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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

YouTube CENSORS Billy Meier Islamist Attack Warnings!

Telling the truth violates YouTube’s “Community Guidelines”

Just when inroads are being made to get Billy Meier’s vitally important information out in to the world, such as was recently done by George Noory and also through the presentation at NAU, a clip of Michael Horn presenting Billy Meier’s forewarning of radical Islamist attacks – filmed in June for The Resonance – was removed by youtube.*

The clip included Horn recounting Meier’s warnings about radical Islamist terrorism resulting as retribution for the Christian Crusades centuries ago. Considering the wide variety, and questionable content, of material allowed by YouTube, it would appear that, as usual, the various powers that be can’t handle the truth and don’t trust the public to do so either.

Until pretending that “they hate us for our freedoms” is replaced by an understanding of the law of cause and effect, we’re most likely to be experiencing more harsh reminders of the cost of delaying the time…when truth prevails.



Hi DrLanaMarconi,

The YouTube community flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. After reviewing the content, we’ve determined that the videos violate our Community Guidelines. As a result, we removed the following videos from YouTube:

THE RESONANCE Film – Clip of Michael Horn

Please note that this removal has not resulted in a strike.

– The YouTube Team









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Taro Istok

BTW, have you been able to get YouTube to specify exactly which Community Guideline the video violates?


The video did violated guidelines – of closed minds. It violated the closely held beliefs of those who flagged it and the youtube reviewer too!

Terry Carch

P.S. I hope my last blog proves the we are all become wiser and more spiritual like the P`s.

Robert Forrest

Just wondering if you had a YouTube channel. That might protect what is posted. I’m not sure but I think that they cannot censor your channel content. I have heard of this with others with controversial content. They started a channel and were able to continue their messages. Might work for you. I have started to look into this myself. The truth will come from all directions. This is just one. Salome Robert

Ah Peng

I thought America was the land of free speeches and you tubes. That was the mantra preached by American politicians world wide. May be You Tube is simply afraid of offending IS How about those gory beheading videos on YouTube. Is YouTube under IS boss ???

Terry Carch

Gee MH If YT can play violent bad content then why won`t YT post your videos? “This is the First Amendendment of Feddom of Speech,you have the Right to Free Speech MH. Stand on your rights to say what you WANT to say!” Just because YT doesn’t agree with you or Billy`s opion doesn’t menan they have the right to censor you or Billy. If worse comes to worse they can always put in a disclaimer saying that your opions don`t agree with YT and still put i.e. show your videos on anyway.This is the freedom to speak freely without YT trying to censor you even if they don`t agree with you and Billy. “This is your right NOT YT`s!”

Terry Carch

I know that Michael Horn but you always like to use MH to distinguish you from one or another Michael on your blog. I understand that since you run the blog yourself so you like to be known as MH but if you would rather be called Michael just let me know because there are other Michaels on your blog. Ieven have a nephew named Michael.:-)))

Jacobus Kotze

Well, since it is in most part public knowledge now that Youtube is part of the NSAs Prism program that basically spies on you, along with many other companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Skype, so on and so forth, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Youtube were given orders by their puppet masters to take down videos they consider “counterproductive”. 

Taro Istok

Well, YouTube is owned by Google. And according to Wikileaks, Google and the U.S. Gov have developed some cozy ties.

Arie Levy

Censorship of the Press / Self-Censorship By the Press

Arie Levy

The nature of Russia attacking the US and the West is not strictly military: they seek to also debilitate the already fractured and weakened economy and financial markets:

Barry Smith

This goes straight to the heart of our world, the events the ptb use to keep citizens living in fear.. Edwards information will set them free from the cabals’ illusions.. They don’t want a fix , they want to prolong it until time for the fake ET invasion.. Keep up the great work Michael..

Timothy Allen Anderson

The truth is both the immoveable object AND the unstoppable force. While the powers that be can and will try any and everything to contain it, they can NEVER eliminate it.

dubhaltagh o hearcain

Not a lot of sense in that answer. She would have been better giving out the link which im sure would have led to more interest in the Film people renting.

dubhaltagh o hearcain

Yes that’s a Good point I over looked.

Sheila Clark

In the guidelines it says the whole video will be pulled, not just one section of it. Things that make you go hmmm.

