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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

US Braces for More Military Attacks from Canada, Latin America & Tonga

America’s massive military might again successfully brought to bear against the persistent would be invaders

With the recent massive military attacks on Boston, Philadelphia and New York City by Canadian forces, followed within a day by similar attacks against Los Angeles, Houston and Miami by a coalition of Latin American forces, America’s massive military might was again successfully brought to bear against the persistent would be invaders. Their cunning attempts to overthrow the US go back to early last century and for which they’ve been clandestinely preparing sophisticated weaponry for even longer.

With war lust at an all time high in Brazil, millions of demonstrators openly prepared to invade the southern border of the US. Feeling that resistance is useless, some American politicians have thrown their lot in with the invading forces, using the Pavlovian appeal of religious buzzwords such as “made in the image of the Lord” to justify their position. Other, equally fervent true believers and right-to-life proponents use the same scriptures to call for Hitleresque extermination of those whose image they are certain wasn’t fashioned after – or by – The-Guy-in-the-Sky.

Selfless Patriots to the Rescue

While most of the people who fight to protect national sovereignty and repel the invading hordes are mainly aligned with the right wing, there are also selfless patriots on the left who proudly stand up to protect the rights of lawful citizens and workers, regardless of the cost to them and their own interests.

Fortunately, the US has the biggest military force in the world to deal not only with attacks from North and South America but to repel the persistent attempts by countries like Portugal, Spain, Finland, Iceland, Tonga, Mali, Nepal, New Zealand and Australia, etc., to invade our eastern and western shores. And with spying measures now firmly in place, and accessing information 24/7 through all digital and online means and devices, not only can the invaders who slipped through be identified and apprehended…but so can any wrong thinking legal citizens as well.

Having convinced virtually every man, woman and child of the indispensability of cell phones, monitoring has been made effortless and ultimate compliance with what’s officially deemed best is effectively assured.

Rebellion in the Ranks

Sweetening the deal of course is the prospect of eternal life granted by technology*, which may be more dependable than that offered by the Supreme Being, whose track record of delivering on promises has been shown to be quite sub par**.

While there is some palpable political discontent present among the American electorate that feels we haven’t done enough yet to destroy other countries, cultures***, etc., a small but vocal religious minority has now started the GGSWTW (Get God to Stop the Wrong Teams from Winning) movement. Perceiving that one of the casualties of God’s questionable performance in answering prayers is that 50% of the time the wrong team wins – despite industrial strength praying – GGSWTW is busy looking for effective means of lobbying to correct the Divine oversight and indifference. Should such efforts fail, military action against the wrong winners hasn’t been ruled out in this great country of ours.


*Contact 251

**Disaster Strikes as Prayers to God Are Forbidden!

***The Henoch Prophecies


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Marie Moltime

Ok. You know what. Me thinks it’s rather hypocritical train of thought to complain about immigration in the US when the USofA has done nothing but murder, pillage, and ruin the lands of other nations. Did I mention slavery, genocide, COINTELPRO, and the rigging of works economies? We still have genocide going on today against the Indigenous Native Americans, under the guise of Child Protection Services who rip children from their homes on Indian territory. We still have Black Americans like me who are treated like dirt, and historically had our hard earned prosperity after slavery, stolen from us. (Tulsa, Haiti, etc.) Now all the sudden it’s keep them out? Immigration destroys countries but it’s a little too late for the prime benefactors of imperialism to be slamming their doors shut? There must be a better way to clean up this mess other than locking out the very people America screwed.

Marie Moltime

America had screwed over a lot of people but cleaning the mess, helping re-build, then minding our business is the way to go. Other nations have the right to their own self-determination. That way when things go wrong no one will be pointing fingers at us anymore.

Matt Knight

Marie Moltime,

My view is aligned with yours, but, not your conclusions which I think are flawed.

To start with, the West (including GB) do have a duty to help struggling nations and it’s something I too feel has been missed in the many arguments about closing doors.

