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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

University Chooses Looney Tunes over UFO Case Proof

ASU sees 1950s cartoons, vampire TV shows and zombie tax laws as real keys to higher education

In keeping with their tradition of offering the most scientifically significant and thought provoking information, such as “burning questions” about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Daffy Duck cartoons and tax laws regarding zombies, the so-called Center for Science and the Imagination at Arizona State University is presenting a program on Looney Tunes in Space.

In what must have been a gut-wrenchingly difficult choice, ASU CSI once again bypassed the long-standing offer* to have a multi-media presentation on the Billy Meier UFO case by American media representative Michael Horn, former NASA aerospace engineer Matthew Wieczkiewicz, and Kenneth Smith, the Director of Operations at Orbital Launch System Group (Ret), both aerospace professionals who have decades of experience working in the US space program.

ASU previously made it clear that Horn’s award-winning film, And Did They Listen?, would not be shown at the university, without as much as one word of specific criticism regarding the film’s content, factual accuracy, etc.

It must be heartening for students, parents and supporters alike for ASU to boldly go where no man has gone before, to find the most relevant, cutting edge, scientific information to prepare its students for life in the…real world.

The Monster that Money Creates
In case anyone’s unclear about the monetary motive for places like ASU to cheerfully dumb down their students with cute, trendy and utterly irrelevant mind rot, perhaps this additional information  on how the university profits will clarify it. Yes, you read that correctly, this time it’s about…Frankenstein.
A couple of quotes:
“Researchers at Arizona State University have received a four-year, $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF)” 
“’From ‘Star Trek’ to the ever-expanding Lego universe, we’ve come to expect our most exciting stories to unfold across novels, video games, the silver screen and a host of other media. This project asks if we can use that phenomenon — which we call ‘transmedia storytelling’ — to deepen public engagement on crucial questions at the intersection of science and society,’ says Ed Finn, director of the Center for Science and the Imagination (CSI) and the lead investigator on the project.”


The irony of the “celebration” being held in…Switzerland will not be lost on most of us here.

Be afraid, be very afraid…



*Responses to offers to ASU CSI:

February 2, 2015
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your interest in the Center for Science and the Imagination, and sorry that I was out of the office when you called last week.
We have already scheduled all of our programming for the semester but will contact you if there is an opening at a later date.
Ruth Wylie, PhD
February 18, 2015
Dear Michael,
Thank you again for your interest in the Center for Science and the Imagination. At this point, we are unable to extend an invitation to your group. While I believe this closes the matter, please direct any future inquiries to me, not other members of the Center for Science and the Imagination team.
Ruth Wylie, PhD


See also:

Apophis: Let’s Try This Again

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the WCUFO

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the Pendulum UFO

Scientific Experts’ Comments on Meier’s UFO Evidence

Documentation from IBM on Marcel Vogel’s Patents

Analysis of Meier’s ET UFO Photographs

Report on UFO Sound Recordings

India 1964: The Foundational Evidence

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Don Schneider

Another case of a university advancing phantasmagoria as a future career choice. ASU students will be telling the career counselor that they’re waiting for a virtual reality position in cartoons to open up for them. Maybe doing virtual reality tax returns for zombies will open up new splendid career choices, like getting a job selling virtual reality safe houses to their zombie killing college friends. Catch phrase will be – you’ll be safe in a dreamy house just call us at “Virtual Reality Realty Inc.”
All sarcasm aside, this is scary when an institution of higher learning pushes students further away from the truth. No attempt at clear headed thinking by the administration of ASU, as its turning into a delusional fun house of side show subjects. How is this supposed to prepare one for the actual reality with tools needed for ones survival.

matt lee

Don we are already living in the matrix
Our whole manmade system is a virtual reality not based on truth.
Corporation are treated the same as human beings and this is by law.
The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air and loans them out at interest to the rest of the central banks around the world.
Each time the TV is on we are stuffing our heads with virtual reality as what is represented on TV screen is not the real thing but pixels and lines.
Our money is virtual, it is a promissory note, a debt back by nothing but promises to repay
We buy products that has a lot Bos taurus fecal matter on the cover with all this nutrutional value chart
We are fed virtual promises by our politicians before elections
The list is virtually endless

