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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Another Clueless “UFO Expert”

Nick Pope attacks Billy Meier UFO case – but admits he knows nothing about it

Oh, when will it end? The UFO field is certainly the least scientific, credible and professional field of study, as Nick Pope again demonstrates. If there were any doubts that the field is filled with charlatans, frauds, phonies, incompetents, profiteers, etc., Pope eliminates them.

While the outlandish claims and sensationalized, evidence-less tales have made UFOlogy little more than a grotesque mish-mash of tabloid quality drivel, Pope simply…bores us to death with dead-end, 5th hand information that he dispenses as a supposed “UFO expert”, while cockily demonstrating gross ineptitude.

Not surprisingly, Pope has zero actual, testable evidence to bring to the table for his own cause.

Despite his background with the British Government’s UFO Project, there is no need to be concerned that he’s an agent provocateur, as his very earnestly irrelevant, self-satisfying, bookish concerns pose no risk, saving the intelligence services the effort of having to ply, pay and provide him with such boringly insignificant material.

The Sock Drawer Beckons

During a recent appearance on C2C*, with George Noory, he haughtily attempts to be dismissive of the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO case but only succeeds in coming off as clueless and completely uninformed and, like the rest of the skeptics of the Meier case, abysmally cowardly. When Noory suggests debating me, Pope slaps the suggestion away; in a cute avoidance of such a confrontation he mutters something about attending to his socks instead.

Of course, the most useful thing would be if he stuffed them in his mouth, and hoped that they magically covered the two feet of his that preceded them.

Unlike some of the other hapless skeptics, who’ve let their mouths lead them into troubled waters, Pope is simply a dismal academic who understands not a whit about real research…or he would have at least tried his hand at investigating the Meier case.

As I told him in an email, “I’ve been getting flooded with emails about your C2C appearance where you chickened out of George’s suggestion that you debate me on the Billy Meier case. Hey, honestly…I don’t blame you. While you and all the hucksters milk the UFO cash cow – while you still can – the singular authenticity of the Meier case is now indisputable (as if it ever wasn’t). Have yourself a lovely day and if the desire for truth ever compels you to man up, as they say over here, do feel free to get in touch.”

I sent him a few links** that any credible investigator would, upon review, find quite compelling. But, Pope keeps his record of blissful ignorance intact, proudly ignoring them, his sock drawer beckoning and reminding him that discretion really is the better part of valor, lest one reveal themselves to be yet another yipping, toothless ankle biter. His lack of interest in, and response to, Joe Tysk’s brilliantly clear assessment of the ironclad authenticity of the Meier case tells us that Pope knows better than to venture into waters that rise so many leagues above his head.

As the Time Fulfills

As the time fulfills, the clumsy clowns of the UFO industry try to keep the circus going. But they too will have to face the reality and the difficulties that are beginning to descend upon humankind and the planet. The jokers and jesters, along with the rest of the rip-off artists and disinformation and distraction agents, and the pedants like Pope have had their far-too-long a day, trampling on and obscuring the singular truth, betraying humankind in the process.

*This link may not remain accessible.


Billy Meier UFO Case: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Ironclad Evidence Billy Meier UFO Case Real

It’s 1964 All Over Again



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Hi Michael, beautifully written…
Enjoy your day buddy

Ned Duke

Nice to know his important opinion. I also like how the standards for contact went way down since Meier came out as there aren’t many day time low level clear pictures of UFOs. Maybe folks missed it with their devotion to religious thinking mistaking contact to becoming this big religious event where only the most important people and titles are given front row.

Well, maybe folks have had their head in the sock drawer for too long. After all, the vast majority of the people here don’t make millions of dollars or travel the world doing lecture tours about their Crappy Emotional – 5 initiatives. Also, it’s nice to know some folks that do claim to be in some form of CE-# contact don’t get fielded the tough questions Meier or Mike does. Why doesn’t “aliens” field a Q&A session with their supposed contacts like Meier does? Etc.

Jonathan Wade

Phil Schneider remains, to me, the key exception / anomaly amongst “UFO experts.” As far as I’m aware he’s the only person (MH excepted) who pointed to the Meier case as truthful and testified that it was the “real deal.”

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

I Agree Jonathon, In watching and reading all of the “Schneider” material over the past 10 years , it appears that the “brainwashing ” effect from the Gov Reps was only half done and Phil still had the capacity to let out the truth in some things , others …….not so much (brainwashed). Its why he seemed so ………………….IMO….. unstable. Not to mention the Intervention of his death.

Jonathan Wade

Thanks Wayne. I hadn’t thought of that. That’s a really good hypotheses and if true could explain a lot.

Much appreciated.


John Webster

This past year I’ve had some email communication with Paul Hellyer, a man of 94 years who has experience in the ufo conference circuit.
Earlier this year I emailed MH to ask if he’d ever crossed paths with Mr. Hellyer. MH’s reply was, “Hi John, I wish you good luck with this. I actually did meet him a couple of years ago at an event in Canada. Nice guy, a bit religious, seems to have been completely misled by the disinformation by the usual suspects, i.e. “exopolitics”, etc. Please feel free to send him all the info re ISIS, the Henoch Prophecies, the coming Italian
disaster, the blog about wandering black Holes, etc. etc., etc. If he can just get a clue it would be wonderful.”
So, I will offer this link – – of a recent interview with Mr. Hellyer and if anyone cares to listen, then I ask for feedback. Personally, I feel that if Mr. Hellyer turned his attention toward the Meier case and learned of the authenticity, he could possibly become a worthy asset to ‘the mission’.

