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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Mystery of the Disappearing UFO Video

If it pops back up on YouTube – which says it’s a “strange” situation – the issue may be resolved

As I reported in this earlier article about doing my interview with 16-year-old radio host Natalie-Marie regarding the Billy Meier UFO case, we experienced unprecedented technical difficulties for about 2 ½ hours. Strangely enough, the technical difficulties didn’t stop there. Not too long after the interview was posted online comments from some viewers on the YouTube channel weren’t getting posted or visible.

It was obvious that Natalie-Marie wasn’t responsible for these difficulties, as she also assured us. Then, suddenly, the interview itself was no longer available online.

This was posted on Natalie-Marie’s Facebook page:

“I did a interview on Michael Horn. YouTube has informed me that there is strange activities happening with his interview. If you could not see this interview at the moment I am sorry for this inconvenience.”

The unexpectedly, just received good news is that Andrew Grimshaw captured the interview, which you can now watch here. If the interview suddenly reappears on YouTube – which itself admits the “strangeness” of the situation – the whole matter may be resolved. It may be a rather benign situation after all.

Natalie-Marie had gone to great lengths to also post many of Meier’s clear, daytime UFO photos, which was only part of the reason that they came here. There may be certain parties who don’t want the Billy Meier’s information to be made available to vast numbers of young people, in Canada as well as in other countries, in order to keep them ignorant of the real, harsh realities about the world that they are inheriting…and the efforts of the Plejaren extraterrestrial human beings to help us assure our future survival.

Obviously, since Meier’s information and evidence, etc., have been vigorously suppressed for 65 years, and various parties have gone to great lengths to attempt to discredit and harm him, such nefarious machinations are not outside of the realm of possibilities.

Should this entire incident be nothing more than an anomaly, any conspiratorial concerns would be allayed.  Nonetheless, this may be an example of what happens when real, and urgently needed, information about the only authentic UFO contact case is suddenly made available to a new, young audience.

So long as people do interviews with the so called “UFO experts”, not a one of whom brings forward any significant, relevant information or authenticated evidence, the status quo – meaning deliberate disinformation – is a safe and unwelcome commodity.

In a forthcoming article, I will speak about my recent efforts to engage such people as Richard Dolan, the Mirage Men, etc., and to have them come forth to help reveal the real UFO cover-up, which is solely about the Billy Meier UFO contacts.

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Sheila Clark

I would imagine that Grant Cameron reared his ugly lawyer head and presented Natalie Marie with one option to delete the video or face a lawsuit. Natalie Marie should know that in Canada you cannot sue for hurt feelings. But perhaps she’s actually based out of the USA where he can. Greasy lawyers nowadays…

Sheila Clark

I have my reasons and may share at some point.

Terry Carch

Thanks MH. I did manage to get the interview you had with Natalie Marie and I also wrote down the pertantive parts that ineresat me in my notebook since I don`t have a printer but at least I wrote down what intereast me. I just hope I got the whole interview. Maby you could put the vieo on your own They Fly Blog and or on your own They website instead of going through Youtube. You used to have your own Youtube website at one point. Why not put the entire Natali Marie interview on your own page that way you can`t possibly get censort out,it`s a thought an idea etc.

Greg Dougall

Andrew Grimshaw’s copy is not accessible either! something about too many people downloading the truth.

Andrew Grimshaw

Apparently I exceeded my share limit, it’s working again.
And, just in case, I uploaded it to Youtube, too:

Andrew Grimshaw

Oh well, I don’t need that youtube channel anyway.
Makes me think that 800 years isn’t enough for some, they are aiming for 8,000 years.

Andrew Grimshaw

I think we all know that the true answer is the safety of a certain bank account balance’s growth.

Greg Dougall

Well, at least this disappearing UFO video has not disappeared:


Natalie Marie Hart Michael Horn Billy Meier’s UFO case ONLINE on Youtube again.