However, despite psychoticians and their criminal decisions, both recently and historically, there are many ordinary working citizens whose ancestors built nations that had nothing to do with any of the immigration policies, slavery, takeover of resources from other lands, etc., even if they unknowingly benefit. Knowledge of us benefiting is still fresh for us and only came with the worldwide netting of computers and, personally, I’d appreciate a little time to deal with all this than having it rammed down my throat at every opportunity while my pockets are ransacked and my life turned upside down (True experience – many times).

It would be no surprise to find that many of those who truly built nations, who are not mentioned in the history books, many women and men within all nations, were also often connected to a… mission. As my ancestors go back hundreds of years to the aboriginal people, I do feel a connection to England and care about it and continue to stand and fight my ground here and have no plans to run to Costa del Sold, or, a country where I can lord it & be made to feel “special”.

Personally, all I want is peace. Peace from all of it. The hate, the revenge, the you got your just desserts, or, will get ’em, or, should, the ‘come on boys the “white women are easy” capitalism is good’ marketeering and We are the greatest BS media rhetoric, whilst white liberals date Africans for power and sit on made-up thrones like Damacles. I’m tired of the lies, manipulations, BS, lazy excuses, easy explanations, etc., – All of that.

However, to let those negative events, criminal decisions and the feelings these generate in all of us define what we do going forward does not smell of evolution to me. These things should not dominate our future decisions and ability to reason and follow reasonable laws and systems and recognise the problems and deal with them.

Those negative things in no way undermine the fact that immigration (and I include emigration by rich Westerners to poorer nations in that too) is not good for any nation – be that anywhere in the world. If a country expands so that the people start flooding out all over the world – there’s too many of ’em and they need to curb their beep straight away.

In summary, I don’t ascribe to your theory of letting the bad things define what future I want for my country – not even under the threat of white guilt. We still need to shut those doors; just as Africa needs to shut it’s doors to exploitative rich Westerners and many leaders there are also part of keeping those doors wide open to any Westerner with enough cash, who take the money to stand above the people – an attitude that is rife in Africa now. That’s not to mention that many old Jamaican boys I’ve spoken to in England say their forefathers passed down stories of Africans selling them out for mirrors and spyglasses (true story) so it’s not all black and white. There are many colours.

Either way, close the doors, end emigration and immigration, except for constructive, educational visits, one day, hopefully from both sides and do please tell your black brothers to keep their hands off my white sisters. OK that last bit was a bit dodgy, but, please do… tell them that is.

Matt Knight

What’s our priority: Deal with the exploitation happening right now or deal with historical cases of it? Why are these historical cases “the greatest” compared to all that is happening today where black women have been snubbed by black men because “black women are not easy” as I was told by a roomful of black men when I questioned why they go for white women all the time (No beliefs necessary)? Maybe you don’t see that where you live Michael, but, I do and all the time. I agree with your last point.

Matt Knight

Well that’s not my experience Michael and speaking from the centre of the effects of multiculturalism, your picture of affective-type interrelationships happening in some equal zone is pretty, but, mostly, not correct from what I’ve experienced, but, I’ll keep these experiences back in the interests of balance as your example does also.

Matt Knight

Actually what Meier said was that with all things being equal, i.e., with overpopulation handled and safe immigration laws in place and no stealing of resources, slavery, etc., the odd interrelationship is actually healthy, but, what we have now is not. He has also answered a question from a black man that said that many in FIGU talk against interrelationships and that he is in one. Billy’s answer was quite telling. He said something like and I’m paraphrasing, “Enjoy it then”! Perfect answer to all this.

Marie Moltime

One more thing Matt. You said. “What’s our priority: Deal with the exploitation happening right now or deal with historical cases of it?” You can’t be that simple minded. What happened in the past is still going on today. Two words. MASS INCARCERATION. Blacks are primarily targeted for drug offenses when we use at about the same rate as whites. This is historical, and modern because the past isn’t something that ends at a certain time, and gets wrapped up neatly in a box. If that’s the case then people would kill others all the time, rob them blind, and wait until this false statute of limitation of wrongdoing run out. Newsflash! There is no such thing. This is why America is on it’s last legs now.

