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Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

How “No-Maskers” Helped Bring Bio-chip Enslavement a Step Closer

Ironically, the deep-in-denial, all-about-me crowd, with their “Don’t take away my freedoms!” – an otherwise well-justified rallying cry – are helping to bring it about

Six Essential Behavioural Recommendations from Plejaren

I will let the following information speak for itself.

The Coming Global Financial Crash and Cashless Society

First, consider that it’s been the defiant, illogical, childish, uninformed, immature “no-maskers”, with their misplaced concerns about their “freedoms being taken away”, who’ve actually brought that loss of freedom a step closer.

Had they locked down, worn masks when outside for necessary services, etc., they would’ve helped to contain, control and conquer the disease. But the brain-dead simply didn’t want to take the time to…think and realize that if they aren’t exposed to a highly communicable pathogen, by staying home, and if they are wearing effective protective masks should they have to go out…the’r chances of contracting the disease – and really losing their freedoms and possibly their lives – would’ve been reduced to almost…nothing.

Ironically, the deep-in-denial, all-about-me crowd, with their “Don’t take away my freedoms!” – an otherwise well-justified rallying cry – are helping to bring it about.

Information recently sent to me by someone with expertise in the financial and banking world:

“Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society.

She believes the passport system was manufactured to bring about a financial reset, replacing our failing fiat currency system. Trillions of dollars are owed to banks and there’s no way to pay it back.

Because passports are crucial for the implementation of this new financial system, mandatory vaccination of all citizens, young and old, will be imperative for the plan to succeed.

 >>>To prevent this new system from being introduced all people need do is not comply.<<< 

It is my view however that Compliance WILL be made to be COMPULSORY, eventually!

The fear mongers will push a narrative so insidious and pernicious that the vast majority of the sheeple will not have the emotional and psychical strength to stand up and defend their rights!

Woe Betide the one who fails to comply will be the running narrative.

It will begin to fall 3 Feb 2029 and collapse thru 2033~2035

To Comply, or Not to Comply – that is the question!

Accept Totalitarianism or Choose Democracy!

Choose Love, Freedom and Rights or accept Fear, Restrictions, Oppression!”

The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place

From Contact Report 625:

The horrendous Lies of the Authorities, Bankers, Economists and ‘Economic Practices’ as well as the screaming naivety and thoughtlessness of the Masses of People lead to total Surveillance and Expropriation – Horror visions become Reality

“The battle against cash has begun” (Michael Rasch, NZZ 22.5.2015); “The Trojan horse – frontal attack on ‘coined freedom'”, “The surveillance state lurks: Der gläserne Finanzbürger nahen” (Ramin Peymani), “Münzen und Geldscheine sind ein Anachronismus” (Peter Bofinger), “Bargeld braucht nur deine Oma und der Bankräuber” (Slogan of the Swedish cash opponents), “Ökonomen fordern die Abschaffung des Bargeldes” (Börse aktuell); “Der Negativzins steht für eine irrsinnige Welt” (Michael Rasch, NZZ 29.5.2015). Such and similar headlines in paper and online newspapers refer to the hard-hitting intentions of the authorities, bankers, economists and so-called ‘economic experts’ – what a silly name – to take away the most popular means of payment – namely cash – from the people by hypocritical and dishonest means and to turn them, the human beings, into transparent and manipulated citizens and finally to expropriate them.

