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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Meditations

Quickly cleansing the consciousness of the pervasive, depressing effects of the self-created sea of stupidity we’ve chosen to immerse ourselves in

Let’s briefly contemplate some future events and developments, such as new mirrorless car technologies reminding us of the ever-approaching, next San Francisco mega-earthquake, the idiotic rush to transhumanism clearly forewarned about by Billy Meier 21 years ago and Russia’s a-little-too-much response to Meier’s warnings about asteroid Apophis.

Most likely the majority of the US presidential candidates will rely on their favorite Guy-in-the-Sky to protect the world from impact. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Donald Kasich, and Marco Rubio have made clear their deep faith in “the Lord”, an invisible Sky Daddy who’s in charge of everything but who must be constantly reminded to do his job right, lest the wrong football team – or army – wins the game. The convivial Carson has a lovely painting of himself with the Big Fella’s Only Begotten Son next to him, claw-like hand on his shoulder, though certainly he’s not the only one claiming a “personal relationship” with pop and junior.

While NASA hasn’t said so, they too must have an all-abiding faith that the King of the Heavens will assure that no satanic slap shots get past the Godly Goaltender himself, since they’ve already expressed their confidence that Apophis poses no real threat to us.

Perhaps some people are still hopeful that so-called scientists, futurists, UFO “researchers” and others really want to find, let alone know, the truth. But the inescapable fact is that world at large isn’t interested. People are more concerned with the dog-and-pony show known as politics, where the least wise, most ambitious, religiously and/or politically deluded human beings push themselves before the salivating puppies for the expressed purpose of gaining more power.

The willing masses, untroubled that their candidates on the right pander to them by declaring their devotion to an invisible, sadistic, child-sacrificing deity from a primitive, superstitious, ancient cult religion, or that the most ambitious candidate on the left needs only to fog a mirror in order to establish that she’s lying, dutifully and enthusiastically plunge into the drama as if it was anything other than a cynical farce, the almost inevitable outcome of which is more war to salvage the plunging US economy, all of which has its origins in our “building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time”. Cause and effect, for those who are capable of understanding.

In a world where intrigues, betrayals, conflicts and machinations of all sorts seem to be the micro and macro realities, the stuff of individual and collective lives and indeed the source of much entertainment as well, where the actual methods by which all this is conveyed to us is toxic to the point of severe physiological and consciousness-related damage, I’ve taken a little time recently to focus on other matters. (No, it hasn’t escaped my notice that the pragmatic, not infallible Plejaren also took a calculated risk by ostensibly being the ones who kick started our digital age that’s also resulted in rapidly dumbing down the majority of those with access to their techno-toys to the point of being incapable of such simple things as conducting an intelligent face-to-face conversation, speaking in full sentences, writing with pen or pencil, and other component behaviors formerly associated with modern, intelligent human beings.)

The Way to Live

One specific antidote to the spreading degradation of consciousness is The Way to Live, the deep, incisive, most recently translated book of spiritual teaching from Meier. The spiritual teaching is the core element and purpose of the Meier contacts. We were first presented with the eye candy, Meier’s voluminous body of stunningly clear, still irreproducible UFO photos, films, video, etc., effectively informing us that we were neither alone, nor the most advanced lifeforms, in the universe. Next, we discovered that the over 26,000 pages of information in the case, transcribed by Meier with one hand, in German, at speeds of up to 100 words per minute, contained an abundance of specific, prophetic and predictive information, which has unfolded pretty much unerringly and all too often also unfortunately.

With those two elements available for investigation, the question as to why an advanced, space and time traveling extraterrestrial race would bother to contact an irresponsible race of entertainment and thrill seeking knuckle-draggers was answered in the form of the non-religious, belief-free spiritual teaching, which also contains clear, logical steps, recommendations and advice as to how to rectify our greatest problems and assure our very threatened future survival.

Perhaps, it must have been hoped, that the teaching could actually take hold among even a small number of the population of this planet, seemingly dominated by those-who-like-to-blow-things-and-themselves-up, sufficient to eventually sprout and bear fruit among the future grateful survivors of the epic manmade cataclysms and catastrophes that generations of thoughtless, careless and clumsy human beings gave cause to.

Well, why not give that a try, perhaps…during a commercial break?