@MH you stole the words right out of my mouth when you brought up white men looking exclusively for Asian women to marry. Emigration by rich westerners into poorer countries where they can live like kings and queens, and sit on top of the social hierarchy isn’t right at all. The Philippines is a PERFECT example of this, along with Latin America. Look at the current Miss Universe and tell me what is wrong with that picture. Racism be damned, it does not send a positive message to the everyday Filippina. (Actually there is so much wrong with Miss Universe like racism, classism, and making women have their body a certain way but we have bigger fish to fry. UGH! ) However this is what white western imperialism has done to those societies. Mixed race descendants have unfair advantages. Exploitative multiculturalism must end, not interracial marriages. Especially the kind of multiculturalism that renders indigenous populations second class in their own countries. Hence why immigration, and imperialism is a problem.

I think is was this blog that mentioned an Imam telling people to out populate the enemy. Yeah… @MH It may not be politically correct, but you know that is how it starts.

Now political correctness be damned but Syrians allowed brutality to rule before ISIL. Now when they are all on the receiving end now you want to run? People tend to ignore wrongdoing and terrible regimes in their own country until it comes knocking on their door. The US is responsible for ISIL, but we are not responsible for their brutality. That is cultural.

Marie Moltime

No I will not tell anyone to keep their hands off of anyone. I don’t own nobody and neither do you. That was really awful since you know black women had no choice but to get raped by white men in the past. So don’t tell me crap. If you don’t like it then deal. Slavery was the beginning, there is no excuse for what was happening after. Your ancestors were complicit and because of that YOU benefit. Explain to me how a bunch of immigrants forgot their roots and thought it was OK to dog blacks, and reds? There is no excuse for the things that happened. Murder, and economic destabilization of non-whites so they could gain no power. Who cares who sold who. Would you buy a child Proustite because hey you’re not at fault for their situation right? You can’t be that devolved. We must right the wrongs of the past before we can move forward in harmony. Cause and effect. Just like how Christians are going to suffer under Islamist rule. Love your descendants enough to do the right thing.

Marie Moltime

BTW. Black women are the most educated population in the US when you break things down by race and sex. Yet, we are the least likely to get married. That says alot about men. Especially the ones who run overseas for a wife.

Sheila Clark

Hi Marie, my white ancestors were poor Scottish farmers and never owned slaves so what can I say or do to alleviate your ancestors grievances? I’m pretty sure if we go back far enough all races have done shitty things. How can you be a victim of slavery if you were never a slave? Please don’t take offense as I’m just wondering about this.

Matt Knight


The basic premise of your argument is, “Your ancestors were complicit and because of that YOU benefit.” and so, “We must right the wrongs of the past before we can move forward in harmony.”

Hiow does that work? Your ancestors benefitted and were complicit in the Barbary Slave trade that enslaved Europeans. What about the slavish conditions that made your bags, clothes, lipsticks, domestic appliances, food, etc., that you may have enjoyed today?

As an Englishman, do I have to consider and make amends with the Irish, Welsh, Scottish, French, Germans, Indians, Africans, Chinese, Russians, Asians, the world before I can have an opinion about immigration? I just don’t see me ever getting round to it.

Norman DeCindis

So let everyone in until the system collapses? Sorry that’s not my wish!

Marie Moltime

Neither is it mine but something must be figured out. Meier already presented a solution but no nation will listen.

Marie Moltime

BTW Norman there is a very cheap way to build housing for immigrants. In a matter of weeks. I was thinking an international coalition to make a safe zone in Syria.

Terry Carch

Hi Marie, My other organisation wespac is very supportive of immigration reform. After all the Good Ole US of A was built by immigrants. High Fives and or Fist Bumps to you Marie:-)))

Marie Moltime

We should be careful Terry. Immigrants are expensive to host, and hard to get acclimated into a new society. Do you really want immigrants who breed like rabbits? With barely a dime to feed their kids? We have enough of that already.

Norman DeCindis

I urge everyone to support border controls for every country. Mexico has a southern border fence the Media doesn’t talk about. I support numbersusa. Overpopulation flow is very dangerous look whats happening in Europe & Its slowly happening to the USA. The whole world can’t just move to the West. The West will collapse taking the world with it. People in the 3rd world need to be helped there.