Ev Vollmer

Thank you for the ” Imagination” ……..*pfft*

Mij Shippen

Zombies and cartoon characters are the way to reach kids today when most cannot speak or write in full sentences. Graduating high school without having read nothing more than the comic book versions of required reading and very little knowledge of geography and the world in general, teachers find their entry point is what our children are drawn to in our entertainment culture.
A powerful dose of thought-provoking simple facts and spiritual teaching from the UFO man would be far too great a gap in reality to be comprehended by students and their teachers, unfortunately.

matt lee

Dumbing down the opposition, in this case the elites vs the cattle and sheeps, by contaminating their education is a tried and true method of ushering in the vision of their brave new world.
America doesn’t need the smart citizens who can think critically what the corporation is after is plain and simply idiots just smart enough to use Paypal and the Amazon online ordering system.
So it is infact surprising if you do see people being surprised at how farcicle the education system has become.

matt lee

The popular TV series The Walking Dead has a university course related to it

Taro Istok

I love cartoons. I love Warner Bros. cartoons(except for the racist ones from the war propaganda era). But this is clearly part of the greater distraction movement. Or at the very least the general public willingness to move away from true scientific study. This stuff is great but belongs at an art college.

Some interesting quotes from their pages:

“The Imaginary College is a group of outstanding creative thinkers, researchers, practitioners, mad geniuses and global disruptors that represents one of the core missions of the Center for Science and Imagination: to seek out intelligent life wherever it resides in the universe, and to get it on our side.”

They talk a good talk though, don’t they?

“David A. Williams, director of ASU’s Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies and a collaborator on a number of NASA missions, including the Magellan Mission to Venus and Galileo Mission to Jupiter.”

You’d think he’d have more critical things to talk about. Like how we’re turning this planet into another Venus.

I’m sure students at other universities around the world are having a good chuckle while taking a break from REAL scientific study.

matt lee

I won’t be surprised if they are infact laughing with them and not at them.

Dennis Ryan

That university obviously prefers to dumb it’s students down with nonsense.

matt lee

Well Dennis what these fantasy producers are succeeding at is that they are producing the next generational carriage full of consumer cows

Terry Carch

What about consumer carnage? Universities are no long places of learning but places of corporate greed! Talk about corporate carnage!

steve Tillbrook

Ruth is a Spook, who doesn’t want anyone else complicating matters by seeing Horns presentation as a good idea..

steve Tillbrook

The conspiracy to control education and knowledge is so pervasive it incorporates the placement of controlled operatives within every major educational institution system wide in western countries, but hey that’s just a conspiracy theorist talk. Now enjoy your fluoridated water..

Chemtrails dont exist according to the Plejaren.. The govt says our lakes and dams/water supplies aren’t toxic with aluminum. Why? Well they just dont test for it anymore..But never mind we have their word for that..

lt may be the Plejaren have taken that position in the same way they presented wabbling saucers for Billies camera..Either that or Meier is a mind controlled tool of a matrix maker so grand as too boggle our imaginations..

Sometimes l actually wonder, but my heart wont believe it.. l could be wrong and if so we are in the mother of all traps.

steve Tillbrook

Its very confusing Michael and a big issue for me here. After l read the contact report dismissing chemtrails it sounded like a CNN report using the term conspiracy theorist in a demeaning and derogatory manner.

l remember the fist one l saw over my house in MonteRio CA in 1997 it was low and thick. ( the earths atmosphere must have altered overnight) l started a video log after that and saw them in grid patterns even flying next to commercial craft which were not emitting. l’ve seen them with rainbow colors as an oil slick, l’ve seen them stop and start and follow black shadow like projection lines, which leed for miles out past the planes nose and imprint a shadow on clear blue sky.

For any agency to say this is just a product of imagination or recent atmospheric change is to me incredulous like denying we have eyes..

The Meier case is real,, the Plejaren are real and so are chemtrails. The only answer for me is these ET’s are forcing us to act individually in outrage. They have tried forms of child psychology on us before.

Its the only answer l have for myself which allows my mind to remain in a neutral state.

steve Tillbrook

Where are the sick? If yoo have dementia at the age of 50 does the medical establishment inform you you have BSE? That’s silly yoo have “early onset dementia” Someone tell me where l should go in our information controlled world to get information about mass poisonings? Who says the “Elite” eat the food we buy?

