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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Election Fraud: The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Politics relies on people being stupid enough to fall for the same lies, over and over again

Eleven years ago, we published an article with Billy Meier’s information from September 9, 2004, accurately predicting that George W. Bush would win the 2004 presidential election over John F. Kerry. While there were post-election accusations of fraud against Bush, it apparently was never proved. However, the Plejaren explained to Billy Meier that the election of 2000 and the (then coming) election of 2004 would both be won by Bush as a result of computer manipulation fraud.


26. Your words in the earthly man’s ear, for they set forth the horror of what is actually given and will continue to be given by the overpopulation and by the USA.

27. For the time being, there is unfortunately not much chance of a quick change for the better, because the majority of the Republican population of the USA is being beguiled by machinations, sectarianism and by the lies and empty promises, like those made by Bush.

28. These people are not able to make their own logical thoughts about everything, so they cannot make their own logical decisions.

29. But this also includes all the powers that be and the supporters of all countries in the world who cheer George W. Bush.

30. They are all like a herd of misguided sheep following their leader, who lets them fall into a deadly abyss.

31. The same is the case with the powerful in Israel, whom the serfs follow, reaching out their hands for murder and destruction.

32. But the same is true of Palestine, where all those who have gone astray have so far followed the murderous machinations of Yasser Arafat without hesitation or conscience, whose life will indeed come to an end in November.

33. It will only be small steps in this direction, but it is to be hoped that they will lead everything to the better and that they will be able to prevent the greatest evils from happening after all.

34. And to your word formation “terror council” and “terror crusade” in relation to the American president George Walker Bush and the USA I would like to say that you have created two terms with it which could not be more fitting.

35. And that the man will come to power again and that the candidate John F. Kerry will lose, who will conduct the election absolutely honestly, that is certain.

36. There will again be electoral fraud, and it will be in such a comprehensive form as has never been seen on earth before.

37. Already in the first fraudulent election four years ago, it was ensured that in various pro-Bush states in America, some 400,000 fake votes were preserved in the computers, which will be used in favour of Bush in the new election, which will be a farce, under the eyes of the international election observers who will be fooled.

38. In particular, the states of Florida and Ohio will be involved in this election fraud.

While this wouldn’t justify any supposed voter fraud by which the current senile, aspiring-dictator-in-chief attained the presidency, perhaps Trump’s supporters will consider the old saying “Turnabout is fair play” – a toned down version of “An eye for an eye” – even though it would be far better if everyone learned about the immutable universal law of cause and effect. Vengeance never produces anything but…more retaliation, conflict, etc. In some politically incorrect dictionary there’s probably a pictorial definition of the futility of this age-old practice…with a picture of the Israelis and Palestinians clobbering each other.

As for the events of January 6, 2020, perhaps Billy Meier’s information, from October 20, 2017, was a forewarning:

17. In the future the USA and the US governors will be exposed to very frequent threats, which will come from both state and non-state acting persons who are hostile towards the government and state, as well as from great parts of the US population, whereby the US population will split into different population groups for which the basic factors have already been created and consequently the US population already in the current time separates into different groups.

Interestingly, Meier connects the threats to the breaking up of the country, which he’s also long predicted, and which is now a topic of conversation among, and about, those on the political right who are seen as instigating actions in that direction.

On September 28, 2020, Meier also made these prescient comments:

“Also Nixon was an unworthy U.S. president, who one day fell into the same hatred as Johnson, but in a different way, namely his hatred against the U.S., because he had to abort his term of office due to serious abuses of governmental authority and resigned shamefully, which he could not bear and therefore he revenged a crime unlike any other with … … …a crime of an unparalleled magnitude, which will bring disaster far and long after his death. At that time it was the so-called “Watergate” affair that broke the neck of the US president, and this time it will be no different when the present US president will be deposed, because he too will abuse governmental powers in a similar way, trample the US constitution underfoot and set the world in turmoil. The difference, however, will be that Trample-Tramp-Trump will be voted out of office by the majority of the US people, even though he himself as well as his lowly intelligent, simple-minded supporters will organise terror against it. He and his lowly intelligent hangers-on display – as I have already been able to observe on television for quite some time – strong affective behaviours, which make it clear that there is neither intellect nor rationality, which would be necessary for thinking, understanding and acting. And this is the case with the severely criminal, while however protected by his presidency from prosecution, court and punishment, Trample-Tramp-Trump, as well as with his lowly intelligent, simple-minded ones who hang on to him and cheer him on, which is why they seem to me like irrational, intellectless cackling chickens, blindly running after their rooster crowing cock-a-doodle-doo.”

The Cult of Personality

As previously pointed out, when unthinking people put persons and personalities above principles, disappointment – and much worse – will follow. The emphasis on hero worship, institutionalized by religion and politics, is to be found throughout modern life, ubiquitous in sports, show business, the media, etc. The epidemic of self-taking wannabes, and instant, online, armchair “experts”, reflects the aspirations of people who desperately seek significance in their own empty lives, as they equate having even a brief public presence as the pinnacle of human achievement.

Having absolutely no understanding of infinitely more eternally durable things like the law of cause and effect, people bypass the deeper exploration of valid concerns, important issues, etc., in favor of impulsive, emotionally driven acts that only diminish their credibility, alienate those who may have shared their essential concerns and dramatically increase the political polarization.

The results are now inevitable.


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William Moore

The study of political history, both world and US, helps to make sense of the madness. Greed and power, the usual suspects, vanity and ego too. The prediction in the case of the Gore – Bush competition, is an amazing thing, unfortunately, to what end? Earth humanity has such a long, long way to go in its schooling, maturation. A long, long way!

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

The sad part is that our ancestors, all the way to our current time, We let this happen by not enforcing what they claimed they gave us. Right from the git-go we should have been on their heals. But as Billy says. “Religious people don’t think, they only believe” and now, they unknowingly follow the Gov like hungry scared rats.

On a good note. I just read the latest contact report. Number 821. I feel proud to be one of the few out of over 9 billion, who read and follow the creational laws. I have always called it the laws of nature until I started reading the reports, but hey, I’m sure creation wont mind that. LOL
Be proud folks. We are aware.

Peace to everyone.
David – USA – Ohio

Tim Thomas

“Interestingly, Meier connects the threats to the breaking up of the country, which he’s also long predicted”

Did Billy predict the breaking up of the USA?

Or did he prophecy that it could/may happen?

My understanding is that Billy prophesied that it could/may happen.

I understand that prophecies can become reality, and things don’t look good for the USA, but it seems to me that prophecies can never become predictions.

Prophecies can only become prophecies that become reality or don’t, not predictions.

Predictions are guaranteed to happen.

Is my understanding off?

Melissa Osaki

According to the information from Billy, prophecies change to predictions once they pass the point of no return. It’s based on the law of cause and effect. Prophecies will happen if nothing changes for the better. There’s a certain amount of time in which the event can be prevented or diminished, but if nothing changes for the better, it will happen with absolute certainty. That’s the reason the prophecies were given, in order for the people to affect a change to prevent them before they become inevitable.

Tim Thomas

“Interestingly, Meier connects the threats to the breaking up of the country, which he’s also long predicted”

Has Billy declared that his prophecies about the USA breaking up have now become predictions?

How is one to tell if a prophecy has become a prediction?

Prophesy fulfilled or so far unfulfilled, I get.

Does Billy make public which prophecies have now become predictions?

Should I not worry so much which term I use (prophecy or prediction) when telling others about Billy’s predictions and/or prophecies?

I would think it was important to properly represent what Billy has actually said?

