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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

TERMINAL Stupidity as COVID Spreads at Airport

More evidence of why politics makes people hopelessly stupid, and less capable of independent thinking and action than rodents



“This was an uncomfortable situation and I felt embarrassed to have my body and my clothes questioned in front of a room full of people I mostly had never met,” she wrote. “I sat down, tried to stop blushing and did my work.”

They sent an empty-headed, consciousness numb, fashionista to view the state-sponsored, revenge murder of a man…despite pleas from victim’s family to spare him.


Maybe the survivors of these ever-increasingly destructive times will come across Billy Meier’s early warnings about the Coronavirus pandemic and weepingly wonder why they were suppressed, censored, ridiculed, reviled and ignored. They need only review what Ptaah said the Plejaren began noticing, about humankind’s noticeable dumbing down, starting around 1984.

Stubborn Stupidity & Millions of Unnecessary Deaths

So, more evidence of the stubborn, terminal stupidity that continues to play out before the baffled masses:

COVID Outbreaks hit TSA, American and Southwest Airlines at LAX

Considering the numbers reported at the airport, how many infected people on board the planes, in or outbound, might there have been before, during, or after it was noticed?

Anthony Fauci Says If We Could Do It Again, COVID-19 Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’

“If I knew in 2020 what I know now, we would do a lot differently,” said Fauci in an interview on Monday. “The insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm, and there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you.”

“Fauci conceded that the cloth masks that most people were required to wear indoors throughout the pandemic do not substantially prevent the transmission of COVID-19.”

So, to reiterate, among the things stated in the February 25, 2020 article that Fauci is only now emphasizing:

  • This is already a pandemic and must be treated as such 
  • Avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation, crowds
  • Stay at home to avoid exposing yourself to risk of infection
  • Spread by asymptomatic people; through air, breath, clothing, etc. 
  • Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small 

As for the proper breathing masks, Meier published this information and much more, on May 10, 2020:

“c)  A protective distance of one and a half (1.5) to two (2) metres from other human beings should absolutely be maintained, such as while walking on roads, paths, squares and places, as well as while using means of transport and shopping centres and so forth, in which case wearing of a suitable protective mask – FFP2 or FFP3 as required – should be mandatory.”

Consciousness Impaired

Overall, human beings seem to have become counter-intuitive about prioritizing their safety and lives over thrills and sensations. As Meier discussed, in 2005, all forms of extreme sports exemplify a daredevil attitude which, not infrequently, results in severe injuries, or lives cut short, and also reflect underlying disturbances of the consciousness, etc.*

Even those who participate in surfing may exhibit these tendencies. After all, how many shark bites in one area are necessary before common sense, and rational self-preservation, override thrill-seeking?

Rats on a Treadmill

Speaking of common sense, etc., for those who still support him, how much of a real patriot is someone who always puts his own financial and other interests first, while pretending to be a man of the people? And for those who are partisan towards the dumbed down, pandering, condescending left, here’s more evidence of why politics makes people hopelessly stupid, and less capable of independent thinking and action than rodents.

*Billy: So any extreme sport is completely wrong and should be rejected.

Ptaah: 88. With regard to all extreme sports, the stupid and erroneous opinion prevails among terrestrial man that man must confirm himself by going to the limits of his abilities and powers.
89. This error corresponds to a paranoid form, just as it also appears in the beauty mania, whereby here too inferiority complexes are paired with stupidity and folly.
Billy: And the various sports fanatics who idolize sportsmen and sportswomen, what to say to them? Do you know that with you too?
Ptaah: 90. This is foreign to our races.
91. According to the studies that we have carried out here on Earth, sports fanatics, fanatics of persons, fanatics of things, etc., are humans who, in the absence of their own initiative, are not capable of creating a higher value in terms of personality and character.
92. In this way these humans remain dependent on the achievements of others, because through their fanaticism they prevent the development of their own possibilities to their own abilities and skills and thus also the development of their own character and personality.

Thanks to Greg Dougall for COVID info.

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Robert Olson

I have not found a single Patriot (so called) organization yet that is pro mask. However, Dr. Ardis & Sheriff Mack are at least saying to leave those who choose to wear them alone. I keep telling them that they should advocate the right type of mask & other protective gear.