Taro Istok

I personally believe the Plejaren employ plausible deniability from time to time(as per Deardorff), although I understand this is not shared by everyone. For example, the WCUFO looks way too much like its appearance was deliberately made to bait the skeptic. However, there are explanations for what you’ve seen: A contrail’s visibility depends on the moisture content and temperature of its altitude. Seeing one aircraft produce a contrail while another not may be explained by their varying altitudes. Aircraft whose flight paths cross each other will be given a separation of at least 2000-ft at those altitudes and the temperature and moisture can change greatly, particularly if an inversion is present. The dark lines could be explained by the angle of the sun relative to the contrail as well as finer particles which are enough to produce a shadow but not enough to look like cloud(apparent clear sky). In order to substantiate the conspiracy theory you would need to rule out all conventional explanations for what you’ve observed to be unusual. If you have not observed these contrails regularly over a number of years(the same technology has been in our skies for decades) and then observed sudden, distinct changes, how can you be sure what you’ve seen is even unusual?

Matt Knight

Even faced with reality, many only see what they want to see & draw conclusions based on their thinking. Whilst some have “…seen them with rainbow colors as an oil slick” – others see signs of God:

The above video is of a natural phenomenon called ‘Cloud iridescence’ ( & it was taken in Costa Rica last month. So, the Plejaren are telling us that the chemtrail consiracy is nonsense not to confuse us, but, to tell us all the truth so that we don’t waste time on pointless matters, especially important when there are real pressing matters we must deal with. If you think their information should match what you think Steve then you obviously treasure being a know-it-all above the truth. Good luck with that.

If it’s a question of who to trust – the Plejaren, or, the government – then ask yourself if anyone other than Billy has given you information about what the US secret government has been really up to (when they really didn’t have to & could have easily used Deordorff’s plausible deniability, even though, Billy already shot that theory down), including, for example, that the US secret services murdered & experimented on thousands of (supposedly MIA) Vietnam War Vets & that they dropped the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs to see what nuclear bombs would do to people – not just to show military dominance (like dickhead psychopathic bullies).

Do you really think then that the Plejaren or Billy would be afraid to give the goodies on chemtrails? Come on…

Brock Bradford

’m amazed that this combo of aerospace professionals and Michael Horn would be turned down like they are a bunch of Woo-Woo new age nuts… How sad in the age of Stupid that many will dismiss this information with minds pre-set against the possibility of a true contact between a more civilized, evolved race of Human Beings … How frustrating is it that people of this time will cling to their belief and not dare too consider the truth, the logic, the value of information that your team would have presented to the youth… To inspire a generation to think out of the box, to create that which has not yet been dreamed of…

Chris Lock

And it is a trap from which we can free ourselves. We have universally been given key after key after key since the mid 1970s. It is foolish to pamper foolishness with more foolishness, and a growing humanity that follows such foolishness as “learning” or “education” (it is merely disguised entertainment) at so-called places of higher learning is going to grow up with some very serious regrets as their society decays from within which will merely encourage further decay from without.

steve Tillbrook

Adherence to this information can lead to a form of ‘Billy worship’ which creates an inner complacence and lassitude.

Its why l believe the Plejaren suddenly take positions which are an affront to our logic and experience particularly in relation to the belittlement of anyone who considers theories about conspiracy. The same tactic used by the abusers we take refuge from here.

It forces one out into the open of individual outrage and action because there is no Santa Claus and there are no saviors. Billy and the Plejaren are not their brothers keepers.

The chemtrail conspiracy is way past theory. lt takes pulling your head out of the sand looking up more often and thinking for yourself, no matter what your favorite Guru tells yoo.

steve Tillbrook

Michael, you are telling me l worship chemtrail gurus (putdown). Since when do l need to be a physics major or an aeronautics professional to know Billies pictures are authentic.

My synopsis of why the Plejaren possibly could use a certain psychological tactic is not a putdown. It is a rationality..

steve Tillbrook

Yes l do consider that adherence to this material “can” lead to a form of complacency..Now please show me the respect of telling me how that statement justifies the use of personal put downs against myself?

Also the reference to my supposed “this equals that” argument as being, all over the place, was not even literally exampled or addressed by yourself . OK ‘This equals that’ since you brought it in,, is a basic form of reasoning upon which we build. To negate it, without reference or reason is a refuge and lam left to wonder why.

lf my positions are somehow seen here as heretical then l understand the offensive tactics. The truth is lam tabling concerns in an honest perhaps invective manner for assistance and input for the sake of clarity.

Clear the field of personal labeling tactics and we shall see who is standing with what. Oh you could clarify how l have blamed the Plejaren (or not)

steve Tillbrook

Let me take those one at a time..