Melissa Osaki

From memory, I would say that it’s talked about all throughout the contact reports. Over and over again either Billy or the Plejaren discuss how the people have ignored the prophecies which has resulted in it being too late to change. I would say that it’s mainly directed at World War III and the inhumane depopulation plans. Everything is connected though, so many of the prophecies are likely to be past the point of no return or approaching the point of no return.

This is Billy’s explanation about the difference between a prediction (something that can no longer be changed by any actions) and a prophecy. It’s from the book Prophetien und Voraussagen.

Regarding prophecies and predictions, the following still needs to be explained: Predictions concern as a form of foretelling the future, which is established as such, that extremely extensive kabbalistic calculations lead to very exact results, or that via travels into the future of different types, the future will be explored. A process which can occur technically or via travels in consciousness. Certain forms of future visions are also of this category. Through this is clearly discernible that predictions occur with absolute certainty and are inevitable, without the possibility that a change or avoidance would still be possible, because due to visioning the future, the event will be seen, which actually and inevitably will occur at a future point in time. Predictions are based on logical consequences of already firmly established facts, so that from their source and development a very exact effect has to result. However, it is different in the case of prophecies, which a rule only have a warning function and only show the result of a matter, which would result of certain facts, if no change in time would be affected. But if a change is not affected, then the prophecy becomes a prediction, which unhesitatingly has to occur.

You can watch Michael’s interview from 2016 and decided whether he’s telling you yes, the civil war is now a prediction.

Tim Thomas

According to the the video, Billy still sees the 2 civil wars coming.

I don’t know if what Billy said confirms that Billy sees that the prophecy of 2 civil wars is on track to become a prediction/fulfilled, or that the Henoch prophecy is now a prediction.

The Henoch prophecies haven’t been changed to the Henoch predictions in any of the Contact Reports I’ve read.

Since Billy doesn’t make it clear, I’m going to try to label his prophecies prophecies, and his predictions predictions when I communicate with others as to what Billy has said.

When I can tell which is which.

Sometimes Billy mixes predictions and prophecies into what he says without making clear which is which.

Which I deduce is on purpose.

Billy is very careful with his wording, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.

Melissa Osaki

Yes, I think it’s best to stick with what you feel comfortable with. The prophecies are meant to be somewhat vague in their timing as to not cause too much fear and anxiety.

Melissa Osaki

Here’s another example of what I meant about it being throughout the contact reports. The breakup of the USA can no longer be considered a prophecy if we know that Billy chooses his words based on what he knows to be true.

Well, America resp. the USA, will not exist forever, because as a state it is destroying and self-destructing from within, for which the process of dissolution of the state, although still continuing for a long time, began a long time ago. This process has been continued and kept alive, actually unconsciously, by the German descendant President Trump, so that the coming demise of America as a state will one day – in the still distant future – become reality. The USA will lose its hegemony and thus the world power that is hoped for and aspired to in this regard, which is currently still America’s endeavour; precisely to win world supremacy. However, the fact that the USA is already in the process of a creeping suicide resp. suicide, which has been evident for some time now through certain symptoms, is not yet recognised by anyone, because no one thinks about it, but simply lives into the day. The USA, resp. its powerful, still think of themselves as a superpower, because many technical achievements convey a sense of security, which, however, has already begun to crumble in its foundations, which will one day bring its downfall.

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

If I may stick my nose into this thread. Just a thought.

If in fact, Bill Gates is buying up large sections of America, which I can not confirm myself. But if so. I wonder if that has anything to do regarding the physical dividing of the nation? 
Shrugs. I really don’t know and I mean that wholeheartedly because I have learned my lesson on trusting media and especially the YouTube prophets, then spewing what I think is, when it’s not, or better said. Not confirmed.

I wanted justice SOOOO badly, I fell for the wacky conspiracies that I should have known better to believe. Huh. There’s that word again. “Believe”.
I have always been a person who thinks and questions everything and I fell short of my own rules. Oh well. Lesson learned. Moving forward.

David – USA – Ohio

Melissa Osaki

The key is that you recognized it and made the appropriate changes. That’s all any of us can do.