Manfred Petritsch, alias ‘freeman’, who himself worked in the financial and investment banking sector and now enlightens readers about the machinations of the ‘rip-off elite’ in his extremely interesting blog ‘Alles Schall und Rauch’, wrote already at the end of 2011 under the title ‘Monti wants to turn Italy into a cashless society’ about the dangers and debt accumulation by banks and via credit cards.See Alles Schall und Rauch

On 18th April 2014, at the 585th official contact, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) and Jschwisch Ptaah talked, among other things, about the creeping abolition of cash and the intended total surveillance of Earth human beings. The two gentlemen could have spoken about this much earlier, because they know the future and know what horrible misery will befall us earthlings if we do not finally see through the intentions and machinations of the so-called ‘economic elite’, the powerful and rulers and their ‘servants and henchmen’ and put an inglorious end to them. Whereas in earlier times the statements were merely prophecies, the effects of which could still have been changed by correct thinking and action, the longer they go on, the more they turn into predictions. (In this context see also ‘Enoch’s Prophecies’, ‘Predictions of the Prophets Jeremiah and Elijah’, ‘What is to be proclaimed comprehensively for the Third Millennium in prophetic and predictive terms …’, ‘Warnings to all Governments of Europe! (1958); documents mostly available as PDF under ‘download’). Billy and Ptaah’s words were published in FIGU Special Bulletin No. 79 of July 2014, but shall be repeated for corroboration:

Billy:“… But I have another question, and that is regarding credit cards, which are being used more and more. Could it be that credit cards are a way of eventually getting cash out of official circulation altogether? By this I don’t mean that cash will be abolished and a moneyless form will emerge, as you have with you. Rather, it seems to me that this is precisely what is being worked towards, so that money will only exist in the banks and thus human beings can be controlled in a total way with regard to cash as well as possessions, goods and assets.”

Ptaah:“You are really grasping the whole thing before anything is officially made noisy about it, because in fact this is exactly what is being worked towards in a secret way by the banks and the financial powers of various states. In this way, Earth human beings are ultimately to be controlled in a totalitarian way, down to the smallest piece of money and also in terms of taxation, and financially exploited with more and more compulsory levies. The whole thing is therefore not aimed at creating a system without money, but in reality only to bring about total control of Earth human beings with regard to their money, possessions and assets. Such total control, as well as total surveillance of every human being, is especially sought by the EU.”

Billy:“The control chip that has been announced since the 1960s, which is to be implanted in every human being, which will then contain all their birth, illness, life and social data, etc., in order to monitor them in a totalitarian way and to be able to determine exactly where they are at any given moment, down to the centimetre. To a certain extent, this is already being done with dogs and cats as well as with other pets and even with wild animals. Finally, there is the last horror vision of mental surveillance and control, that is, that the thoughts and feelings of human beings are also controlled, as well as their desires, needs, wishes, actions, deeds and behaviour. And if it really comes to that, this mental control, as certain visions of the future have been depicting since the 1960s and even since time immemorial, then the human being will be completely robbed of his personal freedom by those in power in the governments. And indeed, for some time now, many things have been pointing to the fact that everything is moving towards the visions. When I think of the EU, it has been carrying out dictatorial measures and methods to suppress democracy since its very beginning, whereby the state powers subjugate every political, social and cultural life in its entirety according to the leader principle of all dictators, such as Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussain, Ceaucescu, etc., and regulate everything and anything by force.”

Ptaah:“It is not there yet, but you are right that the overall development is moving in that direction in terms of totalitarian control, surveillance and oppression of Earth human beings, just as ancient prophecies set it out.”

Of course, total surveillance does not happen from one day to the next, but is successively planned over decades, even if it looks to the uninitiated as if something is completely new. What is often not noticed or negated is the fact that everything is connected by the law of causality. Everything that moves in the universe – and everything does move – has an influence on everything else and knows about everything else (see also ‘Existent Life in the Universe’, Billy, FIGU, Aquarian Time Publishing).For millennia, ways and means have been sought again and again to manipulate the foot people and make them compliant. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, certain narrow-minded politicians and ‘economic wise men’ (e.g. Peter Bofinger, who received the ‘toilet seat’ from Ramin Peymani for his proposal to abolish cash) seem to have found a way via negative interest rates, especially in the EU dictatorship and its vassals, the Swiss government and the EU turbos – not the people! The SNB (Swiss National Bank) and the central banks want to ‘tax’ money via negative interest rates. However, negative interest can only be levied on account balances. So it is: “The (cash) money must go!” The transparent citizen sends his regards.Have you already thought about what it would mean for you to no longer have any small change or banknotes in your wallet? Only one or more credit cards that you have to use for all your payments? What would it be like for you if the police arrested you and searched your flat or house because you wanted to pay a larger amount in cash? Some short-sighted among you will probably shrug their shoulders now and think: “So what?, I do not care, I do not have any money anyway. Besides, it is much easier, then nothing can be stolen from me either – and the state knows everything about me anyway.” Of course, organised crime and money laundering can also be made more difficult, but anyone who assumes that these corrupt regimes and mafia organisations would not find ways and means to smuggle their illegally acquired assets into the legal financial and economic cycle is probably mistaken. Moreover, should these indisputable advantages (for the state) really be weighted higher than our individual freedom?