Brock Bradford

I see that Burning Man is on for this year… I can only imagine the covid and monkeypox with 50,000 + people running around in close contact with each other…

David Hurlburt

Billy:I do not have that in mind, but I can say that at least in the early days of the epidemic, the vaccine thing was a hoax and countless human beings fell for it and also died because of it. CR 813.

‘Biggest celebration of life yet’ : Burning Man promises 2022 return
Based on the ticketing information, Burning Man Project is releasing about 57,000 tickets to this year’s event. Typically, Burning Man has attracted nearly 80,000 people in recent years and the event has sold out every year since 2011. In recent years, main sale tickets have often sold out in less than an hour.

Organizers added that “everyone working and playing in (Black Rock City) will be required to undergo a COVID-19 health check process,” the organization stated on its website.  The health check will likely be satisfied with >>>proof of a COVID-19 vaccination <<< or recent negative test results, according to the statement.

Health – CHECK Cough – CHECK X 80,000 Coughing = Coffin.

Cremations FREE! — Burning Man

Terry Carch I Love Erra

To say nothing of Rock Concert along with Ticket Scalping for the Richest 1% “Go Figure!” Oh and Coffin! Sayonara which means Byby Nice knowing you. By-))) Ha ha ha-))) and Weep-(((

Melissa Osaki

It’s mind-boggling how stupid people can be.

Terry Carch I Love Erra



Imagine all the CO2 emissions for going out there and burning things. That must mean people have too much to spend and are just polluting the planet while partying for no real good reason.

If they want to stop people doing things well they won’t have to wait any longer as taxes are a sure fire way to ensure no one will have money to waste going out to the middle of the desert unless you’re Elam Mullsk or Jorf Beyzous.

We just learned that the economy just shrank for the second quarter in a row. Prices are going through the roof for families and employers. Now, some in Washington want to move forward with a new tax on private investment that will hurt jobs, pensions, and small businesses”

Well, yes, that’s the point of taxes Drew. It’s more efficient to have super bigwigs be inefficient with scarce resources flying all over the world in private jets than lots of little people competing to make a more efficient system. 🙂

Grega Thunberg

So, I just saw a video ad, on YouTube, for the Manchester City soccer team, advertising a scarf, with a microchip in it, that monitors the emotions and other health info of the fan wearing it. wow. so dystopian. I can not believe how people don’t see it for what it is.

The team scarf in soccer has become a ubiquitous symbol for fandoms, serving as a physical tether to their favorite club. While most fans probably don’t need a scarf to measure emotional attachment to their team, Manchester City — a behemoth in one of the most competitive leagues in the world — has gone ahead and given them a tool that does just that.
Appropriately titled the “Connected Scarf,” a chip is sewed into the fabric and positioned in an area at the back of a wearer’s neck. The chip itself is an EmotiBit bio sensor that is able to measure a number of physiological responses like heart rate, physical movement, skin temperature, and electrodermal activity.
This innovation was the result of a partnership with Cisco, with the ultimate goal being able to chart and understand how fans are impacted emotionally by the game. The product was tested initially through a pilot program involving six City fans, and now a few other Premier League teams will also be provided with the high-tech scarf.
Reject tradition, embrace modernity — When it comes to innovation, or adapting to the modern world, the two sports that come to mind are soccer and basketball. The people running teams in both sports, as well as the commissioners and league executives, know that incorporating technology into their product, or adapting to the changing consumption methods, is crucial to growth.
Sometime this means changing the name of a beloved arena to arena, and other times this means introducing technology that will improve the accuracy of the sport.
Manchester City’s Connected Scarf is an interesting concept, but raises a few questions. The cynic in me sees the potential for biometric data collection; do we really want a soccer club to have access to our health data?
On the other hand, having real-time quantifiable data could make for some interesting stats. In either case, smart scarves are here whether you asked for them or not.

scarf or noose.png
Gordon Barnes

I have never understood why people go mad for following footballers or any sports personalities. It has never been in my nature to be honest, I tend to do my own thing and be involved in developing my own self. Not to say as a kid I built stupid ramps to jump my bike off, or climb trees. I’ve broken a collar bone, arm, fingers all taking part in fitness sports (football, cycling to work) but just put that down to living in general. It’s all good life experience I think and can be called on when I develop the skill of accessing the storage banks for my past lives… Someday.