I think the USA is headed for a major rude awakening and not in 10, 20 or 30 years. I think it will be much sooner than that. The writing is all over the wall. Both sides hate each other and firmly believe that they are right. They will continue to resort to more and more extreme measures to get their way. As Billy said, the destruction is already in progress, but the unthinking masses are unable to see their own demise.

Robert Stewart

A sparkling article Michael, thank you.

Just shows you don’t need a high level of evolution to understand things are bad and we let it get that way.

The precise accounts of Billy and the Plejaren clearly show the smoke has fires hidden by the cabaret of main stream media.

Each of us can also find these uncomfortable truths but most folk don’t feel responsible. Seeing it all laid out so plainly; if it is true, folk only do things for money. The cause and effect is plain in law and the stakes and winnings clearly marked. If this were a free world, or even a family game we might get a recount.


Simon Walsh

Very interesting Michael. Do you think that the last election was fraud ?
Everyone seems to bang on about it.
Another thing though, is why dies it matter who gets in power when there such a strong powerful force behind them, and it’s actually that strong powerful force that’s running the show. Obviously Washington, Nixon, and both Bush’s etc are evil on their own so they’ll be happy to run with the strong powerful force, but even if a real true human being who could think, still wouldn’t make a difference, would they ?

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

Personally. I think the 2020 election was clearly a fraud. No way in Haiti did that dimwitted idiot Joe Biden get more votes than any president in history.

After the shock was over, I quickly realized that I don’t want Trump back in the White House. I think he had good intentions and he isn’t truly evil, but his arrogance is galactic and it could have triggered total planetary destruction.
Like a know-it-all who’s sure the blue wire is the one to cut to disarm a bomb..
Then BAM ! Nope. It was the red wire. Everyone dies.

David – USA – Ohio

Stephen Dillon

Mike Lindell CEO of My Pillow was cornered at a drive through by FBI in unmarked cars a few days ago and questioned about his investigations into 2020 voter fraud. They demanded and took his phone.

They werent asking for help investigating voter fraud in 2020, they were questioning his interest.


Mike made two documentaries on it in which he used copies of the actual computerized tallies showing vertical rises in vote counts for Biden in the early morning hours following an unprecidented swing state shut down of counting on election night.

Trump was well in the leed before counting abruptly stopped around 10 pm, then miraculously in the morning joe led in all the states which had stopped counting on election night.

Counting votes in a presidential election has never ever been halted on election night in this country.

Anyone with the temerity to point out the criminally suspicious circumstances here is an “election denier” and a possible, ” threat to democracy”

What democracy?

I supported and mourned Kerry’s loss to Bush in the very same way l did for Trump and its got naught to do with politics.

This time the swindlers arent content with the win, they want to intimidate, stigmatize and use the FBI to criminally harrass men like Mike Lindell who have stood up and questionioned that election.

Thats all he did !!

It appears to me we can add the FBI to the list of shadow govt controlled govt agencies along with NSA, CIA and DOD.

OH, lets not leave our little dandy Merrick Garland of the DOJ out, he has started terrorist investigations into parents who vocally dissaprove of the way their children are being educated.

Our country is rotten to its core and you dont need to bite into it to find out… It stinks that bad.

Chuck Torbyn

I find it curious why Billy and the P’s resort to name calling when it comes to Donald Trump(Trample-Tramp-Trump). What does that even mean? Trump never called Billy names!
As for his Oct 20,2017 info, I look at it a bit differently. For over a million people in attendance, most were there to dispute the election and call for a reconsideration of the results as laws WERE broken in several states and there WAS the right to call for the election NOT be certified as has been done in the past and alternative electors chosen. The problem is the the rally was co-opted, not only by the FBI, but also ANTIFA and possibly BLACK LIVES MATTER as well. The people Billy is actually talking about are those on the left who are out to destroy America. The split he mentions is the consequence of all this Progressive- induced animosity. Americans generally are nice people and tend to trust their leaders, but unfortunately have been brainwashed and dumbed down over many decades. Enlightenment is a difficult process to acquire. What Billy and the P’s are doing helps, sometimes I think they’re as confused by earthlings and reality on earth as we are.