Please go through some actions in your head that you always do with cash. For example, how will you ‘tip’ your newspaper carrier at the end of the year in the future? Do you make a transfer so that he can be taxed? How do you resolve the regular contribution to your granddaughter and/or grandson or someone else you like, e.g. your mistress or lover? How do you make it clear to the tax authorities that this is not a reportable employment relationship, but a noble supportive gesture? Do you want to have to constantly justify to the state why you spend money on this and that? Do you want to be under constant pressure to explain yourself, to justify yourself? Moreover, and very importantly, have you already thought about how you will pay in the event of a power cut? (Interesting in this context is the book ‘Black-out – Tomorrow it’s too late’, techno-thriller by Marc Elsberg).What about gold? Would gold also be banned as a means of payment? And jewellery and other so-called valuables? Would you even want to save money if you were only taxed with negative interest rates and other levies? What about compulsory expropriations if the state, with its horrendous mountain of debt, needed money and chose you to pay part of it? Or the municipality wants to house refugees in your flat or house? Does the idea that the refugee family of ten will spread out in your house and you will be compensated with a cellar hole – if at all – give you a good feeling? Interesting and frightening at the same time what is happening in Sweden and can be read at the link Schweden: Zwangsenteignung von Eigentumsimmobilien für Asylanten?.(Fortunately, we have a partial democracy in Switzerland; and so I very much hope that the sensible and reasonable as well as forward-thinking voting citizens will prevent excesses of the SNB and the state at the ballot box).What comes next when the state exercises sovereignty over our finances? Does it also want sovereignty over our thoughts, feelings and actions? Credit cards and other cards are already equipped with RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification = identification with the help of electromagnetic waves). We can be located via our smartphones/mobile phones. So an RFID (EU) dictatorship chip in the head? The authorities will then determine what you think, who you are with, what job you do, who you marry and what you will or will not do. A horror vision. (See also excerpt from Contact 512, in FIGU Special Bulletin No. 60

Already in FIGU Bulletin No. 2, of May 1995! writes ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier, BEAM under the title ‘Surveillance Systems’ among other things the following:

“… The DSP* surveillance system of the Americans is also the first step towards the future horror vision of the total control of Earth human beings. A vision which expresses that Earth human beings will soon no longer be able to take a step without being observed and controlled by an all-encompassing surveillance system, whereby human beings will be implanted with a code chip through which total control will become possible, whereby the human being will no longer be able to be unobserved and uncontrolled in any way, not even in his most private and intimate activities. In Europe, the vision shows, the all-encompassing surveillance centre is to be located in Brussels, directed and controlled by the Europa-Union (European Union), as it calls itself today, in whose secret sense it also lies to establish a form of dictatorship, from which the total surveillance of the citizen will then result. – A horror vision that is beginning to be realised more and more and is recognisable to anyone who still observes the world with open eyes. But also a horror vision that heralds the ‘New World Order’, which since time immemorial has been linked to the prophecy that the ‘beast with the number 666’ will exercise its mighty power. A prophecy and vision about which I intend to report in a responsible form in the FIGU Bulletin, among many other important things about which Earth human beings should be oriented.”