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs,

Sheila Clark

Damn it Norm! So much for my plot to invade from the north…

Arie Levy

Muslim Immigrants Want Swiss to Change the Flag Because it is a Christian Symbol:

Thos too was predicted by BEAM & the Plejaren.

Wayne Anthony unter-Smith
Marie Moltime

Those types Muslims know what they are doing. If they don’t like it then they can leave. The Swiss don’t owe them shyt.

Oscar Lemus

Hey michael, im a little confused, did these attacks in your article actually happen or is it a possible future scenario so to speak? Any links would greatly help thanks

Marie Moltime

Boom! Say is louder for those in the back!

Oscar Lemus

I see now and yes i completely agree on the view of the united states trying to become the ruler of the world through false peace and pointless war. Thanks michael

Carolyn Snyder

Canada is making plans as we speak for a general and systematic invasion of the USA. . . Our forces will be led by Trudeau the second.. . . . Like his style? Don’t believe in his sweetness either, he’s really a chip off the old block, despite his overwhelming and disarming charm. He will be a very real threat to the continued existence of the United States of America. Really, he’s an Agarthan.

Wyatt Clancy

Excuse me for my slow brain, but can someone explain this blog post for me. Military attacks on Boston etc. ?

Antony Edge

It’s actually one of Michael’s blogs from 2026 …..

Randy Arena

It is my understanding that five billion dollars are used (bad checks) each and every year by the US military… wouldn’t it be nice if we became “civilized” and allowed an outside entity… not beholden to any ONE country… to do it for us… on a per capita (cost per number of folks in the country) basis using a global combat peace force? It is obvious the government is forgetting who it works for… and whose house the President of our at this moment United country owns… I think our Swiss friend has the answer… but there are many ways to bring warmongering idiots to their knees (unfortunately hurting many many innocent people as war often also does…) two of which I can think of now… without the need for war… it is astounding how folks ignore the forest for the trees… and are so ill removed from the facts as to “believe” deadly actions that do not or have not existed previously as fact… We have to get it right within… before any change can happen in the world… and one way to educate ourselves is reading about it such as…… read about it in order to know how to survive it… or cope with the decision some person suffering from some psychopathic symptoms feel is best for you and your families…

Salome: Ancient Lyrian for: be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Carolyn Snyder

Hey Michael, you forgot those demonic German flying saucers in Antarctica. . . . remember, Admiral Byrd told us about them???? And then there are the ? sine quae non ? ET-terrestrials from Agartha. . . .which even the Plejaren just stop short of denying the existence of. We need to look at the facts more carefully. Maybe the USA really does have enemies it needs to think about defending itself from. Then there’s the amusing sudden resignation of Scott Kelly from NASA. . . . Ha Ha Ha. . . . . what was it that happened up there? Did you see the spooked unearthly look in his eyes? I’ve got him on Facebook and he’s someone worth paying attention to. What did he see from the ISS????

Sheila Clark

Maybe he’s disturbed that they still have a Hadron Collider on board the ISS and is afraid someone may use it???

Sheila Clark

Interesting thought there Michael. Yes and who knows for sure if it’s still there.
Well Scott Kelly did mention how fragile the atmosphere looked. It should be a concern for all of us.

Timothy Allen Anderson

A years worth of exposure to the radiation in space will undoubtedly have its effects, as according to Billy and Quetzal, the body and brain suffer damage from their lack of adequate protections.

Norman DeCindis

Billy, How the heck are we going to stop Overpopulation? When Economists keep telling everybody this?

“Economists say that by 2015, Europe will face a declining population. It will need more immigrants, not fewer, if states are going to pay for the pensions and health-care systems of a graying population.”

Hi Norm,

That’s silly, stupid and near-sighted thinking. It’s no solution at all! According to those unreasonable “economists” (= in this case “egoists”) there must be a steady increase of people on an piece of land that is finite. Very silly. After me the flood. The only effective way to stop overpopulation is by exercising a birthrate check.

