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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Billy Meier: 17,461 IS Terrorist “Sleepers” Now in Europe

Meier’s 1987 warning of terrorist attacks in Europe now echoed by international press 

Updating what Billy Meier first warned about in 1987, in an unofficial translation of an excerpt from Contact 642, on January 30, 2016, Ptaah told Meier that 17,461 people “directly connected with the IS and the al Qaida terror organization who should be described as so-called “sleepers had been identified” and had snuck into Europe with the flow of migrants:

Billy: “You have told me at our previous meeting on January 6 that you are about to clarify how many al Qaida and IS sleepers have sneaked in with the flow of migrants into Europe.”

Ptaah: This evaluation was carried out, in fact the investigation lasted until January 20, but we still continue on with it. We identified 17,461 persons that are directly connected with the IS and the al Qaida terror organization that should be designated as so-called “sleepers.

Billy: “Then Europe can indeed expect quite some acts of terrorism. But when I spoke and wrote that killers of the terror organizations IS and al Qaida are smuggled into Europe with the flow of migrants then it only earned laughter and the secret services even denied that this was the case.

Now, three months later, this story  appeared warning of terrorist attacks in Europe this summer, with the predictable denial of course from Italy, one of God’s favorite countries…although even conservative American columnist Pat Buchanan seems to understand what’s coming to Europe…and the US.

But, as the saying goes, a prophet is without honor in his own country, which is confirmed by this article about FIGU and Meier from a Swiss publication.

And that particular country has ubiquitous displays of the tortured Savior-on-a-Stick Jesufixes all over the place, a Church for Cheez-Whiz in almost every block, openly practicing undetected Pavlovian mind control day and night with relentless bell ringing to reinforce the cultic grip on the subconsciousness of the unsuspecting faithful. Naturally, they’re quick to label FIGU a “cult” of some kind, despite zero evidence to support it, probably fearing some loss of true believers and their contributions to fill their coffers.

Since 1958, Meier’s been warning of the “deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world” from fanatical Islamists.

Are we listening now?


See also:

Syrian Returnee Confirms IS Infiltration in Europe

“Paris will be destroyed from within”: Billy Meier, 1981

The Only Way to Stop the IS



Thanks to Bill Wilson for the information.

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Norman DeCindis

I wonder how many are in the USA?

The Borders are wide open too!

Matt Knight

That many. Oh dear.

In other news, Pope FFS is stomping all over decalogue No. “2. You shall honour the name of Creation and not misuse it” with this crazy, evil, talk;

“The young need to be helped to accept their own body as it was created, for thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over Creation.”

If a few, so-named, “Schäfchen” at a table in town can work out, “…that a world of temporary cessation of births would counteract the overpopulation of the earth” then I’d rather follow them, than the stupid herd of sheep with the lazy, lying, “cult expert” and easily-startled, barely-literate, 20-minute thinker.

It is looking like full steam ahead to fulfilling specific parts of Henoch’s prophecies, unfortunately. My shipment of popcorn is on it’s way.

Daniel Cooper

Well isn’t that nice. Happy to see that all the political bantering back and forth the last couple years paid off… I bet the people I warned about this two years ago will be coughing their soup up through their noses soon. Isn’t that nice…

I do feel sorry for this sad world but sympathy only goes so far. Sad as hell. I just wish governments would get on with dealing with this like grown adults instead of wee petulant children.

Sheila Clark

Well Daniel, you get who you voted for and that includes another 25,000 Syrian economic refugees by the end of this year. Sunny ways.

Terry Carch

I warned a friend about these terrorist slip[ping through like a sieve back in November just before the COP21 climate event in Paris. I too wonder if the same thing will happen here in the US?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Peace be on Earth as it is in outer space.

Phil Brandel

Slowly they work there way in, shouffers, cleaners, cooks, bellhops, working in the mail room, etc. Won’t be long until one makes it high enough into the right area, and really makes 9/11 look like just another day on planet stupid. Sure the response will be just the same. Most far away not really caring and the other thinking it is all just a conspiracy.
And just for the sake of what we allow to surround us this is what our ‘allied’ Saudi Arabia allows as treatment and proper behavior towards woman, amongst so many other horrible things.
How to beat you wife properly, by a saudi family therapist.
An even more extreme version of this coming to a neighborhood near you? Saudis and it’s allies spread their Wahhabism the world over.
Is this the future we envisioned for our children? Our daughters? These scum seem to have long ago broken the very meaning of logical, defensive force for the good of everything. So much at stake as we watch knowing full well where this could lead us… back to the dark ages, literally, with a lot of nuclear fallout added.
If no one but Russia,Iran,Syria,Iraq,Kurdistan,Lebanon,etc truly are fighting this ideology, why is the west so far from rectifying this, and joining these countries? To much to loose in fighting ones own proxy army maybe?