Ev Vollmer

just came across this “Muslim leaders and scholars have denounced the Islamic State group, the U.K.’s Muslim Youth League has declared “ideological holy war” against extremism, and YouTube has even tried to recruit American Muslims to counter extremist content” So from what this is saying seems YouTube has fully immersed itself into this……

Stefan Loeschl

Tom Brown Jr.: “So much has happened, so many things so close to home, all of us are deeply concerned of what lies ahead, in that the year is not over until the full moon of January. It is then the rate of decline and collapse will continue unchecked and events will become more horrific and unimaginable. …” [Link:
Those guys prepare for the year 2032/2033, the year of “The Dawn of the Red Skies”. I tried to get in contact with them (all those guys and groups are actually on the right side, but…), because Tom Brown Jr. is pillorying overpopulation and the destruction of the planet. I told them, that we need to come together; that we do not have to dedicate the power to the ruthless (politician, capitalists a.s.o.). Sad to say, no reply.
I think, that this is the biggest Question: How can we reach all of those “Fighters” out there? Why is it so incredibly hard to find a foundation to bild on?
I rember the words of Quetzal in the 150th contact

101. Es muss ein neues Volk gegründet werden. [A new people must be established.]
102. Das jedoch muss ein Volk sein, das gemäss den natürlichen-schöpferischen Gesetzen lebt, wodurch es der grossen Masse der verdummten Erdenmenschheit zum Vorbild wird und belehrend auf diese einwirkt. [But it must be a people that lives in accordance with the natural-creational laws, making it the role model for the large mass of stupefied Earth humanity and affects them instructively.]

Terry Carch

Well as Noam Chomsky recently stated a week ago in an interview, it`s ether war or a depression in other if we have awar the economy is good and we have inflation. If there is no war then we have a depression then the economy is weak and we have no inflation with the loss of jobs. The powers that be are the rotten selfish perpetuating cabals the use their power to self perpetuate fear mongering depression or war. Ether way they get to sca[e goat us ALL to ‘”LIVING HELL!” So these shills can censor us up like thugs run hide and stash their cash bounty abroad,wine and dine in luxury while the rest of us live like cerfs and vasals! “where is love,peace freedom honesty and compasion for the humantity of this world?” These powers that be shills are the REAL CRIMINALS AND LIERS who REF– — — USE to let us all speak out on behalf of Billy and the plejarens who are trying so hard to straiten this mess of a world oput and nobody wants to hear us out on YT? Tell me about that one?:-(((

Anthony A.

Billy Meier, I think, would agree with a portion of this political correctness that all you folks see as an attack. The reason some US politicians refrain from using the term “radial Islam” is because it comes across as a condemnation of a religion. Billy Meier, who is against religion for sure, still would not condemn or go to war with a particular religion. And that is why President Obama and Hillary Clinton, are trying to call the terrorists radicalized individuals and groups, rather than bringing Islam into the condemnation. Because fact of the matter there are over a billion peaceful good Muslims compared to a few hundred thousand terrorist criminals who are NOT following Islam, even though they say they are following the religion, because in reality they are just radicalized human beings who are no longer good-natured and capable of being reasonable, and this has nothing to do with religion… more like out-of-their minds bloodthirsty criminals. The thinking behind the political correctness of taking down terms like “radical Islam,” especially a movie clip coming from a doctorate with a major movie release, is that a war on a religion or a religious war is not acceptable. The USA tolerates and is made up of a melting pot of religions AND spiritual pursuits. We as US citizens, like Billy Meier, accepts that each person is free to choose their path; so as a country we are not going to war with “radical Islam,” no… we are going to war with radicalized people who are terrorists.

Now on an ideal world, we should not even be having a religion problem; and we should be able to call out “radial religion” when it pops up. But on current planet Earth, we should be happy that the people and their stupid religions are respected and tolerated and not singled out or segregated. Does this mean that I agree that YT took down Horn video? If you think so then you are not being neutral-positive.

Billy Wilson

Maybe this is one of those smoke and mirror events that the victors choices the names in the history books so they can claim that was not us. The final act of the First Crusade was Christian attack on Jerusalem, which was captured on July 15, 1099. Fulk of Chartres, the author of this account, participated in the storming of the city and in the bloody massacre which followed.
Billy Wilson

Anthony A.