Marie Moltime

I hate that crap too. Look at what they are saying about Japan. Japan is lucky.

paul russell

A recent study at Auburn U. concerned with greenhouse gas mitigation claims that MISMANAGEMENT of LANDS (My words: “Due to overpopulation and greed.”) has been responsible for dramatic increases in greenhouse gases by NOT removing them from the atmosphere. (And we keep putting more into it for the grand chemistry set experiment.)
This suggests that all we need to do to stop climate chaos is to put everything back the way it was before.
Short of time travel, I can’t see it happening.
This Earth is in need of healing. And no more abuse.

paul russell

Sorry no link. Lost it.

Marie Moltime

“Hi Marie, my white ancestors were poor Scottish farmers and never owned slaves so what can I say or do to alleviate your ancestors grievances? I’m pretty sure if we go back far enough all races have done shitty things. How can you be a victim of slavery if you were never a slave? Please don’t take offense as I’m just wondering about this.”

Sheila if I got a penny every time someone persented such a poor argument. I guess your ancestors had nothing to do with segregation? Lynching? Burning down black neighborhoods? Do you think that was only certain whites? What about the burning down of black Wall Street in Tulsa. I guess immigrants had nothing to do with that. I guess you’re pure Scottish right? Mass Incarceration, and many racist policies that target minorities into the present day? I guess you get a pass because your ancestors immigrated. What excuse do you have for Donald Trump?

I was never a slave but let me enlighten you. When a black person talks about slavery we are taking less so about the act itself, and more so about the legacy of racism it has left behind. Immigrants came into this country and stepped on blacks to gain acceptance. This is well known. Immigrants forgot their roots and voted in racist politicians, and policies that were anti black, red, brown, and yellow. So give me a break. Your ancestors are here because they ran from their problems. A lot of this is explained in detail by many people on the internet today but I doubt you care. Spare me.

Marie Moltime

Everyone committing atrocities today should be made to face them. What is good for one is good for all.

Sheila Clark

Nope my ancestors were not involved with any of that. So who exactly is the rascist here?

Sheila Clark

Really Michael? Why would that make any difference? Marie has already made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t like whitey no matter where whitey came from.

Marie Moltime

I’ve never said that, and you never said you were Canadian. Or implied that. You could have easily said that before but chose not to. All I’m saying is that taking responsibility for the past and present is the way to go. Otherwise the P’s would have no business here. Why should they bother? We’re not their responsibility, but they understood the part their ancestors played in making the world the way it is.

Why can’t you see that? It’s a really simple concept.

Marie Moltime

By the way Shiela you deliberately jumped into a conversation about American racism, genocide, and xenophobia. The subject of this blog was the US. So I would naturally assume that you are an American when you jumped on my thread in response to Matt Knight. It seems rather malicious what you did knowing that I was not referring to you. You are not born in the US. BTW Don’t you guys have missing First Nations women to find? It seems like the Indigenous are having a hard time getting the Canadian government to see that they exist.

Sheila Clark

Your wrong Marie I’ve always claimed to be Canadian on this blog. You’re the one spewing racist rants against white people but somehow I’m being malicious? I can see exactly how and why the USA will break apart. Thanks for that. You do realize Billy Meier is white eh? Slavery was abolished in around 1865, long before you were even born. Maybe you should start thinking in the 21st century because it’s not healthy having a victims attitude and carrying all that baggage around.
Our former PM had a truth and reconciliation with First Nations but how would you know that? I would rather that we look for ALL missing persons not just some.
The Meier material is all about taking personal responsibity for oneself. Not demanding that others say sorry to you for your perceived grievances by people who are no longer alive. Have a nice day!