Corey Müske

everyone: No we’re not giving up, the dark ages, and nuclear fallout are simply not good enough futures (but it is good to know these are strong negative possibilities) , two things could happen: the Henoch prophecies will start to fulfill to an extremely dangerous degree, and world governments will realize way afterwards, that it is time to listen to the recommendations of the gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, the places of fulfillment of guidelines, and the birth-stop with 7 year birth-rate checks, or this will be done as a preemptive measure to eradicate ISIS, and usher in a new era to Earth humankind, We need to carry the torch forward, what would this mean if Russia, China, and the US were to join forces with Iran,Syria,Iraq,Kurdistan,Lebanon, all of Europe, all Arab nations, Africa’s nations, etc, ISIS would not stand much of a chance against the supreme logicalness of the force, and this force would snowball pretty rapidly into a pretty impressive development. Don’t get me wrong, this would be a tough battle against ISIS, and some of the sleepers would try to extract revenge on their host country, but they would have to fight the internal battle inside themselves (once ISIS in Iraq and Syria was banished) of fulfilling their insane plan of destructive terrorism, and banishment if they fail, or forget ISIS all together, and de-radicalize themselves out of fear of punishment, and if caught for considering destructive terrorism, banishment. Failure to materialize the multinational peacekeeping troop must never be an option, there is great potential in Russia’s coalition for example, if China, and the US were in on it as a triad with Russia, alongside all of the other countries of Earth,

If nuclear war were to happen, this would be a great loss for our planet, Terrestrial time-travelers from our planet’s future had to pay their dues in their history (which is our future), and some of these dues must have been very severe, severe enough to make one incredibly saddened, but hopefully we will see in our future that the troop materializes, which could truly be the past of the future terrestrial time-travelers, or we will go back to the dark ages, enslaved by ISIS, and have nuclear disaster. The latter brings me to great sadness for our future, if this possibility is what fulfills, our planet would thus have made the incorrect choices, but we must not fail our duty of the troop, so we can change the future, which is best for Earth humankind, and usher in a new era of love, peace, freedom, and harmony for our planet. This would be a burgeoning beginning for each man, woman, and child of Earth.

Saudia Arabia’s treatment of women is extremely deplorable, this must not be allowed to continue. If ISIS snowballs, our planet’s women could anticipate similar treatment, and massive amounts of rape, and pillaging. All of our daughters are truly potentially in danger. We all have families, and no one wants their family to die, and truly terrestrial humanity is one gigantic Earth family (even though there is way too many of us presently: [8,634,006,014 thousand million!]) An Earth family should treat ISIS the way they deserve to be treated, by banishment, if anything else, to protect our daughters, who will carry the seeds of our descendants, if they are part of an approved couple of the 7 year birth-rate checks. Once an approved couple during the one year window got approved, they would feel so fortunate to be child-bearing their child, and the child would be treated with dignity, respect, love, and compassion as a result.

Phil Brandel

Cant agree more with you Corey, What a world, yet it is a good thing to be here and have the chance to learn while things are at least the way they are. Never to late to learn and one must look at the entire picture in studying it. As bad and negative its lingering effect could, may bring. Has been one thing that has taken time to understand. Letting go of what the world within consciousness vibrates out… and not wanting to hide in a hole:)

Corey Müske

Upon watching that Saudi video, which sickened me, I have to say this is the danger of God-delusion-belief on this planet, women are treated as a subordinate whose job it is to serve the man. Among the Plejaren, women make the best beamship pilots, and among extraterrestrial civilizations women enjoy an equality with men that has no parallel on Earth. There is true freedom among both sexes, with no negative subservience on either side, as for our situation on Earth, I know Western countries can abuse their imperialism using their militaries on other countries, and true, Western countries treatment of women overall could use some work, but compared to areas of the Middle East who worship the non-existent God: Allah, and make their women so darn subservient, because of their illness of God-delusion-belief rooted in the temporal, and parietal lobes of their brains, Western countries have made great strides equalizing women, even though there is still great work to do, with much more ahead, as at times, Christianity can have the tendancy to make women subservient as well.