1) The definition of invective, cannot be literally shown to apply to anything l have stated, which completely demolishes your assertion that l have admitted to engaging in that kind of rhetoric, since no such language exists. So if ‘admitting’ l have engaged in it is evidence that l have, then you have a serious problem with the truth and with integrity.

2) l didn’t say dementia had anything to do with chemtrails. Try and be clearer in your mind when you reply next.

3) “So you defy logic and worship the chemtrail gurus, while blaming the Plejaren and Meier for trying to teach us to think” ~MH,
This is an example of what l called a personal aside. l did not accuse you of using invectives as you claim. However it is definately a demeaning form of language and something l would not expect from Billys U.S. representitive .

l asked you to explain how l had “blamed the plejaren” an explanation l don’t expect exists in the realm of reason and therefore will not be forthcoming. Are the relevant contact notes replete with put downs of conspiracy theorists? Yes they are and l point out the similarity in language between plejarens and main stream media outlets on this subject.

My position is that it is simply within the realm of reason that the Plejaren are goading a response of outrage.. Nothing more and l have attempted to outline that in a relevant manner. lf you wish to counter that here then l would like to hear what you have to say.

Please dont take me out of context in a cut and paste rendering of my position.

steve Tillbrook

l see you having success with Friedman as the momentum is with you.. l consider you do a good job and the results show that.. So l will let you sharpen your knife for other meat..

steve Tillbrook

On further examination of the Meier materials l have arrived at the inescapable conclusion that fitted sheets don’t fit. they never have and they never will… they ride up at night and rip when l kick at them, they burn to easily when l pour gas on them and are useless afterwoods..

l defy any man here to tell me different you know in yoor hearts lam right.

Taro Istok

Steve, you’re challenging someone to prove your metaphors to be incorrect or inaccurate? The Meier material teaches logic and reasoned thinking. Be specific if you want someone to challenge your conclusions.

steve Tillbrook

l wasn’t given the chance.

Sheila Clark

Can you please sum it all up in 3 sentences?

matt lee

Chance to what steve

steve Tillbrook

A chance to dream Matt..

steve Tillbrook

Taro, the WCUFO is an excellent example of a possible form of baiting. When l look at it myself, l think hey it’s so fake looking, why isn’t there a foreground reference ? This was an opportunity to take an upclose shot of an ET craft with inter universal and time travel capability, parked outside the front door and its photographed in a way that makes it look like a silver painted hub cap, with dingaling balls ..

But low and behold the controversy ended with that shot being displayed in Time F%$#ing Square.. Was the shot was done that way with an outcome in mind?

So now, ls it likely other evidences such as plejaren positions regarding secret govt activities, are crafted and presented in a manner and form which provokes a public reaction?.. A lot of us here accept this case as real because we are willing to think outside the box… Well we are dealing with a space travelling extra terrestrial race, whose forefathers laid the foundations of our ‘box’ and have been on the outside looking in, for a long, long,, long A$$ time.

steve Tillbrook

l thought you didnt have time for this?>

The ET have intentionally presented floating craft to Billy to provoke controversy if l recall correctly.. My statements are a logical extrapolation directly relevant to that.

You do realize that Billies mission is about us and the welfare of the planet because of past wrongs..l don’t see any race baiting l see a strategy employed to yield a positive result.

The Time Square result wasn’t all that occurred. that shot was proven authentic.. All l’m asking for is a reasonable consideration be afforded to the possibility l have tabled.

If you wish to counter it in direct context please do.

steve Tillbrook

MH, l’m asking you politely, to think carefully before you post and refrain from quoting me out of context. When l referred to the WCUFO shots format as a “possible form of baiting” it was directed at the professional skeptic contingent. Somehow you saw it as a negative characterization of plejaren interaction with us in the overall. l did not mean to imply that the ET’s sole purpose here is to play games with us.

You seem intent on characterizing my posts as negative in nature to the extent of blatant distortion. l’ve exampled these for you in my defense and truly am finding it tiresome and unproductive.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Steve can you prove pleyarons exists? What is your point?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Okay Mike.

steve Tillbrook

Arrogance is unapologetic, it does not reflect on itself, it is the antithesis of humility.
You are correct. As you stated, l can choose not to post here, if l find your naked distortions and misrepresentations offensive. The next card dealt from you will be my ban, because l predict your ego will not weather me long and will find me guilty of an appropriate offence in due time.

This material deserves better. Now you have the pretext of my ‘disrespect’ in hand, so play it and define yourself for all to see,