Marie Moltime

Sheila you didn’t claim it on THIS thread. You’re backtracking. You jumped into my conversation and tried to throw rocks and hide your hands. I’m not checking for you boo. By the way you shouldn’t say “whitey” it’s degrading, and no one actually says that. I don’t hate whites or loathe them. Otherwise I would have long dismissed Meier. You are people just like us. The problem is getting you to treat us as such becuase it’s not happening. However there are whites out there who are really annoyed when someone tells it like it is from their perspective. The problem is that you never listen to us but are rather dismissive without really trying to grasp what we are saying. I cannot take you seriously when you spew the same old rhetoric of victim mentality. Asking people to make amends is not playing victim. Asking for justice no more no less is not playing victim. Asking people who unfairly benefited from a society built to protect them no matter what they do, to actually take responsibility is not playing victim. Neither is building historically black colleges, building our own towns, and services, and institutions is playing victim. That is send responsibility, but those institutions were chipped away at or outright destroyed. That is historical fact that had nothing to do with you because I was talking to someone else. No one is saying blacks are perfect and that our shit don’t stink. The hell it does! (Im looking at you Creflo Dollar. We also have a problem with irresponsible people reproducing. ) But taking real responsibility (not paying lip service hun) for the criminal planned destruction of many people/s countries and lives is called being a grown-up. Put your big girl panties on. You’re not off the hook.

By the way alot of the crap happening in the past never ended it simply evolved into something more sophisticated. So yeah I’m gonna hold the people accountable. Take a look at Ireland. Wanna go preach to them about personal responsibility? How about the French? Becuase no one was saying the real reason they got bombed. They still think they’re victims when they provoked that mess. Personal responsibility is for everyone.

Marie Moltime

Thank you Micheal. I do feel we got way off the subject of immigration. Sorry for that. Sadly we are being too liberal here especially if we want to protect innocent hardworking people. However since we are dealing with a different beast like overpopulation guarding the immigration process and actually getting people who are still here despite expired visas is a start. We should have been doing that a long time ago. Look at the drug problem. *cough*cocaine*cocaine* Now is as good a time as ever to be checking everyone’s ID.

Sheila Clark

Speaking of being too liberal Marie, how do you feel about Bill Clinton and congress passing the 3 strike law which is the cause of all young black men going to jail for victimless crimes?

Marie Moltime

I hate them for it. I’m being honest. Welfare reform also left a lot of children hungry. The Clintons were no friends of the poor or the blacks despite what people believed. This is why I’m voting for Sanders. However it looks like Hillary is stealing the election right from under his nose.

Sheila Clark

I like your honesty Marie. But your article fails to mention who the drug suppliers are. It’s your very own CIA who are the biggest drug lords on the planet. Did you know that the military was used to guard the opium crops in Afghanistan? Never believe that it’s a crime to whip out your cell phone and start video taping. That’s one way of getting to the truth. For example it was only due to video taping that caught the 4 police officers tazing to death a retarded polish immigrant at the Vancouver airport.

Marie Moltime

@MH I thought I’d leave this here. Because America doesn’t just terrorize other countries. It terrorizes it’s own citizens.

Sheila Clark

Marie I feel for sorry for the citizens of your country who have and continue to be experimental guinea pigs. I love Bernie too. But like the fact that Trump makes the establishments heads explode.

M. Moltime

So does Bernie.

M. Moltime

I found an interesting link that you posted a while ago. I’m gonna re-post this here.

Carolyn Snyder

You know the dark races of people seem to be generally healthier than the white. When they age you can really see the difference! Also they don’t seem to get some diseases as often as the whites do. I don’t know whether this is because they have usually eaten a vegetarian diet in Africa or India. .. . . . however their bodies seem on the whole to be a lot healthier especially in old age.

I have some Nigerian friends who live in Waterloo (Canada) and they tell me that when they travel to the USA they immediately notice a difference in attitude toward themselves. In fact, they are scared to drive through certain areas. They are very relieved when they are once again north of the border. Recently they mentioned to me that in Canada they have never once feared for their lives, but in the US they aren’t so sure. The father won’t let his kids study at a US university because, as he said, “Once they go out the door you just don’t know if you are going to see them alive again.”

Shawn Bineau

It seems, as the world begins to fall out of the spell/fog from the false religions and begin contemplating what had happened to us since ancient times, many reach for answers instinctively to begin learning who they are. For mankind to progress spiritually, the past needs to remain the past. This doesn’t imply forgetting, just knowing. The emerging “Age of Aquarius” is bringing the opportunity to grasp true knowledge, true knowing.