Melissa Osaki

I find it curious that you can’t see the idiocy of both sides. That in itself tells me that you can’t be neutral and see the facts as they really are. Billy has referred to Trump as Tramp and Trample Trump due his knowledge of Trump trampling the US Constitution. And it certainly sounds like he’s talking about Trump’s supporters if you ask me. It’s irrelevant though because both sides are equally unthinking and catastrophic in their thoughts and behavior.

Back then it was the so-called ‘Watergate’ affair that broke the neck of the US president, and this time it will be no different when the current US president will be removed from office because he too is in a similar way abusing governmental authorities, trampling on the US Constitution and roiling the world. The difference, however, will be that Trample-Tramp-Trump will be voted out by the majority of the US people, even though he himself and his lowly intelligent simple-minded hangers-on will organise terror against it. He and his lowly intelligent hangers-on show – as I have been able to observe on television already for some time – strong affective behaviours that make it clear that neither intellect nor rationality are present, which would be necessary for the thinking, understanding and acting. And this is the case with the severely criminal, yet through his presidency protected from prosecution, court and punishment, Trample-Tramp-Trump, as well as with his lowly intelligent simple-minded ones hanging on and cheering him, which is why they appear to me like intellect-rationality-less clucking chickens, which are blindly running after the one crowing cock-a-doodle-doo.

Jill Andrychuk

I’m not sure how Trump supposedly trampled the constitution, but Obama and now Biden surely made some major unconstitutional actions. Trump was a disaster with his tweets and childish behavior, but his heart was in it for this country. Why does Billy seem to focus so much on Trump when Obama and Biden are much more destructive to our country and the world? I think that is what he is questioning.

Melissa Osaki

I think when one is partisan, they can rarely see what their side is doing wrong.

Chuck Torbyn

You think wrong. The country is partially in all the trouble it is because the jerks on the right have been so cowardly in allowing the insanity on the left to go as far as it has. It’s been like the adults leaving the keys to the liquor closet and expecting them to not abuse the trust.
Stephen Dillon was correct in pointing out the election fraud that so many don’t want to admit. This country has been running on lies for decades. No wonder Billy is so confused about what’s going on in this country; anyone getting their information from most television news has NO idea what’s going on! Unfortunately all this idiocy has gone on for too long now and contaminated too many people. It would appear the inmates are on their way to running the asylum, and everything else as well. I don’t see any way to change the future either. I’m glad I’m so fatalistic, it makes it easier to accept the inevitable.
I do wish you guys would give equal time to Obama,Biden, the Clintons, etc. Talk about partisan!

Melissa Osaki

It’s apparent that you should examine your own lack of thinking. Allowing? Why do you think that people on the right can allow or disallow anything? The same goes for the left. Everyone gets a say, not just those on the right. The country either has to come together and align their core values by considering the wants, needs and opinions of all citizens, or the country will eventually split. Not everyone wants a rabble-rousing conman for president. And the minority who are neutral and far more balanced are stuck with the idiots from both sides because they have absolutely no say at all.

It’s obvious that this country has a great divide and is held back by loudmouthed religious zealots on the right and the insane, no holds barred, on the left. They both want to control everyone’s lives in different but equally oppressive ways. When you have extremes on each side pushing against each other, you end up with the equal and opposite extremes that we see now. All the insanity will continue to increase in intensity and frequency. The law of causality dictates that in the quest for balance, each side will continue to swing further to their extremes until something finally blows everything back to the center, where it should be.

For you to say that Billy is confused about what’s going on is so insanely ridiculous and absurd. It’s actually quite detached from reality and stupid. There’s no reason to discuss other presidents who aren’t in the process of sending the country into the abyss. And Billy has said plenty about the senile and stupid Biden.

