first place. There must be some reason of logic to all this mayhem here on Earth. I think we are all aware that there are other human extraterrestrials not just in the DERN Universe but also in the DAL Universe and maby other universes too. SETI is going about this in the wrong way. If we can show them the right way by what Billy Meier has done with CR for example faster than light speeds,black holes, spirituality,worm holes, etc,etc,we need to prove to these know-it-alls that there are other possibilities besides just searching in only one frequency hence the old idea of thinking outside of the box theory,there are other ways of searching for the REAL ET`s by way of Billy Meier who REALY has been contacted for the past 73 years before I was born and I didn`t even know this until back in 1997 but then I was aware that we were not alone since 1970. It`s called awareness. Yes SETI is DEAD WRONG1 We need to show SETI the right correct way of looking at the REAL ET issue. After all we are really are NOT from Earth. We are the decendents of past other worlds to such as the Ring Nebula in th Lyra constalation billions of years ago.