It may not be possible to convey in this article just how meaningful and impactful the spiritual teaching is in these books, which include The Goblet of the Truth, The Might of the Thoughts and The Psyche, for English readers. It also should be explained again that Billy Meier has not only once again brought forth elements of the ancient spiritual teaching, some of which have in part been previously expressed by the prophets of old and even, in not always correct and uncorrupted form, by various philosophers, writers and even religious contributors throughout the ages, but that Meier has brought forward completely unknown or long suppressed elements of the teaching. That which has been deliberately suppressed and/or corrupted was done so by the religions to keep from humankind the truly liberating, self-empowering knowledge, wisdom and understanding that would otherwise make the people…uncontrollable by these systems, which we know today are filled with wealth-seeking, costume-wearing pedophiles who mumble in ancient language and invoke arcane symbolism, as do their secular counterparts who carry on the insidious traditions and ambitions for world power and domination, ever unmindful of their actual insignificance other than as temporary, degenerative elements on this tiny spinning speck of cosmic lint.

The Way to Live is full of information on various, and most probably largely unknown, meditative processes. Reading, contemplating and practicing any of which can quickly cleanse the consciousness of the lingering, pervasive, depressing effects of the sea of stupidity we’ve chosen to create and immerse ourselves in, as well as give us real perspective about the ever continuing cycle of both life and death.

There really is something far better and it’s only a breath, a moment away, which is probably why it’s been so difficult for us to know about, desire and find it.


Special Offer!

Get the Conscious Awareness Workshop, endorsed by Meier as a worthwhile element of the spiritual teaching, and get any single DVD or CD FREE. Just mention the one you want in your order.

See also:

The Apophis Puzzle: The Meaning of Red

The Party’s Over…but Apophis Is still Coming Anyway




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Phyl astino

So wh…

NOTE: We interrupt this latest attempt by the hack name-changer to say that, once again, their nonsense won’t be gracing our virtual pages here.

George M

What is quite curious is the fake name chosen. “Phyl astino” strongly resembles the word “philistine”, which means a person that doesn’t care about finer aspects of thought or art. In other words, a person of poor quality, coarse thinking.

I wonder if the subconscious ever tries sending the broader material consciousness messages. Like a secretary who is greatly more competent than the boss, underlining words, so as to draw the boss’s attention to a foolish decision.

matt lee

Well George look up cos Michael literally did underline 1 1/2 words.
We know what the Guardian of the treasure means but I wonder what Michael Horn means perhaps the Guardian of the conscious consciousness?!

George M

matt lee,

Sometimes, it is best not to speculate about these kinds of things.

Terry Carch

Thankyou MH for a great essay on the fact that most people won`t even bother to get off the religious godhood dog and pony show of politics, religion, militarism, corportarism and just p;lain dumb entertainment that is so violent and uneducational that I spend most of my time reading an d learning about various different topics other than dumbing my brain down to the lowest common denominator. Your essay was a great wak-up call to those who insist on beleaving all of the above said topics. You deserve my gratitude for all you have done to get us all off this crazy mericoleround of stupidity. Keep up the great work MH as you always do. Great Job MH. Salome :)))

Sheila Clark

Wow Michael looks like that transhuman link you posted is the beginning of the propaganda to be used for bio chipping. Goes for the most basic materialistic selfishness.
I find Billy’s typing at 100 wpm with one hand quite awesome. I too started on a manual typewriter and later graduated to an electric one. After 3 years of classes, the person at the top of my class, could only type 81 wpm with 2 hands. The kids are pretty fast these days so they probably don’t appreciate this.

Sheila Clark

Your assessment of the presidential candidates is right on. Dick Cheney disapproves of Donald Trump, which makes me like Donald Trump even more. Was Dick hunting in Texas last weekend by chance?

matt lee

Well Sheila if he did I hope he didn’t take Trump with him but then again I hope he did cos last I heard Dick took out his pacemaker.

Stephen Lane

“Was Dick hunting in Texas last weekend by chance?”

I’m really glad you put a question mark at the end of that sentance Sheila. We would have had a completely different opinion of you otherwise, hehe. 😉

CS Swalby

It’s only human beings telling me about the gods. I witness the universe and nature taking it’s course independent of human beings. The fact that nature is tamed by human beings for advantage is a positive development, yet should not be abused to the point of diminishing returns. Perhaps this is why it’s perplexing when “know-it-alls” claim that humans are incapable of throwing climate, nature, the environment out of whack. Isn’t this the difference between living in reality or unreality? I don’t have a copy of “The Way To Live” yet, but I’m looking forward to reading it sometime in the future.