If all the foregoing and what else you can think of still does not concern you, or – even worse – you even agree with it, it is useful to address freedom and its effective meaning again. Freedom is not only being able to choose and decide between different possibilities without constraint and not being trapped, etc., but freedom is a state of consciousness. True freedom implies independence from burdensome things, whether physical or psychological, but also freedom from constraints of one’s own or others’ nature. Freedom also includes, among other things, the freedom of self-determination and the freedom to use reason and understanding, etc. True freedom is an inner freedom that belongs to the human mental block (mental block = consciousness, thoughts, feelings and psyche). In other words, the human being builds and nourishes his freedom in consciousness through his thoughts, their feelings and the psyche. Obeying the laws and commandments of human beings enables the human being to endure a threatening or simply unpleasant condition and to make the best of it for himself without despair. However, if a chip is implanted in the human being’s head through which his own thoughts are overridden, his evolution of consciousness stagnates – he becomes a dictatorship puppet. Is that what you want?

The powerful and the rulers are very clever. They shamelessly exploit the joy of innovation and technology as well as the urge to play and research, but also the delusion of faith, the belief in authority, the need for dependency, the envy of food, the degenerated joy of childbearing, the hurriedness, the unwillingness to learn, the laziness to think, the forgetfulness, the stupidity, the indifference, the ignorance, the comfort and the latent autism – especially of the younger generation – laughing shamelessly in their own favour. – And they thus achieve their goal, which they are dangerously close to for the ‘normal’ Earth human beings. The ladies and gentlemen of authority and all others of the same or similar colour have been suffering from the same symptoms since time immemorial: they are partly sick in their consciousness, do not abide by any creative laws and commandments (commandments = recommendations), futile about justice and interpret ethics in their own depraved or false-human sense. Such human beings are either completely naïve and somehow stupid, or then unfeeling and compassionate psychopaths of varying degrees. If they have a goal in mind, they pursue it at whatever cost to others. However, they are not only unfeeling, uncompassionate, fearless and ruthless, but also extremely clever, charming, winning and endowed with an extraordinary capacity for thought (see FIGU Special Bulletin

No. 72 ‘How to recognise a human being as a psychopath’, Billy.
The following statement by Ptaah from the 567th official contact from the 6th of July 2013 points to the ‘noble’ character of many Suggestive Impulse recipients and the lust for power and destruction of the military rulers and the powerful, which should be mentioned to substantiate what I have said. (The whole of what has been discussed in this regard can be read in FIGU Bulletin No. 83.)

Ptaah:“All that you have said is correct; and unfortunately it is indeed the case that Earth human beings always tend to use everything for might, for harassment and for destruction, etc. It is true that we sent impulses to all those who received suggestive impulses from us due to development and progress, in each individual case also impulses which were directed towards a peaceful use of all new developments, but those in power and those in military power and other powerful forces worked against this. And unfortunately the researchers, scientists, inventors and developers always let themselves be beguiled by them, consequently, out of much that we put into the capable of research, science and development for the good of Earth human beings through unconscious suggestive impulses for development and progress, in the end a great deal was created that only brought death and destruction. And this is what happened with regard to all technology of every kind, physics, chemistry, medicine and all other sciences. In fact, the knowledge gained and developments made by Earth human beings in all fields over the last 170 years would only have come about in the first centuries of the Third Millennium without our suggestive-impulsive aid to development and progress. Unfortunately, however, all researchers, scientists and developers who were involved in our suggestive impulses were either corrupt, greedy for profit, naive or so weak in self-confidence that they bowed to the demands of the powerful. However, it is also to be said that various ones were coerced by the ruling, powerful and criminal elements, while others simply feared for their lives and therefore submitted to the will of the rulers and the military, etc.”