Certainly political correctness is NOT neutral-positive or in line with the spiritual teaching. It tends to be lopsided toward some political agenda for the establishment. And Billy certainly has the authority to talk about religion, as a planetary expert plus, and single out religion and even badder religion. But the average citizen is not fair and balanced to tolerate their neighbor and his/her thinking or beliefs. So in THIS CASE, it is understandable why YT would take down your video as you are getting closer to universities, doctorates, authorities, etc., and they are establishing boundaries in these zones. In other words, you could probably re-post this on your regular home channel and it would not get taken down because it is not in the establishment’s limelight.

Just saying….

Sheila Clark

This may work in your favour Michael, forbidden fruit makes people wonder what TPTB don’t want you to know.
Since YouTube is owned by Google at least we know their agenda Is to be the worlds censor police. Google was in a lawsuit involving google earth stealing passwords as they were driving down your street pretending they wanted street views. We already know what their game is. When I get a chance I am going to download Dr Lana’s movie and YouTube can just suck it.

Terry Carch

I just heard on c2c that ISIS is planning a bigger Parisl like attack on Madison Avenue in New York City sometime before the year is out and this isn`t even the beginning for a very long war with ISIS. They plan to leave package some where in New York some where around Madison Avenue before the year is out. that`s all I got.

Terry Carch

“.S.I guess this world is STILL stuck in the mud with their phoney regious godhood make believe and warlike Star Wars mannerisns and behaviors etc,etc,e, to say nothing of violent sports and violent movies etc.

Anthony A.

Terry my dear, you have to STOP listening to people like Alex Jones. You need to stop reading or listening or watching the alternative news and go outside into the fresh brisk air and walk among the trees, the snow covered ground, and hear the sound of nature.

And btw “Star Wars” is about HOPE and Good winning over Evil. And there are no gods or tin gods among the advanced races, just the Force. Just 10 more days to the NEW movie, “The Force Awakens!” “Hope is not lost… it is found.”

Terry Carch

AA, I`m a Treker after a fashion but not a Star Trek fanatic. That`s #1 #2 I live in an apartment so getting the country is miles away,but my apartment is facing a rooftop garden with tree so may I should walk around there for a few minutes every now and then when it`s not too cold damp and rainy etc. I don`t watch TV not even the movies which is rare for me. I`m NOT into Star Wars, I`m into Star Trek The Next Genertion though not as much a I used to be,I just watch the episodes I like and skip the rest since I`ve watch TNG for so many years now that I just watch what I like and skip the episodes I don`t like.

Anthony A.

Hi Terry,

I love Star Trek too! And I especially love The Next Generation. I have watched all the episodes at least once. My favorite character is Q. I am a rare super geek who is both a Fan boy and a Trekkie, not to mention most other science fiction.

What blows my mind is that you would think that all the Billy Meier people would be science fiction fanatics, and Trekkies and super geeks. But it seems that most of the people interested in Billy Meier could really care less. I find this amazing considering we are talking about space/time aliens, spaceships, space travel, laser guns, etc., with the Meier case; I would think that MOST of the folks would be either Star Wars fans, Trekkies or super geeks like me.

I live for seeing aliens and spaceship footage, real or not. I live for thinking about aliens, other worlds, advanced technologies. It is what I do everyday. When I discovered the Meier case, not only did I fall in love with the photographs, but all my greatest science fiction topics had been made/confirmed true! Now Star Wars was real for me; and to be a Jedi all one needs to evolve one’s spiritual powers/abilities, and eventually over lifetimes people can really become telepathic, telekinetic, etc. just like Luke Skywalker. And hyperspace space travel is REAL; so there is no doubt we Earth humans will be doing this too. The fascination goes on and on, just like Spock. I find it mind boggling that it seems that the rest of you could care less about some of the best depictions thru film, of a future worlds, future human capabilities and future technology?

For those that looked at the “The Force Awakens” trailer, did you notice that the bad guy’s laser sword, the red one, was in the shape of a Christian cross? So at the basic core of the movie it seems that good defeats the cross. Seems JJ Abrams threw in some useful anti-religious subconscious symbolism? I wonder….