Watch it here:

Terry Carch

I`ve heard that Hilary Clinton said she will open all the file on UFOs though I doupt that very much. I wonder if it is at all worth sending her all our files on the Billy Meier Contact Reorts if this H Clinton is willing to hear us out at all since these political frauds aren`t going to bother to listen to the REAL TRUTH if at all? Just another idea that I thought about? I wonder if this world will EVER be ready to listen to ANY REAL ALTHENTIC REAL TRUTH yet? “So much for thoes nefarious shills and their powers that be criminals!”

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry you are right to doubt that Hillary will open the files. She’s had the chance to do it as Secretary of State, but she hasn’t. Why? It’s because they would have to “out” their very own secret military craft and they will NOT do that. So it’s just a Rochefeller ploy to suck in UFO enthusiasts to vote for her. She’s a congenital liar and the PTB want her because she will be easy to control. Voting for Hillary will be “as bad as Bush” and voting for Trump will “be just as dumb”. The truth does not sit well with American politics.

Terry Carch

Thanks Sheila,tell me about it! I plan on voting for Jill Stein snce Stein and the Green Party are on the ballot this year!

Robert Forrest

I looked into her other interviews and they are very professional. So I though she must have a sponsor. So I looked into her, broadcasts on conscious comsumer network. Witch is tied to CNN. So that maybe the hold up, on all of this. Maybe?

Sheila Clark

That could very well be. As you know CNN wants nothing to do with those that don’t support Hillary. Hearing that Hillary will be as bad as Bush doesn’t sit well with their elect Hillary campaign. I watch CNN sometimes when I need a good laugh as they are such a joke.

Terry Carch

Well Sheila guess what “I DON`T lisen or even watch the news anymore sice they are ALL a bunch of soorry jokes,what else is New?”

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry, how do you know what’s going on in the world?

Terry carch

Hi Sheila, I do check in here and there since all I really want to know is the weather but mostly I`ll check in every so often when there is a commercial on a another channel if I serf around to look for something else to watch while the commercials are on my channel such as Star Trek TNG or mostly if there is a commercial on I usually watch Classic Arts Showcase while the commercials are going then I switch back to Star Trek TNG,after all who wants to be interuped with a stupid TV commercial!:-(

Diane Magsig

It sounds like some one has been paying attention; and, did not like such freedom of information being available to the masses.

Robert Forrest

When I looked up her other interviews. The first thing I though was, how does a 16yr old get access to all of these folks. Then I noticed that she does tv interviews. She is being groomed for the future of tv and radio. She is being paid for her talents as an interviewer. Because she is there to bring in the kids into the fold. I am not saying she is bad or anything like that. But she is under the thumb of the indursty. My guess is that they let her freelance a bit, as part of her grooming. I also think that is why they do not want adults around. To upset the apple cart.

Adrian Martinez

Am I the only one that still doesn’t understand what happened? She said the comments were disrespectful? What does that really mean? What was her point of putting up a 2 sec video of a screen shot of comments that had nothing to do with being disrespectful? Then the video is put back on her YouTube channel with the comments disabled. I’m not getting it…

Terry Carch

MH was the interview with Natlie-Marie cut short for the fianl interview with her? Thanks.

Robert Forrest

I still feel that she will come around at some point. That she might see, how much the indursty is trying to avoid Billy. Much like any young person, when told that they can not do something. They suddenly become interested. As things start to unfold she will see the truth. Perhaps then she will pay attention. If she does, we may not see her on any networks. That’s the way the game is played. She may not know that yet.

Adrian Martinez

The beauty about this day and age is that she doesn’t need anyone’s help to do a podcast by herself. Anyone of us can do it…and I think MH would be an ideal candidate to start one about the Meier material. A lot of people would listen and I doubt he’d have any problems getting guests.

Gordon Barnes

Yes Adrian Michael does put out some well thought out and inspirational video’s in the past and has had a few websites put out his material.

Adrian Martinez

I’m just saying he would then have a place for those that want to challenge the case to come and debate it…I really think it’s important to have those that have doubts to hear the facts, especially against those that claim they can debunk the case, instead of reading a YouTube comment saying the Meier material has been debunked many times. When in reality it has not ever been debunked. Plus in between the debates he can really focus on what this case is really all about..the spiritual teaching.