All have suffered at the hands of belief/power/control, even the ones who thought they were winning and controlling the masses lost, they just don’t know it yet. Everyone, including the elites and those that ruled over the people, are degenerated by the hate created by one man’s dominion over the other. I can see people losing available time for their spiritual growth if they don’t draw those curtains closed and stop giving precious energy to things that kept us spiritually deprived in the past.

My life here and now has plenty I can affect to improve our progress as a people on this planet, it’s just difficult when I drag my luggage from my past around with me.

Sheila Clark

I agree Shawn. If we were to think of all our previous lives, we would know that we’ve been everyone, gone through everything, lived everyone’s life, been a part of everything that has ever happened on this earth, good and bad. It’s a lot to wrap our heads around. We need to live in the present and form our thoughts and feelings towards making changes to our current lives. We can’t change history, but we can move ahead together as a we form.

Phil Brandel

Thought about this blog post for a few days and really wondered about the immigration differences in this country. That seem to truly alter a continuation within our genes to carry on for many generations/lifetimes, within this countries very being of ‘immigrants’ and manifested, acted on control, beliefs of others? My heritage is filled with as many whom also were persecuted for their country of origin, culture. Looked down upon by the ‘natives’ all the way to them in ‘reality’. Hard to forgive it seems when never reconciled, given up for something better, altered into a different, more peaceful way.
My good friend Jose, who I met in Middle School some 25 years ago is facing deportation back to Mexico, having a wife, child, job, house here as an illegal citizen? Went to a few of his hearings as a friend and someone interest in this debate today, and where it is going. Where do we come together as one and fight for what is right, as per what is defined as an ‘American’ and its civil criterium?
Now we find ourselves on the presuppose of what a real currency war looks like as the BRICS nations and their allies fight the give and take of the ‘west’s’ petrodollar systems. Quite brutally today!
Just as within many places of the world, there are also mass immigration’s from people to the US from most countries in south and central America. As in Europe and elsewhere large migrations of humans are on the move, mainly based on all the right reason because of all the wrong ones at home. Sounds familiar with what someone else talked about and only wonder how much closer this continued clash brewing within the largest armed(to the teeth), ‘civilized’ society will be. Life isn’t always flowers and butterfly’s… it can be dirty, grit filled, messy and not always pretty and pleasing. It none the less deserves some sort of recognition as per also working on the better things within the self, seeing reality for what it is. We may only know the importance of what this life brings for the next few we face, within focusing more on the spiritual teachings, and the real truth of what and where we come from.

Sheila Clark

Downplayed by the media (or may not be seen at all) was the black Trump supporter who punched the white rioter at the Trump rally yesterday in Arizona. The media has been trying to spin it like Trump only has white supporters but apparently that just ain’t so.

Sheila Clark

Well no wonder he was punched, carrying a picture of Trump with a confederate flag across his face in one hand and the other hand carrying a death rune. Weirdly, it makes me want to punch people carrying death runes too lol. But since I’m not a violent person, I just tell them exactly what their “peace” sign really means.
Professional paid protestors are not the sharpest tool.

Sheila Clark

Plus this retarded protestor failed to mention that he had been wearing a KKK hood right before this all went down. All the media can do is whine about how a Trump staffer pulled on the back of the protestors collar of his shirt. I think charges should be dropped against the black Trump supporter. Don’t trust the media, only believe what you see with your own eyes.

Marie Moltime

How do you know he was paid? By whom? You can’t prove that. It sounds like you are repeating FOX news, and we all know how newsy they are…

Sheila Clark

In Canada we have paid protesters. I doubt it’s any different in your country. Ezra Levant outed them by showing side-by-side pictures of them at different events. If your media was so inclined I’m sure they could do the same. You don’t have to look any further than the Sandyhook hoax to see paid actors a.k.a. activists.
I noticed that ABC is saying there was only one woman who was escorted out when she was wearing a KKK hood. The video shows two people wearing KKK hoods and one of them just happend to be wearing an American flag shirt, the same guy that was punched by the black Trump supporter. Have you seen the video?

Sheila Clark

This “protestor” claimed to be from the Bernie camp when we all know Bernie’s supporter just aren’t that stupid. He’s obviously from the Hillary camp.