In connection with technology it is worth mentioning – which is already evident from Ptaah’s statement above – that it was the Plejaren who, during the past 170 years (from 1844 onwards), provided the earthly researchers, scientists, inventors and developers with suggestive impulse aids to speed up the whole development enormously. (In the 585th official contact from the 18th of April 2014, Ptaah explains why the Plejaren gave apparatus-hypnotic development impulses to selected scientists. [Full text to be read in FIGU Special Bulletin No. 79, July 2014.]) Without these unconscious suggestive impulses for development and progress, the human beings of the Earth would still be without electronics, without nuclear power and without good medicine, schooling, etc. – and without today’s danger of total electronic surveillance. (Whereby it must be said that the surveillance, denunciation and the monstrous outrages of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition – which has continued since the beginning of the 13th century until today – are for the time being only far surpassed in their viciousness, brutality and disgracefulness by the IS, the ‘Islamist State’).

Everything always has two sides, a positive and a negative, i.e. everything can always be used both positively and negatively. If the positive degenerates, it is just as negative as if the negative degenerates. Just as the car only becomes an instrument of murder when the driver uses it to drive a human being to death, the networked computer only becomes a damaging instrument because of the programmes that are created, loaded into the computer and executed by wrong-thinking and vile human beings. It is always the human beings with their degenerate thinking who abuse a technology, it is not the technology per se.

How is it even possible that it could come to this that even the NZZ on the 29th of May 2015 in its column ‘Börsen und Märkte’ (stock exchanges and markets) in an article by Michael Rasch (NZZ head of stock exchanges) with the title ‘Der Negativzins steht für eine irrsinnige Welt’ (Negative interest stands for an insane world), subtitle ‘Grosse Bedenken gegen das Verbot von Bargeld und Ideen zu seiner Besteuerung’ (Big misgivings about banning cash and ideas about taxing it), and in the text itself speaks of financial repression and alienating thinking?On whom or what can Earth human beings shift the responsibility for what they are now facing? On a god? Or to the coincidence so beloved of scientists? Not at all. Everything that is going on is the human beings’ own fault. Assuming that the Earth’s population of 529 million human beings were a reality (Earth’s population on 31.12.2014, 00:00 hrs = 8,532,048,007 human beings), would it then occur to anyone to harass their fellow human beings, torture them, slit their throats, rob them of their possessions, goods and assets, and want to totally monitor and manipulate them? Hardly. So all evil is fundamentally due to our massive overpopulation and the stupidity of human beings in not containing it and in not turning to the creative laws and commandments. The human being personally provides the causes for his condition, for ultimately everything is fulfilled on the basis of causality, i.e. the creative-natural law of cause and effect. Causality is by no means the product of chance, but is the law of cause and effect, which means that a cause gives rise to consequential processes that fit together seamlessly and consequently become the providence that subsequently forms the effect. In the entire universe, the universal system of law and order is at work, to which the creative-natural law of causality also belongs.

Causality as a factor of cause and effect is formed by the creative-natural laws and commandments in such a way that its effects or results work in moral, psychic and physical as well as in action, deed, ideas, thoughts and feelings, but also in all other possible areas. The law of causation is not such that the causes and effects as such are determined by creation, but that these are created by the human being himself – and by all life-forms as well as by everything that exists universally and by all events that come into being. (See ‘Teaching Scripture for the Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Spirit, Teaching of Life’, Billy/ BEAM, FIGU, Aquarian Time Publishing House).The primordial law of all existence, which also includes the law of causality, cannot be brought down, because even before the Big Bang, Creation Universal Consciousness had ‘thought up’ or ‘coded’ all creative laws and commandments spiritually over trillions of years. This ‘code’, which consists of fine-material-spirit-energy-physical impulses, contains everything concerning cause and effect, but not the causes themselves; these come, as it were, from ‘outside the code’ – thus, as already mentioned above, through all life-forms as well as through everything that exists universally and through all events that come into being. However, they have an effect on the ‘code’, because every energy, every particle, every thought, every action, every word, every feeling and every impulse are causes and trigger very specific effects. The causes produce movement and cause everything that comes out of them to be directed in certain directions and produce effects that are determined by the causes.What is going on now, i.e. the frontal attack on our cash, the intended total surveillance and expropriation, is an effect of all the preceding causes, fusions and effects, which in turn became causes. Without all the (religious) wars, the corrupt, murderous and dictatorial elements, the national debts, the massive overpopulation, etc., etc., we would not have the condition we find ourselves in now. Consequently, the danger of the abolition of cash, negative interest rates, surveillance, expropriation, etc. cannot be considered individually.The following list names facts of the current world reality (= causes) with an increasing tendency, whether they are seen or perceived as such or not; they are a fact. How do these causes affect us human beings, our living spaces and our well-being? Do you see an ideal world in which even more children are to be born in order to implant a chip in them immediately after birth? Do you think that the extent of what has been said will be reduced without Earth human beings actively bringing about a change for the good and positive on the basis of insight, reason and understanding – and of course the study of the creative laws and commandments? Please look at the points (existing causes) and try to fathom the effects from the given causes with foresight:

– Mental depravity, dictatorial lust for power, lack of justice, greed for money, greed for exploitation, lust for oppression, lust for manipulation by the ruling class.– Enormous national debt, fraud and deceit.– Unemployment, housing shortage, food shortage, water shortage due to massive overpopulation and the associated aggressiveness, blackmail and also fear of the population.– Storms, climate catastrophes with primeval conditions.– Environmental catastrophes, air pollution, famines, asylum seekers and economic refugees problem, mixing of peoples.– (Religious) fanaticism, war, robbery, murder and manslaughter, increasing brutality towards uninvolved and innocent human beings.– Murderous and destructive weapons.– Melting of the polar ice caps.– Computer and electronic hacking, unwanted intelligence activities.– Space problems on the roads and in public transport etc.– Increasing susceptibility to disease, cancer, epidemics, etc., also as a result of poisoning the seeds with toxic substances, etc.– False-human thinking, delusion.– Illogical thinking, i.e. purely material and against the laws of Creation. – Satisfaction in betraying the freedom of consciousness and will of human beings.– Shameful naivety and stupidity of the followers, the pro– and pro-hate criers and the passive, shoulder-shrugging foot people.– The scientists’ megalomania, blackmail, fear and obedience.– High technology in various fields (computer science, medicine, engineering, etc.) and corresponding instruments, tools and means of blackmail (computers, programmes, networks, smartphones, RFID chips, GPS, implantation technology, credit cards, etc., etc.)– Inability to foresee, i.e., inability to recognise an effect from an existing cause and act accordingly in the correct way.– etc., etc.

If you have come to a similar or the same conclusion as ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier/ BEAM describes in his own words in the following text, then you have a talent for networked thinking and can look reality in the eye.Words of BEAM, from the 583rd contact from the 19th of March 2014. The full text is in FIGU Special Bulletin No. 79, July 2014.

Billy: “… And when I consider the scenario that you described to me – it was, I think, during a private conversation in 1990 – that may arise in the future with earthly human beings as a result of overpopulation and the resulting worldwide destruction of nature, fauna and flora, the climate as well as the social cohesion of human beings and the emerging breakdown of interpersonal relationships, then I dread. And when I think of what you said about the deterioration of the cultural and ethical and moral, conscientious, behavioural and educational values of the human beings of the Earth, who, with regard to all things of existence and life, are falling into complete indifference and even hostility towards one another, then the present proves to me that these conditions have already been reached and are now rapidly progressing. In addition, you said that this was the beginning of the downfall of society and could even lead to the downfall of humanity if all the evils were not changed. You spoke of a period of about 200 years sooner or later, that this catastrophe would result if the earthlings did not find their way back to the effective values of life and existence, in particular also to the fact that overpopulation would be stopped and the mass of humanity normalised by a worldwide birth stop. …”

Cash withdrawal, total surveillance and expropriation are merely logical stages on the way to the downfall of society. A horror vision.