Alex Perez

Mr. Horn,

You have an ear close to FIGU and Billy Meier. I would like to know: Have they talked about when one will be able to leave home and engage in more social contact with others? I’ve been locked down in my home since Billy Meier published that advice and I simply would like to know when it would be “safer” to start engaging in more social settings.

Thank you.

Melissa Osaki

They will let us know when it’s safe, but per Ptaah’s recommendations, it’s still not safe yet and it won’t be for some time. Michael will publish an article about it once there’s confirmation.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

“I try to stay at home and isolate myself as much as I possibly can to avoid the corona virus and the monkey pox so that I wont come down with any of these terrible diseases. I only go out if I absolutely must go out to cash my checks to get food in the house once every 2 or 3 weeks due to the above mentioned unless I have to see a doctor in any emergency as what happened recently when i broke a tooth and had to have it removed but NO crown due to the metal so i wont become a Borg!


Where I am, most no longer were masks at the high density grocery store / shopping mall and even fewer wear protective goggles.


July 30, 2022 article from The Globe in Mail says “COVID-19 almost certainly did not come from a lab leak. Here’s how we know”:

Our work should put to rest the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a laboratory. To date, the sole evidence supporting a lab origin is the fact that the virus emerged in Wuhan, where WIV is located. However, WIV is not the only laboratory in China – nor, for that matter, in the world – that houses bat coronaviruses. If community transmission began at WIV, we would have seen it at the centre of early cases. We did not. That means WIV is as incidental as any train station, department store or dentist’s office.

No mention of secret biolabs (CR728 excerpt) that developed virus, world-wide spread with 5002 mutations in the wild since escape in mid-1977 before discovery in Wuhan in 2019 (CR766).

Our very accurate Earth-wide observations and records conducted over the last 26 months – since the Corona plague became acute in January 2019, unnoticed by Earthly virologists and medics, steadily mutating as the 5002nd mutation since its first appearance in the mid-1977s, and was recognised as a Corona plague in Wuhan in December and began to spread worldwide -, show that 27% of all those who have contracted the disease and those who have recovered will suffer from a wide variety of mild impairments in well-being for life, to a greater or lesser extent, as a result of the stored corona impulses. 19% will be sporadically afflicted by the stored energetic corona impulses throughout their lives by recurring mild to moderate ailments and illnesses. This, while 12% of those affected by corona at present already have to complain before and after recovery of striking severe sufferings and illnesses, which can last for many months, years and even for life, and can lead to evil distress and torment as well as to births and infirmity.


Exclusive Investigation of Confidential Pfizer Documents finds COVID Vaccination is going to cause Mass Depopulation


The link is here.


The COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” cause Cancer; here’s the evidence…


The article for this video is here.


Dr. Mike Yeadon Concludes: “There are no Respiratory Viruses!”
But the blind study hasn’t concluded yet…

Melissa Osaki

There was one comment on that video by someone who can actually think. It’s unbelievable how many morons over there actually believe that viruses don’t exist. Good job to the one thinking person, even if they weren’t right about everything.

“Sorry but this just makes me suspect Yeadon is a shill. I always thought he was the best thing out there so it pains me in a big way to find myself saying that. This guy is head of respiratory disease research at pfizer for however many years, and in the space of a quick conversation suddenly renounces all of his previous conclusions. What the f*** was he doing at pfizer then? He spent all those years there without noticing everything they were doing was based on theory with absolutely no supporting evidence? What a load of bollocks. Also, what’s with the desperate drive to push the “viruses dont exist” narrative in the first place? What’s even the relevance beyond making you look like a d**k? We don’t need them to be lying about the existence of viruses for what they have done to be a massive crime. If you bang on about this all the time you just look like a d**k.