Phil Brandel

What some will do for the plain reasoning of not wanting to deter from the flock. It stands in reasoning, just like the church down the street, ‘Shepard of the lake’, we have truly, utterly, in the most basic meaning of its words lost the ability to gauge reality and self responsible truth.
Rather listen patiently to story’s of grandeur and utter lunacy than to common sense, reason to see the world as it is, and someday will be.
By anyone saying it… including Billy Meier.
What always seems so interesting to me is what utter garbage people are willing to load up on and haul around with them consciously, all the while thinking they have the freshest ‘smelling’ thoughts, feelings, actions. Yet, as it always seems impossible to see past the garbage to something beyond needing faith, servitude, fear, repression, un-freedom a fancy building to steer their wheel house within the psyche.

Timothy Allen Anderson

Patiently waiting for the real life version of that scene in “Network”, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”. Only this time it must be in regards to the “dog and pony” show. It seems quite maddening that for all the examples we can point to over the last 100 years, nobody seems to remember the lies, nor the fact that we have been perfecting the art if insanity by doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result! “This time it’s going to be different!”. While I’m reminded of the song “Won’t get fooled again”, I can’t help but consider the proverbial line “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. The meaning behind the worlds that Pete Townsend put to paper have such a profound importance to anyone willing to see what has been reoccurring over and over again, and what the message that the spiritual teachings offer, the change that SHOULD be all around.

matt lee

The mundane, repetitive and monotonous nature of our everyday lives are cleverly substituted by artificially constructed illusions pampering to our most basest desires and wicked pleasures.
Somewhere inside most human beings is a desire to be a hero or God complex perhaps and what better way than for the psychological manipulators to give it to them in the form of entertainment via a narrative revolving around a lead character where the masses can fantasize about and live their lives through them albeit even if just briefly.
So why have the perception managers become so successful in creating an artificial construct, boundaries, social norms, culture, way of life, way of believing and mass human behaviour to turn them into pliable, submissive, obedient, humble, arrogant, selfish, self centred, self obsessed, self absorbed, uncouth, egotistic slave to the system?
Well life imitates art and art imitates life therefore depending on which Marvel character is the flavour of the day you can pretty much gauge which one liners will make the rounds and how people will behave.
So religion isn’t the only opiate of the masses nor phantasmorgoric enter/inter/extra/intra/tainment but there is a duality at work here whereby through various mediums and mass communication devices the deceivers and mind manipulators have shattered the masses psyche into inferiority complex but offered them an olive branch in the form of hero worship complex where deceptively they have deceived people into believing that people too can become a hero only if they do certain things.
All those false ideals and wrong philosophies that Billy Meier talks about can be poignantly summed up by Satanist David Bowie’s song ‘we could be heros for just one day’.
People can only be trapped by this ruse because they have allowed themselves to and they have allowed themselves because they don’t know any better and they don’t know any better because they can’t be bothered to find out that all they know isn’t all that there is unless circumstances abruptly forces them to they are content to remain in the usual unthinking status quo.

Jacqueline Purtell

Oh my gord ! does this mean SiFi meets reality , Transhumanity = Borg , watch out Picard , you should have listened to Billy .
Yeah ! what next ? Gravity-waves ; of course you mean scala-waves = dark energy = antigravity , oops a slow leek by mainstream science to con the general public that they found antigravity . rubbish I say it’s catch-up .

Jacqueline Purtell
Gregory Matthew Dougall

The guy who wrote about Russia’s plan to nuke Apophis said,

“When you think about it, it is pretty strange that we spend over half a trillion dollars a year on defense against other humans, when we could all just as easily be wiped out, or at least partially, by a giant rock just going about its business in space. It shows just how near-sighted the human race is, especially considering we have the technology to protect ourselves.”

Aint that the truth? I’m really worried about the build up of Saudi and Turkish troops preparing to invade Syria. It is a meditation weekend this weekend…(2/20, 2/21) You can check your local times here:

Terry Carch

Gregory, If you haven`t heard on the news,Turkey is already planning to invade Syria thanks to the bombing that just happened last night,talk about Saudi hegemony going awrie? “What a Bummer!”

paul russell

Right on, MH. Thank you for the reminder that it’s all silliness.
The challenge for me seems to be “how to function in a dysfunctional world.”
Herman Hesse said it well in Siddhartha: “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”
As humanity slides further off the rails I’m grateful for a place where there are voices that remind me there is a better way to live, and that
it’s okay to reject the utter nonsense that permeates our reality.