Phil Brandel

Is amazing how different we are even within this tiny world we reside on. How rights can change in different ways around the world, and is now being blended together.
Always makes me think of some of Billy’s prophecy’s going into politics and gender. As when the true leaders of our created world start to come to power, females, first they will be puppets just the same as their male counterparts? Something along those lines anyways? Yet, after some time will turn into leaders whom will be the true mothers of humanity and will lead with all virtues man has neglected to interact with for millennia? This in turn, would bring about unseen peace, freedom, harmony, wisdom, respect, love for all of creation. One bright place it seems as the first females come to upper power, in the world we may see a beginning of peace. Though in some ways it is part of the prophecy’s as much as it has so much importance within current events and the scourge of ‘isis’, fanatical religious belief stricken god delusion ed groups hell bent on world domination. Seems we slowly creep closer to quite the turning of events in our world history, a time for action.

Brock Bradford

Cory could you please give a reference to where in the contact notes where you found this?… “Among the Plejaren, women make the best beamship pilots.”

May we never lose the vision of a harmonious balanced society living in a world full of nature’s beauty… While we face the un-loving, un-thinking, painful, most evil stupidty.

Corey Müske

Brock Bradford: I think it was in my copy of “And Still They Fly”, which I read so many times many years ago, that the pages are all falling out. I’ll have to look when I get the time.

George Champaninh

I’m all aboard that sectarian train, psyche! Not once have I prayed or worshiped to Meier, FIgu, SSSC, or MH and I believe none of the other members have either.

Cult-like behavior can be described as believing without proof, drinking blood the blood of a half god, half human fictitious person, donating money to no known cause, placing so called flesh on the tongues, suicide deaths in belief of a path to heaven etc. But it’s accepted by the world because they are deemed religious beliefs that have no actual known effect for simply believe or practicing a faith.

I’ve studied religions before, have read the text to an extent, none seems to even apply the unchanging law of cause and effect. Where’s Meier’s case and notes, demonstrate cause and effect to its entirety.


Matthew Deagle

The problem in the West is basically feminization of a certain kind of men (academics, clergy and the like, the mercurials). The problem in Islamic countries is basically misogyny. This is because the Western culture is well-dignified when of a masculine, potent form (science, pioneers, novel discoveries of all kinds, the well-dignified mercurial), yet instead we have a mere ill mercurial culture for the most part, while the Islamic culture is saturnine and therefore is best dignified in female form. But western academia and PC-culture, etc, is excessively feminized, weakening the potency, and Islamic culture is very male-dominated, meaning fanaticism, hatred and suicide instead of fine cultivation and harmony (the feminine form, which is better than the masculine form in the saturnine).

Matthew Deagle

In the Age of Aquarius, the ideal culture marries the feminine harmonizing form, the feminine component of Islam for example or the feminine aspect of Japan, with the potent, innovating masculine mercurial, which is found at its strongest in the German-speaking Alpine region.

David Kamada

Greetings everyone,

Please have a look at what is tentatively the final version of the petition to Obama for the creation of a multinational army to combat ISIS. I’ve made a few drastic changes in tone and substance. I apologize for taking so long to wrap it up. If you have suggestions and corrections before the petition gets posted, please chime in.


Link to petition text:

Terry Carch

On planet Erra men and woman are both equal to one another where as on planet Earth with religious piety etc, the Islamic culture men enslave women to a second rate positon where as in western culture women are the second rate lesser of the westernculture. This disparity to me means that we need to get rid of relgion and star thinking of woen as equal to men without all this stupid religious hangups between men and women. In this day and age owmen should be equal to men without politics intefearing case is who is better the the other rather than who wins andwho loses in any event. What is holding everthing back into the past is politics,religion mititarism and eve corporatism,in other world we are NOT moving forward,we are moving backwards due to all this stupidity and NOT living in the laws of Creation with it`s Spiritual Teachings likr the people of Erra are learning and doing. Earth is moving backwards instead of moving forwards as the people of Erra has learned to do.

Terry Carch

Seems to me we atre moving backwards instead of moving forewords as the peop[le fro Erra have done millions of years ago. Here on Earth men and women are not created equal due to relions,poliotics,miliatrisms, corporatisms etc, Earth is moving backwards enstead of forward as Erra has done where men and women are equal on Erra but not equal on Earth. We NEED to learn to break the chains of religions,politics,miltarisms corporations etc if we want to become a oworld like Erra, Timar andso on etc.