Clearly people do get colds and flu, and there tend to be seasons where people get them. Flu has always spread through nursing homes killing multiple residents at the same time. Why are people always reaching for extreme claims like “viruses dont exist”? Why not just stick to outing real lies that are actually responsible for killing people? “viruses dont exist” just makes you sound like a f***ing flat earth dipshit. What’s the point? Clearly there was no threat beyond that of a normal flu season. Why isn’t that enough for y’all? Next thing you’ll be talking about f***ing lizard people or some shit. ENOUGH ALREADY. Stick to reality. Sad to see Yeadon is a shill. Probably got a nice fat pay packet from pfizer for leading you all down the garden path and turning you into flat earth retards. Wake the f*** up.”

I enjoyed that more than I should have.


One of the BEAM coronavirus contact reports did mention how medical doctors deny the importance of vitamins and the adequate required dosage. And CR813 goes in depth into the immune system and the importance of vitamins which are insufficient in the rapidly grown foods using chemicals and other toxins in place of the natural foodstuffs that have since lost value as these require more time and resources to grow.

“1. the body is supplied daily with sufficient vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances, which is usually done through the diet. However, since natural foodstuffs have long since lost their value on Earth due to the application of chemicals and other toxins for rapid growth in the entire agricultural economy and also in the private sphere, even before the middle of the last century, since their invigorating naturalness for real nourishment has lost its value in a comprehensive way due to the use of chemicals and other toxins, the assistance of food supplements in the form of additional micronutrients has become necessary and supportive.”

And there is a great deal of controversy about virus theory from inception, here on Earth, because of how virus theory was introduced together with vaccines as opposed to natural infection that was the common method of choice for parents for their children.

More doctors now have viral theory and vaccines on their radar after seeing the data on the actual effectiveness of all vaccines and their adverse events compared with natural infection and the natural decline of a given virus over time. With this pandemic doctors are learning about immune pressure resulting from the vaccines that lead to ever more viral strains increasing the duration of the pandemic.

In time more researchers will come on the side of distancing and adequate protection as the best approach for maximal reduction in the duration of a new pandemic. At the same time there will be pressure in the form of pay-off and other direct threats from the Pharma industry to go along with the narrative.

Melissa Osaki

Any doctor who goes around telling people that viruses don’t exist shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near medicine or medical research. People are going backwards with their beliefs instead of forward in the age of reason.

dalibor moyzes

There was an unexpected 40% increase in ‘all cause deaths’ in 2021 they are


Biden is at it again, it’s a miracle! Biden tests negative for COVID, isolating until 2nd negative
If anything it’s entertainment. Made me laugh!

John Webster

Currently, I have no idea whether or not I’m the singular BC Canadian resident who reads / contributes to this blog. In as much as BC ‘medical officialdom’ [Interior Health] provides updates and projections re: the virus ‘going forward’ into years end, I retain a non-confidence position, yet, respecting a neutral positive attitude toward overall human ignorance as best I can.

With acknowledgement to Billy’s 791st contact with Bermunda: “But what I am wondering about – this has to be talked about – is how is it that so many unvaccinated human beings are infected with the Corona virus and are supposed to die, as is reported in the news again and again? None of this corresponds to what I saw and experienced with Sfath when we were in the future and travelling it in the 1940s. Also that mammals are being infected by the Corona virus and transmitting the disease to human beings, as we learnt at the time, none of this is reported in the media”

The above is something of a typically interesting contrast to what the BC health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, ‘officially states’ as follows:

“It’s very unlikely that we are going to be facing in the next few months an unknown, rapidly progressing new variant that escapes immunity from vaccination or previous infection and is more infectious than what we’re seeing right now.”

“It would be unlikely that some new strain would arise in B.C. or Canada given our level of immunity, our level of vaccination, so what we’re planning on for the next few months is waning immunity, either from vaccination or previous infection, but an Omicron scenario of some variety that might lead to a surge by the fall.”

“It’s likely that we would see the waning immunity impact potentially have a surge in COVID around November, December and into January. So that’s the scenario that we’re thinking through about how to plan for that.”

So . . . because I include Michael horn’s January 22, 2022 blog title, ‘No One ‘Imagined’ What Billy Meier Foretold about Pandemic?’ . . . with the featured: Two years since Covid was first confirmed in U.S., the pandemic is worse than anyone imagined

. . . I think anyone would understand why I struggle with a neutral positive / non-confidence.