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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Dumb as Dirt and in Denial

There are real people who’ve been victimized by the profiteering psychopaths, for whom human life means nothing

At a time when there’s very little to laugh about, the temptation to view the following headline as a bit of satire…should be resisted.

Israel begins fourth Covid-19 dose vaccine rollout for people 60 and over as Omicron cases surge

“Those eligible for the fourth dose can receive it provided at least four months have passed since the third dose, it said. In Israel, almost all vaccinated citizens have received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.”

Billy Meier wrote the following, onย July 30, 2021:

“First, many people fall victim to this time and again, and second, vaccinated people suffer from long-term damage to their health, which can last a lifetime.

Then in the fifth place it must be mentioned that the antibodies resulting from the vaccination dissipate already after 3 to 4 months โ€“ at the latest, however, after 8 to 10 months โ€“ consequently a subsequent vaccination, and then again and all over again and again a vaccination is necessary, as already explained by Sfath in 1947.”

Morons on the March

Here’s information that’s really big news…to the clueless and utter incompetents:

Could THIS explain one of the mysteries surrounding long Covid?

But let’s make it easier for them and they may eventually figure it out:



Once again, I refer you to our:

New Online COVID Test

See number 25, for information about what’s now called Long COVID. Search: recovery

We’re dealing with people who in their infinite wisdom – or nakedly unconcealed genocidal impulses – think they know the best way to bring a deadly, ever-mutating, highly contagious, airborne disease to a halt. In simple terms:

US officials recommend shorter COVID isolation, quarantine

That’s right, shorter.ย Because we’ve allowed the most stupid people to “lead”, naturally they will defy the recommendations of the source of the most accurate information, Billy Meier and the Plejaren, who spelled it out quite clearly, on February 25, 2020:

  • Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months

Well kids, the fact is that there’s so little actual intelligence out there; the masses, who can’t think for themselves, are dumb as dirt and in denial.

Take a deep breath and contemplate that the vaccinated are the main disease spreaders, as well as carriers of a potentially deadly, medically unproven substance, who account for about 4/5 of the COVID deaths now.

So, just take it in stride with a smile on your face. And, even if you’re tempted, don’t go grabbing people and try to shake them awake. The only thing likely to happen is that those crap-for-brains-craniums will just disgorge the loosely-contained mess all over the place.

Sadly, there are real people who’ve been victimized by the profiteering psychopaths, for whom human life means nothing:

And, despite the rude awakening Sarah must be experiencing, there has been no response. So we can only send our best wishes, for what looks like another vaxtastrophe.


Billy Wilson provided a link to this article, which has, among other interesting things, this:

“A major point of this study was comparing SARS-CoV-2 to the coronavirus behind the 2003 SARS outbreak, known as SARS-CoV. The findings help explain why while the first outbreak led to much higher fatality rates and lasted only eight months, we’re about to surpass the two-year mark of the current pandemic, with a majority of cases being asymptomatic, Liu said.”

As we also published, on February 25, 2020:

  • Spread by asymptomatic people; throughย air, breath, clothing, etc.ย 


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Gordon Barnes

I have over the past two weeks had neighbours near me either suddenly come down with shingles and one person got diagnosed with leukaemia four days after getting his third jab of astrovenica. Coincidence I think not myself.