Chuck Torbyn

Conservatives are religious zealots? That’s painting with a broad brush. Not wanting to see your country destroyed by insane runaway progressive ideas that are right out of 1984 is extreme? You sign on that men can give birth and other confused ideas? The goal should be what’s best for the country, NOT the party. The right is allowing what’s going on by not pushing back and challenging all the changes that the left is FORCING on people BECAUSE they’re in charge. Look at the vaccine mandates. The LAW says it’s totally illegal. Did that stop Biden or anyone? What bothers me is that no one on the right raised the issue of the law. They ALLOWED it to happen! A pox on both your houses! We’re in so much trouble!

Melissa Osaki

Both sides have their version of crazy and are NOT good for the country. They both want domination in different ways. I didn’t say that all conservatives were religious zealots. I said that we are being held back by loudmouthed religious zealots on the right and the no holds barred crazies on the left. We would be much better off without both groups. But to be honest, it’s too late for any of that. The prophecy of the USA coming to an end is now a prediction. It will happen with 100% certainty.

John Webster

Chuck, in a rationally reasonable sense, you truly need to give further thought and consideration to align with the FACT that nitpicking the differences between the performance of partisan ideologies is counterintuitive to personal /spiritual evolution! So much time is wasted when a rational approach to neutral positive thinking is plunked in the back seat, while irrational emotions are at the wheel!

From my perch, Michael Horn is square on with the following quotes:

Neutrality doesn’t require people to not have opinions, to be indifferent, or to not be energetically involved in issues.”

“People are so afraid of the truth, of seeing each other as being of equal value.”

“We’re so smart and super-saturated with aggression and self-righteousness that deigning to try to reason with anyone, especially those who see things differently than we do, is an affront to our self-identity, an unacceptable indicator of weakness.”

Chuck, do you participate in the regular global [and off planet] meditation?

Melissa Osaki

Hi John,

Chuck is stuck in the vicious cycle of partisan politics. As sad as it is, Michael hit the nail on the head many years ago when he said that politics makes people stupid. I’ve noticed a serious decline in people being able to think clearly since Trample Trump came along and stirred the hornet’s nest. We are headed for troubled waters.

Chuck Torbyn


John Webster

. . . you won’t get a sermon from me, your life is yours to craft, but the ball is in your court fellow human. When I became aware of the Meier stuff, something went, ‘ding ding’ time to smell the coffee! I used to [still catch myself] become unreasonably judgemental toward many irritating aspects in my life. Generally speaking, I falsely perceived via typical low vibe fear, I never knew neutrality, yet, never considered my self indifferent to matters of importance. That’s it in a nutshell.


John Webster

I t never hurts to remind oneself that the so-called ‘powerful privileges’ that heads of state [so-called] leaders are portrayed to have, PALES in comparison to the behind the scenes powers of agenda that have their hands fully cloaked into the talking puppet heads of presidents, prime ministers . . you name it. [Constitutions]? I’d say most of [anything resembling that] has been thrown out with the baby and the bathwater some time back! The only liberty a person has in our current times, is the liberty of ‘self responsibility’ one builds for oneself!

Politics truly does make people stupid!

george madeyski

Since Billy is alleging of serious violations of US Constitution by Trump – for those of us who are startled by Billy using derogative name calling like he never used for any other US president including even Nixon. There had to be a whole multitude of those blatant violations since Billy is so upset about it. Can you or Mike enlighten us and gives us just a small sample listing of those specific major violations that Trump committed. I’m sure that it will be of benefit to everybody for all future discussions. I’m independent voter – about 50/50 since 1970’ties.

Melissa Osaki

Look through the contact reports to find more clarity about the things that Billy and the Plejaren have said about stupid politicians and world leaders. Their terms are descriptive of crimes, policies and actions. They don’t give opinions or assumptions when revealing their findings. In order to see things as they really are, one has to assess things from a purely observing and neutral point of view.