Sheila Clark

Yes he could be John and as MH said, he has tried to give him Billy’s info. I have also had email exchanges with Paul Helyer as well as meeting him at the same event as MH. Good luck but don’t hold your breath.

John Webster

Great to to read your reply, Sheila. Thank you. <3

John Webster

It goes without saying, I have no authority over how MH conducts himself re: relations with the ufo / exopolitics ‘experts’. That said, there obviously seems to be some ‘smoldering coals’ between individuals on the Meier side vs the so-called ‘experts’ in the field of ufology etc. With respect to the 12 recommendations in the ‘spiritual teachings’ that might relate to this comment, I would hope for the best outcomes between both ‘camps’. It bothers me somewhat [though it would never wreck my day] that I receive a final reply from Nick Pope:
” I’ve just realized that your correspondence seems to have been prompted by
my statement – on Coast to Coast – that I wasn’t a supporter of the Billy
Meier hoax, and I assume this is “the best, irrefutable, ongoing case on
planet Earth” you referred to in a previous email. Sadly, I had an email
from Michael Horn written in exactly the kind of sneering, point-scoring
‘this is the only truth’ tone that shows precisely* why* the whole Billy
Meier fraud is regarded as a cult.

I said earlier that while I still comment on this subject in the media, I
don’t have time to get into protracted public correspondence. With
apologies, therefore, I’m going to have to draw a line under these email
exchanges. I genuinely wish you well, but please don’t waste your time and
mine by writing again, because no further correspondence will be entered

Best wishes,
Nick Pope

John Webster

Speaking of ‘sharing the throne’ in the realm of ufo ‘experts’ . . I don’t participate online with twitter or LinkedIn, but Canada’s high and mighty profiteer, Chris Rutkowski, prefers to use the and LinkedIn platforms. Recently, he has played some sort of ‘official’ role in this recent, ‘never gonna get anywhere’ report:

‘Chris Rutkowski@ufologyresearch – New #UFO report noted by Transport Canada: On March 26, 2022, at about 5 pm local time, a “bright phenomenon in the sky” over the east side of Vancouver Island was reported to Kamloops Airport, then passed to NORAD.’

I’d be surprised if the likes of Nick Pope and Rutkowski haven’t collaborated as ‘experts’ in the all important [wink wink] field of ‘ufo research’, simply to inform the world OF NOTHING!

I’ve been listening to a number of your past online interviews, Michael. For what it’s worth, Jack Thompson stands out front in my ratings, Gary Anderson less so. For the most part, in the interest of gaining comparatives, [“No!” to Noory and company] I like to examine how each interviewer interacts with you, and what the flow of informational exchange might be. They all do differ in various degrees, based on any foreknowledge of the Meier case, hence the questions asked of you. Admittedly, I do not make it a daily/nightly routine to scour the internet on the ufo topic . . now that a spiritual message holds more import. However, last night I did give ear to a UFO HUB webcast #6 interview Nov. 8, 2021. I’m not quite sure who the interviewer was, but overall, he did seem to lean more toward fishing for the ‘nuts ‘n’ bolts’ specifics of Plejaren vehicles. Generally, many interviewers, with an exception of Jack Thompson, don’t question much on the spiritual teaching.

John Webster

I appreciate your reply, I consider it healthily justified. I’m much looking forward to Oct 17th.

John Webster

Nick Pope quotes:
“The skeptics have to be right every day, but the believers only have to be right once.”

“One can think of extraterrestrial visitation as being the ultimate low probability high impact event.”

“Questions such as whether or not we’re alone in the Universe and whether or not we’re being visited are some of the biggest and most profound questions we can ask.”

“The UFO community talks about Disclosure, but it all depends on what there is to disclose. Governments have already released a lot of fascinating documents on the subject, but there’s no smoking gun, so we’ve already had disclosure, but with a little d, not a big D.”

“I’ve seen no evidence that the government has an alien spacecraft hidden away in an air force hangar somewhere. If they do, I wasn’t told about it, and I would have known.”

Sheila Clark

Just so you know John, I talked to a retired Canadian military man who did see a UFO in a Canadian military base in the early ’50s. A few years ago Popular Mechanics had a picture of a UFO on the front cover, which was named the Avro Aero. I mailed it to him and when I saw him again he said that’s what he saw.

John Webster

Uhhh, methinks I should clarify a bit –….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.8.876…0i131k1.0.W6Tl95RjmgM – and then there is the other non ufo jet aircraft [Avro Arrow] that was politically / militarily scrapped in 1958. –

Sarah Jones

Nick Pope is a Money making Charlatan.
I have his book and he has a photograph of
Billy Meier UFO in there and admits the Meier
Case is real.

He didn’t talk about Meier, just added his pic
and his book was PRO UFO. he wasn’t saying
one single case was a hoax.

Perhaps he was just using Meiers case as a stepping stone to just think of as many UFO cases as he can and declare them all true as a way to promote his book and get a book deal.
His book was marketed as PRO UFO.
it sells good to the gullible people!

maybe deep down, he doesn’t believe any UFO stories.