Philip Brandel

Only if the truth was given as much thought, feeling, action, as these fictional stories, movies, series, shows, etc… Seems these fictional stories at the moment do nothing other than distract many from the real world outside of ‘tv’, computers, phones, and only helps in creating more human induced fairy-tales. Though at this level of our understanding, it seems to be an obvious needed step to propel many into the sphere of universal thought, away from basic earth based, induced beliefs. Maybe these aspects of our world are the world appropriate first steps, before the next steps, etc, etc,… If so would help me understand the reason and maybe find some good in these peer phantasmagoria based wastes of time and thought. Though I have also seen star wars, star trek, lord of the rings, etc, etc, yada yada the list goes on and on………

Anthony A.

MH – YOU NEED MORE ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR LIFE. As far as I can tell, the ONLY thing you focus your mind on is the Meier case; and that focus is primarily on the prophecies and predictions. It is no wonder that your blog is not only boring, but neutral-negative to negative in content and approach.

adrian martinez

Hi Anthony, I disagree but understand your point. I’m not sure if you’re somewhat kidding… But for me, this blog is far from boring to me , but that’s just my opinion. I look forward everyday to reading any new posts or comments from everyone here. It gives me a sense of belonging and I thank MH everyday I am on this sight. From what I can tell, he’s not only using the prophesies and predictions, but he’s also exposing all other aspects of the case as a platform for us all to read, ponder, and talk about with other like minded people that have came to investigate or find truth in the BEAM case. I say keep up the good work… He’s obviously devoted his life to exposing the debunkers and others and to bring to the masses the true message of the BEAM case. It’s not all about the UFO pics and videos. The eye candy is just that… which from what I read from your posts you thoroughly understand. What I think he’s done is simply amazing and seems to be a pretty thankless job. I would personally like to see more about the love / compassion part of the case here, but that’s just being picky. I’m sure within this websight he’s talked about it… But I’m fairly new to this so I have not been able to dig into all of his posts so can’t say with certainty either or.

Thanks MH for all that you do! Keep up the AWESOME work!

Anthony A.

Thank you Adrian for your thoughtful reply. Yes I am kidding, but I’m also serious. I am trying to demonstrate, with my blog entries, the importance of contrariness as it applies to the process of neutral-positive thinking.

There is no doubt MH and his blog are stupendous. But bringing this to the discussion is not only leaving it to pleasantries, but holds back the evolution of a discussion. In other words, I am trying to move the discussion along by creating friction using a contrary argument to the majority argument.

As great as this blog is, it can improve! I would give Billy’s left arm to come to this blog and see a discussion around the beamships, ETs, space-travel, time travel, the difference between a universe and a space-time configuration, etc; and this could also be about finding the good/positive things that are happening in the news, even though it might be hard to find on this deteriorating world.

For example MH could do a Star Wars blog movie review of all the elements in the film that are close to the truth and those that are not. For starters “The Force Awakens” main character hero is a woman; this will inspire children to be and accept women leaders, as we so desperately need. The heroes don’t come across as ego driven, but those that are building confidence through learning from mistakes. The good guys are a diversity of races, colors working together. I have yet to see it, but as far as I can tell there are going to be some messages in line with the spiritual teaching in the film. This film will reach hundreds of millions if not billions of people around the globe. I would think this would be an example of good news in BillyMeierLand.

Billy Wilson

Anthony A., Under the Categories tag on the right it has a select category you fire-up any section again, goodness we have a massive cross section of human beings here with very open minds. The last movie I went to was almost twenty years ago and after 10 minutes I demanded my money back. Being a electronics engineer and working in high end consumer electronics at the time,my car had a better sound system than they claimed to have. I have not been back to a movie since. Who knows you may start something keeps you very busy for awhile.
Billy Wilson

Ross Boughen

M.H a bit off toppic but is it normal practice for someone to make u feel insignificant and terminate friendships when you don’t devote every waking moment to studying BEAM(not even asking if i was)? Don’t get me wrong i believe billy and i am studying him but when u share some news about real world happenings u get “The truth: for someone who doesn’t have any time to read the truth, you seem to have plenty of time to read the untruth. Catch you next lifetime.”.this “If you don’t believe what i believe and learn soley what i learn” attitude reminds me of current religions distroying our evolution. I think maybe this needs to be adressed if it is not usual practice as its come from more than 1 BEAM supporter and honestly this makes u stand back and wonder.

Ross Boughen

M.H no none specific just to here and i understand what u are saying. Thankyou for your time and keep up the good work.