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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Bill and Hillary Klingon’s Happy Homespun Homilies

Take a warped drive to what really may be the final frontier

To be fair, I only heard about five minutes of Bill’s Ode to Hillary on the radio last night, and then Hillary’s gushing closing remarks, while she was apparently surrounded and embraced by adoring children. It struck me as a very masterful exercise in emotional button pushing, a classic bit of hypnosis and hype by a master storyteller and serial adulterer; a proven winning combination.

While Bill’s certainly skillful enough to weave tall tales, I would imagine they spared no expense in acquiring the talents of expert consultants* to make sure that every possible note on the piper’s pipes would be played, well calculated to ensnare the females in the audience with appeals designed to bypass critical thinking and manipulate their familial, maternal, and/or other sentiments.

Strangely, the homespun homilies and touching tales were devoid of details about, let alone mention of, anything concerning the Clinton Foundation’s involvement in what some consider highly questionable financial transactions with human rights suppressing regimes. Nor did I, in those few minutes, hear a word about disappeared emails, or their multitude of other various scandals.

Now I just took a break from writing this and saw that there were a number of commentaries online from people who’d seen the entire…performance, so I’ll only add this.

Playing to the American fascination with the cult of personality, the Klingons cloak themselves in the preposterous political polyester of being people-of-the-people. Borrowing from the magician’s (or is it pickpocket’s?) handbook, they want us to “look at this hand” while ignoring the one over there, picking everyone’s pockets…while categorically denying it.

Bill bathes the audience in emotional balm – your eyelids are getting heavy, heavier – and subtlety but implicitly plays the…entitlement card; Hillary deserves to be president, all reasoning aside.

We’re offered the choice between a candidate who wants us to put ethics, morality and reasoning aside and transfer the pull on our heartstrings to pulling the lever for more war, or the hot-shot, reality show businessman who views the whole thing as another negotiation, a deal to close and more bounty to be won. If that doesn’t work out too well for the country, if people get Trumped, Trumpled and trampled in the process, I guess we can talk to his lawyers.

To bastardize yet more from Gene Rodenberry, as we take this warped drive to what really may be the final frontier, to the candidates I say, “May the Farce be with you”, and to all the rest of us, “Live long and…perspire”.

*UPDATE…maybe I was on to something.

See also:

An Apology to the Pigs

Billy Meier: 17,461 IS Terrorist “Sleepers” Now in Europe

The Only Way to Stop the IS

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Brock Bradford

Wooooo were so easy wanting to believe and not question, unthinking all is ok.

Oscar Lemus

The logical observation of both hillary and trump as both being imcompetent and unfit to be president only further confirms the possibility of the u.s superpower status becoming void.

Bruce Lulla

the Klingons, those people-of-the-people, have paid, since 2007, 43 million in taxes! Meanwhile, the Donald hasn’t even filed but he had some interesting comments du jour.

matt lee

Haha ‘Klingons’ what a creative term Michael Horngelo.
You have to give em this much like abalones they are very good at Klinging onto power and singing their own praise.

matt lee

Oh no now you’ve ruin it for me Michael I am never ever going to see another episode of Star Trek where the Clinton’s are in ever!

Don Schneider

Definitely some artful dodging from her and Bill Clinton. To borrow your expression, they don’t want voters to Klingon to their past which would require an actual thought process. While the list of corruption goes deep and wide with the Clintons, here are some cliff notes on some of their criminal practices.

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies
The Clintons reportedly gained confidential tax records on many of their political rivals, a scheme in which Judicial Watch claimed Hillary played a central role.

Emailgate: ‘She should go to prison for this’
One of the more recent scandals involves Hillary Clinton’s admitted use of a personal email server to share official correspondences during her stint as secretary of state.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets
Judicial Watch initially released a report suggesting Chinese corporations supported Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection effort in exchange for technology secrets.

Travelgate: Always room for friends
During the Clinton administration, the Clintons reportedly laid off the White House travel office staff so that they could fill the department with family members and friends.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons
One of the most identifiable Clinton scandals involved an investigation into a real estate deal that later encompassed accusations of improper campaign donations and the couple’s potential involvement in Foster’s death.

Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess’
Huma Abedin, a confidant who served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood – specifically through the al-Qaeda connections of both her mother and father.

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’
During Bill Clinton’s second term, reports surfaced that prominent conservative groups had been subjected to audits while there was no indication that any corresponding organizations on the political left had been targeted by the IRS.

Covering Bill’s dirty deeds
Amid allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that cast a negative light on the political power couple, Hillary reportedly aided her husband not only by publicly defending him, but by using shady – and potentially criminal – tactics in an effort to delegitimize his accusers.

Looting the White House
After Clinton’s second term came to a close, the couple reportedly attempted to take roughly $190,000 worth of furniture and other items from the White House – on top of causing about $14,000 in vandalism damage to the presidential mansion.