..I’ve personally researched the UFO subject for 20 years or so..only to finally realize that Billy’s information is most likely the truth as I’ve come full circle in my quest for gnosis..I’m kinda new to the spiritual teachings but I’d like to dedicate the rest of my life to indulging in Meier’s wonderous material and knowledge to better my spiritual self.. It’s easy to get lost and led astray where I’m from..I hope I can be worthy on my path to enlightenment!.. Thank you Billy,MH and the followers of the true teachings!!

Billy Wilson

I have not posted in a bit but Mr. Trump can not be left out, easy video the first 30 seconds says it all about Mr. Trump.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

The only thing I saw was any publicity is good publicity. A birthday party isn’t the same as going to church, which I don’t believe Trump does. I like the fact that former NSA and CIA head Michael Hayden said today that some of what Trump has been talking about has made him uncomfortable.
Billy has said that Americans need to vote in someone of merit and the only two who have good qualities are Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Wouldn’t that be awesome if they teamed up and ran together lol.

Tyler Rutland

Really eh? Maybe I was too unwilling to trust that man Bernie Sanders. I hope that my opinion shared on Facebook doesn’t have any serious repercussions.

If I was wrong in how I evaluated his character, then .. I don’t know. I’m tired and just got home from work.

Does anybody in the US need some financial aid to afford a pyramid? I’m working this week, and live right near the FLCA. So I don’t NEED one. Lately I’ve been giving a lot of thought to that symbol of the tree of life. And the US probably really needs that, eh?

Tyler Rutland

Wait a minute, there might be reasons why the plans for them got taken down recently, that mean everybody should exercise their own self-responsibility. I don’t know how it all works. I’m brainstorming here, and some ideas are bound to be wrong.

Tyler Rutland

Oh heck. I’m going to buy a DVD for myself on my pay cheque 🙂 I already like your line “standing in spirit”, MH. It’ll be awesome to have a visual-aural companion to the books. Now that I am working I can put in some more effective study time too. It’s hard working up the volition at times but it’s immensely worth it when it finally gets done enough times for the reward.

Billy Wilson

Tyler, I will always need financial aid for a pyramid but like all financial matters, I will just give it all away. With the tree of life concept and the tree of knowledge just divide the human brain apart they both are in the same fertile grounds upon which we each control if we are willing. Perfect mirror images of each other are with in each of us. With the expansion of the creational powers we all carry, maybe the evolution of earth can be more gente than the masses human beings are pushing so hard for.. Peace Billy Wilson

Billy Wilson

Sheila, we Americans are being forced into a multiple choice test where all the of answers are wrong. The group of insane that filled our airports are clearly in view with a little bit of pausing on the screen. Religions and money stay very close to each other in the USA. Peace Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Billy, all the choices are wrong? North America is not that far ahead yet, where we can elect a non religious leader. But you can elect someone who pretends to be religious because they know that they still need the religious vote. This is probably the first time in your current lifetime where the elitists are afraid. This election is going to either make or break your country. To me, you only have one clear choice. That would be the one who makes the establishment’s heads explode (figuratively). The only one who is not beholden to any group or organization. The only one who can strip the secret government of their power.

Sheila Clark

Currently the media is railing against Trump over his supposed closeness to the KKK. How about your media blackout on the town hall forum where a Trump supporter was kicked out for wearing a KKK t-shirt. Media blackout on that and a lot of other things. Don’t believe or trust your media. For example look how they are downplaying Hillary’s staffer who was granted immunity by the justice department to cooperate with the FBI over Hillary’s emails. Doesn’t sound like someone who doesn’t have something to hide. Hillary may just get indicted over this.

Sheila Clark

And this morning the psychopath Mitt Romney came out telling Republicans to shun Trump.
Trump claims he’s been audited for the last 12 years means to me (because I help taxpayers when they are audited) that he has been targeted. It’s not about whether his accountants did right or wrong, it’s about being targeted by the IRS, just to send him a message. I’ve seen it before and they can’t find anything wrong but are on a standing order to audit every year. Why? To make that person appear like they are a criminal in waiting. If they haven’t found anything in 12 years, they aren’t going to find anything.