Mariann Uehlinger, Switzerland

From NEW Prophecies and Predictions from Billy Meier:

31.The planned ban on cash shall bring about the dispossession of the populations, while, however, the elite of the governors and of capitalism can, for their part, “swim” in joy and splendour. And the entire financial system of the entire world shall be toppled, in order thereby to newly arrange all existing state debts of all countries, and indeed such that generally only the populations of the countries come to harm. Already in the USA and in the EU dictatorship, there exist secret plans to start a war from Germany against Russia, which shall be named as the reason for the entire arising worldwide crisis. And that thereby the blame for this war is to then be shoved onto Russia, naturally completely unrightly – if it actually comes about – is clear right from the start. And if this war actually occurs, then from that martial law is deduced, which suppresses the incensed population – which will be completely dispossessed – through strong and ruthless military and police powers.

*Regarding the DSP, consider it in relation to this information, from 1958:

“40.) And it will be that even before the time of the Third Millennium, and indeed in 1993, a political and commercial European dictator will arise that will be called the “European Union” and, in evil, will carry the number 666, as through this the citizens of all member countries will finally be brought under total control through biometric data in identification devices and in the form of small data chips in the head or body inserted in a “biometric identification system” that would be overseen and controlled through a “central data bank” whereby finally the whereabouts of every human can be exactly determined to the meter. First the USA and later the European Union will introduce this modern human enslavement, thereafter, then other countries will also follow, all preceding the Swiss, whereby, through this process, the personal and national citizens’ human rights will be drastically trimmed, which fundamentally will be originally already planned at the construction of the European Union, whereby the citizen is finally deemed fully incapable of managing his own affairs, and should be governed only by the authorities, without having a right to a say regarding certain government things and decisions.”

Now, about all those satellites launched by  Elon Musk…just what are they supposed to be for?

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Anurag Murarka

Major earthquake swarm on pacific northwest – near Coos Bay, Oregon

John Webster

Bring the hammer down in Canada! ‘
‘Provinces Could Make Vaccination Mandatory, Says Federal Health Minister’

John Webster

. . . and then, 4 days later,

‘B.C. won’t follow Quebec’

‘B.C. not pursuing mandatory vaccinations after Quebec introduces unvaxxed tax, say officials.’

I will give the pot a really good stir! If the nomenclature was, ‘the United Provinces of Canada’, the country I live in would pair up well with it’s southern big brother. ‘
So, in ‘the well-stirred pot’ we add a dash of Pfizer Paxlovid . . mmnnn . . brings out the best aromas of profit pursuit! Someone give MY head a shake, otherwise, I’d say there’s some sort of repurposed drug [Ivermectin?] in the recipe. We, the public, are simply told Pfizer is offering a newly fandangled antiviral treatment, in short order, and that’s that! A baker’s secret! I’d rather be way off base, but something’s beginning to smell . . not so good.

‘Canadian health leaders and some premiers have been publicly pressuring Health Canada to greenlight the medication, which prevents the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 from reproducing within a patient’s body. Pfizer’s clinical trial showed for high-risk patients it prevented hospitalizations by about 90 per cent.’

‘But it’s still unclear when shipments will start or how much Canada will get at first, as supply issues for the U.S.- made drug have made it incredibly hard to get even in the U.S., where it was authorized before Christmas.’


Where were you on March 9, 2022…

…when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?

On that day, in a hushed ceremony at the White House…

…without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…

Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

This is what I believe Section 4 of Biden’s Order means for all Americans…

The US dollar will be made obsolete.

Soon, your cash will be confiscated – or will simply be worthless paper.

The cash currency we have now will be replaced with a new, programmable digital tokens.

not crypto or

Billy jack Wilson

As we explore the wonders over the mask debate there is a very hard list of facts that those that have lived in a CBR world should express to the masses, mask are going to be a forever luxury item.