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming
The Clintons’ nonprofit organization has faced controversy far beyond the Iranian connection, including accusations of tax fraud and a secretive deal believed to have facilitated the release of nuclear material to Russia.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost
A scandal that continues to incite passions involves then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, lambasted for her perceived inaction before, during, and after a 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’
As a House Judiciary Committee staffer in 1974, Hillary Clinton helped investigate the Watergate scandal that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. She was soon fired by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

As I said this is just the short list, as it is just to lengthy for the comments section. Just she have to much criminal baggage to be elected?

Don Schneider

Correction> Does she have to much criminal baggage to be elected?

Billy Wilson

Hillary stated turmoil the moment she got Washington the first time. The transition period and the first few weeks of the administration in the White House were full of difficulties and drama. In particular, finding someone for the high-profile United States Attorney General position proved problematic. administration officials reported later that Clinton initially considered nominating the First Lady Hillary Clinton, herself a prominent attorney, but anti-nepotism laws stemming from Robert F. Kennedy’s service in his brother’s administration prohibited this.

Billy Wilson

I can not find anywhere a law or rule that block or forbid Hillary from appointing Bill to the empty supreme court set, plus he would not be required to have a law licence from any state. With the background baggage they have, that office appointment would end any worries till his death.

Scott Reed

Hello Michael. So now that John Hinckley Jr. is a free man do you think they’ll have him speak at the convention?
Peace, Scott Reed.

kevin pigford

I refused to watch both the RNC and the DNC. You nailed it, Michael. It’s exactly what I expected.

Andrew Grimshaw

I admit that I ignore ANYTHING that comes from the Klingon’s mouths, maybe to my detriment; what I found unsettling were the words of one Albright the other day:
“Tonight, in Philadelphia, we nominated someone with Truman’s fighting spirit to be our next president Hilary Clinton.” – is she saying that Klingon will drop at least two nukes on a civilian population?
“Given what we have learned about Russia’s recent actions, Putin is eager for Trump to win. And that should worry every American.” – is she saying that the nukes will target Russia?
-> Also from the same article over at RT com/usa/353489-albright-dnc-clinton-putin/ -> a twitter post noted: Albright’s pin had eagle head symbolically facing War.
Also, Paul Craig Roberts wrote an article the other day, Armageddon Approaches, where he claims that Germany has declared Russia to be an enemy nation, which was based largely on the following:

“Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

According to a report issued on June 6th in German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN), the German government is preparing to go to war against Russia, and has in draft-form a Bundeswehr report declaring Russia to be an enemy nation. DWN says: “The Russian secret services have apparently thoroughly studied the paper. In advance of the paper’s publication, a harsh note of protest has been sent to Berlin: The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, Alexei Puschkow, has posted the Twitter message: ‘The decision of the German government declaring Russia to be an enemy shows Merkel’s subservience to the Obama administration.’”

Back on February 17th, DWN had reported that German Chancellor Merkel “will develop a new military doctrine” declaring, “The ‘annexation’ of Crimea by Russia is the basis for military action against Moscow.” Apparently, that prior report will soon be fulfilled.” – strategic-culture[dot]org/news/2016/06/09/germany-preparing-for-war-against-russia.html
“People” like Albright and Merkel think that people will get what they deserve, and they’d be right!

Billy Wilson

What Merkel says and does can be misleading, The following is a massive Russia and Germany deal. Germany plays an important distributional role, since the transport routes cross through the heart of Europe (Not the old Ukraine system). Now an important pipeline is added: 55 billion cubic meters of Siberian natural gas will soon flow through the Baltic Sea Pipeline to Germany. In the meantime, about 1,100 kilome-ters of the 1,224-kilometers-long first pipe between Wyborg, Russia, and the landing station in Lubmin, Germany, are lying in the water – 82 kilometers of it run across German seafloor. “The first hank of pipes is supposed to be put into operation by the end of this year, the second one by the year 2012,” explains Matthias Warnig, managing director of the Nord Stream AG. Through the new pipe, the EU gets connected to one of the biggest gas reserves of the world.

Andrew Grimshaw

Is this a case of, biting the hand that feeds?
Maybe the EU thinks that it can expand it’s “empire” and “own” one of the biggest gas reserves of the world.
Well, we know how that is going to end up!
Love, hate, not understand or ignore the law of cause and effect, there’s no circumventing it, it is and always will be; the penny will drop much later for the vast majority, it seems.

Billy Wilson

2016/02/11 Clinton Foundation received a subpoena from State Department investigators .Investigators with the State Department issued a subpoena to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last fall seeking documents about the charity’s projects that may have required approval from the federal government during Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state, according to people familiar with the subpoena and written correspondence about it.

The inside story of how the Clintons built a $2 billion global empire.
Have we Americans really gotten so bad that have to find the worst of the worst to be our leaders.

John Jacobson


TL Chavarria

Michael, these last two blogs should be published in every political opinion column across the U.S. !!! .

Antony Edge

I dread to think what America will be like when Trump/Clinton hands over to President Kardashian in 8 years time….

John Jacobson

If anyone would like to make a small wager on it, I’ll bet up to $200 that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.

Matt Knight

Why would you want to try to profit from such a miserable situation? Seems a bit callous.

John Jacobson

I’m half joking, I know none of you will bet. I just want Trump supporters to put their money where their mouth is. LOL