It’s also pointless and a huge waste of time to go back and forth about politics. Most of the people who occupy positions in higher government are degenerated in the worst form.

Chuck Torbyn

You sound so hopeful that there is something to these ALLEGATIONS, just like all the OTHER allegations these six years or so! To bad the law gives a President the ultimate right to classify and declassify, otherwise Clinton, Bush, and Obama are in BIG trouble! Obama, for instance, apparently stored his papers in a defunct furniture store! Bush apparently put them in a warehouse, and Clinton in an abandon car dealer! Don’t get me started on Hillary Clinton’s record keeping! Trump was fought the whole way in TRYING to fulfill his oath of office and follow the Constitution! No wonder the deep state hated him, he wasn’t playing by the rules! Like him or not, what else was he elected for but to do just that?

Chuck Torbyn

At the end of every rally, Trump reminds the crowd that America doesn’t belong to the govt, it belongs to the citizens. During his term he went to Asia and MET with all those you mentioned to AVOID war. If Biden’s last appearance on TV was any more intimidating, HE would have had troops marching and saluting! Blood Red! SOLDIERS! Hitler would have loved it! You’ve definitely got the wrong President!

Chuck Torbyn

What’s wrong with bringing up past presidents? Are they immune to judgement or is that just reserved to Trump?

Chuck Torbyn

The PGA is reaping what it sowed. Years ago it did the same thing to the European Tour. LIV Golf is an upstart, but a different kind of tournament so it really doesn’t compete with the PGA. Like many things, Trump helps those in need, like Dana White of the UFC, who would challenge your friend about Trump. I know others who would do the same. For some reason you just seem to have a built in bias against Trump. Can’t you just live , and let live?

Stephen Dillon

This is not a left or right issue.

The shadow government uses them both to shepherd us down one path.

The path we are on to economic collapse, (as it is internationally) will quite likely be followed by a brutal US government crackdown on the people and a likely civil war.

Anyone who is politically polarized in this country is incapable of seeing the truth.

This left and right gotchya stuff is not constructive and blinds us all to this central truth and that blindness serves the shadow governments purposes exceedingly well.

Enough politics.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Seems to me the shadow government is really the one running the show. This must be why these prophecies are now the predictions. If there are no alternatives where or what can we do while time is on our side if we all want to live a long happy healthy life etc?

Stephen Dillon

They’re in control of all US state elections to an uncertain degree.

Questioning election outcomes is being propagandized into a form psuedo terrorism in America today.

How is this now a “threat to democracy”?

It’s not ofcourse, it’s certainly a threat to forces interested in subverting democray, thats for dam sure.

From the contacts its clear the shadow govt is in full control of the CIA and the NSA.
Additionally the DOD was exposed by the Plejaren for doing their work in the Ukraine.

The mainstream media worldwide is over 90% controlled by the CIA and that came from William Colby ex CIA cheif.

We are in a deep deep hole Terry but realizing the truth is where we are now more and more in Americs.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Got a good point but Billy won`t say when all this will happen due the CIA honchos and their ilk trying so very hard to go after BEAM etc.

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous


I agree.
I’ve often thought that there really isn’t a two party system at all here in the USA. I believe it’s a one party system in disguise, burped out of the mouths of thieves and criminals who pretend to be our friends. “The political party.”
Although, there are, or at least it seems that there are, some good people in politics but sadly, they are powerless pawns in a giant mechanized machine that has fused together into one entity.

For example. They said we have the right to protest. Poppycock. Protesting is a useless right/gift that when you actually open it. It’s empty.

I am not totally against protesting because it could be effective if Billions stepped up and did the ‘Buffalo stance’ globally.

The international peace keeping force would be a great protest. Wouldn’t it ?