There is a scientist\doctor by the name of David Noakes, who had to move his laboratory from England to Switzerland because in England the DHSS would not allow him to produce what is called GcMAF. A protein that is created in our body that basically cleans up the garbage. He was having great success with this product for cancer patients and Autistic children working a with Dr. James Bradstreet who was found dead later to a Gunshot wound to the chest……they called it suicide. Shortly there after David Noakes Laboratory was shutdown. Now wherever Mr. Noakes tries to post anything to the medical journals online concerning his work with GcMAF, he states it is taken down within minutes if not seconds of it being posted. The reason I bring this up is to point out that they are watching certain “parties” in this case MH that are a threat to their belief system. Technical difficulties, I doubt it, I think it’s more difficulties with the truth getting out to more new young people and there are terrified of this.

Sheila Clark

Considering that medical journals are run by groups who do no vetting or peer review, it’s not much of a loss that it’s not being printed in them. Tell him to come to Alberta as we still have in our provincial laws, the right to seek alternative medicine.


Hey Sheila, Would they allow him to open a lab to produce this Product? I’ve sent emails to the minister of Health but they never reply. Their elected now, so what do they care. The funny thing is Dr. Philpott is a Physician, maybe we need to start running for office and start making the changes from within.

Terry Carch

Joe You brought up a very good point about Switzerland be a god haven for thoses people who want to avoid those nefarious shill who willzerland do anything to cut us off, maby even ki8ll off those good doctors and scientisits they don`t like etc. Maby we should ALL move to Switzerland too so that the “powers that be cam`t shut us down!

Terry carch

Sorry aboiut the typo god,I ment good not god and the word sorry not sorry> I tend to type alittle fast because I hate to type, find typing and using the mouse a pain in the neck. When are we going to use touch screen pcs and voice activated pcs too like they do with apps?


Hey Terry, But they did shut him down in Switzerland, who knows there’s probably someone there who’s part of the Good Old Boys Club that wants to keep us living in the dark and ignorant.

Matthew Reed


I look forward to hearing about your attempts to bring the Meier material to Richard Dolan and The Mirage Men. I hope I’m proved wrong, but I’m willing to bet they were less than receptive? I’ve tried reaching out to Richard Dolan many times, but to no avail.

Jacobus Kotze

Mike, you said earlier that, “I have yet to get an actual explanation for the removal of the video.”

Well, to be frank, way too much truth, not nearly enough BS. I think somewhere in the cloud a BS alarm bell goes off wherever BS is seriously lacking. Maybe if you spoke about hybrid alien babies and shape-shifting reptoids feasting on human liver and whatnot, I think you would’ve been given the A-OK by the fashion police.

Lets take Mark Anthony the Physic Lawyer(interviewed by Natalie) and look at how much he scores on the BS- scale of things. 98% bs, 2% accidental truth. Which is actually the ideal ratio if you want to keep it safe, steady popular and profitable. Just my two cents.

Sheila Clark

Haha I just watched the same interview and I totally agree. Your grandma liked to dance. No she didn’t dance. Into UFOs? No but grandfather used to talk about them although she never met her grandfather. He saw the ring on her finger then described it lol. Small dog. Yes my neighbour has a small dog. Whose neighbour doesn’t have a small dog? Grandma liked sharing Oreos. Whose grandma didn’t share Oreos? Dieting – more fruit although Billy claims eating too much fruit is counter active to losing weight. Ringing in the ears? Maybe. Peanut allergy? No. His advice that she could choke on peanut butter was borderline retarded. Grandfather had mouth/teeth issues. She never met her grandfather. Mabel? No. May? No. 16? Wow did he read on her blog that she was 16? Greasy lawyers nowadays. Wasn’t that lovely how he talked about investigating sexual crimes. How inappropriate was that speaking to a 16 year old? Epic fail. Btw Jacobus you nailed it on the 2% accuracy rate.