“I blabber too much. LOL”

Take care Stephen.
David – USA – Ohio

Stephen Dillon

Coming to a place internationally which would encourage and allow for the formation of a global peace keeping force would require the complete dismantlement of the existing globalist shadow govt.

That govts influence has been growing unchecked for many many decades and is deeply entrenched.

Not only is it entrenched and clandestinely established, it is girding for a global takeover with the Davos group of elite bankers and multi billionaires proposing a ” great reset ” for the global economy.

The details are abominable and exquisitely elaborate. They have the financial control of governments and are likely either blackmailing or otherwise controlling their lacky polititians.

This monster is showing its teeth now and us openly broadcasting its intentions for us.

Thats the monster we are facing if you have the open eyes to see it.

Stephen Dillon

This downfall of America Billy speaks of as being in the “still distant future” may not be the result of a civil war.

He is speaking of Trumps unconscious participation in that future event.

The “still distant future” seen from the Trump era is not this year, and is likely not this decade. That term seems to indicate a span of many decades.

Billy is referring to Americas demise in certain terms, thats for sure, but the cause of its demise is not catagorically stated as being the result of civil war.

Tim Thomas

My interpretation of what Billy said was similar.

Enkhtur Byamba

Logically, Billy did not reveal until current time of who will incite riot or coup by one side. Sure that one in this case, evidently, Republican – however – more like Trump-Trampers. Not exactly Republicans, but newly, underground, disgruntling base old type conservaive minded folks; who see that this whole system is fixed and manipulated – since youtube and facebook supported all kinds of conspiracy theory to all direction – which require from time to time overthrough goverment ‘swamp’. Mostly these folks are lost, however disillusioned with previleged strata of DC Belt and have this feeling of dispisement as being simple folks. Sure, they carry this Might of Thought to lead the country, as a communially thinking beings, to sway to other extreme of becoming overly conservative-religous movement, to divide it to overly sectarian nationalist of Founding Father Mandate worshipper-type. This in itself, also, carries this somewhat divine thinking that Heavenly Justification of God’s Nation. They wants to preserve the White Nation in its saved form, even if that costs to seperate from Union Of United States. And that what was the power behind, that which will, overwhelm or break the current power-brokers back. It is too irrelevant and too late to change the course. It is for better, in that, this was not and will not be organised by other governmental forces; however it is almost sentimental uprsing; which is better outcome from all those bad choices nation would have run to, either way. So, cause-n-effect had steered itself to better outcome in that it will not lead to world-encompassing war. The Aura of God’s Chosen nation will crash due to Global Climate Change influences and by coupling of many circumstances culminating into span of few years, that will push people to think according to reality, that God’s Nation cannot be affected by so much disasters and may be all nations are chosen according to god’s wishes according to religous afflation. But reality still lies far from many folks as they cannot detach themselves from their pattern of believe. It was almost evident but Billy did not point out the obvious to Elite to figure it out, until time is so overdue and beyond horizon. No One is exclusive, Everything developes (evolve).

Melissa Osaki

Can you clarify what this means:

So, cause-n-effect had steered itself to better outcome in that it will not lead to world-encompassing war. The Aura of God’s Chosen nation will crash due to Global Climate Change influences and by coupling of many circumstances culminating into span of few years, that will push people to think according to reality,

Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but it sounds like you’re saying that people will come to their senses in a few years and the World War is off the table? Thanks.

george madeyski

Deep State, Shadow Government, Catholic, Muslim hierarchy… etc. those are all Legacy Systems Architecture left by Giza Intelligence developed over thousands of years. They are still working for those on the top as a ‘well oiled machine’. Add to that; just like there are old Lyrians in Hollywood there are also old Lyrians heading things with the exceptional dark sided skills and wisdom in those legacy structures.This is very hard to disassemble – it will take long time and a lot of suffering before this is cleared up. We could use some help from our Friends to deal with this Gross Abnormality that has besieged our planet for ages/millenniums.

Stephen Dillon

That’s wise commentary George.